Dataset: VT-
Search Criteria: Dominica; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 5, records 401-500 of 2417

University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium

Anredera leptostachys (Moq.) Steenis
UVMVT249814Hill, S. R.   279041996-05-25
Dominica, Saint George, Roseau, Botanic Gardens, 15.288333 -61.406667, 15m

UVMVT249870Hill, S. R.   257641994-06-01
Dominica, Saint Patrick, Beach at Berekua, Grand Bay., 15.240273 -61.316886

UVMVT249910Hill, S. R.   257101994-05-30
Dominica, Saint George, Vacant lots in Roseau, between Botanic Garden and Fort Young Hotel., 15.3 -61.3833

UVMVT249913Hill, S. R.   257101994-05-30
Dominica, Saint George, Vacant lots in Roseau, between Botanic Garden and Fort Young Hotel., 15.3 -61.3833

UVMVT253250Hill, S. R.   282121996-06-06
Dominica, Saint Mark, Scott’s head peninsula, meeting point of Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean, 15.2 -61.383333, - 69m

UVMVT253280Hill, S. R.   257421994-05-31
Dominica, Saint Patrick, Roadside bay rum distillery on upper beach, Atlantic coast, Corossal

UVMVT253294Hill, S. R.   248101993-03-15
Dominica, Saint Mark, Morne Fous. Petit Coulibri Estate, south tip of island., 15.219547 -61.349142, 305m

UVMVT253295Hill, S. R.   257141994-05-30
Dominica, Saint George, Vacant lots in Roseau, between Botanic Garden and Fort Young Hotel., 15.3 -61.3833

Phytolacca rivinoides Kunth & C. D. Bouché
UVMVT253298Hill, S. R.   280751996-06-01
Dominica, Saint David, Rosalie road ca. 1/2 way upslope, Newfoundland area, 15.366667 -61.3, 152m

Trichostigma octandra (L.) H. Walter
UVMVT253364Hill, S. R.   278791996-05-25
Dominica, Saint George, Roseau, Botanic Gardens, 15.288333 -61.406667, 15m

Trichostigma octandra (L.) H. Walter
UVMVT253365Hill, S. R.   257151994-05-30
Dominica, Saint George, St. George Par., Roadsides, vacant lots in Roseau, between Botanic Garden and Fort Young Hotel., 15.3 -61.3833

Pisonia fragrans Dum. Cours.
UVMVT253745Hill, S. R.   258061994-06-04
Dominica, Saint Joseph, St. Joseph Par., Morne Rachette (Raquette) Road to Au Piton; 1-4 km E of Morne Rachette., 305m

UVMVT254934Hill, S. R.   257691994-06-01
Dominica, Saint Patrick, St. Patrick Par., Town of Bellevue Chopin, road to Grand Bay; roadside near house., 15.242416 -61.30638, 457m

UVMVT256023Hill, S. R.   248451993-03-16
Dominica, Saint Joseph, St. Joseph Par., Vicinity of Pagayer, Imperial Highway., 305m

UVMVT256983Hill, S. R.   239641992-07-28
Dominica, Saint Paul, St. Paul Par., Archbold Tropical Research Center, Fifi Road above Bee House, Imperial Highway; W of Mount Joy house., 472m

Manilkara bidentata (A. DC.) A. Chev
UVMVT257007Hill, S. R.   282351996-06-07
Dominica, Saint Peter, Morne Espagnol, east side along highway; NW section of highway, near drive to buildings at main highway, 31.5 -61.45, 152m

Cybianthus rostratus (Hassk.) G.Agostini
UVMVT257501Hill, S. R.   281311996-06-02
Dominica, Saint George, Trail to summit of Morne Anglais from Giraduel; range., 15.283333 -61.333333, 61 - 1113m

Cybianthus parasiticus (Swartz) Pipoly
UVMVT257502Hill, S. R.   281191996-06-02
Dominica, Saint George, Trail to summit of Morne Anglais from Giraudel, 15.283333 -61.333333, 914m

UVMVT257984Hill, S. R.   281231996-06-02
Dominica, Saint George, St. George Par., Trail to summit of Morne Anglais from Giraudel., 15.2884 -61.3488, 1113m

Myrsine coriacea (Sw.) R. Br. ex Roem. & Schult.
UVMVT258321Hill, S. R.   278631996-05-24
Dominica, Saint Paul, Roadside 1.0-2 km NE of Pont Casse, 15.366667 -61.35, 564m

Myrsine coriacea (Sw.) R. Br. ex Roem. & Schult.
UVMVT258322Hill, S. R.   280911996-06-02
Dominica, Saint George, St. George Par., Trail to summit of Morne Anglais from Giraudel., 15.2884 -61.3488, 1113m


Fresiera Mirbel

UVMVT259597Hill, S. R.   240801992-08-03
Dominica, Saint Mark, Sou Freire, vicinity of the Sulphur spring, 15.234314 -61.349244, 213 - 305m

UVMVT267370Hill, S. R.   240981992-08-03
Dominica, Saint Paul, south side of Cochrane road, 1.6 mi east of coastal hwy. East of Canefield, 15.333332 -61.375871, 244m

UVMVT267335Hill, S. R.   247201993-03-11
Dominica, Saint John, Northeast side of Cabrits Peninsula, Douglas Bay, 15.595864 -61.465543, - 6m

UVMVT265977Hill, S. R.   247701993-03-14
Dominica, Saint David, Imperial Highway, near Pont Casse, vicinity of Crete Palmiste., 15.380175 -61.343651, 518m

UVMVT268669Hill, S. R.   247781993-03-14
Dominica, Saint David, Rosalie Road , Rosalie River valley, 15.37181 -61.253247, 305 - 457m

Palicourea crocea (Sw.) Schult.
UVMVT267964Hill, S. R.   255031993-12-16
Dominica, Saint George, St. George Par., Trail from Titou Gorge to the Sandwich River; Laudat; Sandwich River margin., 15.3346 -61.3311, 762m

UVMVT268132Hill, S. R.   256851994-05-29
Dominica, Saint Paul, Sylvania Estate, along trail to Middleham Falls to E of Imperial Highway, 15.358333 -61.363889, 610m

UVMVT267884Hill, S. R.   257081994-05-30
Dominica, Saint george, St. George Par., Roadsides, vacant lots in Roseau, between Botanic Garden and Fort Young Hotel., 15.3 -61.3833

Faramea occidentalis (L.) A. Rich.
UVMVT266512Hill, S. R.   258311994-06-05
Dominica, Saint Paul, Middleham Falls Trail, Morne Trois Pitons National Park, 15.341667 -61.344444, 610 - 732m

UVMVT268074Hill, S. R.   279791996-05-29
Dominica, Saint John, Northern Forest Reserve and boundary, Syndicate Estate, Morne Diablotins slopes, at St. Peter parish boundary.; 15.5167 -61.425, 610m

Rudgea citrifolia (Sw.) K.Schum.
UVMVT268434Hill, S. R.   279891996-05-29
Dominica, Saint John, Northern Forest Reserve and boundary, Syndicate Estate, Morne Diablotins slopes, at St. Peter parish boundary.; 15.5167 -61.425, 610m

Ixora ferrea (Jacq.) Benth.
UVMVT267702Hill, S. R.   279901996-05-29
Dominica, Saint John, Northern Forest Reserve and boundary, Syndicate Estate, Morne Diablotins slopes, at St. Peter parish boundary.; 15.5167 -61.425, 610m

UVMVT267495Hill, S. R.   280251996-05-30
Dominica, Saint paul, Castle Bruce road 1.0 km NE of Pont Casse., 15.375 -61.35, 579m

UVMVT266476Hill, S. R.   280681996-06-01
Dominica, Saint Patrick, St. Patrick Par., Coastal highway, mouth of Ouayaneri River, N side of La Plaine., 15.3389 -61.2569

Exostema caribaeum Roem. & Schult.
UVMVT266501Hill, S. R.   282241996-06-07
Dominica, Saint peter, Dry forest north of Colihaut, Anse a Liane, north side of ravine along trail, steep slopes above Caribbean. Clement James property., 15.483333 -61.45, 61 - 76m

UVMVT265985Hill, S. R.   288981997-02-23
Dominica, Saint Andrew, Hampstead Heights, 0.5 km N of Hampstead River bridge., 15.5833 -61.3667, 30m

UVMVT263764Hill, S. R.   289851997-03-02
Dominica, Saint Peter, Guile Lion Point, 0.6 km N of Coulibistre, west (Caribbean) coast), 15.45 -61.466667

UVMVT268066Hill, S. R.   290111997-03-04
Dominica, Saint David, Trail between Boeri Lake and Freshwater Lake above Laudat, at St. George Parish line, 15.35 -61.316667, 2500 - 3000m

UVMVT268392Hill, S. R.   290151997-03-04
Dominica, Saint David, Trail between Boeri Lake and Freshwater Lake above Laudat, at St. George Parish line, 15.35 -61.316667, 2500 - 3000m

UVMVT269761Hill, S. R.   282391998-06-07
Dominica, Saint John, At St. Peter Parish line; Espagnole River, Pointe round, 15.516667 -61.466667, 15m

Rauvolfia viridis Roem. & Schult.
UVMVT269774Hill, S. R.   280021996-05-29
Dominica, Saint John, Cabrits National Park, old roadbed/trail south side of East Cabrits, 15.583333 -61.483333, 30 - 61m

UVMVT269869Hill, S. R.   282591996-06-09
Dominica, Saint Paul, Springfield Estate, research station and guest house, N of Check Hall River, Trail to Massacre, 15.333333 -61.366667, 305 - 351m

UVMVT269870Hill, S. R.   239721992-07-28
Dominica, Saint Paul, Archbold Tropical Research Center, Fifi Road above Bee House, W of Mount Joy., 472m

UVMVT270308Hill, S. R.   279971996-05-29
Dominica, Saint John, Cabrits National Park, Ft. Shirley, West Cabrits, 15.583333 -61.483333, 30 - 61m

UVMVT270320Hill, S. R.   257961994-06-03
Dominica, Saint Paul, Coastal highway at entrance to Hummingbird Inn drive, Canefield., 15.3368 -61.3921, 15m

UVMVT270321Hill, S. R.   257121994-05-30
Dominica, Saint George, St. George Par., Roadsides, vacant lots in Roseau, between Botanic Garden and Fort Young Hotel., 15.3 -61.3833

UVMVT270360Hill, S. R.   248341993-03-16
Dominica, Saint Andrew, Vicinity of Londonberrs Estate and Wesley, coast highway, 15.564373 -61.310826

UVMVT270361Hill, S. R.   258281994-06-05
Dominica, Saint Paul, Middleham Falls trail, Morne Trois Pitons National Park, -15.341667 -61.344444, 2000 - 2400m

Cordia polycephala (Lam.) I.M. Johnst.
UVMVT270362Hill, S. R.   281391996-06-02
Dominica, Saint George, Giraudel, base of trail to Morne Anglais., 15.2833 -61.3333, 762m

UVMVT272887Hill, S. R.   278781996-05-25
Dominica, Saint George, Roseau, Botanic Gardens, 15.288333 -61.406667, 15m

UVMVT272892Hill, S. R.   290471997-03-05
Dominica, Saint John, Indian River, Portsmouth., 15.5667 -61.4583, - 2m

Cuscuta americana Thunb. ex Engelm.
UVMVT273222Hill, S. R.   280171996-05-29
Dominica, Saint John, Mouth of Indian River at Portsmouth., 15.5667 -61.4583, 2m

Ipomoea phyllomega
UVMVT273676Hill, S. R.   281971996-06-04
Dominica, Saint George, St. George Par., Laudat, between hydroelectric station and Titou Gorge., 15.325 -61.3333, 610m

Merremia dissecta (Jacq.) Hallier f.
UVMVT273844Hill, S. R.   258111994-06-04
Dominica, Saint Joseph, Morne Rachette (Raquette) rd. To Au Piton, 1-4 km east of Morne Rachette, 152 - 305m

UVMVT273847Hill, S. R.   289861997-03-02
Dominica, Saint Peter, Clement James property, Anse a Liane trail to coast, 0.9 km N of Colihaut., 15.292 -61.283

UVMVT273918Hill, S. R.   257701994-06-01
Dominica, Saint Patrick, St. Patrick Par., Town of Bellevue Chopin, road to Grand Bay; roadside near house., 15.242416 -61.30638, 457m

Brugmansia suaveolens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Bercht. & C. Presl
UVMVT273924Hill, S. R.   257681994-06-01
Dominica, Saint Patrick, St. Patrick Par., Town of Bellevue Chopin, road to Grand Bay; roadside near house., 15.242416 -61.30638, 457m

UVMVT274003Hill, S. R.   278721996-05-25
Dominica, Saint George, Hiking trail to Trafalgar Falls, Trafalgar, 15.316667 -61.35, 305m

UVMVT274004Hill, S. R.   281541996-06-04
Dominica, Saint George, St. George Par., Laudat, between hydroelectric station and Titou Gorge., 15.325 -61.3333, 610m

UVMVT274392Hill, S. R.   289841997-03-02
Dominica, Saint Peter, Guile Lion Point, 0.6 km N of Coulibistre, west (Caribbean) coast), 15.45 -61.466667

UVMVT274679Hill, S. R.   247281993-03-11
Dominica, Saint John, Beach portion of Cabrits National Park, NE side of Cabrits Peninsula; Douglas Bay., 15.58679 -61.471615, 6m

UVMVT274830Hill, S. R.   258151994-06-04
Dominica, Saint Paul, St. Paul Par., Donkey Bay (Pringles Bay), beach area near S end of Canefield airport., 15.3368 -61.3921

UVMVT275758Hill, S. R.   279781996-05-29
Dominica, Saint John, St. John Par., Northern Forest Reserve and boundary, Syndicate Estate, Morne Diablotins slopes; at St. Peter parish boundary., 15.5167 -61.425, 610m

Mecardonia procumbens (P. Mill.) Small
UVMVT276799Hill, S. R.   289081997-03-24
Dominica, Saint Paul, Disturbed areas around Brizee’s market. West (Caribbean) coast, 15.333333 -61.383333, 15m

UVMVT279919Hill, S. R.   240881992-08-03
Dominica, Saint paul, St. Paul Par., Cochrane Road above Canefield, 2.05 mi. N of coastal highway., 15.3333 -61.4, 366m

UVMVT278774Hill, S. R.   247261993-03-11
Dominica, Saint John, Beach portion of Cabrits National Park, NE side of Cabrits Peninsula; Douglas Bay., 15.58679 -61.471615, 6m

UVMVT279448Hill, S. R.   255491993-12-18
Dominica, Saint Joseph, Morne Raquette Road from coastal highway to Au Piton, 0-5 km east of town, 15.4 -61.5

UVMVT279816Hill, S. R.   256381994-05-28
Dominica, Saint Paul, St. Paul Par., Archbold Tropical Research Center, Springfield Estate; vicinity of Archbold house and guest house grounds; Archbold house., 15.3417 -61.375, 366m

UVMVT283563Hill, S. R.   256871994-05-29
Dominica, Saint Paul, St. Paul Par., Sylvania Estate, along trail to Middleham Falls to E from Imperial Highway., 21.5 -61.3639, 610m

UVMVT282702Hill, S. R.   257621994-06-01
Dominica, Saint Patrick, Old foot trail from Petite Savane to Pointe Mulatre., 15.252778 -61.275, 152 - 457m

UVMVT282130Hill, S. R.   257881994-06-03
Dominica, Saint Paul, Coastal highway at entrance to Hummingbird Inn drive, Canefield., 15.3368 -61.3921, 15m

UVMVT279449Hill, S. R.   258271994-06-04
Dominica, Saint paul, Middleham falls trail, Morne Trois pitons national park, 15.333333 -61.333333, 610 - 732m

UVMVT281457Hill, S. R.   258411994-06-05
Dominica, Saint paul, Cochrane and Middleham roads below Morne Trois Pitons National Park; from Imperial highway to park boundary.; 15.3667 -61.3333, 15.3667 -61.3333, 610m

UVMVT282105Hill, S. R.   280191996-05-29
Dominica, Saint John, Mouth of Indian River at Portsmouth., 15.5667 -61.4583, 2m

UVMVT280228Hill, S. R.   282421996-06-07
Dominica, Saint Peter, St. Peter Par., Coastal highway, between Bioche and Colihaut; roadside., 15.5 -61.45, 61m

UVMVT281302Hill, S. R.   289591987-02-26
Dominica, Saint Joseph, Coastal highway, bottom of road to radio towers between Layou and St. Joseph, 15.383333 -61.433333, 61m

UVMVT286684Barrington, D.S.   24722017-03-14
Dominica, St. Paul, Sylvania, Edge of subsistence agriculture field at west end of Waitukubuli Spur Trail to Sylvania, 15.358333 -61.353333, 610m

UVMVT286685Barrington, D.S.   24722017-03-14
Dominica, St. Paul, Sylvania, Edge of subsistence agriculture field at west end of Waitukubuli Spur Trail to Sylvania, 15.358333 -61.353333, 610m

UVMVT285081Hill, S. R.   220471991-03-16
Dominica, St. Paul, 15.366667 -61.333333, 610m

UVMVT285109Hill, S. R.   246831993-03-09
Dominica, St. George, Fresh Water Lake above Laudat, East side of Morne Macaque, 792m

UVMVT285110Hill, S. R.   281951996-06-04
Dominica, St. George, Laudat, between hydroelectric station and Titou Gorge, along river, 15.325 -61.333333, 610m

Lycopodium tortum Sieber ex L. Underw. & F. Lloyd
UVMVT285113Hill, S. R.   246381993-03-06
Dominica, St. Peter, Morne Diablotins, Northern Forest Reserve, trail to summit, NW side of peak. at or near summit; 15.505522 -61.401108, 15.505522 -61.401108, 1311m

Lycopodium tortum Sieber ex L. Underw. & F. Lloyd
UVMVT285114Hill, S. R.   254851993-12-16
Dominica, St. George, Trail to Boiling Lake and Valley of Desolation from Titou Gorge. Trail passes into saint David Parish near Boiling Lake.; 15.318347 -61.294383, 15.318347 -61.294383, 762 - 1067m

UVMVT285132Hill, S. R.   253281993-12-09
Dominica, St. Paul, Morne Trois Pitons, north side, trail just NE of Point Casse.; 15.37 -61.33, 15.37 -61.33, 762 - 1219m

UVMVT285139Hill, S. R.   253341993-12-09
Dominica, St. Paul, Morne Trois Pitons, north side, trail just NE of Point Casse.; 15.37 -61.33, 15.37 -61.33, 762 - 1219m

UVMVT285154Hill, S. R.   212511990-03-20
Dominica, St. Paul, Between park trail boundary and Middleham Falls; Middleham Estate; above paved road NE of Cochrane; lower slopes of Morne Trois Pitons.; 15.346043 -61.349679, 15.346043 -61.349679, 671m

UVMVT285155Hill, S. R.   212511990-03-20
Dominica, St. Paul

UVMVT285156Hill, S. R.   246801993-03-09
Dominica, St. George, Fresh Water Lake above Laudat, east side of Morne Macaque. Near dam., 792m

UVMVT285157Hill, S. R.   279451996-05-27
Dominica, St. Paul, St. Paul Parish. Trail to summit of Morne Trois Pitons SE of Pont Casse.; 15.208333 -61.341667, 15.208333 -61.341667, 610 - 1387m

Selaginella tenella (P. Beauv.) Spring
UVMVT285158Hill, S. R.   257231994-05-31
Dominica, St. Patrick, St. Patrick, Trail to Sari-Sari Falls along Sari-Sari River from La Plaine. N facing rocky slopes in shade.; 15.32768 -61.247534; 15.32768 -61.247534; 15.32768 -61.247534, 15.32768 -61.247534, 335 - 396m

Selaginella tenella (P. Beauv.) Spring
UVMVT285159Hill, S. R.   280461996-06-01
Dominica, St. Patrick

Selaginella tenella (P. Beauv.) Spring
UVMVT285176Hill, S. R.   212521990-03-20
Dominica, St. Paul, Between park trail boundary and Middleham Falls; Middleham Estate; above paved road NE of Cochrane; lower slopes of Morne Trois Pitons.; 15.346043 -61.349679; 15.346043 -61.349679, 15.346043 -61.349679, 671m

Selaginella flabellata (L.) Spring [excluded]
UVMVT285177Hill, S. R.   212531990-03-20
Dominica, St. Paul, Between park trail boundary and Middleham Falls; Middleham Estate; above paved road NE of Cochrane; lower slopes of Morne Trois Pitons.; 15.333333 -61.366667; 15.346043 -61.349679; 15.346043 -61.349679, 15.346043 -61.349679, 671m

Selaginella flabellata (L.) Spring [excluded]
UVMVT285178Hill, S. R.   254031993-12-12
Dominica, St. Patrick, Along White River (La Riviere Blanche), below Victoria Falls, Victoria. About 0.3 mi downstream from falls., 229 - 305m

Selaginella flabellata (L.) Spring [excluded]
UVMVT285179Hill, S. R.   279911996-05-29
Dominica, St. John

UVMVT285197Hill, S. R.   212731990-03-20
Dominica, St. Paul, Between park trail boundary and Middleham Falls; Middleham Estate; above paved road NE of Cochrane; lower slopes of Morne Trois Pitons.; 15.346043 -61.349679; 15.346043 -61.349679, 15.346043 -61.349679, 671m

UVMVT285198Hill, S. R.   220361991-03-16
Dominica, St. David, Trail to the Emerald Pool. Morne Trois Pitons National Park, NE of Pond Casse., 15.368613 -61.325046, 457m

Page 5, records 401-500 of 2417

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