Metro Phoenix EcoFlora Target Species

Authors: Jeny Davis
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Families: 120.
Genera: 624.
Species: 1217.
Total Taxa: 1217.

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Image source: all images linked voucher images only

not yet
Alocasia macrorhiza
Lemna gibba
Inflated Duckweed
Lemna minor
Common Duckweed
Lemna minuta
Least Duckweed
Spirodela punctata
Dotted Duckmeat
Hedera canariensis
Algerian ivy
Tetrapanax papyrifer
Araucaria bidwillii
Araucaria heterophylla
Norfolk Island-Pine
Phoenix reclinata
Senegal Date Palm
Sabal minor
Dwarf Palmetto
Agave albomarginata
Agave attenuata
Drachenbaum Century-Plant
Agave chrysoglossa
golden agave
Agave decipiens
False Sisal
Agave delamateri
Tonto Basin Century-Plant
Agave deserti
Desert Century-Plant
Agave geminiflora
Twin Flowered Agave
Agave havardiana
Havard's Century-Plant
Agave lecheguilla
Agave parviflora
Small-Flower Century-Plant
Agave schottii
Schott's Century-Plant
Agave univittata
Thorn-Crest Century-Plant
Asparagus asparagoides
African Asparagus-Fern
Asparagus falcatus
Yellow-Wood Asparagus
Yucca gloriosa
Moundlily Yucca
Yucca treculeana
Don Quixote's-Lace
Yucca valida
tree yucca
Aloe secundiflora
Aloe variegata
partridge-breast aloe
Bulbine frutescens
Stalked Snakeflower
Achillea filipendulina
Fern-Leaf Yarrow
Acroptilon repens
Russian knapweed
Agoseris glauca
Pale Goat-Chicory
Amauriopsis dissecta
Sunray Daisy
Ambrosia acanthicarpa
Flat-Spine Burr-Ragweed
Antennaria parvifolia
Little-Leaf Pussytoes
Aphanostephus ramosissimus
Plains Dozedaisy
Arctium lappa
Greater Burrdock
Artemisia abrotanum
Southern Wormwood
Artemisia biennis
Biennial Wormwood
Baccharis pteronioides
Bahia biternata
slimlobe bahia
Bahiopsis reticulata
Leather-Leaf Scrub-Aster
Bidens alba
Bidens frondosa
Brickellia atractyloides
Spear-Leaf Brickellbush
Brickellia brachyphylla
Plumed Brickellbush
Brickellia desertorum
Desert Brickellbush
Brickellia floribunda
Chihuahuan Brickellbush
Brickellia frutescens
Shrubby Brickellbush
Brickellia rusbyi
Stinking Brickellbush
Calycoseris parryi
Yellow Tackstem
Carphochaete bigelovii
Bigelow's Bristlehead
Carthamus lanatus
Woolly Distaff-Thistle
Centaurea montana
Mountain Cornflower
Centaurea solstitialis
Yellow Star-Thistle
Chaenactis macrantha
Large-Flower Pincushion
Chloracantha spinosa
Cirsium arizonicum
Arizona Thistle
Coreopsis californica
California tickseed
Cosmos parviflorus
Southwestern Cosmos
Diaperia verna
Spring Pygmy-Cudweed
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