ASU0034039 A. Jardim 147 1993-11-15
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado, cerca meseta Caparuch., -14.6158 -60.8711, 200 - 200m
ASU0008507 J. C. Solomon 16052 1987-02-11
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Cochabamba, Prov. Carrasco. 5 km al este del puente sobre el Rio Lopez Mendoza por el camino entre Cochabamba y Santa Cruz (19 km al oeste de Epizana). Vegetacion arbustiva por los arroyos. Campo de Penas., -17.5333 -65.3667, 2900m
ASU0008596 G. Quintana 13340 1989-05-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, 50 km al norte de Mataral (al norte de la Carretera Santa Cruz-Comarapa) pasando por San Juan del Potrero y bajando a la cuenca del alto Rio Ichilo., -18.11 -64.22, 2000m
ASU0008597 D. N. Smith 13328 1989-05-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel Maria Caballero, 50 km al norte de Mataral (al norte de la Carretera Santa Cruz-Comarapa) pasando por San Juan del Potrero y bajando a la cuenca del alto Rio Ichilo., -18.11 -64.22, 2000m
ASU0008590 M. Nee 33922 1987-01-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Depto. Santa Cruz, Prov. Vallegrande. 10 km (by air) SSE of Vallegrande, on road from Guadalupe to Paraimiri., -18.5667 -64.05, 2200m
ASU0008610 Marko Lewis 37402 1990-06-20
Bolivia, La Paz, Prov. Inquisivi. Yamora Iguasani. On slopes between Comunidad Yamora and Comunidad Iguasani., -16.9333 -67.1167, 2850 - 2950m
ASU0008612 M. Nee 38520 1989-12-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, Prov. Vallegrande. SW side of Los Sitanos and along Quebrada Seca, weedy areas on flat valley bottom and along the river, former subtropical semi-deciduous forest., -18.8667 -63.95
ASU0008960 C. R. Sperling 6478 1982-08-02
Bolivia, Pando, Southwest of Cobija on the Rio Naraueda., -11.1333 -69.1333
ASU0009043 R.T. Pennington 153 1988-08-20
Bolivia, Pando, 74 km SW Cobija. Puerto Oro., -11.4167 -69.0833
ASU0009138 Al Gentry 75537 1991-11-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, El Encanto., El Encanto Camp, near El Encanto waterfall, edge of Huanchaco plateau. Transect 1., -14.6333 -60.7
ASU0009092 J. C. Salomon 13911 1985-06-10
Bolivia, Beni, Ballivia, Prov. Ballivia. Lower slopes of Serrania Pilon Lajas, 14.3 km N of the bridge over the Rio Quiquibey., -15.3167 -67.05
ASU0009085 Al Gentry 70247 1990-05-21
Bolivia, La Paz, Abel Iturralde, Prov. Abel Iturralde. Alto Madidi across from mouth of Rio Enlatagua. Transect 1., -13.5833 -68.7667
ASU0009362 A. Rodriguez 558 1995-10-29
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, 5 km S del Campamento Las Gamas., -14.8039 -60.3997
ASU0009302 B. Mostacedo 3183 1995-04-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Lago Caiman (Norte del Parque, cerca al Rio Itenez)., -13.594 -60.9123
ASU0009615 A. Rodriguez 498 1995-10-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, 3 km NW del campamento Las Gamas., -14.8031 -60.3928
ASU0009690 M. Nee 39685 1990-11-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, 7 km N of Buena Vista, N end of Laguna Madrejon (Laguna Candelaria in topographic map)., -17.3833 -63.6667
ASU0034088 T. Killeen 5643 1993-10-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Los Fierros, 5-8 km al NE de la carretera., -14.8114 -60.3958
ASU0034089 T. Killeen 2158 1986-09-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, Est. Las Madres, 15 km N of Concepcion, near lake., -16 -62
ASU0034090 T. Killeen 2139 1986-08-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, Est. Las Madres, 15 km N of Concepcion., -16 -62
ASU0035063 T. Killeen 3044 1991-05-03
Bolivia, Beni, Ballivian, Serrania Pilon Lajas, 24 km suroeste del Yucumo por la carretera Yucumo-Quiquibey., -15.25 -67, 850 - 900m
ASU0035062 Al Gentry 73861 1991-05-14
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Perseverancia, NW of Santa Cruz., -14.6333 -62.6167
ASU0016735 W. W. Thomas 5744 1987-12-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Serrania de Huanchaca., -13.9833 -60.7167
ASU0034231 M. Nee 31879 1985-09-11
Bolivia, Beni, Vaca Diez, Outskirts of Cachuela Esperanza on road to Guayaramerin. Western-most extension of the Precambrian Brazilian Shield., -10.5333 -65.5833
ASU0034099 B. Mostacedo 33 1991-05-11
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Perseverancia, Prov. Nuflo de Chavez. Cercanias de Rio Negro, tributario del Rio Baures, a 75 km sur del limite del Dpto. De Beni y 150 km oeste de Rio Paragua., -14.6333 -62.6167
ASU0034219 M. del Aguila 77 1991-09-10
Bolivia, Beni, Moxos, Parcela permanente de U. de Princeton y Prog. Chimanes 130 km S San Ignacio., -13.6 -64.8
ASU0034179 R. Guillen 1103 1994-03-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Cerro Pelao., -14.5317 -61.4922
ASU0034178 R. Guillen 2451 1994-10-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Campamento LA Toledo, a 1000 m al E de la casa. Pampa termitero., -14.7 -61.15
ASU0034499 M. Nee 39035 1990-10-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 12 km E of center of Santa Cruz on road to Cotoca., -17.7667 -63.0667
ASU0034526 J. C. Salomon 14605 1985-11-06
Bolivia, Beni, Ballivian, 56 km E of Rio Maniqui on the road to Trinidad, then 18 km NNE to Estancia 07, crossing the Rio Curiraba, then 2 hours by trail to unamed lake and arroyo, then 4 hours by trail to the Rio Maniquicito., -14.7333 -66.3333
ASU0034527 M. Del Aguila 185 1991-10-12
Bolivia, Beni, Moxos, Coletas a orillas del Rio Chirizi, 130 km S de San Ignacio., -13.6 -64.8
ASU0034559 M. Nee 38759 1990-09-13
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Guarayos, Formerly part of Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, 4 km N of Perseverancia., -14.6667 -62.8
ASU0034779 T. Killeen 2204 1986-10-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, 10 km S od Concepcion on the road to Lomerio., -16.2167 -62
ASU0034778 T. Killeen 3214 1991-05-08
Bolivia, Beni, Ballivian, Serrania Pilon Lajas, la cumbre de la serrenia en una parcela permanente de una hectarea, 24 km suroeste de Yucumo por la carretera a Quiquibey., -15.25 -67
ASU0034781 A. Jardim 559 1994-04-10
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Los Fierros., -14.6047 -60.8594
ASU0034780 T. Killeen 6165 1993-11-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Campamento LA Torre., -13.6539 -60.8306
ASU0034776 T. Killeen 7069 1994-10-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, A 25 km al Norte de Santa Rosa de la Roca., -15.7667 -60.3333
ASU0034782 T. Killeen 3132 1991-05-03
Bolivia, Beni, Ballivian, Serrania Pilon Lajas, la cumbre de la serrenia en una parcela permanente de una hectarea, 24 km suroeste de Yucumo por la carretera a Yucomo-Quiquibey., -15.25 -67, 850 - 900m
ASU0034690 W. W. Thomas 5678 1987-12-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Serrania de Huachaca., -13.9833 -60.7167
ASU0034970 R. Guillen 3580 1995-05-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, A 400 m al SW del campamento Toledo., -14.7195 -61.1596
ASU0034971 A. Carrion 501 1997-01-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Puesto LA Toledo, a 5 km al Surest de la casa., -14.7506 -61.1436
ASU0034972 E. Gutierrez 1173 1994-05-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Pampa Flor de Oro. SW del campamento., -13.5508 -61.0586
M. Nee 39031 1990-09-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 3km N of Pedro Lorenzo on road from Santa Cruz to Ibapo., -17.9333 -63.25
ASU0051772 R.T. Pennington 76 1988-08-03
Bolivia, Pando, 54km SW Cobija. Triunfo., -11.1667 -69.1167
ASU0051770 C. R. Sperling 6637-s/n 1982-08-15
Bolivia, Pando, 60km east of Porvenir on the road to Puerto Rico., -11.25 -68.2167
ASU0051765 T.J. Killeen 7446 1995-07-21
Bolivia, Velasco, Campamento 'Lajas', sobre senda de Geobol; a 15km al SE de Los Fierros., -14.5661 -60.7728
ASU0055223 M. Nee 31781 1985-09-05
Bolivia, Pando, Madre de Dios, Along Rio Madre de Dios. Nueva Etea., -11.3333 -66.9833
ASU0051764 A. Soto 541 1997-01-05
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Colectadas generales de Huanchaca No.1, -13.8947 -60.8128
ASU0054870 W.W. Thomas 5750 1987-12-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Serrania de Huanchaca., -13.9833 -60.7167
ASU0054864 W.W. Thomas 5751 1987-12-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Serrania de Huanchaca., -13.9833 -60.7167
ASU0055261 T. Killeen 5938 1993-10-26
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Pampa Los Fierros., -14.6056 -60.8583
ASU0055260 R. Guillen 2800 1994-12-11
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, 'El Carmen' a 4km del camino que va a fortaleza., -16.4342 -62.0418
ASU0055259 J.C. Solomon 16726 1987-05-22
Bolivia, Beni, Vaca Diez, Alrededor de la Estacion Experimental de IBTA., -11 -66.0667
M. Nee 36871 1988-11-19
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, Ca. 3-4km S fo San Rafael and 0.5km N of San Salvador, 11km (by air) Sw of Villa German Busch., -17.4833 -63.9333, 600 - 650m
ASU0036877 Marko Lewis 38682 1991-04-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Prov. Inquisivi. Valle de Chimu. On the slopes W of the Pavionani Fork of the Rio Chimu, 1-3 km NW of Estancia Chimu. An old trail barely visible in the forest. 7 km NE of Choquetanga., -16.8 -67.266667, 2900 - 3200m
ASU0036876 Marko Lewis 40950 1991-12-13
Bolivia, La Paz, Prov. Inquisivi. Rio de Huara Huarani. Highest forest along the river which flows down from Laguna Huara Huarani 10 km N of Choquetanga., -16.75 -67.283333, 3500 - 3550m
ASU0037424 Marko Lewis 38516 1991-04-09
Bolivia, La Paz, Prov. Inquisivi. Pavionani. On the slope above the Pavionani Fork of the Rio Chimu below the headwaters divide with the Rio Janko Kalani. Two herders huts are in the area 7 km N of Choquetanga., -16.8 -67.3, 3700 - 3750m
ASU0037425 Marko Lewis 38342 1991-03-09
Bolivia, La Paz, Prov. Inquisivi. Aguas Calientes de Calachaca. In the area of the thermal springs of the Rio Calachaca Jahuira; 9 km NW of Choquetanga., -16.8 -67.316667, 3400 - 3500m
ASU0055651 M. Nee 31826 1985-09-07
Bolivia, Pando, Madre de Dios, Alonf Rio Madre de Dios at Puerto Candelaria, 21km (by air) WSW of Riberalta., -11.0333 -66.25
ASU0055658 J.C Solomon 17378 1987-11-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor. Yungas. 1km al O de Yolosa por el camino a Unduavi. Vado del Rio Cedro., -16.2167 -67.75
Myrcia mutliflora (Lam.) DC.
ASU0055199 M. Nee 38527 1989-12-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, 5km (by air) NW of Los Sitanos, 1km N of turnoff to Sitanos Altos on road from Abra Tabla to Los Sitanos., -18.8417 -64
Myrcia mutliflora (Lam.) DC.
ASU0055200 M. Nee 38435 1989-12-26
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, Aguadita, 8km (by air) S of Khasa Monte on road to Los Sitanos., -18.7833 -64.0333
Myrcia mutliflora (Lam.) DC.
ASU0055377 Marko Lewis 36862 1989-12-26
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, 'Loma Linda-Turculi' Along the road between Loma Linda and Turculi, this road runs north from Cajuata off of existing maps., -16.6333 -67.1667
Myrcia mutliflora (Lam.) DC.
ASU0055378 M. Nee 31835 1985-09-08
Bolivia, Pando, Madre de Dios, Ca. 4km ESE of Puerto Candelaria, 21km WSW of Riberalta., -11.0333 -66.2333
Myrcia mutliflora (Lam.) DC.
ASU0055379 M. Nee 37422 1988-12-29
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, Vic. 'El Rodeo', on road from Vallegrande to Tierras Nuevas, 12km (by air) SE of Vallegrande., -18.4897 -64.1069
ASU0055416 P.F. Foster 483 1995-10-26
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Campamento Las Gamas., -14.8153 -60.3886
ASU0055417 P.F. Foster 569 1995-11-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Campamento Las Gamas., -14.8106 -60.3889
ASU0055465 W.W. Thomas 5691 1987-12-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Serrania de Huanchaca., -13.9833 -60.7167
ASU0055488 W.W. Thomas 5573 1987-12-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Serrania de Huanchaca., -13.9833 -60.7167
ASU0055487 W.W. Thomas 5586 1987-12-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Serrania de Huanchaca., -13.9833 -60.7167
ASU0055695 T.J. Killeen 6749 1994-10-14
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Campamento Los Fierros., -14.6069 -60.8564
ASU0055694 E. Gutierrez 490 1993-11-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Campamento Flor de Oro., -13.5447 -61.0186
ASU0055794 R. Guillen 2424 1994-10-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Campamento La Toledo, a 1000 al E de la casa., -14.7 -61.15
ASU0055790 M. Nee 40125 1990-12-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, 12km (by air) E of San Javier, W side of Rio Salado (now dry)., -16.2833 -62.4
ASU0055887 W.W. Thomas 5614 1987-12-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Serrania de Huanchaca., -13.9833 -60.7167
ASU0056166 Tim Killeen 1344 1985-10-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, 13km N of Cncepcion., -16 -62
ASU0055991 M. Nee 40689 1991-06-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7km (by air) NE of Mairana., -18.0667 -63.9167
ASU0055989 I. Vargas 901 1991-01-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, Huasacanada (5km al S de Vallegrande), -18.5167 -64.0967
ASU0055990 M. Nee 37482 1988-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, 5.5km S of Vallegrande, vic. Santa Rosita. Quebrada Huasa Canada., -18.5333 -64.1
ASU0055988 M. Nee 38358 1989-12-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, 2.5km S of center of Vallegrande. Quebrada del Zorro., -18.5 -64.1
Myrcianthes ostemeloides (Rusby) McVaugh
ASU0056273 M. Nee 38310 1989-12-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, 1km S of highest point on Mataral to Trigal road, 10km S of Mataral and 10km NNW of El Trigal., -18.2167 -64.2
Myrcianthes ostemeloides (Rusby) McVaugh
ASU0056272 J.C. Solomon 18141 1988-03-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, 10km al N de Inquisivi por el camino a Suri. Larededores del puente sobre el RioKato., -16.8 -67.1833, 2100 - 2200m
Myrcianthes ostemeloides (Rusby) McVaugh
ASU0056270 M. Lewis 882083 1988-12-16
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Hike from the Rio Khatu Bridge, 3km N of Inquisivi uo the old mule trail to the upper edge of semi-arid forest, ca 1km N from Inquisvi., -16.9 -67.1333
Myrcianthes ostemeloides (Rusby) McVaugh
ASU0056271 M. Lewis 35111 1989-01-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Following the slopes E of Comunidad Micayani to the Rio Khokhoni more or les to the junction with a fork flowing down from Comunidad Yamora, and following the Rio Khokhoni upstream 1km from this point, ca. 4km SE from Inquisivi., -16.9167 -67.1
ASU0056283 M. Nee 38568 1989-12-29
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 2km SW of Yerba Buena., -17.9833 -64.0333
ASU0056282 M. Nee 38521 1989-12-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, SW side of Los Sitanos and along Quebrada Seca, -18.8667 -63.9583
ASU0056367 T. Killeen 2568 1987-06-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Caballero, Road above Pulquina Arriba, aprox 20km NE of evenagelical School 'El Tambo'., -17.9167 -64.4167
ASU0056327 J.C. Solomon 8653 1982-11-06
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 3.1km SE of Uduavi bridge (below) on old road., -16.3167 -67.8833
ASU0056501 R.T. Pennington 42 1988-07-25
Bolivia, Pando, 54km SW of Cobija., -11.1667 -69.1167
ASU0056514 M. Nee 39183 1990-10-10
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, 2.5km ENE of summit of Cerro Amboro., -17.75 -63.6333
ASU0056518 R. Wallace 58 1996-09-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Lago Caiman. Norte de la serrania de Huanchaca, cerca del punto mono. Campamento de Investigacion., -13.594 -60.9123
ASU0056485 R. Quevedo 995 1993-07-19
Bolivia, Beni, Itenez, Serrania San Simon., -14.4167 -62.05, 205m
ASU0056417 M. Nee 38975 1990-09-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 7km SE of Naranjillos on road from Santa Cruz to Abapo, at junction with railroad., -18.0417 -63.2
ASU0069151 M. Nee 40111 1990-11-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, 14km (by air) NW of San Javier, gap through range and slope on west side, Las Lajas, 'El Chupadero'., -16.1667 -62.6
ASU0056416 M. Nee 37052 1988-12-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 12km E of center of Santa Cruz. ON road to Cotoca., -17.7667 -63.0667
ASU0056459 M. Nee 31867 1985-09-11
Bolivia, Beni, Vaca Diez, At Cachuela Esperanza, along the Rio Beni [Madre de Dios], -10.5333 -65.5833
ASU0056551 Al Gentry 73891 1991-05-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Quiapaca, 10km N of Santiago, valley of Rio Tucuvaca., -18.3333 -59.5
ASU0056545 M. Nee 36337 1988-02-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Gorge of Rio Pirai, ca 1km NE of junction with Rio Bermejo., -18.1833 -63.55
ASU0056780 M. Nee 52465 2003-08-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Caballero, Laguna Brava., -17.7983 -64.6167
ASU0056781 Francesca Grifo 1000 1988-03-20
Bolivia, La Paz, Prov. Nor Yungas. 4 km E of Unduavi Nuevo. Mule trail of Rusby., -16.151 -67.6662, 3300m
ASU0056798 Francesca Grifo 1031 1988-03-20
Bolivia, La Paz, Prov. Nor Yungas. 1.3 km E of Cotapata, trail to silver mine., -16.151 -67.6662, 3100m