Denver-Boulder Metropolitan Area

Authors: Denver Botanic Gardens
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Families: 156.
Genera: 897.
Species: 2937.
Total Taxa: 3259.

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Turritis glabra - Tower-Mustard
Coryphantha missouriensis - Missouri foxtail cactus
Coryphantha vivipara - Kaibab spinystar
Echinocereus viridiflorus - Nylon Hedgehog Cactus
Opuntia cymochila - grassland pricklypear
Opuntia fragilis - Pygmy Prickly-Pear
Opuntia macrorhiza - Twist-Spine Prickly-Pear
Opuntia phaeacantha - Tulip Prickly-Pear
Opuntia polyacantha - Hair-Spine Prickly-Pear
Opuntia polyacantha var. erinacea - grizzlybear pricklypear
Pediocactus simpsonii - Snowball Cactus
Campanula aparinoides - Marsh Bellflower
Campanula glomerata - Dane's-Blood
Campanula parryi - Parry's Bellflower
Campanula parryi var. parryi - Parry's bellflower
Campanula rapunculoides - Creeping Bellflower
Campanula rotundifolia - Bluebell-of-Scotland
Campanula uniflora - Arctic Bellflower
Lobelia siphilitica - Great Blue Lobelia
Phyteuma scheuchzeri - Oxford Rampion
Triodanis holzingeri - Holzinger's Venus'-Looking-Glass
Triodanis leptocarpa - Slim-Pod Venus'-Looking-Glass
Triodanis perfoliata - Clasping-Leaf Venus'-Looking-Glass
Triodanis perfoliata var. perfoliata - clasping Venus' looking-glass
Celtis occidentalis - Common Hackberry
Celtis reticulata - netleaf hackberry
Humulus lupulus - Common Hop
Dipsacus fullonum - Fuller's teasel
Dipsacus laciniatus - Cut-Leaf Teasel
Linnaea borealis - American Twinflower
Lonicera involucrata - Four-Line Honeysuckle
Lonicera japonica - Japanese Honeysuckle
Lonicera morrowii - Morrow's Honeysuckle
Lonicera tatarica - Twinsisters
Lonicera × bella - Bell's honeysuckle
Symphoricarpos albus - Common Snowberry
Symphoricarpos occidentalis - Western Snowberry
Symphoricarpos oreophilus - Mountain Snowberry
Symphoricarpos rotundifolius - Round-Leaf Snowberry
Valeriana acutiloba - Cordilleran Valerian
Valeriana capitata - Clustered Valerian
Valeriana edulis - Tobacco-Root
Valeriana occidentalis - Small-Flower Valerian
Arenaria lanuginosa - Spreading Sandwort
Cerastium arvense - Field Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum - Field Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Cerastium beeringianum - Bering Sea Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Cerastium brachypodum - Short-Stalk Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Cerastium fontanum - Common Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare - Common Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Cerastium nutans - Nodding Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Cherleria biflora - Mountain Stitchwort
Cherleria obtusiloba - Alpine Stitchwort
Dianthus armeria - Deptford Pink
Dianthus deltoides - Maiden Pink
Drymaria depressa - pinewoods drymary
Drymaria effusa - Pinewoods Drymary
Eremogone congesta - Ball-Head Matted Sandwort
Eremogone fendleri - Fendler's Matted Sandwort
Eremogone hookeri - Hooker's Matted Sandwort
Gastrolychnis kingii - King's Mountain Catchfly
Gypsophila elegans - Showy Baby's-Breath
Gypsophila paniculata - Tall Baby's-Breath
Gypsophila scorzonerifolia - Garden Baby's-Breath
Herniaria glabra - Smooth Rupturewort
Holosteum umbellatum - Jagged-Chickweed
Melandrium dioicum - Red Catchfly
Minuartia arctica - Arctic Stitchwort
Moehringia lateriflora - Blunt-Leaf Grove-Sandwort
Paronychia depressa - Spreading Nailwort
Paronychia jamesii - James' Nailwort
Paronychia pulvinata - Rocky Mountain Nailwort
Sabulina elegans - Elegant Mock Sandwort
Sabulina macrantha - House's Mock Sandwort
Sabulina michauxii - Bog Mock Sandwort
Sabulina nuttallii - Brittle Mock Sandwort
Sabulina rubella - Boreal Mock Sandwort
Sagina caespitosa - Tufted Pearlwort
Sagina procumbens - Bird-Eye Pearlwort
Sagina saginoides - Alpine Pearlwort
Saponaria ocymoides - Rock Soapwort
Saponaria officinalis - Bouncing-Bett
Silene acaulis - Cushion-Pink
Silene antirrhina - Sleepy Catchfly
Silene csereii - Balkan Catchfly
Silene dichotoma - Forked Catchfly
Silene drummondii - Drummond's campion
Silene gallica - Windmill-Pink
Silene hitchguirei - Mountain Catchfly
Silene kingii - King's Mountain Catchfly
Silene latifolia - Bladder-Campion
Silene menziesii - Menzies' campion
Silene noctiflora - Night-Flowering Catchfly
Silene scouleri - Simple Catchfly
Silene uralensis - Apetalous Catchfly
Silene vulgaris - Maiden's-Tears
Spergula arvensis - Corn Spurry
Spergularia media - Satin-Flower
Spergularia rubra - Ruby Sandspurry
Spergularia salina - Saltmarsh Sandspurry
Stellaria alsine - Bog Chickweed
Stellaria borealis - Boreal Starwort
Stellaria calycantha - Northern Bog Starwort
Stellaria crassifolia - Fleshy Starwort
Stellaria graminea - Grass-Leaf Starwort
Stellaria longifolia - Long-Leaf Starwort
Stellaria longipes - Long-Stalk Starwort
Stellaria media - Common Chickweed
Stellaria umbellata - Umbrella Starwort
Euonymus alatus - Winged Spindletree
Euonymus europaeus - European Spindletree
Parnassia fimbriata - Fringed Grass-of-Parnassus
Parnassia kotzebuei - Kotzebue's Grass-of-Parnassus
Parnassia palustris - Marsh Grass-of-Parnassus
Parnassia palustris var. palustris - mountain grass of Parnassus
Parnassia palustris var. parviflora - Small-Flower Grass-of-Parnassus
Paxistima myrsinites - Oregon Boxleaf
Crocanthemum bicknellii - Hoary Frostweed
Helianthemum bicknellii - hoary frostweed
Peritoma serrulata - Rocky Mountain Beeplant
Polanisia dodecandra - Red-Whisker Clammyweed
Polanisia uniglandulosa - Mexican Clammyweed
Tradescantia occidentalis - Prairie Spiderwort
Calystegia macounii - Macoun's False Bindweed
Calystegia sepium - Hedge False Bindweed
Calystegia sepium subsp. sepium - hedge false bindweed
Convolvulus arvensis - Field Bindweed
Cuscuta approximata - Alfalfa Dodder
Cuscuta indecora - Large-Seed Dodder
Evolvulus nuttallianus - Shaggy Dwarf-Morning-Glory
Ipomoea leptophylla - Bush Morning-Glory
Ipomoea purpurea - Common Morning-Glory
Cornus canadensis - Canadian Bunchberry
Cornus sericea - Red Osier
Crassula aquatica - Water Pygmyweed
Rhodiola integrifolia - Entire-Leaf Rosewort
Rhodiola rhodantha - Queen's-Crown
Rhodiola rosea - King's-Crown
Sedum acre - Mossy Stonecrop
Sedum lanceolatum - Lance-Leaf Stonecrop
Sedum stenopetalum - Worm-Leaf Stonecrop
Cucurbita foetidissima - Missouri Gourd
Echinocystis lobata - Wild Cucumber
Juniperus communis - Common Juniper
Juniperus horizontalis - Creeping Juniper
Juniperus monosperma - One-Seed Juniper
Juniperus scopulorum - Rocky Mountain Juniper
Juniperus virginiana - Eastern Red-Cedar
Sabina virginiana - Eastern Red-Cedar
Thuja occidentalis - Eastern Arborvitae
Amphiscirpus nevadensis - Nevada Club-Rush
Bolboschoenus maritimus - Alkali Bulrush
Carex acutiformis - Lesser Pond Sedge
Carex albonigra - Black-and-White-Scale Sedge
Carex aperta - Columbian Sedge
Carex aquatilis - Leafy Tussock Sedge
Carex arapahoensis - Arapaho Sedge
Carex atherodes - Wheat Sedge
Carex athrostachya - Slender-Beak Sedge
Carex atrata - different nerve sedge
Carex atratiformis - Scabrous Black Sedge
Carex atrosquama - Lesser Black-Scale Sedge
Carex aurea - Golden-Fruit Sedge
Carex backii - Back's Sedge
Carex bebbii - Bebb's Sedge
Carex bella - Southwestern Showy Sedge
Carex bigelowii - Bigelow's Sedge
Carex borealipolaris - Siberian Bog Sedge
Carex brevior - Short-Beak Sedge
Carex brunnescens - Brownish Sedge
Carex buxbaumii - Brown Bog Sedge
Carex canescens - Hoary Sedge
Carex capillaris - Hair-Like Sedge
Carex capitata - Capitate Sedge
Carex concinna - Low Northern Sedge
Carex conoidea - Open-Field Sedge
Carex crawei - Crawe's Sedge
Carex deflexa - Northern Sedge
Carex deweyana - Dewey's Sedge
Carex diandra - Lesser Tussock Sedge
Carex disperma - Soft-Leaf Sedge
Carex disticha - Two-Rank Sedge
Carex douglasii - Douglas' Sedge
Carex duriuscula - Spike-Rush Sedge
Carex ebenea - Ebony Sedge
Carex echinata - Star Sedge
Carex egglestonii - Eggleston's Sedge
Carex elynoides - Black-Root Sedge
Carex emoryi - Emory's Sedge
Carex engelmannii - Engelmann's Sedge
Carex filifolia - Thread-Leaf Sedge
Carex foenea - Bronze-Head Oval Sedge
Carex fuliginosa - Short-Leaf Sedge
Carex geophila - White Mountain Sedge
Carex geyeri - Geyer's Sedge
Carex gravida - Heavy Sedge
Carex gynocrates - Northern Bog Sedge
Carex hallii - Deer Sedge
Carex hassei - Santa Cruz Sedge
Carex haydeniana - Hayden's Sedge
Carex helleri - Heller's Sedge
Carex heteroneura - Different-Nerve Sedge
Carex hoodii - Hood's Sedge
Carex hookeriana - Hooker's Sedge
Carex hystericina - Porcupine Sedge
Carex illota - Small-Head Sedge
Carex incurviformis - Coastal-Sand Sedge
Carex inops - Long-Stolon Sedge
Carex interior - Inland Sedge
Carex jamesii - James' Sedge
Carex jonesii - Jones' Sedge
Carex lachenalii - Arctic Hare-Foot Sedge
Carex laeviconica - Smooth-Cone Sedge
Carex lasiocarpa - Woolly-Fruit Sedge
Carex laxiflora - Broad Loose-Flower Sedge
Carex leptalea - Bristly-Stalk Sedge
Carex limosa - Mud Sedge
Carex livida - Livid Sedge
Carex lyngbyei - Lyngbye's Sedge
Carex macloviana - Falkland Island Sedge
Carex macloviana var. macloviana - Falkland Island Sedge
Carex magellanica - Boreal-Bog Sedge
Carex maritima - Seaside Sedge
Carex microglochin - False Uncinia Sedge
Carex micropoda - Pyrenean Sedge
Carex microptera - Small-Wing Sedge
Carex myosuroides - Pacific Bog Sedge
Carex nardina - Nard Sedge
Carex nebrascensis - Nebraska Sedge
Carex nelsonii - Nelson's Sedge
Carex nigricans - Black Alpine Sedge
Carex norvegica - Closed-Head Sedge
Carex nova - New Sedge
Carex nudata - Torrent Sedge
Carex obtusata - Blunt Sedge
Carex occidentalis - Western Sedge
Carex oreocharis - Grassy-Slope Sedge
Carex pachystachya - Thick-Head Sedge
Carex parryana - Parry's Sedge
Carex pauciflora - Few-Flower Sedge
Carex paysonis - Payson's Sedge
Carex peckii - Peck's Sedge
Carex pellita - Woolly Sedge
Carex pelocarpa - Dusky-Seed Sedge
Carex pensylvanica - Pennsylvania Sedge
Carex perglobosa - Globe Sedge
Carex petasata - Liddon Sedge
Carex phaeocephala - Mountain Hare Sedge
Carex pityophila - Loving Sedge
Carex praeceptorum - Teacher's Sedge
Carex praegracilis - Clustered Field Sedge
Carex praticola - Northern Meadow Sedge
Carex raynoldsii - Raynolds' Sedge
Carex rossii - Ross' Sedge
Carex rostrata - Swollen Beaked Sedge
Carex rupestris - Curly Sedge
Carex sartwellii - Sartwell's Sedge
Carex saxatilis - Russet Sedge
Carex saximontana - Rocky Mountain Sedge
Carex scirpoidea - Canadian Single-Spike Sedge
Carex scoparia - Pointed Broom Sedge
Carex scopulorum - Holm's Rocky Mountain Sedge
Carex siccata - Dry-Spike Sedge
Carex simpliciuscula - Simple Bog Sedge
Carex simulata - Analogue Sedge
Carex sprengelii - Long-Beak Sedge
Carex stenoptila - River-Bank Sedge
Carex stevenii - Steven's Sedge
Carex stipata - Stalk-Grain Sedge
Carex stipata var. stipata - Stalk-Grain Sedge
Carex straminea - Eastern Straw Sedge
Carex stricta - Uptight Sedge
Carex sychnocephala - Many-Head Sedge
Carex tahoensis - Lake Tahoe Sedge
Carex tenuiflora - Sparse-Flower Sedge
Carex torreyi - Torrey's Sedge
Carex umbellata - Parasol Sedge
Carex utriculata - Northwest Territory Sedge
Carex vallicola - Valley Sedge
Carex vernacula - Native Sedge
Carex vesicaria - Lesser Bladder Sedge
Carex viridula - Little Green Sedge
Carex vulpinoidea - Common Fox Sedge
Carex xerantica - White-Scale Sedge
Cyperus acuminatus - Taper-Tip Flat Sedge
Cyperus aristulatus - Awned Halfchaff Sedge
Cyperus bipartitus - Shining Flat Sedge
Cyperus erythrorhizos - Red-Root Flat Sedge
Cyperus fendlerianus - Fendler's Flat Sedge
Cyperus lupulinus - Great Plains Flat Sedge
Cyperus lupulinus subsp. lupulinus - Great Plains Flat Sedge
Cyperus odoratus - Rusty Flat Sedge
Cyperus schweinitzii - Sand Flat Sedge
Cyperus squarrosus - Awned Flat Sedge
Cyperus subsquarrosus - Small-Flower Halfchaff Sedge
Eleocharis acicularis - Needle Spike-Rush
Eleocharis compressa - Flat-Stem Spike-Rush
Eleocharis elliptica - Elliptic Spike-Rush
Eleocharis engelmannii - Engelmann's Spike-Rush
Eleocharis erythropoda - Bald Spike-Rush
Eleocharis macrostachya - Pale Spike-Rush
Eleocharis obtusa - Blunt Spike-Rush
Eleocharis palustris - Soft-Stem Spike-Rush
Eleocharis parvula - Little-Head Spike-Rush
Eleocharis quinqueflora - Few-Flower Spike-Rush
Eleocharis rostellata - Beaked Spike-Rush
Eriophorum angustifolium - Tall Cotton-Grass
Eriophorum chamissonis - Chamisso's Cotton-Grass
Eriophorum gracile - Slender Cotton-Grass
Eriophorum scheuchzeri - White Cotton-Grass
Schoenoplectiella saximontana - Rocky Mountain bulrush
Schoenoplectus acutus - hardstem bulrush
Schoenoplectus lacustris - Common Wood Club-Rush
Schoenoplectus pungens var. pungens - common three-square bulrush
Scirpus microcarpus - panicled bulrush
Scirpus pallidus - Pale Bulrush
Scirpus pendulus - Rufous Bulrush
Trichophorum pumilum - Rolland's Leafless-Bulrush
Cystopteris fragilis - Brittle Bladder Fern
Cystopteris reevesiana - Reeves' Bladder Fern
Gymnocarpium disjunctum - Pacific Oak Fern
Gymnocarpium dryopteris - Northern Oak Fern
Pteridium aquilinum - Northern Bracken Fern
Pteridium latiusculum - eastern bracken fern
Polystichum lonchitis - Northern Holly Fern
Elaeagnus commutata - American Silver-Berry
Shepherdia argentea - Silver Buffalo-Berry
Shepherdia canadensis - Russet Buffalo-Berry
Bergia texana - Texas Bergia
Elatine brachysperma - Short-Seed Waterwort
Elatine triandra - Eurasian Waterwort
Equisetum arvense - Field Horsetail
Equisetum hyemale - Tall Scouring-Rush
Equisetum hyemale var. affine - Tall Scouring-Rush
Equisetum laevigatum - Smooth Scouring-Rush
Equisetum pratense - Meadow Horsetail
Equisetum variegatum - Variegated Scouring-Rush
Equisetum × ferrissii - Ferris' Horsetail
Equisetum × nelsonii - Nelson's Horsetail
Gaultheria humifusa - Alpine Spicy-Wintergreen
Hypopitys monotropa - Yellow Bird's-Nest
Kalmia microphylla - Alpine-Laurel
Kalmia polifolia - Bog-Laurel
Moneses uniflora - Single-Delight
Pterospora andromedea - Woodland Pinedrops
Pyrola asarifolia - Pink Wintergreen
Pyrola chlorantha - Green-Flower Wintergreen
Pyrola minor - Snowline Wintergreen
Pyrola picta - White-Vein Wintergreen
Vaccinium cespitosum - Dwarf Blueberry
Vaccinium myrtillus - Whortle-Berry
Acalypha rhomboidea - Common Three-Seed-Mercury
Chamaesyce missurica - Prairie Sandmat
Chamaesyce stictospora - Slim-Seed Sandmat
Croton texensis - Texas Croton
Euphorbia brachycera - Horned Spurge
Euphorbia cyparissias - Cypress Spurge
Euphorbia davidii - David's Spurge
Euphorbia dentata - Toothed Spurge
Euphorbia esula - Leafy Spurge
Euphorbia fendleri - Fendler's Sandmat
Euphorbia geyeri - Geyer's Sandmat
Euphorbia glyptosperma - Rib-Seed Sandmat
Euphorbia maculata - Spotted Sandmat
Euphorbia marginata - Snow-on-the-Mountain
Euphorbia myrsinites - Myrtle Spurge
Euphorbia peplus - Petty Spurge
Euphorbia prostrata - Prostrate Sandmat
Euphorbia serpillifolia - Thyme-Leaf Sandmat
Euphorbia spathulata - Warty Spurge
Euphorbia virgata - Wolf's-Milk
Tragia ramosa - Branched Noseburn
Tragia urticifolia - Nettle-Leaf Noseburn
Acmispon wrightii - Scrub Deerweed
Amorpha fruticosa - False Indigo-Bush
Amorpha nana - Fragrant Indigo-Bush
Apios americana - Groundnut
Astragalus alpinus - Alpine Milk-Vetch
Astragalus amphioxys - Aladdin's-Slippers
Astragalus australis - Indian Milk-Vetch
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