EIU078684 Gordon C. Tucker 16037 2013-07-12
USA, Connecticut, New London, Franklin: Under-the-Mountain Road, about 1 km S of Route 207., 41.62763 -72.1382, 110m
EIU078754 Gordon C. Tucker 16040 2013-07-12
USA, Connecticut, New London, Franklin: Under-the-Mountain Road, about 1 km S of Route 207., 41.62763 -72.1382, 110m
EIU078718 Gordon C. Tucker 16041 2013-07-12
USA, Connecticut, New London, Franklin: Under-the-Mountain Road, about 1 km S of Route 207., 41.62763 -72.1382, 110m
EIU078666 Gordon C. Tucker 16042 2013-07-12
USA, Connecticut, New London, Franklin: Under-the-Mountain Road, about 1 km S of Route 207., 41.62763 -72.1382, 110m
EIU028483 Gordon C. Tucker 16303 2014-07-13
USA, Washington, Pacific, Long Beach: Birch Street, opposite Tape Lake., 46.41036 -124.03936, 6m
EIU079468 Parmelee, J. A. 4142 1967-08-10
Canada, Nunavut, Baffin, DEW line Site: Fox 2 (Longstaff Bluff): 1 mile NE of site, 68.899889 -75.145422
EIU078504 Matthew C. Pace 552 2011-04-30
USA, New York, Suffolk, Greenlawn, Berkeley Jackson County Park, near Bunkerhill Drive., 40.834722 -73.356389
Kimberly A. Elkin 9 1998-08-30
USA, Alaska, Aleutians West, Buldir Island; western Aleutians., 52.372222 -175.883333
Greg Pollard 100E 2002-08-01
Canada, Ontario, Kenora Dis., Kenora District: Lake of the Woods: Scotty Island., 49.666667 -94.466667
Zebryk, Tad M. 6684 2000-05-08
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, Holyoke: Mount Tom, SW of radio tower at S end of Mt. Tom Range. Elev. 1150 ft., 42.280556 -72.620833, 351m
Gordon C. Tucker 15358 2008-07-26
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Perryville: E side of Route 110 (Ministerial Road), just N of Post Road., 41.400258 -71.561003
Gordon C. Tucker 15359 2008-07-26
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Perryville: E side of Route 110 (Ministerial Road), just N of Post Road., 41.400258 -71.561003
Zebryk, Tad M. 7660 2002-07-18
USA, Connecticut, Tolland, Stafford: Nipmuck Cedar Swamp off Crooked Road adjacent to Cedar Swamp Brook. Elevation 745 feet., 41.971111 -72.260833, 227m
Barringer, Kerry 9243 2003-04-29
USA, New Jersey, Ocean, Colliers Mills Wildlife Management Area, pond along south side of Rt. 538, SW of Midwood., 40.091 -74.433, 41m
Gordon C. Tucker 14692 2006-06-09
USA, South Carolina, Pickens, Clemson University: cemetery on knoll S of football stadium. Elevation 750 feet., 34.6767 -82.8431, 229m
EIU018748 Gordon C. Tucker 12189 2000-07-26
USA, New York, Suffolk, Fishers Island: Blanck's property at Hungry Point. UTM 18 T 754850 4574850. Elev. 1-5 m., 41.284879 -71.95678, 1 - 5m
Gordon C. Tucker 15350 2008-07-26
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Perryville: Long Pond, middle of W shore, due NW of island. Elevation about 35 m., 41.412748 -71.555268, 35m
Gordon C. Tucker 15606 2010-07-31
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Hopkinton: Collins Road. Elevation 102 m., 41.4408 -71.7437, 102m
Gordon C. Tucker 12440 2001-07-26
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Wakefield: NW of Peddlers Pond (NE of Turtle Pond, N of White Pond). Elev. about 40 m., 41.422778 -71.540556, 40m
Gordon C. Tucker 15145 2007-08-01
USA, West Virginia, Tucker, Dolly Sods Wilderness Area, at Northland Loop Trail (TR569). Elev. ca. 3860 ft., 38.9825 -79.3325
Gordon C. Tucker 257 1976-06-24
USA, Rhode Island, Kent, West Greenwich: Beach Pond Reservation, Spruce Bog., 41.603889 -71.727222
Barringer, Kerry 66077 2001-05-11
USA, New Jersey, Sussex, Stillwater, Fairview Lake. Elevation 1000 feet., 41.8 -74.9, 305m
Barringer, Kerry 10106 2003-07-29
USA, New Jersey, Burlington, Medford Twp, Bear Swamp, 45 ft., 39.884 -74.785, 14m
Gordon C. Tucker 12985A 2002-06-27
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Wakefield: Peddler's Pond, E shore. Elevation about 40 m., 41.418056 -71.537778, 40m
Zebryk, Tad M. 7691 2002-07-29
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, Granville: W of Sodom Mountain, W of Route 57, just S of Tennessee gas pipeline., 42.070278 -72.848056
W.J. Cody 12342 1962-06-19
Canada, Quebec, Gatineau, Masham Twp, N side of Ramsay Lake., 45.6833333 -76.0833333
Barringer, Kerry 16095 2006-05-02
USA, New Jersey, Burlington, Wharton State Forest, Sandy Ridge; elev. 65 feet., 39.7708 -74.6056, 20m
Gordon C. Tucker
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected
Barringer, Kerry 9878 2003-06-06
USA, New Jersey, Middlesex, Monroe Twp, 1 mi N of Jamesburg, railroad and utility right-of-way off Bordentown Turnpike, 40.367 -74.734, 15m
G.S. Torrey s.n. 1940-08-04
USA, Connecticut, Middlesex, East Haddam: Babcock Road.
Gordon C. Tucker 12678 2002-05-19
USA, Washington, Grays Harbor, Moclips: Moclips Hwy, near mile marker 8 (W of McAffee Hill), on N side of highway along logging road., 47.290278 -124.075833
Zebryk, Tad M. 7690 2002-07-29
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, Granville: W of Sodom Mountain, W of Route 57, just S of Tennessee gas pipeline., 42.070278 -72.848056
EIU078055 Gordon C. Tucker 15842 2012-07-12
USA, Wisconsin, Oneida, Rhinelander: Almon County Park, Wetland Trail at Buck Lake. Elevation 1570 feet., 45.589467 -89.410797, 479m
W.J. Cody 15391 1966-07-25
Canada, Northwest Territories, Mackenzie, Mackenzie District, Lynx Lake, 62.333333 -106.416667
J. E. Ebinger 4007 1962-06-02
USA, New Hampshire, Coos, Mt. Washington, alpine region above 5000 ft., 44.276337 -71.294446, 1524 - 1890m
Gordon C. Tucker 107 1975-06-29
USA, New Hampshire, Carroll, Passaconaway, on Rte. 112., 43.990011 -71.312544, 152 - 229m
Gordon C. Tucker 430D 1978-06-15
USA, Washington, Grays Harbor, About 7 miles E of Ocean Shores, on Burrows Road., 47.046082 -124.055488, 0 - 2m
Gordon C. Tucker 12237 2000-07-31
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Perryville: Long Pond; middle of west shore, NW of island. Elevation 95 feet., 41.41 -71.554722, 29m
Gordon C. Tucker 12432 2001-07-26
USA, Connecticut, New London, North Stonington: White's Gravel Pit, N of int. Routes 2 and 184. Elev. 40 m., 41.444444 -71.8625, 40m
Gordon C. Tucker 12439 2001-07-26
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Wakefield: White Pond, N. end. Elev. 35 m., 41.417778 -71.543889, 35m
Gordon C. Tucker 12842 2002-06-21
USA, Connecticut, Windham, Sterling: Cedar Swamp Road, along Wood River (NW of Porter Pond). Elevation ca. 130 m., 41.651944 -71.828889, 130m
Gordon C. Tucker 12433 2001-07-26
USA, Connecticut, New London, North Stonington: White's Gravel Pit, N of int. Routes 2 and 184. Elev. 40 m., 41.444444 -71.8625, 40m
Ebinger, John E. 9530 1970-06-29
USA, Connecticut, New London, Hopeville Pond State Park, 2 miles W of Voluntown., 41.606792 -71.924315
Gordon C. Tucker 12997 2002-06-27
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Wakefield: Wordens Pond, SW corner near Camp Jori (formerly called Cards Camps). elev. about 30 m., 41.438056 -71.592778
Zebryk, Tad M. 7662 2002-07-18
USA, Connecticut, Tolland, Stafford: Nipmuck Cedar Swamp off Crooked Road adjacent to Cedar Swamp Brook. Elevation 745 feet., 41.971111 -72.260833
Gordon C. Tucker 14255 2005-08-04
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Charlestown: East Pasquiset Road, W of Rathskellar Restaurant. Elevation about 35 m., 41.423056 -71.618333
Gordon C. Tucker 14299 2005-08-05
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, South Kingstown: Spectacle Ponds (E of Long Pond). Elevation about 74 feet., 41.409167 -71.548056, 23m
Gordon C. Tucker 15636 2010-08-02
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Hopkinton: Route 3, at Woodville-Alton Road. Elevation about 52 m., 41.489856 -71.735249, 52m
Gordon C. Tucker 298B 1976-10-02
USA, New Jersey, Ocean, Lebanon State Forest: campground NW of Four Mile. Elevation about 100 feet., 39.871552 -74.520039, 30m
EIU047755 Gordon C. Tucker 11674 1999-05-17
USA, Washington, Grays Harbor, Central Park: Karjala Road, E of Solki Road., 46.970556 -123.710833, 5 - 10m
Gordon C. Tucker 316 1977-05-09
USA, Virginia, Shenandoah, near Monterey, 38.434757 -79.646908
EIU047752 Gordon C. Tucker 15146 2007-08-01
USA, West Virginia, Tucker, Dolly Sods Wilderness Area, at Northland Loop Trail (TR569). Elev. ca. 3860 ft., 38.9825 -79.3325, 1177m
Gordon C. Tucker 13751 2004-08-04
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, South Kingstown: W side of Long Pond, NW of island. Elevation 120 feet., 41.411389 -71.555, 37m
Gordon C. Tucker 13811 2004-08-08
USA, Connecticut, Middlesex, East Haddam: Devil's Hopyard State Park; Chapman Falls. Elevation about 250 feet., 41.484167 -72.341667, 76m
Gordon C. Tucker 14362 2005-08-09
USA, Connecticut, New London, North Stonington: White's Farm along Shunock River N of intersection of Routes 2 and 184. Elevation 100 feet., 41.435833 -71.866667
Gordon C. Tucker 11863 1999-09-15
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park: Campground Trail. Legal: S13 T11N R9E, 39.40087 -88.14934
G.C. Tucker 12518A 2001-09-05
USA, Illinois, Coles, Charleston: Lakeview Park., 39.471944 -88.150556
Gordon C. Tucker 14693 2006-06-09
USA, South Carolina, Pickens, Clemson University: cemetery on knoll S of football stadium. Elevation 750 feet., 34.6767 -82.8431, 229m
W.W. Eggleston 2385 1901-06-25
USA, New Hampshire, Coos, Mount Washington: Bigelow's Lawn., 44.26295 -71.302357, 1524 - 1676m
W.W. Eggleston 1426 1899-07-29
USA, New Hampshire, Coos, Mount Washington: Alpine Garden., 44.282544 -71.284747, 1585m
Zebryk, Tad M. 7653 2002-07-12
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, Chester: Hampden Street at Route 20., 42.289722 -72.923056
EIU078071 Gordon C. Tucker 15837 2012-07-12
USA, Michigan, Gogebic, Ironwood: Michigan Welcome Center, along Hwy. 2, at the edge of floodplain of Montreal River. Elev. 1435 ft., 46.463015 -90.189296, 437m
EIU077584 G. Curry s.n. 1886-06-00
USA, New York, Westchester, Shrub Oak., 41.328 -73.825
W.J. Cody 12562 1963-07-07
Canada, Northwest Territories, Reindeer Station, Mackenzie District; lower slopes of Caribou Hills., 68.7 -134.133333, 71m
Gordon C. Tucker 12679 2002-05-19
USA, Washington, Grays Harbor, Moclips: Moclips Hwy, near mile marker 8 (W of McAffee Hill), on N side of highway along logging road., 47.290278 -124.075833
Gordon C. Tucker 15843 2012-07-12
USA, Wisconsin, Oneida, Rhinelander: Almon County Park, Wetland Trail at Buck Lake. Elevation 1570 feet., 45.589467 -89.410797, 479m
Gordon C. Tucker
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected
Barringer, Kerry 9377 2003-05-06
USA, New Jersey, Mercer, Assunpink Wildlife Management Area, Robbinsville, along Mitchell Road. Elev. 220 ft., 40.2058 -74.4764, 67m
Gordon C. Tucker 13439 2003-09-10
USA, Rhode Island, Kent, West Greenwich: Dayna Drive off Plain Meeting House Road; N end of drive. Elevation about 580 feet., 41.648889 -71.701667, 177m
Zebryk, Tad M. 7405 2001-07-28
USA, Connecticut, Tolland, Stafford: Hampden Road, 1/2 mile S of state line. USGS Monson Quadrangle. Elevation about 480 feet., 42.023611 -72.320278, 146m
Gordon C. Tucker
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected
Zebryk, Tad M. 7666 2002-07-18
USA, Connecticut, Tolland, Stafford: Nipmuck Cedar Swamp off Crooked Road adjacent to Cedar Swamp Brook. Elevation 745 feet., 41.971111 -72.260833, 227m
M.F. Thompson 3443 1977-03-16
South Africa, S.W. Cape, Overberg District Municipality, Potberg, lower slopes west of 'Kollie se Kraal.' Alt. 500 ft., -34.397 20.546, 152m
J.B. Williams s.n. 1972-04-00
Australia, New South Wales, North Coast, Coopernook Creek, NE of Dorrigo, -30.266667 152.816667
EIU047815 Gordon C. Tucker 14248 2005-08-04
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, South Kingstown: W side of Long Pond, NW of island. Elevation 120 feet., 41.411667 -71.556111, 37m
Gordon C. Tucker 277CP 1976-07-20
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, South Kingstown: South shore of Wordens Pond. Elevation about 90 feet., 41.428855 -71.569903, 27m
Gordon C. Tucker 15428 2009-05-25
China, Hunan, Huaihua, Huaihua: Forest Preserve on edge of city. Elev. ca. 350 m., 27.57 109.955, 350m
Gordon C. Tucker 14221 2005-08-06
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, South Kingstown: N side of Route 1, opposite Old Post Road, SSE of Peddlers Pond., 41.4125 -71.531111, 9m
Zebryk, Tad M. 7160 2000-09-16
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, Russell: east bound lane of Route 90, SE of Route 23; vertical ledges of roadcut. Woronoco USGS Quad., 42.183333 -72.85
Gordon C. Tucker 12985 2002-06-27
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Wakefield: Peddler's Pond, E shore. Elevation about 40 m., 41.418056 -71.537778, 40m
Gordon C. Tucker
USA, West Virginia, Tucker, detailed locality information protected
Gordon C. Tucker 12681 2002-05-19
USA, Washington, Grays Harbor, Moclips: Moclips Hwy, near mile marker 8 (W of McAffee Hill), on N side of highway along logging road., 47.290278 -124.075833
Gordon C. Tucker 11655 1999-05-14
USA, Washington, Grays Harbor, Twin Harbors Beach State Park (Grayland USGS 7.5" Quad). Elevation near sea level., 46.849722 -124.110833, 0 - 1m
Gordon C. Tucker 12629 2002-05-16
USA, Washington, Pacific, Heather: S side of County Line Road at Grayland Beach State Park. Just S of Grays Harbor County Line. Elev. 2 m., 46.793611 -124.090278, 2m
Gordon C. Tucker 266 1976-06-24
USA, Rhode Island, Kent, West Greenwich: Beach Pond Reservation, Spruce Bog., 41.603889 -71.727222
M.I. Moore 3392 1966-09-15
Canada, Ontario, Renfrew, Deep River, Kenne Road, S of Wylie Road., 46.036395 -77.510791
Gordon C. Tucker 12813 2002-06-19
USA, Connecticut, New London, North Stonington: White's Gravel Bank on N side of Route 2; SE edge of gravel bank between kettle hole ponds., 41.427778 -71.859167
Gordon C. Tucker 14795 2006-06-30
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Memorial Park; around east end of lake. Elevation about 600 feet., 38.420833 -81.841111
Gordon C. Tucker 15573 2010-07-30
USA, Connecticut, New London, North Stonington: Lone Pine Farm on Route 2. Elev. 42 m., 41.43516 -71.86643
Gordon C. Tucker 12662 2002-05-18
USA, Washington, Grays Harbor, Brady: 1 km N of town, W of Barrett Road, along old logging roads. Elev. ca. 150 feet. Legal: T18N R7W S35, 47.003333 -123.518333, 46m
Gordon C. Tucker 11496 1998-07-28
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Memorial Park; around inlet at east end of lake., 38.422222 -81.840278
Zebryk, Tad M. 7545 2002-05-31
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, Holyoke: East Mtn, S of Cherry Street Extension near Holyoke Revolver Club., 42.200833 -72.653056
W.J. Cody 12561 1963-07-06
Canada, Northwest Territories, Mackenzie District, Reindeer Station, 68.7 -134.133333
EIU024716 Gordon C. Tucker 12797 2002-06-18
USA, Connecticut, New London, North Stonington: along Route 2, W of (opposite) White's Gravel Bank, about 800 m N of Route 184., 41.430556 -71.869444
EIU024715 Gordon C. Tucker 12798 2002-06-18
USA, Connecticut, New London, North Stonington: along Route 2, W of (opposite) White's Gravel Bank, about 800 m N of Route 184., 41.430556 -71.868056, 40m
W.J. Cody 14153 1965-07-30
Canada, Northwest Territories, Mackenzie District, Hook Lake, E of Slave River, 60.716667 -112.833333
EIU007360 Ebinger, John E. 11282 1972-06-04
USA, Virginia, Roanoke, just west of Salem, 37.27462 -80.098365
EIU007361 Ebinger, John E. 5389 1965-05-15
USA, Michigan, Berrien, Mud Lake Bog; 41.828889 -86.431944, 41.828889 -86.431944
EIU007473 Zebryk, Tad M. 7688 2002-07-29
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, Granville: W of Sodom Mountain, W of Route 57, just S of Tennessee gas pipeline., 42.070278 -72.848056
EIU018973 Ebinger, John E. 4345 1964-05-16
USA, Michigan, Berrien, Mud Lake Bog. 5 miles east of Warren woods; 41.828889 -86.431944, 41.828889 -86.431944