Search Results (List)

Dataset: ASU-Plants
Search Criteria: Colombia; Choco; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-16 of 16

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0035590Linda Albert de Escobar   32711983-02-19
Colombia, Choco, Km 43 Yuto-Istmina., 5.2528 -76.8259, 190m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0055420J. Espina   15241985-05-24
Colombia, Choco, Municipio de Quibdo., 5.7 -76.666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0055350A. Silverstone Sopkin   44131988-08-15
Colombia, Choco, Mpio. de San Jose del Palmar. Cerro del Torra, filo de cumbre., 5.2528 -76.8259, 2730m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrtaceae Juss.
ASU0057684R. Callejas   26221986-10-19
Colombia, Choco, Mpio. de Quibdo. Corregimiento Tutunendo-Alto del Veinte, 25 km N de Quibdo., 5.7 -76.666667, 450 - 480m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0009127F. Garcia et al.   4741990-06-10
Colombia, Choco, Parque Nacional de Utria. Colecciones realizadas en la falda de la serrania que bordea el Rio San Pichi., 6.33333 -77.3333, 0 - 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0009130C. Barbosa   65431990-05-10
Colombia, Choco, Coleccion efectuada por la quebrada Sansore sobre la via que conduce a Boroboro y en el utimo tramo de la trocha de la via de acceso a la hidroelectrica de Mutata., 6.08333 -77.1667, 0 - 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0035602F. Garcia et al.   3061990-05-29
Colombia, Choco, Parque Nacional de Utria. Colecciones realizadas en lsla Playa Blanca; ubicada al nor-este dela Ensenada de Utria. Terrenos del Senor Salomon Caisamo., 6.33333 -77.3333, 0 - 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myrcia aliena McVaugh
ASU0051748J. Espina   17891985-11-16
Colombia, Choco, Mpio. de Pizarro. Km 30-33 de la carretera Pie de Pepe-Puerto Meluk., 5.2528 -76.8259

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0055344Silverstone-Sopkin et al.   44571988-08-17
Colombia, Choco, San Jose del Palmar, Cerro del Torra., 4.97417 -76.2283, 2500 - 2550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0035599Linda Albert de Escobar   32711983-02-19
Colombia, Choco, Km 43 Yuto-Istmina., 5.2528 -76.8259, 190m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0004034Linda Albert de Escobar   22131982-08-09
Colombia, Choco, Guayabal, despues del pueblo se cruza el rio a la derecha., 5.2528 -76.8259

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0047162Linda Albert de Escobar   32441983-02-18
Colombia, Choco, Crece al lado del río que pasa por el puebla de Guayabal., 5.2528 -76.8259, 190m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0060292A. Gentry   151831975-07-16
Colombia, Choco, Rio Tigre W of Unguia at base of Serrania del Darien., 8.033333 -77.166667, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rustia occidentalis (Benth.) Hemsl.
ASU0294215P. Delprete   63291992-12-17
Colombia, Choco, Pangui Orilla del Rio Amigui. 10-20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rustia occidentalis (Benth.) Hemsl.
ASU0294271P. Delprete   63191992-12-17
Colombia, Choco, Corregimento de Pangui Camino por la loma.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Burmeistera Triana
ASU0297400Bruce A. Stein   33221986-01-20
Colombia, Chocó, El Carmen de Atrato, Cordillera Occidental, Mountain ridge above (West of) El Carmen de Atrato, dividing Rio Atrato and Rio Habito valleys., 5.9 -76.15, 2300m

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