Search Results (List)

Dataset: EIU-
Taxa: Ophioglossaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 237

Eastern Illinois University, Stover-Ebinger Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU001140McClain, W.   28082011-05-01
USA, Illinois, Monroe, 1 mile east of Fults, Illinois. On Ralph Bittner property adjacent to Fults Hill Prairie Nature Preserve., 38.167783 -90.17279

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EIU001165Thomas, R. Dale   227371971-04-13
United States, Louisiana, DeSoto, Wallace Cemetery beside La. 177 near Clara Springs., 31.896409 -93.45636

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EIU078521Phillippe, Loy R.   431132012-05-09
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, Forest Glen Preserve. Vermilion River Section of the Wabash Border Natural Division; 40.01908 -87.56496, 40.01908 -87.56496

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EIU018687Hope Sherman   51.171951-06-30
USA, Connecticut, Litchfield, Route 7 at South Canaan., 41.96073 -73.34292

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EIU001141Phillippe, Loy R.   330352001-05-18
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Iroquois County State Conservation Area. UTM 16, 451116mE, 4537064mN. Donovan 7.5 minute quadrangle. 2 mile south and 7 to 10 mile east of St. Anne. Just north of parking area 16., 40.988089 -87.569477

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EIU001153John E. Ebinger   171421978-05-14
USA, Illinois, Alexander, Horseshoe Lake, three miles south of Olive Branch, 37.123239 -89.352099

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EIU001157Nyboer, R.W.   3131976-03-29
USA, Illinois, Monroe, Monroe, 38.2833 -90.3667

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EIU001160John E. Ebinger   298892001-07-01
USA, Illinois, Clark, American Beech Woods Nature Preserve Lincoln Trail State Park 3 miles S of Marshall., 39.341148 -87.711139, 180m

Gordon C. Tucker   115511998-08-11
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Memorial Park; around east end of lake., 38.422222 -81.840278

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EIU001035Gordon C. Tucker   140212005-05-24
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Prairie Ridge State Natural Area: Fuson Farm Woods, S of Smallwood Township Park. Elev. 525 ft., 38.928611 -88.255833, 160m

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EIU019134Kathy Black   4031969-05-12
USA, Illinois, Cumberland, 3 miles N of Greenup, IL

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EIU019131Mike Medley   1975-00-00

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EIU022168Edgin, Bob   58822004-04-27
USA, Illinois, Clay, 4 miles southwest of Flora S/2 SE/4, Sect. 4, T2N, R6E, 3 PM

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EIU078024Welch, Debra A.   202011-07-07
USA, Illinois, Coles, Woodyard Conservation Area, on the west side of Lake Charleston, off 18th Street (Route 130), 39.462309 -88.155577, 207m

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EIU048506Feist, Mary Ann   15332002-05-31
USA, Illinois, Kankakee, Nature Conservancy property (De Young) on 16000 E, just north of 2000 S, and 5 miles northeast of Hopkins Park in Kankakee County, Illinois., 41.10734 -87.55666

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EIU000664Carter, Lola   1952-05-18
USA, Illinois, Morgan, 1 mile east of Arnold Legal: Sec 29 T15N R9W

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EIU001027McClain, William E.   26552010-06-07
USA, Illinois, Monroe, Ralph Ruettner property adjacent to Fults Hill Prairie Nature Preserve 1 mile E of Fults, Illinois, 38.166163 -90.197509

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EIU001028John E. Ebinger   327832011-05-14
USA, Illinois, Monroe, Salt Lick Point Land and Water Reserve, just west of Valmeyer, IL., 38.302512 -90.305946, 120 - 125m

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EIU001029Ebinger, John E.   283612000-05-12
USA, Illinois, Macoupin, Gravel prairie on Humphrey's property 1 mile W of Beaver Dam State Park. Legal: NW1/4 Sec. 17, T9N, R8W, 39.211156 -89.994924

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EIU001030John E. Ebinger   283812000-05-13
USA, Illinois, Wabash, Beall Woods Nature Preserve, 2 miles E of Keensburg. Legal: S11 T2S R13W, 38.358658 -87.82503

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EIU001031Horton, L.   441987-05-09
USA, Illinois, Shelby, Wolf Creek State Park, 39.508003 -88.675069

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EIU001033Edgin, Bob   40482001-05-12
USA, Illinois, Effingham, Wildcat Hollow State Forest, Effingham County, IL. 2 miles north ot Mason south half, Sect 2, T6N, R5E, 3 PM, 38.995909 -88.60649

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EIU001034Marcum, Paul B.   50402008-05-13
USA, Illinois, Woodford, ParkLands Foundation’s Chinquapin Bluffs Preserve; located approximately 5 miles north of Carlock, Illinois. Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.654721 -89.132025, 194m

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EIU001036Edgin, Bob   9041998-05-10
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Red Hills State Park, just east of Sumner, Illinois., 38.72977 -87.835586

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EIU001037McKnight, B.W.   5121980-06-08
USA, Illinois, Cumberland, Gold Hollow ca. 2 miles SE of Lincoln Log Cabin., 39.369756 -88.184849

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EIU001038Ebinger, John E.   102391971-05-07
USA, Illinois, Shelby, Near cemetery, 5 miles south of Shelbyville, Ill., 39.340303 -88.852594

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EIU001039Ebinger, John E.   162571977-04-27
USA, Illinois, Alexander, Beech-Maple woods, NE of Olive Branch, 37.26899 -89.315247

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EIU001040Ebinger, John E.   176141979-05-09
USA, Illinois, Effingham, Rock Cave Nature Preserve. 6 miles south of Beecher City, Ill., 39.101123 -88.786728

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EIU001041Ladd, Douglas   6791975-07-19
USA, Illinois, Hamilton, Growing in mesic woods along L & N RR tracks 6 miles south of McLeansboro, 38.006389 -88.535608

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EIU001042Ladd, Douglas   10221976-04-04
USA, Illinois, Franklin, Near junction of Rt. 149 and RR tracks, 37.884363 -89.086386

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EIU001043Ladd, Douglas   10011976-04-04
USA, Illinois, Perry, In rich mesic woods along creek at east edge of Sec. 17, R3W, T6S; with Viola eriocarpa, Trillium recurvatum, Polemonium reptans, and Erigenia bulbosa, 38.004283 -89.455559

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU001044Ebinger, John E.   171431978-05-14
USA, Illinois, Alexander, Horseshoe Lake, 3 miles south of Olive Branch, Ill., 37.211022 -89.352783

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EIU001045Ebinger, John E.   53311965-05-12
USA, Illinois, Edgar, Baber's woods, 38.944492 -90.121774

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EIU001046Busemeyer, Dan   18202004-05-21
USA, Illinois, Mason, Sand Ridge State Forest., 40.4113 -89.8929, 158m

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Botrychium virginianum (Linnaeus) Swartz
EIU001047Phillippe, Loy R.   355772003-05-15
United States, Illinois, Fulton, Land owned by The Nature Conservancy. The Emiquon Preserve. Galesburg Section of the Western Forest-Prairie Natural Division. Havana Quadrangle. Elevation about 515 feet. Just above the Illinois River floodplain west of Havana, Illinois on the west side of the Illinois River. Just northeast of Dickson Mounds State Park. Above Dickson Creek., 40.352569 -90.108075

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU001048Ebinger, John E.   113661972-06-10
USA, Illinois, Shelby, Woods near Richland Creek, Shelby Co. State Forest. Sect. 5, T10N, R5E.

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EIU001049Edgin, Bob   33522000-05-03
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Upland forest at Robeson Hills Nature Preserve. Legal: S20, T3N, R10W, 38.687547 -87.52391

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EIU001050Edgin, Bob   33072000-04-18
USA, Illinois, Richland, Big Creek Woods Mem. NP. SW/4. SE/4. Sect 15. T3N. R10E. 3PM, 38.689485 -88.082949

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EIU001051Ebinger, John E.   295012001-04-28
USA, Illinois, Clark, American Beech Woods Nature Preserve, Lincoln Trail State Park, 3 miles S of Marshall. NW1/4 S2 T10N R12W, 39.347939 -87.693638

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EIU001052Ebinger, John E.   296432001-05-15
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Argyle Hollow Barrens, Lake Argyle State Park, 6 miles W of Macomb. SE 1/4, S36, T6N, R4W, 40.459151 -90.786083

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EIU001053Ebinger, John E.   296402001-10-17
USA, Illinois, Mason, Gleason Sand Prairie Nature Preserve, 1 mile SE of Goofy Ridge, Ill. Edge of prairie near Devils Tower, 40.384236 -89.924158

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EIU001054Ebinger, John E.   296522001-05-15
USA, Illinois, Adams, McKee Creek Barrens, Siloam Springs State Park, 10 miles S of Clayton. Open woods at edge steep S-facing slope, 39.886498 -90.96069

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EIU001055Ebinger, John E.   75081968-04-25
USA, Illinois, Clark, Rocky Hollow Sect. 5, T9N, R12W., 39.260779 -87.756582

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EIU001056Kloker, L.   981966-06-19
USA, Illinois, Edgar, Baber Woods - Approx. 5 mi. SE of Kansas., 39.501546 -87.873012

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EIU001057Ebinger, John E.   269850000-00-00
USA, Illinois, Hamilton, Mature post oak forest near Dalhgren, Ill. Sec 2, T4S, R5E, 38.205204 -88.620511

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EIU001059McClain   13611974-07-02
USA, Illinois, St. Clair, West side of Silver Creek, one mile south of the Route 50 bridge, six miles west of Lebanon, St. Clair Co, Ill., 38.643748 -89.859898

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EIU001060Rayhill, S   1021967-09-03
USA, Illinois, Coles, Low, wet, open area of Phipps woods, SE 1/4, Sect. 15, R9E, T11N, 39.397242 -88.187034

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EIU001061Ebinger, John E.   74751968-04-25
USA, Illinois, Effingham, Rattlesnake Hollow, 5 miles from Beecher City on route 128., 39.123336 -88.795639

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EIU001062Ebinger, John E.   62341966-07-01
USA, Illinois, Cumberland, 2 miles E of Timothy. Legal: Sec 21 T10 N R10E, 39.303087 -88.092016

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EIU001063Nyboer, R.W.   701974-05-01
USA, Illinois, Clark, 5 miles ESE of Westfield, Ill., 39.416527 -87.89295

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EIU001064Phillippe, Loy R.   1586-B1972-06-28
USA, Illinois, Douglas, Douglas County Conservation Area Legal: Sec 36 R10E T 18N; 39.7014 88.0327, 39.7014 -88.0327, 200 - 200m

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EIU001065Ebinger, John E.   308372002-06-18
USA, Illinois, Champaign, Royal Grove, 1 mile S of Royal, Illinois. NE 1/4, S20, T20N, R14W, 40.178319 -87.972813

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EIU001067Phipps   3301957-05-10
USA, Illinois, Coles, 3.25 miles east of Charleston; 0.25 miles south of Route 16, one fourth mile. Coles County, Ill., 39.514133 -88.09157

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EIU001068Hellinga, G.A.   2221968-06-15
USA, Illinois, Clark, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve; Legal: Section 29 T12N R12W, 39.464372 -87.763573

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EIU001070Ebinger, John E.   124171973-05-05
USA, Illinois, Fayette, 4 miles S of Ramsey, Ill. SE1/4, Sect. 32, T8N, R1E, 39.093468 -89.111293

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EIU001071Becker, Kohl   0000-07-00
USA, Illinois, Coles, Rock's Park, 39.484579 -88.109901

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EIU001072Kohl Becker   s.n.
USA, Illinois, Coles, Rock's, 37.412829 -88.619495

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EIU001073Mueller, SC   7291967-06-16
USA, Illinois, Coles, Hillside Marsh; 6 miles east of Charleston, 39.514133 -88.09157

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EIU001074Ebinger, John E.   126851973-05-23
USA, Illinois, Piatt, Allerton Park, Ill., 39.911701 -87.936422

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EIU001075Ebinger, John E.   216691983-05-18
USA, Illinois, Montrose, 1 mile N of Montrose, IL., 40.718059 -89.670494

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EIU001076Phillippe, Loy R.   15541972-06-23
USA, Illinois, Crawford, Crawford County Legal: NW1/4 SW 1/4 Sec 31 R11W T8N, 39.092676 -87.675881

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EIU001078Ebinger, John E.   145791974-05-14
USA, Illinois, Coles, Rocks Park, 2 miles east of Charleston, Ill., 39.49614 -88.138584

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EIU001079Ebinger, John E.   146371974-05-25
USA, Illinois, Pope, Signal Point, Lake Glendale Recreation Area., 37.402112 -88.647202

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EIU001080Ebinger, John E.   153481975-05-20
USA, Illinois, Fayette, 10 miles NE of Vandalia, Ill., 39.092068 -89.019229

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EIU001081Vogel, R.   2611975-06-20
USA, Illinois, Montgomery, Wooded hillside 1/2 mi. W. Panama, Ill., 39.02949 -89.533583

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EIU001082Hudnut, R. D.   1951-05-26
USA, Illinois, Edgar, Foley's Woods, 6 miles east of Kansas, IL., 39.557552 -87.802706

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EIU001083Sampson, Homer C.   71911-06-00
USA, Illinois, Coles, Endsley's Ravine Legal: Sec. 24, T12N, R9E, 39.469589 -88.148721

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EIU001084Fitch, Ralph   1925-04-29
USA, Illinois, Coles, Endsley's Lane

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EIU001085Ebinger, John E.   186421980-05-12
USA, Indiana, Posey, New Harmonie State Recreation Area, 38.060694 -87.966915

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EIU001086McKnight, Bill N.   2771977-07-03
USA, Illinois, Clay, Hanging Rock, 4 miles southwest of Flora, in heavily shaded, moist, wooded ravine. Sect. 10, T2N, R6E, 38.627625 -88.517307

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EIU001087Dolbeare, Ben L.   27241969-05-03
USA, Illinois, Pope, 2 1/2 miles southeast of Eddyville, along Lusk Creek; 37.471352 -88.549051, 37.471352 -88.549051

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EIU001088Phillippe, Loy R.   131621988-05-14
United States, Illinois, Mason, Long Branch Sand Prairie, Topo. Kilbourne. Located just west of the Mid State Dragway and about 2.5+ mile east of the Illinois River., 39.2065 -90.5919

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EIU001089Ebinger, John E.   265390000-00-00
USA, Illinois, St. Clair, Stemler Cave Woods Nature Preserve, 3 miles W of Millstadt, Ill., 38.463082 -90.154256

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EIU001090Ebinger, John E.   265160000-05-00
USA, Illinois, Jersey, Pere Marquette State Park, disturbed slope above the Visitor's Center near Trail #2 SE 1/4, 38.97765 -90.545174

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EIU001091Ebinger, John E.   42741964-05-04
United States, Illinois, Coles, Charleston water works., 39.496146 -88.176152

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EIU001092Thut, Hiram Frederick   1956-05-16
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park, 39.403369 -88.153095

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EIU001115Ebinger, John E.   189151980-05-26
USA, Indiana, Daviess, 5 miles east of Odon, Ind. at edge of road., 38.824575 -86.913551

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EIU001117Ebinger, John E.   177091979-05-11
USA, Indiana, Montgomery, Pedestal Rock Nature Preserve, 39.951154 -87.100288

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EIU001119Ebinger, John E.   125571973-05-09
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, 2 miles west of Fairbanks, Ind., 39.208509 -87.563376

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EIU001120Ebinger, John E.   11561974-04-30
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, Immature Forest NOrth, 39.252005 -87.526069

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EIU001121McClain, W.   11521974-04-30
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, Mature Forest North, 39.252068 -87.544711

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EIU001123Phillippe, Loy R.   121211983-05-29
USA, West Virginia, Ritchie, Murphy Nature Preserve. Southern tract. USGS Topo. Harrisville. NE of pipeline near top of ridge in large Lycopodium patch. Elev. about 980 ft., 39.209524 -81.051777

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EIU001124Zebryk, Tad M.   72822001-05-23
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, West Springfield: Bear Hole Watershed, Prospect Avenue; Cauldron Trail. 42° 8' 00" North, 72° 40' 57" West., 42.107038 -72.620368

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EIU001125Wagner, K. A.   s.n.1973-06-21
USA, Michigan, Emmet, Near Carp Lake, 45.689546 -84.751202

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EIU001126Ebinger, John E.   227421984-06-02
USA, Tennessee, Cocke, Cosby Camp Ground, Great Smoky Mt. National Park., 35.817318 -83.246821

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EIU001127Ebinger, John E.   103031971-05-28
USA, Tennessee, Gatlinburg, Buggerville

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EIU001128McKnight, Bill N.   3111978-08-16
USA, Michigan, Cheboygan, Reeses Bog 1.5 miles S. of Univ. Biological Station on N. shore of Burt Lake, 45.542531 -84.661613

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EIU001129Ebinger, John E.   189931980-06-08
USA, Indiana, Parke, Allee Memorial Woods, 39.860739 -87.28288

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EIU001130Tucker, Gordon C.   146662006-06-03
USA, South Carolina, Pickens, Clemson: South Carolina Botanical Garden, E of Clemson University. Elevation ca. 220 m., 34.683438 -82.837365, 220m

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EIU001131Ebinger, John E.   189271980-05-26
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, Rose Woods, 1 mile south of Grayville, Ind., 39.106734 -87.56412

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EIU001132Ebinger, John E.   190611980-06-08
USA, Indiana, Vermillion, Walbash River, 2 miles west of Montezuma, Ind.

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EIU001133Ebinger, John E.   187591980-05-26
USA, Indiana, Pike, 2 miles SW of Otwell, Ind., 38.429649 -87.101234

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EIU001134Martin   0000-00-00
USA, Alaska, Muncho Lake to White Horse, Alaska, 65 -153

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EIU001135Ebinger, John E.   172811978-06-25
USA, Indiana, Putnam, Edge of road just south of Lieber State Park.

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EIU001136Lafferty, Edsel Ray   1971-07-03
USA, West Virginia, Wyoming, 4 miles northeast of the gap of Herndon Mountain., 37.546394 -81.28868

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EIU001137Phillippe, Loy R.   119931983-05-03
USA, West Virginia, Ritchie, Elev. about 900 ft, south of pipeline in the southern portion of the Murphy Nature Preserve. USGS Topo. Harrisville., 39.209524 -81.051777

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EIU001112McKnight, Bill N.   6511980-07-24
USA, Michigan, Alger, Grand Sable Dunes, on soil in Jack Pine forest overlooking Lake Superior, 46.671923 -86.020328

Botrychium multifidum (Gmel.) Trev.
EIU001113Barringer, Kerry   
USA, New Jersey, Hunterdon, detailed locality information protected

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Botrychium multifidum (Gmel.) Trev.
EIU001114McKnight, Bill N.   2981978-08-16
USA, Michigan, Cheboygan, Mud Lake Bog 2.5 miles N. of C-64 on N. Extension Rd. to Wallace Rd. then East, 45.613892 -84.600186

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EIU001109Wagner, K. A.   1973-06-22
USA, Michigan, Mackinac, Fiborne Quarry

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