Flora of Philadelphia
Locality: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Common Names
Taxonomic Filter:
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Families: 176
Genera: 833
Species: 2132
Total Taxa: 2187

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Image source: all images linked voucher images only

Matricaria chamomilla
Wild Chamomile
Matricaria discoidea
Medeola virginiana
Indian Cucumber-Root
Medicago arabica
Spotted Medick
Medicago denticulata
Toothed Medick
Medicago hispida
Toothed Medick
Medicago lupulina
Black Medick
Medicago minima
Burr Medick
Medicago orbicularis
Black-Disk Medick
Melampyrum lineare
American Cow-Wheat
Melanthium hybridum
Slender Bunchflower
Melanthium virginicum
Virginia Bunchflower
Melilotus alba
White Sweet-Clover
Melilotus indica
Melilotus officinalis
Yellow Sweet-Clover
Melilotus sulcata
Mediterranean Sweet-Clover
Menispermum canadense
Canadian Moonseed
Mentha spicata
Mercurialis annua
Annual Mercury
Mertensia virginica
Virginia Bluebells
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum
Crystalline Iceplant
Micranthemum micranthemoides
Nuttall's Mudflower
Microstegium vimineum
Japanese Stilt Grass
Mikania scandens
Climbing Hempvine
Mimulus ringens
Allegheny Monkey-Flower
Mirabilis jalapa
Mirabilis nyctaginea
Heart-Leaf Four-O'clock
Miscanthus sinensis
Chinese Silver Grass
Mitchella repens
Mitella diphylla
Two-Leaf Bishop's-Cap
Modiola multifida
Carolina Bristle-Mallow
Mollugo verticillata
Green Carpetweed
Monotropa hypopitys
Yellow Bird's-Nest
Monotropa uniflora
One-Flower Indian-Pipe
Morella caroliniensis
Evergreen Bayberry
Morella cerifera
Southern Bayberry
Morus alba
White Mulberry
Morus rubra
Red Mulberry
Muhlenbergia frondosa
Wire-Stem Muhly
Muhlenbergia mexicana
Mexican Muhly
Muhlenbergia sylvatica
Woodland Muhly
Muhlenbergia tenuiflora
Slim-Flower Muhly
Muscari botryoides
Common Grape-Hyacinth
Muscari neglectum
Starch Grape-Hyacinth
Myosotis arvensis
Rough Forget-Me-Not
Myosotis laxa
Bay Forget-Me-Not
Myosotis scorpioides
True Forget-Me-Not
Myosotis verna
Spring Forget-Me-Not
Myosoton aquaticum
Myriophyllum spicatum
Eurasian Water-Milfoil
Navarretia sp.
Nelumbo pentapetala
American Lotus
Nephrodium punctilobulum
Hay-Scented Fern
Nicandra physalodes
Nicotiana longiflora
Long-Flower Tobacco
Nigella sativa
Black Cumin
Nuphar advena
Yellow Pond-Lily
Nuphar lutea
yellow pond-lily
Nuttallanthus canadensis
Nymphaea odorata
American White Water-Lily
Nymphaea tuberosa
American White Water-Lily
Nymphoides cordata
Little Floatingheart
Nyssa sylvatica
Black Tupelo
Obolaria virginica
Virginia Pennywort
Oenothera biennis
Oenothera glazioviana
Red-Sepal Evening-Primrose
Oenothera humifusa
Seaside Evening-Primrose
Oenothera laciniata
Cut-Leaf Evening-Primrose
Oenothera nutans
Nodding Evening-Primrose
Oenothera parviflora
Northern Evening-Primrose
Oenothera perennis
Small Evening-Primrose
Onoclea sensibilis
Sensitive Fern
Ononis arvensis
Field Restharrow
Ononis spinosa
Spiny Restharrow
Onopordum acanthium