Search Results (List)

Dataset: ASU-Plants
Search Criteria: U.S.A. or USA or United States or United States of America; Arizona; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 18, records 1701-1800 of 144403

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

L. R. Landrum   95051999-05-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, Russel Canyon rd, just above junct. of FS55 and FS651 (33*19.52'N, 110*48.86'W)., 33.3253 -110.814, 1219m

L. R. Landrum   95061999-05-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, Russel Canyon rd, just above junct. of FS55 and FS651 (33*19.52'N, 110*48.86'W)., 33.3253 -110.814, 1219m

Krameria erecta Willd. ex J.A. Schultes
L. R. Landrum   95071999-05-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, Russel Canyon rd, just above junct. of FS55 and FS651 (33*19.52'N, 110*48.86'W)., 33.3253 -110.814, 1219m

L. R. Landrum   95081999-05-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, Russel Canyon rd, just above junct. of FS55 and FS651 (33*19.52'N, 110*48.86'W)., 33.3253 -110.814, 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0062849L. R. Landrum   95091999-05-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, Russel Canyon rd, just above junct. of FS55 and FS651., 33.3253 -110.814, 1219m

Bromus marginatus Nees Ex Steud.
L. R. Landrum   95171999-05-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, Russel Canyon rd, ca. 2 mi above FS 55 on FS 651., 33.3175 -110.85, 1524m

Erysimum capitatum (Dougl. ex Hook.) Greene
L. R. Landrum   95181999-05-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, Russel Canyon rd, ca. 2 mi above FS 55 on FS 651 (33*19.05'N, 110*51.00'W)., 33.3175 -110.85, 1524m

L. R. Landrum   95201999-05-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, Russel Canyon rd, ca. 2.5 mi above FS 55 on FS 651 (33*19.11'N, 110*51.09'W)., 33.3185 -110.852, 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex subfusca W. Boott
ASU0043873L. R. Landrum   95231999-05-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, Russel Canyon rd, ca. 2.5 mi above FS 55 on FS 651, 33.3185 -110.8515, 1524m

L. R. Landrum   95241999-05-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, FS 651 ca. 2 mi below Pinal Peak. (33*19'N, 110*51'W)., 33.3167 -110.85, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0337928L. R. Landrum   95251999-05-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, FS 651 ca. 2 mi below Pinal Peak. (33*19'N, 110*51'W)., 33.3167 -110.85, 1829m

Lathyrus graminifolius (S. Wats.) White
L. R. Landrum   95261999-05-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, FS 651 ca. 2 mi below Pinal Peak. (33*19'N, 110*51'W)., 33.3167 -110.85, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Packera neomexicana (Gray) W.A. Weber & A. Löve
ASU0341484L. R. Landrum   95271999-05-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains; FS 651, near Pinal Peak, 33.2925 -110.834, 1829m

L. R. Landrum   95371999-06-20
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 366m

L. R. Landrum   95381999-06-25
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Hwy 87 at Sycamore Creek; near mile post 213. (33*47.93'N, 11*29.49'W)., 33.6333 -111.665, 503m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acourtia wrightii (Gray) Reveal & King
ASU0090274L. R. Landrum   95421999-06-25
USA, Arizona, Gila, Road from Hwy 87 to Mount Ord. Ca. 3.5 mi up road. (33*55.80'N, 111*25.20'W)., 33.93 -111.42, 762m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pinus edulis Engelm.
ASU0148650L. R. Landrum   95431999-06-25
USA, Arizona, Gila, Road from Hwy 87 to Mount Ord. Ca. 3.5 mi up road, 33.93 -111.42, 762m

Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees
L. R. Landrum   95441999-06-25
USA, Arizona, Gila, Road from Hwy 87 to Mount Ord. Ca. 3.5 mi up road. (33*55.80'N, 111*25.20'W)., 33.93 -111.42, 762m

Fabaceae Lindl.
L. R. Landrum   95451999-06-25
USA, Arizona, Gila, Road from Hwy 87 to Mount Ord. Ca. 3.5 mi up road. (33*55.80'N, 111*25.20'W)., 33.93 -111.42, 762m

L. R. Landrum   95461999-06-25
USA, Arizona, Gila, Road from Hwy 87 to Mount Ord. Ca. 1/2 mi above start of ponderosa pine forest (33*55.55'N, 111*24.53'W)., 33.9258 -111.409, 1372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Calochortus ambiguus (M.E. Jones) Ownbey
ASU0150644L. R. Landrum   95471999-06-25
USA, Arizona, Gila, Road from Hwy 87 to Mount Ord. End of road at gate. (33*54.67'N, 111*24.42'W)., 33.9112 -111.407, 1524m

L. R. Landrum   95511999-06-26
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tempe, 9308 S. Margo Dr. 33*19.9'N, 111*58.0'W)., 33.3317 -111.967, 366m

Mentha L.
L. R. Landrum   95521999-06-26
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tempe, 9308 S. Margo Dr. 33*19.9'N, 111*58.0'W)., 33.3317 -111.967, 366m

L. R. Landrum   95561999-08-18
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, South Mountain Park, enterior near 15 Ave. and Thunderhill., 33.3135 -112.096

L. R. Landrum   95701999-08-19
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, Russel Canyon rd, ca. 10 mi south of Globe. (33*18.71'N, 110*51.48'W)., 33.3118 -110.858, 1524m

Polypogon viridis (Gouan) Breistr.
L. R. Landrum   95711999-08-19
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, Russel Canyon rd, ca. 10 mi south of Globe. (33*18.71'N, 110*51.48'W)., 33.3118 -110.858, 1524m

Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl
L. R. Landrum   95761999-08-19
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, Russel Canyon rd. (ca. 33*20.68'N, 110*49.73'W), 33.3447 -110.829, 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0306505L. R. Landrum   95771999-08-19
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 366m

L. R. Landrum   95791999-10-03
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 366m

Ipomoea cristulata Hallier f.
L. R. Landrum   95781999-10-01
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Mt. Lemmon; Catalina Highway between Mileposts 10 and 11, 32.31 -110.74, 987m

Eremophila R. Br.
L. R. Landrum   95811999-10-05
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 366m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0120397L. R. Landrum   95841999-10-16
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, South Mountain Park, near entrance at 17th Ave. on South side., 33.3331 -112.063, 457m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce polycarpa (Benth.) Millsp. ex Parish
ASU0120399L. R. Landrum   95861999-10-16
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, South Mountain Park, near entrance at 17th Ave. on South side. Ca. 0.3 along trail to ruin, after trail and wash, 33.3331 -112.063, 457m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia setiloba Engelm. ex Torr.
ASU0120403L. R. Landrum   95871999-10-16
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, South Mountain Park, near entrance at 17th Ave. on South side. Ca. 0.3 along trail to ruin, after trail and wash, 33.3331 -112.063, 457m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce polycarpa (Benth.) Millsp. ex Parish
ASU0120398L. R. Landrum   95911999-10-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, South Mountain Park at Guadalupe entrance near golf course., 33.3652 -111.981, 366m

L. R. Landrum   95921999-10-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, South Mountain Park at Guadalupe entrance near golf course. (33*21.91'N, 111*58.87'W), 33.3652 -111.981, 366m

Chamaesyce albomarginata (Torr. & Gray) Small
L. R. Landrum   95941999-10-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, South Mountain Park at Guadalupe entrance near golf course. (33*21.70'N, 111*59.20'W), 33.3617 -111.987, 366m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia setiloba Engelm. ex Torr.
ASU0120402L. R. Landrum   95961999-10-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, South Mountain Park at Guadalupe entrance near golf course. (33*21.70'N, 111*59.20'W), 33.3617 -111.987, 366m

L. R. Landrum   95981999-11-12
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Hassayampa Wash near Gila River bottom, 33.3492 -112.725, 305m

Atriplex lentiformis (Torr.) S. Wats.
L. R. Landrum   96001999-11-12
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Hassayampa wash near Gila River bottom. (33*20.95'N, 112*43.51'W)., 33.3169 -112.705, 305m

L. R. Landrum   96021999-11-12
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Hassayampa wash near Gila River bottom. (33*20.95'N, 112*43.51'W)., 33.3169 -112.705, 305m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Logfia filaginoides (Hook. & Arn.) Morefield
ASU0340011George H Cave   6-b1982-03-15
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Bulldog Canyon, 33.25 -111.55, 450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0340010David Keil   K-112431976-03-20
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Thunderbird Regional Park, 33.69 -112.19, 393 - 556m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Logfia californica (Nutt.) Holub
ASU0340002David Keil   15701967-04-20
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Shea Blvd; 11 mk. east of Scottsdale Rd, 33.5092 -111.898

Uropappus lindleyi (DC.) Nutt.
Walden, B.   1291965-09-10
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Usery Mountain Semi-regional Park Area #6, 33.4992 -111.641

Uropappus lindleyi (DC.) Nutt.
D. J. Pinkava   117041968-04-05
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park, ca 2mi north of dam on east shore, 33.8776 -112.277, 477m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Machaeranthera pinnatifida subsp. gooddingii (A. Nels.) B.L. Turner & Hartm
ASU0340368David J. Keil   31271968-03-30
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 3.1mi WNW of Jct of Canal Service Rd and access road to southeast part of White Tanks Mountains Regional Park, 0.3mi south of Hill 2603, 33.5965 -112.557

Lane, M   12601975-03-31
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Mountains Regional Park (Ft. McDowell Quad 15 minute series), 33.6473 -111.778, 579m

D. J. Pinkava   100401973-02-02
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Buckeye Hills, Maricopa County Parks and Recreation, at start of Picnic Area Loop, 1.7mi west of Rte 80, 33.5 -112.5

David J. Keil   32171968-03-30
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Jeep Trail leading up to Hill 3171 (Light #1) just inside north boundary of White Tank Mountains Regional Park, 33.5965 -112.557, 732m

David J. Keil   40651969-03-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, W side of White Tank Mountains, slope leading up to light #1, 33.5965 -112.557

Daniel, T.   42561985-04-06
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, South Mountains, southwest portion of range, 33.2976 -112.143

Elinor Lehto   46981965-03-27
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park Area #7, 2.8mi northwest of 2nd boat landing, 33.8776 -112.277, 477m

Elinor Lehto   45451965-03-14
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Lookout Point west of high dam, 33.8776 -112.277, 549m

Elinor Lehto   175361973-03-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park, 0.2mi northwest of Cottonwood Creek crossing, 33.8776 -112.277, 477m

Elinor Lehto   57991966-03-27
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant, northeast of the Ranger Station, 33.8776 -112.277, 477m

Smith, E.   S-1461976-03-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Sierra Estrella Mountains, 0.5mi south of Estrella Peak, 33.207 -112.212, 1036m

Smith, E.   S-1211976-03-01
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Sierra Estrella Mountains, lower reservoir, 33.139 -112.17

Brown, R.   5941973-01-29
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Sierra Estrella Mountains, 2mi south of Sierra Estrella Park picnic area, 33.0011 -112.417

Halvorson, W   3411969-03-18
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Cave Creek, 33.8388 -111.963

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0341117Parfitt, B   24571978-03-18
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Table-top Mountains ca 2mi west of Table-top Peak, 32.74 -112.16, 837m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0341085Lane, M   2501974-03-03
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Mountains Regional Park (Ft. McDowell Quad 15 minute series), 33.6909 -111.743

Sundell, E. & M.   731973-02-18
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Sierra Estrella Regional Park, 3mi south of north entrance, 33.3712 -112.377, 305m

Daniel, T.   20281982-03-09
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, along Bush Hwy, ca 18mi northeast of Tempe, 33.587908 -111.602246, 579m

Smith, E.   15801973-04-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Cave Creek, IBP Desert Biome study site, 33.8209 -111.968, 622m

Elinor Lehto   49091965-04-19
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park, 100yds past intersection of road to Indian Island, 33.8776 -112.277, 477m

Pierce, A   3071979-04-06
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 10mi south of Buckeye on US 80, 2mi along road in Buckeye Hills Recreation Area, 33.2881 -112.651, 299m

D. J. Pinkava   47751968-03-31
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Sierra Estrella Regional Park, Main Rd E, 33.3712 -112.377

Elinor Lehto   17554-I1973-03-10
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Usury Mountain Regional Park, 33.48 -111.62, 607 - 607m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oxford, R   3771973-03-11
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, E slope of Black Mountain, Carefree, 33.821 -111.934

Crosswhite, F.   2891960-03-02
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Bush Hwy, ca 14mi northeast of Mesa, 33.4222 -111.822

Elinor Lehto   57781966-03-19
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Usery Pass, 33.4944 -111.617

Lane, M   10831975-03-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Mountains Regional Park (Ft. McDowell Quad 15 minute series) near Dixie Mine, 33.6473 -111.778, 750m

Lane, M   3061975-04-21
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Mountains Regional Park, near Granite Tank, 33.7197 -111.778, 732m

Daniel, T.   21641982-04-10
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Rocky hills along Hwy 88 between Apache Junction and Tortilla Flat, ca 1.5mi south of Canyon Lake, 33.5264 -111.389, 671m

Kathleen C. Rice   611991-02-21
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Tonto National Forest, Superstition Wilderness Area, Massacre Grounds, 33.4585 -111.45, 762m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0340886Norris   100001977-02-11
USA, Arizona, 5 mi south of Black Canyon City Foot Hills, T Cattle Co, 34.0708 -112.15, 610m

Elinor Lehto   48611965-04-19
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park Area #31, first wash northwest of Cottonwood Creek, 33.8776 -112.277, 477m

Nash III, T   3271990-03-31
USA, Arizona, S of turnoff to Sunflower, ca 0.5mi along Hwy 87, Milepost 217-218, 33.8642 -111.467, 305m

Clayton, N.   8211960-04-28
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 15mi east of Cave Creek, 33.8388 -111.963, 671m

Elinor Lehto   L-234561979-03-30
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, gravel slope southeast of Gonzales Pass, west of Canyon Lake, 33.5536 -111.442, 646 - 646m

Bourdo Jr., E.   178201973-03-24
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Pinnacle Peak Area northeast of Phoenix, 33.7269 -111.864

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0340916David J. Keil   47641969-05-10
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Ridgeline leading up east side of White Tank Mountains from peaks 2242 and 2601 through peaks 2950 and 3185 to the beacon at peak 4083, 33.5965 -112.557

Lane, M   10821975-03-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Mountains Regional Park (Ft. McDowell Quad 15 minute series), 33.6473 -111.778, 750m

Lane, M   11021975-03-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Mountains Regional Park (Ft. McDowell Quad 15 minute series) trail to Rock Knob, 33.7054 -111.778, 762m

Lane, M   13661975-04-20
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Mountains Regional Park (Ft. McDowell Quad 15 minute series) Concho Tank, 33.7198 -111.743, 671m

Rice, K.   3231991-04-11
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest, Tortilla Trailhead, ca 6mi west of Tortilla Flat on Hwy 88, Forest Rd 213, 33.4928 -111.294, 610m

Kathleen C. Rice   1751991-03-21
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Tonto National Forest, Superstition Wilderness Area, first Water Trailhead, Forest Rd 78, ca 2mi east of Hwy 88, Trail 104, 33.45 -111.41, 762m

David J. Keil   K-113281976-03-27
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, just south of Canyon Lake along Apache Trail, 33.5975 -111.205

Image Associated With the Occurence
Demlong, M.   1701990-03-22
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, SW of Sunflower near Sycamore Creek, ca 1km east of State Rte 87, 33.6333 -111.665, 800m

Elinor Lehto   178981974-03-30
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Hilltop overlooking Canyon Lake (SW), 33.5536 -111.442

David J. Keil   K-61431970-03-07
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, White Tank Mountains Regional Park, Eastern slope below beacon at peak 3103 at northeast corner of park, 33.5965 -112.557, 946m

Velasco, J.   26991967-03-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 2mi southwest of Canyon Dam Recreation Area entrance, Apache Trail, Tonto National Forest, 33.5975 -111.205

Wyatt, J.   701973-03-06
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Apache Trail to Canyon Lake, overlook, 33.5975 -111.205, 732m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0340906Elinor Lehto   47141965-03-27
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park Area #6, along Cottonwood Creek, 33.8776 -112.277, 477m

Elinor Lehto   175471973-03-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park, 0.7mi northwest Cottonwood Creek crossing, 33.8776 -112.277, 477m

Crosswhite, F.   5701960-04-03
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Apache Trail, ca 4mi west of Tortilla Flat, 33.5264 -111.389, 671m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Machaeranthera pinnatifida (Hook.) Shinners
ASU0340339David J. Keil   32141968-03-30
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Jeep trail leading up to Hill 3171 (Light #1) just inside north boundary of White Tanks Mountains Regional Park, 33.5965 -112.557, 732m

Machaeranthera pinnatifida (Hook.) Shinners
David J. Keil   K-113401976-03-27
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, just S. of Canyon Lake along Apache Trail, 33.5975 -111.205

Machaeranthera pinnatifida (Hook.) Shinners
Elinor Lehto   54681965-10-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park Area #6, big wash east of Cottonwood Creek, 33.8776 -112.277, 477m

Page 18, records 1701-1800 of 144403


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