Dataset: PIHG
Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 32, records 3101-3200 of 17748

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry

15359Alexander De La Paz   9222020-03-07
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°07'55.0"N 82°33'55.3"W. Artificial depression marsh retention pond grading to basin swamp below scrubby flatwoods. Perennial submerged aquatic herb. Leaves with carnivorous bladder-traps. Corolla purple with yellow-white blotch.

15360Alexander De La Paz   9232020-03-07
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°07'55.3"N 82°33'54.5"W. Artificial depression marsh retention pond grading to basin swamp below scrubby flatwoods. Submerged or floating aquatic herb. Leaves filiform, branched, with carnivorous bladder-traps. Corolla yellow.

Sagittaria chapmanii (J.G. Sm.) C. Mohr
15361Alexander De La Paz   9242020-03-07
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°07'55.3"N 82°33'54.5"W. Artificial depression marsh retention pond grading to basin swamp below scrubby flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 40 cm. Leaves phyllodial or with blades. Inflorescence branched at the base. Petals 3, white.

Telmatoblechnum serrulatum (L. C. Rich.) Perrie, D. J. Ohlsen & Brownsey
15362Alexander De La Paz   9252020-03-07
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°07'55.8"N 82°33'53.0"W. Mesic hammock between artificial depression marsh retention pond and basin swamp. Perennial terrestrial herb. Leaves pinnate, the blade > 50 cm long, pinna margins serrulate. Sori 2, linear, borne on each side of the midvein.

15363Alexander De La Paz   9262020-03-07
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°07'55.8"N 82°33'53.0"W. Mesic hammock between artificial depression marsh retention pond and basin swamp. Shrub, ca. 1.5-2 m. Twigs pubescent. Leaves deciduous, abaxially pubescent. Corolla cylindric-urceolate, white. Stamens 8-10.

15364Alexander De La Paz   9272020-03-07
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°07'55.8"N 82°33'53.0"W. Mesic hammock between artificial depression marsh retention pond and basin swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 80 cm. Lowest pistillate spike erect, sessile. Perigynia glaucous, coarsely ribbed. Achene trigonous. [sect. Glaucescentes].

15365Alexander De La Paz   9282020-03-07
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°07'55.8"N 82°33'53.0"W. Mesic hammock between artificial depression marsh retention pond and basin swamp. Annual herb, ca. 10-20 cm. Lateral sepals included, the keel entire to papillate. Bracts loose, apically purplish, with erose margins.

15366Alexander De La Paz   9292020-03-07
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°08'03.8"N 82°33'49.7"W. Mesic-wet pine savanna near basin swamp. Annual herb, ca. 10-15 cm. Leaves whorled. Inflorescence racemose, thick, densely flowered. Perianth pink-purple. Wings deltoid-ovate, the apex cuspidate. Bracts persistent.

15367Alexander De La Paz   9302020-03-07
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°08'10.7"N 82°34'12.0"W. Artificial drainage ditch at edge of basin swamp and berm near Upper Tampa Bay Trail and hiking trail. Perennial stoloniferous aquatic herb, ca. 60-80 cm. Spikelets in dense spherical heads. Scales spirally arranged.

15368Alexander De La Paz   9312020-03-07
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Brooker Creek Headwaters Nature Preserve. 18102 Ramblewood Rd. 28°08'10.7"N 82°34'12.0"W. Artificial drainage ditch at edge of basin swamp and berm near Upper Tampa Bay Trail and hiking trail. Perennial stoloniferous aquatic herb, ca. 60-80 cm. Spikelets in dense spherical heads. Scales spirally arranged.

15369Alexander De La Paz   9322020-03-13
United States, Florida, Alachua, Morningside Nature Center, 3540 E University Ave. 29°39'19.4"N 82°16'24.3"W. Degraded fire-suppressed longleaf pine sandhill becoming dry-mesic oak woodlands (15B). Shrub, ca. 50 cm. Twigs pubescent. Leaves strongly white-glaucous abaxially. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla 5-lobed, white. Stamens exserted.

15370Alexander De La Paz   9332020-03-13
United States, Florida, Alachua, Morningside Nature Center, 3540 E University Ave. 29°39'14.4"N 82°16'27.8"W. Mesic flatwoods/forested slight seepage slope (16Bc, 29, 33). Shrub, ca. 1 m. Leaves deciduous (emerging), pubescent on both surfaces. Inflorescence a panicle. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla 5-lobed, urceolate, white.

15371Alexander De La Paz   9342020-03-13
United States, Florida, Alachua, Morningside Nature Center, 3540 E University Ave. 29°39'09.9"N 82°16'36.3"W. Mesic flatwoods/forested slight seepage slope (16Bc, 29, 33). Annual procumbent to ascending herb, ca. 10-20 cm. Stem pubescent. Flowers in compact clusters of 3-10. Sepals 4. Fruit a capsule. Seeds many, trigonous, black.

15372Alexander De La Paz   9352020-03-13
United States, Florida, Alachua, Morningside Nature Center, 3540 E University Ave. 29°39'18.7"N 82°16'24.4"W. Degraded fire-suppressed longleaf pine sandhill becoming dry-mesic oak woodlands (15B). Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Spikelets ca. 2.5-3 mm long, pubescent.

15373Alexander De La Paz   9362020-03-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'53.1"N 82°11'42.6"W. Mesic flatwoods near basin swamp with seepage. Perennial herb, ca. 10 cm. Leaves in a basal rosette, the upper surface with carnivorous glands. Corolla white-purple, yellow in the throat, the tube with dark red veins. Fruit a capsule.

15374Alexander De La Paz   9372020-03-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'58.6"N 82°11'31.4"W. Mesic flatwoods. Scapose carnivorous herb. Leaf bases cuneate to narrowly cuneate, margins and upper surface of blades with sensitive, gland-tipped trichomes. Scape glandular-pubescent. Flowers in 1-sided raceme. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla 5-lobed, white.

15375Alexander De La Paz   9382020-03-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'58.0"N 82°11'33.7"W. Mesic flatwoods. Scapose carnivorous herb. Leaves petiolate, the margins and upper surface of blades with sensitive, gland-tipped trichomes. Stipules prominent, fimbriate. Scape glabrous. Fruit a capsule. Seeds numerous.

15376Alexander De La Paz   9392020-03-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'58.0"N 82°11'33.7"W. Mesic flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 10-15 cm. Leaves filiform, ca. 0.3-1.2 mm wide, stiff, mostly glabrous with scattered hairs. Pedicel > 2x as long as the subtending bract. Tepals 6, yellow, > 2x as long as the ovary. Stamens 6. Ovary inferior, pubescent.

15377Alexander De La Paz   9402020-03-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'58.0"N 82°11'33.7"W. Mesic flatwoods. Perennial herb, ca. 20 cm. Stem glabrous. Leaves reduced to subulate scales, < 2 mm long. Inflorescence racemose, densely flowered, cylindrical. Perianth white. Wings obovate or elliptic-obovate. Fruit a 2-seeded capsule.

Polygala nana (Michx.) DC.
15378Alexander De La Paz   9412020-03-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'58.6"N 82°11'31.4"W. Mesic flatwoods. Biennial herb, ca. 5 cm. Roots aromatic. Leaves basal and cauline, glabrous. Inflorescence racemose, thick, densely flowered. Perianth yellow. Wings long-acuminate. Sepals long and narrow. Fruit a 2-seeded capsule.

15379Alexander De La Paz   9422020-03-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'58.0"N 82°11'33.7"W. Mesic flatwoods. Perennial rhizomatous herb, ca. 30 cm. Sheaths glabrous, the leaf blades short, rarely over 4 mm long. Spikelets ovoid, sessile in terminal clusters. Subtending involucral bract shorter than the spikelets. Plants in flower. Flowers bisexual.

2766Ed Barnard   1981-03-24
United States, Florida, Alachua, DPI greenhouse, Doyle Conner Bldg, S.W. 34th St.

15380Alexander De La Paz   9432020-03-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'58.0"N 82°11'33.7"W. Mesic flatwoods. Annual herb, ca. 10-15 cm. Spikes terminal, broadly ovoid to subglobose. Bracts loose, apically purplish, with erose margins. Lateral sepals included, the keel entire to papillate. Petals 3, yellow. Stamens 3. Staminodes 3, bearded.

Asimina reticulata Shuttlw. ex Chapm.
15381Alexander De La Paz   9432020-03-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°34'02.9"N 82°11'26.8"W. Mesic flatwoods. Shrub, ca. 1 m. Leaves coriaceous, fragrant when crushed. Flowers on growth of previous season. Sepals 3. Petals 6, in 2 whorls, outer petals white, inner petals white with a purple corrugated zone.

Gaylussacia dumosa (Andrews) Torr. & A. Gray
15382Alexander De La Paz   9452020-03-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'58.0"N 82°11'33.7"W. Mesic flatwoods. Subshrub to shrub, ca. 10-20 cm. Leaves subcoriaceous, the apex mucronate. Sepals, pedicels, bracts, and leaves stipitate-glandular and pubescent. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla 5-lobed, white, campanulate. Stamens 10.

15383Alexander De La Paz   9462020-03-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'58.0"N 82°11'33.7"W. Mesic flatwoods. Shrub, ca. 30 cm. Rhizomatous, forming clonal colonies. Leaves evergreen, subcoriaceous, glossy dark green, with scattered glandular hairs abaxially. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla 5-lobed, urceolate, white. Fruit a berry, red (immature).

15384Alexander De La Paz   9472020-03-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°34'02.9"N 82°11'26.8"W. Mesic flatwoods. Shrub, ca. 30 cm. Leaves in axillary fascicles, needlelike, glabrous, sessile, ca. 4-10 mm long. Inflorescence cymose, terminal. Carpels and styles 3. Fruit a capsule, longer than wide, ca. 6-10 mm long.

15385Alexander De La Paz   9482020-03-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'49.1"N 82°11'21.4"W. Disturbed trailside ditch through dry-mesic flatwoods near depression swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Perigynia obovate, the margins winged, ca. 1.5-2.5 mm wide. Perigynium beak broadly triangular. Achene lenticular. Stigmas 2. [sect. Ovales].

15386Alexander De La Paz   9492020-03-14
United States, Florida, Alachua, Longleaf Flatwoods Reserve, CR 325. 29°33'46.8"N 82°11'23.4"W. Disturbed trailside ditch through dry-mesic flatwoods near depression swamp. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Perigynia broadly ovate, glabrous. Bracts setaceous. Pistillate scales with awn ca. 1-3 mm long. Achene lenticular. Stigmas 2. [sect. Multiflorae].

15387Alexander De La Paz   9502020-03-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, Split Rock Conservation Area, SW 20th Ave. 29°38'02.0"N 82°24'32.4"W. Mesic hardwood forest. Annual herb, ca. 20-50 cm. Stems reclining to ascending, 4-angled, retrorse-scabrid on angles. Leaves whorled, 6-8 per node, scabrid. Sepals 4. Fruit a pair of subglobose, indehiscent carpels, dry, uncinate-hispid.

15388Alexander De La Paz   9512020-03-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, Split Rock Conservation Area, SW 20th Ave. 29°38'02.0"N 82°24'32.4"W. Mesic hardwood forest. Dioecious shrub to small tree, ca. 2-3 m. Leaves coriaceous, evergreen, the margins crenate. Flowers unisexual (staminate), in axillary fascicles. Sepals 4. Petals 4, white. Stamens 4.

15389Alexander De La Paz   9522020-03-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, Split Rock Conservation Area, SW 20th Ave. 29°38'02.0"N 82°24'32.4"W. Mesic hardwood forest. Dioecious tree, ca. 4-5 m. Leaves coriaceous, evergreen, the margins mostly entire to spinulose-dentate, the apex with a rigid spine 1 mm long or longer. Flowers unisexual (staminate). Sepals 4. Petals 4, white. Stamens 4.

15390Alexander De La Paz   9532020-03-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, Split Rock Conservation Area, SW 20th Ave. 29°38'02.0"N 82°24'32.0"W. Mesic hardwood forest. Sterile tree, ca. 4-5 m. Leaves imparipinnate, deciduous (emerging), leaflets 5-7, abaxially minutely honeycombed-reticulate, +/- whitened, pubescent. Twigs glabrous. Petiole, petiolule, rachis pubescent.

Lindernia anagallidea (Michx.) Pennell
15391Alexander De La Paz   9542020-03-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, Split Rock Conservation Area, SW 20th Ave. 29°37'54.8"N 82°24'31.7"W. Edge of large sinkhole depression marsh and swamp matrix (Haile Sink). Prostrate to procumbent annual herb. Corolla bilabiate, white. Fertile stamens 2. Pedicel longer than subtending bracteal leaves. Fruit a capsule. [Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell].

15392Alexander De La Paz   9552020-03-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, Split Rock Conservation Area, SW 20th Ave. 29°37'54.8"N 82°24'31.7"W. Edge of large sinkhole depression marsh and swamp matrix (Haile Sink). Prostrate annual monoecious herb. Flowers unisexual. Perianth absent. Fruit of four 1-seeded mericarps, the mericarps bent at an angle and thickened on one side at the base.

15393Alexander De La Paz   9562020-03-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, Split Rock Conservation Area, SW 20th Ave. 29°38'02.0"N 82°24'32.4"W. Mesic hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 30-80 cm. Lemmas terete to gibbous, ca. 8-10.1 mm long (including the callus but not the awn). Spikelets ca. 9.7-13 mm long (excluding the awn). Awns ca. 4.0-7.5 cm long.

15394Alexander De La Paz   9562020-03-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, Split Rock Conservation Area, SW 20th Ave. 29°38'02.0"N 82°24'32.4"W. Mesic hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 30-80 cm. Lemmas terete to gibbous, ca. 8-10.1 mm long (including the callus but not the awn). Spikelets ca. 9.7-13 mm long (excluding the awn). Awns ca. 4.0-7.5 cm long.

Carex floridana Schwein.
15395Alexander De La Paz   9572020-03-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, Split Rock Conservation Area, SW 20th Ave. 29°38'02.0"N 82°24'32.4"W. Mesic hardwood forest. Perennial rhizomatous herb. Leaves mostly exceeding culms. Perigynia ellipsoid, puberulent. Pistillate scales subequaling the perigynia. Stigmas 2. Achene body lenticular, ellipsoid. [sect. Acrocystis].

15396Alexander De La Paz   9582020-03-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, Split Rock Conservation Area, SW 20th Ave. 29°38'02.0"N 82°24'32.4"W. Mesic hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Pistillate scales shorter than perigynia. Perigynia narrowly ovoid, densely white-villous apically, glabrous basally. Stigmas 3. Achene trigonous, long-stipitate. [sect. Hallerianae]..

Carex retroflexa Muhl. ex Willd.
15397Alexander De La Paz   9592020-03-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, Split Rock Conservation Area, SW 20th Ave. 29°38'02.0"N 82°24'32.4"W. Mesic hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 20-30 cm. Leaves ca. 1 mm wide. Perigynia spreading to reflexed, glabrous, thickened and corky near the base. Perigynium beak smooth. Stigmas 2. Achene lenticular. [sect. Phaestoglochin].

Carex paeninsulae Naczi, E.L. Bridges & Orzell
15398Alexander De La Paz   9602020-03-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, Split Rock Conservation Area, SW 20th Ave. 29°38'02.0"N 82°24'32.4"W. Mesic hardwood forest. Perennial herb, loosely cespitose, ca. 30 cm. Culm bases purple-red. Perigynia narrowly obovoid, with numerous impressed veins. Pistillate scale midrib prolonged as awn. Achene trigonous. [sect. Griseae].

15399Alexander De La Paz   9612020-03-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, Split Rock Conservation Area, SW 20th Ave. 29°37'54.8"N 82°24'31.7"W. Edge of large sinkhole depression marsh and swamp matrix (Haile Sink). Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Perigynia obovate, the margins winged, ca. 1.5-2.5 mm wide. Perigynium beak broadly triangular. Achene lenticular. Stigmas 2. [sect. Ovales].

9790Patti J. Anderson   2007-922007-07-17
United States, Florida, Broward, Parking Lot, Fountains Mall, 801 South University Drive. Cultivated tree to 12 m; bark dark gray; young twigs scurfy-pubescent. Terminal buds 2.5 - 5 cm long, densely rusty-pubescent.

Carex stipata var. maxima Chapm. ex Boott
15400Alexander De La Paz   9622020-03-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, Split Rock Conservation Area, SW 20th Ave. 29°37'54.8"N 82°24'31.7"W. Edge of large sinkhole depression marsh and swamp matrix (Haile Sink). Perennial herb, ca. 30-50 cm (still developing). Plants in early flower. Ventral leaf sheaths transversely rugose. Perigynia glabrous, the beak serrulate. Stigmas 2. [sect. Vulpinae].

15401Alexander De La Paz   9632020-03-17
United States, Florida, Alachua, Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, SW 20th Ave. 29°38'08.4"N 82°22'07.7"W. Weed in disturbed lawn. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Leaves in basal rosette, runcinate. Heads liguliflorous, solitary, terminal. Corolla yellow. Cypselae beaked, the faces muricate. Pappus of white capillary bristles.

15402Alexander De La Paz   9632020-03-17
United States, Florida, Alachua, Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, SW 20th Ave. 29°38'08.4"N 82°22'07.7"W. Weed in disturbed lawn. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Leaves in basal rosette, runcinate. Heads liguliflorous, solitary, terminal. Corolla yellow. Cypselae beaked, the faces muricate. Pappus of white capillary bristles.

15403Alexander De La Paz   9642020-03-17
United States, Florida, Alachua, FDACS DPI, Doyle Conner Building, 1911 SW 34th St. 29°38'05.2"N 82°22'15.2"W. Growing in DPI botany greenhouse, grown from seed. Original Sample Number: B2019-865. Weed growing wild on rock near agriculture field. 18755 SW 147th Ave, Miami. Herb, ca. 20-30 cm. Fruit a schizocarp, enclosed by persistent, inflated calyx.

11451Patti J. Anderson   2013-10-01
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden, 10901 Old Cutler Road.

15404Alexander De La Paz   9652020-03-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°38'01.2"N 82°22'04.5"W. Depression marsh within artificial retention basin complex – Stormwater Ecological Enhancement Project (SEEP). Prostrate perennial herb. Flowers solitary in leaf axils. Corolla bilabiate, white-pink. Stamens 4.

15405Alexander De La Paz   9652020-03-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°38'01.2"N 82°22'04.5"W. Depression marsh within artificial retention basin complex – Stormwater Ecological Enhancement Project (SEEP). Prostrate perennial herb. Flowers solitary in leaf axils. Corolla bilabiate, white-pink. Stamens 4.

15406Alexander De La Paz   9662020-03-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL East), Natural Area Dr. 29°37'58.9"N 82°21'58.8"W. Mesic hardwood forest. Sterile tree, ca. 6 m. Leaves imparipinnate, deciduous (emerging), leaflets 5-7, abaxially minutely honeycombed-reticulate, +/- whitened, pubescent.

15407Alexander De La Paz   9672020-03-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL East), Natural Area Dr. 29°37'54.0"N 82°21'56.8"W. Bottomland forest surrounding depression marsh (Central Marsh). Perennial herb, ca. 15-30 cm. Leaves ca. 3-8 mm wide. Tepals 6, yellow. Stamens 6. Ovary inferior, pubescent. Seeds muricate.

15408Alexander De La Paz   9682020-03-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL East), Natural Area Dr. 29°37'54.0"N 82°21'56.8"W. Bottomland forest surrounding depression marsh (Central Marsh). Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Achene smooth, white, hypogynium surface with laterally flattened and apically triangular-acute to acuminate papillae.

Carex stipata var. maxima Chapm. ex Boott
15409Alexander De La Paz   9692020-03-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL East), Natural Area Dr. 29°37'54.0"N 82°21'56.8"W. Bottomland forest surrounding depression marsh (Central Marsh). Perennial herb, ca. 60-90 cm. Plants in early flower. Ventral leaf sheaths transversely rugose. Perigynia glabrous. Stigmas 2. [sect. Vulpinae].

15410Alexander De La Paz   9702020-03-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL East), Natural Area Dr. 29°37'53.8"N 82°21'52.9"W. Depression marsh (Central Marsh). Perennial herb, ca. 60-90 cm. Plants in early flower. Perigynia narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, the beak bidentate, the teeth outcurved. Stigmas 3. [sect. Vesicariae].

Carex lupuliformis Sartwell ex Dewey
15411Alexander De La Paz   9712020-03-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°38'01.2"N 82°22'04.5"W. Edge of pond within retention basin complex (SEEP). Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Plants in early flower. Perigynia glabrous, ascending, lance-ovoid, the beak bidentate. Stigmas 3. [sect. Lupulinae].

Dyschoriste oblongifolia (Michx.) Kuntze
15412Alexander De La Paz   9722020-03-18
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°38'01.5"N 82°22'12.4"W. Sandhill (recently burned). Perennial herb, ca. 15 cm. Flowers axillary, solitary. Calyx lobes 5, linear-aristate. Corolla tubular, 5-lobed, purple, 25-27 mm long. Stamens 4, anther sacs awned.

Phlox pilosa subsp. detonsa (A. Gray) Wherry
15413Alexander De La Paz   9732020-03-20
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°37'53.4"N 82°22'13.8"W. Edge of sandhill near mesic hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 50-60 cm. Flowers in terminal cyme. Calyx 5-lobed, glandular-pubescent. Corolla salverform, 5-lobed, light pink. Stamens 5, included.

15414Alexander De La Paz   9742020-03-20
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°38'00.3"N 82°22'12.2"W. Sandhill (recently burned). Perennial suffrutescent herb, ca. 50 cm. Stem armed with small prickles. Leaves pinnately 3-foliate, the leaflets 3-lobed. Corolla papilionaceous, red, elongate. Stamens diadelphous.

15415Alexander De La Paz   9752020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'43.9"N 82°29'51.3"W. Mesic flatwoods (former pine plantation in restoration) near parking lot. Perennial herb, ca. 1 m. Stem glabrous. Leaves palmately 3-foliate, the leaflets glabrous. Inflorescence racemose. Pedicels ebracteolate. Corolla papilionaceous, white, ca. 20-25 mm long.

15416Alexander De La Paz   9752020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'43.9"N 82°29'51.3"W. Mesic flatwoods (former pine plantation in restoration) near parking lot. Perennial herb, ca. 1 m. Stem glabrous. Leaves palmately 3-foliate, the leaflets glabrous. Inflorescence racemose. Pedicels ebracteolate. Corolla papilionaceous, white, ca. 20-25 mm long.

15417Alexander De La Paz   9762020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'39.2"N 82°29'50.7"W. Disturbed trailside ditch in mesic flatwoods (former pine plantation in restoration) near parking lot. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Flowers 2-3 mm wide. Pedicels with a minute bract near the middle. Corolla 5-lobed, white. Stamens 5, staminodes 5. Fruit a capsule, globose.

Wahlenbergia marginata (Thunb.) A. DC.
15418Alexander De La Paz   9772020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'39.2"N 82°29'50.7"W. Disturbed trailside ditch in mesic flatwoods (former pine plantation in restoration) near parking lot. Erect herb, ca. 20-50 cm. Hypanthium ellipsoid or ovoid, 1.5-3 mm long at anthesis, up to 7.5 mm in fruit. Corolla 5-lobed, blue-purple. Fruit a capsule.

15419Alexander De La Paz   9782020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'24.6"N 82°30'33.8"W. Edge of mesic hardwood forest near mesic flatwoods (former pine plantation in restoration), with calcareous influence due to overlaid shells/limestone. Erect herb, ca. 15 cm. Corolla funnelform, 5-lobed, white. Fruit 3-loculate (2 sterile, 1 fertile).

Cartrema americanum (L.) G. L. Nesom
15420Alexander De La Paz   9792020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'36.8"N 82°29'52.8"W. Edge of mesic mixed hardwood forest near Townsend Branch and mesic flatwoods (former pine plantation in restoration). Tree, ca. 5 m. Leaves evergreen, coriaceous, glabrous. Inflorescence axillary, paniculate. Plant in bud. Bracts 2.

Symplocos tinctoria (L.) L'Hér.
15421Alexander De La Paz   9802020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'34.7"N 82°29'57.8"W. Edge of mesic mixed hardwood forest near Townsend Branch and mesic flatwoods (former pine plantation in restoration). Shrub to small tree, ca. 3-4 m. Flowers in axillary fascicles. Corolla 5-lobed, white-yellow. Stamens numerous, adnate to the corolla. Ovary inferior.

Symplocos tinctoria (L.) L'Hér.
15422Alexander De La Paz   9802020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'34.7"N 82°29'57.8"W. Edge of mesic mixed hardwood forest near Townsend Branch and mesic flatwoods (former pine plantation in restoration). Shrub to small tree, ca. 3-4 m. Flowers in axillary fascicles. Corolla 5-lobed, white-yellow. Stamens numerous, adnate to the corolla. Ovary inferior.

15423Alexander De La Paz   9812020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'25.5"N 82°30'31.7"W. Edge of mesic hardwood forest near mesic flatwoods (former pine plantation in restoration). Shrub to small tree, ca. 2-3 m. Leaves coriaceous, abaxially glandular-pubescent. Inflorescence racemose. Corolla campanulate, 5-lobed, white. Stamens included.

Lyonia ferruginea (Walter) Nutt.
15424Alexander De La Paz   9822020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'28.0"N 82°30'31.8"W. Edge of mesic hardwood forest near mesic flatwoods (former pine plantation in restoration). Shrub to small tree, ca. 2-3 m. Leaves coriaceous, abaxially stipitate-peltate with rusty scales, the margins revolute. Corolla urceolate, 5-lobed, white.

Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott
15425Alexander De La Paz   9832020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'15.6"N 82°30'21.2"W. Mesic mixed hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Leaf palmately 3-foliate. Spathe hood green, striped, long-acute. Spadix included in spathe. Sterile spadix (appendix) 4-10 mm wide, cylindrical to clavate, straight. Flowers unisexual. Perianth absent.

15426Alexander De La Paz   9842020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'15.6"N 82°30'21.2"W. Mesic mixed hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 50 cm. Leaves ca. 3 mm wide. Proximal sheaths red-purple. Inflorescences axillary and terminal. Achene body smooth, white, the base with hypogynium with 8-9 tubercles, the tubercle surface minutely papillate.

15427Alexander De La Paz   9852020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'27.9"N 82°30'00.4"W. Mesic mixed hardwood forest near Townsend Branch. Perennial herb, ca. 40 cm. Sheaths red-purple, the ventral surface uniformly pubescent. Achene body smooth, white, hypogynium surface with laterally flattened and apically triangular-acute to acuminate papillae.

15428Alexander De La Paz   9862020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'27.1"N 82°30'13.3"W. Mesic mixed hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Pistillate scales shorter than perigynia. Perigynia narrowly ovoid, densely white-villous apically, glabrous basally. Stigmas 3. Achene trigonous, long-stipitate. [sect. Hallerianae].

15429Alexander De La Paz   9872020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'27.1"N 82°30'13.3"W. Mesic mixed hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 40-50 cm. Leaves +/- glaucous-green. Perigynia fusiform, glabrous, the apex straight to slightly excurved. Pistillate spikes loosely flowered. Terminal spike with long peduncle. Achene trigonous. [sect. Laxiflorae].

Carex floridana Schwein.
15430Alexander De La Paz   9882020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'15.6"N 82°30'21.2"W. Mesic mixed hardwood forest. Perennial rhizomatous herb. Culms red-brown at base. Leaves mostly exceeding culms. Perigynia ellipsoid, puberulent. Pistillate scales subequaling the perigynia. Stigmas 2. Achene body lenticular, ellipsoid. [sect. Acrocystis].

Carex digitalis var. floridana (L.H. Bailey) Naczi & Bryson
15431Alexander De La Paz   9892020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'15.6"N 82°30'21.2"W. Mesic mixed hardwood forest. Perennial herb, ca. 20-30 cm. Perigynia obovoid, the faces +/- flat, the apex excurved. Achene trigonous. [sect. Careyanae].

15432Alexander De La Paz   9902020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'45.8"N 82°29'50.0"W. Mesic flatwoods (former pine plantation in restoration) near parking lot. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Perigynia broadly ovate, glabrous. Bracts setaceous. Pistillate scales with awn ca. 1-3 mm long. Achene lenticular. Stigmas 2. [sect. Multiflorae].

15433Alexander De La Paz   9912020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'15.6"N 82°30'21.2"W. Mesic mixed hardwood forest. Tree, ca. 15 m. Bark gray, smooth. Leaves deciduous (emerging), the margins dentate, the secondary veins neatly pinnate, the surfaces with scattered straight silky hairs. No flowers or fruits present.

Pinus glabra Walter
15434Alexander De La Paz   9922020-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Mill Creek Preserve, NW CR 236. 29°52'16.0"N 82°30'33.5"W. Mesic mixed hardwood forest. Tree, ca. 20 m. Bark tight, closely ridged, not sloughing off, reminiscent of a hardwood. Needles in fascicles of 2, ca. 4-8 cm long. Ovulate cones solitary or in clusters of 2-3, ovate to globose, ca. 3-5 cm long.

Arenaria lanuginosa (Michx.) Rohrb.
15435Alexander De La Paz   9932020-03-22
United States, Florida, Alachua, Split Rock Conservation Area, SW 20th Ave. 29°38'10.3"N 82°24'35.0"W. Limestone outcrop in mesic hardwood forest at edge of large sinkhole depression marsh and swamp matrix (Haile Sink). Perennial herb, ca. 30-40 cm. Stems reclining over outcrop. Sepals 5, green with hyaline margins. Petals absent or fallen off.

15436Alexander De La Paz   9942020-03-24
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°38'06.0"N 82°22'04.1"W. Depression marsh within artificial retention basin complex – Stormwater Ecological Enhancement Project (SEEP). Ascending to decumbent perennial herb. Leaves whorled, 4-6 per node. Corolla lobes 3-4.

15437Alexander De La Paz   9942020-03-24
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°38'06.0"N 82°22'04.1"W. Depression marsh within artificial retention basin complex – Stormwater Ecological Enhancement Project (SEEP). Ascending to decumbent perennial herb. Leaves whorled, 4-6 per node. Corolla lobes 3-4.

Ludwigia palustris (L.) Elliott
15438Alexander De La Paz   9952020-03-24
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°38'06.0"N 82°22'04.1"W. Depression marsh within artificial retention basin complex – Stormwater Ecological Enhancement Project (SEEP). Prostrate perennial herb. Floral tubes and capsules with 4 longitudinal dark green bands. Sepals 4.

15439Alexander De La Paz   9962020-03-24
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°38'06.0"N 82°22'04.1"W. Depression marsh within artificial retention basin complex – Stormwater Ecological Enhancement Project (SEEP). Perennial herb, ca. 40 cm. Tepals 6, fused, funnelform, purple with yellow spot on distal central lobe.

15440Alexander De La Paz   9972020-03-24
United States, Florida, Alachua

Zizaniopsis miliacea (Michx.) Döll & Asch.
15441Alexander De La Paz   9982020-03-24
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°38'06.0"N 82°22'04.1"W. Depression marsh within artificial retention basin complex – Stormwater Ecological Enhancement Project (SEEP). Perennial herb, ca. 2-3 m. Pistillate and staminate spikelets intermingled on same branches.

Carex lupuliformis Sartwell ex Dewey
15442Alexander De La Paz   9992020-03-24
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°38'06.0"N 82°22'04.1"W. Depression marsh within artificial retention basin complex – Stormwater Ecological Enhancement Project (SEEP). Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Perigynia glabrous, ascending, lance-ovoid. [sect. Lupulinae]..

12838Gregg D. Farina s.n.   2016-10-18
United States, California, Orlando: FedEx interception. Origin: Shipper: Camflor, Inc, 2364 Riverside Rd, Watsonville, CA 95076. Native to SW Europe and N Africa. Used in cut flower arrangements. Colors salmon pink to light green. drumstick plant; pincushion flower

Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C. C. Gmel.) Palla
15443Alexander De La Paz   10002020-03-24
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°38'06.0"N 82°22'04.1"W. Depression marsh within artificial retention basin complex – Stormwater Ecological Enhancement Project (SEEP). Perennial herb, ca. 1 m. Culms terete. Spikelets obtuse. Perianth bristles 6, retrorsely barbed.

Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C. C. Gmel.) Palla
15444Alexander De La Paz   10002020-03-24
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°38'06.0"N 82°22'04.1"W. Depression marsh within artificial retention basin complex – Stormwater Ecological Enhancement Project (SEEP). Perennial herb, ca. 1 m. Culms terete. Spikelets obtuse. Perianth bristles 6, retrorsely barbed.

15445Alexander De La Paz   10012020-03-24
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL), Natural Area Dr. 29°38'06.0"N 82°22'04.1"W. Depression marsh within artificial retention basin complex – Stormwater Ecological Enhancement Project (SEEP). Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Culm sharply trigonous, scabrous. Scales 2-keeled. Achene trigonous.

Symphyotrichum pilosum (Willd.) G.L. Nesom
10925J. Mikaela Anderson   2011-10-14
United States, Florida, Santa Rosa, Syn. Aster pilosus Willd.

15446Alexander De La Paz   10022020-03-25
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida campus, University Gardens, S of Museum Rd, E of Lake Alice, W of Lake Alice Field. 29°38'37.0"N 82°21'22.7"W. Mesic hardwood forest near bottomland forest and floodplain forest. Biennial herb, ca. 40 cm. Leaves palmately compound, the leaflets 3-5. Fruit a schizocarp, with hooked bristles.

15447Alexander De La Paz   10032020-03-25
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida campus, University Gardens, S of Museum Rd, E of Lake Alice, W of Lake Alice Field. 29°38'37.0"N 82°21'22.7"W. Mesic hardwood forest near bottomland forest and floodplain forest. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Pistillate scales mostly awned. Perigynia ca. 3.5 mm long. [sect. Laxiflorae].

Carex oxylepis Torr. & Hook.
15448Alexander De La Paz   10042020-03-25
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida campus, University Gardens, S of Museum Rd, E of Lake Alice, W of Lake Alice Field. 29°38'37.0"N 82°21'22.7"W. Bottomland forest near floodplain forest. Perennial herb, ca. 30-70 cm. Leaves pilose. Terminal spike gynecandrous. Perigynia glabrous. Achene trigonous. [sect. Hymenochlaenae].

Carex oxylepis Torr. & Hook.
15449Alexander De La Paz   10042020-03-25
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida campus, University Gardens, S of Museum Rd, E of Lake Alice, W of Lake Alice Field. 29°38'37.0"N 82°21'22.7"W. Bottomland forest near floodplain forest. Perennial herb, ca. 30-70 cm. Leaves pilose. Terminal spike gynecandrous. Perigynia glabrous. Achene trigonous. [sect. Hymenochlaenae].

15450Alexander De La Paz   10052020-03-25
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida campus, University Gardens, S of Museum Rd, E of Lake Alice, W of Lake Alice Field. 29°38'39.7"N 82°21'29.5"W. Wet disturbed lawn at edge of bottomland forest near floodplain forest. Herb, ca. 30 cm. Petals 5, yellow. Fruit an aggregate of achenes. Achene faces with stout spines.

15451Alexander De La Paz   10062020-03-25
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida campus, University Gardens, S of Museum Rd, E of Lake Alice, W of Lake Alice Field. 29°38'39.7"N 82°21'29.5"W. Wet disturbed lawn at edge of bottomland forest near floodplain forest. Annual herb, ca. 20-30 cm. Calyx 4-lobed. Corolla 4-lobed, white. Fruit a capsule, compressed, the apex notched.

15452Alexander De La Paz   10072020-03-25
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida campus, University Gardens, S of Museum Rd, E of Lake Alice, W of Lake Alice Field. 29°38'39.7"N 82°21'29.5"W. Wet disturbed lawn at edge of bottomland forest near floodplain forest. Prostrate herb. Leaf margins hyaline and dentate-serrate. [Lycopodioides ludovicianum (A. Braun) Kuntze].

15453Alexander De La Paz   10082020-03-25
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida campus, Harmonic Woods, N of Museum Rd, W of Fraternity Dr, NE of Lake Alice. 29°38'47.1"N 82°21'31.4"W. Rich sloping mesic mixed hardwood forest. Annual, vine-like herb, sprawling to climbing (erect when young). Tendrils present. Flowers unisexual (male). Tepals 6. Stamens 6.

Page 32, records 3101-3200 of 17748

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