Search Results (List)

Dataset: ASU-Plants
Search Criteria: Bolivia; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 3, records 201-300 of 504

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0005043Killeen   59431993-10-26
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, P. N. Noel Kempff Mercado, Los Fierros (14*36'20''S, 60*51'30''W), -14.6056 -60.8583

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0015553Guill‚n & Centuri¢n   10231993-11-09
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, P. N. Noel Kempff Mercado, Pista Las Gamas, (14*48'11"S, 60*23'35"W), -14.8031 -60.3931

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0015551Rodriguez & Surub¡   6301995-11-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, P. N. Noel Kempff Mercado, Huanchaca I, (13*53'55"S, 60*48'46"W), -13.8986 -60.8128

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0008008Guillen & Chore'   24261994-10-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, campamento La Toledo, a 1000 m al E de la casa (14*42'S, 61*9'W), -14.7 -61.15

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0008010Guillen & Chore'   21421994-07-09
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, campamento El Refugio a 7 km al E de la casa (14*44'19", 61*0'17"W), -14.7386 -61.0047

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0008009Killeen   67571994-10-14
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff M. Los Fierros 1 (14*36'25''S, 60*51'23''W), -14.6069 -60.8564

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0008004Gutierrez et al.   5091993-11-18
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff M. Flor de Oro (13*32'41''S, 61*01'07''W), -13.5447 -61.0186

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psidium densicomum Mart. ex DC.
ASU0006142Gentry et al.   780021992-07-08
Bolivia, Pando, Abuna, Rapids on Rio Abuna above Fortaleza (Rondonia)., -9.78333 -65.5667, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007408Nee   334621987-01-13
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, Along road from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 1 km SW of Angostura., -18.15 -63.5167, 650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007461Nee   463891995-12-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Sara, Near Rio Asuvicito, 0.5 km N of abandoned railroad line, 15.5 km N of Portuchuelo on road to Loma Alta., -17.2167 -64.4, 260m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007463Guillen & Chore   29451995-01-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Reserva Ecologica El Refugio. A 300 m al SO del campamento, en la pampa de las islas., -14.7858 -61.0539, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007464Guillen & Medina   26051994-11-19
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, Lomerio campamento Las Trancas, parcelas permanentes de BOLFOR., -16.5961 -61.8661, 450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007410Nee   396381990-10-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, 7 km N of Buena Vista, N end of Laguna Madrejon (Laguna Candelaria on topographic map)., -17.3833 -63.6667, 295m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007533Nee & Vargas   374551988-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, T, Vallegrande, 5.5 km S of Vallegrande, vic. Santa Rosita, Quebrada Huasa, Canada., -18.5333 -64.1, 2050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007532Nee   396971990-11-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, T, Vallegrande, Along road to Caranda, 1 km SE of junction Buena Vista-Portachuelo highway at La Arboleda., -17.4167 -63.6, 320m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007531Nee   407331991-06-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, T, Florida, Ridgetop called 'Musural Loma' at abra La Cruz, 4 km (by air) NE of Mairana., -18.1 -63.9, 2050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007530Nee   402731990-12-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, T, Ichilo, 11 km NE of Buena Vista, 1 km N Buena Vista-Portachuelo highway, on road to Palacios., -17.3833 -63.5833, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007529Solomon   143051985-09-29
Bolivia, La Paz, T, Sud Yungas, 3.8 km W of Huancane on the road to Chuspipata., -16.3833 -67.55, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007528Salomon   145641985-11-04
Bolivia, Beni, T, Yacuma, 1 km E of the Rio Matos, then 6 km S on track, Estancia La Pascana., -14.8167 -66.3333, 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007527Foster et al.   1621995-09-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, T, Velasco, Isla de bosque 3 km al E del campamento La Toledo., -14.7575 -61.1144, 210m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007526Guillen & Roca   33721995-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, T, Velasco, Reserva Ecologica El Refugio, al final de la pista del campamento Refugio sector N Barbecho., -14.7599 -61.0328, 180m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007525Killeen   5560-B1993-10-15
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, T, Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff M., -14.8114 -60.3958, 225m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007524A. Jardim et al.   3421994-02-05
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, T, Florida, El Fuerte, Samaipata, Pradera sub-montana en la pendiente., -18.1698 -63.8173, 1890m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007572Guillen   27281994-12-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, P, Velasco, San Miguel. Al lado de la pista en un bosque cerrado., -17.832 -63.173

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0007534Nee   420941991-12-14
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, T, Florida, Cerro Herradura, 5 km (by road), 3 km (by air) E of Bermejo, along oil pipeline and old road from Santa Cruz to Bermejo abd Samaipata., -18.1167 -63.6167, 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0008065Foster   34261994-10-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Chiquitos, Rio Tucabaca, 20 km al NE de Santiago de Chiquitos., -18.2125 -59.4656, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0008063Abbott   159051995-01-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Valle de Tucavaca, road from Santiago de Chiquitos to Santo Corazon, on bank of Tucavaca River., -18.1739 -59.4414, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0008101Rodriguez & Surubi   5061995-10-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado, 3 km NW del campamento Las Gamas., -14.8031 -60.3928, 850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0008102Killeen et al   78191995-11-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado, 3 km NW del campamento Las Gamas., -14.8144 -60.4022, 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0015540Killeen et al   56141993-10-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff M. Pampa Los Fierros., -14.8114 -60.3958, 225m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0015592Guillen et al.   18681994-06-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Campamento TOLEDO, a 1500 m al SW de la casa, yendo hacia el empalme del camino maderero., -14.7 -61.15, 180m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0015591Guillen et al.   38111995-05-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Reserva Ecologica El Refugio, a 1200 m al SW del campamento Toledo sobre el camino que bordea al arroyo de Monte Cristo hacia la comunidad de Campamento., -14.7098 -61.1676, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0015590Guillen et al.   36021995-05-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Reserva Ecologica El Refugio, a 1400 m al SW del campamento Toledo sobre el camino de La Plata hacia el deslinde., -14.7085 -61.1749, 180m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0015589Saldias et al.   37441994-04-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado. Campamento cerro Pelao, 5 km del aserradero sobre el Empalme. Parcela permanente en estudio., -14.5333 -61.5, 350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0015588Arroyo   240461996-06-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado. Campamento Huanchaca-2, -14.5211 -60.7372, 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0035192J. G. Seijo   33292004-09-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Chiquitos. San Jose de Chiquitos., -17.84095 -60.734379

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amomyrtella guili (Speg.) Kausel
ASU0008538M. Nee   384371989-12-26
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, Aguadita, 8km (by air) S of Khasa Monte on road to Los Sitanos., -18.7833 -64.0333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amomyrtella guili (Speg.) Kausel
ASU0008537M. Nee   38534
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Vallegrande. 5 km (by air) NW of Los Sitanos, 1 km N of turnoff to Sitanos Altos on road from Abra Tabla to Los Sitanos, -18.8417 -64, 2025m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sida cristobaliana A. Krapovickas, C.L. Cristobal & A. Schinini
ASU0035974A. Krapovickas   364801980-04-23
Bolivia, Chiquitos, Dep. Santa Cruz, Santiago, -18.3333 -59.6333, 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0036035A. Krapovickas   361191980-04-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Alrededores del Country Club Las Palmas., -17.80426 -63.20777

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sida emilei Hochr.
ASU0036046M. Dematteis   23282006-08-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Chiquitos. 57 km W de San Jose, camino a Santa Cruz de La Sierra., -17.7333 -61.2861, 243m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sida argentina K. Schum.
ASU0036031J. G. Seijo   33972005-10-01
Bolivia, Tarija, Prov. Gran Chaco. 58.1 km E de Villa Montes, rumbo a Paraguay., -21.5 -63.0722, 332m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0036034A. Krapovickas   191281971-05-22
Bolivia, Tarija, Ruta Tarija-Villa Montes, bajada de San Simon, 15 km E de Entre Rios., -21.531 -64.7311

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0036071J. G. Seijo   33722005-01-10
Bolivia, Tarija, Prov. Gran Chaco. A 26.6 km N de Yacuiba, nimbo a Villa Montes., -21.9306 -63.6194, 595m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sida poeppigiana (K.Schum.) Fryxell
ASU0036064A. Krapovickas   467621996-06-06
Bolivia, La Paz, Prov. Nor Yungas. Coroico., -16.151 -67.6662

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0036075A. Krapovickas   69761950-02-23
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Prov. Cercados. Estacion Experimental La Tamborada., -17.38414 -66.166702

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0036088A. Krapovickas   186811971-05-19
Bolivia, Tarija, San Telmo (Rio Bermejo) ruta Bermejo a Tarija., -21.531 -64.7311

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0036210A. Krapovickas   193471971-05-28
Bolivia, Tarija, Villa Montes., -21.531 -64.7311

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0036320A. Krapovickas   193021971-01-26
Bolivia, Tarija, Ruta Tarija-Villa Montes, 28 km E de Villa Montes., -21.531 -64.7311, 560m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0023809M. Nee   539972006-02-09
Bolivia, Tarija, Prov. Gran Chaco. 3 km E of center of Villa Montes on road (not the highway currently under construction) to Paraguay., -21.2944 -63.5722

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0023810M. Nee   539972006-02-09
Bolivia, Tarija, Prov. Gran Chaco. 3 km E of center of Villa Montes on road (not the highway currently under construction) to Paraguay., -21.2944 -63.5722, 391m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Guibourtia hymenifolia (Moric.) J. Léonard
ASU0035838Seijo, J. G.   32912004-08-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Velasco. A 31, 2 Km S de San Rafael camino San José., -17.0306 -60.6694, 302m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0022459Solís Neffa V.   15972005-01-26
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Sandoval. Camino de San Matias a Las Petas. A 6.1 km W de San Matias., -16.425 -58.5028, 111m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0022173M. S. Ferrucci   23472006-04-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Ñuflo de Chavez. 12 km SW de San Javier., -16.4667 -62.5389, 281m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0022183M. S. Ferrucci   22412006-03-28
Bolivia, Tarija, Prov. Gran Chaco. 5 Km E de Sanandita, 3 km de ruta Yacuiba-Santa Cruz., -21.8333 -63.6278

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lathyrus pubescens Hook. & Arn.
ASU0022980Seijo   30822004-01-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Caballero. A 13 Km W de Comarapa, camino a Cochabamba En paredón humedo. Cerca de vertiente., -17.9944 -64.6667, 2582m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lonchocarpus lilloi (Hassl.) Burkart
ASU0023059L. Novara   121592004-11-30
Bolivia, Tarija, Ruta a Tarija, pasando unos 40 km Aguas Blancas, 5 km al W de Nogalitos., -21.531 -64.7311, 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0023061G. Hatschbach   609431994-06-12
Bolivia, Porto Soares, rodovia para Corumbá, Bolivia., -18.96685 -57.798069

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0036113Charles H. Pickett   11979-01-15
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Roadside near house., -16.747604 -62.0751

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0023628Seijo   33002004-04-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Chiquitos. A 133 Km S de San Rafael y a 4 Km N de San José., -17.8972 -60.8667, 268m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Macroptilium (Benth.) Urban
ASU0023700Charles H. Pickett   21979-01-15
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Roadside near house., -16.747604 -62.0751

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0024905A. Krapovickas   362221980-04-18
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Sandoval. San Matías, ``La Piscina``, limite internacional con Mato Grosso., -16.35 -58.4333, 170m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0037414Marko Lewis   380591990-12-20
Bolivia, Beni, On the N side of the Río Khatu between Quime and Pongo. 1-4 km SW of Quime., -16.983333 -67.25, 3250 - 3450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mouriri Aubl.
ASU0025249R. T. Pennington   1491988-08-19
Bolivia, Pando, Bolivia: Pando, 74 km SW Cobija. Puerto Oro, -11.4167 -69.0833, 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tibouchina paratropica (Griseb.) Cogn.
ASU0025328M. S. Ferrucci   17462003-07-16
Bolivia, Tarija, Prov. O`Connor, 14 km E de Narvaez, camino a Entre Rios., -21.4333 -64.2333

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0025337M. S. Ferrucci   8791994-07-25
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Prov. Sacaba. Cruce de la Planta Eléctrica a 3 km de Santa Isabel., -17.409 -66.0405, 2605m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Phthirusa pyrifolia Torr. ex Benth.
ASU0038736David E. Williams   10391989-10-08
Bolivia, Beni, Depto. del Beni. Prov. Ballivian. Rurrenabaque., -14.5 -67.5, 230m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0040290M. Dematteis   20412006-03-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, 2 km S de San Ramon, camino a San Javier, Nuflo de Chavez, -16.633333 -62.511944

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0040302M. Dematteis   20152006-03-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Ñuflo de Chavez. 20 Km N de San Andrés, camino a San Javier, -16.9333 -62.6194

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gaultheria bracteata (Cav.) G.Don
ASU0032878M. S. Ferrucci   8691994-07-25
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Prov. Sacaba. Nueva carretera Cochabamba-Santa Cruz, cruce a Tablas Monte a 5 km de la Represa de Corani., -17.409 -66.0405, 2900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Arrabidaea corallina (Jacq.) Sandwith
ASU0032351J. G. Seijo   31422004-04-01
Bolivia, Tarija, Gran Chaco. Comunidad Ipa, camino viejo a Santa Cruz. 3.5 km N del pueblo, pasando arroyo Ipa., -21.0917 -63.5472, 558m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlospermum regium (Schrank) Pilg.
ASU0032583J. G. Seijo   33322004-04-09
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Chiquitos. San Jose de Chiquitos., -17.84095 -60.734379

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0047490J. G. Seijo   32952004-04-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Chiquitos. A 13.3 km S de San Rafael y a 4 km N de San Jose., -17.8972 -60.8667, 268m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0032425V. Solís Neffa   16382005-01-26
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Sandoval. Camino de San Matias a Las Petas. A 38.3 km W de San Matias., -16.4083 -58.7417, 97m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Berberis rechingeri C.K. Schneid
ASU0041412Marko Lewis   368271989-12-22
Bolivia, La Paz, 'Tupayo' along the lroad between Quime and Inquisivi in Communidat Typayo, 2 km SW of Inquisivi, -16.9167 -67.1667, 2960m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Campomanesia speciosa (Diels) McVaugh
ASU0053007Manuel J. Macia   42592001-05-06
Bolivia, La Paz, Provincia Abel Iturralde. Parque Nacional Madidi. Región de Tumupasa, -14.2925 -68.0569, 530m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amomyrtella guili (Speg.) Kausel
ASU0053014F. Zenteno   41962006-02-28
Bolivia, Tarija, Prov. B. O`Connor; Camino A Soledad. Bosque Tucumano Boliviano., -21.7333 -64.2333, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amomyrtella guili (Speg.) Kausel
ASU0053015F. Zenteno   55402006-07-08
Bolivia, Tarija, Prov. B. O`Connor; Salinas, El Mesón. Bosque Tucumano Boliviano. Bosque intervenido por actividad ganadera., -21.85 -64.2278, 1280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0053018Shirley Ortiz S.   2121995-12-26
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Ñuflo de Chavez, San Javier a 50 km al noroeste del pueblo Cabanas Selváticas Motacú, -16.0861 -62.4917, 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0053023R. Guillén   48061999-11-26
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Chiquitos; Serrania Santiago, sobre la meseta con afloramientos de roca., -18.4306 -59.6167, 650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0053024A. Carrión   6891998-11-05
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, T, Angel Sandoval. Prov. German Busch. Area natural de manejo integrado y Parque Nacional Otuquis; Estancia Quebracho, en las lajas., -19.358333 -58.098333, 140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0053025N. Salinas   29241994-10-29
Bolivia, La Paz, P, Prov. Imjuisivi, comunidad Khora-Charapampa, cuenca del río Miquillas. Presencia de ruinas en terrazas, aproximadamente a 22 Km al N de Choquetanga, -16.6667 -67.3333, 1340m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0053026J. Balderrama   1611994-04-21
Bolivia, Beni, T, Prov. Gral. Ballivian, y Yacuma, Estación Biológica del Beni. Comunidad Totaizal. en Barbecho de Titi Franco, a 1 km. de la Comunidad., -14.5 -66.6167, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0053027St. G. Beck.   318432006-02-28
Bolivia, Tarija, P, Prov. B. O`Connor; Entre Ríos, subiendo de Valle del Medio hacia la divisoria del valle de Chiquiaca., -21.526389 -64.173333, 1480m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0053036Shirley Ortiz S.   811994-12-11
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Nuflo de Chavez, localidad ``Cabanas Selváticas Motacú`` a 53 km NW del pueblo de San Javier, -16.0861 -62.4917

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0053037M. Saldias   41801996-06-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Florida. La Miel Amarga, 3 km al este de La Yunga, -18.1 -63.9167, 1950m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Campomanesia aromatica (Aublet) Grisebach
ASU0053038E. Ticona   3312006-06-07
Bolivia, La Paz, Franz Tamayo; Parque Nacional Madidi, senda Azariamas-San Fermin sector Cumbre., -14.2333 -68.8, 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0053041A. Araujo-M.   26292005-12-04
Bolivia, La Paz, PT, Franz Tamayo; Parque Nacional Madidi, rio Tuichi, arroyo Pintata., -14.5278 -68.6972, 1150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Campomanesia aromatica (Aublet) Grisebach
ASU0053042M. Saldias   48971996-10-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Ichilo. El Carmen, 8 km S de Buena Vista, -17.5333 -63.7, 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0044184V. Solis Neffa   13672004-02-01
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Mercado. Salida al E de Cocbabamba., -17.51667 -66.18056, 2700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0044207V. Solis Neffa   10582004-01-19
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cordillera. Camiri, puente viejo sobre el rio Parapeti. Sobre barranca, margen S del río., -20.11667 -63.65, 799m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0044213J. G. Seijo   34652005-01-16
Bolivia, Beni, Prov. Cercado. 3.3 Km E de la rotonda de acceso a Trinidad, camino a Ascención de Guarayos. En camino lateral a la derecha, -14.92222 -64.98056, 158m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0040515M. Dematteis   11762003-08-02
Bolivia, La Paz, Prov. Larecaja. 13 km N de Alcoche., -15.50056 -67.71611

Image Associated With the Occurence
Vernonia squamulosa Hook. & Arn.
ASU0040522M. Dematteis   9842003-07-16
Bolivia, Tarija, Prov. O`Connor. 69 km E de Tarija, camino a Narvaez., -21.42222 -64.28444, 1840m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Zexmenia brachylepis (Griseb.) Cabrera
ASU0040860C. Saravia Toledo   114281993-04-07
Bolivia, Chuquisaca, Pcia. L. Calvo. 1-2 km S del Centro El Salvador-Cimboc, clausura El Huare., -20.66667 -63.16667, 750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0040952Charles H. Pickett   31979-01-15
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Roadside near house., -16.747604 -62.0751

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) D.H.Nicolson & C.Jarvis
ASU0049571M. Dematteis   22562006-04-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Chiquitos. 5 km E de San José, camino a Roboré., -17.84095 -60.734379

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cissus verticillata (L.) D.H.Nicolson & C.Jarvis
ASU0049570M. Dematteis   21832006-04-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Velasco. 38 Km S de San Ignacio, camino a San José de Chiquitos, -16.58333 -60.71528, 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0032662J. G. Seijo   35932005-01-19
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Dep. Prov. Ñuflo de Chavez. 22,4 Km S de Concepción rumbo a San Antonio de Lomerío., -16.30472 -62.03333, 483m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0048546M. S. Ferrucci   22832006-03-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Cordillera. 33 Km N de Mora, camino a Santa Cruz de la Sierra, -18.23083 -63.18167, 486m

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