Search Results (List)

Dataset: EIU-
Taxa: Papaveraceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 351

Eastern Illinois University, Stover-Ebinger Herbarium

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EIU018379M. Doyle   s.n.1963-06-21
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Rt. 287, 3 miles south of Colorado state line, 40.965 -105.374, 2188m

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EIU018580Paul O. Schallert   162491959-04-15
USA, Florida, Seminole, Sanford, 28.800548 -81.27312

H. M. Parker   5491971-07-22
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, 25 km E of Saltillo at Sesteo de las Aves.

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EIU024393Parker, Hampton M.   3911971-07-11
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, SE Monterrey on by-pass Mex 85

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EIU024394Parker, Hampton M.   5491971-07-22
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, 25 km E of Saltillo at Sesteo de las Aves.

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EIU024395Paul Wilson   11970-07-13
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, mexico near I.T.E.S.M.

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EIU024396Shannon, Kathy   161970-07-22
Mexico, Coahuila, Coahuila, NE of Saltillo

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EIU024383Nelson, Betty   1441996-02-25
USA, Florida, Palm Beach, Rt 98. E of Canal Point

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Argemone polyanthemos (Fedde) G.B. Ownbey
EIU024384Hubert, G. F.   s.n.1972-06-23
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Poudre Canyon, 40.698037 -105.623334, 1524 - 2743m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Argemone polyanthemos (Fedde) G.B. Ownbey
EIU028182Schweich, Tom   14842016-07-06
USA, Colorado, Jefferson, Colorado School of Mines Survey Field. High plains at the base of the Rocky Mountain Front Range, 2.2 km. south southwest of the GNIS location of Golden, 39.73662338 -105.2292269, 1896m

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EIU024461Seely, Jack   1991-06-02
USA, California, Siskiyou, West Branch USFS Campground, along highway. Klamath NF., 41.731793 -122.866694, 671m

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EIU024462Wood, Douglas   161971-03-22
USA, Washington, Orange St. Wash, Redlands

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EIU024463Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974   s.n.1971-04-10
USA, California, San Bernardino, Near Mentone., 34.070013 -117.134481

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Canada, British Columbia, Jasper, Tekaira Lodge

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EIU024465Martin   1957-07-01
Canada, British Columbia, Marble Canyon Area N of Radium Hot Springs., 50.633438 -116.063608

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EIU038653   1995-05-30
USA, Illinois, Union, Refuge Drive at Union County Conservation Area

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EIU024446Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974   s.n.1971-05-03
USA, California, San Bernardino, Near Mentone towards Yucaipa., 34.047259 -117.116285

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EIU024447Wood, Douglas   s.n.1971-05-10
USA, California, San Bernardino, Near Mentone, 34.085938 -117.125898

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EIU024593Ebinger, John E.   95201970-06-23
USA, Connecticut, New Haven, Rt 79, Madison, Connecticut

M. Doyle   s.n.1963-06-28
USA, Wyoming, Sand Lake Road, Wyoming

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EIU018669L. Phillippe   1398-A1972-05-29
USA, Colorado, Saguache, S of Villa Grove: along Rt. 17, 1 1/2 miles S of junction between Rt. 258 and 17., 38.1565 -105.9255, 2430m

Transeau, Edgar Nelson (1875-1960)   s.n.
USA, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs, Colorado

W S Cooper   9000
USA, Michigan, Longs Peak house, Detroit, Mich.

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EIU024598John McGrede   211968-03-18
USA, Texas, Brazos, Wellborn: 5 miles S on highway 2154 from Texas A&M University, 30.535202 -96.301628

R. Higgins   t-51977-03-20
USA, Texas, Ward, Sand Dunes State Park, Monahans, Texas

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EIU024600Jimmy Alston   181963-03-19
USA, Texas, Brazos, College Station, Texas

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EIU024601K.N. Dahle   1621937-07-10
USA, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mt., 42.742651 -118.634227, 2134m

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EIU024594Beel, Rondal   108001959-04-11
USA, New Mexico, Bernalillo, Ponderosa pine zone Sandia Mts, 19 mi NE of Albuquerque.

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EIU024595Doyle, M.   1963-06-28
USA, Wyoming, Sand Lake Road, Wyoming

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EIU024597Transeau, Edgar Nelaon (1875-1960)   1902-06-00
USA, Colorado, Colorado Springs

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EIU024599Higgens, R.   T-51977-03-20
USA, Texas, Ward, Sand Dunes State Park, Monahans, Texas.

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EIU024611Cooper, W. S.   90001904-07-01
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Longs Peak House, 40.276 -105.557

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EIU024596L. Phillippe   1398A1972-05-29
USA, Colorado, Saguache, S of Villa Grove: along Rt. 17, 1 1/2 miles S of junction between Rt. 258 and 17., 38.1565 -105.9255, 2430m

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EIU028024Bond, Richard   2242003-04-05
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Coconino National Forest, West Clear Creek Recreation Site , West Clear Creek flood plain, north side of stream, in open meadow under Cottonwood / Sycamore canopy, Elevation 3200 ft, USFS Map, Coconino National Forest, AZ. USDA Permit LOV0048, BOND, R, 34.515287 -111.766355, 1006m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU007750Parrish, Judy D.   1501971-05-14
USA, Oklahoma, Comanche, Gore and 7th

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EIU024448Smith, Carlos   1969-05-11
USA, Louisiana, Franklin, Beside La15.

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EIU024450   1954-06-01
USA, Illinois, Coles, Sec 24 T12N R9E

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EIU024426Hill, Steven   276631996-04-13
USA, Georgia, Bulloch, Locality Not Recorded

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EIU024427Rodgers, C. Leland   742341974-05-03
USA, South Carolina, Greenville, Along RR track off Hwy 84.

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EIU024428Sims, Ted   1958-04-03
USA, Oregon, Linn, Shelburne Cemetery, 18 mi E of Albany, 2 mi N of Scio.

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EIU024423Mehrhoff, Leslie J.   61821982-05-25
USA, Connecticut, Fairfield, Bridgeport, Seaside Park, Fayerweather Island

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EIU024424Poole, Roger T.   2181971-06-03
USA, Florida, Pinellas, Herb growing in field northeast of McMullen homesite

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EIU024425J. Richard Abbott   17171992-04-03
USA, Florida, Pinellas, United States: Florida: Pinellas County. Largo, SE of U.S. 19 (= Seminole Boulevard), S of junction with FL 686 (= Bay Drive), along the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad. Open degraded areas (dry & sandy in spots, wet in other spots), with Spermolepis divaricata, Linaria canadensis, Richardia brasiliensis, Lepidium virginicum, Indigofera spicata, Emilia fosbergii, Gnaphalium falcatum, Plantago virginica, Cenchrus spinifex, Cynodon dactylon, Cyperus croceus, Carex longii, Eustachys petraea, Serenoa repens, Pinus elliottii, Casuarina glauca, Nephrolepis exaltata, Thelypteris kunthii, Acer rubrum, Sabal palmetto, Amaranthus spinosus, A. viridis, Medicago lupulina, Melilotus alba, Stachys floridana, Stenotaphrum secundatum, Asclepias curassavica, Rumex hastatulus. Laxly erect to sprawling herb; flowers purple & white. Lat. 27°54'49"N Long. 82°47'12"W., 27.9136111 -82.7866667

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EIU024628Chase, Mary Agnes   28341905-05-19

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EIU022364Mehrhoff, Leslie J.   43431981-07-14
USA, Connecticut, Fairfield, Long Island Sound, Chimon Island, Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge

Parrish, Judy Damery   1581971-05-21
USA, Oklahoma, Comanche, Fort Sill; stations 29-33, 34.684471 -98.469791

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EIU024381Murphy, David H.   391961-07-21
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 1 1/2 miles W of Ted's Place

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EIU024382Parrish, Judy Damery   1581971-05-21
USA, Oklahoma, Comanche, Fort Sill; stations 29-33, 34.684471 -98.469791

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EIU024602Parrish, Judy Damery   2011971-05-29
USA, Oklahoma, Comanche, Fletcher, along roadside, 3 miles

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EIU024431Hill, Steven R.   292261997-06-03
USA, Illinois, Cass, W side of Burlington Northern RR right-of-way, sanitary landfill, 39.971275 -90.416242

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EIU024432Ebinger, John E.   269381996-05-24
USA, Illinois, Scott, 4 miles S of Meredosia, 39.77318 -90.559571

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EIU024433Ebinger, John E.   269421996-05-24
USA, Illinois, Morgan, 1.5 miles S of Meredosia, IL, 39.809416 -90.559571

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EIU024434Ebinger, John E.   269321996-05-24
USA, Illinois, Scott, 4 miles S of Meredosia, 39.77318 -90.559571

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EIU024435Ebinger, John E.   269201996-05-24
USA, Illinois, Scott, S of Naples, IL, 39.733873 -90.603916

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EIU024436Ebinger, John E.   269211996-05-24
USA, Illinois, Scott, 2 miles N of Naples, IL, 39.784278 -90.588166

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EIU024437Ebinger, John E.   269441996-05-24
USA, Illinois, Cass, 3 miles south of Beardstown, IL

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EIU024438Ebinger, John E.   264911995-05-02
USA, Illinois, Cass, N edge of Beardstown, IL

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EIU024439Tyson, Stan   21661994-06-11
USA, Illinois, Morgan, county rd E of Meredosia, railroad SE of tank farm

Corydalis lutea (L.) Dc.
Gordon C. Tucker   113401997-08-01
USA, New York, Suffolk, Fishers Island: Armstrong Place, E of Brooks Point., 41.284544 -71.96785

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Corydalis lutea (L.) Dc.
EIU024610Gordon C. Tucker   115341998-08-06
USA, New York, Suffolk, Fishers Island: Armstrong place east of Clay Point. Elev. 5 m., 41.280268 -71.988998, 5m

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Corydalis lutea (L.) Dc.
EIU024576Gordon C. Tucker   116051998-12-01
USA, Illinois, Coles, Eastern Illinois University campus, 39.477778 -88.172222

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EIU029799Liz Makings   41752013-03-29
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Usery Mountain Regional Park, adjacent Usery Mountain shooting range, 33.488888 -111.628891, 670m

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EIU038440Shewell, G.E.   181968-07-08
Canada, Northwest Territories, Banks Island: Masik River, 73.25 -121.5

Gordon C. Tucker   126602002-05-18
USA, Washington, Grays Harbor, Brady: 1 km N of town, W of Barrett Road, along old logging roads. Elev. ca. 150 feet. Legal: T18N R7W S35, 47.003333 -123.518333, 46m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU024471Seely, Jack   s.n.1991-05-30
USA, California, Siskiyou, Klamath National Forest; West Branch, 41.731793 -122.866694

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EIU024472Beanish, K. I.   6101631961-05-25
Canada, British Columbia, 9 mi N of Squamish just beyond Cheekye.

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EIU024473Gordon C. Tucker   126602002-05-18
USA, Washington, Grays Harbor, Brady: 1 km N of town, W of Barrett Road, along old logging roads. Elev. ca. 150 feet. Legal: T18N R7W S35, 47.003333 -123.518333, 46m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU018678Rondae Bell   108001959-04-11
USA, New Mexico, Sandoval, Sandia Mts, 19 miles NE of Albuquerque., 35.279146 -106.412976

Argemone alba Lestib. f.
ignot.   s.n.1955-04-06
USA, Texas, Refugio, 6 miles S of Austwell, Texas

Argemone alba Lestib. f.
Roger T. Poole   2601971-06-16
USA, Florida, Pinellas, corner of Indian Rocks rd and Josephine Road

Image Associated With the Occurence
Argemone alba Lestib. f.
EIU024376Speer, J. M.   211955-04-06
USA, Texas, Refugio, Six miles south of Austwell, Refugio county, Texas

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Argemone alba Lestib. f.
EIU024377Poole, Roger T.   2601971-06-16
USA, Florida, Pinellas, corner of Indian Rocks rd and Josephine Road

Art Courville   181970-04-22
USA, Texas, Grimes, 2 miles S of Navasota on Interstate 6

Thomas, Roy Dale, 1936-1922   206541970-08-09
USA, Arkansas, Independence, East Lafferty Creek along road from Croker to Cushman

C. L. Galindo   191975-03-30
USA, Texas, Bee, 10 miles NE of Beeville, Highway 59

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EIU024378Courville, Art   181970-04-22
USA, Texas, Grimes, 2 miles S of Navasota on Interstate 6

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EIU024379Thomas, Roy Dale, 1936-1922   206541970-08-09
USA, Arkansas, Independence, Fileds beside e lafferty creek along road from croker to cushman.

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EIU024380Galindo, C. L.   191975-03-30
USA, Texas, Bee, 10 miles NE of Beeville, Highway 59

Michael Lambert   551969-06-02
USA, Massachusetts, Middlesex, N. Cambridge, near Alewife Brook, 42.401096 -71.136297

Ebinger, John E.   94031970-05-15
USA, Connecticut, New Haven, Ledge Hill Rd, North Guilford., 41.367376 -72.727698

J. E. Ebinger   39931962-05-27
USA, Connecticut, New Haven, North Haven, 41.39093 -72.859545

Gordon C. Tucker   153092008-07-24
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Perryville: Long Pond, middle of W shore, due W of island. Elevation about 30 m., 41.411146 -71.557177, 30m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU024385Chase, Virginius Herber   172251963-05-10
USA, Illinois, Peoria, Peoria, 7th Avenue, 40.693649 -89.588986

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU024386Gordon C. Tucker   153092008-07-24
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Perryville: Long Pond, middle of W shore, due W of island. Elevation about 30 m., 41.411146 -71.557177, 30m

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EIU024387Moore, Gerry   79482006-06-17
USA, New Jersey, Salem, Slabtown. Along County Rt. 581 just below Salem River.

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EIU024388Gordon C. Tucker   128912002-06-24
USA, New York, Suffolk, Fishers Island: Equestrian Avenue, near Duck Pond, opposite end of Halcyon Ave., 41.261389 -72.02, 1 - 2m

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EIU024389Chase, Virginius Herber   100621948-08-24
USA, Illinois, Tazewell, Near East Peoria.

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EIU024390Lambert, Michael   0551969-06-02
USA, Massachusetts, Middlesex, N. Cambridge, near Alewife Brook, 42.401096 -71.136297

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EIU024391Ebinger, John E.   94031970-05-15
USA, Connecticut, New Haven, Ledge Hill Rd, North Guilford., 41.367376 -72.727698

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EIU024392Ebinger, John E.   39931962-05-27
USA, Connecticut, New Haven, North Haven, 41.39093 -72.859545

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Corydalis campestris (Britton) J. Buchholz & Palmer
EIU024417Ebinger, John E.   184841980-04-27
USA, Illinois, Calhoun, Calhoun Point Waterfowl Management Area., 38.942549 -90.50484

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corydalis campestris (Britton) J. Buchholz & Palmer
EIU024418Ebinger, John E.   156311976-04-23
USA, Illinois, Mason, Edge of road at Mason State Forest. Sect. 27, R7W, T23N.

Corydalis flavula (Raf.) DC.
Ebinger, John E.   80411969-05-06
USA, Illinois, Edwards, Ica Marks Science Preserve, 38.572364 -88.094993

Corydalis flavula (Raf.) DC.
R. W. Nyboer   3261976-03-29
USA, Illinois, Monroe, Sec 15, NE1/4, NE1/4 T3S R11W, 38.275243 -90.303979

Corydalis flavula (Raf.) DC.
Randy Vogel   5181976-04-15
USA, Illinois, Pope, Lusk Creek

Corydalis flavula (Raf.) DC.
J. P. Sivert   s.n.1952-04-11
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Robeson Hills

Corydalis flavula (Raf.) DC.
Ebinger, John E.   170111978-04-19
USA, Illinois, Calhoun, 2 miles W of Hardin, IL

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corydalis flavula (Raf.) DC.
EIU024410L. Phillippe   22661973-05-07
USA, Illinois, Crawford, 2 miles S of Heathsville

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Corydalis flavula (Raf.) DC.
EIU024411Douglas Ladd   9891976-03-27
USA, Illinois, Washington, Mud Creek, near Rt 153, 1 mile N of Randolph county line, along S fork of Mud Creek, 38.249623 -89.61108

Image Associated With the Occurence
Corydalis flavula (Raf.) DC.
EIU024412Ebinger, John E.   185031980-05-01
USA, Illinois, Calhoun, 1 mile N of Batchtown, IL, 39.047713 -90.663634

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