Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRY-V
Taxa: Populus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 312

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0183002Sherel Goodrich   277602010-05-08
U.S.A., Utah, Uintah, 0.5 miles n of Jensen., 40.37583 -109.34555, 1452m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Populus x intercurrens Goodrich & S.L.Welsh
BRYV0001455Sherel Goodrich   244411994-05-27
U.S.A., Utah, Daggett, Jesse Ewing Canyon., 2103m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Populus x intercurrens Goodrich & S.L.Welsh
BRYV0001454Rich Fleming   BC2961987-05-02
U.S.A., Utah, Wayne, Captiol Reef National Park, Water Canyon., 1900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Populus x intercurrens Goodrich & S.L.Welsh
BRYV0001453Sherel Goodrich   2571972-04-10
U.S.A., Utah, Uintah, Tridell, Utah.

BRYV0007111J. H. Kynoch   2691966-06-11
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, Near Lower Lake Mary., 2134m

BRYV0007112N. Duane Atwood   48371973-05-14
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, Between Interstate Highway #15 and Silver Reef, west of Leeds. East slope of Pine Valley Mts.

BRYV0007114Stanley L. Welsh   220551983-05-26
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, Gcnra, LeeÕs Ferry and vicinity., 945m

BRYV0007115Larry C. Higgins   244812003-05-21
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, Paria Plateau, Vermillion Cliffs National Monument; headwaters of Soap Creek above Cliff DwellerÕs Lodge. Along private road that goes up to spring from Cliff DwellerÕs Lodge., 1500 - 1700m

BRYV0007116Michael G. Skougard   1791972-07-02
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, In front of and below Transcription House Ruin in Nitsin Canyon. Navajo National Monument.

BRYV0064919Mark Madsen   55702011-05-16
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Pine Park Canyon. Pine Valley Rd/Dixie National Forest., 37.5258 -114.0387, 1646m

BRYV0059210Mark Madsen   59182012-04-18
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Moody Wash. Bull Valley Mtns. Pine Valley Rd/Dixie NF., 37.4099 -113.7252, 1372m

BRYV0056258J. Looman   168551972-05-17
Canada, Saskatchewan, Near Halvorgate., 50.6 -106.7

BRYV0056257Bernard Boivin   101111952-08-11
Canada, Alberta, District de Medicine Hat. Kipp. Platieres de la riviere du Vieux a lÕembouchure de la riviere es Gros-Ventres.

Populus bernardii B. Boivin
BRYV0056254B. Boivin   118291958-06-02
Canada, Saskatchewan, Estevan, Saskatchewan.

Populus occidentalis (Rydb.) Britton ex Rydb.
BRYV0056253Bernard Boivin   137591960-07-06
Canada, Plantes du Texas, E.-U. Comte de Potter Riviere Canadienne. Ca 18 milles au nord dÕAmarillo. Platieres sablonneuses.

BRYV0056252H. A. Sann   25611946-07-27
Canada, Saskatchewan, Moose Mtn. park, kenosee lake, Sask.

BRYV0060045J. Looman   156371971-05-18
Canada, Saskatchewan, West of Saskatchewan Landing.

BRYV0080784B. E. Nelson   786612009-08-02
U.S.A., South Dakota, Harding, East Short Pine Hills: along a draw leading into Ward Gulch and to Spring No. 1, ca 17 air mi SW of Buffalo. Third latitude and longitude: 45.3696 deg. N 103.7266 deg. W., 45.3712 -103.7168, 1116 - 1189m

BRYV0080780B. E. Nelson   811582010-09-14
U.S.A., Montana, Valley, Hinsdale Wildlife Management Area: along the Milk River above and below the Bear Creek confluence, ca 1.5-2 air mi N of Hinsdale., 48.4178 -107.0839, 652m

BRYV0051894S. Popovich   82382002-08-09
U.S.A., Idaho, Butte, Foothills of Pioneer Mountains, in Craters of the Moon National Monument, ca 21.5 air-miles NE of Carey. Riparian area along Little Cottonwood Creek., 43.48311 -113.5872, 1914m

Populus trichocarpa Torr. & A.Gray
BRYV0051893S. Popovich   82772002-08-21
U.S.A., Idaho, Butte, In or near Craters of the Moon National Monument, ca 21 air-miles NE of Carey. 1/4 mile E od NPS research camp, North Unit., 43.47574 -113.58772, 1823m

BRYV0120576J. F. Smith   107242013-04-17
U.S.A., Idaho, Elmore, BlackÕs Creek Road., 43.49339 -115.93312, 1357m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Populus balsamifera subsp. trichocarpa (Torr. & A.Gray) Brayshaw
BRYV0104666R. E. Riefner Jr.   07-2532007-06-12
U.S.A., California, Orange, City of San Juan Capistrano, vicinity of Calle Arroyo/Paseo Esteban at San Juan Creek., 33.63101 -117.678, 152m

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BRYV0112468Robert L. Johnson   36722015-05-15
U.S.A., Utah, Box Elder, Ca 2 rd mi W of Honeyville on 6900 N at the crossing of Bear River. NE side of rd., 41.63742 -112.11697, 1292m

BRYV0125005S. Clark   30301977-08-04
U.S.A., Utah, Carbon, CC Wattis, Ford Creek., 2438m

BRYV0125001J. G. Harris   9431980-06-12
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, San Rafael Reef, Wild Horse Canyon., 1676m

BRYV0125003Stanley L. Welsh   37491964-09-15
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Lost Canyon., 1524 - 1615m

BRYV0125004Stanley L. Welsh   37501964-09-15
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Lost Canyon. T. 30 1/2 S, R. 20 E, Sec. 31; T. 30 1/2 S, R. 19 E, 36; T. 31 S, R. 19E, Sec. 1, 2, and 11., 1524 - 1615m

BRYV0125045Stanley L. Welsh   23641963-08-12
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Tuwa Canyon, Natural Bridges National Monument.

BRYV0125052K. Moon   23772006-08-11
U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln, Twin Creek in Nugget Canyon, Ca. 8.5 rd mi. E of Sage Junction., 41.82383 -110.82833, 1985m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125051Sherel Goodrich   133871979-07-11
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe N. F. Toiyabe Range, Washington Cr. 25 mi. 205¼ from Austin., 2195m

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BRYV0125050Margaret J. Williams   85-12-21985-05-15
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Troy Canyon, Grant Range, 2.2 mi in from Nyala road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125049Sherel Goodrich   132781979-07-08
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe NF Toquima Range, Shoshone Canyon ca 2 mi E of town of Round Mtn., 38.68333 -117.01666, 2286m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125048Noel H. Holmgren   10071964-06-18
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Snake Range, Swallow Canyon., 2134m

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BRYV0125095Cottam   32781929-06-20
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Baker., 1676m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125096Sherel Goodrich   132071979-07-05
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe NF Monitor Range, Morgan Cr. 23 mi and 38¼ from Belmont., 2377m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125097A. H. Holmgren   12021941-06-23
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, Pole Canyon, Clover Mts.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125098Sherel Goodrich   129551979-06-27
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe NF Monitor Range, Willow Cr. 27 mi. 102¼ from town of Round Mtn., 38.625 -116.57694, 2262m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125099Mont E. Lewis   2096-A1970-08-12
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, Lower Lamoille Canyon., 2195m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125100Ann Pinzl   123051997-05-14
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, White Pine Range, Road along White River, vicinity of turnoff to Currant Creek., 38.94333 -115.22, 2164m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125094M. Madsen   38332007-09-07
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Blue Mass Scenic Area just NW of Pleasant Valley in the Kern Mts ca 15 miles SE of Tippet and 40 miles N of Mt. Moriah.

BRYV0125092B. Franklin   33991986-06-03
U.S.A., Colorado, Mesa, E slope of LaSal Mts. below S rim of John Brown Canyon., 2237m

BRYV0125093Elizabeth Neese   136671983-06-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Mesa, 9 mi NE of Gateway along West Creek, ca 8 airmiles E of Utah border., 1646m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125081Sherel Goodrich   24740-B1994-09-23
U.S.A., Utah, Uintah, USM, ANF UM, Redpine Canyon, Whiterocks Canyon., 2256m

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BRYV0125119I. W. Clokey   83071939-07-03
U.S.A., Nevada, Clark, Kyle Canyon., 2250m

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BRYOGDF04027R. R. Wilson   24551957-07-04
U.S.A., Canada, British Columbia, Under railroad trestle at end of Jasper

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BRYOGDF04028Ivar Tidestrom   2791907-08-19
U.S.A., Utah, Sanpete, Wasatch Mtns, 1650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125083A. Huber   6971994-05-26
U.S.A., Utah, Uintah, Big Brush Creek Gorge, Uinta Mtns., 2384m

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BRYV0125084A. Huber   6651994-05-25
U.S.A., Utah, Uintah, Little Brush Creek Gorge, Uinta Mtns., 2256m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125085Jack Brotherson   11141966-05-27
U.S.A., Utah, Uintah, Ca 12 miles north of Vernal along Flaming Gorge highway.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125086Stanley L. Welsh   671955-04-30
U.S.A., Utah, Uintah, Beach Draw, Dinosaur National Monument., 1539m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125087K. S. Erdman   2611960-07-29
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Near the cliff dwellings on Duckett Ridge, south slope of Mt. Linneaus, Abajo Mts.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125088Stanley L. Welsh   25001963-08-15
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Armstrong Canyon, between Kachina Bridge and Owachomo Bridge, Natural Bridges National Monument.

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BRYV0125089Rich Fleming   10721990-06-28
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Natural Bridges National Monumen Armstrong Canyon., 1756m

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BRYV0125090Mont E. Lewis   40591976-06-18
U.S.A., Utah, Sanpete, Manti-LaSal NF. Twelve mile canyon, below Pinchot., 2225m

BRYV0125124George Neville Jones   452011967-06-18
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Along the Green River at Green River., 1219m

BRYV0125125George Neville Jones   451991967-06-18
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Woodside, along Price River., 1402m

BRYV0125126J. G. Harris   6871980-05-14
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, San Rafael Swell, jct of Buckhorn Wash and San Rafael River., 1561m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125091R. Foster   36101977-05-03
U.S.A., Utah, Piute, SC Paunsaugunt. .5 mi E of Kingston on Hwy 62., 1935m

BRYV0125127S. L. Welsh   107921970-09-01
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, San Rafael River Bridge, mouth of Buckhorn Wash.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125120A. Huber   28501995-08-14
U.S.A., Utah, Uintah, Farm Creek, 1.3 mi. north of Elkhorn G. S, Uinta mountains., 2141m

BRYV0125128K. S. Erdman   1671960-07-25
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, E of Woodside on the S bank of Price River., 1433m

BRYV0125129S. L. Welsh   146461977-04-29
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, CC Summerville, 7 mi from Green River., 1280m

BRYV0125130B. F. Harrison   81351936-05-09
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Buckhorn Wash., 1676m

BRYV0125132Kim Despain   1951977-06-02
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, Mexican Bend, San Rafael River, just below the mouth of the Upper Black Box., 1372m

BRYV0125133D. Atwood   147661991-05-24
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, 2.5 miles north of the San Rafael River Bridge in Buckorn Canyon., 1650m

BRYV0125134Bertrand Harrison   s.n.1992-10-11
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Beaver Dam Wash, near Lytle Preserve.

BRYV0125135S. L. Welsh   98381970-05-30
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, At junction of Buckhorn Wash and San Rafael River Canyon north of river.

BRYV0125142Cottam   43791929-06-18
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Escalante., 1676m

BRYV0125141B. F. Harrison   115271950-05-16
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Woodruff Spring - S.E. slope of Henry Mts., 1829m

BRYV0125140R. Foster   36631977-05-04
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Sc Escalante, 11 mi SE of Boulder in the Gulch., 1865m

BRYV0125139W. D. Stanton   4201930-07-15
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Henry Mountains, Streamside Crescent creek., 1829m

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BRYV0125108Cottam   35221928-06-26
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, Beaver Creek.

BRYV0125138Elizabeth Neese   19001976-06-22
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Henry Mts; S branch crossing of Sweet Water Creek; W of Mt. Ellen., 1676m

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BRYV0125109A. Taye   19011984-05-12
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, Tushar Mtns,Beaver Canyon., 1890m

BRYV0125137S. L. Welsh   39681965-05-06
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Egnog Spring, Bullfrog Creek, west of Henry Mts.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125110K. S. Erdman   29291965-09-07
U.S.A., Utah, Sanpete, 12 Mile Canyon road abt 3 miles E of Mayfield at the crossing of 12 Mile Creek. West foothills of Wasatch Plateau.

BRYV0125123Arthur Cronquist   100701965-05-10
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Along a dry wash at the west side of Capitol Reef, on the Burr Trail, 47 road miles east of Boulder., 1554m

BRYV0125122Keith Shaw   15891972-07-15
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Hot Spring, near Hite.

BRYV0125121E. Neese   26941977-04-28
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Sc Henry Mtn. Star Springs, 5.5 mi from U-276., 1952m

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BRYV0125111K. S. Erdman   41960-05-09
U.S.A., Utah, Sevier, 1st Left Fork, Monroe Canyon, 3 miles E of Monroe., 1737 - 1829m

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BRYV0125112Elizabeth Neese   69391978-10-09
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, 1 mile below Lonesome Beaver Campground, Henry Mts., 2347m

BRYV0125144S. L. Welsh   39541965-05-05
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Star Spring; Henry Mts.

BRYV0125155John S. Allan   741972-06-28
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, 3 miles west of Courthouse Wash Bridge, Arches Natl. Park.

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BRYV0125113K. S. Erdman   29011965-09-07
U.S.A., Utah, Sevier, Along Utah 10, 1.5 miles inside (W) of NF boundary., 2195m

BRYV0125154Desma H. Galway   111621947-04-27
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Near Courthouse Towers., 1280m

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BRYV0125114M. (Ben) Franklin   70811990-06-01
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, Wah, Wah Mountains, Willow Creek., 2164m

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BRYV0125115A. Taye   24771984-06-30
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, Tushar Mtns, Beaver Canyon near Ponderosa picnic ground., 2103m

BRYV0125153K. S. Erdman   1631960-07-25
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, East bank of the Green River, 5 miles N of the town of Green River., 1433m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125116K. S. Erdman   29271965-09-07
U.S.A., Utah, Sevier, Along Salina Creek on Utah 10 at highway tunnel abt 10 miles E of Salina., 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125117K. S. Erdman   1071960-05-13
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, Mouth of side canyon along the river, Beaver Canyon, Tushar Mts. E of Beaver.

BRYV0125152G. L. Pyrah   681963-05-02
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Arches National Monument. Vicinity of Courthouse wash.

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BRYV0125107Jack D. Brotherson   35161974-07-09
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Along Sevier River between Circleville and Hatch.

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BRYV0125106Stanley L. Welsh   284712002-06-07
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Jct. with Main Upper Valley Creek 4 miles W of Escalante., 1856m

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BRYV0125105M. Madsen   11372000-07-14
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Located to the S of Cedar Fork Jeep Trail ca the NE corner Boundary of Bryce Canyon NP. Escalante RD/ Dixie NF., 2250m

BRYV0125150K. S. Erdman   1851960-07-26
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, In wash 2 miles off the highway 160 on the road to Dead Horse Point.

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BRYV0125104M. Madsen   4832000-05-27
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Hillsdale Cyn near where Wilson Cyn intersects with it. Ca 3 mi WSW of Wilson Peak near dixie NF Boundary., 2200m

BRYV0125156S. L. Welsh   23391963-08-04
U.S.A., Utah, Grand, Small draw east of Hanging Garden, north of Trail to Delicate Arch, Arches National Monument.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0125103N. Duane Atwood   260512000-09-27
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, Ca 1.5 miles N of Tropic., 1973m

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BRYV0125102E. S. Nixon   112891982-06-19
U.S.A., Utah, Garfield, On North Creek Rd, about 9 mi. N of its jct. with Hwy 12., 2150m

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