443945 Abbott, Robinson s.n. 1981-09-15
United States, Texas, Kleberg, Kleberg County...Padre Island National Seashore, Padre Island;Padre Island National Seashore
283346 Moore, J.; et al. 3463 1931-07-14
United States, Texas, Brewster, Brewster County...Saint Helena Canyon of Rio Grande;Big Bend National Park, 590m
604240 Wright, H. E. s.n.
United States, New Mexico, San Juan
247439 Rydberg, P. A. 9728
United States, Utah, San Juan
411245 Thornber, J. J. s.n.
United States, Arizona, Pima
104788 Nelson, A. 622
United States, Wyoming, Natrona
104787 Baker, C. F. 487
United States, Colorado, La Plata
104786 Baker, C. F. 417
United States, Colorado, Montezuma
285927 Harris, J. A. C27435
United States, Utah, Utah
953727 Putnam, Mary P. 13
United States, Massachusetts
953728 Rogge, Janet 22
United States, South Dakota, Jackson
968130 Jane Jacoby; William Klimpert 10 2016-09-23
United States, Rhode Island, Newport, Goosewing Beach, end of South Shore Road, 2.25 miles southeast of Little Compton Commons, between Tunipus and Quicksand ponds., 41.4961556 -71.1328833
968248 Hayley Uno; Marcos Rodriguez 23 2017-09-22
United States, Rhode Island, Bristol, Tillinghast Farm, Rhode Island School of Design Beach, 0.25 miles southwest of intersection between Nyatt Road and Freemont Avenue., 41.72567 -71.32468, 2m
105244 Cook, A.C. 497 1897-04-00
Spain, Arguineguín
491542 Schimpf, D. DJS350 2003-10-25
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis County, Duluth. T49N R13W SW1/4 Sec 18 ... Minnesota Point;Minnesota Point;049N;13W;18, 46.7247238 -92.0444412
898561 Cholewa, A. 2603 2007-10-18
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Anoka County, City of Blaine, Victory Village shopping area along 109th Ave. Parking lot near Target store. T31N R23W Sec 20.. 031N 23W 20, 45.160883 -93.23523
413667 Moore, John 10157 1937-09-12
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, On road grade to South Park, a short distance W of the new pumping station of the city of St. Paul.;;028N;22W, 44.905226 -93.045075
572949 Stevens, O. 2647 1962-09-17
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Buffalo River State Park.;Buffalo River State Park;139N;46W;10, 46.869327 -96.473428
572993 Stevens, O. 2625 1962-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Buffalo State Park (road south of).;Bluestem Prairie Scientific Natural Area;139N;46W;15, 46.854948 -96.473403
607823 Stevens, O. 4143 1968-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Clay, old gravel pit 1 mi N of Buffalo River State Park.;;139N;46W;03, 46.883642 -96.473509
815833 Wheeler, Gerald 12180 1988-09-11
United States, Minnesota, Big Stone, Barry Lake Wildlife Management Area. Big Stone County.Ca. 1.2 mi. NW of Barry; ca. 0.3 mi. E of Rte. 57...between Barry Lake and road...SE1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 8 T124N R47W. 124N 47W 8, 45.565691 -96.586118
440125 Smith, Welby 16407 1989-09-06
United States, Minnesota, Benton, Benton County...On the E bank of the Mississippi River in Rice...NE1/4 NE1/4 sec.36, T38N R32W;;038N;32W;36, 45.7483333 -94.26
475889 Myhre, K. 3291 1992-09-08
United States, Minnesota, Cass, Cass County...located on the south shore of Football Lake...T 141N R 28W NE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 10;;141N;28W;10, 47.044973 -94.214977
497567 Dunevitz, H. 310 1990-09-17
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Goodhue County...Southwest facing bluff south of Red Wing...T 113N R 14W SE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 27;;113N;14W;27, 44.562312 -92.482153
520009 Smith, Welby 18296 1990-09-05
United States, Minnesota, Faribault, Osmundson Prairie Scientific Natural Area. Fairbault [sic] County...Osmundson Prairie State Scientific and Natural Area, abut 3 mi SE of Kiester; T101N R24W SE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 36. 101N 24W 36, 43.5111111 -93.6511111
553956 Moore, John 22607 1955-07-26
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Clay County...across the road from the entrance to Buffalo River State Park.;;139N;46W;10, 46.869327 -96.473428
572463 Moore, John 25814 1961-09-25
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Pipestone County...along the south fence line, Pipestone National Monument;Pipestone National Monument;106N;46W;01, 44.015848 -96.317669
572479 Moore, John 25810 1961-09-15
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Anoka County...N.W. 1/4 Sect. 35 Cedar Creek Natural History Area;Cedar Creek National History Area;034N;23W;35, 45.392318 -93.172984
708099 Smith, Welby 1442 1979-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Clay County...T139N R46W NW1/4 Sec. 15. Buffalo River State Park. 7.5 mi W-SW of Hawley.;Buffalo River State Park;139N;46W;15, 46.854948 -96.473403
709868 Wheeler, Gerald 4886 1979-09-08
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Scott County...Approx. 1.5 mi W of Savage; just W of Route 13...T115N R21W Sec. 18;;115N;21W;18, 44.768182 -93.388793
724444 Smith, Welby 3487 1980-08-23
United States, Minnesota, Wright, Wright County...T 121N R 23W; SE1/4 NE1/4 sec 36. The upper terrace on W bank of Mississippi River, at its confluence with the Crow River, just W of Dayton.. 121N 23W 36, 45.24467 -93.521051
739713 Converse, C. 2015 1982-08-12
United States, Minnesota, Swift, Chippewa and Swift Counties...SW1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 35. Chippewa Prairie; T120N R43W;Chippewa Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;120N;43W;35, 45.159258 -96.010767
741433 Converse, C. 2255 1982-09-18
United States, Minnesota, Douglas, Douglas County...Staffanson Prairie; T127N R40W NW1/4 NE1/4 and NE1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 18;Staffanson Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;127N;40W;18, 45.810665 -95.748005
741594 Converse, C. 2250 1982-09-17
United States, Minnesota, Pope, Pope County...SW1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 19. Ordway Prairie: T123N R36W;Ordway Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;123N;36W;19, 45.448674 -95.245019
747024 Galatowitsch, S. 746 1982-09-06
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Wabasha County...Weaver Dunes; T109N R9W SE1/4 and E1/2 NE1/4 of Sec. 7; NW1/4 and W1/2 NE1/4 of Sec. 8;Kellogg-Weaver Dunes Scientific Natural Area / Kellogg-Weaver Dunes, The Nature Conservancy;109N;09W;00, 44.233108 -91.917245
834225 Smith, Welby 19864 1991-07-31
United States, Minnesota, Todd, Todd County...Prairie strip between CSAH 46 and the Burlington Northern railroad tracks, about 1/8 mi NW of West Union (town)...T127N R35W NW1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 16.. 127N 35W 16, 45.8055556 -95.0880556
476810 Hammer, W. s.n. 2002-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant-Arden Hills Army Training Site. Grassland management unit 21. Center of S1/2 SW1/4 of section;;030N;23W;10, 45.10082 -93.157698
929859 Ruby, Janeen MN2011-82 2011-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Murray, 0.5 mile SW of Hadley. SW1/4 of SW1/4 of section;;106N;42W;11, 43.994943 -95.862083, 529m
966798 Anderson, Derek S. 2730 2017-08-19
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Thorson WPA. About 2 km west of Melvin on County Road 41., 47.62 -96.4
968426 Dahlberg, Nathan B.; Graham, Dustin R. J. NBD261 2020-08-26
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Felton Prairie. 0.77 miles south of 160th ave north; 3.28 miles east souutheast of Felton., 47.07 -96.43
914280 Schimpf, D. DJS578 2009-09-18
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis County, Rice Lake Township. T51N R14W SE1/4 of SE1/4 Sec 25;;051N;14W;25, 46.8661111 -92.0502778
575061 Wertman, Freida 269 1960-08-21
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Cedar Creek National History Area. Anoka County...Cedar Creek Natural History Area...Section 28 s.; County Road 24, south side; Athens Twp. Sec. 28; Coordinates: 876.9-2202.3. 034N 23W 28, 45.406692 -93.21436
699638 Ziegler, S.; et al. 1734 1975-07-14
United States, Wisconsin, Vernon, Vernon Co.; Island 10; Mississippi River-mile #689.2; T14N R7W Sec 7...Large island E side main channel...southern end;Upper Mississippi National Wildlife Refuge;014N;07W;07, 194m
104849 Rosendahl, C.; et al. s.n. 1917-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Shore of Moore Lake;;030N;24W, 45.080985 -93.255535
104850 Rosendahl, C.; Butters, F. 3616 1918-07-17
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Near shores of Moore Lake;;030N;24W, 45.080985 -93.255535
104851 Sheldon, Edmund s.n. 1894-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Fish Hatchery, St. Paul;;028N;22W, 44.906199 -93.038895
104852 Rosendahl, C.; et al. s.n. 1917-09-22
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Near Moore Lake;;030N;24W, 45.080985 -93.255535
104853 Rosendahl, C.; Butters, F. s.n. 1919-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Mille Lacs, Aitkin Co.;;N, 46.219749 -93.655696
104854 Rosendahl, C.; et al. s.n. 1917-09-28
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, W shore of Moore Lake;;030N;24W, 45.080985 -93.255535
104856 Aiton, G. s.n. 1894-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.979965 -93.263836
302573 Lakela, Olga 1318 1935-09-26
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, On Minnesota Point, Duluth;Minnesota Point;049N;13W;18, 46.74205 -92.06285
337092 Lakela, Olga 1841b 1936-09-06
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Bayside, Duluth; Sec. 13;;N;;13, 46.76428 -92.10989
337649 Lakela, Olga 1632 1936-08-06
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Oatka Beach Addition at 42nd Street, Duluth;Minnesota Point;049N;13W;18, 46.74205 -92.06285
349146 Nielsen, E. 1764 1932-10-07
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Anoka sand plain;;N, 45.189401 -93.206611
351174 Jukkola, E. 139 1937-07-17
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Moore Lake;;030N;24W, 45.080985 -93.255535
360029 Rosendahl, C.; Butters, F. 6745 1936-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Pine, SW side of Sturgeon Lake, Pine Co.;;045N;19W, 46.374946 -92.7409
367229 Moore, John; Butters, F. 13481 1940-09-03
United States, Minnesota, Pine, S shore of Sturgeon Lake, Pine Co.;;045N;19W, 46.374946 -92.7409
367462 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 10600 1938-09-25
United States, Minnesota, Chisago, 3 mi NW of Almelund;;N, 45.522058 -92.829309
370674 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 13642 1940-09-28
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Ramsey Co.; SW1/4 Sec. 9 Mounds View Twp.;;030N;23W;9, 45.100778 -93.178052
383504 Moore, John; et al. 16166 1943-10-03
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Wabasha County...Mississippi River banks at Weaver, 44.233108 -91.917245
405986 Buell, Murray s.n. 1947-08-18
United States, Minnesota, Polk, 1 mi S of Fertile;;N, 47.521602 -96.280333
433404 Lee, Michael MDL355 1993-09-01
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Dakota Co.; Mile north of Castle Rock; T 113N R 19W SE1/4 of SW1/4 of sec 30;;113N;19W;30, 44.565445 -93.146914
442073 Moore, John; Dahl, A. 18273 1945-09-21
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, 1/2 mi S, 1 mi E of Ireland Station below Wabasha;;N, 44.376614 -92.032945
461535 Smith, Welby 13954 1987-09-26
United States, Minnesota, Sherburne, Sherburne Co. Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge, about 2 mi NE of Orrock. NW1/4 NE1/4 sec 4, T34N R27W;Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge;034N;27W;4, 45.4708328 -93.7044449
514383 Cholewa, A. 2520 1997-09-10
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area. Anoka Co. Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area. Northern portion of refuge, along road at T junction near pool #5. T33N Anoka Co. Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area. Northern portion of refuge, along road at T junction near pool #5. T33N R22W Sec.27 NE1/4.. 033N 22W 27, 45.318933 -93.071279
550209 Moore, John 21980 1954-09-13
United States, Minnesota, Sherburne, 3.5 mi S of Princeton;;N, 45.519286 -93.581628
552097 Stevens, O. 1988 1958-08-06
United States, Minnesota, Clay, In rr yards, Dilworth;;N, 46.876629 -96.703412
558456 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 23531 1957-09-19
United States, Minnesota, Isanti, Cedar Creek Forest;Cedar Creek National History Area;034N;23W;16, 45.435724 -93.214819
572478 Moore, John 25811 1961-09-15
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Cedar Creek Natural History Area, along the roadside; NW1/4 Sec. 35;Cedar Creek National History Area;034N;23W;35, 45.392318 -93.172984
574975 Wertman, Freida 353 1960-09-27
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Cedar Creek National History Area. Cedar Creek Natural History Area, near roadside, co. rd 24, N side, coordinates map area surveyed 1960 877.5-2205.7; Ath Cedar Creek Natural History Area, near roadside, co. rd 24, N side, coordinates map area surveyed 1960 877.5-2205.7; Athens Twp. Sec. 27 SW1/4. 034N 23W 27, 45.406779 -93.193727
585630 Moore, John 26202 1962-10-02
United States, Minnesota, Houston, On river bank sand at Brownsville;;103N;04W, 43.71854 -91.317395
618937 Monserud, W. 570 1957-10-20
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, 4th Ave. 48th St. North Columbia Heights, Minneapolis, sand excavated from a basement for a new building;;N, 45.05538 -93.26159
649425 Gustitus, J. 26 1973-09-28
United States, Minnesota, Washington, O'Brien State Park, along dirt road to canoe campgrounds;William O'Brien State Park;032N;19W, 45.251711 -92.765096
672651 Wheeler, Gerald 868 1976-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Houston Co. Brownsville, Wildcat Landing, adjacent to the beach at the landing on the W shore of the Mississippi River;Upper Mississippi National Wildlife Refuge;103N;04W, 43.71854 -91.317395
687855 Wheeler, Gerald; Glaser, Paul 2302 1977-07-28
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Collection Site no. 156, ca. 5.5 WNW of Grand Rapids, on the E side of the MP&L Ash Pond; NE1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 8 T55N R26W;;055N;26W;8, 47.260511 -93.671113
695869 Clemants, Steven 960 1977-10-08
United States, Minnesota, Crow Wing, Pelican Lake, Sunset Beach, 13 mi N of Brainerd; Sec. 35 and 36 T136N R28W;;136N;28W, 46.588001 -94.204156
695870 Clemants, Steven 962 1977-10-08
United States, Minnesota, Crow Wing, Pelican Lake, Sunset Beach, 13 mi N of Brainerd; Sec. 35 and 36 T136N R28W;;136N;28W, 46.588001 -94.204156
701203 Dorio, J. 550 1977-07-15
United States, Minnesota, Benton, Benton Co. Englund Ecotone, ca. 7 mi SE of Rice, near road; T37N R31W Sec. 13;Englund Ecotone, The Nature Conservancy;037N;31W;13, 45.698563 -94.143452
704577 Smith, Welby 1629 1979-08-16
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, 1.7 km due E of co. rd 84; T109N R9W NE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 8;;109N;09W;8, 44.258009 -91.918671
709767 Wheeler, Gerald 4779 1979-08-10
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Houston Co. Brownsville, Wildcat Landing on the Mississippi river, adjacent to river; T103N R4W Sec. 35;Upper Mississippi National Wildlife Refuge;103N;04W;35, 43.68088 -91.283433
717141 Heitlinger, M. 898 1975-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Anoka Co. Allison Savanna; N1/2 NE1/4 Sec. 2 T33N R23W;Helen Allison Savanna Scientific Natural Area;033N;23W;2, 45.377702 -93.173879
722931 Lustig, K. 1164 1979-09-14
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Anoka Co. Helen Allison Savanna, 14 mi SE of Cambridge, border of preserve; N1/2 NE1/4 Sec. 2 T33N R23W;Helen Allison Savanna Scientific Natural Area;033N;23W;2, 45.377702 -93.173879
738099 Karns, K. 1036 1980-08-21
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, 1300 Lake Ave. So. Park Point, Duluth;;N, 46.740078 -92.059179
747166 Galatowitsch, S. 706 1982-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Wabasha County...Weaver Dunes: T109N R9WSE1/4 and E1/2 NE1/4 of Sec. 7; NW1/4 and W1/2 NE1/4 of Sec 8;Kellogg-Weaver Dunes Scientific Natural Area / Kellogg-Weaver Dunes, The Nature Conservancy;109N;09W;00, 44.233108 -91.917245
763113 Gilbert, H. 478 1922-08-16
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Duluth;;N, 46.783273 -92.106579
770026 Smith, Welby 8712 1983-08-16
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Kellogg-Weaver Dunes Scientific Natural Area / Kellogg-Weaver Dunes, The Nature Conservancy. Kellogg-Weaver Dunes State Scientific and Natural Area, ca. 4 mi SE of Kellogg, on the E side of co. rd84; SW1/4 NE1/4 S Kellogg-Weaver Dunes State Scientific and Natural Area, ca. 4 mi SE of Kellogg, on the E side of co. rd84; SW1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 6 T109N R9W. 109N 09W 6, 44.272608 -91.938983
782183 Dana, R. 85106 1985-08-13
United States, Minnesota, Norman, Norman County...Along old vehicle trail through low dunes; SE1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 18 T146N R44W;Prairie Smoke Dunes Scientific Natural Area;146N;44W;18, 47.46366 -96.313166
832183 Morley, T. 1733 1992-08-16
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Dakota Co. W slope of ridge running N-S ca. 2 mi SE of Hastings, 1/2 mi S of highway 316; T114N, R17W, NW1/4 NE1/4 sec.1 Dakota Co. W slope of ridge running N-S ca. 2 mi SE of Hastings, 1/2 mi S of highway 316; T114N, R17W, NW1/4 NE1/4 sec.14.. 114N 17W 14, 44.680458 -92.822895
833997 Smith, Welby 20111 1991-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Pine Co. In General C.C. Andrews State Forest, about 1 m E-NE of Willow River; T 44N R 20W SE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 1;General C C Andrews State Forest;044N;20W;1, 46.3263893 -92.8041687
840370 Smith, Welby 13624 1987-07-30
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Grey Cloud Dunes Scientific Natural Area. Washington County ... About 2 mi south of St. Paul Park; SW-facing terrace of the Mississippi River ... SW1/4 SW1/4 sec.29, T 27N R 21W. 027N 21W 29, 44.793335 -92.9625015
841223 Smith, Welby 14509 1988-07-07
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington Co. Baldwin Lake in the Mississippi River bottoms, about 4 mi SW of Cottage Grove. SW1/4 SE1/4 sec.26, T27N R Washington Co. Baldwin Lake in the Mississippi River bottoms, about 4 mi SW of Cottage Grove. SW1/4 SE1/4 sec.26, T27N R22W. 027N 22W 26, 44.7866669 -93.0133362
842058 Smith, Welby 15032 1988-09-05
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Ramsey Co.; spoil bank on the S side of the Mississippi River under the High Bridge in St. Paul. NW1/4 NW1/4 sec.7, T28N Ramsey Co.; spoil bank on the S side of the Mississippi River under the High Bridge in St. Paul. NW1/4 NW1/4 sec.7, T28N R22W. 028N 22W 7, 44.921438 -93.093473
440649 DeMink, L. 410 2000-09-17
United States, Minnesota, Morrison, Crane Meadows National Wildlife Refuge; NESW 30-T40N-R31W;Crane Meadows National Wildlife Refuge;040N;31W;30, 45.933896 -94.251564
509329 Roitsch, C. 508 1999-09-18
United States, Minnesota, Morrison, [no further data];Crane Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, 45.9667 -94.3667
924904 Cholewa, A.; Lee, Mary 2832 2011-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Arden Hills, U.S. Army Training Site, slopes above northeast end of the gravel pit lake., 45.1008333 -93.1619444
953722 Friesner, Ray C. 9394
United States, Indiana, Cass
965697 David J. Schimpf DJS908 2017-08-11
United States, Minnesota, Saint louis, University of Minnesota Duluth, disused volleyball court; T50N R14W sec15, 46.819167 -92.090278
454034 Univ. of Calif. Bot. Gard. list 18 - 27 1977-00-00
United States, California, Imperial, Imperial Co.
103932 Wooton, E. 400 1897-08-25
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Plains north of the White Sands, Dona Ana Co.;White Sands National Monument, 1250m
794895 Schaaf, J. 26 1982-07-08
United States, Nevada, Carson City, Carson City Co. ... Prison Hill, 1554m