Search Results (List)

Dataset: EIU-
Taxa: Alismataceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 209

Eastern Illinois University, Stover-Ebinger Herbarium

Gordon C. Tucker   149422006-08-10
USA, Illinois, Marion, Kinmundy: Prairie Ridge State Natural Area (Marion Co. unit). Tract 11 (Bainbridge Tract), north end near CR 1900N., 38.7494 -88.8582

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EIU019073S.K. Harris   263721963-09-13
USA, New Hampshire, Rockingham, Parrow River, East Kingston

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EIU008194Ebinger, John E.   330802011-07-22
USA, Illinois, Shelby, Margaret Guzy Pothole Wetlands Land and Water Reserve, 2 miles N of Findlay/Assumption Rd on Rt 128, 3 miles WNW of Findlay., 39.544911 -88.813592

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EIU008195Gordon C. Tucker   147502006-06-21
USA, Illinois, Effingham, Wildcat Hollow State Forest, 2 miles N of Mason; W side, along County Route 24., 38.98585 -88.62063, 175m

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EIU008203Gordon C. Tucker   118671999-08-26
USA, Illinois, Coles, Charleston: EIU campus, at Carman Pond., 39.475278 -88.172778

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EIU008204Gordon C. Tucker   114341997-09-06
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, Kickapoo State Park: Clear Lake near boat launch at SW edge. Elev. about 600 feet., 40.137778 -87.743889, 183m

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EIU008205Marcum, Paul B.   53122008-08-22
USA, Illinois, Woodford, ParkLands Foundationäó»s Chinquapin Bluffs Preserve; located approximately 5 miles north of Carlock, Illinois. Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.65746 -89.13362, 196m

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EIU008241Gordon C. Tucker   114271997-08-28
USA, Illinois, Coles, E.I.U. Campus: Carman Pond. Elevation 695 feet., 39.476111 -88.170833, 212m

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EIU008247Gordon C. Tucker   131642002-08-29
USA, Illinois, Coles, Charleston: EIU campus, at Carman Pond. Elev. 695 feet., 39.476111 -88.170833, 212m

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EIU019070Ebinger, John E.   108411971-09-16
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Edge of shallow pond 8 miles W of Newton

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EIU019310Parker, Hampton M.   9711977-03-14
USA, Georgia, Camden, Union Carbide plant site, 4 mi W of Cumberland Island Nat. Park

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EIU008120Ebinger, John E.   118351972-07-20
USA, Illinois, Clark, 8 m S of Marshall, IL. NE1/4 Sec 6 R11W T9N.

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EIU008218Plouffe, M.   1975-07-22
USA, Iowa, Hardin, Clay Twp. NE1/4 SE1/4 Sec 5, 42.408 -93.066

Gordon C. Tucker   153822008-08-12
USA, Illinois, Marion, Kinmundy: Prairie Ridge State Natural Area (Marion Co. unit). Tract 11 (Bainbridge Tract), N end. Elev. 190 m, 38.750083 -88.85906

Jason Haas   s.n.2000-05-12
USA, Illinois, Du Page, North of the Butterfield subdivision, south of Builter Rd., 41.816667 -88.25

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EIU019081Ebinger, John E.   287082000-06-23
USA, Illinois, Clinton, Lake Carlyle Wildlife Management Area, 11 mi SSE of Vandalia IL

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EIU019311Smeltzer, Dennis K.   4581970-08-31
USA, Illinois, Mason, Mason Co. IL

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EIU008127Gordon C. Tucker   142162005-07-25
USA, Illinois, Sangamon, Mechanicsburg: Nazarene Acres Campground. Elevation about 550 feet.

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EIU008128   4211957-08-14
USA, Illinois, Coles, 3 1/4 m E of Charleston, IL. S of Rt 16, 1/4 m. NE1/4 SW1/4 Sec 4 T12N R10E

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EIU008129Marcum, Paul B.   53222008-08-22
USA, Illinois, Woodford, ParkLands Foundation's Chinquapin Bluffs Preserve; located approximately 5 miles north of Carlock, Illinois. Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.65713 -89.13453, 196m

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EIU008130Gordon C. Tucker   131842002-09-05
USA, Illinois, Coles, Mattoon: Lake Paradise, boat launch, middle of east shore., 39.419444 -88.425

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EIU008131Ebinger, John E.   310152002-08-10
USA, Illinois, Wabash, Beall Woods Nature Preserve, 2 m E of Keensburg, IL. Sec 11 T2S R13W.

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EIU008132Haas, Jason   s.n.2000-05-12
USA, Illinois, Du Page, North of the Butterfield subdivision, south of Builter Rd., 41.816667 -88.25

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EIU008133Ebinger, John E.   293962000-10-15
USA, Illinois, Fayette, Lake Carlyle Wildlife Management Area, 11 m SSE of Vandalia, IL. Sec 8 & 9 T4N R1W

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EIU008134Ebinger, John E.   246171989-10-01
USA, Illinois, Coles, Lake Charleston.

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EIU008135Dolbeare, Ben L.   29791969-08-30
USA, Illinois, Coles, Lake Oakland Legal: S18 T14N R14W

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EIU008136Ebinger, John E.   159381976-08-06
USA, Illinois, Lake, Chain of Lakes State Park. Sec 21 T46N R9E, 42.45197 -88.188888

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EIU008137Harrison, Riegel   1980-07-02
USA, Illinois, Mason, 3 m SE of Manito, IL.

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EIU008138Ebinger, John E.   78671968-08-20
USA, Illinois, Coles, Lake Charleston. Sec 30 T12N R10E.

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EIU008139Ebinger, John E.   160851976-08-09
USA, Illinois, Lake, Near Hackberry Island, Chain of Lakes State Park. Sec 22 T46N R9E, 42.45197 -88.188888

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EIU008140Ebinger, John E.   164451977-09-02
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, 2 m NE of Collison. Sec 24 T21N R13W., 40.253755 -87.783637

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EIU008141Phillippe, Loy R.   19931972-09-01
USA, Illinois, Crawford, 1 1/2 m N of Hutsonville, IL. Sec 17 R11W T8N

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EIU008142Dolbeare, Ben L.   32441969-10-05
USA, Illinois, Dewitt, Weldon Springs State Park. Lake. Legal: Sec 12 T19N R2E; 40.120592 -88.923691; 40.120592 -88.923691, 40.120592 -88.923691, 213m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU008143Mueller, S. C.   7831967-08-27
USA, Illinois, Coles, 6 m E of Charleston. NE1/4 SW1/4 Sec 4 T12N R10E

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EIU008144Dolbeare, Ben L.   30881969-09-03
USA, Illinois, Cumberland, McMechan Pond. 8 miles NE of Greenup, IL. Sec 32 T11N R10E., 39.346043 -88.126823

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EIU008145Zebrum, George   1976-08-17
USA, Illinois, Jersey, Stump Lake, 5 miles N. of Grafton, IL. Legal: T7N R12W, 39.02199 -90.56179, 129m

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EIU008146Tyson, Stan   22411994-09-10
USA, Illinois, Johnson, Cache River at IL 146. SW1/4 NE1/4 Sec 33 T12S R2E

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EIU008147LaBonte, Don   Sp-51981-09-07
USA, Illinois, Sangamon, Sugar Creek, entrance to Lake Springfield.

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EIU008148Dolbeare, Ben L.   30601969-09-02
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, Shoreline of island in Lake Vermilion. T20N R11W

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EIU008149Holeman, Bob   6351974-08-16
USA, Illinois, Cook, McGinnis Slough, Orland Park, Il. Legal: NE1/4, Sec4, R12E, T36N

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EIU008219Barringer, Kerry   155492005-09-08
USA, New Jersey, Hunterdon, Assincong Marsh, 0.5 m NE of Bartles Corner, along River Road. 135 ft., 40.544 -74.8512

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EIU008220Zebryk, Tad M.   74572001-09-03
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, Chicopee: Chicopee River near Sewage Plant E of confluence with Connecticut River., 42.148611 -72.616667

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EIU008221Brimmer, K.   231974-09-07
USA, Wisconsin, Vernon, 0.5 m off N end of Stoddard, in Pool 8. SE1/4 NE1/4 Sec 20 T14N R7W

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EIU008222McClain, W.   1588 I-811974-09-17
USA, Wisconsin, Buffalo, Near Dairyland Power Station, Alma

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EIU008223Pichon, Wayne M.   12431974-06-25
USA, Indiana, Spencer, NE1/4 SE1/4 Sec 14 T7S R6W

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EIU008224Glenn, Steven D.   40131999-10-07
USA, New Jersey, Hunterdon, Lakeview Rd & Rocktown-Lamberville Rd. 300 ft., 40.2249 -74.548

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EIU008225Ebinger, John E.   72281967-08-05
USA, Michigan, Berrien, Grand Mere Lake, 9 m N of Warren Dunes State Park.

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EIU008226Ebinger, John E.   199741980-09-12
USA, Indiana, Fountain, 2 m N of Lodi, IN.

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EIU008227Clark, T.   1949-07-14
USA, Michigan, Cheboygan, Black River Marsh.

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EIU008228Clark, T.   1949-06-28
USA, Michigan, Fairy Island, Douglas Lake.

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USA, New York, Chantauqua Lake.

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EIU022162Edgin, Bob   52362002-08-29
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Cox Timber Natural Heritage Landmark, 4 miles SE of Yale., 39.076729 -87.970191

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EIU038538R. C. Bean   1950-08-25
USA, Maine, Androscoggin, Auburn, 44.083333 -70.25

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EIU039398Phillippe, Loy R.   282381996-09-10
USA, Illinois, Jo Daviess, Savanna Army Depot. Along edge of lake in Mississippi Bottom Lands, 42.22475 -90.362645

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EIU039488Phillippe, L.R.   282411996-09-10
USA, Illinois, Jo Daviess, Savanna Army Depot. Near island in east ege of Mississippi River., 42.209221 -90.329305

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EIU079163Gordon C. Tucker   161482013-09-15
USA, Indiana, Vigo, Terre Haute, Southwood Section, W side of Route 41, opposite East Crossing Blvd., 39.397606 -87.403844, 154m

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EIU008095Gordon C. Tucker   141452005-07-01
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Prairie Ridge State Natural Area: Fuson Farm Woods and adjacent Smallwood Twp. Park., 38.9275 -88.258889

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EIU008096Edgin, Bob   31041999-08-09
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Red Hills State Park, just E of Sumner. Legal: Sec. 2 & 3, T3N, R13W; 38.723852 -87.825139, 38.723852 -87.825139

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EIU008097Ebinger, John E.   239451987-10-24
USA, Illinois, Alexander, 4 m S of Olive Branch, IL.

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EIU008098McClain, William E.   24341994-10-10
USA, Illinois, Mason, 1 m E of Havanna, IL. N1/2 Sec 9 T21N R8W.

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EIU008099Ebinger, John E.   267921995-09-13
USA, Illinois, Mason, 1 m E of Havanna, IL. Sec 9 T21N R8W.

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EIU008100Ebinger, John E.   267931995-09-21
USA, Illinois, Cumberland, Jones Pond, 7 m N of Greenup, IL. NE1/4 Sec 6 T10N R10E.

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EIU008101Ebinger, John E.   254011991-10-13
USA, Illinois, Alexander, Horseshoe Lake, 4 m S of Olive Branch. NW1/4 Sec 17 T16S R2W, 37.13825 -89.34134, 100 - 100m

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EIU008102Vogel, Randy   4461975-09-12
USA, Illinois, Montgomery, 1 mi. S.W. Hillsboro, IL Legal: S11 T8N R4W

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EIU008103Ebinger, John E.   0204001980-09-27
USA, Indiana, Posey, South side of Hovey Lake. SE1/4 Sec 23 T8S R14W

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EIU008111Ebinger, John E.   254001991-10-13
USA, Illinois, Alexander, Horseshoe Lake, 4 m S of Olive Branch. NW1/4 Sec 17 T16S R2W, 37.13825 -89.34134, 100 - 100m

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EIU008112Ebinger, John E.   230051984-08-23
USA, Illinois, Fulton, 1 mile W of Norris, IL. NE1/4 Sec 16 T7N R4E, 40.621419 -90.046087

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EIU008113Ebinger, John E.   118241972-07-13
USA, Illinois, Crawford, SW1/4 Sec 11 R11W T5N.

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EIU008114Ebinger, John E.   158921976-07-28
USA, Illinois, Macon, 2 m S of Niantic, IL. Sec 23 R1W T16N.

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EIU008115Nyboer, Randy W.   2111975-09-15
USA, Illinois, Fayette, Kaskaskia River. NW1/4 NW 1/4 Sec 15 T6N R1E

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EIU008116McBroom, Roger L.   1391975-09-18
USA, Illinois, Moultrie, Natural History Survey Lab, 4 m W of Allenville. NE1/4 Sec 30 T13N R6E.

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EIU008117Stover, Ernest L., 1893-1969   1954-06-24
USA, Illinois, Coles, Charleston Lake. T12N R9E

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EIU008118   1954-06-23
USA, Illinois, Coles, East side of Lake Charleston. Sec 25 T12N R10E

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EIU008210Parrish, Judy D.   3911971-09-19
USA, Oklahoma, Comanche, Lake Lawtonka

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EIU008119Gordon C. Tucker   147482006-06-21
USA, Illinois, Effingham, Wildcat Hollow State Forest, 2 miles N of Mason; W side, along County Route 24. Elevation 175 m., 38.98585 -88.62063, 175m

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EIU008207May, Gary   611971-08-01
USA, Maine, Hancock, Southeastern Maine., 44.508842 -68.360409

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EIU008078Blair, P   411981-07-03
USA, Minnesota, Clearwater, Lake Itasca Biological Station. 1/2 m N of Hwy 38 on Hwy 200.

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Alisma triviale F.T. Pursh
EIU008202Phillippe, Loy R.   346622002-08-07
USA, Illinois, Kankakee, Kankakee Sands Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division of Illinois. Bentley/Crawford-Jordan Site. About 3.75 mile north (6 kilometer) and 9.4 mile east (13.55 kilometer) of town of St. Anne. Leesville 7.5 minute quadrangle. Elevation about 670 feet.

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Echinodorus berteroi (Spreng.) Fassett
EIU008079Andrews, Kathleen   821980-08-15
USA, Illinois, Peoria, Along Rt. 24, 3 m W of Glasford, IL. Sec 6 T6N R6E.

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Echinodorus berteroi (Spreng.) Fassett
EIU008087Ebinger, John E.   330562011-06-24
USA, Illinois, Shelby, Margaret Guzy Pothole Wetlands Land and Water Reserve, 2 m N of Findlay/Assumption Rd on Rt 128, 3 m WNW of Findlay., 39.546854 -88.813013

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinodorus berteroi (Spreng.) Fassett
EIU008088Dolbeare, Ben L.   33591970-08-01
USA, Illinois, Alexander, 1 mile south of Olive Branch, Illinois. Sec 5 T16S R2W.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinodorus berteroi (Spreng.) Fassett
EIU008089Ebinger, John E.   265961995-07-27
USA, Illinois, Mason, Sand Lake (agricultural field in part), on Rt 97, SE of Havanna, IL. N1/2 Sec 17 T21N R8W.

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Echinodorus berteroi (Spreng.) Fassett
EIU008093McClain, William E.   24111994-10-10
USA, Illinois, Mason, Sand Lake, Route 97, SE of Havanna, IL. NE1/4 Sec 18 N1/2 Sec 17 T21N R8W.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinodorus berteroi (Spreng.) Fassett
EIU008094Ebinger, John E.   267281995-09-13
USA, Illinois, Cass, 4 m E of Beardstown, IL. E1/2 Sec 30 T18N R12W.

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Echinodorus berteroi (Spreng.) Fassett
EIU008123McClain, William E.   25941991-12-14
USA, Texas, Matagorda, Adjacent to the Colorado River on west side of Phillip Reese League, 4 miles SW of Bay City.

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EIU008235Clark, T.   1949-06-28
USA, Michigan, Fairy Island, Douglas Lake.

Gordon C. Tucker   170162024-10-08
USA, Illinois, Coles, Lake Charleston: along river by boat launch, south of pump house, 39.459978 -88.14042, 183m

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Echinodorus berteroi var. lanceolatus (Engelm. ex S. Wats. & Coult.) Fassett
EIU008080Dunn, Bob   s.n.1975-06-17
USA, Illinois, Adams, Siloam Springs Lake, 2.5 miles S of Kellesville, Ill. Legal: Sec.23. T25. R5W., 39.881497 -90.936635

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Echinodorus berteroi var. lanceolatus (Engelm. ex S. Wats. & Coult.) Fassett
EIU008081Wiedman, John   100291972-08-12
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, Kickapoo State Park near Danville, IL. T19N R12W.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinodorus berteroi var. lanceolatus (Engelm. ex S. Wats. & Coult.) Fassett
EIU008082Dolbeare, Ben L.   30671969-09-02
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, 4 m W of Danville, IL. Kickapoo State Park Lake. Sec. 5 T19N R12W.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinodorus berteroi var. lanceolatus (Engelm. ex S. Wats. & Coult.) Fassett
EIU008083Ebinger, John E.   131421973-08-25
USA, Illinois, Union, Union County Game Refuge near Ware. Sec 6 T13S R2W.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinodorus berteroi var. lanceolatus (Engelm. ex S. Wats. & Coult.) Fassett
EIU008084Lockart, Roy   1976-07-20
USA, Illinois, Franklin, Edge of West Frankfort Old Res, 2 m SW of Thompsonville, IL. Sec 30 T7S R4E.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinodorus berteroi var. lanceolatus (Engelm. ex S. Wats. & Coult.) Fassett
EIU008085Parker, A. D.   4501972-07-14
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, Kickapoo State Park Legal: T19N R12W

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinodorus berteroi var. lanceolatus (Engelm. ex S. Wats. & Coult.) Fassett
EIU008086Ebinger, John E.   122101972-10-10
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, Kickapoo State Park. T19N R12W.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinodorus berteroi var. lanceolatus (Engelm. ex S. Wats. & Coult.) Fassett
EIU008090Dolbeare, Ben L.   33021969-10-19
USA, Illinois, Union, 2 m SE of Ware, IL. Union County Refuge. Sec 6 T13S R2W

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinodorus berteroi var. lanceolatus (Engelm. ex S. Wats. & Coult.) Fassett
EIU008091Ebinger, John E.   93331969-10-19
USA, Illinois, Union, Union County Game Refuge, T13S R3W

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinodorus berteroi var. lanceolatus (Engelm. ex S. Wats. & Coult.) Fassett
EIU008092Dunn, Bob   1976-08-30
USA, Illinois, Adams, Edge of Siloam Springs Lake. Sec 23 T2S R5W

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinodorus berteroi var. lanceolatus (Engelm. ex S. Wats. & Coult.) Fassett
EIU008121Gier, Leland Jacob   135631959-06-28
USA, Missouri, Clay, Cooley Lake

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinodorus berteroi var. lanceolatus (Engelm. ex S. Wats. & Coult.) Fassett
EIU008122Parrish, Judy D.   3921971-09-19
USA, Oklahoma, Comanche, Lake Lawtonka

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EIU008171Edgin, Bob   6961997-07-17
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Red Hills State Park, just E of Sumner, Ill.

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