Search Results (List)

Dataset: EIU-
Taxa: Thelypteridaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-31 of 31

Eastern Illinois University, Stover-Ebinger Herbarium

Zebryk, Tad M.   74412001-08-21
USA, Massachusetts, Middlesex, Bedford: Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, NE of Route 225, just SE of road to boat ramp. Elev. ca. 115 feet., 42.506944 -71.313056, 35m

J.F. Steffen   24071994-09-07
USA, New York, Orange, West Point: Johnsons Meadow (W of Rt. 293, S of Bull Pond Road). Elevation 220 m. UTM 577400 45760000.

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU039597Phillippe, Loy R.   391992006-09-07
USA, Illinois, Will, Grant Creek Nature Preserve in the Department of Natural Resources Property. Along the east side of Interstate 55, Exit 241 near Wilmington, go to the east frontage road of Interstate 55, then turn north and go 0.8 mile. Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 41.36512 -88.18723, 160m

EIU078543P. Hardwood   
USA, New York, Ulster, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU003606Crofutt, L.   701031970-08-24
USA, Maine, Piscataquis, Mt. Katahdin, 45.904284 -68.921356

Gordon C. Tucker   115641998-08-11
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Memorial Park; around east end of lake., 38.422222 -81.840278

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU003612Agnes Chase   29761905-07-27
USA, Maryland, Montgomery, Glen Echo

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU003610Gordon C. Tucker   130412002-08-06
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Park: west end of lake, SW of dam. Elevation about 650 feet., 38.420833 -81.841111, 198m

Gordon C. Tucker   140852005-06-17
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Prairie Ridge State Natural Area: CIPS Management Area., 38.948611 -88.257222

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU003608John E. Ebinger   181521979-07-10
USA, Indiana, Parke, Pedestal Rock Nature Preserve., 39.951154 -87.100288

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU003614L. R. Phillippe   122741983-06-28
USA, West Virginia, Ritchie, Murphy Nature Preserve, Southern Tract. USGS Topo. Harrisville, West Virginia, 39.209524 -81.051777

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU003616John E. Ebinger   189941980-05-08
USA, Indiana, Parke, Allee Memorial Woods Sect 3, T16N R8W, 39.860739 -87.28288

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU003833Hopkins, W.E.   811966-04-30
USA, Illinois, Pope, Lusk Creek, 37.527168 -88.53168

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU003835John E. Ebinger   179121979-06-18
USA, Illinois, Effingham, Rock Cave Nature Preserve, 6 miles S of Beecher City. Legal: Sec. 30, T8N, R4E, 39.106451 -88.803551

Image Associated With the Occurence
EIU028464Brussell, David E.   08-482008-03-08
Micronesia, Federated States of, Yap, Yap Island: old airport, near Betty bomber wreck, 9.486877 138.077297

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris hexagonoptera (Michx.) Weath.
EIU038635S. R. Hill   348472002-07-11
USA, Illinois, Jackson, Fountain Bluff, ca. 1 mi. S-SW of Gorham, Gorham 7.5' Quadrangle. R4W, T9S, NW¼, SE¼, Sec. 36., 37.6992 -89.4964, 158m

EIU078532Matthew C. Pace   
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected

A.B. Stout   238261914-08-01
USA, Michigan, Benzie, Crystal Lake, Michigan, 44.666667 -86.166667

Zebryk, Tad M.   74382001-08-21
USA, Massachusetts, Middlesex, Concord: Punkatasset Park off Monument Street. Elevation about 120 feet., 42.477778 -71.345556, 37m

Gordon C. Tucker   
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected

Gordon C. Tucker   
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected

Zebryk, Tad M.   72432000-09-27
USA, Massachusetts, Hampden, Longmeadow: woods road S of Denslow Road, parallel and E of powerline r.o.w., 42.05 -72.566667

Gordon C. Tucker   130472002-08-06
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Park: west end of lake, SW of dam. Elevation about 650 feet., 38.420833 -81.841111

Gordon C. Tucker   130682002-08-07
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Park; east end of lake. Elevation about 650 feet., 38.420833 -81.837222

Gordon C. Tucker   143162005-08-06
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, South Kingstown: N side of Route 1, opposite Old Post Road, SSE of Peddlers Pond., 41.4125 -71.531111

Gordon C. Tucker   151392007-08-01
USA, West Virginia, Randolph, Dolly Sods Picnic Area on the Allegheny Front just S of Grant-Tucker-Randolph co. boundary on FR19. Elev. ca. 4000 ft., 38.960833 -79.355, 1219m

J.L. Crane   03-2092003-09-25
USA, New Hampshire, Coos, Ledge Trail on Durand Road between Randolph and Bowman off Route 2. Pliny Range quad. (NAD 27)

Jason Haas   5052000-08-16
USA, Wisconsin, Marinette, North of Crivitz, around dammed area of the Peshtigo River., 45.383333 -88.133333

Thelypteris simulata (Davenport) Nieuwl.
Gordon C. Tucker   
USA, New York, Suffolk, detailed locality information protected

Thelypteris simulata (Davenport) Nieuwl.
Gordon C. Tucker   128562002-06-22
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, West Kingston: Marion Eppley Wildlife Sanctuary; Laurel Loop Trail near Main Road., 41.518611 -71.588056

Thelypteris simulata (Davenport) Nieuwl.
Gordon C. Tucker   142602005-08-04
USA, Rhode Island, Washington, South Kingstown: Swamp N of Peddlers Pond. Elevation about 100 feet., 41.425 -71.536944

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