Dataset: PIHG
Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 36, records 3501-3600 of 17748

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry

15749Alexander De La Paz   11972020-05-05
United States, Florida, Alachua, SW 75th St/SW 8th Ave. 29°38'27.5"N 82°25'09.6"W. Disturbed open field (sandhill/mesic hardwood forest remnant) with radio towers, periodically mowed. Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Mid and upper stem glandular-pubescent. Corolla tubular, 5-lobed, light pink with dark purple nectar guides. Stamens 4. Fruit a capsule.

15750Alexander De La Paz   11972020-05-05
United States, Florida, Alachua, SW 75th St/SW 8th Ave. 29°38'27.5"N 82°25'09.6"W. Disturbed open field (sandhill/mesic hardwood forest remnant) with radio towers, periodically mowed. Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Mid and upper stem glandular-pubescent. Corolla tubular, 5-lobed, light pink with dark purple nectar guides. Stamens 4. Fruit a capsule.

15751Alexander De La Paz   11982020-05-05
United States, Florida, Alachua, SW 75th St/SW 8th Ave. 29°38'27.5"N 82°25'09.6"W. Disturbed open field (sandhill/mesic hardwood forest remnant) with radio towers, periodically mowed. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Stem procumbent proximally, weakly climbing distally, hairs mostly spreading. Corolla dark pink. Inflorescence tip villous. Immature fruit villous.

Tephrosia florida (F.G. Dietr.) C.E. Wood
15752Alexander De La Paz   11992020-05-05
United States, Florida, Alachua, SW 75th St/SW 8th Ave. 29°38'27.5"N 82°25'09.6"W. Disturbed open field (sandhill/mesic hardwood forest remnant) with radio towers, periodically mowed. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Stem prostrate to weakly ascending. Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets 11-13, petiole ca. 2x as long as lowest leaflet. Corolla maroon.

15753Alexander De La Paz   12002020-05-05
United States, Florida, Alachua, SW 75th St/SW 8th Ave. 29°38'27.5"N 82°25'09.6"W. Disturbed open field (sandhill/mesic hardwood forest remnant) with radio towers, periodically mowed. Perennial herb, ca. 40 cm. Culms and leaves ciliate. Terminal inflorescence primary bract ca. 2.5-3 mm wide. Achene white, papillose. Hypogynium of 3 tubercles.

Verbena incompta P.W.Michael
15754Alexander De La Paz   12012020-05-05
United States, Florida, Alachua, SW 75th St/SW 8th Ave. 29°38'27.5"N 82°25'09.6"W. Disturbed open field (sandhill/mesic hardwood forest remnant) with radio towers, periodically mowed. Erect herb, ca. 1 m. Stem 4-angled. Leaves basally clasping, the margins toothed. Spikes short and stout. Flowers overlapping. Corolla purple, the tube ca. 3 mm long.

15755Alexander De La Paz   12022020-05-05
United States, Florida, Alachua, SW 75th St/SW 8th Ave. 29°38'27.5"N 82°25'09.6"W. Disturbed open field (sandhill/mesic hardwood forest remnant) with radio towers, periodically mowed. Perennial herb, ca. 20 cm. Stem and leaves glandular-pubescent. Calyx 5-lobed, persistent, inflated. Corolla 5-lobed, yellow. Anthers ca. 3 mm long.

Tephrosia hispidula (Michx.) Pers.
15756Alexander De La Paz   12032020-05-07
United States, Florida, Alachua, Morningside Nature Center, 3540 E University Ave. 29°39'08.3"N 82°16'42.2"W. Longleaf pine sandhill/mesic flatwoods ecotone (16Ab). Perennial herb, ca. 40 cm. Stem decumbent to weakly ascending. Plants inconspicuously pubescent with gray hairs. Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets 13-19. Corolla maroon.

15757Alexander De La Paz   12042020-05-07
United States, Florida, Alachua, Morningside Nature Center, 3540 E University Ave. 29°39'10.6"N 82°16'43.3"W. Longleaf pine sandhill (16Ab). Perennial herb, ca. 10-15 cm. Stem erect, pubescent. Leaves unifoliate, reniform. Inflorescence a congested raceme. Corolla yellow, papilionaceous, subequaling the calyx in length.

15758Alexander De La Paz   12062020-05-07
United States, Florida, Alachua, Morningside Nature Center, 3540 E University Ave. 29°39'10.6"N 82°16'43.3"W. Longleaf pine sandhill (16Ab). Perennial herb, ca. 60-100 cm. Stem prostrate to weakly scandent, strigose with antrorsely appressed hairs. Leaves pinnately 3-foliate, with conspicuous adaxial reticulate venation. Corolla pink.

15759Alexander de la Paz   12072020-05-07
United States, Florida, Alachua, Morningside Nature Center, 3540 E University Ave. 29°39'10.6"N 82°16'43.3"W. Longleaf pine sandhill (16Ab). Perennial herb, ca. 30-40 cm. Stem prostrate, pubescent. Leaves ca. 2.5-3 cm long, ca. 4-6 mm wide, ca. 5-6x as long as wide. Sepals 5, moderately villous to glabrate. Corolla white, funnelform.

15760Alexander De La Paz   12082020-05-07
United States, Florida, Alachua, Morningside Nature Center, 3540 E University Ave. 29°39'10.6"N 82°16'43.3"W. Longleaf pine sandhill (16Ab). Perennial herb, ca. 60-70 cm. Leaves tightly involute. Inflorescence an open panicle, the branches verticillate and whorled. Spikelets ca. 2.5-4 mm long, red-purple.

15761Alexander De La Paz   12092020-05-07
United States, Florida, Alachua, Morningside Nature Center, 3540 E University Ave. 29°39'10.6"N 82°16'43.3"W. Longleaf pine sandhill (16Ab). Perennial herb, ca. 90 cm. Peduncles longer than subtending raceme sheaths at maturity, racemes fully exserted above apex of raceme sheath. Racemes ca. 5-5.5 cm long. Spikelets ca. 4.5 mm long.

15762Alexander De La Paz   
United States, Florida, Gadsden, detailed locality information protected

15763Alexander De La Paz   
United States, Florida, Okaloosa, detailed locality information protected

15764Alexander De La Paz   
United States, Florida, Okaloosa, detailed locality information protected

Rhynchospora compressa Carey ex Chapm.
15765Alexander De La Paz   
United States, Florida, Okaloosa, detailed locality information protected

15766Alexander De La Paz   
United States, Florida, Okaloosa, detailed locality information protected

Rhynchospora galeana Naczi, W. Knapp & Gerry Moore
15767Alexander De La Paz   12142020-05-09
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'04.3"N 82°37'56.9"W. Edge of depression marsh in mesic-wet pine savanna near cypress dome. Perennial herb, ca. 20-30 cm. Culms and leaves filiform. Spikelets 1-5, remote on slender branches. Perianth bristles plumose, < ½ as long as achene body.

Bartonia virginica (L.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
15768Alexander De La Paz   12152020-05-09
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'04.3"N 82°37'56.9"W. Edge of depression marsh in mesic-wet pine savanna near cypress dome. Annual herb, ca. 20-30 cm. Leaves scale-like, appressed to stem. Inflorescence branches ascending. Sepals 4. Petals 4, creamy white-yellow, erect-ascending.

Rhynchospora rariflora (Michx.) Elliott
15769Alexander De La Paz   12162020-05-09
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'04.3"N 82°37'56.9"W. Edge of depression marsh in mesic-wet pine savanna near cypress dome. Perennial herb, ca. 20-30 cm. Culms and leaves filiform. Spikelets widely spaced. Achene body surface transversely ridged. Perianth bristles shorter than achene body.

Rhynchospora pusilla Chapm. ex M.A. Curtis
15770Alexander De La Paz   12172020-05-09
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'04.3"N 82°37'56.9"W. Edge of depression marsh in mesic-wet pine savanna near cypress dome. Perennial herb, ca. 20-25 cm. Culms and leaves filiform. Achene body surface transversely ridged, ca. 0.6-0.9 mm long. Perianth bristles absent. Tubercle buttonlike.

15771Alexander De La Paz   12182020-05-09
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'05.0"N 82°37'55.9"W. Depression marsh in mesic-wet pine savanna near cypress dome. Perennial herb, ca. 50 cm. Leaves filiform. Achene body surface smooth, with pale center. Perianth bristles equaling or exceeding tubercle. Tubercle margins setose.

15772Alexander De La Paz   12192020-05-09
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'05.0"N 82°37'55.9"W. Depression marsh in mesic-wet pine savanna near cypress dome. Perennial herb, ca. 70 cm. Leaves +/- filiform. Achene body surface smooth. Perianth bristles equaling or exceeding achene body. Tubercle narrowed above base into strap-like beak.

Pediomelum canescens (Michx.) Rydb.
15773Alexander De La Paz   12202020-05-12
United States, Florida, Alachua, Morningside Nature Center, 3540 E University Ave. 29°39'16.2"N 82°16'44.4"W. Longleaf pine sandhill (16Aa). Perennial herb, ca. 60 cm. Leaves palmately 3-foliate, upper often 1- or 2-foliate, leaflets glabrous adaxially, canescent abaxially, both surfaces glandular-punctate. Corolla purple marked with yellowish green.

Asemeia violacea (Aubl.) J.F.B. Pastore & J.R. Abbott
15774Alexander De La Paz   12212020-05-12
United States, Florida, Alachua, Morningside Nature Center, 3540 E University Ave. 29°39'16.2"N 82°16'44.4"W. Longleaf pine sandhill (16Aa). Erect herb, ca. 30-40 cm. Leaves linear-lanceolate. Inflorescence a loose terminal raceme. Flowers pink. Sepals 5, lateral ones (wings) petaloid. Petals 3, lower one (keel) blunt, lacking terminal crest or beak.

15775Alexander De La Paz   12232020-05-12
United States, Florida, Alachua, Morningside Nature Center, 3540 E University Ave. 29°39'16.2"N 82°16'44.4"W. Longleaf pine sandhill (16Aa). Perennial rhizomatous herb, ca. 20 cm. Stem hairs stellate-pubescent. Leaves ovate-elliptic, stellate-pubescent. Calyx 5-lobed, stellate pubescent. Corolla 5-lobed, yellow with 5 brown markings in throat.

15776Alexander De La Paz   12242020-05-12
United States, Florida, Alachua, Morningside Nature Center, 3540 E University Ave. 29°39'13.6"N 82°16'43.4"W. Longleaf pine sandhill (16Aa). Perennial herb, ca. 40-80 cm. Spikelets ca. 4-5 mm long. Achene tumidly obovoid, the body surface finely transversely ridged. Perianth bristles equaling achene body. Tubercle low conic with rim at base.

15777Alexander De La Paz   12252020-05-09
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'04.3"N 82°37'56.9"W. Edge of depression marsh in mesic-wet pine savanna near cypress dome. Perennial herb, ca. 70 cm. Culm sharply trigonous. Achene body surface smooth. Perianth bristles 12, equaling to exceeding the achene body. Tubercle conical.

Rhynchospora inundata (Oakes) Fernald
15778Alexander De La Paz   12262020-05-09
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'10.7"N 82°37'47.8"W. Cypress depression swamp near mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial rhizomatous herb, ca. 1 m. Achene body stipitate, obovoid to oblong, compressed. Tubercle ca. 10-15 mm long, setulose. Perianth bristles exceeding achene body.

Rhynchospora microcarpa Baldwin ex A. Gray
15779Alexander De La Paz   12272020-05-09
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'10.7"N 82°37'47.8"W. Cypress depression swamp near mesic-wet pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 1 m. Achene body slightly biconvex, the surface transversely ridged. Perianth bristles equaling tubercle. Tubercle deltoid, the base flat, the margins smooth.

15780Alexander De La Paz   12282020-05-09
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'03.9"N 82°37'59.6"W. Dry-mesic pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Leaves ca. 1 mm wide, filiform, involute. Spikelets broadly fusiform to ovoid. Achene body surface transversely ridged. Perianth bristles plumose, equaling tubercle. Tubercle conic.

Rhynchospora intermedia (Chapm.) Britton
15781Alexander De La Paz   12292020-05-09
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'03.9"N 82°37'59.6"W. Dry-mesic pine savanna. Perennial herb, ca. 30-40 cm. Leaves ca. 1.5-2 mm wide, slightly involute. Achene body surface transversely ridged. Perianth bristles plumose. Tubercle broadly conic. [Rhynchospora pineticola C. B. Clarke].

15782Alexander De La Paz   12302020-05-09
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°09'36.7"N 82°38'25.4"W. Longleaf pine sandhill near xeric hammock. Perennial herb, ca. 60-70 cm. Achene tumidly obovoid, the body surface finely transversely ridged. Perianth bristles ca. ½ the length of the achene body or more. Tubercle low conic with rim at base.

15783Alexander De La Paz   12312020-05-09
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Lake Dan Nature Preserve. 19116 Huckavalle Road. 28°10'05.0"N 82°37'55.9"W. Depression marsh in mesic-wet pine savanna near cypress dome. Perennial herb, ca. 30-40 cm. Achene white-gray, trigonous, ovoid, ca. 2-3 mm long, glabrous, without hypogynium, the base with a pair of granulose pits on each side.

15784Alexander De La Paz   12322020-05-16
United States, Florida, Alachua, Forest Park, 4501 SW 20th Ave. 29°38'10.7"N 82°23'33.8"W. Floodplain forest along Hogtown Creek. Perennial scandent vine. Leaves opposite, compound, the leaflets membranous, indistinctly reticulate. Flower solitary on long, ebracteate peduncle. Sepals 4, petaloid, blue-purple. Stamens numerous. Carpels numerous.

15785Alexander De La Paz   12332020-05-16
United States, Florida, Alachua, Forest Park, 4501 SW 20th Ave. 29°37'57.9"N 82°23'41.9"W. Floodplain forest along Hogtown Creek. Tree, ca. 10-12 m, with single trunk somewhat buttressed at base. Leaves imparipinnate, the leaflets 5-7, abaxially minutely honeycombed-reticulate, +/- whitened. Samaras ca. 40-45 mm long, the wings arising near base of body.

15786Alexander De La Paz   12342020-05-16
United States, Florida, Alachua, Forest Park, 4501 SW 20th Ave. 29°37'57.9"N 82°23'41.9"W. Floodplain forest along Hogtown Creek. Growing on fallen log. Perennial herb, ca. 40-50 cm. Perigynia obovate, ca. 4 mm long, ca. 3 mm wide, the margins winged. Pistillate scales with apex acuminate with subulate or awned tip. Achene lenticular. [sect. Ovales].

Lasianthaea fruticosa (L.) K.M.Becker
15787   7682006-01-14
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, The Kampong of the National Tropical Botanical Garden, 4013 S Douglas Rd. Along SW fenceline behind the tool trailer (plot G-10). Cultivated in botanical garden. Shrub 8 ft high sprawling over fence. Ray flowers bright yellow, disc flowers golden yellow.

Ritchiea reflexa (Thonn. & Schum.) Gilg & Gilg-Ben.
15788   7772006-03-16
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, The Kampong of the National Tropical Botanical Garden, 4013 S Douglas Rd. On trellis on SW wall of Sausage Tree Cottage (plot K-2). Cultivated in botanical garden. Woody vine climbing 15 ft high on trellis. Leaves coriaceous with a purplish petiole. Petals greenish white. Stamens numerous, white.

15789   7802006-03-16
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, The Kampong of the National Tropical Botanical Garden, 4013 S Douglas Rd (plot L-8). Widespread weed throughout the Kampong. Collected in bed between Barbour Cottage and Main House. Erect rhizomatous herb to 6 in high, forming tubers at the tips of elongated, wiry rhizomes. Leaves three-ranked. Spikelets purplish-brown.

15790Stephen H. Brown   16552019-01-16
United States, Florida, Lee, 1149 Vesper Dr. Cultivated in backyard of residential landscape. Well-branched tree 10-44 ft tall with a full, bushy appearance and milky latex. Single trunk emerging from the ground but branching at about 1 ft above ground level. Trunk dark grey-brown with numerous dense, tan lenticels. Petioles pale yellow-green. Leaves coriaceous and conduplicate. Margins revolute. Midvein greenish and narrow above, broader and pale yellow-white below. Lateral veins relatively obscure when fresh.

Cyperus surinamensis Vahl ex Kunth
15791   16722019-01-17
United States, Florida, Charlotte, on SE edge of town near I-75, at intersection of Mac Heather St and Greenlawn Ave. Low, disturbed roadside in undeveloped area. Multiple erect, rhizomatous herbs 10-20 in tall.

Eleocharis confervoides (Poir.) G. Tucker
15792   2019-09-15
United States, Florida, Washington, 2980 Bonnett Pond Rd. Spring-fed, approx. 16 acre pond, surrounded by natural growth woods, on residential property. Submersed, branching sedge.

Oeceoclades maculata (Lindl.) Lindl.
15793   2021-03-20
United States, Florida, Marion, 4 acre parcel on the SE corner of intersection of SE Sunset Harbor Rd and SE 128th Terr. In leaf litter on sandy soil, under dense oak and camphor canopy (deep shade). Colonial orchid less than 1 ft tall. Concentrated on 2 acres of property, with approx. 50-75 plants per acre. Immature fruit green. No flowers present at time of collection.

15794   2021-06-17
United States, Florida, Washington, on S side of Douglas Ferry Rd, just E of intersection with Baswell Rd. Weed in pasture for hay. Occasional grass 1-2 ft tall. 30.728402, -85.633557.

Quararibea funebris (La Llave) Vischer
15795   7822006-03-16
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, The Kampong, 4013 S Douglas Rd. East of Museum/lab building (plot I-9). Cultivated in public garden. Tree 20 ft high. Leaves shiny green above, paler below. Flowers with a sweet lemony fragrance. Corolla white. Calyx light green, persistent in fruit and becoming dark green. Fruit brownish green.

Callisia fragrans (Lindl.) Woodson
15796   08.0082008-01-17
United States, California, Sacramento, CA Dept Food & Agr, Plant Pest Diagnostics Lab greenhouse, 3294 Meadowview Rd (38°28'42"N 121°28'10"W). Alt.: 5m/16 ft. Stoloniferous perennial herb forming large colonies. Flowers small, white. Flowering example of cuttings of dgk 07.023 collected from nursery waste dump in Palm Beach Co, FL.

Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) Kuntze
15797   7362005-06-26
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Kampong, 4013 S Douglas Rd. Adjacent to old Fairchild swimming pool (plot M-10). Cultivated in botanical garden. Tree, 20 ft high. Leave leathery, shiny dark green. Calyx light green. Single petal white, aging pink. Ovary green. Style, stigma and filaments reddish pink. Anthers brown.

Lasia spinosa (L.) Thwaites
15798   7842006-03-18
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Kampong, 4013 S Douglas Rd. In aroid area, on west side of the Barbour cottage (plot J-9). Cultivated in pots in limerock-walled pond. Rhizomatous and stoloniferous, aquatic herb 2.5 ft high. Scattered prickles on stems. petioles, veins on leaf undersides, and peduncles. Spathe deep reddish purple, spirally twisted. Spadix much shorter than spathe, dull reddish purple.

15799   7972006-05-07
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Kampong, 4013 S Douglas Rd. Along wall between old Fairchild swimming pool and boat dock (plot N-10). Cultivated in public garden. Young deciduous tree 12 ft high. New foliage emerging with flowers. Corolla red-pink with recurved lobes. Staminal column white at the base and pink distally. Anthers bright yellow.

290Mandee Brandt   PI-13831970-05-15
United States, Florida, Polk

Epiphyllum pumilum Britton & Rose
15800   7382005-10-19
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Kampong, 4013 S Douglas Rd. On right (SW) side of driveway between the hort office/museum building and the Barbour Cottage. Cultivated in botanical garden. Pendent epiphytic cactus with roots planted in bole 8 ft up in Persea americana cv. Wilson Popenoe. Primary stems terete, becoming 3-4 winged; secondary stems (cladophylls) leathery, flattened, with a pronounced midrib. dark green in color. Flowers opening at night and wilting the following morning, white flushed with pink distally. Outer tepals pink to white flushed with pink. Inner tepals, stamens, style and stigma white.

15801   7862006-03-18
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Kampong, 4013 S Douglas Rd. Just outside of NW side of swimming pool enclosure (plot M-8). Cultivated in public garden. Sprawling, long-stemmed, perennial herb 5 ft high. Corolla bright pink-red.

Lippia dulcis Trevir.
15802   7922006-05-07
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Kampong, 4013 S Douglas Rd. In container on edge of nursery (plot G-9). Cultivated in pot in public garden nursery. Suffrutescent perennial herb growing out of pot and spreading as groundcover. Foliage with a strong camphor-like aroma and sweet flavor. Tiny flowers in indeterminate, involucrate heads; corolla white with a yellow throat.

Ardisia escallonioides Schltdl. & Cham.
15803   7942006-05-07
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Kampong, 4013 S Douglas Rd. On edge of Picramnia thicket, near entrance to hort office building (plot I-9). Possibly cultivated in public garden (unclear if intentionally planted or naturally occurring). Shrub 9 ft high. New stems tinged russet. Leaves coriaceous. Inflorescences numerous and showy. Flowers white with a yellow-orange throat. Petal lobes strongly reflexed, with glandular dots forming pink-purple lines down the center.

Ardisia escallonioides Schltdl. & Cham.
15804   7942006-05-07
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Kampong, 4013 S Douglas Rd. On edge of Picramnia thicket, near entrance to hort office building (plot I-9). Possibly cultivated in public garden (unclear if intentionally planted or naturally occurring). Shrub 9 ft high. New stems tinged russet. Leaves coriaceous. Inflorescences numerous and showy. Flowers white with a yellow-orange throat. Petal lobes strongly reflexed, with glandular dots forming pink-purple lines down the center.

15805   7912006-05-07
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Kampong, 4013 S Douglas Rd. On SW side of main gate (plot C-10). Spontaneous in public garden landscape bed. Shrub 5 ft high. Foliage grey-green, viscid pubescent below, with a strong resinous odor. Flower heads pale pinkish purple.

15806   10822014-08-09
United States, Florida, Alachua, Garden of Candace & Michael McCaffery, 1841 NE 8th St. Weedy, tuberous vine scrambling over shrubs in residential landscape. New foliage purple to bronze. Mature leaves dark green with dusky purple and silver splotches above, purple below.

15807   2012-10-23
United States, Florida, Alachua, Quaker Mettinghouse, 702 NW 38th St. Growing wild on meetinghouse property.

15808   11092015-01-24
United States, Florida, Miami-Dade, Lessard Tropical Fruit Farm, 19201 SW 248th St. Decumbent herb 10 in tall. stems succulent, flushed with red at base. Growing as weed in orchard.

15809   13342009-04-03
United States, Oregon, Benton, 3rd St just N of the Marys River. Elev. 225 ft. UTM Zone 10 478993E 4933813N NAD83. Habitat: Disturbed, compacted soil. With Poa annua.

15810   10.333B2010-08-12
United States, California, Shasta, Cordelia Hill. Near 38°12'25"N 122°07'19"W. Alt.: 15m/50ft. Riparian near creek and blue oak savannah and oak woodland on slopes. Common perennial, rhizomatous herb to 60 cm in wet soil bordering creek with Polygonum persicaria, P. lapathifolium, Leersia oryzoides and Cyperus eragrostis. Flowers pink.

15811   11.1742011-04-22
United States, California, San Mateo, Swanton Rd just S of Ano Nuevo above Wedell Creek. Near 37°05'03"N 122°15'59"W. Alt.: 6m/215ft. Occasional perennial in roadside ditchers. Flowers yellow. With David Gernandt, Steffi Ickert-Bond, Yingli Guo.

15812M. Beyers   6452010-05-29
United States, California, Solano, Stebbins-Cold Canyon Reserve. Westside of Cold Creek (Homestead Trail). 38°29'44"N 122°6'17"W.

Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene
15813   09.3732009-06-09
United States, California, Alameda, East of San Francisco Bay, near intersection of Horner St and Veasy St in waste areas near diked salt marsh. Near 37°35'44.48"N 122°05'25.02"W. Alt.: 2m/8ft. Uncommon groundcover on roadside. Flowers pink. With Abigail Moore and Jessica Kolman.

15814M. Beyers   3402010-04-03
United States, California, Yolo, Roadside along Hwy 128, adjacent to Putah Creek Public Fishing Access #2. Occasional here.

15815Unknown   2012-05-10
United States, California, Riverside, Peony Gens Nursery, 59880 Anzanita Lane near Burnt Valley Rd. 33°32'35.3"N 116°36'56.2"W. Weed in field grown nursery stock. Det by G. F. Hrusa, 14 May 2012.

15816   11.7562011-09-23
United States, California, Contra Costa, Entry to Discovery Bay. 37°53'29"N 121°36'10"W. Alt.: 2m/8ft. In open disked field. Common perennial grass in sun. With Mike Perlmutter.

15817Roi Levin   2020-08-04
United States, Florida, Seminole, 2345 Westminster Terrace. Growing prolifically in St. Augustine grass lawn. Clearly naturalized (not intentionally planted). Common herb 5 in tall. Flowers white with small pink spots on one petal.

Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J. St.-Hil.
15818   2019-10-01
United States, Florida, Alachua, just off north edge of US 441 (aka NW 13th St), approx 50 ft east of entrance to Griffis Lumber, on parcel immediately east. Disturbed mesic-hydric flatwoods. Vine less than 1 ft tall. Atypical specimen with whorled leaves. No flowers or fruits present. 29°44'17.8"N 82°22'47.9"W.

15819   2019-02-15
United States, Florida, Marion, UF/IFAS Plant Science Research and Education Center, 2556 W Hwy 318. Obtained from American Farms, Naples, FL, which purchased unrooted cuttings from Guatemala. Cultivated in field trials. Trailing shrub 31 cm tall with musky odor. Flowers light purple with white to yellow centers. Fruit produced in very low numbers, turning from green to dark purple at maturity.

Cissus verticillata (L.) D.H.Nicolson & C.Jarvis
15820   2019-10-29
United States, Florida, Orange, 3731 Gatlin Ridge Rd. In back yard of residential landscape. Climbing over fence from neighbor's yard at 3625 Gatlin Place Circle. Apparently spontaneous (not intentionally cultivated). Rampant vine with small greenish white flowers and globose fruit maturing black.

Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz.) S.T. Blake
15821   2019-10-03
United States, Florida, Columbia, SE of Lake City: 303 SE Rodney Dicks Drive. Pasture on west side of residence, extending toward CR 245. Aggressive weed in bahiagrass pasture. Common grass 2-3 ft tall. Inflorescence tinged reddish-purple.

Chasmanthium laxum (L.) Yates
15822   2020-07-01
United States, Florida, Nassau, White Oak Conservation Center, 581705 White Oak Rd. Growing in pasture, at base of mature pine trees. Grass 2-3 ft high, with prominent endophytic infection - possibly Myriogenospora atramentosa (samples sent to UF Plant Pathology to confirm). Stroma with "tangle-top" appearance.

Chasmanthium laxum (L.) Yates
15823   2020-07-01
United States, Florida, Nassau, White Oak Conservation Center, 581705 White Oak Rd. Growing in pasture, at base of mature pine trees. Grass 2-3 ft high, with prominent endophytic infection - possibly Myriogenospora atramentosa (samples sent to UF Plant Pathology to confirm). Stroma with "tangle-top" appearance.

Setaria corrugata (Elliot) Schult.
15824   2019-08-15
United States, Florida, Clay, Mike Roess Gold Head Branch State Park, 6239 SR 21. Lakeview Camping Area, toward southern end of the park, across road from Cabin 116. Wooded area cleared for biomass in Feb 2019. Clumping grass 3-4 ft tall, which appeared and spread after the area was cleared.

Setaria corrugata (Elliot) Schult.
15825   2019-08-01
United States, Florida, Clay, Mike Roess Gold Head Branch State Park, 6239 SR 21. Lakeview Camping Area, toward southern end of the park, across road from Cabin 116. Wooded area cleared for biomass in Feb 2019. Clumping grass 2-4 ft tall. Appeared in abundance on site after it was cleared, just recently noticed.

15826   2020-07-22
United States, Florida, Washington, Intersection of US Hwy 90 and CR 277. Roadside. Common grass 24 in tall.

Hydrilla verticillata (L. f.) Royle
15827   2019-07-22
United States, Florida, Lake, Red top Pond, near the interaction of S 4th Ave and Paddock Lane. 2.77 acre pond immediately west of the DesPlaines River. Submersed aquatic. No flowers, turions, or tubers observed. 42°15'55.63"N 87°56'25.52"W.

Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.
15828Patti J. Anderson   5872021-10-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, 1911 SW 34th St, S of DPI building, in plant inspection demonstration garden. 29.634265, -82.371729. Cultivated plant, sprawling vine, in flower and vegetable garden within government building landscape. Corolla tube purple-pink with dark purple throat.

15829Patti J. Anderson   5882021-10-19
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida campus, near Natural Area Drive parking lot and UF Bee Yard. Weed, growing in lawn and cracks in parking lot pavement, abundant. Ray florets creamy white, disc florets yellow.

15830Patti J. Anderson   5862021-05-25
United States, Florida, Alachua, Planted in residential landscape in northwestern section of city. Herb, to 60 cm tall. Ray florets yellow with red base, disc florets brownish purple.

15831Patti J. Anderson   5862021-05-25
United States, Florida, Alachua, Planted in residential landscape in northwestern section of city. Herb, to 60 cm tall. Ray florets yellow with red base, disc florets brownish purple.

15832Paul T. Corogin   14282017-10-24
United States, Florida, Hernando, Aventura Nursery, 10079 County Line Rd. Herb, to 20 cm tall. Ray florets white, disc florets yellow. Growing as a weed in nursery plots.

15833Mark Laurint   2021-10-27
United States, Florida, St. Johns, 13365-13407 CR-13 N. Growing in wet roadside ditch at edge of floodplain swamp along Tocoi Creek near drainage into St. Johns River. 29°51'39.4"N 81°32'58.0"W. Perennial herb. Leaves basal, linear, margins finely toothed. Umbel with 3 flowers. Perianth white. B2021-503 (LIST 10272021-9227). New county record.

15834Ethan Kelly   2021-11-16
United States, Florida, Santa Rosa, Mayo Park, 6281 US-90. 30°36'26.1"N 87°03'40.9"W. Growing in sandy soil near Pond Creek. Annual herb, ca. 20-30 cm. Plants aromatic when fresh. Leaves pinnatifid. Heads discoid, unisexual. Pistillate heads proximal to staminate heads. B2021-542 (LIST 11172021-7442). New county record.

Helianthus floridanus A. Gray ex Chapm.
15835Ethan Kelly   2021-11-16
United States, Florida, Santa Rosa, Mayo Park, 6281 US-90. 30°36'26.1"N 87°03'40.9"W. Growing in sandy soil near Pond Creek. Perennial herb, ca. 30 cm. Leaves lanceolate (wider than the similar species H. angustifolius). Heads radiate, disc florets maroon, ray florets yellow. B2021-543 (LIST 11172021-9169). New county record.

Ipomoea imperati (Vahl) Griseb.
15836Alexander Tasi   2021-10-05
United States, Florida, Indian River, Sebastian Inlet State Park. E side of SR-A1A. Growing near crest of dune. 27°50'23.5"N 80°26'11.7"W. Perennial herb. Stems trailing, rooting at nodes. Corolla funnelform, white with yellow throat. Small group of about 8 plants seen. B2021-499 (LIST 10192021-2780). New county record.

15837Gary R. Webb, Shanelle Mulrooney, Deanne Pelfry, Carrie Karppe   2021-12-03
United States, Florida, Pasco, Key Vista Nature Park, 2700 Baillies Bluff Road. 28°11'53.0"N 82°47'06.8"W. Growing along coastline in dune habitat. Trailing vine. B2021-574 (LIST 12032021-3796). New county record.

15838Stephen H. Brown   2020-05-26
United States, Florida, Lee, 3867 East River Dr. Cultivated along road in residential landscape. Tree approx 30 ft tall with clear sap and fleshy, pale yellow flowers. No fruit observed.

15839Marc S. Frank   16742019-01-17
United States, Florida, Charlotte, On SE edge of town near I-75, on W side of Mac Heather St between Glasgow Ave and Greenlawn Ave. Disturbed roadside in undeveloped area. Multiple ascendant to decumbent perennial herbs 6-8 in tall, with thickened tap roots. Corolla bright yellow. sepals turning red as fruit develops.

15840Paulette Tomlinson   2019-10-03
United States, Florida, Columbia, S of Lake City, just N of CR 18 and E of I-75. Weed in plowed pasture planted with annual forage. Common, erect, taprooted, annual shrub to 5 ft tall. Flowers small, yellow. Malodorous when crushed.

Jasminum multiflorum (Burm. f.) Andrews
15841Marc S. Frank   16692019-01-17
United States, Florida, Charlotte, Holiday Inn Express and Suites, 9075 Mac Drive. Cultivated in (recently installed) hotel landscape - parking lot median. Multiple evergreen shrubs 1-2 ft tall. New stems noticeably pubescent. Newly emerging foliage bronze. Flowers mildly fragrant. Corolla white with a yellow tube.

Lantana montevidensis 'Alba'
15842Carlee Steppe   2019-02-15
United States, Florida, Marion, UF/IFAS Plant Science Research and Education Center, 2556 W Hwy 318. Obtained from Hatchett Creek Farms, Gainesville, FL. cultivated in trial fields. Trailing shrub 19 cm tall with musky odor. Flowers white with small yellow center. Fruit produced in very low numbers, turning form green to dark purple at maturity.

15843Carlee Steppe   2019-02-15
United States, Florida, Alachua, UF Dept of Env Hort research greenhouse. Vegetative material collected from naturalized population in Australia. Cultivated in greenhouse. Trailing shrub with very prostrate habit, 8 cm tall, with musky odor. Leaves are smaller, darker and have more pronounced serrations than cultivated varieties from the USA. Flowers dark to light purple with white to yellow centers. Plant sets fruit profusely (fertile tatraploid). Fruit round, turning from green to dark purple as they mature.

Heterotheca subaxillaris (Lam.) Britton & Rusby
15844Ethan Kelly   2021-11-16
United States, Florida, Santa Rosa, Nichols Lake Rd. 30°35'51.6"N 86°55'24.9"W. Growing roadside in sandy soil with heavy leaf litter. Herb, ca. 40-50 cm. Plants aromatic when fresh. Heads radiate, disc and ray florets yellow. Ray florets without pappus. Disc florets with double pappus. B2021-562 (LIST 11232021-6156). New county record.

15845Gary R. Webb, Shanelle Mulrooney, Deanne Pelfry, Carrie Karppe   2021-12-03
United States, Florida, Pasco, Key Vista Nature Park, 2700 Baillies Bluff Road. 28°11'53.0"N 82°47'06.8"W. Growing along coastline in dune habitat. Vine. Leaves 3-foliate. Fruit a legume. B2021-573 (LIST 12032021-3667). New county record.

15846Raul A. Santillan   1981-10-10
United States, Florida, Alachua, Introduced species growing in pure stand at the grass garden collection off Museum Rd in front of Lake Alice. Annotated by Patti Anderson 1/13/2022.

Cenchrus brownii Roem. & Schult.
15847Raul A. Santillan   1981-10-30
United States, Florida, Alachua, Growing in association with Brachiaria spp. at the Agronomy Farm, near Lake Alice.

Page 36, records 3501-3600 of 17748

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