Search Results (List)

Dataset: EIU-
Taxa: Aquifoliaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 241

Eastern Illinois University, Stover-Ebinger Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021978Ebinger, John E.   250851990-08-12
USA, South Carolina, Horry, Cemetery, edge of route 17, S edge of Myrtle Beach.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021981Ebinger, John E.   283452000-05-05
USA, Mississippi, Harrison, 7 miles N of Biloxi, Miss. Just off route # 15., 30.496763 -88.915692

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021982Ebinger, John E.   260761994-03-18
USA, Mississippi, Jackson, 1 miles S of Gautier, Miss. Edge of road S of U.S. # 90., 30.3742 -88.618896

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021984Ebinger, John E.   256531993-04-01
USA, Mississippi, Jackson, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Ocean Springs, 30.41111 -88.82778

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021985Ebinger, John E.   235631987-03-24
USA, Mississippi, Perry, Camp Shelby.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021986Ebinger, John E.   235421987-03-24
USA, Mississippi, Harrison, near Little Florida, Miss., 30.438049 -89.112469

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021987Ebinger, John E.   101021971-03-06
USA, Mississippi, Jackson, Horn Island, Miss., 30.240941 -88.69255

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021988Susan Parham   311976-10-13
USA, Texas, Brazos, Minter Springs, Wellborn, Texas., 30.505204 -96.32024

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021989Ebinger, John E.   261521994-03-21
USA, Mississippi, Jackson, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Ocean Springs, 30.41111 -88.82778

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021990Ebinger, John E.   255641992-08-18
USA, South Carolina, Horry, Myrtle Beach State Park.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021992Ebinger, John E.   251391990-08-14
USA, South Carolina, Horry, Myrtle Beach State Park, 1 mile S of Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021980Ebinger, John E.   250941990-08-12
USA, South Carolina, Horry, South edge of Myrtle Beach, S.C., 33.68906 -78.886694

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021993Ebinger, John E.   235901987-03-26
USA, Mississippi, Harrison, Horn Island, Miss.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021994Matt Woodward   151976-10-15
USA, Texas, Brazos, Munson St. 2.5 miles E of Texas A&M Campus., 30.581108 -96.2585

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021995Phillippe, Loy R.   28951974-05-25
USA, South Carolina, Charleston, Isle of Palms on Route 703, about 50 yards from the Atlantic Ocean.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021996L. Phillippe   22481973-03-09
USA, Texas, Polk, 0.5 miles E of Jasper along edge of Route 190 and US 63 turn off.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021979J. Richard Abbott   80941995-11-23
USA, Florida, Alachua, SE Gainesville, Bivens Arm Nature Park, E of U.S. 441 (= 13th Street), entrance W off S Main Street a little N of junction with Williston Road., 29.6194 -82.3347

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021983Crane, J.L.   033232003-12-29
USA, Florida, Franklin, Tate's Hell Swamp. Apalachicola National Frest. Coordinate datum: NAD27. UTM Zone 16, 786324mE, 3304474mN.; 29.8392 -84.8368, 29.8392 -84.8368

Gordon C. Tucker   
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected

Gordon C. Tucker   
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected

Gordon C. Tucker   128412002-06-21
USA, Connecticut, Windham, Sterling: Cedar Swamp Road, along Wood River (NW of Porter Pond). Elevation ca. 130 m., 41.651944 -71.828889, 130m

Gordon C. Tucker   
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected

Zebryk, Tad M.   76632002-07-18
USA, Connecticut, Tolland, Stafford: Nipmuck Cedar Swamp off Crooked Road adjacent to Cedar Swamp Brook. Elevation 745 feet., 41.971111 -72.260833

Gordon C. Tucker   143222005-08-06
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, South Kingstown: N side of Route 1, opposite Old Post Road, SSE of Peddlers Pond., 41.4125 -71.531111

Ebinger, John E.   276721998-09-20
USA, Illinois, Iroquois, Iroquois County Conservation Area., 40.992977 -87.572087

Ebinger, John E.   161061976-08-10
USA, Illinois, Lake, Volo Bog Nature Preserve.

Ebinger, John E.   245651989-09-01
USA, Illinois, Coles, E.I.U. Campus., 39.481461 -88.170038

Barringer, Kerry   
USA, New York, Orange, detailed locality information protected

V. Luisi   
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected

T. Clark   s.n.1950-00-00
USA, Michigan, Northern Michigan.

Tom Clark   s.n.1949-06-23
USA, Michigan, Sheboygan, N. Fish Tail Bay, Douglas Lake., 45.587135 -84.657226

A.E. Radford   244921957-06-11
USA, South Carolina, Clarendon, Jacks Creek, 2.5 miles W of Summerton.

Ebinger, John E.   95341970-06-30
USA, Massachusetts, Barnstable, Edge of RailRoad Tracks, near Rt. 6A, Yarmouth, Mass.

Ebinger, John E.   95941977-07-01
USA, Connecticut, New London, Rhododendron Sanctuary, Pachaug State Forest, 2 miles N of Voluntown, Conn.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021976W. McClain   15561974-09-16
USA, Wisconsin, Buffalo, Near Mississippi River, Alma., 44.319965 -91.914884

Michael J. Dreslik   s.n.1993-09-25
USA, New Jersey, Ocean, Double Trouble State Park, Tom's River, N.J.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021971Ebinger, John E.   72211967-08-05
USA, Michigan, Berrien, Grand Mere Lake, 9 miles N of Warren Dunes State Park., 42.002907 -86.543031

Welisabet Ore   2391900-00-00
USA, Connecticut, New Haven

Ebinger, John E.   78211968-08-27
USA, Michigan, Berrien, Elm Wood Road. Edge of Mud Lake Bog., 41.828889 -86.431944

EIU021974Gordon C. Tucker   
USA, New York, Orange, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021975Ebinger, John E.   41521963-05-28
USA, Virginia, Roanoke, Frantz farm 2 miles E of Salem., 37.293463 -80.018308

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021977Ebinger, John E.   40781962-09-25
USA, Virginia, Craig, Route 658, 2 miles from Craig Springs, 37.4833 -80.2833

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021991Ebinger, John E.   233171985-08-11
USA, South Carolina, Horry, Myrtle Beach.; 33.68906 -78.886694, 33.68906 -78.886694

L. Phillippe   342532002-06-24
USA, Illinois, Kankakee, De Young Site, 5 miles N and 9.4 miles E of St. Anne. Elev. 650 feet. Legal: Sec.12. T30N. R11W., 41.10536 -87.55994, 198m

Ebinger, John E.   226141983-10-04
USA, Indiana, Newton, Willows Slough Wildlife Area, near Goose Pond. Legal: Sec.18. T29N. R9W.

Ebinger, John E.   215161982-10-05
USA, Illinois, Iroquois, Iroquois County Conservation Area. Legal: Sec.23. T29N. R11W., 40.987688 -87.570659

Ebinger, John E.   47731964-07-30
USA, Illinois, Clark, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve. Legal: Sec.29,30. T12N. R12W.; 39.464372 -87.763573, 39.464372 -87.763573

Stover, Ernest L., 1893-1969   s.n.1946-00-00
USA, Illinois, Clark, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve. Legal: Sec.29,30. T12N. R12W., 39.465868 -87.765862

L. Phillippe   132191988-05-23
USA, Illinois, Pope, Lusk Creek at its junction with Little Bear Creek. Legal: Sec.33. T11S. R6E.

Jason Haas   s.n.1977-06-09
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Forest 4 miles SE of Yale. Legal: Sec.34. T8N. R14W.

Ebinger, John E.   52031964-10-10
USA, Illinois, Pope, Belle Smith Springs State Park. Legal: T11S. R5E.

Ebinger, John E.   147151974-05-26
USA, Illinois, Pope, Dixon Springs State Park. Legal: T13S. R5E.

Ebinger, John E.   92481969-10-04
USA, Illinois, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park. Legal: T33N. R2E., 41.31309 -88.96758

Ebinger, John E.   136171973-09-20
USA, Illinois, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park. Legal: T33N. R2E., 41.31309 -88.96758

Ebinger, John E.   136211973-09-20
USA, Illinois, La Salle, Starved Rock State Park. Legal: T33N. R2E., 41.31309 -88.96758

EIU018974Gordon C. Tucker   
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU019379Ebinger, John E.   68121966-10-17
USA, Illinois, Coles, EIU Campus

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray
EIU021962Barringer, Kerry   166402006-06-27
USA, New Jersey, Sussex, Andover Twp, Kittatinny Valley State park, along the Sussex Branch Trail, NW of the park center, 41.029 -74.7418, 195m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray
EIU021963Barringer, Kerry   166342006-06-27
USA, New Jersey, Sussex, Andover Twp, Kittatinny Valley State park, along the Sussex Branch Trail, NW of the park center; 41.029 -74.7418, 41.029 -74.7418, 195m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray
EIU021964Rossbach, G.B.   97351982-12-05
USA, Maine, Hancock, along Rt. 46 near Rt. 1, Bucksport., 44.578006 -68.751442

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray
EIU021965Glenn, Steven D.   103802006-09-14
USA, New Jersey, Mercer, USA, NEW JERSEY, Mercer County, Hamilton, Hamilton Veterans Park, S-SE sections., 24m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021966Koch, Rudy G.   119331979-10-02
USA, Wisconsin, Douglas, Lake Nebagamon, 1/4 mile W jct. S and B., 46.519021 -91.682179

EIU021967Gordon C. Tucker   
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021968Gordon C. Tucker   143222005-08-06
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, South Kingstown: N side of Route 1, opposite Old Post Road, SSE of Peddlers Pond., 41.4125 -71.531111

EIU021969Gordon C. Tucker   
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray
EIU021970Dreslik, Michael J.   1993-09-25
USA, New Jersey, Ocean, Double Trouble State Park. Tom's River, New Jersey

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray
EIU021972Ore, Elisabet   239
USA, Connecticut, New Haven, Yale Natural Preserve

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex verticillata (L.) A. Gray
EIU021973Ebinger, John E.   78211968-08-27
USA, Michigan, Berrien, Elm wood road

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex verticillata var. padifolia (Willd.) Torr. & A.Gray
EIU038672Hill, Steven R.   348242002-07-10
USA, Illinois, Pope, Bell Smith Springs Scenic Area, Shawnee National Forest; Stonefort 7.5 minute quadrangle., 37.521085 -88.657329, 177 - 183m

Ilex amelanchier M.A. Curtis ex Chapm.
Ebinger, John E.   113061972-06-04
USA, Virginia, Roanoke, 3 miles SE of Salem.

Gordon C. Tucker   126962002-05-21
USA, Washington, Grays Harbor, Central Park: E of Pioneer Rd, N of Karjala Rd., 46.971111 -123.700833, 10m

Gordon C. Tucker   146892006-06-09
USA, South Carolina, Pickens, Clemson University: cemetery on knoll S of football stadium. Elevation 750 feet.; 34.6767 -82.8431, 34.6767 -82.8431, 229m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021181Gordon C. Tucker   146862006-06-08
USA, South Carolina, Pickens, Clemson University: S of Godley-Snell Hall, toward Perimeter Road. Elevation 700 feet.

Betty Nelson   671996-01-28
USA, Florida, Palm Beach, Nature Center, Okeeheelee Park, 7715 Forest Hill Boulevard, West Palm Beach, UTM Zone 17,583834mE, 2948777mN., 26.658889 -80.1575

C.L. Rodgers   740851974-05-04
USA, South Carolina, Charlton, 5 miles N of Folkston, Hwy. 1.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU021186Ebinger, John E.   268831996-03-21
USA, Alabama, Baldwin, Weeks Bay Natl. Estuarine Research Reserve, .5 miles W of Magnolia Springs.

Ilex coriacea (Pursh) Chapm.
Ebinger, John E.   112651972-06-01
USA, North Carolina, Sampson, 5 miles W of Harrells, on Rt. 41.

Ilex coriacea (Pursh) Chapm.
Ebinger, John E.   112741972-06-02
USA, North Carolina, Bladen, 10 miles N of Elizabethtown, on Rt. 242.

Ilex coriacea (Pursh) Chapm.
Ebinger, John E.   112781972-06-02
USA, North Carolina, Bladen, 10 miles N of Elizabethtown, on Rt. 242., 34.774408 -78.60529

Ilex coriacea (Pursh) Chapm.
Ebinger, John E.   112221972-05-31
USA, Georgia, Camden, 5 miles W of Waverley, off Rt. 110.

Ilex coriacea (Pursh) Chapm.
Ebinger, John E.   268891996-03-21
USA, Alabama, Baldwin, Weeks Bay Natl. Estuarine Research Reserve, .5 miles W of Magnolia Springs.

Ilex coriacea (Pursh) Chapm.
Ebinger, John E.   253261991-08-13
USA, Mississippi, Jackson, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Ocean Springs, Miss.

Ilex coriacea (Pursh) Chapm.
Ebinger, John E.   283352000-05-05
USA, Mississippi, Harrison, 7 miles N of Biloxi, just off route # 15., 30.518826 -88.922387

Ilex coriacea (Pursh) Chapm.
Ebinger, John E.   112051972-05-30
USA, Georgia, Appling, 3 miles E of Boxley on Rt. 341

Ilex coriacea (Pursh) Chapm.
Ebinger, John E.   112501972-06-01
USA, North Carolina, Bladen, 10 miles N of Elizabethtown, on Rt. 242.

Ilex coriacea (Pursh) Chapm.
Roger T. Poole   2481972-05-01
USA, Florida, Pinellas, McMullen acreage. Largo, Fla. Legal: Sec.12, T30S. R14E.

Ilex crenata Thunb.
Gordon C. Tucker   115021998-07-28
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Memorial Park; around inlet at east end of lake., 38.422222 -81.840278

Ilex crenata Thunb.
Gordon C. Tucker   138862004-12-24
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Cross Lanes: Cary Park, E of baseball field along creek. Elevation about 650 feet., 198m

Ilex crenata Thunb.
Arzeni, C.B.   51966-05-25
USA, Tennessee

Ilex crenata Thunb.
Gordon C. Tucker   155052010-03-19
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: 1239 Main Ave. Elev. about 178 m., 38.397158 -81.835525, 178m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex decidua Walter
EIU021951Phillippe, Loy R.   276511996-06-27
USA, Illinois, Jersey, Pere Marquette State Park, Two Springs. UTM zone 15 4316665N 712670E. Elev. 450 ft., 38.973163 -90.545078, 137m

Ilex decidua Walter
R. Athey   13421971-05-17
USA, Kentucky, Carlisle, Beech Grove Church Rd.

Ilex decidua Walter
Elizabeth M. Browne   76B9.61976-05-28
USA, Kentucky, Crittenden, Ky. 121, 4.4 miles E of eastern edge of Marion., 37.348188 -87.990773

Ilex decidua Walter
W. McClain   25811991-12-14
USA, Texas, Matagorda, Adjacent to the Colorado River on west side of Phillip Reese League, 4 miles SW of Bay City., 28.957502 -96.015314

Ilex decidua Walter
W. McClain   25891991-12-14
USA, Texas, Matagorda, Adjacent to the Colorado River on west side of Phillip Reese League, 4 miles SW of Bay City., 28.957502 -96.015314

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex decidua Walter
EIU021952Mike Michalski   221975-11-16
USA, Texas, Travis, 3 miles E of Austin, 1 mile N of Hwy. 71 on Anderson Rd., 30.261935 -97.69107

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex decidua Walter
EIU021953Ebinger, John E.   191151980-06-18
USA, Kentucky, McCracken, Steam plant-along Ohio River, 1 mile W of TVA Shawnee.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex decidua Walter
EIU021954Ebinger, John E.   191301980-06-18
USA, Kentucky, McCracken, 1 mile W of High Point, 37.117505 -88.729244

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex decidua Walter
EIU021955Ebinger, John E.   193711980-07-05
USA, Kentucky, McCracken, across river from Metropolis, Ill., 37.1173 -88.716187

Ilex decidua Walter
Gerard, John   s.n.1976-04-29
USA, Illinois, Jersey, Site of Landing of Pere Marquette and Joliet. Tall Stone Cross 100 feet away., 38.970361 -90.543403

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