B.28667 Phillips & Brian 82-143 1982-05-31
USA, Arizona, Mohave, 1.7 mi. northwest of turnoff to North Water Spring, NE1/4, SE1/4 Sec. 32 T37N, R16W, Hungry Valley, east base of Virgin Mtns, Arizona Strip., 36.573498 -114.026046
B.28732 Phillips & Meier n.s. 1980-06-10
USA, Nevada, Nye County, Moon River Spring; White River Valley, lowland spring with trees, upland, T6N r60E NW1/4 Sec25, assoc. with Carex nebrascensis, C. rostrata, Mimulus guttatus, Poa interior, 38.352665 -115.184612
B.28773 Phillips 82-142 1982-05-31
USA, Arizona, Mohave, T37N, R16W, NE1/4, SE1/4, Sec. 32, 1.7 mi. NW of turnoff to North Water Spring and 1.5 airline miles NNW of Jacob Ranch, Hungry Valley, 36.561201 -114.033623
B.28774 Phillips 82-138 1982-05-31
USA, Arizona, Mohave, T36N, R16W, NW1/4, SW1/4, Sec 4, 1/2 mi. NW of turnoff to North Water Spring and 1/2 airline mi. north of Jacob Ranch, Hungry Valley., 36.546545 -114.017444
B.28775 Phillips 82-106 1982-05-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, 0.4 mi. south of Utah/Arizona border, east side of road on white shale, T42N, R3E, SW1/4, SW1/4 NW1/4 Sec.36, 36.995729 -112.037484
B.28776 Phillips 82-103 1982-05-28
USA, Utah, Kane County, Chinle shale hills on the east side of road, Coyote Valley, T44S, R2W, NW1/4, NW1/4, Sec. 9, 0.1 mi north of Utah/Arizona border, 37.002566 -112.031881
B.28788 Phillips, A. & B. 82-213 1982-08-18
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Hart Prairie Tank, west base of San Francisco Peaks, near Hart Prairie Tank in Fort Valley burn area.T22N, R6E, SW1/4, Sec 3, petals yellow., 35.33306 -111.74139
B.28805 Phillips, A. & B. 82-232 1982-08-18
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Hart Prairie, west base of San Francisco Peaks. Wilson Springs Road, 1/4 mi east of Hart Prairie Road. SW1/4 SW1/4 Sec 26, T32N R6E, flowers white; stamen, style y., 35.33306 -111.74139
B.28811B Phillips, Downs, Peterson 78-576 1978-06-10
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Sand road E. of House Rock Valley road at top of Vermillion Cliffs NE1/4, Sec 26, T40N, R3E, 36.81556 -111.94083
B.28935 Phillips, A. & B. 83-51 1983-03-10
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument; Lower part of Arch Canyon, in picnic area. Ajo Mtn. Drive, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument., 32.039485 -112.716081
B.29005 Phillips, B.G. 81-140 1981-05-27
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Forster Canyon Camp, Colorado River Mile 122R, Transect 1, m2 Grand Canyon National Park, 36.245888 -112.519118
B.29070 Phillips, A. & B. 78-416 1978-04-06
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Tanque Verde Rd; swales in Mesquites. Flowers yellow, just opening., 32.251742 -110.737306
B.29073 Phillips, A. & B. 78-425 1978-04-06
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Tanque Verde Rd; east side of pass. Limestone soil., 32.253921 -110.654965
B.29111 Phillips, A.M. 84-79 1984-04-24
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Grand Canyon National Park; Large beach at mouth of Fern Glen Canyon, below 1983 flood line. Colorado River Mile 168R,GC Nat. Prk, 36.260342 -112.920391
B.29155 Mead, P. 1929-07-14
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest; DeMotte Park, Kaibab Forest, Az., 36.423595 -112.131007
B.29156 Patraw, P.M. 1931-06-01
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Pasture Wash, Grand Canyon, Az., 36.118324 -112.408007
B.29157 Mead, P. s.n. 1929-07-30
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Jacob Lake, Kaibab Az.-Exposed rocky slopes., 36.710228 -112.223114
B.29253 Phillips, A.M. III 83-193 1983-05-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Wet sand at mouth of National Canyon, just above high water line. Colorado River Mile 166.5L. GC Nat. Park, 36.257005 -112.892095
B.29262 Phillips, A. & B. 82-124 1982-05-30
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Grand Canyon National Park; On lava gravels in parking area at rim, Bedroom Cove, T33N, R8W, SW1/4 SEc34, Uinkaret Mtns, GC Nat. Prk, 36.212283 -113.142102
B.29263 Phillips, A. & B. 82-131 1982-05-30
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Grand Canyon National Park; East side of Vulcan's Throne, Toroweap area, cinder soil. GC Nat. Prk, 36.219211 -113.071793
B.29355 Schmidt, M.A. 018 1984-04-21
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Along E. side of Rowe Well Road about 1/2 mi. from where pavement stops & dirt road begins heading south. GCNP on the south rim., 36.033837 -112.175111
B.29454 Phillips, Green, Mazzoni 79-266 1979-04-30
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Colorado River Mile 103 R, on beach in sand, GC Nat. Prk, 36.152924 -112.302763
B.29575 Morefield, J.D. 2992(c0 1985-08-02
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, On the lower southwest base near Paradise Spring in the pipeline right-of-way, T21N R7E S2., 35.232591 -111.622488
B.29654 Morefield, J.D. 2763(c) 1985-07-09
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, 0.75 mile S 5 W of Little Elden Spring on the east slope, T22N R8E S30. Coarse open dacitic alluvium sloping 5 SE., 35.2738 -111.5867
B.29702 5/30/1985
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Unit 502, Nw Sec 23, T25N R14E, 110degree50'W, 30degree33'N, 36.551184 -110.517853
B.29752 Phillips, A.M. III 78-160 1978-03-18
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Common on sand dunes at rear of beach at Granite Park, Colorador River Mile 209 L. GC Nat. Prk, 35.966929 -113.316967
B.29874 Phillips, A. 88-12 1988-03-13
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, E. side of Gregg's Hideout Rd. Upper part of pass before first steep descent, along small wash. P2 SW 1/4 Sec 23 T30N R18W. LAME rec. area, 35.974372 -114.18417
B.30293 Phillips, Barbara G. 89-64 1989-08-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Walnut Canyon National Monument; Area E: Canyon bottom between east Island route and Paul Canyon., 35.169228 -111.509017, 1922 - 1923m
B.30349 Hardwick, Gloria G. 1978-08-03
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Colorado River, at mouth of Clear Creek; 84 miles downstream from Lee's Ferry., 36.082199 -112.036011
B.30351 Hardwick, Gloria G. 1978-04-30
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado River at Vasey's Paradise, 32 miles downstream from Lee's Ferry, west side of Colorado River., 36.499062 -111.858403
B.30398 Hardwick, G. & Griffith 1977-11-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Colorado River, Bright Angel Creek. Marginal along Creek., 36.108571 -112.092584
B.30410 Phillips, A.M. 82-116 1982-05-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Large Chinle formation outcrop; sand dune along Coyote Wash, House Rock Valley. T42N R3E Sec 12 SE1/4, 36.616594 -111.768576
B.30440 Phillips, A.M. III 83-162 1983-04-16
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Signal Rd. 2 mi SW of US93 ca. 1/2 mi along road to mine. T15N R12W SE1/4 Sec 31, 34.593457 -113.551653
B.30452 Phillips, A.M. III & Artman, V. 83-46 1983-03-05
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Gregg's Hideout, ridge on W side of Osprey Bay, Lake Mead 36 00'N 114 14'W, 36 -114.233333, 390m
B.30477 Phillips, A.M. III 83-197 1983-05-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Rocky steep talus slope behind beach, lower National Canyon, Colorado River mile 166.5L GCNP Perennial but flowering the first year., 36.257005 -112.892095
B.30504 Phillips, A.M. III 83-359 1983-09-21
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Canyon National Park; End of Road at the The Cove, overlooking Grand Canyon, 8 miles SW of Toroweap Ranger Station. Top of bluff to west. SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec 34 T33N R8W., 36.203729 -113.166151, 1707m
B.30508 Phillips, A.M. & B.G. 83-380 1983-09-23
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Pigeon Canyon, steep ridge entering canyon from north, Kaibab Limestone outcrop; Upper Grand Wash Cliffs NW 1/4 Sec 12 T33N R13W., 36.503074 -113.806854
B.30537 Phillips, A.M. & B.G. 78-697b 1978-08-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; The Basin, North Rim, GCNP, in dry gravel creek bed. Fls too small for E. oregonense, fls too small and lvs opp-not E. paniculatum., 36.2667 -112.1
B.30546 Hawbecker, A. 1935-06-20
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, 1 mi E Williams Hwy, 35.23598 -112.228823
B.30547 Marion, H.W. 1935-06-20
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, 1/2 mi E. Williams, 35.249996 -112.164368
B.30574 Phillips, A. & B. 83-115 1983-03-12
USA, Arizona, Pima County, North slope of Sheep mountain., 32.119368 -113.218402
B.30594 Phillips, A. & B. 83-141 1983-03-13
USA, Arizona, Yuma County, Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge, Pinta sands, 1 mi west of Pinacate Lava Flow, 32.152281 -113.549078
B.30606 Phillips, A. & B. 83-95 1983-03-12
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Small wash where routes divides around Sheep Mountains, 5 miles W of Organ Pipe boundary., 32.116171 -113.220174
B.30655 Phillips, A. & B. 83-156 1983-03-14
USA, Arizona, Yuma County, Inner basin above Tinajas Altas tanks, along sandy wash., 32.311727 -114.051605
B.30656 Phillips, A. 83-155 1983-03-14
USA, Arizona, Yuma County, Inner basin above Tinajas Altas tanks, along sandy wash., 32.311727 -114.051605
B.30685 Stevens, L.E. 1030 2000-06-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest; North Kaibab National Forest, North Canyon Springs, 36.397515 -112.084638
B.30702 Stevens, L.E. 1381 2000-06-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest; Deer Lake, 36.402138 -112.130553
B.30715 Stevens, L.E. 1029 2000-06-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest; Deer Lake, 36.402138 -112.130553
B.30724 Stevens, L.E. 1083 2000-06-27
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest; Crane Lake, 36.5299 -112.149
B.30747 Stevens, L.E. 2000-06-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest; Dog Lake, 36.389138 -112.095958
B.30750 Stevens, L.E. 2000-06-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest; Dog Lake, 36.389138 -112.095958
B.30755 Stevens, L.E. 2000-06-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest; Dog Lake, 36.389138 -112.095958
B.30782 Stevens, L.E. 1058 2000-08-08
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest; Timp Springs, 36.387681 -112.295909
B.30795 Stevens, L.E. 2000-06-27
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest; Murrays Lakes, 36.631377 -112.176288
B.30832 Stevens, L.E. 2000-06-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest; Quaking Aspen Springs, lower (watered) source Lat/Long: N 36 23.533' W 112 11.463', 36.378227 -112.282504
B.30868 Stevens, L.E. 2000-06-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest; North Canyon Springs, middle, 36.3975 -112.0842
B.30923 Stevens, L.E. 2000-08-04
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Robbers Roost Spring, 35.658134 -113.154104
B.30995 Stevens, L.E. 2000-08-08
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Pipe Springs National Monument; West Cabin Spring, 36.694765 -112.312453
B.31088 Phillips, A.M. 79-753 1979-09-23
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Southwest base of Lost Spring Mountains, 36.95917 -113.17
B.31139 Phillips, A.M. III, & Phillips, B.G. 79-545 1979-05-25
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Cliff Dwellers Lodge, near Soap Creek drainage. red soils, 36.74389 -111.75278
B.31161 Phillips, A.M. III, Phillips, B.G., & Brian, N.J. 81-173 1981-05-19
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Grand Canyon National Park, Colorado River mile 136.2 R, Deer Creek NPS 39, 36.389315 -112.508235
B.31168 Phillips, A.M. III, & Phillips, B.G. 80-196 1980-10-09
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountains, Marijilda Canyon, along Marijilda Creek, near campground, ca. T8S, R25E, Northeast side of mountains, 32.69521 -109.793616
B.31201 Phillips, A.M. III, & Phillips, B.G. 81-7 1981-03-19
USA, Arizona, Yuma County, East side Cabeza Prieta Mtns, 5.2 miles East of Tules well in sandy marsh, Cabeza Prieta Game Range., 32.22418 -113.655392
B.31251 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 85-30 1985-03-28
USA, Arizona, Yuma County, Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge; Old mine camp 4.8 miles north of Tule Well., 32.295832 -113.749368
B.31258 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 85-37 1985-03-28
USA, Arizona, Yuma County, Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge; Road to Tuseral Tank, in wash., 32.204601 -113.744982
B.31283 Phillips, A.M. III, & Phillips, B.G. 78-268 1978-03-28
USA, Arizona, La Paz County, La Paz County, Dripping Springs area, Plomosa Mountains, 8 miles South East of Quartzsite., 33.61 -114.0775
B.31308 Phillips, A.M. III 78-290 1978-03-29
USA, Arizona, La Paz County, La Paz County, Plomosa Mountains, South East of Quartzite; 2 miles East of Dripping Springs., 33.61 -114.0775, 671m
B.31328 Phillips, A.M. III 78-377 1978-04-05
USA, Arizona, Pima County, AZ Sandario Road, 0.5 miles North of junction at AZ 86 (Ajo-Tucson Highway), 32.126845 -111.217498, 738m
B.31335 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 78-228 1978-04-24
USA, Arizona, La Paz County, Plomosa Mountains, 8 miles souteast of Quartzite, Dripping Springs area., 33.61 -114.0775
B.31339 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 78-201 1978-03-27
USA, Arizona, La Paz County, Plomosa Mountains, 8 miles southeast of Quartzite, Dripping Springs area, 33.61 -114.0775
B.31343 Phillips, A.M. 78-210 1978-03-28
USA, Arizona, La Paz County, Plomosa Mountains, 8 miles southeast of Quartzite, Dripping Springs area, 33.61 -114.0775, 752m
B.31399 Phillips, A. & B. and Daniel, T. and Butterwick, M. and Artman, V. and McElrath, C. & M. 83-125 1983-03-12
USA, Arizona, Yuma County, AZ, Yuma County, Pinta Sands, 1/2 mile East of Pinnacate lava flow, Western edge of playa., 32.094381 -113.43813
B.31449 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 80-130 1980-09-25
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, On hills 0.4 miles east of Clayhole Wash, north of Namajo Trail on gypsum., 36.9725 -113.26107
B.31489 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 83-163 1983-04-16
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Signal Road, 2 miles southwest of US-93, along road to mine about 1/2 mile., 34.597 -113.5554
B.31605 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 75-51 1975-07-07
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest. Anita road & Boggy Trail, about 10 miles south of entrance to Grand Canyon National Park., 35.862079 -112.241589
B.31649 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 77-82 1977-04-20
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Canyon National Park; Colorado River mile 198R. Sand dune at mouth of Parashant Creek., 36.09705 -113.323319
B.31653 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 77-86 1977-04-20
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Canyon National Park; Colorado River mile 198R. Sand dune at mouth of Parashant Creek., 36.09705 -113.323319
B.31665 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 77-98 1977-04-20
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Canyon National Park; Colorado River mile 207R. Indian Canyon., 35.989341 -113.343756
B.31687 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 81-281 1981-08-03
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Maricopa Point, Grand Canyon National Park. Sec. 14, T31N, R2E, 36.071266 -112.147268
B.31756 Phillips, A.M. 70-209 1970-10-10
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Open shrubby desert five miles east of Portal on the road to Rodea, New Mexico., 31.913581 -109.055341
B.31759 Phillips, A.M., Phillips, B.G. & Van Devender, T.R. 74-63a 1974-03-14
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Small wash near campground, Pierce Ferry., 36.134368 -113.9558
B.31851 Phillips, A.M. 78-291 1978-03-29
USA, Arizona, La Paz County, Plomosa Mountains. Two miles east of Dripping Springs area. Eight miles southeast of Quartzite. On flats near camp., 33.61 -114.0775, 671m
B.31888 Phillips, A.M., Phillips, B.G. & Brian, N.J. 82-98 1982-05-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, 0.3 miles south of Utah / Arizona state line, Coyote Valley. Sec.35/36, T42N, R3E, 36.995729 -112.037484
B.31930 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 79-773
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest; Kaibab National Forest, Grand Canyon National Park boundary. Thunder River where trail meets creek above lowest waterfall. Under cottonwood in shade., 36.392947 -112.452332
B.32015 Phillips, A.M. 79-106 1979-02-20
USA, Arizona, Yuma County, Two miles south of Fortuna Mine. West side of Gila mountains., 32.55167 -114.33
B.32019 Phillips, A.M. 79-436 1979-05-20
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Paria Plateau. Red Pocket, west edge of plateau. 2.7 miles west of Red Pocket Tank. Sec.36, T41N, R3E, 36.910692 -112.025898
B.32024 Phillips, A.M. 79-442 1979-05-20
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Paria Plateau. Red Pocket, west edge of plateau. 2.7 miles west of Red Pocket Tank. Sec.36, T41N, R3E, 36.910692 -112.025898
B.32025 Phillips, A.M.
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, detailed locality information protected
B.32037 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 1973-02-08
USA, Arizona, Pima County, About five miles beyond Kitt Peak. Stop # 1., 32.009899 -111.669551
B.32042 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. s.n. 1973-02-08
USA, Arizona, Pima County, North of Ajo. Stop # 3., 32.516538 -112.881973
B.32053 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. s.n. 1973-03-04
USA, Arizona, Yuma County, Tacna Dunes., 32.59579 -113.73313
B.32065 Phillips, B.G. & Goodwin, G. 87-74 1987-08-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Bebb willow site, Hart Prairie, Fern Mountain, west of Flagstaff., 35.34889 -111.73861
B.32129 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 85-79 1985-04-25
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Gravelly slopes on mesas north of Cholla Power Plant and Fly Ash Pond. SW¼, Sec.19, T18N, R20E, 34.939397 -110.2607
B.32137 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 85-88 1985-05-02
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Old Winslow-Holbrook Road, 12 miles west of junction with road to Joseph City. SW¼, Sec.35, T18N, R17E, 34.966966 -110.500304
B.32149 Phillips, A.M. & Phillips, B.G. 85-100 1985-05-05
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Volcanic cinder slope behind sand dunes at River Mile 192L, north side of 192 Mile Canyon., 36.098274 -113.219573
B.32296 Phillips, A.M. 84-39 1984-03-10
USA, Arizona, Yuma County, Tinajas Altas, steep slope just north of tanks. About thirty five miles southeast of Yuma., 32.298143 -114.061434
B.32446 Whiting, A. 1976-08-06
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Loy Road, Cornville., 34.713018 -111.921345
B.32447 Whiting, A. 1976-08-10
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Loy Road, Cornville., 34.713018 -111.921345
B.32522 Phillips, A.M. 81-457 1981-10-06
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon. Bright Angel Creek Project. North of Phantom Ranch. 1 RC (? Roaring Springs)., 36.116113 -112.087668
B.32584 Phillips, A.M. 78-82 1978-02-27
Mexico, MEXICO, Sonora, Sierra Bacha, coast of Gulf of California, fifteen miles south of Puerto Libertad. 'Playa Escondido' Sandy wash just back from beach, 29.666667 -112.5