EIU018261 Seigler, D. 13581 1991-05-28
Mexico, Guerrero, Taxco de Alarcón, Mexico route 95, 1 mile S of exit to Taxco., 18.537671 -99.609599
EIU036216 Barkley, Fred 36125 1966-07-28
Mexico, Guerrero, 4.5 miles west of the Cuarnavaca-Taxco highway on road to Ixtopan., 18.403548 -99.68038
EIU036217 Barkley, Fred 37466 1967-07-13
Mexico, Guerrero, 30 km southwest of Cuernavaca., 18.090601 -101.529644
EIU048080 Seigler, D. 13904 1993-07-16
Mexico, Guerrero, 11 km east of Huitzuco
EIU048081 Seigler, D. 13608 1991-05-29
Mexico, Guerrero, Edge of Mexico route 55, sixteen miles north of Taxco on road to Toluca
EIU048082 Seigler, D. 13586 1991-05-28
Mexico, Guerrero, Edge of Mexico route 95, 1 mile south of exit to Taxco
EIU048645 Seigler, D. 13917 1993-07-17
Mexico, Guerrero, 29 km east of the tollroad to Mexico and the highway to Pinotepa Nacional, Guerrero
EIU049624 Seigler, D. 13598 1991-05-28
Mexico, Guerrero, Six miles south of San Balsas on Mexico Route 95
EIU049625 Seigler, D. DS 13896
Mexico, Guerrero, About two miles south of Rio Balsas on Highway 95
EIU049630 Seigler, D. DS 11548 1980-06-24
Mexico, Guerrero, 36 miles south of Iguala on Highway 95
EIU049654 Seigler, D. DS 13914 1993-07-16
Mexico, Guerrero, 13 km north of Xaltianguis, Guerrero on Highway 95
EIU000326 Seigler, David S. DS 13916 1993-07-16
Mexico, Guerrero, About 2.5 miles S of Rio Balsas on Hwy 95
EIU000331 Seigler, David S. 13597 1991-05-28
Mexico, Guerrero, Eduardo Neri, 8 mi S of Río Balsas on Mex route 95, 17.83578 -99.56731
EIU000531 Seigler, David S. 13596 1991-05-28
Mexico, Guerrero, Iguala de la Independencia, 4 mi N of Iguala on Mexico route 95, 18.3915 -99.53481
EIU002121 Seigler, D. 13603 1991-03-29
Mexico, Guerrero, Taxco de Alarcón Mun., México route 55, 16 miles N of Taxco on road to Toluca., 18.716051 -99.584202
EIU002122 Seigler, D. 13587 1991-05-28
Mexico, Guerrero, Taxco de Alarcón Mun., Edge of Mexico route 95, 1 mi S of exit to Taxco, Gro., 18.468878 -99.584202
EIU002123 Seigler, D. 13590 1991-05-28
Mexico, Guerrero, Taxco de Alarcón Mun., Edge of Mexico route 95, 1 mi S of exit to Taxco, Gro., 18.468878 -99.584202
EIU002127 Seigler, D. 13601 1991-05-29
Mexico, Guerrero, Mexico route 55, 12 miles N of Taxco on road to Toluca., 18.657893 -99.584202
EIU002131 Seigler, D. 13591 1991-05-28
Mexico, Guerrero, Edge of Mexico route 95, 9 mile N of Iguala., 18.012427 -100.408091
EIU032535 Reeder, J.R. 4404 1965-08-16
Mexico, Guerrero, western edge of Acapulco, along railroad, 16.882279 -99.946922, 30m