Search Results (List)

Dataset: MNA-
Taxa: Onagraceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 913

Museum of Northern Arizona

Oenothera lavandulifolia Torr. & A. Gray
B.57Bartlett, K. & Mrs. Colton   1934-05-19
USA, Moencopi Sand Hill

Oenothera pallida subsp. runcinata (Engelm.) Munz & W. Klein
B.59Bartlett, K. & Mrs. Colton   1934-05-19
USA, Moencopi Sand Hill

B.60Bartlett, K. & Mrs. Colton   1934-05-14
USA, Moqui Buttes

Oenothera coronopifolia Torr. & A. Gray
B.606Bonar, Roy   1934-06-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Campus-Flagstaff, 35.181225 -111.65468

Oenothera villosa subsp. strigosa (Rydb.) W. Dietr. & Raven
B.607Bonar, Roy   1934-06-27
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Near Cabins Flagstaff, 35.19806 -111.65056

Oenothera curtiflora W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.608Bonar, Roy   1934-04-02
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Campus, Flagstaff, 35.181225 -111.65468

Oenothera pallida subsp. runcinata (Engelm.) Munz & W. Klein
B.713Whiting, Alfred F.   1935-06-16
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Hopi Indian Reservation; Oraibi, 35.87639 -110.63972

Oenothera cespitosa subsp. marginata (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) Munz [orthographic variant]
B.885Whiting, Alfred F.   1935-06-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Jack Smith's Tank, 35.37432 -111.572848

Oenothera neomexicana (Small) Munz
B.995Whiting, A.F. & Sanders, Earl   1935-07-03
USA, Arizona, Oak Creek Canyon-Junipine Camp , 'Apparently an extension of range westward.'

Oenothera villosa subsp. strigosa (Rydb.) W. Dietr. & Raven
B.997Whiting, A.F. & Sanders, Earl   1935-07-03
USA, Arizona, Oak Creek Canyon-Junipine Camp

Oenothera hexandra subsp. gracilis (Wooton & Standl.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.1154Whiting, Alfred F.   1935-07-14
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Homestead, Flagstaff, 35.19806 -111.65056

Oenothera elata subsp. hirsutissima (A. Gray ex S. Wats.) W. Dietr.
B.1176Whiting, Alfred F.   1935-07-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Schultz Pass, 35.284732 -111.632106

Oenothera elata subsp. hirsutissima (A. Gray ex S. Wats.) W. Dietr.
B.1181Whiting, Alfred F.   1935-07-21
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Museum of Northern Arizona grounds, River Bank, Colton's Ranch-Flagstaff, 35.237651 -111.664293

Oenothera pallida subsp. runcinata (Engelm.) Munz & W. Klein
B.1346Whiting, Alfred F.   1935-07-29
USA, Second Mesa

Oenothera coronopifolia Torr. & A. Gray
B.1378Whiting, Alfred F.   1935-08-02
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Road - N. of Flagstaff, 35.206483 -111.647495

Oenothera elata subsp. hirsutissima (A. Gray ex S. Wats.) W. Dietr.
B.1433Whiting, Alfred F.   1935-08-07
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Fern Mtn., 35.226905 -111.726837

B.1439Whiting, Alfred F.   1935-08-09
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Homestead, Flagstaff, 35.19806 -111.65056

Oenothera pallida subsp. runcinata (Engelm.) Munz & W. Klein
B.1517Whiting, Alfred F.   1935-08-28
USA, Hopi Country

Oenothera deltoides Torr. & Frém.
B.1656Colton, H.S.   1941-05-01
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Ca 2 mi. above Willow Beach on Boulder Highway, 35.865665 -114.605368

Oenothera cespitosa subsp. marginata (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) Munz [orthographic variant]
B.1698Brewer, J.W. Jr.   N13531941-05-27
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Navajo National Monument; Nava Nat. Mt.-Betatakin, 36.683568 -110.526904

B.1699ABrewer, J.W. Jr.   NB711941-06-19
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Navajo National Monument; Betatakin Canyon, 36.68343 -110.524586

Oenothera pallida subsp. runcinata (Engelm.) Munz & W. Klein
B.1909   1930-04-29
USA, New Mexico, Albuquerque, along Roma Ave. NEW MEXICO

B.1910   1930-09-15
USA, New Mexico, La Cueva, Jemez Mts. NEW MEXICO

Oenothera suffrutescens (Ser.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.1911   1929-05-11
USA, New Mexico, Albuquerque Arroya, banks & places where somewhat moist-drainage-low places, NEW MEXICO

Oenothera curtiflora W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.1912   1929-08-20
USA, New Mexico, Jemez Biol. Camp, Jemez Mts, NEW MEXICO

B.1913   1931-06-19
USA, New Mexico, Roadside Pasture, NEW MEXICO

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oenothera suffrutescens (Ser.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.1968Whiting, Alfred F.   s.n.1936-06-19
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Walnut Canyon National Monument; Ranger Cabin, 35.173727 -111.509861

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oenothera suffrutescens (Ser.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.2184   1929-08-26
USA, Arizona, Grand Canyon National Park, 36.05556 -112.13889

Image Associated With the Occurence
B.2230Lewis & Szwek   1935-08-08
USA, Arizona, Grand Canyon National Park; 1 mile off highway in Fuller Canyon, North Rim

B.2280   1931-09-01
USA, Arizona, Grand Canyon National Park; Nat. Park Service

Oenothera pubescens Willd. ex Spreng.
B.2312Sanders, Earl   
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Summit Pinal Mts, 33.28222 -110.82056

Oenothera elata subsp. hirsutissima (A. Gray ex S. Wats.) W. Dietr.
B.2338Sanders, Earl   

Oenothera pubescens Willd. ex Spreng.
B.2428Whiting, Alfred F.   1936-04-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Pasture, near water reservoir Flagstaff, 35.238512 -111.663682

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chylismia brevipes (A. Gray) Small
B.2486Bartlett, K.   1935-02-17
USA, California, Death Valley,CALIFORNIA, north end

Chylismia claviformis subsp. aurantiaca (Munz) W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.2489ABartlett, K.   1935-02-17
USA, California, Death Valley, CALIFORNIA

Chylismia claviformis subsp. claviformis (Torr. & Frém.) A.Heller
B.2513Bartlett, K.   1935-04-06
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Wickenberg-Congress Rd., 34.1625 -112.85

Oenothera flava (A. Nels.) Garrett
B.2531Whiting, A. F.   1936-07-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Roadside (moist) Museum, Flagstaff, Arizona, 35.231719 -111.660516

Oenothera coronopifolia Torr. & A. Gray
B.2539Whiting, A. F.   1936-07-11
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, US 66 East of Flagstaff, 35.213215 -111.529049

Oenothera suffrutescens (Ser.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.2545Whiting, A. F.   1936-07-11
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Roadside, US 66, East of Flagstaff, 35.216965 -111.54975

Oenothera curtiflora W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.2781Whiting, Alfred F.   1937-09-06
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Araibi Wash, 35.875215 -110.611124

B.2808   1937-09-04
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Keams Canyon - Spring, 35.8125 -110.19444

Oenothera coronopifolia Torr. & A. Gray
B.2844Whiting, Alfred F.   
USA, Walnut Canyon

Oenothera suffrutescens (Ser.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.2957Wetherill, Milton   1938-07-01
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, General vicinity of Flagstaff - 5 miles N. of Williams at or near Archaeological camp., 35.346616 -112.183397

Oenothera coronopifolia Torr. & A. Gray
B.2968Hargrave, L.L. & Schroeder, A.   1938-07-21
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, General vicinity of Flagstaff - 5 miles N. of Williams at or near Archaeological camp. T23N, R3E, Sec.7, 35.346616 -112.183397

Oenothera suffrutescens (Ser.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.2979Hargrave, L.L. & Schroeder, A.   1938-07-21
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, General vicinity of Flagstaff - 5 miles N. of Williams at or near Archaeological camp. T23N, R3E, Sec.7, 35.346616 -112.183397

Image Associated With the Occurence
B.3001Peebles, R.H.   1931-07-15
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Greenland Springs - Grand Canyon, 36.243872 -112.001002

B.3072Wetherill, Milton   1937-06-03
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Navajo National Monument; Betatakin Canyon - Navajo National Monument., 36.685564 -110.514201

B.3148Wetherill & Milton   
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Navajo National Monument; Transitio/V, 36.685491 -110.536256

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oenothera suffrutescens (Ser.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.3274BWhiting, A.F. & Jones, D.   1938-08-19
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Wupatki National Monument; Wupatki - Little Colorado, 35.562138 -111.285177

Oenothera pallida subsp. runcinata (Engelm.) Munz & W. Klein
B.3279AWhiting, A.F. & Jones, D.   1938-08-09
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Hotevilla, 35.843466 -110.528186

B.3314Whiting, Alfred F.   1938-08-20
USA, Summit Jerome Hill

B.3327Wetherill, M. A.   1936-08-07
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Betatakin Canyon, 36.68583 -110.51167

B.3384Wetherill, M. A.   1936-06-02
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Betatakin Canyon, 36.685279 -110.51888

B.3386Wetherill, M. A.   1936-06-02
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Betatakin Canyon, 36.685279 -110.51888

Oenothera lavandulifolia Torr. & A. Gray
B.3476Wetherill, Milton A.   1935-06-00
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Navajo Indian Reservation; Betatakin Canyon, 36.685081 -110.517139

B.3493Wetherill   1935-08-22
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Navajo Indian Reservation; nava, 35.928678 -110.327148

B.3650Cutler, Hugh C.   23431938-06-22
USA, Utah, San Juan County, 5 miles northeast of Blanding, San Juan Co, Utah., 37.682477 -109.429931

Oenothera cespitosa subsp. navajoensis W.L. Wagner, Stockhouse & Klein [orthographic variant]
B.3653Cutler, Hugh C.   22711938-06-18
USA, Utah, San Juan County, Junction of Nokai Creek and San Juan River, 19 miles northwest of Oljeto Post, San Juan Co, Utah. Common on banks of river and creek, opening in the evening, petals white at night, turning pink when struck by morning light, closing to form red bud-like forms., 37.209926 -110.563264

B.3654Cutler, Hugh C.   22731938-06-18
USA, Utah, San Juan County, Junction of Nokai Creek and San Juan River, 19 miles northwest of Oljeto Trading Post, San Juan Co, Utah. Occasional on talus., 37.209926 -110.563264

B.3666Cutler, Hugh C.   23101938-06-20
USA, Utah, San Juan County, San Juan Canyon, 1 mile below Mexican Hat, San Juan Co, Utah. Occasional on sand., 37.135499 -109.85

Oenothera deltoides Torr. & Frém.
B.3824Cutler, Hugh, C.   21011938-06-10
USA, New Mexico, Valencia County, 14 mi. N of Trechado, 34.786401 -108.3833

Oenothera hartwegii subsp. fendleri (A. Gray) W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.3897Cutler, Hugh C.   19361938-06-01
USA, Texas, Presidio County, 17 miles north of Shafter, 30.057474 -104.256561

B.3979Little, Elbert L. Jr.   46981938-08-28
USA, Arizona, San Francisco Peaks - Alpine. At timberline, 11,500 ft, Slope 30 degree. Rocky, gravelly loam, subalpine weed, density .3, Associated plants: Picea engelmanni. Inaccessible. Uncommon inrock crevices, meadows. Not alpine.

Oenothera flava (A. Nels.) Garrett
B.4132Wetherill, Milton   1940-05-05
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Morman Lake Road, 34.940842 -111.430928

B.4142Wetherill, Milton   1940-04-07
USA, Arizona, Coconino National Forest; Ca. 5 miles South of Sedona on Rim Rock Road.

Oenothera hexandra subsp. gracilis (Wooton & Standl.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.4171Wetherill, Milton A.   
USA, Government Prairie T22N, R5E, Sept. 4, 1940

Oenothera pallida subsp. runcinata (Engelm.) Munz & W. Klein
B.4227Whiting, A.F. & Jones, D.   3441940-09-13
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Wupatki National Monument; Near Hiezer Springs, Wupatki Nat. Mon., 35.506001 -111.35411

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oenothera caespitosa subsp. marginata (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) Munz
B.4298Whiting, Alfred F.   81940-09-21
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Grand Canyon- Road to Hill top, Edge of tank- Broken ground. Near Tom Gordons

Oenothera elata subsp. hirsutissima (A. Gray ex S. Wats.) W. Dietr.
B.4352Whiting, Alfred F.   1940-09-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Roadside. 3 miles N. of Slugsta H on Fort Valley Road., 35.279627 -111.74472

Oenothera lavandulifolia Torr. & A. Gray
B.4366Whiting, Alfred F.   1940-09-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, 8 miles S. of Cameron, 35.759797 -111.41222

Oenothera cespitosa subsp. navajoensis W.L. Wagner, Stockhouse & Klein [orthographic variant]
B.4450Whiting, Alfred F.   1940-10-10
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, 17M S. of Grand Canyon by Route 64, 35.856568 -112.13243

B.4453Whiting, Alfred F.   1940-10-10
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, 17M S. of Grand Canyon by Route 64, 35.856568 -112.13243

B.4471Whiting, Alfred F.   1940-10-25
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, River bed above Village, havasu canyon, 36.231802 -112.694164

Chylismia multijuga (S. Watson) Small
B.4486Whiting, Alfred F.   1940-10-23
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Havasupai Indian Reservation; Mooney Falls, 36.258518 -112.704118

Oenothera curtiflora W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.4522Whiting, Alfred F.   1940-10-20
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Havasupai Indian Reservation; Below village - Havasu Canyon, 36.258518 -112.704118

B.4728Whiting, Alfred F.   13021936-03-19
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Tucson, 32.221743 -110.926479

B.4887Whiting, Alfred F.   1941-03-30
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, 13.2 mi S. of Sedona on Route 79, 34.699689 -111.761653

Chylismia multijuga (S. Watson) Small
B.5007Whiting, Alfred F.   1941-05-26
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Tallus slope - Havasupai Canyon, Village, 36.236568 -112.69216

Oenothera curtiflora W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.5008Whiting, Alfred F.   1941-05-26
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Edge irrigation ditch - Havasupai Canyon, 36.23694 -112.68833

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oenothera cespitosa subsp. marginata (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) Munz [orthographic variant]
B.5071Whiting, Alfred F.   1941-06-12
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Rowe Well - Grand Canyon, 36.033872 -112.179059

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gayophytum ramosissimum Torr. & A. Gray
B.5191Whiting, Alfred F.   1941-06-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; West Rowe Well, W. of Grand Canyon Village-open slope, 36.033594 -112.183393

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eremothera gouldii (P.H. Raven) W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.5213Whiting, A.F. & Jones, D.   1941-10-02
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Wupatki National Monument; Deadmans Wash- Below Ruin- Wupatki National Mt., 35.578958 -111.285785

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oenothera pallida subsp. runcinata (Engelm.) Munz & W. Klein
B.5258Whiting, Alfred F.   1941-10-10
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Wupatki National Monument; CCC Camp. Heizer. - Spring, 35.505738 -111.354866

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oenothera suffrutescens (Ser.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.5318Beaubien, Paul   401941-08-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Walnut Canyon National Monument; Old Ranger Cabin, 35.174707 -111.518926, 2073m

Chylismia multijuga (S. Watson) Small
B.5361Whiting, Alfred F.   1941-11-07
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Meriwiting Canyon, 35.79639 -113.655806

B.5707Ehlers, J.H.   1939-04-30
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Desert, south of Tucson, Az., 32.079821 -110.909351

Oenothera cespitosa subsp. marginata (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) Munz [orthographic variant]
B.5844Goodding, L.N.   
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Hills east of Wilcox, 32.286701 -109.717197

Oenothera hexandra subsp. gracilis (Wooton & Standl.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.6140Frost, Marvin H., Jr.   421945-08-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, 1.5 miles S.W. of 16 Tank, Anderson Mesa, 35.100375 -111.470619

B.6166Darrow, R.A.   1945-08-23
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Navajo Indian Reservation; 12 miles west of Kaibito Springs on road to the Gap, Navajo Indian Reservation, 36.577453 -111.415527

B.6252R.A.D.   1945-08-27
USA, Utah, San Juan County, Navajo Mountain, Utah, 37.034171 -110.869586

B.6445Phillips, A.R.   13461947-10-23
USA, Alamo Canyon, Ajo Mts, Canyon bottom just above box.

Oenothera elata subsp. hirsutissima (A. Gray ex S. Wats.) W. Dietr.
B.6589Deaver, Chester F.   36221952-07-21
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, E. of Maricopa, 33.052305 -111.912357

Oenothera pallida subsp. runcinata (Engelm.) Munz & W. Klein
B.6590Deaver, Chester F.   37001952-07-24
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Isaac Cool Mine Rd. E. of Cow Spring., 36.369127 -110.518775

B.6647Deaver, Chester F.   35771952-07-15
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Camp between Gap Rd. & Preston Mesa, 36.293686 -111.34592

Oenothera pallida subsp. runcinata (Engelm.) Munz & W. Klein
B.6648Deaver, Chester F.   37911952-07-30
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Gov't clubhouse, Oraibi, 35.87639 -110.63972

Chylismia multijuga (S. Watson) Small
B.6649Deaver, Chester F.   36551952-07-22
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, 2.8 M. N. g Navajo Res. Boundary Hwy 89. Near Cameron., 35.756468 -111.468954

B.6791Bartlett, K.   1950-04-05
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Spring Creek, 2 mi. North of Highway 89, 34.80841 -111.936471

Oenothera pallida subsp. runcinata (Engelm.) Munz & W. Klein
B.6833Euler, R.C.   1953-08-29
USA, Arizona, Oak Creek Canyon, From Pump House Wash to Red Rock Crossing

Eremothera boothii (Douglas) W.L. Wagner & Hoch
B.6896Munz, P.   1941-09-09
USA, Arizona, Mohave, 3 miles east of Nickerson's Spring, near Mt. Trumbull, 36.411561 -113.096532

Chylismia multijuga (S. Watson) Small
B.7032Wetherill, Milton A.   1955-04-08
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Spencer Canyon, 35.753639 -113.631533

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