ASU0044996 L. R. Landrum 10333 2002-05-18
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, trail CCL 500 m, 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0044997 L. R. Landrum 10333 2002-05-18
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, trail CCL 500 m., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0045002 L. R. Landrum 10274 2002-05-16
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, in arboretum, on SURA trail at 500, 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0045003 L. R. Landrum 10274 2002-05-16
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, in arboretum, on SURA trail at 500, 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0045004 L. R. Landrum 10393 2002-05-19
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS. LOC trail @300m, gap east of trail., 10.428045 -84.009945
ASU0045005 L. R. Landrum 10264 2002-05-15
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, CES trail at 150, 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0045006 L. R. Landrum 10264 2002-05-15
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, CES trail at 150., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0045007 L. R. Landrum 10393 2002-05-19
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS. LOG trail @300m, gap east of trail., 10.428045 -84.009945
ASU0045008 W. J. Kress 94-4850 1994-06-30
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Golfito. Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Golfito; 3 km from Zona Franca near Golfito, along road to La Esquina., 8.75833 -83.28889, 100 - 120m
ASU0045052 L. R. Landrum 10418 2002-05-22
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, San Luis, Camino Real trail, 500 m from start of trail., 10.28048 -84.799
ASU0045053 L. R. Landrum 10418 2002-05-22
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, San Luis, Camino Real trail, 500 m from start of trail., 10.28048 -84.799
ASU0045158 L. R. Landrum 10484 2002-05-25
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Monteverde, Ecolodge San Luis, road to Don Miguel Leiton property, ca. 300 m from cabins, 10.28333 -84.8
ASU0045159 L. R. Landrum 10484 2002-05-25
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Monteverde, Ecolodge San Luis, road to Don Miguel Leiton property, ca. 300 m from cabins, 10.28333 -84.8
ASU0045160 L. R. Landrum 10340 2002-05-19
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, trail STR 900 m., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0045161 L. R. Landrum 10340 2002-05-19
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, trail STR 900 m., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0045216 W. J. Kress 94-4897 1994-07-08
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus. Reserva de la Biosfera de la Amistad; cerca Estación Biologica Las Alturas de Coton., 8.95083 -82.97444, 1455 - 1600m
ASU0028377 W. J. Kress 94-3959 1994-06-24
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus, Robert & Catherine Wilson Botanical Garden, Las Cruces Biological Station, San Vito., 8.80556 -83.025, 1275m
ASU0029433 R. R. Smith 2243 1968-04-04
Costa Rica, Heredia, Along roadside. 1.7 km. S. of Vara Blanca de Sarapique., 10.1679 -84.1581, 2438m
ASU0028698 T. F. Stuessy 4472 1976-11-02
Costa Rica, Alajuela, 5-8 mi N of Alajuela on rd to Carrizal. Near garbage dump on roadside., 10.0164 -84.2212
ASU0028713 L. R. Landrum 10269 2002-05-16
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, entrance to arboretum., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0028714 L. R. Landrum 10269 2002-05-16
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, entrance to arboretum., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0028730 L. R. Landrum 10298 2002-05-16
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, entrance to arboretum., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0028731 L. R. Landrum 10298 2002-05-16
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, entrance to arboretum., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0028746 T. F. Stuessy 4546 1976-11-11
Costa Rica, San Jose, 16.4 mi N of San Isidro del General on Rte 2 (CA-1)., 9.518802 -83.710011, 2260m
ASU0047169 L. R. Landrum 10200 2002-05-13
Costa Rica, San Jose, Just below entrance to P.N. Volcan Poas., 10.161217 -89.227267, 2287m
ASU0047170 Raphael L. Rodriguez 8766 1973-01-02
Costa Rica, Cartago, On Mt. Irazu in canyon with forest trees, 9.986253 -83.839195, 2438m
ASU0030124 Edward F. Anderson 4833 1979-01-01
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Palo Verde Field Station on the Cornelco Ranch., 10.347872 -85.350361, 20m
ASU0048703 W. S. Alverson 2768 1994-07-23
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, hills ca. 0.5 km W of biological station on western flank of Volcan Cacao; Area de Conservación Guanacaste, 11.00556 -85.47222, 1100m
ASU0040464 Edward F. Anderson 4821 1979-01-01
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Palo Verde Field Station on the Comelco Ranch. Rio Tempisque drainage., 10.347872 -85.350361, 20m
ASU0030373 Thom Davidson 4 1972-11-04
Costa Rica, Cartago, La Laguna, Turrialba., 9.862493 -83.635492
ASU0030386 W. J. Kress 94-3956 1994-06-24
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus, Robert & Catherine Wilson Botanical Garden, Las Cruces Biological Station, San Vito., 8.80556 -83.025, 1275m
ASU0030387 R. C. Moran 7084 2004-06-17
Costa Rica, San Jose, Dota, Cantón de Dota. 1 km west of Carretera Interamericana on the road to San Gerardo., 9.595306 -83.798028, 2925m
ASU0048816 W. S. Alverson 2754 1994-07-21
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Disturbed seasonal premontane moist forest edges and adjacent pastures; vicinity of biological station on western flank of Volcan Cacao; Area de Conservación Guanacaste, 11.00556 -85.47222, 1100m
ASU0048817 W. S. Alverson 2759 1994-07-22
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, above biological station on western flank of Volcan Cacao; Area de Conservación Guanacaste, 11.00556 -85.47222, 1100m
ASU0049401 W. J. Kress 94-5146 1994-07-19
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Tropical dry forest, vicinity of Palo Verde Biological station of OTS; immediately S of Cerro Guayacan; ca. 2 km N & NE of Rio Tempisque, in Parque Nacional Palo Verde, 10.35 -85.34167, 10m
ASU0049456 L. R. Landrum 10480 2002-05-24
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Ecolodge San Luis, near path to Cabin 1 about 40 m above Cabin, 10.28333 -84.8
ASU0049457 L. R. Landrum 10480 2002-05-24
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Ecolodge San Luis, near path to Cabin 1 about 40 m above cabin, 10.28333 -84.8
ASU0049458 L. R. Landrum 10478 2002-05-23
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Roadside on the way to San Luis Ecolodge, 10.28333 -84.8
ASU0049459 L. R. Landrum 10478 2002-05-23
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Roadside on the way to San Luis Ecolodge, 10.28333 -84.8
ASU0049460 W. J. Kress 94-4873 1994-07-05
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus. Robert and Catherine Wilson Botanical Garden, Las Cruces Biological Station, San Vito., 8.80556 -83.025, 1275m
ASU0049496 L. R. Landrum 10491 2002-05-25
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Ecolodge San Luis, Buenos Amigos trail, ca. 2 km along trail, 10.28333 -84.8
ASU0049497 L. R. Landrum 10491 2002-05-05
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Ecolodge San Luis, Buenos Amigos trail, ca. 2 km along trail, 10.28333 -84.8
ASU0049513 W. S. Alverson 3354 1994-07-25
Costa Rica, Alajuela, S. flank of Volcan Arenal. 3 km E of Laguna de Arenal, 2 km WSW of Laguna Cerro Chato., 10.45 -84.78333, 700 - 900m
ASU0040970 W. J. Kress 94-3987 1994-06-30
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Golfito, Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Golfito, 3 km from Zona Franco near Golfito, along road to La Esquina., 8.64583 -83.17889, 100 - 120m
ASU0040969 W. J. Kress 94-3953 1994-06-24
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus, Robert and Catherine Wilson Botanical Garden, Las Cruces Biological Station. San Vito., 8.78556 -82.9575, 1275m
ASU0040972 W. J. Kress 94-3955 1994-06-24
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus, Robert and Catherine Wilson Botanical Garden, Las Cruces Biological Station. San Vito., 8.78556 -82.9575, 1275m
ASU0040967 W. J. Kress 94-3958 1994-06-24
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus, Robert and Catherine Wilson Botanical Garden. Las Cruces Biological Station. San Vito., 8.06889 -82.9575, 1275m
ASU0040968 W. J. Kress 94-5136 1994-07-12
Costa Rica, San Jose, Northern slopes of Cerro Buenavista, S of Interamerican Hwy at Cerro de la Muerte., 9.56889 -83.7525, 3250 - 3450m
ASU0040973 W. S. Alverson 2775 1994-07-23
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Hills ca. 0.5 km W of biological station on western flank of Volcan Cacao, Area de Conservación Guanacaste., 10.92556 -85.46722, 1100m
ASU0040971 W. S. Alverson 2780 1994-07-23
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Hills ca. 0.5 km W of biological station on western flank of Volcan Cacao, Area de Conservación Guanacaste., 10.92556 -85.46722, 1100m
ASU0040974 W. S. Alverson 3397-A 1994-08-04
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Road from Villa Nueva to Cerro Equipulas., 9.48333 -84.06667, 200m
ASU0026669 L. R. Landrum 10229 2002-05-14
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, STR trail, between 300 and 500., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0026670 L. R. Landrum 10229 2002-05-14
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, STR trail, between 300 and 500., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0026686 L. R. Landrum 10304-A 2002-05-17
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS. At bank of Rio Puerto Viejo, just after suspension bridge., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0026687 L. R. Landrum 10304-A 2002-05-17
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS. At bank of Rio Puerto Viejo, just after suspension bridge., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0031824 W. J. Kress 94-5139 1994-07-12
Costa Rica, San Jose, Northern slopes of Cerro Buenavista; S of Interamerican Hwy. at Cerro de la Muerte., 9.58889 -83.775, 3250 - 3450m
ASU0049539 Edward F. Anderson 4842 1979-01-01
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Palo Verde Field Station on the Comelco Ranch. Rio Tempisque drainage., 10.347872 -85.350361, 20m
ASU0049540 L. R. Landrum 10344 2002-05-19
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, trail STR 1030 m., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0049541 L. R. Landrum 10344 2002-05-19
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, trail STR 1030 m., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0027447 LeRoy E. Detling 9176 1963-07-13
Costa Rica, San Jose, El Tablazo, S of Higuito de S Ramon., 9.83198 -84.02937, 1373m
ASU0027468 LeRoy E. Detling 9248 1963-08-09
Costa Rica, San Jose, El Tablaso, S of Higuito de S Ramon., 9.8602 -84.0552, 1434m
ASU0028562 L. R. Landrum 10465 2002-05-23
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Road to San Luis Ecolodge, past cabins near Don Miguel Leiton property., 10.28333 -84.8
ASU0028563 L. R. Landrum 10465 2002-05-23
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Road to San Luis Ecolodge, past cabins near Don Miguel Leiton property., 10.28333 -84.8
ASU0049608 L. R. Landrum 9394 1999-03-13
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Liberia, near Hotel Sitio, 10.629598 -85.437697
ASU0047577 W. J. Kress 94-4877 1994-07-06
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus. Las Cruces Biological Station, San Vito. Forest below station, vicinity of the loop trail., 8.78556 -82.9575, 1275m
ASU0032766 L. R. Landrum 10218 2002-05-14
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, in arboretum., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0032005 L. R. Landrum 10275 2002-05-16
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, in arboretum, on SURA trail at 500., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0032006 L. R. Landrum 10275 2002-05-16
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, in arboretum, on SURA trail at 500., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0032007 L. R. Landrum 10273 2002-05-16
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, in arboretum, on SURA trail at 500., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0032008 L. R. Landrum 10273 2002-05-16
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, in arboretum, on SURA trail at 500., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0032009 L. R. Landrum 10273 2002-05-16
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, in arboretum, on SURA trail at 500., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0048530 R. C. Moran 7202 2004-06-27
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Cantón de Bagaces; 1 km west of OTS research station along main road, 10.35275 -85.32736, 36m
ASU0048629 Edward F. Anderson 4828 1979-01-01
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Palo Verde Field Station on the Comelco Ranch. Rio Tempisque drainage, 10.347872 -85.350361, 15m
ASU0048626 W. J. Kress 94-4861 1994-06-30
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Golfito. Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Golfito; 6 km from Zona Franca near Golfito, along road to La Esquina., 8.64583 -83.17889, 100 - 120m
ASU0041543 Edward F. Anderson 4835 1979-01-01
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Palo Verde Field Station on the Comelco Ranch. Rio Tempisque drainage., 10.347872 -85.350361, 20m
ASU0049742 L. R. Landrum 10426 2002-05-22
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, San Luis, Camino Real trail, 1000 m from start of trail., 10.28002 -84.79827
ASU0049743 L. R. Landrum 10426 2002-05-22
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, San Luis, Camino Real trail, 1000 m from start of trail., 10.28002 -84.79827
ASU0049755 W. J. Kress 94-3999 1994-06-30
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Golfito, Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Golfito; 3 km from Zona Franco near Golfito, along road to La Esquina., 8.64583 -83.17889, 100 - 120m
ASU0049766 L. R. Landrum 10285 2002-05-16
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, in arboretum, open wet area., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0049767 L. R. Landrum 10285 2002-05-16
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, in arboretum, open wet area., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0049815 LeRoy E. Detling 9180 1963-07-13
Costa Rica, San Jose, El Tablazo, s. of Higuito de S. Ramon, 9.83198 -84.02937, 1418m
ASU0049821 J. Medrano 22 2007-07-12
Costa Rica, San Jose, San Gerardo de Rivas, Cloudbridge Reserve, 9.47306 -83.57083, 1704m
ASU0049822 Jacqueline Medrano 22 2007-07-12
Costa Rica, San Jose, Pérez Zeledón, San Gerardo de Rivas Cloudbridge Reserve. Site 2., 9.47306 -83.57083, 1704m
ASU0050331 L. R. Landrum 10486 2002-05-25
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Ecolodge San Luis, Buenos Amigos trail., 10.28333 -84.8
ASU0050332 L. R. Landrum 10486 2002-05-25
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Ecolodge San Luis, Buenos Amigos trail., 10.28333 -84.8
ASU0050326 W. S. Alverson 3393 1994-08-04
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Road from Villa Nueva to Cerro Equipulas., 9.48333 -84.06667, 200m
ASU0049834 W. J. Kress 94-5112 1994-07-09
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus. Reserva de la Biosfera de la Amistad; cerca Estación Biologica Las Alturas de Coton., 8.95008 -82.83244, 1455 - 1600m
ASU0049835 L. R. Landrum 10429 2002-05-22
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, San Luis, Camino Real trail, 1200 m from start of trail., 10.28002 -84.79827
ASU0049836 L. R. Landrum 10429 2002-05-22
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, San Luis, Camino Real trail, 1200 m from start of trail., 10.28002 -84.79827
ASU0049844 L. R. Landrum 10309 2002-05-17
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, at edge of soccer field near Stone Bridge., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0049845 L. R. Landrum 10309 2002-05-17
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, at edge of soccer field near Stone Bridge., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0049855 L. R. Landrum 10308 2002-05-17
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, at base of Stone Bridge, 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0049856 L. R. Landrum 10308 2002-05-17
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, at base of Stone Bridge, 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0049859 L. R. Landrum 10307 2002-05-17
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, at bridge entrance (Stone Bridge)., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0049860 L. R. Landrum 10307 2002-05-17
Costa Rica, Heredia, La Selva Research Station of OTS, at bridge entrance (Stone Bridge)., 10.428045 -84.009945, 100m
ASU0049880 L. R. Landrum 10456 2002-05-22
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, River and road below San Luis Ecolodge, 10.28333 -84.8
ASU0049881 L. R. Landrum 10456 2002-05-22
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, River and road below San Luis Ecolodge, 10.28333 -84.8
ASU0049882 W. S. Alverson 3352 1994-07-25
Costa Rica, Alajuela, S. flank of Volcan Arenal. 3 km E of Laguna de Arenal, 2 km WSW of Laguna Cerro Chato., 10.46667 -84.70833, 700 - 900m
ASU0049883 W. J. Kress 94-4858 1994-06-30
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Golfito. Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Golfito; 6 km from Zona Franca near Golfito, along road to La Esquina., 8.64583 -83.17889, 100 - 120m
ASU0049888 W. J. Kress 94-5111 1994-07-09
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coto Brus. Reserva de la Biosfera de la Amistad; cerca Estación Biologica Las Alturas de Coton., 8.95008 -82.83244, 1455 - 1600m