Search Results (List)

Dataset: EIU-
Search Criteria: Australia; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Eastern Illinois University, Stover-Ebinger Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU078620C.J. Nicholson   s.n.2009-08-10
Australia, Queensland, Moreton, behind Verdoni Street houses, at Buckleys Hole, -27.060556 153.15

K.D. Hill et al.   55482000-10-08
Australia, New South Wales, SW Plains, Roto, S of railway., -32.992778 145.840556

Leiocarpa leptolepis (DC.) Paul G.Wilson
K.D. Hill et al.   52572000-10-01
Australia, New South Wales, S. Far W. Plains, Kars Station, 250 m S of homestead., -32.226389 142.028611, 101m

Olearia subspicata (Hook.) Benth.
K.D. Hill et al.   54452000-10-07
Australia, New South Wales, S. Far W. Plains, Loch Lily station, 5 km SE of homestead, -33.037222 141.049444, 87m

R.G. Coveny et al.   187392000-10-08
Australia, New South Wales, Balranald, picnic area above the Murrumbidgee., -34.633333 143.566667, 65m

Podolepis jaceoides (Sims) Voss
K.D. Hill et al.   55622000-10-08
Australia, New South Wales, SW Plains, Matakana, 200 m SE of highway-railway crossing., -32.992222 145.900833, 152m

Rhodanthe stuartiana (Sond. & F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
R.G. Coveny et al.   197352000-10-07
Australia, New South Wales, Road junction at Stony Crossing with the Kyalite-Swan Hill Road. Elev. 87 m., -35.077222 143.575833, 87m

Vittadinia gracilis (Hook. f.) N.T. Burb.
K.D. Hill et al.   55432000-10-08
Australia, New South Wales, SW Plains, Roto, S of railway., -33.059722 145.315833, 126m

K.D. Hill et al.   52232000-10-01
Australia, New South Wales, S. Far W. Plains, Kars Station, 150 m S of homestead., -32.224444 142.028333

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU018614F.J. Badman   17031985-04-28
Australia, South Australia, Region 2, Lake Eyre Basin, Eringa WH, Lindsay Creek, Hamilton Stn., -26.283333 134.716667

J.J. Bruhl   24872006-11-12
Australia, Queensland, North Kennedy District, Five Mile Creek, 10 m N of Picnic area. 25 m, -18.326944 146.0125, 25m

Tetraria capillaris (F.Muell.) J.M.Black
K.L. Wilson   98562000-02-12
Australia, New South Wales, Central Coast, Dharawal State Recreation Area: c. 1 km S along 10A Management Trail from Darkes Forest road. 380 m., -34.25 150.915278, 380m

EIU077562B. Kaspiew   2191958-09-19
Australia, New South Wales, Sydney.

Trochocarpa laurina (Rudge) R.Br.
J.B. Williams   s.n.1972-04-00
Australia, New South Wales, North Coast, Coopernook Creek, NE of Dorrigo, -30.266667 152.816667

Beyeria opaca F. Muell.
K.D. Hill et al.   55522000-10-08
Australia, New South Wales, SW Plains, Roto, S of railway., -32.992778 145.840556

Beyeria opaca F.Muell.
K.D. Hill et al.   55532000-10-08
Australia, New South Wales, SW Plains, Roto, S of railway., -32.992778 145.840556, 100m

I.R. Telford   131732007-08-04
Australia, New South Wales, North Coast, Battery Hill, 6 km SSW of Urbenvill. 400 m., -28.520278 152.521944, 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pultenaea pycnocephala F.Muell. ex Benth.
EIU049910J.B. Williams   s.n.1991-09-00
Australia, New South Wales, North Coast, Guy Fawkes River National Park, Mt. Chaelundi, -30.166667 152.333333

K.D. Hill   55542000-10-08
Australia, New South Wales, SW Plains, Roto, S of railway., -32.992778 145.840556

Image Associated With the Occurence
Glischrocaryon aureum (Lindl.) Orchard
EIU029625Moody, Michael Lee   4222003-12-14
Australia, Western Australia, Ellensdale Road, 20 km from Bran Hiway., -29.0525 114.983611

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gonocarpus chinensis (Lour.) Orchard
EIU029595Martine, Christopher T.   8032004-06-04
Australia, Western Australia, Northern Kimberley Region, Kalamburu Road, 7 km N of Marunbadidi Station., -15.314722 126.189722

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU029596Moody, Michael Lee   4872004-01-13
Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, Sydney-St. Ives Chase West., -33.893611 151.239444

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gonocarpus rudis (Benth.) Orchard
EIU029598Moody, Michael Lee   3982003-12-02
Australia, Western Australia, Track to Mt. Lindesey trailhead., -35.024167 117.545278

J.B. Williams   s.n.1976-12-16
Australia, New South Wales, North Coast, Broken Head., -28.7 153.583333

Lawrencia squamata Nees ex Miq.
R.G. Coveny   187412000-10-09
Australia, New South Wales, Sturt Highway between Balranald and Euston., -34.554444 143.061389

K.D. Hill et al.   51782000-09-30
Australia, New South Wales, Pamameroo regulator channel, N of Menindee, -32.300556 142.503889

R.G. Coveny   187282000-10-07
Australia, New South Wales, ca. 6 km W of Stony Crossing off the Kyalite-Swan Hill road. Elev. 86 m., -35.101389 143.522778, 86m

Lophozonia cunninghamii (Hook.) Heenan & Smissen
J.B. Williams   s.n.1981-12-00
Australia, Tasmania, Mount Field National Park, Eagle Tarn., -42.667 146.6

ignot.   s.n.
Australia, New South Wales, exact location unknown

J.B. Williams   s.n.1966-10-21
Australia, New South Wales, Northern Tablelands, Mt. Slow area, SE of Glen Innes, Henry River, 1100 m, -29.833333 152.133333

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU010275P.C. Jobson et al.   79852007-08-10
Australia, New South Wales, North West Slopes, Killarney National Park, 15 km NNE of Narrabri. 280 m.

Duboisia hopwoodii (F. Muell.) F. Muell.
J.B. Williams   s.n.1965-09-00
Australia, South Australia, ca. 84 miles [135 km] N of Port Augusta, -31.5 137.1

K.D. Hill et al.   55602000-10-08
Australia, New South Wales, SW Plains, Matakana, 200 m SE of highway-railway crossing., -32.992222 145.900833

D.W. Lawrence   1462007-02-02
Australia, New South Wales, Northern Tablelands, Styx River, junction with Spring Creek, 1.5 km downstream from crossing of road to Point Lookout. 1180 m., -30.51 152.350833, 1180m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cayratia clematidea (F. Muell.) Domin
EIU013112Telford, I. R.   132242008-06-09
Australia, New South Wales, North Coast, Nymboida River, Nymboi-Binderay N.P, Platypus Flat. 410 m. Gorge; river bank, W aspect, -30.1875 152.691667, 410m

Acacia alata R. Br.
EIU018438Thomas Birch Wolfe   

Image Associated With the Occurence
Isopogon anemonifolius (R.A. Salisbury) Knight
EIU018326Burgess, C.   B3101973-10-23
Australia, New South Wales, Central Coast, Thirlmere, at the foot of the Southern Highlands., -34.2 150.566667

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU018336Johnson, L. A. S.   89581992-05-02
Australia, New South Wales, 11.6 km S of Queen Victoria House near Harris Hill on Kings Tableland. Blue Mountains National Park., -33.5024 150.2438, 650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Strangea cynanchicarpa (Meisn.) F.Muell.
EIU018329Williams, J. B.   s.n.1975-11-27
Australia, Western Australia, Badgingarra, N of Perth, -30.39861 115.55417

Image Associated With the Occurence
Halgania cyanea var. tuberculosa (Schltdl) Randell
EIU015230Hill, K.D.   54842000-10-08
Australia, New South Wales, 15.2 km. from Poocarie on Ivanhoe Road; South Far West Plains., 33.2301 -142.4325

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leptospermum brachyandrum (F. Muell.) Druce
EIU016208Willis, J.W.   1958-05-21
Australia, New South Wales, North Coast; Buttinhight Creek, 10 miles from Casino.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016209Cannon, D.   1922-10-24
Australia, New South Wales, Central Coast; Middle Harbour., 33.48 -151.15

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leptospermum trinervium (Sm.) Joy Thomps.
EIU016210Johnson, L.A.S.   1965-10-24
Australia, New South Wales, Central Coast,\; Boree Track, 7km from Wollombi Road, at Laguna., 33.02 -151.04, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016216Jobson, P.C.   68782000-11-19
Australia, New South Wales, South western Plains; E side of Pinteebakana Rd, 15 km S of Mid Western Hwy junction. Junction is 21.1 km W of Rankins Springs., 33.5834 -146.0141, 172m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016219Coveny, R.G.   146041990-10-11
Australia, New South Wales, Northern Tablelands. Flagstone Creek crossing, 20.4km (by road) N along Gulf Road from Emmaville., 29.183 -151.343, 720m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tristaniopsis laurina (Sm.) Peter G.Wilson & J.T.Waterh.
EIU016230Williams, J.B.   s.n.1973-12-19
Australia, New South Wales, North Coast, North Coast: Forbes River near Birdwood., 31.2 -152.2

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016238Conn, B.J.   26941987-12-15
Australia, New South Wales, Southern Tablelands; 4km NE of Merumbago Hut ruins, ca. 3km NW of Mt. Alexander., 36.493 -148.4, 820m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eucalyptus costata subsp. murrayana L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill
EIU016239Hill, K.D.   53972000-10-06
Australia, New South Wales, South Far Western Plains; Nagaelia Station, 7km S of Terranya Road on track to Nanya Station., 33.003 -141.1924

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016240Stievermann, B.   1062007-05-04
Australia, South Australia, Murray Basin: Coorong National Park, 42 Mile Crossing., 36.1623 -139.4321

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eucalyptus dumosa A. Cunn. ex J. Oxley
EIU016241Hill, K.D.   53962000-10-06
Australia, New South Wales, South Far Western Plains; Nagaelia Station, 7km S of Terranya Road on track to Nanya Station., 33.003 -141.1924

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eucalyptus dumosa A. Cunn. ex J. Oxley
EIU016242Jobson, P.C.   66772000-11-08
Australia, New South Wales, South Far Western Plains; S side of North boundary Fire Trail, ca. 1 km. E of South Australia border, c. 200m S of road in Tarwawi Nature Reserve., 33.2 -141.0037, 85m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016243Hill, K.D.   53982000-10-06
Australia, New South Wales, South Far Western Plains; Nagaelia Station, 7km S of Terranya Road on track to Nanya Station., 33.003 -141.1924

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016244Hill, K.D.   53062000-10-03
Australia, New South Wales, S. Far W. Plains, South Far Western Plains; ca. 5km directly SE of cawndilla outlet regulator. Kinchega National Park., 32.3352 -142.153

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016245Jobson, P.C.   79022007-08-05
Australia, New South Wales, North West Slopes: Couradda National Park, 37km NNE of Narrabri., 30.51 -149.5634, 340m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eucalyptus niphophila Maiden & Blakely
EIU016246Williams, J.B.   1982-02-20
Australia, New South Wales, Southern Tablelands, Kosciusko National Park, Charlotte Pass., 36.24 -148.19

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016247Hill, K.D.   54012000-10-06
Australia, New South Wales, South Far Western Plains; Nagaelia Station, 7km S of Terranya Road on track to Nanya Station., 33.003 -141.1924

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016248Jobson, P.C.   79312007-08-05
Australia, New South Wales, North West Slopes: Couradda National Park, 37km NNE of Narrabri., 30.454 -149.5437, 325m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016249Hill, K.D.   55412000-10-08
Australia, New South Wales, SW Plains; Roto, S of railway., 33.0335 -145.1857

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016293Hill, K.D.   53902000-10-06
Australia, New South Wales, South Far Western Plains; Nagaelia Station, 7km S of Terranya Road on track to Nanya Station., 33.003 -141.1924

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016294Coveny, R.G.   134131989-09-02
Australia, New South Wales, North Far Western Plains; 1 kn S of Olive Downs homestead, on Jump Up Loop Road, NNW of Tibooburra. Sturt National Park., 29.03 -141.52, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016295Hill, K.D.   53962000-10-05
Australia, New South Wales, South Far Western Plains; 7km N of Mazar turnoff., 32.4402 -141.0611

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016296Jobson, P.C.   79122007-08-05
Australia, New South Wales, North West Slopes: Couradda National Park, 37km NNE of Narrabri., 30.459 -149.5526, 340m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016297Hill, K. D.   54552000-10-07
Australia, New South Wales, S Far W Plains, Loch Lily station, 5km. SE of homestead., 33.0214 -141.0258

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016342Hill, K.D.   56062000-10-09
Australia, New South Wales, Central West Slopes; Bumbery Range, near Bindogandry Creek Goobang Nature Preserve., 33.1017 -148.2341

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aluta maisonneuvei (F.Muell.) Rye & Trudgen
EIU016343Bruhl, J.J.   21602004-09-26
Australia, Northern Territory, 77.4 km along Lasseter Highway from junction with Kings Canyon-Uluru road., 25.1425 -131.3124, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corymbia leichhardtii (F.M. Bailey) K.D. Hill & L.A.S. Johnson
EIU016344Williams, J.B.   NE 788061987-09-03
Australia, Queensland, North Kennedy District, North Kennedy District: Great Dividing Range, E of Burra., 20.43 -145.13

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU016345Telford, I.R.   131982007-09-25
Australia, New South Wales, Southern Tablelands, Southern Tablelands: Budawang Range, Morton National Park, Wog Wog-Corang trig track, c. 2km. W of Corang trig., 35.1717 -150.456, 750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Zostera muelleri Irmisch ex Asch.
EIU019224Donald H. Les   5361999-10-07
Australia, New South Wales, Coastline S of Bateman's Bay., -35.703417 150.180681

Image Associated With the Occurence
Zostera tasmanica M.Martens ex Asch.
EIU018686Donald H. Les   5351999-10-07
Australia, New South Wales, Eurobodalla Shire Council, Coastline S of Bateman's Bay. Surf Beach., -35.761746 150.213799

Image Associated With the Occurence
Zostera muelleri Irmisch ex Asch.
EIU018673Donald H. Les   6342000-01-12
Australia, Victoria, Wellington Shire, Bass Strait; McLoughlins Channel., -38.604178 146.908747

Image Associated With the Occurence
Zostera muelleri Irmisch ex Asch.
EIU018674Donald H. Les   6352000-01-12
Australia, Victoria, Wellington Shire, Manns Beach. Just west of St. Margaret Island but on mainland., -38.646444 146.784444

EIU019212Donald H. Les   6492000-01-20
Australia, Tasmania, Northern Midlands Council, Lake Leake. Boat ramp just east of dam on west end of lake., -42.007628 147.796389

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU019248K.L. Wilson   103442006-05-04
Australia, Western Australia, ca. 16 km E of Caramulla Creek crossing on minor road to Jigalong Community., -23.385278 120.457778

Image Associated With the Occurence
Psydrax odorata (G. Forst.) A.C. Sm. & S. Darwin
EIU006882Jobson, P. E.   78942007-08-04
Australia, New South Wales, North West Slopes, Bullawa Creek National Park, 12 km E of Narrabri. 295 m elev., -30.342222 149.89, 295m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Podocarpus elatus R.Br. Ex Endl.
EIU019030J.B. Williams   1973-05-09
Australia, New South Wales, North Coast: 2 miles E of Bellingen on the Fernmount Road

Image Associated With the Occurence
Callitris glaucophylla Joy Thomps. & L.A.S.Johnson
EIU019036P.C. Jobson   79182007-08-05
Australia, New South Wales, North West Slopes: Couradda National Park

Image Associated With the Occurence
Callitris endlicheri Parl. F.M. Bailey
EIU019037P.C. Jobson   79742007-08-10
Australia, New South Wales, North West Slopes: Killarney National Park, 15 KM NNE of Narrabri.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyathea cooperi F. Muell. Domin
EIU018964P.H. Weston   7811986-08-20
Australia, Mount Lewis Road, near Mount Spurgeon

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU010328Williams, J.B.   s.n.1982-09-15
Australia, New South Wales, North Coast, Pacific Highway, Iuka Road

Image Associated With the Occurence
Leionema elatius subsp. beckleri (F. Muell.) Paul G. Wilson
EIU010345Telford, I.R.   132272008-06-09
Australia, New South Wales, North Coast, Nymboida River, Nymboi-Binderay N.P, bridge over Nymboida River. 420 m., -30.193056 152.691667, 420m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq.
EIU010378Hill, K. D.   55332000-10-08
Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, Roto, S of railway.; -33.059722 145.315833, -33.059722 145.315833, 126m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU010379Jobson, P.C.   67352000-11-10
Australia, New South Wales, N Side of Sturt Hwy, 10.1 km E of Mildura.; -34.2030556 142.2427778, -34.2030556 142.2427778, 54m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU010381Williams, J.B.   s.n.1978-05-02
Australia, New South Wales, North Coast, Pine Creek State Forest

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EIU010458Donner, N. N.   81031981-09-23
Australia, Uno Range, Southern End, on Western side.

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EIU010585J.L. Boorman   2291911-03-00
Australia, New South Wales, Port Jackson District., -33.805881 151.261901

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyperus decompositus (R.Br.) F. Muell.
EIU010587Zika, P. F.   167482001-12-31
Australia, Queensland, Cassowary Coast Regional, Near airstrip, Dunk Island, Coral Sea., -17.933333 146.133333, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU010592Wilson, K. L.   103332006-05-03
Australia, New South Wales, Caramulla Creek crossing on Mundiwindi Community= Jigalong Community road, 62 km direct ESE of Newman, -23.490833 120.318056

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU010593Wilson, K. L.   104502008-03-23
Australia, New South Wales, St Albans Common, 8.2km N from Settlers Inn at St Albans, on Wollombi Rd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU010600Wilson, K. L.   104612008-03-23
Australia, New South Wales, 2.3 km along Laughtondale Gully Road from Dural Wisemans Ferry Road.

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EIU010604B. Kaspiew   2361961-02-05
Australia, New South Wales, Goulburn, -34.7485 149.7346

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EIU010607Wilson, K. L.   99012001-02-28
Australia, New South Wales, Central Coast, Entrance to migratory bird reserve beside Captain Cook Drive, Kurnell., -34.036944 151.159444

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU010608Stievermann, B.   1142007-04-17
Australia, New South Wales, South Western Plains, Murrumbidgee River, Balrandald Caravan Park., -34.610833 143.564722

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU010612Wilson, K. L.   104512008-03-23
Australia, New South Wales, St Albans Common, 8.2 km N from Settlers Inn at St Albans, on Wollombi Rd., -33.231111 150.979167

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU010621Wilson, K. L.   104552008-03-23
Australia, New South Wales, St Albans Common, 8.2km N from Settlers Inn at St Albans, on Wollombi Rd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU010632Wilson, K. L.   99022001-02-28
Australia, New South Wales, Entrance to migratory bird reserve beside Captain Cook Drive, Kurnell.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU010651Wilson, K. L.   101752003-01-27
Australia, New South Wales, Engine Pond, beside Ross Smith Ave on SE side of Sydney Airport, Mascot

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EIU010661Wilson, K. L.   105812010-03-06
Australia, NSW Central Coast. NE side of Killalea Lagoon. Killalea State Park

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EIU010663Kaspiew, B.   417

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU010665Wilson, K. L.   104482008-03-23
Australia, St Albans Common, 8.2km N from Settlers Inn at St Albans, on Wollombi Rd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU010666Zika, P. F.   167462001-12-31
Australia, Queensland, Near airstrip, Dunk Island, Coral Sea.

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