Busco, Janice 12 2022-08-10
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Museum of Northern Arizona grounds, Harold S. Colton Research Center, Coyote Spring, formerly McDougall Field 9., 35.23273 -111.66026, 2162m
Kirstin Olmon 2687 2022-08-15
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Museum of Northern Arizona grounds, Harold S. Colton Research Center, south off McMillan House, formerly McDougall Field 12., 35.23464 -111.66401, 2159m
Kirstin Olmon 2700 2022-08-15
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Museum of Northern Arizona grounds, Harold S. Colton Research Center, driveway parking area of McMillan Homestead garage, formerly McDougall Field 12., 35.23481 -111.66402, 2161m
Kirstin Olmon 2705 2022-08-15
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Museum of Northern Arizona grounds, Harold S. Colton Research Center, next to willow in San Francisco Spring near McMillan Homestead, formerly McDougall Field 12., 35.23471 -111.66392, 2157m
Kirstin Olmon 2715 2022-08-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Museum of Northern Arizona grounds, north of exhibit building in parking lot, formerly McDougall Field 10., 35.23434 -111.66455, 2158m
Olmon, Kirstin 3164 2024-06-23
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Coconino National Forest, Painted Desert Vista picnic area, 35.39044 -111.43295, 1896m
B.44433 Prince, Amy 2015-089 2015-08-25
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park. Above Rim Swamp Ridge. Located north of Swamp Point Road, 500 meters east of Swamp Point. road, 36.336074 -112.346119, 2305m
B.44434 Prince, Amy 2015-083 2015-09-05
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park: Above Rim, The Basin, west side of road south of Kanabownits Spring, 36.312935 -112.227885, 2469m
Hazelton, Andrea s.n. 2021-08-04
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest, Williams Ranger District; Spitz Spring Lower (SSI #770), 2.5 miles west of the Interstate 40 exit for Parks., 35.26033 -111.9751, 2136m
Kirstin Olmon 2851 2022-09-07
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Museum of Northern Arizona grounds, Rio de Flag canyon below exhibits building, formerly McDougall Field 10, 35.23387 -111.66541, 2162m
Kirstin Olmon 2876 2022-09-08
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Museum of Northern Arizona grounds, west bank of Schultz Creek, north of Mary-Russell Way bridge, formerly McDougall Field 9, 35.2327 -111.65691, 2150m
Kirstin Olmon 2918 2022-09-14
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Museum of Northern Arizona grounds, Harold S. Colton Research Center, Upper Schultz Creek, south of E Mt. Elden Lookout Road, formerly McDougall Field 5., 35.23782 -111.65752, 2169m
Kirstin Olmon 2932 2022-09-14
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Museum of Northern Arizona grounds, Harold S. Colton Research Center, Upper Schultz Creek, south of E Mt. Elden Lookout Road, formerly McDougall Field 5., 35.23825 -111.65749, 2169m