Search Results (List)

Dataset: MIN
Taxa: Araliaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 736

University of Minnesota Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
633843Ranua, Victoria   442007-09-14
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community, S-5 Wetland (33B3) Prior Lake, Scott County...UTM Zone 15, 463010.0N 4952772.7E;Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Indian Reservation, 44.76192 -93.455589

Image Associated With the Occurence
701990Ashling, Caleb   2014-08-09
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Sunset Pond Park, Burnsville. West central shoreline of pond, N of intersection of West Preserve Bldv. and Iris Court and S of the intersection of West preserve Blvd. and 137 1/2 st. W ;Agassiz Dunes Scientific Natural Area, 44.752778 -93.323611

510882US Nat. Arboretum staff   
United States, Maryland, Garrett, detailed locality information protected

350232Pohl, Richard   1004301938-08-29
United States, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Co.: Milwaukee. Town: Lake. Description: T6N, R22E, Sec 36;;006N;22E;36

Timothy J. S. Whitfeld; Chel Anderson   29672021-07-19
United States, Minnesota, St. Louis, Voyageurs National Park, Sand Point Lake, 0.1 mile south of southeast corner of Brown's Bay, 48.356034 -92.538468, 355m

Image Associated With the Occurence
968846Gammon, Inaz   1903-07-20
United States, Minnesota, Crow wing, 46.61663 -94.216935

Image Associated With the Occurence
968913Milburn, Scott   SAM190122019-07-26
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Located 0.45 km southeast of Wilkinson Lake., 45.111898 -93.056951

Timothy J. S. Whitfeld; Rebekah Mohn   32782022-07-01
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Crystal Spring Scientific and Natural Area, 0.4 miles northeast of the intersection of Scandia Trail North and Hwy 95, 45.261166 -92.764251, 239m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Schefflera J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
491287Ratovoson, F.; Randrianasolo, S. ; Rakotozafy, I. ; Andriambolantsoa, R. ; Rabezaka, R.   4082001-01-28
Madagascar, Ambatondrazaka, Antanandava, Ankosy, Piste vers Bemoara, -17.503889 48.731111, 1100 - 1330m

Aralia hispida Ventenant
907766Smith, Welby; et al.   310882008-08-06
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest. St. Louis County...Meat Lake in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Superior National Forest...T63N R 14W SE1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 22. 063N 14W 22, 47.9197222 -92.0980556

Aralia hispida Ventenant
530944Rood, A.   10791936-07-25
United States, Pennsylvania, Elk, Spring Creek Tp, Elk Co.

Aralia hispida Ventenant
898381Smith, Welby   281901999-08-24
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Aitkin County...About 2.5 miles N-NW of Pliny [pioneer cemetary N of McGrath]...T45N R23W NW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 20;Solana State Forest;045N;23W;20, 46.3680556 -93.2783333

Aralia hispida Ventenant
919066Whitfeld, T.J.S.   s.n.2010-06-12
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Dakota County, Vermilion Highland Research, Recreation, and Wildlife Management Area; 2.5 miles SSW of Coates.;Vermilion Highlands Wildlife Management Area, 44.6841667 -93.0594444, 295m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aralia hispida Ventenant
507981Gerdes, Lynden   29961998-07-21
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Superior National Forest. T65N R04W S27NWSE. Cook County; Superior National Forest. Trail located north of pond and west off Cty 47 approx. 0.25 mile southeast of it's junction with the Gunflint Trail (Hwy 12).. 065N 04W 27, 48.084242 -90.825443

Aralia hispida Ventenant
510883US Nat. Arboretum staff   77-211977-00-00
Canada, Quebec, Parc de la Verendrye

Aralia hispida Ventenant
162222Sandberg, John   s.n.1885-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Tower;;062N;15W, 47.844133 -92.244235

Aralia hispida Ventenant
162223Roberts, Thomas   s.n.1878-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Duluth, 46.783273 -92.106579

Aralia hispida Ventenant
162224Arthur, J.; et al.   47A1886-07-19
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Vermilion Lake, 47.879609 -92.346911

Aralia hispida Ventenant
162226Sandberg, John   s.n.1885-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Tower;;062N;15W, 47.844133 -92.244235

Aralia hispida Ventenant
162227Arthur, J.; et al.   B3411886-07-23
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co. [prob St. Louis Co. as the area where these collectors mostly worked], 47.589862 -92.461466

Aralia hispida Ventenant
162228Sandberg, John   s.n.1890-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Two Harbors;North Shore;052N;11W, 47.02278 -91.67056

Aralia hispida Ventenant
162229Sandberg, John   s.n.1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Carlton, Thomson;;048N;16W, 46.634249 -92.364588

Aralia hispida Ventenant
162230Scofield, J.   s.n.1892-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Carlton, Carlton Co., 46.588112 -92.68

Aralia hispida Ventenant
224665Rosendahl, C.; Butters, F.   46351924-07-03
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Near Hovland. Cook Co.;North Shore / Superior National Forest;062N;04E, 47.866844 -89.947879

Aralia hispida Ventenant
224692Stork, H.   12041925-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Itasca Co. Plants of Bowstring.;Chippewa National Forest, 47.543003 -93.796598

Aralia hispida Ventenant
261976Roberts, Thomas   s.n.1925-07-22
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Burntside Lake, Ely;Superior National Forest;063N;13W;00, 47.932053 -91.987863

Aralia hispida Ventenant
273249Rosendahl, C.   59891929-08-10
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Hat Point. Cook Co.;Grand Portage Indian Reservation / North Shore;063N;06E, 47.958468 -89.703576

Aralia hispida Ventenant
276873Huff, N.   771914-07-04
United States, Minnesota, Lake, North Kawishiwi River. Lake Co.;Superior National Forest, 47.900775 -91.387134

Aralia hispida Ventenant
281992Butters, F.; et al.   62371930-08-19
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Magnet Island. Cook Co.;North Shore / Susie Islands, The Nature Conservancy;063N;07E, 47.97148 -89.5569

Aralia hispida Ventenant
298383Moyle, J.; et al.   18881934-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; S side of wash at E end of Bass Lake, 8 mi NW of Ely;Superior National Forest;063N;12W, 47.933092 -91.861065

Aralia hispida Ventenant
337585Lakela, Olga   16171936-08-04
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Bayside, Duluth; Sec. 19 [other collections indicates this is in T49N R13W, Minnesota Point];Minnesota Point;049N;13W;19, 46.72833 -92.04778

Aralia hispida Ventenant
338288Rosendahl, C.; Moyle, J.   21911936-07-18
United States, Minnesota, Beltrami, Beltrami Co.; 3 mi. S of Waskish;Red Lake State Forest;154N;30W, 48.149321 -94.488234

Aralia hispida Ventenant
351292Benner, F.; Benner, J.   6301929-08-21
United States, Minnesota, Cook, On crest of Hat Point E of Grand Portage.;Grand Portage Indian Reservation / North Shore;063N;06E, 47.958468 -89.703576

Aralia hispida Ventenant
354058Lakela, Olga   25971938-07-28
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; About 7 mi. NE of Palo;;057N;15W, 47.415324 -92.239713

Aralia hispida Ventenant
354147Lakela, Olga   27841938-09-02
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Palisades Park. Lake Co.;North Shore / Palisade Head;056N;07W;22, 47.32413 -91.213641

Aralia hispida Ventenant
354854Lakela, Olga   25481938-07-09
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, W cliff on Haines Road at Skyline Parkway, Duluth., 46.75948 -92.16473

Aralia hispida Ventenant
361426Lakela, Olga   41061940-08-18
United States, Minnesota, Pine, In a road cut on hwy 23, a mi N of Duquette, hwy 23, Carlton Co. [actually in Pine Co.];;045N;17W, 46.374491 -92.489103

Aralia hispida Ventenant
362274Lakela, Olga   38711940-08-01
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; 9 mi. S of Orr, on Hwy. 53;Kabetogama State Forest;063N;19W, 47.935346 -92.764296

Aralia hispida Ventenant
367898Carter, J.; et al.   461981-07-01
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis County...T63N R12W Sec. 3;Superior National Forest;063N;12W;03, 47.969369 -91.853506, 440m

Aralia hispida Ventenant
368769Lakela, Olga   45641941-07-24
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; ledges at Meander Lake, Echo Trail;Superior National Forest;065N;14W, 48.106883 -92.12638

Aralia hispida Ventenant
368837Lakela, Olga   44391941-06-29
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Along drainage ditch, Normanna Twp. 16 mi N of Duluth;;052N;13W, 46.981726 -91.984507

Aralia hispida Ventenant
371657Lakela, Olga   46081941-07-29
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake Co.; On Blueberry Hill near Little Marais;North Shore;057N;06W;18, 47.422321 -91.139912

Aralia hispida Ventenant
372417Lakela, Olga   47641941-08-13
United States, Minnesota, Carlton, Carlton Co.; roadside near Holyoke;;046N;16W, 46.460785 -92.362893

Aralia hispida Ventenant
374089Lakela, Olga   52041942-08-30
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Pine Co. Roadside S of Kerrick, Hwy. 53 [prob. hwy 23];;044N;18W, 46.287943 -92.615646

Aralia hispida Ventenant
379065Lakela, Olga   53641943-07-25
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, At the Roberts cabin, 16 mi. N of Duluth, 47.014901 -92.106579

Aralia hispida Ventenant
383116Moore, John; Hall, Robert   161031943-09-07
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Palisade Head;North Shore / Palisade Head;056N;07W;22, 47.32413 -91.213641

Aralia hispida Ventenant
385917Lakela, Olga   57231944-08-14
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake Co.; On Pancake Island in Lake Superior, between East Beaver Bay and the Palisade;North Shore;055N;07W;00, 47.278836 -91.274838

Aralia hispida Ventenant
386107Lakela, Olga   57631944-08-14
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake County...Pancake Island in Lake Superior, between East Beaver Bay and the Palisades;North Shore;055N;07W;00, 47.278836 -91.274838

Aralia hispida Ventenant
392973Lakela, Olga   69671947-07-27
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Henry Lakela's farm, Palo;;057N;15W, 47.415324 -92.239713

Aralia hispida Ventenant
393230Ownbey, Gerald; et al.   10791948-08-14
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook County...E end of Little Brick Island, Susie Islands near Grand Portage;North Shore / Susie Islands, The Nature Conservancy;063N;07E, 47.97376 -89.56844

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aralia hispida Ventenant
393288Ownbey, Gerald; et al.   10431948-08-13
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook County...Cliff near tip of N promentory of Susie Island, Susie Islands near Grand Portage;North Shore / Susie Islands, The Nature Conservancy;064N;07E, 47.994009 -89.575112

Aralia hispida Ventenant
393859Butters, F.; et al.   1061938-07-11
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Top of cliff S of Rove Lake; T65N R1E. Cook Co.;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;065N;01E, 48.081055 -90.315189

Aralia hispida Ventenant
393860Abbe, E.; Abbe, L.   5601937-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Island off SW end of Susie Island; T63N R7E. Cook Co.;North Shore / Susie Islands, The Nature Conservancy;063N;07E, 47.97375 -89.57883

Aralia hispida Ventenant
393861Dahl, A.   1031945-06-18
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook Co.; Poplar Lake, Island #1; T64N R2W Sec. 1;Superior National Forest;064N;02W;1, 48.055732 -90.522779

Aralia hispida Ventenant
393862Nielsen, E.   16221932-09-09
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Clark's Bay, near Grand Portage;Grand Portage Indian Reservation / North Shore;064N;07E, 47.994009 -89.575112

Aralia hispida Ventenant
393863Burns, G.; Hendrickson, M.   4181938-08-07
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cliff, E end of Hungry Jack Lake; T64N R1W. Cook Co.;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;064N;01W, 48.019271 -90.447457

Aralia hispida Ventenant
407847Lakela, Olga   86111949-06-27
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Bear Island Lake;Superior National Forest;061N;13W, 47.7588 -91.989255

Aralia hispida Ventenant
413127Moore, John; et al.   118081939-08-16
United States, Minnesota, Koochiching, Koochiching County...1 mi. south east of Tilson Bay, Rainy Lake;;071N;22W, 48.609164 -93.157413

Aralia hispida Ventenant
416683Lakela, Olga   85951949-06-26
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Bear Island Lake, SE of Ely;Superior National Forest;061N;13W, 47.7588 -91.989255

Aralia hispida Ventenant
416841Lakela, Olga   94941949-08-28
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Lake Kabetogama, Park Point Resort;Kabetogama State Forest;069N;21W, 48.456965 -93.026751

Aralia hispida Ventenant
418941Ahlgren, Clifford   4741949-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Quetico-Superior Wilderness Research Center...Lake Co.; Sec. 9, T64N, R10W;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;064N;10W;09, 48.031651 -91.618862

Aralia hispida Ventenant
419228Briggs, John De Q.; Briggs, Marjorie   671945-08-03
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook Co.; Sawbill Trail.;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;062N;04W, 47.845796 -90.829882

Aralia hispida Ventenant
419762Lakela, Olga   108151950-07-24
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Pequaywan Lake Road, E St. Louis Co.;Cloquet Valley State Forest, 47.154469 -91.910925

Aralia hispida Ventenant
420717Lakela, Olga   115071950-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Curtain Falls Resort, Crooked Lake;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;066N;12W, 48.186787 -91.869968

Aralia hispida Ventenant
420919Lakela, Olga   106921950-07-16
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Below Skyline Parkway, 60th Ave. W, Duluth, 46.73917 -92.1734

Aralia hispida Ventenant
421485Ahlgren, Clifford   11541950-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Along portage trail 1/8 mi. W of Curtain Falls Crooked Lake;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;066N;12W, 48.186787 -91.869968

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aralia hispida Ventenant
439560Myhre, K.   40501993-07-07
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Banning State Park. Pine Co.; Located 4.5 miles NE of the town of Sandstone. Plants growing on the top of an escarpment of Log Drive Creek. Pine Co.; Located 4.5 miles NE of the town of Sandstone. Plants growing on the top of an escarpment of Log Drive Creek. T43N R20W NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 23.. 043N 20W 23, 46.194129 -92.834987

Aralia hispida Ventenant
442613Lakela, Olga   125471951-06-21
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, E Curtain Falls, Crooked Lake;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;066N;12W, 48.186787 -91.869968

Aralia hispida Ventenant
442737Lakela, Olga   132001951-07-13
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; On an island near Finger Bay, Rainy Lake;Voyageurs National Park, 48.534628 -92.760983

Aralia hispida Ventenant
443316Lakela, Olga   127811951-06-28
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Little Vermilion River, Minnesota-Ontario boundary;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;067N;16W, 48.268901 -92.428658

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aralia hispida Ventenant
458717Butler, Cindy   970720021997-07-20
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Aitkin Co.; 1.5 mi E of Co. 64 in Haugen Twp. T49N R22W SE1/4 of NW1/4 of SEc 11;Savanna State Forest;049N;22W;11, 46.745457 -93.094124

Aralia hispida Ventenant
462537Lakela, Olga   149981952-07-14
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Kabetogama Lake, N shore opposite Pine Island;Voyageurs National Park;069N;21W, 48.456965 -93.026751

Aralia hispida Ventenant
463105Lakela, Olga   143181952-06-19
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Cliffs on Gull Island, Namakan Lake, 5 mi from the Narrows;Voyageurs National Park;069N;17W, 48.428244 -92.527018

Aralia hispida Ventenant
492816Lakela, Olga   168951953-08-25
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Hwy no. 5, N of Toivola, 47.166882 -92.811028

Aralia hispida Ventenant
492887Lakela, Olga   162381953-07-19
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Vermilion Lake, Treasure Island area, 47.910471 -92.589612

Aralia hispida Ventenant
492935Lakela, Olga   166751953-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Lac La Croix near Lac La Croix Resort;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest, 48.343611 -92.122778

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aralia hispida Ventenant
514902Smith, Welby   192791991-07-09
United States, Minnesota, Koochiching, Pine Island State Forest. Koochiching Co.; about 5 miles southwest of Big Falls. Along Hickes Ridge Road, about 0.5 mile north of US Hwy 71. Aband Koochiching Co.; about 5 miles southwest of Big Falls. Along Hickes Ridge Road, about 0.5 mile north of US Hwy 71. Abandoned gravel pit; T 154N R 25W NE1/4 of SW1/4 [etc. 154N 25W 30, 48.127224 -93.8974991

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aralia hispida Ventenant
518668Boe, J.   940809011994-08-09
United States, Minnesota, Cass, Cass Co.; SE of Lake Winnibigoshish; T145N R27W NW1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 9;Chippewa National Forest / Leech Lake Indian Reservation;145N;27W;9, 47.391195 -94.105519

Aralia hispida Ventenant
524515Benner, F.; Benner, J.   7061930-07-10
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Gunflint Trail. Camp Rockwood.;Superior National Forest, 47.5833 -92.5

Aralia hispida Ventenant
526796Lakela, Olga   179141954-07-23
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Gun Lake Resort, N of Ely;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;065N;12W, 48.10799 -91.864643

Aralia hispida Ventenant
527455Lakela, Olga   177681954-07-04
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Bottle River above the falls, connecting Bottle Lake and Lac La Croix;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest, 48.247398 -91.980133

Aralia hispida Ventenant
533176Lakela, Olga; Elwell, M.   203001956-07-06
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake Co.; Lake Superior close to Two Harbors;North Shore;052N;11W;00, 46.997287 -91.751716

Aralia hispida Ventenant
543432Lakela, Olga; Davidson, Donald   214971957-07-24
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook Co.; Sec. 35, T63N, R5W;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;063N;05W;35, 47.89464 -90.926804

Aralia hispida Ventenant
583464Kellner, H.   3381956-07-17
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake County...Cathedral Cliff Lookout Area, Encampment Forest;North Shore;053N;10W;11, 47.093409 -91.574194

Aralia hispida Ventenant
622086Ownbey, Gerald   45061971-07-15
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, Clearwater Co.; 2.2 mi north of Lake Itasca Post Office, above road cut;;144N;36W, 47.282324 -95.233417

Aralia hispida Ventenant
663689Noble, Mark; et al.   6211975-07-05
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis County...Area burned in 1971 on Moose Loop, 28 mi NW of Ely, Superior Nat. For.;Superior National Forest;065N;14W, 48.106883 -92.12638

Aralia hispida Ventenant
669811Wheeler, Gerald   s.n.1975-07-14
United States, Minnesota, Lake, North Shore. Lake County...3 mi W of Beaver Bay, road leading to Lax Lake Site (Mile-post 7), next to Reserve Mining Co. rr tracks adjacent to road. 055N 08W 0, 47.250316 -91.359973

Aralia hispida Ventenant
687464Wheeler, Gerald; Glaser, Paul   19061977-07-07
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Itasca Co.; Collection Site no. 86, ca. 44 mi NE of Grand Rapids; SE1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 27 T62N R22W;;062N;22W;27, 47.82811 -93.136402

Aralia hispida Ventenant
687674Wheeler, Gerald; Glaser, Paul   21201977-07-18
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Itasca Co.; Collection Site no. 34, ca. 5.5 mi NW of Grand Rapids; SW1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 4 T55N R26W;;055N;26W;4, 47.274977 -93.650503

Aralia hispida Ventenant
699056Sather, Nancy; et al.   2901976-07-21
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake Co. Plot 20, 1972 clearcut; SE1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 26 T62N R11W;Superior National Forest;062N;11W;26, 47.82698 -91.693362

Aralia hispida Ventenant
699058Sather, Nancy; et al.   1521976-06-29
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Plot #19; SE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 25 T60N R12W;Superior National Forest;060N;12W;25, 47.651272 -91.805106

Aralia hispida Ventenant
709828Wheeler, Gerald   48461979-09-07
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Ca. 2 mi NW of Cohasset on hwy 2, near a drainage ditch;;N, 47.29721 -93.70307

Aralia hispida Ventenant
711504Smith, Welby   11391979-07-16
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake County..."Chapin's Point", 1.3 mi NE of Split Rock Lighthouse; T 54N R 8W NE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 6;North Shore;054N;08W;06, 47.192101 -91.400106

Aralia hispida Ventenant
717883Lustig, K.   991978-06-24
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook Co.; Eagle Mountain, near trail; T63N R2W Sec. 34;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;063N;02W;34, 47.897568 -90.564383

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aralia hispida Ventenant
730016Phelps, V.   221980-06-20
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Pine Co. Kettle River Natural Area, 5.5 mi E of Hinckley; NW1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 15 T41N R20W;Kettle River Scientific Natural Area / Sandstone National Wildlife Refuge;041N;20W;15, 46.033005 -92.85662

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aralia hispida Ventenant
749324Wheeler, Gerald   55871981-07-14
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Palisade Head, ca. 1.5 mi SW of Baptism River [=Tettegouche] State Park on rte 61; T56N R7W Sec. 22;North Shore / Palisade Head;056N;07W;22, 47.32413 -91.213641

Aralia hispida Ventenant
772498Boe, J.   6391979-07-09
United States, Minnesota, Lake of the Woods, Lake of the Woods Co.; Near Norris Camp, trail near old Forestry house; T159N R35W Sec. 3;Beltrami Island State Forest;159N;35W;3, 48.619708 -95.137453

Aralia hispida Ventenant
772576Boe, J.   9421979-07-19
United States, Minnesota, Lake of the Woods, Lake of the Woods Co.; 6.0 mi SW of Range Line on Rapid River road; T157N R34W Sec. 29;Beltrami Island State Forest / Red Lake Indian Reservation;157N;34W;29, 48.387936 -95.048032

Aralia hispida Ventenant
772750Boe, J.   8251979-07-15
United States, Minnesota, Lake of the Woods, Angle Inlet, near rock outcrops; T168N R34W N1/2 Sec. 31;Northwest Angle;168N;34W;31, 49.330728 -95.081536

Aralia hispida Ventenant
817750Berlin, N.   3311980-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook Co.; Susie Island Archipelago;North Shore / Susie Islands, The Nature Conservancy;064N;07E, 47.994009 -89.575112

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The maps feature provides users an interactive map that can pan (by dragging the mouse) and zoom (by using the mouse wheel). Collection points are displayed as colored markers that when clicked on, displays the full information for that collection. When multiple species are queried (separated by semi-colons), different colored markers denote each individual species.


This creates an KML file for use in Google Earth or any other application using KML files.
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