EIU012529 Gordon C. Tucker 13270 2003-04-16
USA, Illinois, Moultrie, Coneflower Hill Prairie, on shore of Lake Shelbyville, WSW of Allenville. Managed hill prairie on glacial hill, 39.550833 -88.575833, 185m
EIU012531 Ilse Smilie 222 1974-04-22
USA, Illinois, Edgar, Sect. 33, R11W, T13N [S of Nevins], 39.527495 -87.638892
EIU012542 Phillippe, Loy R. 34107 2002-05-10
USA, Illinois, Kankakee, Kankakee Sands Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural division of Illinois. Bentley/ Crawford-Jordan Site. About 3.75 mile north (6 kilometer) and 9.4 mile of St. Anne, 41.084056 -87.563444, 209m
W.F. Lawrence 4272 1927-07-10
USA, Oregon, Harney, Fish Lake Steins Mts.
EIU012733 Baker, Milo S. 4272 1927-07-10
USA, Oregon, Harney, Common, west-facing slope, dry, bare caused by snow. Fish Lake, Steins Mts, Harney Co, Oregon July 10, 1927
J.G. Barbour 602 1993-05-10
USA, New York, Orange, U.S. Military Academy Reservation: Route 293, S of Mine Torne Road. Elev. 180 m. UTM 579800 4578200, 41.351347 -74.046069, 180m
EIU012812 Gordon C. Tucker 12927 2002-06-24
USA, New York, Suffolk, Fishers Island: Equestrian Ave. near intersection to Stony Beach Road. Elevation 6 m., 41.258333 -72.025, 6m
Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974 s.n. 1956-05-07
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park., 39.403611 -88.149444, 212m
Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974 s.n. 1956-04-24
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park., 39.402067 -88.150004
EIU012343 Ebinger, John E. 26908 1996-04-28
USA, Illinois, Ford, 1 mile E of Sibley; 40.57759 -88.363454, 40.57759 -88.363454
Joseph N. Diel s.n. 1949-04-20
USA, Illinois, Coles, Falls NE of Charleston.
EIU012322 Chase, Virginius Herber 16417 1961-05-01
USA, Illinois, Peoria, Rocky Glen
EIU012813 Barringer, Kerry 5277 1992-05-19
USA, New York, Orange, Cornwall, Black Rock Forest, Upper Reservoir., 41.41086 -74.007152
EIU012822 Ebinger, John E. 10340 1971-05-28
USA, North Carolina, Andrews Bald, 5800 ft. alt. Great Smoky Mts. National Park., 1768m
EIU012823 Ebinger, John E. 17710 1979-05-11
USA, Indiana, Montgomery, Lowland woods at Pedestal Rock Nature Preserve.
EIU012361 Ebinger, John E. 30835 2002-06-18
USA, Illinois, Champaign, Royal Grove. 1 mi. S of Royal, IL. Legal: NE1/4, S20, T20N, R14W, 40.179961 -87.967835
EIU012329 Ebinger, John E. 29623 2001-05-11
USA, Illinois, Clark, American Beech Woods Nature Preserve, Lincoln Trail State Park, 3 miles S of Marshall. Legal: NW1/4, S2, T10N, R12W, 39.340903 -87.711147
Ebinger, John E. 6145 1966-03-24
USA, Illinois, Coles, Sargent's Woods, 2 miles E of Hutton. Legal: S11, T11N, R10E
Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974 s.n. 1956-04-24
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park Legal: S13, T11N, R9E, 39.404 -88.152, 200 - 220m
Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974 s.n. 1956-05-07
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park. Legal: S13, T11N, R9E, 39.404 -88.152, 200 - 220m
EIU012331 Adler, Eileen T. 223 1998-10-20
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park: No Name Trail Legal: S14 T11N R9E, 39.404 -88.152, 200 - 220m
McClain, William 22788 1978-05-10
USA, Indiana, Vermillion, Legal: S15, R9W, T17N
EIU012357 Ebinger, John E. 17554 1977-04-18
USA, Illinois, Jersey, Extreme N part of Pere Marquette State Park Legal: S21, T7N, R13W. Jersey Co, Ill., 39.041359 -90.551357
EIU012314 Krasner, Barry 84-20 1984-04-22
USA, Illinois, Williamson, Crab Orchard Lake National Wildlife Refuge, S of Carterville ca. 2 miles Legal: S23, T9S, R2E, 37.717552 -89.086919
EIU012334 Ebinger, John E. 26485 1995-04-14
USA, Illinois, Adams, Siloam Springs State Park, McKee Creek Barrens. Legal: S24, T2S, R5W, 39.873983 -90.926355
EIU012370 Ebinger, John E. 12281 1973-04-10
USA, Illinois, Cumberland, 1 mile S of Johnstown, IL. Legal: S25, R8E, T11N
EIU012340 Dennis, Larry 1479 1973-04-14
USA, Illinois, Moultrie, 5 mi. S and 1/2 W of Sullivan off rt. 32. Legal: S26, R5E, T12N, NW1/4, SE1/4, 39.523907 -88.618654
EIU012355 Ebinger, John E. 17604 1979-05-09
USA, Illinois, Effingham, Rock Cave Nature Preserve, 6 miles S of Beecher City. Legal: S30, T8N, R4E, 39.106451 -88.803551
EIU012330 Ebinger, John E. 29556 2001-05-05
USA, Illinois, Marion, Stephen A. Forbes State Park. Legal: S32, T4N, R4E, 38.726792 -88.765011
Ebinger, John E. 44926 1983-05-18
USA, Illinois, Cumberland, 1 mile N of Montrose Legal: S35, T9N, R7E
EIU012349 Ebinger, John E. 11163 1972-04-26
USA, Illinois, Douglas, Douglas County Conservation Area Legal: S36, R10E, T15N (Now Walnut Point), 39.696329 -88.043977
EIU012324 Ebinger, John E. 17022 1978-04-19
USA, Illinois, Calhoun, Small Limestone cliff 1 mi. N of Batchtown, IL. Legal: S5, T12S, R2W
EIU012367 Ebinger, John E. 12242 1973-04-04
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Interstate 50 route 33 Legal: S9, T3N, R10W
W. McClain 1112 1974-04-03
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, 2 miles W of Fairbanks. Legal: SE1/4, NW1/4, SW1/4, S4, R10W, T9N
EIU012362 Ebinger, John E. 30792 2002-06-10
USA, Illinois, Adams, McKee Creek Barrens, Siloam Springs State Park, 10 mi. S of Clayton. Legal: SE1/4, S24, T2S, R5W; 39.883864 -90.924298, 39.883864 -90.924298
EIU012366 Ebinger, John E. 12268 1973-04-04
USA, Illinois, Edwards, Ica Marks Science Preserve Legal: SE1/4, S32, T2N, R10E, 38.572364 -88.094993
EIU012339 Ebinger, John E. 12403 1973-05-05
USA, Illinois, Fayette, Edge of railroad 4 mi. S of Ramsey, IL. Legal: SE1/4, S32, T8N, R1E
EIU012316 Ebinger, John E. 27722 1999-05-02
USA, Illinois, Livingston, Edge of Turtle Pond, 5 mi. S of Chatsworth, IL. Legal: SE1/4, S34, T26N, R8E, 40.679038 -88.294312
EIU012328 Ebinger, John E. 29451 2001-04-22
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Argyle Hollow Barrens, Lake Argyle State Park, 6 miles W of Macomb. Legal: SE1/4, S36, T6N, R4W., 40.459151 -90.786083
EIU012360 Ebinger, John E. 30589 2002-05-02
USA, Illinois, Tazewell, Manito Prairie Nature Preserve. 6 mi. SW of Pekin, IL. Legal: SW1/4, S15, T24N, R6W
EIU012332 Ebinger, John E. 27502 1998-04-09
USA, Illinois, Macoupin, Gravel praire at the W edge of Beaver Dam State Park. Legal: SW1/4, S17, T9N, R8W, 39.211158 -89.976215
EIU012333 Ebinger, John E. 27496 1998-04-09
USA, Illinois, Macoupin, Donald Roderick farm, 2 mi. W of Beaver Dam State Park. Legal: SW1/4, S19, T9N, R8W
John McCree, Jr. s.n. 1941-04-16
USA, Illinois, Jackson, Near Makanda Legal: SW1/4, S33
EIU012327 Edgin, Bob 3205 2000-03-30
USA, Illinois, Richland, Upland forest at Big Creek Woods Mem. N.P. Legal: SW1/4, SE1/4, S15, T3N, R10E, 3PM, 38.688224 -88.079369
EIU012342 Jones, George Neville 34996 1963-04-21
USA, Illinois, Piatt, Allerton Park, near Monticello Legal: T18N, R5E, 39.997047 -88.649272
EIU012315 Edgin, Bob 2040 1999-05-14
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Beech/maple/oak mesic forest across the Wabash River from Vincennes, Indiana Robeson Hills Nature Preserve Legal: T3N, R11W
J. Reed 36 1958-04-15
USA, Wisconsin, Dane, S. Shorewood Legal: T7N, R9E
Gerard, John s.n. 1976-04-10
USA, Illinois, Greene, Bluff behind house on Bob Schild's farm, 4 mi. S of Eldred, IL. Legal: T9N, R13W, 39.22811 -90.5523, 140 - 160m
EIU012310 Marcum, Paul B. 4963 2008-05-05
USA, Illinois, Woodford, Quadrangle: El Paso Mackinaw River Watershed. ParkLands Foundation's Chinquapin Bluffs Preserve; located approximately 5 miles north of Carlock, Illinois. Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83, 40.64422 -89.11734, 232m
EIU012311 Marcum, Paul B. 5033 2008-05-13
USA, Illinois, Woodford, Quadrangle: Secor. Mackinaw River Watershed. ParkLands Foundation's Chinquapin Bluffs Preserve; located approximately 5 miles north of Carlock, Illinois. Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.66127 -89.12844, 212m
EIU012312 McClain, W. E. 2770 2011-04-06
USA, Illinois, Macoupin, Denby Prairie Nature Preserve, about 2 miles SW of Carlinville on the road to Shipman. NE1/4 NE1/4 Sec 12 T9N R8W
EIU012313 Edgin, Bob 3939 2001-04-27
USA, Illinois, Effingham, Dry-mesic upland forest. Wildcat Hollow State Forest, Effingham County, IL. 2 miles north of Mason south half, Sect 2, T6N, RSE, 3 PM.
EIU012317 Black, Kathy 413 1969-05-13
USA, Illinois, Cumberland, Field near woods 2 1/2 mi north of Greenup, Cumb. Co, 111. NE1/4 SW1/4 Sec 23 T10N R9E
EIU012318 Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974 1956-07-05
USA, Illinois, Coles, Coles County Sec 13 T11N R9E
EIU012319 Ebinger, John E. 21675 1983-05-18
USA, Illinois, Cumberland, Mature second growth upland forest, 1 mile N of Montrose, IL. Sec 35 T9N R7E.
EIU012320 Horton, L 18 1987-04-30
USA, Illinois, Shelby, Woods. Wolf Creek State Park. Shelby County, IL. Sec 18 R5E T12N, 39.481653 -88.689365
EIU012321 Ebinger, John E. 8114 1969-05-18
USA, Illinois, Clark, Edge of road 2 miles NW of Marshall, Illinois. Sect. 10, R12W, T12N.
EIU012323 Gerard, John s.n. 1976-04-10
USA, Illinois, Greene, Bluff behind house on Bob Schild's farm, 4 miles south of Eldred, Ill. T9N R13W; 39.22811 -90.5523, 39.22811 -90.5523, 140 - 160m
EIU012325 Hruska, Mary C. 157B 1991-04-23
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, Savanna reconstruction site, Forest Glen Preserve. 3 miles E of Georgetown, IL. Sec T18N R11W
EIU012326 Mueller, S. C. 631 1967-04-11
USA, Illinois, Coles, Open woods. Hillside 6 miles east of Charleston. Coles Co. Ill. NE1/4, SW1/4, Section 4, T12N, R10E
EIU012335 Thut, Hiram Frederick, 1900-1974 s.n. 1956-04-24
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge State Park., 39.402067 -88.150004
EIU012336 Kloker, L. 8 1966-04-17
USA, Illinois, Edgar, Baber Woods, approx. 5 miles SE of Kansas. Sec 18 T12N R13W, 39.49587 -87.898777
EIU012337 Mueller, S. C. 603 1967-04-11
USA, Illinois, Coles, Relatively wet areas and on hillside. Hillside Marsh: 6 miles east of Charleston. NE1/4, SW1/4, Section 4, T12N, R10E
EIU012338 Ebinger, John E. 5325 1965-05-12
USA, Illinois, Edgar, Baber's Woods. T10 Sec 18 T12N R13W, 39.49563 -87.898681
EIU012341 McCree, John 1941-04-16
USA, Illinois, Jackson, near Makanda., 37.606206 -89.219562
EIU012344 LaGesse, Vern s.n. 1999-04-30
USA, Illinois, Woodford, Chestnut oak woods on steep south-facing hillside overlooking the Mackinaw River. Bateman Tract , Sec 5 T25N R1E .
EIU012345 Ebinger, John E. 20546 1981-04-27
USA, Illinois, Marshall, Wooded hillside at the Marshall County Conservation Area. Sec 26 T29N R3W.
EIU012346 Diel, Joseph N. s.n. 1949-04-20
USA, Illinois, Coles, 7 Falls northeast of Charleston, Coles County, 39.56106 -88.099572
EIU012347 Ebinger, John E. 6145 1966-03-22
USA, Illinois, Coles, Edge of stream in sergent's woods, 2 miles east of Hutton. Coles Co, Illinois. Sec 11 T11N R10E
EIU012348 Ebinger, John E. 14421 1974-05-07
USA, Illinois, Coles, Walkers Ford, south of Charleston. Sect. 3, R9E, T11N, 39.420742 -88.179124
EIU012350 Ebinger, John E. 7514 1968-04-25
USA, Illinois, Clark, Lowland woods at edge of stream in Rocky Hollow. Sect.5, R12W, T9N. Clark Co, Illinois
EIU012351 Bailey, William M. 27 1947-05-09
USA, Illinois, Jackson, Fountain Bluff, in West part of Jackson Co, Ill. T9S; R3W; Sec 31
EIU012352 Ebinger, John E. 23901 1987-10-24
USA, Illinois, Massac, Floodplain forest, Fort Massac State Park. Massac Co, Illinois
EIU012353 Ebinger, John E. 20570 1981-04-27
USA, Illinois, Putnam, 5 miles west of Magnolia, IL. Sec 25 T31N R2W., 41.125676 -89.289331
EIU012354 Ebinger, John E. 21592 1983-05-14
USA, Illinois, Iroquois, Dry mesic sand savanna, Iroquois Co. Conservation Area. Sec 24 T29N R11W.
EIU012356 Phillippe, Loy R. 13069 1988-04-22
USA, Illinois, Mason, ILLINOIS. Mason Co.: USGS Topo. Kilbourne. Long Branch Sand Prairie. The prairie is located west of the Mid-State Dragway. The Prairie is about 2.5+ mile east of the Illinois River.
EIU012358 Hellinga, G. A. 22 1967-04-29
USA, Illinois, Clark, Moist, lowland, old field, Rocky Branch preserve. NW/4 SW/4 Sec. 29, T.12N. R.12W. Clark Co, Ill.
EIU012359 Ebinger, John E. 7445 1968-04-14
USA, Illinois, Effingham, Lowland woods at Rattlesnake Hollow, 4 miles from Beecher City on route 128. Sect. 19, R4E, T8N.
EIU012363 Ebinger, John E. 25428 1992-04-13
USA, Illinois, Logan, Elkhart Wood, just N of Elkhart, IL.; 40.020604 -89.482879, 40.01808 -89.469715, 215 - 235m
EIU012364 Ebinger, John E. 25453 1992-04-30
USA, Illinois, McLean, Funks Grove Nature Preserve, 2 miles SW of Funks Grove, Il.; 40.359633 -89.125985, 40.359633 -89.125985
EIU012365 Ebinger, John E. 7997 1969-04-27
USA, Illinois, Douglas, near cemetery 1 mile NE of Hugo. SW1/4, Sect.12, R9E, T15N, 39.754212 -88.13671
EIU012368 Vogel, R. 211 1975-05-03
USA, Illinois, Montgomery, Lush woods 1 1/2 mi. S.W. Hillsboro. Montgomery Co. Ill. Sect. 15 T8N R4W
EIU012369 Ebinger, John E. 15642 1976-04-23
USA, Illinois, Tazewell, Edge of road in open woods at Spring Lake State Park. Sect. 26, R7W, T23N.
EIU077603 Edgin, Bob 6622 2009-04-24
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Green prairie. Jasper Co, IL. 39°10'15" N 88°10'23" W, 39.1015 -88.1023
EIU012809 Bennett, Martin 09024 2009-04-05
USA, New York, Suffolk, Suffolk Co. Block 62452B: Cold Spring Harbor, Spring Street. Dry sandy roadside soil near pond
EIU012811 Moore, Gerry
USA, New Jersey, Salem, detailed locality information protected
EIU012814 Pichon, W. 22 1973-04-25
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, Mature Forest North. S1/2, SE1/4, SW1/4, Sec. 5, R 10 W, T 9 N, Sullivan Co, Indiana
EIU012815 McClain, W. 1061 1973-11-01
USA, Indiana, Spencer, Terrace Forest, NE 1/4, SE 1/4, NE 1/4, Sec. 31, T 6 S, R 5 W, Spencer Co, Ind.
EIU012816 McClain, W. 2278B 1978-05-10
USA, Indiana, Vermillion, Cayuga Plant. Upland woods Sect. 15, R9W, T17N, 39.916452 -87.420187
EIU012817 Pichon, W. 25 1973-04-25
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, S 1/2, SE 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec. 5, R 10 W, T 9 N, Sullivan Co, Indiana. Mature Forest North. 2 mi. W of Fairbanks
EIU012818 McClain, W. 1992-02-00 1974-04-03
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, Immature Forest North, SE 1/4, NW 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec. 4, R 10 W, T 9 N, Sullivan Co, Ind.
EIU012819 Ebinger, John E. 12555 1973-05-09
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, Mature forest 2 miles west of Fairbanks, Ind. SW 1/4, Sect. 19, R 10 W, T 9 N
EIU012820 McClain, W. 1099 1974-04-03
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, Mature Forest North, S 1/2, SE 1/4, NE 1/4, Sec. 19, R 10 W, T 9 N, Sullivan Co, Ind.
EIU012821 Nontelle, Deon M. 930 1972-05-08
USA, Wisconsin, La Crosse, Fields south of Holiday Heights to the LaCrosse River, at junction of Hwy 157 and Hwy 16. T16 N, R7 W; Sect. 11
EIU012824 Ebinger, John E. 18640 1980-05-12
USA, Indiana, Posey, New Harmonie State Recreation Area Sect 27 T5S R14W
EIU012825 Reed, J. 36 1958-03-05
USA, Wisconsin, Dane, Wisconsin. Dane County. T7N R9E Sec Shorewood. Rich woods
EIU012826 Ebinger, John E. 12555 1973-05-09
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, Mature forest 2 miles west of Fairbanks, Ind. SW1/4, Sect. 19, R10W, T9N.
EIU012827 McClain, W. 1096 1974-04-03
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, Mature Forest South, NW 1/4, NE 1/4, Sec. 19, R 10 W, T 9 N, Sullivan Co, Ind.
EIU007610 Ebinger, John E. 7479 1968-04-25
USA, Illinois, Effingham, Rattlesnake Hollow, 4 m from Beecher City on Route 128. Sec. 19, R4E, T8N.
EIU077974 Ebinger, John E. 33331 2012-04-03
USA, Illinois, Washington, Posen Woods Nature Preserve in the Washington County Conservation Area. NE1/4 SE1/2 Sect. 8 T3S R2W, 38.278672 -89.335063