Search Results (List)

Dataset: EIU-
Taxa: Polygonaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 1184

Eastern Illinois University, Stover-Ebinger Herbarium

EIU078491Blair, Patricia   s.n.1981-06-15
USA, Minnesota, Clearwater, Lake Itasca Biological Field Station; La Salle Creek at pond beyond Beaver Trail., 47.1961 -95.2324, 450m

Antigonon leptopus Hook. & Arn.
EIU078746W. McClain   3881967-04-26
Puerto Rico, San Juan, San Juan, in Pennock's Nursery., 18.42685 -66.08414

Persicaria virginiana (L.) Gaertn.
EIU078585Matthew C. Pace   3072008-08-03
USA, New York, Suffolk, Huntington Station, in the Paumonek Wetland, W of Walt Whitman High School, 40.827767 -73.42785, 64m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Persicaria caespitosa (Blume) Nakai, orth.
EIU039625Gordon C. Tucker   163212014-07-19
USA, Illinois, Coles, Mattoon: Douglas-Hart Nature Center; SE section of woods., 39.49384 -88.31011, 210 - 212m

Persicaria punctata (Elliot) Small
Gordon C. Tucker   163222014-07-19
USA, Illinois, Coles, Mattoon: Douglas-Hart Nature Center; SE section of woods., 39.49384 -88.31011, 210 - 212m

Brunnichia ovata (Walter) Shinners
EIU078498Phillippe, Loy R.   425212010-08-04
USA, Illinois, Johnson, In flood plain of the Cache River below the west end of Wildcat Bluff and on the south side of the Cache River., 37.468297 -89.019476

EIU078534P. Hardwood   29332010-08-05
USA, New York, Ulster, Sundown Wild Forest, along Vernooy Kill 0.7mi. S of intersection with Spencer Rd., 41.910034 -74.453592

EIU078554Longbottom, Wayne D.   182272012-09-15
USA, Maryland, Anne Arundel, Town of Pasadena, White Rocks Marina, Rock Creek, Tar Cove, Colony Beach Road, 39.149192 -76.5

Persicaria perfoliata (L.) H. Gross
EIU078627Longbottom, Wayne D.   123202008-10-07
USA, Maryland, Howard, Town of Columbia, along Little Patuxent River Parkway between Columbia Road and Us Rt.29, Columbia Pike., 39.226389 -76.853333

Persicaria virginiana (L.) Gaertn.
EIU078708Matthew C. Pace   3182008-08-24
USA, New York, Suffolk, Huntington Station, in the Paumonek Wetland, west of Walt Whitman High School.

EIU079514W.J. Cody   136671964-09-21
Canada, Ontario, Nipissing District, Samuel Champlain Provincial Park on Hwy 17 between Mattawa and Rutherglen. Nipissing District., 46.287139 -78.873014

EIU078507B. Balegno   11031946-10-18
Argentina, Cordoba, San Justo:Balnaria:Balanaria.

Persicaria lapathifolia (L.) S.F.A. Gray
EIU079370K.W. Spicer   10271966-09-19
Canada, Ontario, Ottawa, Lower Plant Research Institute Arboretum near Rideau Canal, 45.405959 -75.685858

EIU078537Gordon C. Tucker   156192010-08-02
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Tuckertown Park, at NW corner of Tuckers Pond. Elev. about 95 feet., 41.42607 -71.55461, 29m

Persicaria sagittata (L.) H. Gross
EIU079564W.J. Cody   123771962-08-21
Canada, Quebec, Gatineau, 1/2 mile W of Lac Phillipe; 45.60549 -76.0126, 45.60549 -76.0126, 192m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU079541Phillippe, Loy R.   388212006-06-13
USA, Illinois, Will, Blodgett Dolomite Prairie Natural Area in the Des Plaines State Conservation Area. Along the west side of I-55, 41.38331 -88.205, 162m

EIU079061Phillippe, Loy R.   432652012-07-23
USA, Nebraska, Dawson, Growing in wetland, overflow area of the Platte River main channel between Gothenburg, channel of the Platte River

G.C. Tucker   135552003-10-04
USA, Illinois, Macon, Rock Springs Environmental Center; Homestead Prairie. Legal: S19 T16N R2E, 39.824722 -89.023333

G.C. Tucker   135622003-10-04
USA, Illinois, Macon, Rock Springs Environmental Center; Homestead Prairie. Legal: S19 T16N R2E, 39.824722 -89.023333

Antigonon leptopus Hook. & Arn.
Jeanne Bowen   1181970-08-12
Mexico, Nuevo León, near the base of La Silla, alt. 1600 ft. (in Monterrey)

Antigonon leptopus Hook. & Arn.
Kathy Shannon   1301970-08-12
Mexico, Nuevo León, near the base of La Silla, alt. 1600 ft. (in Monterrey)

Antigonon leptopus Hook. & Arn.
Roger T. Poole   2641971-07-16
USA, Florida, Pinellas, Just off Oakhurst Rd, Largo, FL. Legal: S12 T30S R14E

Brunnichia ovata (Walter) Shinners
Ebinger, John E.   264571994-09-23
USA, Illinois, Massac, Mermett Lake Conservation Area, 4 miles NW of Metropolis, IL.

Brunnichia ovata (Walter) Shinners
Ebinger, John E.   253641991-08-15
USA, Mississippi, Jackson, Ocean Springs, MS.

Brunnichia ovata (Walter) Shinners
Ebinger, John E.   193911980-07-12
USA, Kentucky, Ballard, Ballard State Waterfowl Management Area

Brunnichia ovata (Walter) Shinners
Ebinger, John E.   193671980-07-05
USA, Kentucky, McCracken, Edge of road across the river from Metropolis, IL.

Brunnichia ovata (Walter) Shinners
Edgin, Bob   51252002-07-21
USA, Illinois, Massac, Mermet Swamp Conservation Area, 2 miles S of Mermet

Brunnichia ovata (Walter) Shinners
Stan Tyson   22291994-09-09
USA, Illinois, Alexander, Horseshoe Lake. Near site managers home Legal: NE¼ NW¼ S17 T16N R2W, 37.13825 -89.34134, 100 - 100m

Brunnichia ovata (Walter) Shinners
Ebinger, John E.   142891973-10-25
USA, Illinois, Massac, 3 miles E of Joppa. Legal: S28 R4E T15S

Brunnichia ovata (Walter) Shinners
Ebinger, John E.   52461964-10-10
USA, Illinois, Pulaski, Edge of swamp near Cache River on Rt.37 N of Karnake. Legal: S8 T14S R2E, 37.304933 -89.021302

L. S. Rose   11281941-06-22
USA, California, San Francisco, Lake Merced

D. Seigler   135191991-05-20
Mexico, Veracruz, Alvarado, road to Anton Lizardo, 5 miles E of junction with Mexico Rt. 150., 19.059033 -95.990835

Fallopia convolvulus (L.) A. Löve
Gordon C. Tucker   156982011-07-05
USA, Illinois, Cumberland, Walla Walla (SW of Greenup): River Road at County Road 350 N. Elevation about 165 m., 39.222673 -88.185457, 165m

F. Stalker   s.n.1995-05-31
New Zealand, Karekare sand dunes. Sea level.

Persicaria caespitosa (Blume) Nakai, orth.
Gordon C. Tucker   157732011-10-14
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Memorial Park at NW end of lake, around cemetery. Elev. about 235 m., 38.418173 -81.831322, 235m

Persicaria caespitosa (Blume) Nakai, orth.
Gordon C. Tucker   147252006-06-20
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park: Ridge Lake; east end of lake. Elevation ca. 210 m. Legal: S13 T11N R9E, 39.404 -88.152, 200 - 220m

Gordon C. Tucker   150092006-08-16
USA, Illinois, Marion, Kinmundy: Prairie Ridge State Natural Area (Marion Co. unit). Tract 11 (Bainbridge Tract), W side near CR 1500E., 38.7434 -88.8676

Persicaria longiseta (Bruijn) Kitag.
Gordon C. Tucker   152862008-07-09
USA, West Virginia, Wood, Blenerhasset Island State Park; E end of island. Elev. about 187 m.

Gordon C. Tucker   148972006-08-10
USA, Illinois, Marion, Kinmundy: Prairie Ridge State Natural Area (Marion Co. unit). Tract 11 (Bainbridge Tract), north end near CR 1900N., 38.7503 -88.8616

Persicaria punctata (Elliot) Small
Gordon C. Tucker   138772004-09-24
USA, Illinois, Coles, Rardin: Greasy Creek, NW of JFK Farm. Elevation about 200 m., 39.641899 -88.102998, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Persicaria punctata (Elliot) Small
EIU078676Gordon C. Tucker   158702012-08-21
USA, Illinois, Coles, Mattoon: Douglas-Hart Nature Center. Southeast Prairie. Elevation about 690 ft., 39.49428 -88.3111, 210m

Persicaria vulgaris Webb & Moq.
Gordon C. Tucker   138642004-09-17
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Prairie Ridge State Natural Area: Ridgway Grassland and Wetland. Elev. 525 ft., 38.907222 -88.177222, 160m

Persicaria vulgaris Webb & Moq.
Gordon C. Tucker   145152005-09-27
USA, Illinois, Douglas, Walnut Point State Park: Twin Points Picnic Area. Elev. about 200 m. Legal: S36 T15N R10E, 39.704167 -88.034444, 200m

Polygonum arenastrum Jord. ex Boreau
Larry Dennis   9571970-06-19
USA, Illinois, Moultrie, 3 miles S and 1½ miles W of Lovington, IL. off RT. 32. Legal: SW¼ NE¼ S8 T14N R4E, 39.675866 -88.653793

Polygonella americana (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Small
Thomas, Roy Dale, 1936-1922   259651971-09-26
USA, Louisiana, Bienville, Dry pine hills W of Edwards Mill Creek, SW of Bienville, LA. Legal: NW ¼ S33 T16N R6W

Zebryk, Tad M.   72592000-10-23
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, Longmeadow., 42.05 -72.566667

T. Clark   s.n.1950-00-00
USA, Michigan, Northern Michigan

Ebinger, John E.   12174B1972-10-10
USA, Illinois, Tazewell, Spring Lake State Park. Legal: S16 T23N R7W

Ebinger, John E.   224501983-09-22
USA, Illinois, Iroquois, Iroquois County Conservation Area. Legal: S24 T29N R11W, 40.988081 -87.551597

Gordon C. Tucker   118001999-08-13
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Memorial Park; at east end of lake. Elevation about 600 feet., 38.420833 -81.841111, 183m

Gordon C. Tucker   128252002-06-20
USA, Connecticut, New London, Oakdale: Chesterfield Road, near Middle School. Elev. about 100 m., 41.457222 -72.168611

Gordon C. Tucker   128182002-06-20
USA, Connecticut, New London, North Stonington: Northwest Corner Rd, at Prentice Brook. Avalonia Land Conservancy Preserve., 41.501667 -71.928333

Gordon C. Tucker   137812004-08-05
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, South Kingstown: N end of White Pond, at Rountree Camp. Elevation 96 feet., 41.4175 -71.544444, 29m

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU024660Gordon C. Tucker   141152005-06-24
USA, Indiana, Marion, Indianapolis: Garfield Park. Elevation 720 feet., 39.7346 -86.1474, 219m

Fallopia bohemica (Chrtek & Chrtková) J.P. Bailey
Gordon C. Tucker   143432005-08-06
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, South Kingstown: Robert Beverly Hale Library on Old Post Road. Elevation about 70 feet., 41.397778 -71.549167, 21m

Persicaria pensylvanica (L.) M. Gómez
Gordon C. Tucker   150382006-10-20
USA, Illinois, Marion, Kinmundy: Prairie Ridge State Natural Area (Marion Co. unit). Tract 10 (Bartels Tract), N end near CR 1900N., 38.748 -88.8576

Gordon C. Tucker   150402006-10-20
USA, Illinois, Marion, Kinmundy: Prairie Ridge State Natural Area (Marion Co. unit). Tract 10 (Bartels Tract), N end near CR 1900N., 38.748 -88.8576

Gordon C. Tucker   114041997-08-08
USA, New York, Hamilton, Whitaker Lake: Deerfoot Lodge property; camp road in from Rt. 30. Elev. 1765 ft. Legal: UTM 549900 4823400, 43.565556 -74.391111

Polygonum achoreum S.F. Blake
Ebinger, John E.   266391995-08-16
Canada, Ontario, Cochrane, Moose Factory, Moose River, 10 miles S of James Bay., 51.257743 -80.613623

EIU018646W.J. Cody   125601963-07-05
Canada, Northwest Territories, Mackenzie District, Reindeer Station, 68.7 -134.133333

Ebinger, John E.   237331987-10-04
USA, Illinois, Cook, Marsh at edge of Algonguin Rd. between Barrington Rd. and Roselle Rd.

Dolbeare, Ben L.   s.n.1969-07-29
USA, Illinois, Edgar, Paris: East Lake. ½ mile N. of Paris, IL., 39.638515 -87.684257

Persicaria amphibia (L.) Delarbre
Ebinger, John E.   199801980-09-12
USA, Indiana, Fountain, Marsh 2 miles N of Lodi, IN., 39.981658 -87.413573

W. McClain   14401974-07-24
USA, Illinois, Tazewell, Floodplain of Illinois River, River mile #142, Spring Lake., 40.47444 -89.88507

G. G. Gray   s.n.1962-07-03
USA, South Dakota, Union, 2 miles W of Elk Point, 42.683324 -96.723062

K. E. Damann   s.n.1950-00-00
USA, Montana

L. J. Gier   s.n.1959-06-28
USA, Missouri, Coaley Lake

T. Clark   s.n.1949-07-14
USA, Michigan, Cheboygan, Black Lake

T. Clark   124071949-06-30
USA, Michigan, Bessey

Martin   s.n.1957-00-00
Canada, Yukon, Yukon, White Horse to Dezdeash, Alaska Highway., 60.394054 -133.025105

Ted Sims   s.n.1960-07-20
USA, Oregon, Benton, Independence Rd.

Zebryk, Tad M.   74602001-09-03
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, Chicopee: Chicopee River near Sewage Plant E of confluence with Connecticut River., 42.148611 -72.616667

EIU009991Gordon C. Tucker   151982007-09-21
USA, Illinois, Marion, Kinmundy: Prairie Ridge State Natural Area (Marion Co. unit). Tract 4 (Loy Tract). Elev. 177 m, 38.7754 -88.803

W. McClain   24051994-10-10
USA, Illinois, Mason, Sand Lake, RT 97, SE of Havanna, IL. Legal: NE¼ Sec18, N½ S17 T21N R8W

Ebinger, John E.   223951983-09-09
USA, Illinois, Du Page, Belmont Prairie, Downers Grove. Legal: S12 T38N R10E

Persicaria amphibia (L.) S. F. Gray
Harvey Brown   s.n.1975-07-03
USA, Illinois, McHenry, Griswold Lake, 4 miles SE of McHenry, IL. Legal: S14 T44N R9E, 42.290141 -88.22192

Ebinger, John E.   135241973-09-20
USA, Illinois, La Salle, Edge of road 2 miles W of Marseilles, IL. Legal: S15 T33N R4E

N. M. Addison   2171974-10-05
USA, Illinois, Iroquois, near railroad 1 mile S. of Chebanse, IL. Legal: S23 T29N R14W

Ebinger, John E.   244631989-07-04
USA, Illinois, Coles, Lake Charleston Legal: S24 T12N R9E, 39.394444 -88.083056

Ebinger, John E.   246151989-10-01
USA, Illinois, Coles, Lake Charleston Legal: S24 T12N R9E, 39.394444 -88.083056

Ebinger, John E.   149461974-07-20
USA, Illinois, Lake, Illinois Beach State Park. Legal: S3 T45N R12E, 42.4172 -87.8116, 200 - 210m

Ebinger, John E.   173381978-09-04
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Growing in shaded drainage ditch in Chauncey Marsh, 4miles east of Chauncey, IL. Legal: S30 T5N R12W

Ebinger, John E.   195591980-08-09
USA, Indiana, Greene, Near RR tracks 2 miles E of Marco, 38.951761 -87.125044

P. Thiel   591974-09-09
USA, Wisconsin, La Crosse, Myrick Marsh, E of Rt. 35 between La Crosse St. and Northern State Power sub-station. Legal: S32 T16N R7W

Roy Lockart   s.n.1976-07-20
USA, Illinois, Jefferson, Bluford Rod & Gun Lake, 1 mile SW of Bluford, IL. Legal: S35 T2S R4E, 38.313154 -88.734497

Harvey Brown   s.n.1976-07-05
USA, Illinois, McHenry, Lake Defiance, 2 miles SE of McHenry, IL. Legal: S6 T44N R9E, 42.319716 -88.226634

Persicaria amphibia (L.) Delarbre
Ebinger, John E.   180431979-06-26
USA, Minnesota, Houston, Floodplain and slough of Mississippi River. Legal: S7 T101N R3W, 43.549849 -91.345853

Ebinger, John E.   293982000-10-15
USA, Illinois, Fayette, Lake Carlyle Wildlife Management Area, 11 miles SSE of Vandalia, IL. Legal: S8&9 T4N R1W

Ebinger, John E.   201131980-09-19
USA, Indiana, Knox, Swamp 2 miles SW of Orrville, IN. Legal: SE¼ S11 T1S R12W

Ebinger, John E.   107251971-08-16
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, In water of take pit of interstate, NE edge of Lawrencville, IL. Legal: SE¼ S31 R11W T4N

Ebinger, John E.   141781973-10-09
USA, Indiana, Spencer, 2 miles NW of Grand View, IN. Legal: Sec 31

W. McClain   14781974-08-27
USA, Indiana, Spencer, Legal: Sec 31 T6S R5W

Gordon C. Tucker   131712002-09-05
USA, Illinois, Coles, Mattoon: Lake Paradise, NE corner of the lake., 39.425 -88.427222

Zebryk, Tad M.   79192002-09-06
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, Ludlow: Minechoag Pond, off East Street, accessed from Ludlow Country Club. Elev. 230 feet., 42.161944 -72.458611

Polygonum arenastrum Jord. ex Boreau
Ebinger, John E.   239211987-10-24
USA, Illinois, Massac, Fort Massac State Park. Elevation about 100 m., 100m

Polygonum arenastrum Jord. ex Boreau
David D. Taylor   70631984-05-22
USA, Louisiana, Ouachita, Lawn at 4318 DeSiard Ave. (U.S. 80) E of NLU in Monroe.

Polygonum arenastrum Jord. ex Boreau
H. M. Parker   7801976-06-17
USA, Tennessee, Montgomery, Carbon Products Plant Site: 9 miles E of Clarksville, TN.

Polygonum arenastrum Jord. ex Boreau
Ebinger, John E.   77551968-08-27
USA, Michigan, Berrien, Dunes at edge of Lake Michigan 4 miles S of Grang Mere Lake.

Polygonum arenastrum Jord. ex Boreau
Gordon C. Tucker   130082002-08-06
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Park: west end of lake, SW of dam. Elevation about 650 feet., 38.420833 -81.841111, 198m

Polygonum arenastrum Jord. ex Boreau
EIU018668W.E. McClain   13441974-06-27
USA, Indiana, Spencer, Legal: NE¼ SE¼ S14 T7N R6W

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