Bullard Lake
Pogue, CD; Zionce, R; Hackett, RA; Peters, S; Monfils, AK;
Citation: Pogue CP (2016) Local and landscape level variables related to Poweshiek skipperling presence in Michigan, USA prairie fens. Thesis, Central Michigan University
Locality: Bullard Lake (42.642970, -83.703680) Abstract: Prairie fen inundated and dominated by Typha latifolia and Carex stricta. Located at west end of fen, area is farily diverse, but appears stressed. Dasiphora fruticosa present but dying. Mentha canadensis and Verbena hastata very common.. Owned by Michigan Nature Association. For more information about the Prairie Fen Research Collaborative, visit https://www.researchgate.net/project/Prairie-Fen-Research-Collaborative Notes: Direct questions about data and data usage to Anna K Monfils (monfi1ak@cmich.edu).
Families: 37
Genera: 73
Species: 101
Total Taxa: 101
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Clint Pogue CP151 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP151 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP151 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP151 [PFBP], more...Clint Pogue CP151 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP151 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP151 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP151 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP151 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP151 [PFBP], ...less
Clint Pogue CP126 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP126 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP126 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP126 [PFBP], more...Clint Pogue CP126 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP126 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP126 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP126 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP126 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP126 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP126 [PFBP], ...less
Clint Pogue CP145 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP145 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP145 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP145 [PFBP], more...Clint Pogue CP145 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP145 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP145 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP145 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP145 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP145 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP145 [PFBP], ...less
Clint Pogue CP256 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP256 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP256 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP256 [PFBP], more...Clint Pogue CP256 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP256 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP256 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP256 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP256 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP256 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP256 [PFBP], ...less
Clint Pogue CP161 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP161 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP161 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP161 [PFBP], more...Clint Pogue CP161 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP161 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP161 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP161 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP161 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP161 [PFBP], ...less
Clint Pogue CP141 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP141 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP141 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP141 [PFBP], more...Clint Pogue CP141 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP141 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP141 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP141 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP141 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP141 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP141 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP141 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP141 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP141 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP141 [PFBP], ...less
Clint Pogue CP121 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP121 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP121 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP121 [PFBP], more...Clint Pogue CP121 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP121 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP121 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP121 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP121 [PFBP], Clint Pogue CP121 [PFBP], ...less