Search Results (List)

Dataset: EIU-
Taxa: Stegnospermataceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Eastern Illinois University, Stover-Ebinger Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU036385J. Richard Abbott   209652006-06-06
Dominican Republic, Azua, Dominican Republic: Prov. Azua. Sierra Martin Garcia, hills and ridges of mountain SW of Barreras, along trail from Barreras toward El Copey (from N side of town, trail starts to NNW, cuts W, then SW, then S, then more or less W, with variance); accessed off Route 44 on Route 512 toward Puerto Viejo (turn at Los Negros toward Barreras, ca 9.5 km); near Barahona. Elev. 600-800 m Disturbed forest on limestone grading into moist forest, with Coccoloba spp, Ilex, Eugenia spp, Chionanthus, Calyptranthes, Rhodopsis, Chiococca alba, Poitea, Solanum spp, Psychotria spp, Rauwolfia, Brunellia comocladifolia, Coccothrinax, Cecropia, Sloanea ilicifolia, Bocconia frutescens, Trichilia hirta, T. pallida, Chrysophyllum, Trema micrantha, Wallenia, Serjania, Tabebuia, Calophyllum, Hamelia, Nectandra, Stigmaphyllon spp, Prunus myrtifolia, Passiflora rubra, Zizyphus rhodoxylon, Badiera penaea, Annona dumetorum, Bunchosia glandulosa, Erythroxylon aculeatum, E. brevipes, Thouinia tomentosa, Allophylus occidentalis, Picramnia pentandra, Miconia laevigata, Sagraea fuertesii, Tetrazygia longicollis, T. elaeagnoides, Calycogonium hispidulum, Securidaca virgata. Shrubby liana, climbing to ca 3 m, branches arching; flowers whitish; mature fruits reddish. Lat. 18°18'44"N Long. 70°56'46"W Datum: WGS84.

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