Dataset: ALA-
Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 12, records 1101-1200 of 108013

University of Alaska Museum

Phyllodoce aleutica (Spreng.) A. Heller
11097Carolyn L. Parker   53721994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

11098Carolyn L. Parker   53731994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

11099Carolyn L. Parker   53741994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

Coptis trifolia (L.) Salisb.
11100Carolyn L. Parker   53751994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

Cornus canadensis x Cornus suecica
11101Carolyn L. Parker   53781994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

11102Carolyn L. Parker   53791994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

11103Carolyn L. Parker   53801994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

11104Carolyn L. Parker   53811994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

11105Carolyn L. Parker   53821994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

Erigeron peregrinus (Banks ex Pursh) Greene
11106Carolyn L. Parker   53831994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

Oxycoccus microcarpus Turcz. ex Rupr.
11107Carolyn L. Parker   53841994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

11108Carolyn L. Parker   53851994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) Beauv.
11109Carolyn L. Parker   53861994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

11110Carolyn L. Parker   53871994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

11111Carolyn L. Parker   53881994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

Podagrostis aequivalvis (Trin.) Scribn. & Merr.
11112Carolyn L. Parker   53891994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

11113Carolyn L. Parker   53901994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

11114Carolyn L. Parker   53911994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

11115Carolyn L. Parker   53921994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

11116Carolyn L. Parker   53931994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

Thelypteris limbosperma (All.) H.P. Fuchs
11117Carolyn L. Parker   53941994-07-20
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh.ex Schrank & Mart.
11118Carolyn L. Parker   54071994-07-22
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

Streptopus streptopoides (Ledeb.) Frye & Rigg
11119Carolyn L. Parker   54081994-07-22
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, near summit, 56.53 -132.45

11120Carolyn L. Parker   54091994-07-22
United States, Alaska, Kadin Island, mouth of Stikine River, N shore of island, 56.53 -132.45

11121Betty Elliott   JF-40901980-06-19
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.13 -154.68

11122Betty Elliott   JF-40911980-06-19
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.13 -154.68

Castilleja pallida var. caudata (Pennell) B. Boivin
11123Betty Elliott   JF-41631980-06-27
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, S of lodge, 65.13 -154.68

Senecio lugens Richards.
11124Betty Elliott   JF-41641980-06-27
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, S of lodge, 65.13 -154.68

Betula hybrids
11125M. Joan Foote   JF-41981980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, NE of lodge, 65.13 -154.68

Packera ogotorukensis (Packer) A. Löve & D. Löve
11126Betty Elliott   JF-41661980-06-28
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, near lodge, 65.13 -154.68

11127Betty Elliott   JF-40921980-06-19
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, above runway, 65.13 -154.68

11128M. Joan Foote   JF-41021980-06-20
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, NE of lodge, 65.13 -154.68

Poa arctica R. Br.
11129M. Joan Foote   JF-42031980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, near lodge, 65.13 -154.68

11130M. Joan Foote   JF-41941980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, near lodge, 65.13 -154.68

Carex media R. Br.
11131M. Joan Foote   JF-42011980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, near lodge, 65.13 -154.68

11132M. Joan Foote   JF-41991980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, near lodge, 65.13 -154.68

11133Betty Elliott   JF-41671980-06-28
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, near lodge, 65.13 -154.68

11134Betty Elliott   JF-41681980-06-28
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, near lodge, 65.13 -154.68

11135M. Joan Foote   JF-42021980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, NE of lodge, 65.13 -154.68

Trisetum spicatum (L.) Richter
11136M. Joan Foote   JF-42041980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, near lodge, 65.13 -154.68

11137M. Joan Foote   JF-41011980-06-20
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, NE of lodge, 65.13 -154.68

Polemonium acutiflorum Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.
11138Betty Elliott   JF-40981980-06-19
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, above runway, 65.13 -154.68

11139Betty Elliott   JF-40971980-06-19
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, above runway, 65.13 -154.68

Cerastium beeringianum Cham. & Schlecht.
11140Betty Elliott   JF-40961980-06-19
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, above runway, 65.13 -154.68

Arabis lyrata subsp. kamchatica (Fisch. ex DC.) Hultén
11141Betty Elliott   JF-40951980-06-19
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, above runway, 65.13 -154.68

11142Betty Elliott   JF-40941980-06-19
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, above runway, 65.13 -154.68

11143Betty Elliott   JF-40931980-06-19
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 7 miles E of mouth of Hot Springs Cr, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, above runway, 65.13 -154.68

11144Betty Elliott   JF-41361980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 16 miles SW of Melozie Hot Springs, near and E of river, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.03 -155.15

11145Betty Elliott   JF-41341980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 16 miles SW of Melozie Hot Springs, near and E of river, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.03 -155.15

11146Betty Elliott   JF-41501980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 16 miles SW of Melozie Hot Springs, near and E of river, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.03 -155.15

11147Betty Elliott   JF-41331980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 16 miles SW of Melozie Hot Springs, near and E of river, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.03 -155.15

Empetrum hermaphroditum Lange ex Hagerup
11148Betty Elliott   JF-41321980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 16 miles SW of Melozie Hot Springs, near and E of river, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.03 -155.15

11149Betty Elliott   JF-41301980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 16 miles SW of Melozie Hot Springs, near and E of river, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.03 -155.15

11150Betty Elliott   JF-41311980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 16 miles SW of Melozie Hot Springs, near and E of river, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.03 -155.15

11151Betty Elliott   JF-41351980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 16 miles SW of Melozie Hot Springs, near and E of river, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.03 -155.15

11152Betty Elliott   JF-41291980-06-24
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 16 miles SW of Melozie Hot Springs, near and E of river, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.03 -155.15

Carex bigelowii Torr. ex Schwein.
11153Paula Lotspeich   JF-41951980-06-23
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 7 miles W of Melozie Hot Springs, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.13 -154.91

11154Paula Lotspeich   JF-41191980-06-23
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 7 miles W of Melozie Hot Springs, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.13 -154.91

11155Betty Elliott   JF-41881980-07-01
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 21 miles N of Melozie Hot Springs, N of river, 12.5 miles NNE of mouth of Big Creek, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.43 -154.61

Minuartia stricta (Sw.) Hiern.
111563Jim Ebersole, Bill Bowman   2661981-06-20
United States, Alaska, Arctic Foothills, Oumalik Test Well #1, 69.83333333 -156, 55 - 55m

Minuartia stricta (Sw.) Hiern.
111564David F. Murray, Albert W. Johnson   50831976-07-17
United States, Alaska, Mi 104 Dalton Hwy, 2.9 KM S OF KANUTI R. CROSS, 66.41666667 -150.616667, 427 - 427m

Betula hybrids
11156Betty Elliott   JF-41871980-07-01
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 21 miles N of Melozie Hot Springs, N of river, 12.5 miles NNE of mouth of Big Creek, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.43 -154.61

11157Betty Elliott   JF-41721980-06-30
United States, Alaska, Kokrines Hills, Melozitna R. 10 miles NNE of Ruby, 14 miles NNE of mouth of Melozie River, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 64.88 -155.41

11158Betty Elliott   JF-41441980-06-25
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 12.5 miles NNW of Melozie Hot Springs, W of river, 12.5 miles NNW of Melozie Hot Springs, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.3 -154.76

Minuartia rubella (Wahlenb.) Hiern.
111592Michael Duffy, Jerry Tande   431994-06-15
United States, Alaska, Chugach Mts, Arctic Valley, knob W of Nike site access road, 61.24 -149.56

Spiraea stevenii (C.K. Schneid.) Rydb.
11159Betty Elliott   JF-41421980-06-25
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 12.5 miles NNW of Melozie Hot Springs, W of river, 12.5 miles NNW of Melozie Hot Springs, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.3 -154.76

11160M. Joan Foote   JF-41131980-06-22
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 13 miles SW of Melozie Hot Springs, E of river, 65.08 -155.13

11161M. Joan Foote   JF-41111980-06-22
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 13 miles SW of Melozie Hot Springs, E of river, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.08 -155.13

11162M. Joan Foote   JF-40991980-06-20
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 1 mile NE of Hot Springs, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.13 -154.66

Arctous rubra (Rehder & Wilson) Nakai
11163M. Joan Foote   JF-41041980-06-20
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 1 mile NE of Hot Springs, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.13 -154.66

Tephroseris frigida (Richardson) Holub
11164M. Joan Foote   JF-41001980-06-20
United States, Alaska, Kokrines-Hodzana Highlands, Kokrines Hills, Melozi Springs, 1 mile NE of Hot Springs, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.13 -154.66

11165Betty Elliott   JF-41161980-06-23
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 5.5 miles NW of Melozie Hot Springs, S of river, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.18 -154.81

11166Betty Elliott   JF-41931980-06-23
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 5.5 miles NW of Melozie Hot Springs, S of river, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.18 -154.81

11167Paula Lotspeich   JF-41261980-06-26
United States, Alaska, Kokrine Hills, Melozie River, 5.5 miles NW of Melozie Hot Springs, S of river, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 65.18 -154.81

Luzula rufescens Fisch. ex E. Mey.
11168Betty Elliott   JF-41481980-06-26
United States, Alaska, Kokrines Hills, Melozitna R. 15 miles NNE of Ruby, SE of river, Kokrine Hills-Melozie Fire Study Area, 64.93 -155.28

Minuartia stricta (Sw.) Hiern.
111695Carolyn L. Parker   35121977-07-26
United States, Alaska, Mi 104 Dalton Hwy, KANUTI R. FLATS, 6 KM S OF OLD MAN CAMP, 66.41666667 -150.6, 518 - 518m

11169Leslie A. Viereck   103081978-08-09
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

Poa arctica R. Br.
11170Leslie A. Viereck   104151980-08-21
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

11171Leslie A. Viereck   104131980-08-21
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

11172Leslie A. Viereck   104671981-08-20
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

Poa arctica R. Br.
11173Leslie A. Viereck   104631981-08-20
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

11174Leslie A. Viereck   104141980-08-21
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

Arctagrostis latifolia (R. Br.) Griseb.
11175Leslie A. Viereck   103011978-08-09
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

Carex bigelowii Torr. ex Schwein.
11176Leslie A. Viereck   103001978-08-09
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

11177Leslie A. Viereck   104161980-08-21
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

Calamagrostis lapponica (Wahlenb.) Hartm.
11178Leslie A. Viereck   102951978-08-09
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

Juncus castaneus subsp. leucochlamys (Zing. ex Krecz.) Hultén
11179Leslie A. Viereck   104171980-08-21
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

11180Leslie A. Viereck   104121980-08-21
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

11181Leslie A. Viereck   103021978-08-09
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

11182Leslie A. Viereck   103071978-08-09
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

11183Leslie A. Viereck   106011982-07-25
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

Calamagrostis holmii x Calamagrostis neglecta
11184Leslie A. Viereck   106031982-07-25
United States, Alaska, Kokolik Fire, upper Epizetka River valley, 69.5 -161.86

Poa pratensis subsp. alpigena (Fr. ex Blytt) Hiitonen
11185Leslie A. Viereck   106631983-09-26
United States, Alaska, Tanana Lowlands, Willow Island, ca. 20 km S of Fairbanks, 64.68 -148.21

11186Leslie A. Viereck   106111982-08-04
United States, Alaska, Tanana Lowlands, Willow Island, ca. 20 km S of Fairbanks, 64.68 -148.21

11187Leslie A. Viereck   106661983-09-26
United States, Alaska, Tanana Lowlands, Willow Island, ca. 20 km S of Fairbanks, 64.68 -148.21

11188Leslie A. Viereck   106401982-08-12
United States, Alaska, Tanana Lowlands, Willow Island, ca. 20 km SW of Fairbanks, 64.68 -148.21

11189Leslie A. Viereck   106391982-08-12
United States, Alaska, Tanana Lowlands, Willow Island, ca. 20 km SW of Fairbanks, 64.68 -148.21

Elymus alaskanus subsp. alaskanus (Scribn. & Merr.) A. Löve
11190Leslie A. Viereck   106381982-08-12
United States, Alaska, Tanana Lowlands, Willow Island, ca. 20 km SW of Fairbanks, 64.68 -148.21

Salix myrtillifolia auct. non Anderss.
11191Leslie A. Viereck   106101982-08-04
United States, Alaska, Tanana Lowlands, Willow Island, ca. 20 km SW of Fairbanks, 64.68 -148.21

11192Leslie A. Viereck   106691983-09-26
United States, Alaska, Tanana Lowlands, Willow Island, ca. 20 km SW of Fairbanks, 64.68 -148.2

Page 12, records 1101-1200 of 108013

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