Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974 s.n. 1957-07-18
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park., 39.4082 -88.148645, 212m
EIU012096 Ebinger, John E. 33267 2011-10-03
USA, Illinois, Monroe, Salt Lick Point Land and Water Reserve, just west of Valmeyer, 38.303895 -90.308034
EIU012097 Ebinger, John E. 32493 2010-08-20
USA, Illinois, Macoupin, Disturbed black soil prairie, Denby Prairie Nature Reserve 3 miles SW of Carlinville on Shipman blacktop. NE1/4 NE1/4 Section 12 T9N R8W
EIU012098 Marcum, Paul B. 5309 2008-08-22
USA, Illinois, Woodford, ParkLands Foundation's Chinquapin Bluffs Preserve; located approximately 5 miles north of Carlock, Illinois. Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83, 40.65746 -89.13362, 196m
EIU012099 Ward, Jennifer A. 235 1999-07-14
USA, Illinois, Macon, Rock Springs Environmental Center: Wetland A. T16N R2E S17
EIU012100 Edgin, Bob 3021 1999-08-13
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Red hills state park, 1 mile NE of Sumner, Illinois ( Sec 2 & 3 T3N R13W)
EIU012101 Ebinger, John E. 28080 1999-07-06
USA, Illinois, Livingston, Turtle Pond, 5 miles S of Chatsworth, Illinois. SE1/4 Sec 34 T26N R8E, 40.681186 -88.291995
EIU012102 Horton, L. 212 1987-11-08
USA, Illinois, Shelby, Wolf Creek State Park Sec. 18 R5E T12N, 39.481653 -88.689365
EIU012103 Ebinger, John E. 23856 1987-07-14
USA, Illinois, Massac, Mud at edge of the Ohio River, Fort Massac State Park. Sec 7 T16S R5E
EIU012105 Transeau, Edgar Nelaon (1875-1960) 3522-5M-9-45 1908-07-17
USA, Illinois, Coles, Big 4 R. R. Coles County. T13N R14W
EIU012106 Bailey, Wm. M. 122 1947-07-03
EIU012107 Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974 s.n. 1957-07-18
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park., 39.403611 -88.149444
EIU012108 Phipps 392 1957-07-14
USA, Illinois, Coles, Three and one fourth miles east of Charleston, Illinois. Coles County and south of Route 16, one fourth mile. Zone B. NE1/4 SW1/4, Section 4, T12N R10s
EIU012109 Moore, Bart 140 1966-07-17
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park, Coles County, Illinois. Sec. 13 T11N R9E, 39.404 -88.152, 200 - 220m
EIU012110 Kloker, F. P. 181 1968-09-26
USA, Illinois, Edgar, Baber Woods, Kansas twp. NE1/4, NW1/4, Section 18, T12N, R13W, 39.495456 -87.898801
EIU012111 Vogel, R. 415 1975-09-12
USA, Illinois, Montgomery, Wet area between RR & Rt. 16 1/2 mi. W. Ohlman Sect 5 T10N R1W
EIU012112 Ebinger, John E. 8745 1969-08-23
USA, Illinois, Edgar, Catfish Creek, 2 miles south of Brocton. Sect. 11, R14W, T14N, 39.680159 -87.933919
EIU012113 Ebinger, John E. 8550 1969-07-09
USA, Illinois, Douglas, Douglas Co. Illinois. Lowland field 2 miles south of Camargo, Ill. NE 1/4, Sect. 10, R9E, T15N
EIU012114 Phillippe, Loy R. 40875 2008-08-12
USA, Illinois, Will, Midewin national Tallgrass Prairie. Blodgett Road Restoration Prairie. In the Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83. T.34N, R, 9E, SE1/4 SE1/4 Sect. 3. Quadrangle: Channahon Illinois River Watershed, 41.37801 -88.17439, 163m
EIU012115 Gordon C. Tucker 14977 2006-08-16
USA, Illinois, Marion, Marion County: Kinmundy: Prairie Ridge State Natural Area (Marion Co. unit) Tract 9, Survey Tract. Elevation 182 m. 38.7381N 88.8434W, 38.7381 -88.8434, 182m
EIU012116 Phillippe, Loy R. 38197 2005-09-22
USA, Illinois, Will, Quadrangle: Wilmington. Illinois River Watershed. In the Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Grant Creek Nature Preserve. Just over 4 mile northwest of Wilmington and along east side of Interstate 55. GPS Coordinates from WGS84/NAD 83, 41.3638 -88.19125, 159m
EIU012117 Edgin, Bob 4893 2001-09-29
USA, Illinois, Effingham, Wildcat Hollow State Forest , Effingham County Illinois. Location: 2 miles north of Mason South half , Sect. 2 , T6N, RSE , 3 PM
EIU012118 Gordon C. Tucker 13697 2004-07-26
USA, Illinois, Sangamon, Mechanicsburg: Nazarene Acres Campground: N end of pond. Elevation about 550 feet, 39.783333 -89.416667, 168m
EIU012119 Gordon C. Tucker 13170 2002-09-05
USA, Illinois, Coles, Mattoon: Lake Paradise. NE comer of the lake. 39°25'30"N 88°25'38"W, 39.425 -88.427222
EIU012120 Ebinger, John E. 28792 2000-06-30
USA, Illinois, Wabash, Beall Woods Nature Preserve, 2 miles E of Keensburg, Ill . Sec 11 T2S R13W Edge of road and preserve, disturbed area.
EIU012121 Ward, Jennifer A. 223 1999-07-14
USA, Illinois, Macon, Rock Springs Environmental Center: Wetland A. T16N R2E S17
EIU012122 Gordon C. Tucker 11877 1999-08-28
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, Kickapoo State Park: south end of Clear Lake. 40°08' 16"N 87°44'38"W, 40.137778 -87.743889
EIU012123 White, C. Ben 292 1971-06-26
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, NE1/4 Sect 36 T21N R12W Vermilion County, Illinois. Small stream running through grazed pasture
EIU012124 Ebinger, John E. 11762 1972-07-03
USA, Illinois, Shelby, Edge of railroad 1 mile east of Westervelt, Illinois. Sect. 14, R3E, T12N.
EIU012125 Ebinger, John E. 20817 1981-09-18
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Open area at Chauncey Marsh, 3 miles east of Chauncey, Illinois. Sec 30 T5N R12W.
EIU012126 Phillippe, P. 299 1971-06-27
USA, Illinois, Crawford, Near pond 1 mile south east of Palestine. Crawford County, Illinois. Sec. 1 T6N R11W
EIU012127 Ebinger, John E. 10936 1971-09-24
USA, Illinois, Douglas, Douglas Co. Conservation Area. Section 36, R10E, T15N, 39.700317 -88.032803
EIU012128 Ebinger, John E. 22928 1984-08-13
USA, Illinois, Clinton, Edge of pond, 4 miles west of Carlyle, IL . Sec 9 T2N R3W
EIU012129 Bebb, Michael Schuck 10 1860-00-00
USA, Illinois, Marion, Salem, Marion County, Illinois
EIU012130 McClain, W. 1461 1974-08-20
USA, Illinois, Saint Clair, West side of Silver Creek, 4 mi. W. of Lebanon, St. Clair Co, Illinois
EIU012131 Horton, L. 206 1987-08-11
USA, Illinois, Shelby, Wolf Creek State Park. Shelby County, Illinois. Sec. 18 R5E T12N, 39.481653 -88.689365
EIU012132 Ebinger, John E. 23054 1984-09-10
USA, Illinois, Clinton, Edge of pond, 5 miles west of Carlyle, Il. Sec. 18 T2N R3W
EIU012133 Edgin, Bob 1006 1998-08-01
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Red Hills State Park, just E of Sumner, Ill. Edge of pond.
EIU012134 Ebinger, John E. 21034 1981-10-10
USA, Illinois, Scott, On levee of Little Sandy Creek, 8 miles west of Winchester, IL Sec 29 T13N R13W., 39.551766 -90.567016
EIU012135 Dolbeare, Ben. L. 938 1966-07-22
USA, Illinois, Williamson, Williamson County; 3 miles south of Carterville , Illinois. Habitat: Shoreline of Crab Orchard Lake. T9S R1E
EIU012136 Ebinger, John E. 020431 1980-10-13
USA, Illinois, Clay, 3 Miles SW of Flora. NE1/4 Sect. 4 T2N R6E, 38.638721 -88.531874
EIU012137 Ebinger, John E. 4541 1964-06-29
USA, Illinois, Coles, Small herb growing at edge of Lake Charleston. Sec. 30 T12N R10E
EIU012138 Haug, Douglas J. 367 1994-08-24
USA, Illinois, Macon, Bois du Sangamon Nature Preserve, just east of Lake Decatur. Sec. 4 T16N R3E. Edge of small pond.
EIU012139 Ebinger, John E. 8866 1969-08-27
USA, Illinois, Douglas, 12 miles north of Charleston, Ill. on Route 36. Sect. 14, R9E, T15N., 39.752927 -88.17835
EIU012140 Tracy, Norman 53 1969-06-28
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Growing in wet soil at edge of pond . NW 1/4 , Sect . 30, T7N, R10E.
EIU012141 Vogel, Randy 1371 1983-07-13
USA, Illinois, Saline, Floodplain forest, 2 miles NW of Harrisburg, IL. Sec. 7 T9S R6E
EIU012142 Ebinger, John E. 7061 1967-06-25
USA, Illinois, Edwards, Wet, open field at Ica marks Science Preseve. NE of Blood, Ill. SE1/4, SE1/4, Section 32 T2N, R10E, 38.572364 -88.094993
EIU012143 Dolbeare, Ben. L. 3055 1969-09-02
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, Shoreline of island in Lake Vermilion. T20N R11W
EIU012144 Dennis, Larry 625 1969-03-07
USA, Illinois, Moultrie, 1 mile east and 1 1/2 miles north of Cadwell. S34 T14N R6E NW1/4 SE1/4, 39.702885 -88.50289
EIU012145 Ebinger, John E. 13072 1973-06-24
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Wet, open swamp 7 miles west of Buds, Illinois, Sect. 25, R13W, T5N
EIU012146 Phillippe, L. 1559 1972-06-23
USA, Illinois, Crawford, Crawford Co. , Illinois. Wet area near small pond. S.W. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, Sect. 2, R. 11W, T. 6 N.
EIU012147 Ebinger, John E. 22303 1983-07-25
USA, Illinois, Iroquois, Disturbed area, Iroquois Co. Cons Area. Sec 24 T29N R11W
EIU012148 Ebinger, John E. 24468 1989-07-04
USA, Illinois, Coles, Edge of Lake Charleston
EIU012149 Groth, Donald 52 1977-07-03
USA, Illinois, Grundy, Along stream in moist area, 1 mile south of Gardner Rd. and 1 miles east of Rt. 47. Sect. 15, R7E, T31N .
EIU012150 Norwood, G. J. s.n. 1948-07-31
USA, Illinois, Champaign, Crystal Lake, Urbana, 40.120864 -88.209934
EIU012151 Evans, Dan K. 199 1968-02-09
USA, Illinois, Jackson
EIU012152 Andrews, Kathleen 85 1980-08-15
USA, Illinois, Peoria, Banner Marsh, Strip mine spoil site along rt. 24, 3 miles SW of Glasford, Ill. Sec. 6, T6N, R6E
EIU012153 Black, Kathy 663 1969-08-12
USA, Illinois, Cumberland, In ditch at edge of Greeson's road. 2 miles NE of Toledo, Ill. SE1/4, SW1/4, Sect. 20, T10N, R9E
EIU012154 Ebinger, John E. 13437 1973-09-08
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Wet, lowland field, 7 miles west of Birds, Illinois, Sect. 25, R13W, T5N.
EIU012155 Ebinger, John E. 13875 1973-09-30
USA, Illinois, Washington, 2 miles S of New Minden. Sect 31 R2W, T1S, 38.39955 -89.370861
EIU012156 Ebinger, John E. 14093 1973-10-09
USA, Illinois, Coles, Muddy area at edge of pond at edge of route 16. NW1/4 Sect. 13, R9E, T12N.
EIU012157 Parker, A. D. 365 1972-06-27
USA, Illinois, Piatt, Lodge Park. T19N R6E, 40.066324 -88.5647
EIU012158 Ebinger, John E. 17386 1978-09-04
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Growing on gravel road in Chauncey Marsh, 4 miles east of Chauncey, Ill. Sect. 30 TSN R12W.
EIU012160 Ebinger, John E. 19520 1980-08-09
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, Sullivan Co. , Indiana. Wet roadside, 4 miles west of Grayville, Indiana. Sect. 22 T8N R11W
EIU012161 Gier, Leland Jacob 13679 1967-08-21
USA, Missouri, Clay, Winwood Lake S32 T51N T32W, 38.951534 -94.201279
EIU012162 Ebinger, John E. 19289 1980-06-26
USA, Indiana, Posey, Floodplain forest at edge of Hovey Lake 9 miles south of Mt. Vernon, Ind. Sect 23 T8S R14W
EIU012163 Ebinger, John E. 13760 1973-09-20
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, Floodplain area next to Wabash River, 3 miles west of Fairbank, Ind. Sect 7, R10W, T9N
EIU012164 Gier, Leland Jacob 13688 1967-08-25
USA, Kansas, Linn, Marias des Cygnes Wildlife Area
EIU012165 Parker 518 1973-08-28
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, General Collection, 2 miles west of Fairbanks, Sec. 19, R 10W, T 9N, Sullivon Co, Ind .
EIU012166 Gier, Leland Jacob 11337 1961-04-07
USA, Kansas, Lyon, Habitat: Old rr. Grade. Locality: 18th and Highland, Emporia
EIU012167 Ebinger, John E. 21393 1982-07-17
USA, Indiana, Monroe, Lake Monroe, near Harrodsburg.; 39.01912 -86.490133, 39.01912 -86.490133
EIU006765 Gier, Leland Jacob 13688 1967-08-25
USA, Kansas, Linn, Marias des Cygnes Wildlife Area
EIU019075 Ebinger, John E. 11574 1972-06-15
USA, Illinois, Cumberland, Pasture 6 mi W of Jewett Il
EIU022251 Edgin, Bob 5288 2002-10-07
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Shellbark Bottoms, 1 miles south of Lawrenceville NE/4, Sect 18, T3N, R11W, 2 PM
EIU012168 Seigler, D. S. 14998 2001-05-23
USA, Texas, Dimmit, Prostrate herb, water tank, about 2 miles NW of laboratory at the Chaparral Wildlife Management Area, 8 miles W of Artesia Wells.
EIU012169 Ebinger, John E. 27458 1997-10-15
USA, South Carolina, Beaufort, Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge, near Hilton Head Island. Between salt marsh and road. Prostrate herb.
EIU012170 Ebinger, John E. 25534 1992-08-13
USA, South Carolina, Horry, Disturbed sand just behind coastal dunes at Myrtle Beach State Park
EIU012171 Schallert, Paul O. 20429 1959-06-20
USA, Florida, Seminole, Low roadside near Altamonte Springs, Seminole County, Florida
EIU012172 Parrish, Judy Damery 413 1971-09-07
USA, Oklahoma, Comanche, Lake Lawtonka Southeast end
EIU012173 Poole, Roger T. 287 1971-07-15
USA, Florida, Pinellas, T30S. , R14E. , Sect. 12 Herb found next to sidewalk Indian Rocks Rd. Largo, (Pinellas Co.), Fla
EIU012174 Lafferty, Edsel Ray 1972-08-22
USA, North Carolina, Brunswick, Ocean Isle Beach., 33.894339 -78.426672
EIU012175 Ebinger, John E. 23258 1985-08-09
USA, South Carolina, Horry, Sand dunes, open area, Myrtle Beach State Park. Horry Co. , South Carolina
EIU012176 Dolbeare, Ben L. 3469 1971-08-12
USA, Florida, Collier, Roadside ditch along Route 41 in the Everglades of Florida. 5 miles west of Ochopee, Fla. Collier County.
EIU012177 Phillippe, Loy R. 2892 1974-05-25
USA, South Carolina, Charleston, 100 yards from the Atlantic Ocean in very sandy soil. Isle of Palms on Route 703.
EIU012178 Thomas, Roy Dale, 1936-1922 37379 1973-10-16
USA, Louisiana, Caddo, Kansas City Southern Railroad Yard beneath Spring and Market Street (La. 1 South), Shreveport, Sec. 31, T17N, R31W.
EIU012179 Thomas, Roy Dale, 1936-1922 98761 1986-10-11
USA, Louisiana, Lincoln, Beside I-20 East at Rest Area east of La. 145 and Choudrant Exit west of Calhoun, Sec. 20, T18N, R1W.
EIU012180 Thomas, Roy Dale, 1936-1922 81288 1982-05-25
USA, Louisiana, Saint Tammany, Along U.S. 90 at middle Middle Pearl River, 1.5 miles west of the Mississippi Line, Sec . 25 , T9s, R15E.
EIU012181 Arzeni, C. B. 93 1966-06-05
USA, Mississippi, Harrison, 4 mi. north, Biloxi, Miss, Rt. 67 Back Bay Region, 30.517952 -88.922631
EIU018186 Jones, Mary Ann 36 1977-03-31
USA, Texas, Brazos, Roadside, Tex. Hiway 30, 3.5 miles east of Intersection Tex. Hiway 6 & Hiway 30
EIU018197 Speer, J. M. 11 1955-03-25
USA, Texas, Brazos, American Legion Fair Grounds. Bryan, Brazos county, Texas.
EIU018198 Rodgers, C. Leland 74254 1974-03-05
USA, Georgia, Berrien, 7 miles east of the Tift County Line; Highway 82 East.
EIU018209 Hohertz, Peggy 24 1977-04-10
USA, Texas, Brazos, Roadside of Southwest Parkway. Across road from Willowick Apts. College Station
EIU018210 Speer, J. M. 23 1955-04-06
USA, Texas, Refugio, Six miles south of Austwell, Refugio county, Texas
EIU018221 Macuszek, Joan T-1 1977-03-19
USA, Oklahoma, Comanche, Collected along Cache Creek, Okla.
EIU018233 Runyon, Greg 30 1976-10-17
USA, Texas, Brazos, On FM2818 near A&M Consolidated High School in College Station, Texas.
EIU018246 Kibler, Brigitte 26 1970-07-29
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Canon de Valle Alto, 25.573611 -100.256944, 610m
EIU018293 Parker, Hampton M. 424 1971-07-00
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Mexico : Nuevo Leon : 5 mi. S.E. Monterrey on Mex. 85 and 2 mi. W. Valle Alto. Thorn forest and dry stream bed, limestone and shale.
EIU018237 McClain, William 2584 1991-12-14
USA, Texas, Matagorda, Adjacent to the Colorado River on west side of Phillip Reese League, 4 miles SW of Bay City. Upland forest.
EIU018226 Gupton, Oscar s.n. 1980-09-20
USA, North Carolina, Currituck, Knotts Island, 36.513488 -75.91909
EIU018238 Rodgers, C. L. 74095 1974-03-05
USA, Georgia, Tift, Roadside, 7 miles east of Tifton, Ga, on Hwy. 82.