EIU077726 Blair, Patricia s.n. 1981-06-15
USA, Minnesota, Clearwater, Lake Itasca Biological Field Station; LaSalle Trail at gravel pit., 47.1919 -95.17, 463m
EIU077690 Blair, Patricia 45 1981-06-15
USA, Minnesota, Clearwater, Lake Itasca Biological Field Station; sewer line trail on station grounds., 47.1919 -95.17, 463m
EIU077744 Blair, Patricia s.n. 1981-07-06
USA, Minnesota, Polk, Lake Agassiz Dunes Nature Conservancy Area, S of Fertile., 47.521 -96.285, 344m
EIU077711 Blair, Patricia s.n. 1981-07-01
USA, Minnesota, Hubbard, 1 mile N of Park Rapids., 46.936696 -95.057987, 427m
EIU077760 Goodrich, Michael A. s.n. 1989-07-22
USA, Illinois, Christian, Pana, Paragon Lake, 39.371 -89.0942, 206m
EIU077700 Goodrich, Michael A. 1990-06-30
USA, Illinois, Clark, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve., 39.471 -87.7764, 194m
EIU077727 Goodrich, Michael A. s.n. 1987-05-09
USA, Illinois, Clark, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve., 39.471 -87.7764, 194m
EIU077601 Goodrich, Michael A. 1989-05-24
USA, Illinois, Clark, Rocky Branch Nature Preserve., 39.471 -87.7764, 194m
EIU077778 Gordon C. Tucker 15975 2013-05-09
USA, Illinois, Madison, Silver Lake Rest Area on S side of Interstate Hwy. I-70, SE edge of rest area., 38.784675 -89.701102, 161m
EIU078719 Gordon C. Tucker 16038 2013-07-12
USA, Connecticut, New London, Franklin: Under-the-Mountain Road, about 1 km S of Route 207., 41.62763 -72.1382, 110m
EIU078705 Gordon C. Tucker 16048 2013-07-12
USA, Connecticut, Windham, Sterling: junction of Routes 14 and 14A, near Rhode Island state line., 41.69823 -71.78973, 122m
EIU078668 Gordon C. Tucker 16062 2013-07-15
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Hopkinton: Tomaquag Rd, about 1.2 km N of Route 216., 41.42471 -71.7554, 55m
Gordon C. Tucker 15950 2013-05-01
USA, Illinois, Marion, Kinmundy: Prairie Ridge State Natural Area: Bartel Preserve (tract 10)., 38.74805 -88.8576, 192m
EIU078596 Marcum, Paul B. 3108 2005-05-24
USA, Illinois, McLean, Funks Grove Illinois Natural Areas Inventory (INAI) site; Ewing Grove Tract Buffer Area., 40.34456 -89.14126, 204m
EIU079975 Gordon C. Tucker 16025 2013-06-29
USA, Illinois, Cumberland, Toledo: on CR 1575E, about 250 m N of CR 700 N., 39.277166 -88.180232, 180m
Gordon C. Tucker 16030 2013-07-03
USA, West Virginia, Cabell, Huntington: Hal Greer Blvd. near Holdenby Rd., 38.407601 -82.426826, 185m
Gordon C. Tucker 16031 2013-07-03
USA, West Virginia, Cabell, Huntington: Hal Greer Blvd. near Holdenby Rd., 38.407601 -82.426826, 185m
EIU079279 Gordon C. Tucker 16152 2013-09-15
USA, Indiana, Vigo, Terre Haute, Southwood Section, W side of Route 41, opposite East Crossing Blvd., 39.397606 -87.403844, 154m
EIU078974 Gordon C. Tucker 16275 2014-05-13
USA, Illinois, Jackson, Carbondale: Cottontail Trail off Green Ridge Road., 37.683221 -89.264163, 167m
EIU077662 Edgin, Bob 6548 2008-08-19
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Green Prairie., 39.170833 -88.173056
Gordon C. Tucker 16103 2013-08-01
USA, Illinois, Coles, Embarras Ridges Nature Preserve, on Daileyville Road., 39.437934 -88.144276, 212 - 216m
EIU028481 Gordon C. Tucker 16297 2014-06-30
USA, Illinois, Marion, Kinmundy: Bartel Preserve., 38.749208 -88.857782
EIU028489 Gordon C. Tucker 16306 2014-07-13
USA, Washington, Pacific, Long Beach: Birch Street, opposite Tape Lake., 46.41036 -124.03936, 6m
EIU079403 Phillippe, Loy R. 43070 2011-10-05
USA, Illinois, Brown, About 1.25 mile directly north N.E. of Cooperstown, and along the south bank of the La Moine River, 39.980515 -90.598258
EIU078466 L.E. Skog 851 1966-09-24
USA, New Hampshire, Grafton, Mount Lafayette, Franconia Range, White Mountains, 44.15701 -71.64036
EIU079521 W.J. Cody 16449 1967-07-23
Canada, Northwest Territories, Fort Smith Region, Fort Smith, 60.007246 -111.873391
EIU079589 Phillippe, Loy R. 38825 2006-06-13
USA, Illinois, Will, Blodgett Dolomite Prairie Natural Area in the Des Plaines State Conservation Area. Along the west side of I-55; 41.373917 -88.217169, 41.373917 -88.217169, 162m
EIU079485 J.A. Parmelee, D.B.O. Savile 3590 1966-07-10
Canada, Ontario, Algoma, Peninsula S side Montreal River at Lake Superior., 47.25 -84.65
EIU078564 Matthew C. Pace 261 2008-06-22
USA, New York, Suffolk, Huntington Station, in the Paumonek Wetland, W of Walt Whitman H.S., 40.853432 -73.411509, 73m
EIU079358 J. Looman 10325 1966-05-31
Canada, Saskatchewan, Division No. 8, Gull Lake, N of Tompkins., 50.1 -108.483333
EIU079277 Phillippe, Loy R. 43155 2012-05-24
USA, Illinois, Peoria, About 4 miles west and a little south of Smithville or southwest of Hanna City, along Texas Road (17500W), 40.65427 -89.87345, 204m
EIU078519 Matthew C. Pace 376 2009-04-23
USA, New York, Suffolk, Froehlich Farm Preserve, Town of Huntington, South of the bend in West Rogues Path., 40.840256 -73.439178
EIU078562 Phillippe, Loy R. 42497 2010-06-30
USA, Illinois, Morgan, Hefner Hills Road, southeast of Heffner Cemetery. Uplands above flood plain of the Illinois River., 39.870603 -90.412069
EIU079269 W.J. Cody 13188 1963-09-19
Canada, Ontario, Carleton, 11 miles SW of centre of Ottawa, 45.303925 -75.860453
EIU028000 Gordon C. Tucker 12474 2001-07-30
USA, New York, Suffolk, Fishers Island: Clay Pit Pond; w side of pond at outlet. Elev. 5 m., 41.262778 -71.994167, 5m
EIU027933 Barringer, Kerry 10818 2003-08-28
USA, New Jersey, Hunterdon, Clinton Wildlife Management Area, Mulhockaway Creek at Rt. 635, S. of Van Sykel, 40.648 -74.969, 119m
EIU028004 Gordon C. Tucker 14376 2005-08-09
USA, Connecticut, New London, Stonington: Stony Brook Road, about 300 m E of Taugwonk Road. Elevation 220 feet., 41.414722 -71.896667, 67m
EIU027793 Gordon C. Tucker 13423 2003-08-12
USA, Illinois, Clark, N of Clark Center, N of railroad by 1190 Street., 39.368056 -87.790833
EIU027789 Gordon C. Tucker 15013 2006-09-28
USA, Illinois, Coles, Lake Paradise, NE corner, at mouth of Little Wabash River., 39.425 -88.427222, 198m
EIU010205 Gordon C. Tucker 14915 2006-08-10
USA, Illinois, Marion, Kinmundy: Prairie Ridge State Natural Area (Marion Co. unit). Tract 11 (Bainbridge Tract), N end near CR 1900N., 38.7503 -88.8616
EIU078136 Gordon C. Tucker 14840 2006-07-27
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Prairie Ridge State Natural Area: CIPS Management Area (NE side of Newton Lake). Elevation 160 m., 38.9467 -88.2523, 160m
EIU027790 Gordon C. Tucker 13677 2004-07-22
USA, Illinois, Effingham, Wildcat Hollow State Forest, 4 km N of Mason on W side of Interstate Highway 57. Legal: S1/2 S2 T6N R5E 3PM, 38.986111 -88.608333
EIU027962 Gordon C. Tucker 13149 2002-08-21
USA, Illinois, Moultrie, Coneflower Hill Prairie, WSW of Allenville, on shore of Lake Shelbyville. Elev. 185 m., 39.550833 -88.575833, 185m
Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974 s.n. 1956-07-09
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park.; 39.403611 -88.149444, 39.403611 -88.149444, 213m
EIU027917 Gordon C. Tucker 13847 2004-09-05
USA, Ohio, Butler, Huntsville: Dudley Park on Yankee Road. Elevation 790 feet., 39.4048 -84.3834, 241m
EIU027947 Gordon C. Tucker 13678 2004-07-22
USA, Illinois, Effingham, Wildcat Hollow State Forest, 4 km N of Mason on W side of Interstate Highway 57. Legal: S1/2 Section 2 T6N R5E 3PM, 38.986111 -88.608333
Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974 s.n. 1955-08-25
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park.; 39.402248 -88.153095, 39.402248 -88.153095
EIU028008 Gordon C. Tucker 14968 2006-08-03
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park: SW side of Ridge Lake, along road., 39.402 -88.156, 213m
EIU027985 Gordon C. Tucker 14879 2006-07-27
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Prairie Ridge State Natural Area: CIPS Management Area (NE side of Newton Lake). Elevation 160 m., 38.9467 -88.2523, 160m
EIU027889 Ebinger, John E. 4521 1964-06-20
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park., 39.402067 -88.150004
EIU027890 Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974 s.n. 1956-06-18
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park.; 39.402248 -88.153095, 39.402248 -88.153095
EIU027895 Edgin, Bob 12 1994-04-14
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Bridgeport, behind 1102 Adams. Legal: NE1/4 Section 8 T3N R13W, 38.709884 -87.880865
EIU027894 Gordon C. Tucker 12050 2000-05-13
USA, Illinois, Clark, Lincoln Trail State Park: American Beech Woods Nature Preserve. Legal: NW1/4 S2 T10N R12W, 39.342778 -87.7125
EIU027845 Zebryk, Tad M. 6681 2000-05-08
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, Holyoke: Mount Tom, SW of radio tower at S end of Mt. Tom Range. Elev. 1150 ft., 42.280556 -72.620833, 351m
EIU027389 Zebryk, Tad M. 7413 2001-07-28
USA, Connecticut, Tolland, Stafford: Hampden Road, 1/2 mile S of state line. USGS Monson Quadrangle. Elevation about 480 feet., 42.023611 -72.320278, 146m
EIU027391 Gordon C. Tucker 13482 2003-09-12
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Carolina Management Area: Meadow Brook Trail about 1 km N of Pine Hill Road. Elevation about 100 feet., 41.475833 -71.687222, 30m
EIU027328 Gordon C. Tucker 14304 2005-08-05
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, South Kingstown: Spectacle Ponds; ridge W of ponds. Elevation about 125 feet., 41.408889 -71.549722, 38m
EIU027336 Gordon C. Tucker 11934 1999-10-00
USA, New York, Suffolk, Fishers Island: Underwater Sound Lab, NE of Mount Prospect..
Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974 s.n. 1956-06-25
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park., 39.402067 -88.150004
EIU027355 Edgin, Bob 4469 2001-07-13
USA, Illinois, Effingham, Wildcat Hollow State Forest, 4 km N of Mason on W side of Interstate Highway 57. Legal: S1/2 S2 T6N R3E 3PM
EIU010206 Gordon C. Tucker 15000 2006-08-16
USA, Illinois, Marion, Kinmundy: Prairie Ridge State Natural Area (Marion Co. unit). Tract 7 (Guymon Tract); CR 1800 N at 1700E. Elev. 175 m., 38.7275 -88.8246, 175m
Gordon C. Tucker 11937 1999-10-16
USA, New York, Suffolk, Fishers Island: Underwater Sound Lab, NE of Mount Prospect.., 41.255291 -72.005447, 5 - 10m
EIU027827 Gordon C. Tucker 13313 2003-05-13
USA, Illinois, Coles, Charleston: NE of intersection of Route 16 and CR 1200 E, just E of Calvary Baptist Church. Elevation 694 feet., 39.486944 -88.245833, 212m
EIU028052 Gordon C. Tucker 14796 2006-06-30
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Memorial Park; around east end of lake. Elevation about 600 feet., 38.2515 -81.5028, 183m
EIU028053 Gordon C. Tucker 14804 2006-06-30
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Memorial Park; around east end of lake. Elevation about 600 feet., 38.2515 -81.5028, 183m
EIU027859 Gordon C. Tucker
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected
EIU027860 Gordon C. Tucker
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected
EIU027406 E.J. Hill 117.1901 1904-06-11
USA, Illinois, Cook, Beverly Hills, Chicago, 41.704521 -87.693585
EIU027820 Hill, E. J. 26/1900 1900-05-17
USA, Illinois, Will, Mokena., 41.526144 -87.889219
EIU010207 Gordon C. Tucker 15061 2006-10-20
USA, Illinois, Marion, Kinmundy: Prairie Ridge State Natural Area (Marion Co. unit). Tract 5 (Soldner Preserve). Elev. 175 m., 38.7669 -88.8007, 175m
Gordon C. Tucker 12192 2000-07-26
USA, New York, Suffolk, Fishers Island: N side of Treasure Pond, at Foster's property, near E end of Middle Farm Pond. UTM 18 T 75350 4573500., 41.275 -71.9725, 2 - 3m
EIU027421 Gordon C. Tucker 12777 2002-06-04
USA, Illinois, Douglas, Hugo: E side of Route 130, 1/2 mile S of CR 700N. Elevation 190 m., 39.746667 -88.175833, 190m
Gordon C. Tucker 13073 2002-08-07
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Park; east end of lake. Elevation about 650 feet., 38.420833 -81.837222, 198m
EIU027422 Gordon C. Tucker 13323 2003-05-23
USA, Illinois, Coles, Lake Paradise, N end., 39.424167 -88.426667
EIU027415 Gordon C. Tucker 13965 2005-05-18
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Prairie Ridge State Natural Area: N edge of Marshall Field III Tract, S of CR 600 N. Elev. 525 ft., 38.9325 -88.215833, 160m
EIU028038 Zebryk, Tad M. 7107 2000-09-10
USA, Massachusetts, Franklin, Greenfield: S end of Canada Hill, powerline crossing, S of Route 2A., 42.583333 -72.6
EIU027582 Gordon C. Tucker 12776 2002-06-04
USA, Illinois, Douglas, Hugo: E side of Route 130, 1/2 mile S of CR 700N. Elevation 190 m., 39.746667 -88.175833, 190m
EIU028037 Zebryk, Tad M. 7550 2002-05-31
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, Holyoke: East Mtn, S of Cherry Street Extension near Holyoke Revolver Club., 42.200833 -72.653056
EIU027674 Moore, Bart 246 1966-10-01
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park., 39.402248 -88.153095
EIU027588 Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974 s.n. 1956-06-18
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park., 39.402248 -88.153095
Gordon C. Tucker 13542 2003-09-26
USA, Illinois, Moultrie, Coneflower Hill Prairie, WSW of Allenville, on shore of Lake Shelbyville. Elevation 185 m., 39.550833 -88.575833, 185m
Gordon C. Tucker 11263 1997-04-28
USA, Illinois, Coles, Charleston: Eastern Illinois University; soccer field, east of pond, west of 4th Street. Legal: S14 T12N R9E, 39.476389 -88.170556
EIU027818 Hill, E. J. 20.19 1900-05-14
USA, Illinois, Cook, Glendon Park, banks of Des Plaines River., 42.034729 -87.881165
EIU010208 Gordon C. Tucker 15060 2006-10-20
USA, Illinois, Marion, Kinmundy: Prairie Ridge State Natural Area (Marion Co. unit). Tract 5 (Soldner Preserve). Elev. 175 m., 38.7669 -88.8007, 175m
EIU027497 Gordon C. Tucker 15442 2009-06-09
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Prairie Ridge State Natural Area: CIPS Management Area. Elevation about 155 m., 38.9473 -88.2579, 155m
EIU028090 Gordon C. Tucker 11784 1999-08-13
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Memorial Park; at east end of lake. Elevation about 600 feet., 38.420833 -81.841111, 183m
EIU028084 Gordon C. Tucker 11274 1997-06-13
USA, Illinois, Edgar, Paris: Carnegie Public Library., 39.609467 -87.695055
EIU028081 Gordon C. Tucker 12009 2000-05-09
USA, Illinois, Coles, Charleston: near EIU Campus, alley by 3rd Street and Johnson Ave, north of football stadium., 39.476389 -88.173889
EIU028083 Gordon C. Tucker s.n. 1997-07-02
USA, Illinois, Coles, Charleston: Whiteside's Garden; int. co.rd. 1820 E and State Route 16. Legal: S7 T12N R10E, 39.4975 -88.135556
EIU028082 Gordon C. Tucker 11729 1999-06-19
USA, Illinois, Macon, Decatur: Scovill Park Zoo. Legal: SW1/4 SW1/4 Section 19 T16N R3E, 39.822222 -88.913889
EIU028103 Gordon C. Tucker 12200 2000-07-26
USA, New York, Suffolk, Fishers Island: N side of Treasure Pond, at Foster's property, near E end of Middle Farm Pond. UTM 18 T 753500 4573500., 41.275 -71.9725, 3m
Kimberly A. Elkin 38 1998-08-30
USA, Alaska, Aleutians West, Tanaga Island, central Aleutians., 51.793 177.929
Gordon C. Tucker 12630 2002-05-16
USA, Washington, Pacific, Heather: S side of County Line Road at Grayland Beach State Park. Just S of Grays Harbor County Line. Elev. 2 m., 46.793611 -124.090278, 2m
Gordon C. Tucker 13953 2005-05-10
USA, Illinois, Coles, Mattoon: South Mattoon Railroad Crossing at Old State Road., 39.451389 -88.391389
EIU028118 Owens, N. L. 18 2003-08-17
USA, Illinois, Cumberland, Neoga: Neoga Railroad Prairie. Elevation 195 m. Legal: NE1/4 S7 T10N R7E, 39.3084 -88.4585, 195m
G.C. Tucker 13585 2003-10-04
USA, Illinois, Macon, Rock Springs Environmental Center; 1977 Prairie. Legal: S19 T16N R2E, 39.824722 -89.023333
EIU028115 Gordon C. Tucker 13287 2003-05-09
USA, Illinois, Moultrie, SE of Cadwell, near Coles and Douglas county lines., 39.652778 -88.472222
EIU028116 Gordon C. Tucker 11724 1999-06-11
USA, Illinois, Coles, NE of Loxa on CR 1300E near 1000N. Legal: S30 T13N R9E, 39.530833 -88.233056
EIU027650 Gordon C. Tucker 15613 2010-08-02
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, Wakefield: Tuckertown Park, at NW corner of Tuckers Pond. Elev. about 30 m., 41.42607 -71.55461, 30m
EIU027621 Elkin, Kimberly 20 1998-07-04
USA, Alaska, Aleutians West, Buldir Island, western Aleutians., 52.371667 175.883333