Search Results (List)

Dataset: EIU-
Taxa: Cleomaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-72 of 72

Eastern Illinois University, Stover-Ebinger Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU020704Sandberg, J. H.   s.n.1893-07-01
USA, Washington, Grant, Ephrata, Egbert Springs, 47.317638 -119.553649, 610 - 914m

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EIU020710Steward, Albert N.   6930A1955-07-19
USA, Oregon, Gilliam, Opposite roadside rest area 1 1/2 m W of Hook. T3N R18E S1/2 Sec 17. Elev 230 ft.

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EIU020706Hansen, H. P.   1948-09-01
USA, Wyoming, Sweetwater, 3 m E of Eden.

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EIU020707Phillippe, Loy R.   14191972-06-01
USA, Arizona, Coconino, about 2 miles off Route 40 near the Crater, 35.036049 -111.030149

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EIU020708Doyle, M.   1963-06-26
USA, Wyoming, Seminol Reservoir, Wyoming.

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EIU020709Phillippe, Loy R.   30541974-08-06
USA, New Mexico, Catron, 11 m from Pie Town along Rt 60 W. Rest Stop open Roadside.

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EIU020711J. Looman   194721973-08-17
Canada, Saskatchewan, N of Webb, 50.333333 -108.183333

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EIU036419Liz Makings   44782014-08-29
USA, Arizona, Cochise, Plants of Arizona, San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, near Lewis Springs wetland about 1.7 miles north of Hwy 90, upper floodplain terrace just below small cienega, 31.574201 -110.136948, 1236m

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EIU020688Grime, Bill   1051961-07-09
USA, Iowa, Dickinson, Big Stoney Point, 43.393018 -95.088605

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EIU020689Parrish, Judy D.   1761971-05-22
USA, Oklahoma, Comanche, Blue Beaver Park, 6 m E of Cache., 34.622243 -98.497459

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EIU020690A.D. Parker   4291972-07-11
USA, Illinois, Champaign, 1 mile west of Bondville., 40.113364 -88.388451

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EIU020691Kunz, D. F.   3561971-09-03
USA, Oklahoma, Comanche, Wichita Mts. Ntl. Wildlife Refuge. Near Lake Q. Parker., 34.719239 -98.64766

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU020692Ebinger, John E.   77141968-08-27
USA, Michigan, Berrien, 2 miles S of Grand Mere Lake, 41.985425 -86.547344

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EIU020694Bennett, H.R   1956-09-03
USA, Indiana, Lake, Along North Clark Road in NW part of Gary

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EIU020695McClain, W.   16131974-09-17
USA, Wisconsin, Buffalo, Near Dairyland Power Station, Alma.

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EIU020696Barringer, Kerry   43311986-08-29
USA, Wisconsin, Sauk, Wisconsin River, about 7 m downstream from Sauk City.

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EIU020720L. Phillippe   6291971-07-20
USA, Illinois, Crawford, Edge of RR tracks. Sec 36 R13W T7N

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EIU020721White, Ben   4351971-07-09
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, RR tracks. SE1/4 Sec 17 T21N R11W

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EIU020722Ladd, Douglas   1974-10-06
USA, Illinois, Jefferson, Cinder ballast along Missouri Pacific RR siding N of Waltonville jnct.

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EIU020723Ladd, Douglas   1974-10-06
USA, Illinois, Franklin, Cinder ballast along RR siding near Strip Mine 1/3 m N of Valier. NE1/4 Sec 1 T6S R1E

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EIU020724Tatina, R.   1191975-06-10
USA, Illinois, Marion, Cinder ballast in Illinois Central Gulf RR yard at Centrailia. SW1/4 Sec 18 R1E T1S

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EIU020725Ladd, Douglas   1974-10-06
USA, Illinois, Perry, Cinder ballast along Illinois Central RR in DuQuoin.

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EIU020727Edgin, Bob   51192002-07-26
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Allison Gravel Prairie Reconstruction, 6 miles NE of Lawrenceville. Legal: NE/4 NW/4 S25 T4N R11W, 38.767427 -87.589053

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Polanisia dodecandra (Linnaeus) DC.
EIU020728Chase, Virginius Herber   90841947-09-15
USA, Illinois, Peoria, Overlooking Horseshoe Bottom.

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EIU020729L. Phillippe   6751971-07-22
USA, Illinois, Douglas, Along RR. Sec 1 R9E T14N

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EIU020730Ebinger, John E.   121921972-10-11
USA, Illinois, Mason, 6 m South of Easton, IL. Sec. 36, T20N, R7W

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EIU020731Dennis, Larry   10081970-08-24
USA, Illinois, Moultrie, Along the IL Central RR 1 m N of Coles Station on Rt. 121. Sec 36 T12N R6E SE1/4 NW1/4

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EIU020732Dennis, Larry   5861969-07-03
USA, Illinois, Moultrie, Along the C&EI railroad 2 miles east of Gays on Rt. 16. Legal: S17 T14N R6E SE1/4, 39.463567 -88.473158

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EIU020733Dennis, Larry   11421971-07-15
USA, Illinois, Douglas, Along the Penn Central RR W of Kemp. Sec 4 R8E T14N NE1/4 NE1/4

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EIU020734Ebinger, John E.   140811973-10-07
USA, Illinois, Mason, 6 miles south of Easton, IL

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EIU020735Ebinger, John E.   135741973-09-20
USA, Illinois, La Salle, near Dayton, IL Legal: Sec 29 R4E T34N

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EIU020737Gordon C. Tucker   141992005-07-16
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Prairie Ridge State Natural Area: N end of Yeater Tract., 38.935556 -88.212222

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EIU020738Ebinger, John E.   318352004-07-22
USA, Illinois, Henderson, Big River State Forest, 4 miles N of Oquawka. NW1/4 Sec 36 T12N R5W; 41.049582 -90.9284, 41.049582 -90.9284

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU020739Stover, Ernest L., 1893-1969   1948-09-01
USA, Illinois, Coles, Big Four RR. T13N R14W

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EIU020740Ebinger, John E.   45481964-06-30
USA, Illinois, Coles, Growing at edge of NYC railroad 3 miles west of Charleston. Sec. 7 T12N R9E

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EIU020741Stover, Ernest L., 1893-1969   1949-07-01
USA, Illinois, Coles, Big Four RR. T13N R14W.

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EIU020742Stover, Ernest L., 1893-1969   1947-07-01
USA, Illinois, Coles, Big Four RR. T13N R14W

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EIU020743Britton, M. P.   1965-06-30
USA, Illinois, Champaign, NYC RR 1 1/2 miles W of Champaign. Sec 33 T20N R8E, 40.146855 -88.308073

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EIU020744Smeltzer, Dennis   4341970-08-11
USA, Illinois, Mason, Woods. Legal: NW¼ Sec 2 T22N R7W

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EIU020745Dolbeare, Ben L.   31561969-09-05
USA, Illinois, Moultrie, 2 m NW of Lovington. Sec 20 T15N R5E.

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EIU020746L. Phillippe   5131971-07-10
USA, Illinois, Crawford, Edge of RR tracks. Sec 35 R13W T7N

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EIU020747Ebinger, John E.   314562003-07-19
USA, Illinois, Henderson, Stylisma site at the Big River State Forest, 5 miles N of Oquawka. SW1/4 Sec 36 T12N R5W, 41.05221 -90.939906

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU020748Ebinger, John E.   314212003-07-18
USA, Illinois, Mason, Stylisma site in open alfalfa field about 0.5 m SW of Snicarte. SE1/4 Sec 5 T19N R10W

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU028679Gordon C. Tucker   165162018-08-16
USA, Illinois, Coles, South of Charleston, along South 18th St, near CR 420N., 39.430034 -88.175588, 197m

Gordon C. Tucker   168362023-08-18
USA, Illinois, Coles, Charleston: Bike Trail near Riley Creek, W of Country Club Road., 39.497823 -88.233102

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EIU020718Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974   1971-03-07
USA, California, Riverside, 10 miles E of Palm Springs., 33.830173 -116.37063

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EIU020719Wood, Douglas   1971-03-07
USA, California, Riverside, Palm Springs Desert; 33.968735 -116.579395, 33.968735 -116.579395

Gordon C. Tucker   166162020-06-21
USA, Illinois, Coles, Charleston-Mattoon Bike Trail (old railroad line) just west of Charleston Country Club Road, near Riley Creek., 39.497702 -88.232505, 213m

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EIU020679Pichon, Wayne M.   2111970-07-17
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, San Francisco Canyon near Monterrey., 25.408889 -100.158889

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EIU020736Chase, Virginius Herber   108621949-09-10
USA, Illinois, Tazewell

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Polanisia jamesii (Torrey & Gray) Iltis
EIU020749Chase, Virginius Herber   167001961-07-21
USA, Illinois, Whiteside, near Albany; 41.782563 -90.217577, 41.782563 -90.217577

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polanisia jamesii (Torr. & Gray) Iltis
EIU020750Coons, Janice   5051999-07-27
USA, Illinois, Jo Daviess, Savanna Army Depot. Sec 32 T26N R2E

Image Associated With the Occurence
Polanisia jamesii (Torr. & Gray) Iltis
EIU078952Rexroat, R. T.   104711967-08-20
USA, Illinois, Mason

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EIU020714   2002-10-25
China, Jiangxi, Jiujiang

T. del V.Ruiz et al.   105831974-11-19
Argentina, Prov. Salta, Dept. Metán, Rio Las Cañas, a 10 km ± de Matán

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EIU020712Ruiz, M.   105831974-11-19

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EIU028692Nelson, John B.   392072018-07-31
USA, South Carolina, York, 1.5 air miles NE of downtown Clover, 35.125228 -81.204599

A.N. Steward et al.   75051959-05-24
USA, Oregon, Wasco, 3 miles east of Antelope. 3200 feet., 44.910665 -120.661473, 975m

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EIU020713McClain, W.   6871967-06-08
Puerto Rico, Entrance to Naguabo on Route 192.

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EIU020715Baldwin, Brian   s.n.2004-08-00
USA, Oklahoma, Grady, Tuttle. Elevation ca. 1300 feet., 396m

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EIU020693Seigler, D. S.   149462001-05-22
USA, Texas, La Salle, W of Mare's pasture fence. Chaparral Wildlife Management Area, 8 mi. W of Artesia Wells.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cleoserrata (Jacq.) Iltis
EIU028495Nelson, John B.   378442017-10-12
USA, South Carolina, York, along Berry Hill Road, Northeast side of town of Clover, 35.123551 -81.204588

EIU077585H.H. Iltis   
USA, Colorado, Alamosa, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peritoma platycarpa (Torrey) Iltis
EIU020726Dennis, La Rea J.   75051959-05-24
USA, Oregon, Wasco, 3 miles east of Antelope.; 45.1667 -121.2503, 45.1667 -121.2503, 975 - 975m

Tarenaya hassleriana (Chodat) Iltis
Gordon C. Tucker   131942002-09-12
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park: S shore of Ridge Lake. Legal: S12 T11N R9E., 39.4042 -88.1515

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tarenaya hassleriana (Chodat) Iltis
EIU020698Schroeder, Bryan P.   492000-08-31
USA, Illinois, Coles, EIU Campus, SW side of campus where lawn clippings are dumped., 39.476111 -88.170833

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tarenaya hassleriana (Chodat) H. H. Iltis
EIU020699Gordon C. Tucker   131942002-09-12
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park. S Shore of Ridge Lake. Sec 12 T11N R9E, 39.404 -88.152, 200 - 220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tarenaya hassleriana (Chodat) H. H. Iltis
EIU020700Carbonari, Larry   1811970-10-21
USA, Illinois, Coles, Charleston. T12N R9E, 39.496146 -88.176152

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tarenaya hassleriana (Chodat) H. H. Iltis
EIU020701Groves, Matt   541998-07-07
USA, Illinois, Coles, SW EIU Campus., 39.482027 -88.171315

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tarenaya hassleriana (Chodat) Iltis
EIU020702Gordon C. Tucker   122502000-08-01
USA, Connecticut, New London, North Stonington: White's Gravel Bank, north west of jct. Rt. 2 and Rt. 184., 41.443611 -71.862222, 30m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tarenaya hassleriana (Chodat) Iltis
EIU020703Nelson, John B.   272122008-06-21
USA, South Carolina, Richland, west side of Humane Lane immediately northwest of I-77 on west side of Shop Road, south side of Columbia, 33.9524 -80.9821, 34m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corynandra viscosa (L.) Cochrane & Iltis
EIU020678ignot.   s.n.2006-08-01
USA, South Carolina, Beaufort, Bull Island., 32.177983 -80.840942

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