Dataset: PIHG
Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 19, records 1801-1900 of 17748

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry

15113Alexander de la Paz   6972019-11-28
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'12.3"N 82°38'00.6"W. Dry-mesic pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Stem erect, glabrous, striate. Basal leaves withered, cauline leaves reduced to scales. Heads liguliflorous. Corolla pink-purple. Phyllaries uniseriate, 8, linear. Pappus of bristles.

Liatris quadriflora (Chapman) E.L. Bridges & Orzell
15114Alexander de la Paz   6982019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'52.7"N 82°37'24.2"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 60-100 cm. Leaves linear, ca. 1.5-2 mm wide, basally congested. Heads discoid, in compact, racemiform arrays. Disc florets pink-purple. [Liatris quadriflora (Chapm.) E. L. Bridges & Orzell].

Trilisa paniculata (J.F. Gmel.) Cass.
15115Alexander de la Paz   6992019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'52.7"N 82°37'24.2"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 70 cm. Stem densely spreading-pubescent. Cauline leaves reduced. Heads discoid, in a cylindrical thyrsoid panicle. Disc florets pink-purple. [Trilisa paniculata (J. F. Gmel.) Cassini].

Carphephorus corymbosus (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray
15116Alexander de la Paz   7002019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'11.7"N 82°38'02.0"W. Dry-mesic pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 50-70 cm. Basal leaves in rosette, cauline leaves gradually reduced upward. Heads discoid, disk florets pink-purple. Receptacles paleate. Phyllary apices rounded, the margins erose.

Trilisa subtropicana (DeLaney et al.) E.L. Bridges & Orzell
15117Alexander de la Paz   7012019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'11.7"N 82°38'02.0"W. Dry-mesic pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 1 m. Basal leaves ca. 5-8 cm long, ca. 2-3 cm wide. [Trilisa subtropicana (DeLaney et al.) Bridges & Orzell].

Symphyotrichum dumosum (L.) G. L. Nesom
15118Alexander de la Paz   7022019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'39.7"N 82°37'37.9"W. Edge of cypress dome swamp near mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial rhizomatous herb, ca. 50-60 m. Basal leaves withered, cauline leaves linear to linear-lanceolate. Heads radiate, ray florets pale purple. Annotated 1/19/2021 by AD.

15119Alexander de la Paz   7032019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'42.4"N 82°37'28.5"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 70 cm. Leaves mostly > 10 cm long, 2-4 mm wide. Heads discoid, disk florets yellow. Involucre ca. 6-7.5 mm high.

Pityopsis graminifolia (Michx.) Nutt.
15120Alexander de la Paz   7042019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'39.3"N 82°38'25.0"W. Longleaf pine sandhill. Perennial herb, ca. 50 cm. Involucre ca. 8-10 mm high. Phyllaries eglandular. [Pityopsis tracyi (Small) Small, perhaps introgressed from Pityopsis aequilifolia (Bowers & Semple) E. Bridges & Orzell].

Pityopsis graminifolia (Michx.) Nutt.
15121Alexander de la Paz   7042019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'39.3"N 82°38'25.0"W. Longleaf pine sandhill. Perennial herb, ca. 50 cm. Involucre ca. 8-10 mm high. Phyllaries eglandular. [Pityopsis tracyi (Small) Small, perhaps introgressed from Pityopsis aequilifolia (Bowers & Semple) E. Bridges & Orzell].

15122Alexander de la Paz   7052019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'40.3"N 82°37'37.8"W. Cypress dome swamp near mesic-wet pine savanna. Monoecious shrub, ca. 1 m. Stem woody, solitary at base, from a taproot. Leaves clustered toward the branch tips. Inflorescence spicate. Flowers unisexual. Fruit a 3-locular capsule.

15123Alexander de la Paz   7062019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'43.8"N 82°37'26.9"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near cypress dome swamp. Perennial terrestrial herb (carnivorous), ca. 20-30 cm. Bladders subterranean. Corolla yellow, ca. 0.25-1.5 cm long, the spur ca. 5-7 mm long. Fruit a capsule.

Tiedemannia filiformis (Walter) M.A. Feist & S. R. Downie
15124Alexander de la Paz   7072019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'42.1"N 82°37'27.4"W. Cypress dome swamp near mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 1 m. Leaves phyllodial (hollow, septate, segmented), glabrous, terete. Petals 5, white.

Hyptis alata (Raf.) Shinners
15125Alexander de la Paz   7082019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'54.7"N 82°37'27.7"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near cypress dome swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Flowers in axillary subglobose heads subtended by involucral bracts. Peduncle usually > 1 cm long. Corolla bilabiate, white with pink spots. Stamens 4.

15126Alexander de la Paz   7092019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'43.8"N 82°37'26.9"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 20-40 cm. Stem faces subequal, glabrous. Leaves 3-nerved, the margins with ciliate teeth. Hypanthium nearly glabrous except along the calyx lobes. Fruit a dehiscent capsule. Seeds many.

Sophronanthe pilosa (Michx.) Small
15127Alexander de la Paz   7102019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'43.8"N 82°37'26.9"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 20 cm. Stem pubescent. Leaves ovate, 4-11 mm wide. Flowers axillary, solitary, sessile or subsessile. Sepals 5. Corolla campanulate, white. Stamens 2. Fruit a capsule.

15128Alexander de la Paz   7112019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'50.9"N 82°38'07.8"W. Disturbed wet trailside ditch at edge of cypress dome swamp near farm/pasture (calcareous influence due to overlaid shells/limestone). Annual herb, ca. 20-30 cm. At least some leaf axils with 2 or more fruits. Style ca. 0.5 mm long, stout.

15129Alexander de la Paz   7122019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'04.5"N 82°37'57.6"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Lower lateral inflorescences on long, +/- drooping peduncles. Achene white, the surface reticulate and +/- pubescent. Hypogynium of 3 lobes appressed to the underside of the achene.

15130Alexander de la Paz   7132019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'10.8"N 82°37'57.1"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Lower lateral inflorescences on long, +/- drooping peduncles. Achene white, the surface reticulate and +/- pubescent. Hypogynium of 3 lobes appressed to the underside of the achene.

15131Alexander de la Paz   7142019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'04.5"N 82°37'57.6"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 80 cm. Leaves ca. 1-3 mm wide. Spikelet clusters 2-3, dense. Achene body smooth, dark brown with paler center. Perianth bristles 6, ca. ½ the length of the achene body or less.

15132Alexander de la Paz   7152019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'59.8"N 82°37'54.3"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near cypress dome swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 80 cm. Leaves ca. 1-3 mm wide. Spikelet clusters hemispheric to globose. Achene body ca. 2 mm long, the surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, retrorsely barbed.

Rhynchospora microcephala (Britton) Britton
15133Alexander de la Paz   7162019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'59.8"N 82°37'54.3"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near cypress dome swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Spikelet clusters globose to subhemispheric. Achene body ca. 1.5 mm long, the surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, retrorsely barbed.

Rhynchospora nitens (Vahl) A. Gray
15134Alexander de la Paz   7172019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'54.9"N 82°37'52.0"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near cypress dome swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Spikelets many-flowered, 4-6 mm long, with an acute tip. Achene surface transversely ridged. Perianth bristles absent. Tubercle depressed, broader than long.

15135Alexander de la Paz   7182019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'08.5"N 82°37'52.5"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near cypress dome swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Leaves filiform, ca. 1 mm wide. Achene surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, equaling the achene body. Tubercle narrowed above the base into a strap-like beak.

Rhynchospora latifolia (Baldwin) W. W. Thomas
15136Alexander de la Paz   7192019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'05.9"N 82°37'55.6"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near cypress dome swamp. Perennial rhizomatous herb, ca. 1 m. Scales white. Inflorescence a terminal, head-like cluster of spikelets. Involucral bracts 6-8, basally white, ca. 5-8 mm wide. Tubercle decurrent on achene.

15137Alexander de la Paz   7202019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'04.5"N 82°37'57.6"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 20-30 cm. Culms filiform. Leaves filiform. Inflorescence of 1-2 spikelet clusters, dense, hemispheric to broadly turbinate. Achene ca. 1.2 mm long, surface smooth. Perianth bristles absent.

Rhynchospora intermedia (Chapm.) Britton
15138Alexander de la Paz   7212019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'12.4"N 82°38'01.6"W. Dry-mesic pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 40-50 cm. Leaves ca. 1-2 mm wide. Spikelets ca. 4-6 mm long. Achene ca. 2 mm long. Perianth bristles 6, plumose. Tubercle broadly conic. [Rhynchospora pineticola C. B. Clarke].

15139Alexander de la Paz   7222019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'53.2"N 82°37'56.7"W. Edge of cypress dome swamp near mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Leaves filiform, ca. 1 mm wide. Achene surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, equaling achene body. Tubercle narrowed above base into strap-like beak.

Fuirena breviseta (Coville) Coville
15140Alexander de la Paz   7232019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'04.5"N 82°37'57.6"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 40-50 cm. Perianth bristles 3, shorter than to equaling the achene stipe, smooth. Perianth blades 3, the apex blunt to short-apiculate. Achene trigonous, brown, stipitate.

15141Alexander de la Paz   7242019-11-29
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'55.8"N 82°38'03.2"W. Disturbed wet ditch at edge of cypress dome swamp near mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Leaves bladeless. Anthers ca. 0.5 mm long. Achene trigonous, white to red-brown, surfaces granular to papillose. Bracts 2-3.

Dalea pinnata var. pinnata (J.F. Gmel.) Barneby
15142Alexander de la Paz   7252019-12-08
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°34'03.4"N 82°12'02.2"W. Sandhill. Perennial herb, ca. 50-70 cm. Leaves imparipinnate, the leaflets 5-9. Spikes corymbosely aggregated, capitate, surrounded by an involucre of 3-4 series of sterile bracts. Calyx plumose. Fruit a 1-seeded dehiscent legume.

Symphyotrichum walteri (Alexander) G.L. Nesom
15143Alexander de la Paz   7262019-12-08
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°34'13.6"N 82°11'35.6"W. Dry-mesic pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 30-60 cm. Stems erect to +/- scandent-sprawling. Blades of mid-stem leaves spreading, the apical portion then abruptly deflexed, basally clasping. Heads radiate. Disc florets yellow, ray florets blue-purple.

Symphyotrichum dumosum (L.) G. L. Nesom
15144Alexander de la Paz   7272019-12-08
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'47.4"N 82°11'28.1"W. Dry-mesic oak/pine woodlands (dry-mesic pine savanna remnant). Perennial herb, ca. 30-60 cm. Stems erect to +/- scandent-sprawling. Heads radiate, < 1 cm wide. Disk florets yellow, ray florets blue-purple. Phyllaries imbricate.

15145Alexander de la Paz   7282019-12-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve (cemetery/lodge entrance), 7204 SE CR 234. 29°35'10.4"N 82°14'21.5"W. Edge of disturbed lawn (parking area for trailhead) near mesic hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Leaves linear, basally sheathing. Pedicels glabrous. Sepals 3. Petals 3, purple. Stamens 6, filaments bearded, anthers yellow.

Orthosia scoparia (Nutt.) Liede & Meve
15146Alexander de la Paz   7292019-12-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve (cemetery/lodge entrance), 7204 SE CR 234. 29°35'12.7"N 82°14'18.8"W. Mesic hardwood forest. Perennial scandent vine. Milky latex present. Leaves linear, petiolate, often caducous. Calyx lobes 5, deltoid, ca. 1 mm long. Corolla lobes 5, yellow-green. Fruit a follicle, 1-3 mm in diameter.

Houstonia procumbens (Walter ex J.F. Gmel.) Standl.
15147Alexander de la Paz   7302019-12-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve (cemetery/lodge entrance), 7204 SE CR 234. 29°35'26.5"N 82°14'11.5"W. Mesic sandy oak hammock. Prostrate herb, ca. 20-30 cm. Corolla lobes 4-5, white. Fruit a 2-locular capsule, longer than the calyx tube. Seeds crateriform, concave on the ventral surface, minutely papillose, few to many per locule.

15148Alexander de la Paz   7312019-12-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve (cemetery/lodge entrance), 7204 SE CR 234. 29°35'26.5"N 82°14'11.5"W. Mesic sandy oak hammock. Creeping, suffrutescent perennial herb. Corolla lobes 4, white, pubescent internally. Flowers paired, the ovaries connate and developing into a single fleshy red drupe.

15149Alexander de la Paz   7322019-12-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve (cemetery/lodge entrance), 7204 SE CR 234. 29°35'24.3"N 82°14'11.6"W. Disturbed dry sandy field near mesic oak hammock (formerly cleared for road to cemetery). Annual herb, ca. 60 cm. Leaves 2.5-4x as long as wide. Calyx lobes 5, bilabiate. Fruit a schizocarp of 4 mericarps.

15150Alexander de la Paz   7332019-12-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve (cemetery/lodge entrance), 7204 SE CR 234. 29°35'30.8"N 82°14'08.9"W. Mesic sandy oak hammock. Shrub, ca. 2 m. Leaves strongly white-glaucous abaxially. Corolla lobes 5, white. Stamens long-exserted, white to brown, ca. 4-6 mm long. [Vaccinium stamineum L. var. caesium (Greene) D. B. Ward].

Lyonia lucida (Lam.) K. Koch
15151Alexander de la Paz   7342019-12-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve (cemetery/lodge entrance), 7204 SE CR 234. 29°35'39.3"N 82°14'09.6"W. Bottomland forest near basin swamp and mesic hardwood forest. Shrub, ca. 2 m. Leaves evergreen, coriaceous, with a prominent submarginal vein. Sepals 5. Fruit a dehiscent capsule, 5-locular, ovoid to ovoid-globose. Seeds many.

Scirpus cyperinus (L.) Kunth
15152Alexander de la Paz   7352019-12-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve (cemetery/lodge entrance), 7204 SE CR 234. 29°35'39.3"N 82°14'09.6"W. Bottomland forest near basin swamp and mesic hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 1.5 m. Spikelets in dense cymes of 2-15. Perianth bristles 6, contorted, exceeding the scales, thus giving the inflorescence a woolly appearance.

Bidens mitis (Michx.) Sherff
15153Alexander de la Paz   7362019-12-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve (cemetery/lodge entrance), 7204 SE CR 234. 29°35'39.3"N 82°14'09.6"W. Bottomland forest near basin swamp and mesic hardwood forest. Annual herb, ca. 40-60 cm. Leaves petiolate, pinnatisect. Heads radiate. Ray and disk florets yellow. Phyllaries in 2 series, dimorphic.

Ilex opaca Aiton
15154Alexander de la Paz   7372019-12-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve (cemetery/lodge entrance), 7204 SE CR 234. 29°35'38.2"N 82°14'09.3"W. Bottomland forest near basin swamp and mesic hardwood forest. Tree, ca. 4 m. Bark light gray. Leaves coriaceous, evergreen, the margins spinulose-dentate and armed with a rigid spine 1 mm long or longer. Fruit a red drupe.

Lechea pulchella var. ramosissima (Hodgdon) Sorrie & Weakley
15155Alexander de la Paz   7382019-12-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve (cemetery/lodge entrance), 7204 SE CR 234. 29°35'51.0"N 82°13'58.1"W. Dry-mesic pine flatwoods near basin swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 20-30 cm. Outer narrow sepals shorter than the inner wider sepals. Fruit a capsule.

15156Alexander de la Paz   7392019-12-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve (cemetery/lodge entrance), 7204 SE CR 234. 29°35'41.8"N 82°14'03.7"W. Mesic flatwoods near basin swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 80 cm. Leaves ca. 1.5-2.5 mm wide. Achene surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, equaling achene body. Tubercle triangular-subulate (achene similar looking to R. wrightiana).

Aristida beyrichiana Trin. & Rupr.
15157Alexander de la Paz   7402019-12-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve (cemetery/lodge entrance), 7204 SE CR 234. 29°35'51.0"N 82°13'58.1"W. Dry-mesic pine flatwoods near basin swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Leaves usually tightly involute, base of blade and collar (and often upper sheath) with woolly-villous pubescence. [Aristida beyrichiana Trinius & Ruprecht].

15158Alexander de la Paz   7412019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°08'07.4"N 82°33'56.8"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 50 cm. Leaves ca. 8-9 cm long, 2-4 mm wide. Disk florets yellow. Involucre ca. 6 mm high.

Burmannia capitata (Walter ex J. F. Gmel.) Mart.
15159Alexander de la Paz   7422019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°08'07.4"N 82°33'56.8"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Annual herb, ca. 4-10 cm. Leaves scale-like. Flowers in a capitate cluster. Tepals 6, floral tube obtusely 3-angled, white-green. Stamens 3. Fruit a capsule. Seeds many.

15160Alexander de la Paz   7432019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°08'11.0"N 82°33'53.6"W. Dry-mesic pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 30-40 cm. Leaves 0.3-1.5 mm wide, strongly involute. Spikelets ca. 2-4 mm long. Perianth bristles 6, plumose, > ½ the length of achene body. Tubercle conic.

Rhynchospora ciliaris (Michx.) C. Mohr
15161Alexander de la Paz   7442019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°08'10.2"N 82°33'55.2"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 40-50 cm. Leaves basally disposed (some cauline), the apex abruptly tapered, ciliate. Bracts and scale midrib ciliate. Perianth bristles 6, < ½ the length of the achene body.

15162Alexander de la Paz   7452019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°07'59.8"N 82°33'53.1"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near basin swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Spikelet clusters hemispheric to globose. Achene body ca. 2 mm long, the surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, retrorsely barbed.

Rhynchospora microcephala (Britton) Britton
15163Alexander de la Paz   7462019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°07'59.8"N 82°33'53.1"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near basin swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 50 cm. Spikelet clusters globose to subhemispheric. Achene body ca. 1.5 mm long, the surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, retrorsely barbed.

15164Alexander de la Paz   7472019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°07'59.8"N 82°33'53.1"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near basin swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 30-50 cm. Achene body ca. 1 mm long, ca. 0.8 mm wide, smooth, dark brown with paler center. Perianth bristles 6, slightly exceeding the achene body.

15165Alexander de la Paz   7482019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°07'59.8"N 82°33'53.1"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near basin swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 50-60 cm. Leaves ca. 2-4 mm wide. Achene surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, equaling to exceeding achene body. Tubercle triangular-subulate, compressed.

Rhynchospora microcephala (Britton) Britton
15166Alexander de la Paz   7492019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°08'04.0"N 82°33'50.9"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 20-30 cm. Spikelet clusters globose to subhemispheric. Achene body ca. 1.5 mm long, the surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, retrorsely barbed.

15167Alexander de la Paz   7502019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°08'07.4"N 82°33'56.8"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 20-40 cm. Culms filiform. Leaves filiform. Inflorescence of 1-2 spikelet clusters, dense. Achene ca. 1.2 mm long, surface smooth. Perianth bristles absent.

15168Alexander de la Paz   7512019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°07'59.8"N 82°33'53.1"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near basin swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 20-40 cm. Culms filiform. Leaves filiform. Inflorescence of 1-2 spikelet clusters, dense. Achene ca. 1.2 mm long, surface smooth. Perianth bristles absent.

15169Alexander de la Paz   7522019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°07'59.8"N 82°33'53.1"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near basin swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 30-40 cm. Leaves filiform. Perianth bristles 6, > ½ the length of achene body. Tubercle triangular, sometimes narrowed above base into strap-like beak.

15170Alexander de la Paz   7532019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°08'07.0"N 82°33'56.2"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Achene body ca. 1 mm long, ca. 0.8 mm wide, smooth, dark brown with paler center. Perianth bristles 6, slightly exceeding the achene body.

15171Alexander de la Paz   7542019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°08'10.1"N 82°33'55.5"W. Dry-mesic pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 20-30 cm. Achene body ca. 1 mm long, ca. 0.8 mm wide, smooth, dark brown with paler center. Perianth bristles 6, slightly exceeding the achene body.

15172Alexander de la Paz   7552019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°08'09.9"N 82°33'55.8"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 40 cm. Leaves ca. 1-2 mm wide. Achene surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, > ½ the length of achene body. Tubercle triangular-subulate, compressed.

15173Alexander de la Paz   7562019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°08'07.8"N 82°33'41.5"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Leaves ca. 1-2 mm wide. Achene surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, > ½ the length of achene body. Tubercle triangular-subulate, compressed.

15174Alexander de la Paz   7572019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°07'59.8"N 82°33'53.1"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near basin swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 70 cm. Leaves ca. 1-2 mm wide. Achene surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, equaling to exceeding achene body. Tubercle triangular-subulate, compressed.

Ctenium aromaticum (Walter) Alph. Wood
15175Alexander de la Paz   7582019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°08'08.1"N 82°33'45.1"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial cespitose herb, ca. 60 cm. Spikes solitary, divergent at the summit of the culm. Second glume with numerous glands on the back, with a recurved spine arising from the back.

Ctenium aromaticum (Walter) Alph. Wood
15176Alexander de la Paz   7592019-12-22
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°08'09.6"N 82°33'43.1"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near basin swamp. Perennial cespitose herb, ca. 50-60 cm. Spikes solitary, divergent at the summit of culm. Second glume with numerous glands on the back, with a recurved spine arising from the back.

15177Alexander de la Paz   7602020-01-04
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'49.5"N 82°11'39.7"W. Mesic flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 20 cm. Leaves ca. 1 mm wide. Achene body ca. 1 mm long, ca. 0.8 mm wide, smooth, dark brown with paler center. Perianth bristles 6, slightly exceeding the achene body.

Rhynchospora ciliaris (Michx.) C. Mohr
15178Alexander de la Paz   7612020-01-04
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'49.5"N 82°11'39.7"W. Mesic flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 30-50 cm. Leaves basally disposed (some cauline), the apex abruptly tapered, ciliate. Bracts and scale midrib ciliate. Achene surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, < ½ the length of the achene body.

Rhynchospora microcephala (Britton) Britton
15179Alexander de la Paz   7622020-01-04
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'46.4"N 82°11'38.4"W. Depression in mesic flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 20-40 cm. Spikelet clusters globose to subhemispheric. Achene body ca. 1.5 mm long, the surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, retrorsely barbed.

Rhynchospora microcephala (Britton) Britton
15180Alexander de la Paz   7622020-01-04
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'46.4"N 82°11'38.4"W. Depression in mesic flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 20-40 cm. Spikelet clusters globose to subhemispheric. Achene body ca. 1.5 mm long, the surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, retrorsely barbed.

15181Alexander de la Paz   7632020-01-04
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'42.1"N 82°11'31.9"W. Mesic flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 80 cm. Culm sharply trigonous. Leaves ca. 3-5 mm wide. Spikelet cluster solitary, terminal. Achene surface smooth. Perianth bristles 12, equaling to exceeding the achene body. Tubercle conical.

15182Alexander de la Paz   7642020-01-04
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'46.4"N 82°11'38.4"W. Depression in mesic flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 40-60 cm. Leaves ca. 1-2 mm wide. Achene surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, equaling to exceeding achene body. Tubercle triangular-subulate, compressed.

15183Alexander de la Paz   7642020-01-04
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'46.4"N 82°11'38.4"W. Depression in mesic flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 40-60 cm. Leaves ca. 1-2 mm wide. Achene surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, equaling to exceeding achene body. Tubercle triangular-subulate, compressed.

15184Alexander de la Paz   7652020-01-04
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'42.1"N 82°11'31.9"W. Mesic flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 40-60 cm. Leaves ca. 1-2 mm wide. Achene surface smooth. Perianth bristles 6, equaling to exceeding achene body. Tubercle triangular-subulate, compressed.

15185Alexander de la Paz   7662020-01-04
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'42.1"N 82°11'31.9"W. Mesic flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 30-80 cm. Leaves ca. 2-4 mm wide. Achene surface smooth, dark brown. Perianth bristles 6, < ½ the length of the achene body. Tubercle triangular, compressed.

15186Alexander de la Paz   7672020-01-04
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'47.1"N 82°11'26.9"W. Dry-mesic oak/pine woodlands (dry-mesic pine savanna remnant) near mesic flatwoods and bottomland forest. Perennial herb, ca. 50 cm. Leaves flat, non-septate, ca. 3 mm wide. Flowers borne in heads (glomerules) of 2-6 flowers per head. Fruit a capsule.

15187Alexander de la Paz   7682020-01-04
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'47.1"N 82°11'26.9"W. Dry-mesic oak/pine woodlands (dry-mesic pine savanna remnant) near mesic flatwoods and bottomland forest. Perennial rhizomatous herb, ca. 80 cm. Leaves mostly basal, ca. 3-4 mm wide. Racemes 1 per peduncle and raceme sheath.

Asplenium platyneuron (L.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
15188Alexander de la Paz   7692020-01-11
United States, Florida, Alachua, Saarinen Preserve, 3208 NW 186th St. 29°40'53.8"N 82°32'34.8"W. Mesic hardwood forest with limestone outcrops. Growing in sandy soil. Perennial terrestrial herb, ca. 30-40 cm. Leaves pinnate, slightly dimorphic, the fertile upright and larger, the sterile spreading and smaller. Rachis black. Sori many per pinna.

Thelypteris ovata R.P. St. John in Small
15189Alexander de la Paz   7702020-01-11
United States, Florida, Alachua, Saarinen Preserve, 3208 NW 186th St. 29°41'00.5"N 82°32'32.2"W. Mesic hardwood forest with limestone outcrops. Growing on limestone outcrop at sinkhole. Perennial rhizomatous herb, ca. 30-40 cm. Leaves pinnate-pinnatifid, the apex of the blade attenuated. [Christella ovata (R. P. St. John) Á. Löve & D. Löve].

15190Alexander de la Paz   7712020-01-11
United States, Florida, Alachua, Saarinen Preserve, 3208 NW 186th St. 29°40'53.8"N 82°32'27.5"W. Mesic-wet hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 50-60 cm. Leaves ca. 5-8 mm wide. Collar (junction of leaf and sheath) pilose. Panicle branches short, ascending. Spikelets ca. 4 mm long, ca. 3 mm wide (most fertile spikelets already fallen off at this time).

15191Alexander de la Paz   7722020-01-11
United States, Florida, Alachua, Saarinen Preserve, 3208 NW 186th St. 29°41'08.7"N 82°32'40.3"W. Edge of mesic hardwood forest near disturbed cow pasture. Perennial herb, ca. 80-120 cm. Culm sheaths +/- scabrous and hirsute. Raceme sheaths ca. 2 mm wide. [Andropogon glomeratus (Walter) Britton et al. var. pumilus (Vasey) Vasey ex L. H. Dewey]

Tridens flavus (L.) Hitchc.
15192Alexander de la Paz   7732020-01-11
United States, Florida, Alachua, Saarinen Preserve, 3208 NW 186th St. 29°41'08.7"N 82°32'40.3"W. Edge of mesic hardwood forest near disturbed cow pasture. Perennial herb, ca. 1 m. Spikelets ca. 6 mm long, ca. 1.5 mm wide, the pedicels mostly appressed. Lemmas 3-nerved, the nerves extending as a mucro. Panicle branches +/- ascending to spreading.

Viola floridana Brainerd
15193Alexander de la Paz   7742020-01-12
United States, Florida, Alachua, Alfred A. Ring Park, 1801 NW 23rd Blvd. 29°40'17.4"N 82°20'49.1"W. Mesic hardwood forest near Hogtown Creek. Perennial acaulescent herb, ca. 10-15 cm. Leaves cordate. Petals 5, pale violet distally, white proximally. Lateral petals with clavate hairs. [Viola floridana Brainerd var. floridana].

Carex floridana Schwein.
15194Alexander de la Paz   7752020-01-12
United States, Florida, Alachua, Alfred A. Ring Park, 1801 NW 23rd Blvd. 29°40'17.4"N 82°20'49.1"W. Mesic hardwood forest near Hogtown Creek. Perennial rhizomatous herb. Leaves exceeding the culms. Perigynia ellipsoid, puberulent. Pistillate scales subequaling perigynia. Stigmas 2. Plants in early flower (no mature achenes). [sect. Acrocystis].

Symphyotrichum lateriflorum (L.) Á. Löve & D. Löve
15195Alexander de la Paz   7762020-01-12
United States, Florida, Alachua, Alfred A. Ring Park, 1801 NW 23rd Blvd. 29°40'07.3"N 82°20'51.0"W. Sloping sandy bank along Hogtown Creek in mesic hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 40-70 cm. Heads radiate. Disc corolla lobes ½ - ¾ the length of the corolla limb (the flared portion above the narrow corolla tube), the lobes spreading to reflexed.

Symphyotrichum lateriflorum (L.) Á. Löve & D. Löve
15196Alexander de la Paz   7762020-01-12
United States, Florida, Alachua, Alfred A. Ring Park, 1801 NW 23rd Blvd. 29°40'07.3"N 82°20'51.0"W. Sloping sandy bank along Hogtown Creek in mesic hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 40-70 cm. Heads radiate. Disc corolla lobes ½ - ¾ the length of the corolla limb (the flared portion above the narrow corolla tube), the lobes spreading to reflexed.

Viola floridana Brainerd
15197Alexander de la Paz   7772020-01-16
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°37'58.0"N 82°22'09.0"W. Mesic hardwood forest. Perennial acaulescent herb, ca. 10-15 cm. Leaves cordate. Petals 5, pale violet distally, white proximally. Lateral petals with clavate hairs. [Viola floridana Brainerd var. floridana].

15198Alexander de la Paz   7782020-01-16
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°37'57.9"N 82°22'06.6"W. Mesic-wet hardwood forest. Perennial cespitose herb, ca. 80 cm. At least a few sheaths at base of plant with well-developed blades. Flowers borne singly on branches of inflorescence. Tepals 6. Bracteoles 2.

15199Alexander de la Paz   7792020-01-16
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°37'54.6"N 82°22'06.0"W. Disturbed edge of mesic hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 40-60 cm. Perigynia obovate, the margins winged, ca. 1.5-2.5 mm wide. Perigynium beak broadly triangular. Stigmas 2. [sect. Ovales].

Carex floridana Schwein.
15200Alexander de la Paz   7802020-01-16
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°37'58.0"N 82°22'09.0"W. Mesic hardwood forest. Perennial rhizomatous herb. Leaves exceeding the culms. Perigynia ellipsoid, puberulent. Stigmas 2. Plants in early flower (no mature achenes). [sect. Acrocystis].

15201Alexander de la Paz   7812020-01-16
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°37'57.9"N 82°22'06.6"W. Mesic-wet hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 40 cm. Culm sharply trigonous, scabrid. Scales oblanceolate, 2-keeled in the lower half (bicarinate). Achene trigonous, ellipsoid, ca. 1.2-1.5 mm long.

Cyperus surinamensis Vahl ex Kunth
15202Alexander de la Paz   7822020-01-16
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°37'54.6"N 82°22'06.0"W. Disturbed edge of mesic hardwood forest. Annual herb, ca. 40 cm. Culm terete to obtusely trigonous, scabrid. Scales 2-keeled in the lower half (bicarinate). Achene trigonous, narrowly ellipsoid.

Ilex glabra (L.) A. Gray
15203Alexander de la Paz   7832020-01-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve, CR 234/CR 2082. 29°35'46.6"N 82°13'46.8"W. Mesic pine flatwoods. Shrub, ca. 1.5 m. Leaves coriaceous, evergreen, glabrous on both surfaces, the margins crenate toward the apex. Calyx lobes 5-8. Fruit a drupe, red (immature) to black (mature), globose, pyrenes 5-8.

Sophronanthe pilosa (Michx.) Small
15204Alexander de la Paz   7842020-01-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve, CR 234/CR 2082. 29°35'46.6"N 82°13'46.8"W. Mesic pine flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 40-60 cm. Stems ascending to erect, pubescent. Leaves ovate, ca. 4-11 mm wide. Flowers and fruits sessile to subsessile. Corolla campanulate, white. Stamens 2. Fruit a capsule, ovoid, 4-valved.

Euthamia caroliniana (L.) Greene ex Porter & Britton
15205Alexander de la Paz   7852020-01-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve, CR 234/CR 2082. 29°35'46.6"N 82°13'46.8"W. Mesic pine flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Leaves linear, < 3 mm wide, gland-dotted, with axillary fascicles present. Heads radiate, in corymbose arrays. Phyllaries imbricate. Pappus of bristles, white, persistent.

15206Alexander de la Paz   7862020-01-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve, CR 234/CR 2082. 29°35'46.6"N 82°13'46.8"W. Mesic pine flatwoods. Shrub, ca. 40 cm. Rhizomatous, forming clonal colonies. Leaves evergreen, subcoriaceous, glossy dark-green, with scattered glandular hairs abaxially. Corolla urceolate, 5-lobed, white. Plants in bud to early flower.

Lycopodiella appressa (Chapm.) Cranfill
15207Alexander de la Paz   7872020-01-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve, CR 234/CR 2082. 29°36'07.7"N 82°14'12.6"W. Disturbed mesic-wet pine flatwoods/bottomland forest ecotone with seepage near a depression pond. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Horizontal sterile stems prostrate. Fertile erect branches ca. 3-6 mm wide. Peduncular leaves and sporophylls appressed.

Juncus effusus subsp. solutus (Fern. & Wieg.) L.Hamet-Ahti
15208Alexander de la Paz   7882020-01-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve, CR 234/CR 2082. 29°35'51.0"N 82°13'59.2"W. Edge of basin swamp near dry-mesic flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 120 cm. Culms terete. Sheaths at base of plant bladeless. Flowers borne singly on branches of inflorescence. Tepals 6.

15209Alexander de la Paz   7892020-01-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve, CR 234/CR 2082. 29°36'07.7"N 82°14'12.6"W. Disturbed mesic-wet pine flatwoods/bottomland forest ecotone with seepage near a depression pond. Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Leaves terete, septate. Flowers in heads (glomerules). Heads spheric or usually lobed. Tepals 6. Fruit a capsule.

Juncus canadensis J. Gay ex Laharpe
15210Alexander de la Paz   7902020-01-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve, CR 234/CR 2082. 29°36'07.7"N 82°14'12.6"W. Disturbed mesic-wet pine flatwoods/bottomland forest ecotone with seepage near a depression pond. Perennial herb, ca. 80 cm. Leaves terete, septate. Flowers in heads (glomerules). Mature seeds distinctly tailed with elongate appendages at each end.

15211Alexander de la Paz   7912020-01-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve, CR 234/CR 2082. 29°36'07.7"N 82°14'12.6"W. Disturbed mesic-wet pine flatwoods/bottomland forest ecotone with seepage near a depression pond. Perennial herb, ca. 80-120 cm. Spikelets < 5 mm long. Achene surface transversely ridged. Perianth bristles exceeding tubercle.

15212Alexander de la Paz   7912020-01-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, Prairie Creek Preserve, CR 234/CR 2082. 29°36'07.7"N 82°14'12.6"W. Disturbed mesic-wet pine flatwoods/bottomland forest ecotone with seepage near a depression pond. Perennial herb, ca. 80-120 cm. Spikelets < 5 mm long. Achene surface transversely ridged. Perianth bristles exceeding tubercle.

Page 19, records 1801-1900 of 17748

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