633843 Ranua, Victoria 44 2007-09-14
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community, S-5 Wetland (33B3) Prior Lake, Scott County...UTM Zone 15, 463010.0N 4952772.7E;Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Indian Reservation, 44.76192 -93.455589
701990 Ashling, Caleb 2014-08-09
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Sunset Pond Park, Burnsville. West central shoreline of pond, N of intersection of West Preserve Bldv. and Iris Court and S of the intersection of West preserve Blvd. and 137 1/2 st. W ;Agassiz Dunes Scientific Natural Area, 44.752778 -93.323611
510882 US Nat. Arboretum staff
United States, Maryland, Garrett, detailed locality information protected
350232 Pohl, Richard 100430 1938-08-29
United States, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Co.: Milwaukee. Town: Lake. Description: T6N, R22E, Sec 36;;006N;22E;36
Timothy J. S. Whitfeld; Chel Anderson 2967 2021-07-19
United States, Minnesota, St. Louis, Voyageurs National Park, Sand Point Lake, 0.1 mile south of southeast corner of Brown's Bay, 48.356034 -92.538468, 355m
968846 Gammon, Inaz 1903-07-20
United States, Minnesota, Crow wing, 46.61663 -94.216935
968913 Milburn, Scott SAM19012 2019-07-26
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Located 0.45 km southeast of Wilkinson Lake., 45.111898 -93.056951
Timothy J. S. Whitfeld; Rebekah Mohn 3278 2022-07-01
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Crystal Spring Scientific and Natural Area, 0.4 miles northeast of the intersection of Scandia Trail North and Hwy 95, 45.261166 -92.764251, 239m
491287 Ratovoson, F.; Randrianasolo, S. ; Rakotozafy, I. ; Andriambolantsoa, R. ; Rabezaka, R. 408 2001-01-28
Madagascar, Ambatondrazaka, Antanandava, Ankosy, Piste vers Bemoara, -17.503889 48.731111, 1100 - 1330m
907766 Smith, Welby; et al. 31088 2008-08-06
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest. St. Louis County...Meat Lake in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Superior National Forest...T63N R 14W SE1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 22. 063N 14W 22, 47.9197222 -92.0980556
530944 Rood, A. 1079 1936-07-25
United States, Pennsylvania, Elk, Spring Creek Tp, Elk Co.
898381 Smith, Welby 28190 1999-08-24
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Aitkin County...About 2.5 miles N-NW of Pliny [pioneer cemetary N of McGrath]...T45N R23W NW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 20;Solana State Forest;045N;23W;20, 46.3680556 -93.2783333
919066 Whitfeld, T.J.S. s.n. 2010-06-12
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Dakota County, Vermilion Highland Research, Recreation, and Wildlife Management Area; 2.5 miles SSW of Coates.;Vermilion Highlands Wildlife Management Area, 44.6841667 -93.0594444, 295m
507981 Gerdes, Lynden 2996 1998-07-21
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Superior National Forest. T65N R04W S27NWSE. Cook County; Superior National Forest. Trail located north of pond and west off Cty 47 approx. 0.25 mile southeast of it's junction with the Gunflint Trail (Hwy 12).. 065N 04W 27, 48.084242 -90.825443
510883 US Nat. Arboretum staff 77-21 1977-00-00
Canada, Quebec, Parc de la Verendrye
162222 Sandberg, John s.n. 1885-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Tower;;062N;15W, 47.844133 -92.244235
162223 Roberts, Thomas s.n. 1878-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Duluth, 46.783273 -92.106579
162224 Arthur, J.; et al. 47A 1886-07-19
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Vermilion Lake, 47.879609 -92.346911
162226 Sandberg, John s.n. 1885-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Tower;;062N;15W, 47.844133 -92.244235
162227 Arthur, J.; et al. B341 1886-07-23
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co. [prob St. Louis Co. as the area where these collectors mostly worked], 47.589862 -92.461466
162228 Sandberg, John s.n. 1890-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Two Harbors;North Shore;052N;11W, 47.02278 -91.67056
162229 Sandberg, John s.n. 1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Carlton, Thomson;;048N;16W, 46.634249 -92.364588
162230 Scofield, J. s.n. 1892-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Carlton, Carlton Co., 46.588112 -92.68
224665 Rosendahl, C.; Butters, F. 4635 1924-07-03
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Near Hovland. Cook Co.;North Shore / Superior National Forest;062N;04E, 47.866844 -89.947879
224692 Stork, H. 1204 1925-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Itasca Co. Plants of Bowstring.;Chippewa National Forest, 47.543003 -93.796598
261976 Roberts, Thomas s.n. 1925-07-22
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Burntside Lake, Ely;Superior National Forest;063N;13W;00, 47.932053 -91.987863
273249 Rosendahl, C. 5989 1929-08-10
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Hat Point. Cook Co.;Grand Portage Indian Reservation / North Shore;063N;06E, 47.958468 -89.703576
276873 Huff, N. 77 1914-07-04
United States, Minnesota, Lake, North Kawishiwi River. Lake Co.;Superior National Forest, 47.900775 -91.387134
281992 Butters, F.; et al. 6237 1930-08-19
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Magnet Island. Cook Co.;North Shore / Susie Islands, The Nature Conservancy;063N;07E, 47.97148 -89.5569
298383 Moyle, J.; et al. 1888 1934-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; S side of wash at E end of Bass Lake, 8 mi NW of Ely;Superior National Forest;063N;12W, 47.933092 -91.861065
337585 Lakela, Olga 1617 1936-08-04
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Bayside, Duluth; Sec. 19 [other collections indicates this is in T49N R13W, Minnesota Point];Minnesota Point;049N;13W;19, 46.72833 -92.04778
338288 Rosendahl, C.; Moyle, J. 2191 1936-07-18
United States, Minnesota, Beltrami, Beltrami Co.; 3 mi. S of Waskish;Red Lake State Forest;154N;30W, 48.149321 -94.488234
351292 Benner, F.; Benner, J. 630 1929-08-21
United States, Minnesota, Cook, On crest of Hat Point E of Grand Portage.;Grand Portage Indian Reservation / North Shore;063N;06E, 47.958468 -89.703576
354058 Lakela, Olga 2597 1938-07-28
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; About 7 mi. NE of Palo;;057N;15W, 47.415324 -92.239713
354147 Lakela, Olga 2784 1938-09-02
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Palisades Park. Lake Co.;North Shore / Palisade Head;056N;07W;22, 47.32413 -91.213641
354854 Lakela, Olga 2548 1938-07-09
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, W cliff on Haines Road at Skyline Parkway, Duluth., 46.75948 -92.16473
361426 Lakela, Olga 4106 1940-08-18
United States, Minnesota, Pine, In a road cut on hwy 23, a mi N of Duquette, hwy 23, Carlton Co. [actually in Pine Co.];;045N;17W, 46.374491 -92.489103
362274 Lakela, Olga 3871 1940-08-01
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; 9 mi. S of Orr, on Hwy. 53;Kabetogama State Forest;063N;19W, 47.935346 -92.764296
367898 Carter, J.; et al. 46 1981-07-01
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis County...T63N R12W Sec. 3;Superior National Forest;063N;12W;03, 47.969369 -91.853506, 440m
368769 Lakela, Olga 4564 1941-07-24
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; ledges at Meander Lake, Echo Trail;Superior National Forest;065N;14W, 48.106883 -92.12638
368837 Lakela, Olga 4439 1941-06-29
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Along drainage ditch, Normanna Twp. 16 mi N of Duluth;;052N;13W, 46.981726 -91.984507
371657 Lakela, Olga 4608 1941-07-29
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake Co.; On Blueberry Hill near Little Marais;North Shore;057N;06W;18, 47.422321 -91.139912
372417 Lakela, Olga 4764 1941-08-13
United States, Minnesota, Carlton, Carlton Co.; roadside near Holyoke;;046N;16W, 46.460785 -92.362893
374089 Lakela, Olga 5204 1942-08-30
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Pine Co. Roadside S of Kerrick, Hwy. 53 [prob. hwy 23];;044N;18W, 46.287943 -92.615646
379065 Lakela, Olga 5364 1943-07-25
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, At the Roberts cabin, 16 mi. N of Duluth, 47.014901 -92.106579
383116 Moore, John; Hall, Robert 16103 1943-09-07
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Palisade Head;North Shore / Palisade Head;056N;07W;22, 47.32413 -91.213641
385917 Lakela, Olga 5723 1944-08-14
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake Co.; On Pancake Island in Lake Superior, between East Beaver Bay and the Palisade;North Shore;055N;07W;00, 47.278836 -91.274838
386107 Lakela, Olga 5763 1944-08-14
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake County...Pancake Island in Lake Superior, between East Beaver Bay and the Palisades;North Shore;055N;07W;00, 47.278836 -91.274838
392973 Lakela, Olga 6967 1947-07-27
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Henry Lakela's farm, Palo;;057N;15W, 47.415324 -92.239713
393230 Ownbey, Gerald; et al. 1079 1948-08-14
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook County...E end of Little Brick Island, Susie Islands near Grand Portage;North Shore / Susie Islands, The Nature Conservancy;063N;07E, 47.97376 -89.56844
393288 Ownbey, Gerald; et al. 1043 1948-08-13
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook County...Cliff near tip of N promentory of Susie Island, Susie Islands near Grand Portage;North Shore / Susie Islands, The Nature Conservancy;064N;07E, 47.994009 -89.575112
393859 Butters, F.; et al. 106 1938-07-11
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Top of cliff S of Rove Lake; T65N R1E. Cook Co.;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;065N;01E, 48.081055 -90.315189
393860 Abbe, E.; Abbe, L. 560 1937-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Island off SW end of Susie Island; T63N R7E. Cook Co.;North Shore / Susie Islands, The Nature Conservancy;063N;07E, 47.97375 -89.57883
393861 Dahl, A. 103 1945-06-18
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook Co.; Poplar Lake, Island #1; T64N R2W Sec. 1;Superior National Forest;064N;02W;1, 48.055732 -90.522779
393862 Nielsen, E. 1622 1932-09-09
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Clark's Bay, near Grand Portage;Grand Portage Indian Reservation / North Shore;064N;07E, 47.994009 -89.575112
393863 Burns, G.; Hendrickson, M. 418 1938-08-07
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cliff, E end of Hungry Jack Lake; T64N R1W. Cook Co.;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;064N;01W, 48.019271 -90.447457
407847 Lakela, Olga 8611 1949-06-27
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Bear Island Lake;Superior National Forest;061N;13W, 47.7588 -91.989255
413127 Moore, John; et al. 11808 1939-08-16
United States, Minnesota, Koochiching, Koochiching County...1 mi. south east of Tilson Bay, Rainy Lake;;071N;22W, 48.609164 -93.157413
416683 Lakela, Olga 8595 1949-06-26
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Bear Island Lake, SE of Ely;Superior National Forest;061N;13W, 47.7588 -91.989255
416841 Lakela, Olga 9494 1949-08-28
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Lake Kabetogama, Park Point Resort;Kabetogama State Forest;069N;21W, 48.456965 -93.026751
418941 Ahlgren, Clifford 474 1949-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Quetico-Superior Wilderness Research Center...Lake Co.; Sec. 9, T64N, R10W;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;064N;10W;09, 48.031651 -91.618862
419228 Briggs, John De Q.; Briggs, Marjorie 67 1945-08-03
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook Co.; Sawbill Trail.;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;062N;04W, 47.845796 -90.829882
419762 Lakela, Olga 10815 1950-07-24
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Pequaywan Lake Road, E St. Louis Co.;Cloquet Valley State Forest, 47.154469 -91.910925
420717 Lakela, Olga 11507 1950-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Curtain Falls Resort, Crooked Lake;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;066N;12W, 48.186787 -91.869968
420919 Lakela, Olga 10692 1950-07-16
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Below Skyline Parkway, 60th Ave. W, Duluth, 46.73917 -92.1734
421485 Ahlgren, Clifford 1154 1950-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Along portage trail 1/8 mi. W of Curtain Falls Crooked Lake;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;066N;12W, 48.186787 -91.869968
439560 Myhre, K. 4050 1993-07-07
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Banning State Park. Pine Co.; Located 4.5 miles NE of the town of Sandstone. Plants growing on the top of an escarpment of Log Drive Creek. Pine Co.; Located 4.5 miles NE of the town of Sandstone. Plants growing on the top of an escarpment of Log Drive Creek. T43N R20W NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 23.. 043N 20W 23, 46.194129 -92.834987
442613 Lakela, Olga 12547 1951-06-21
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, E Curtain Falls, Crooked Lake;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;066N;12W, 48.186787 -91.869968
442737 Lakela, Olga 13200 1951-07-13
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; On an island near Finger Bay, Rainy Lake;Voyageurs National Park, 48.534628 -92.760983
443316 Lakela, Olga 12781 1951-06-28
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Little Vermilion River, Minnesota-Ontario boundary;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;067N;16W, 48.268901 -92.428658
458717 Butler, Cindy 97072002 1997-07-20
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Aitkin Co.; 1.5 mi E of Co. 64 in Haugen Twp. T49N R22W SE1/4 of NW1/4 of SEc 11;Savanna State Forest;049N;22W;11, 46.745457 -93.094124
462537 Lakela, Olga 14998 1952-07-14
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Kabetogama Lake, N shore opposite Pine Island;Voyageurs National Park;069N;21W, 48.456965 -93.026751
463105 Lakela, Olga 14318 1952-06-19
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Cliffs on Gull Island, Namakan Lake, 5 mi from the Narrows;Voyageurs National Park;069N;17W, 48.428244 -92.527018
492816 Lakela, Olga 16895 1953-08-25
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Hwy no. 5, N of Toivola, 47.166882 -92.811028
492887 Lakela, Olga 16238 1953-07-19
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Vermilion Lake, Treasure Island area, 47.910471 -92.589612
492935 Lakela, Olga 16675 1953-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Lac La Croix near Lac La Croix Resort;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest, 48.343611 -92.122778
514902 Smith, Welby 19279 1991-07-09
United States, Minnesota, Koochiching, Pine Island State Forest. Koochiching Co.; about 5 miles southwest of Big Falls. Along Hickes Ridge Road, about 0.5 mile north of US Hwy 71. Aband Koochiching Co.; about 5 miles southwest of Big Falls. Along Hickes Ridge Road, about 0.5 mile north of US Hwy 71. Abandoned gravel pit; T 154N R 25W NE1/4 of SW1/4 [etc. 154N 25W 30, 48.127224 -93.8974991
518668 Boe, J. 94080901 1994-08-09
United States, Minnesota, Cass, Cass Co.; SE of Lake Winnibigoshish; T145N R27W NW1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 9;Chippewa National Forest / Leech Lake Indian Reservation;145N;27W;9, 47.391195 -94.105519
524515 Benner, F.; Benner, J. 706 1930-07-10
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Gunflint Trail. Camp Rockwood.;Superior National Forest, 47.5833 -92.5
526796 Lakela, Olga 17914 1954-07-23
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Gun Lake Resort, N of Ely;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;065N;12W, 48.10799 -91.864643
527455 Lakela, Olga 17768 1954-07-04
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co.; Bottle River above the falls, connecting Bottle Lake and Lac La Croix;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest, 48.247398 -91.980133
533176 Lakela, Olga; Elwell, M. 20300 1956-07-06
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake Co.; Lake Superior close to Two Harbors;North Shore;052N;11W;00, 46.997287 -91.751716
543432 Lakela, Olga; Davidson, Donald 21497 1957-07-24
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook Co.; Sec. 35, T63N, R5W;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;063N;05W;35, 47.89464 -90.926804
583464 Kellner, H. 338 1956-07-17
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake County...Cathedral Cliff Lookout Area, Encampment Forest;North Shore;053N;10W;11, 47.093409 -91.574194
622086 Ownbey, Gerald 4506 1971-07-15
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, Clearwater Co.; 2.2 mi north of Lake Itasca Post Office, above road cut;;144N;36W, 47.282324 -95.233417
663689 Noble, Mark; et al. 621 1975-07-05
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis County...Area burned in 1971 on Moose Loop, 28 mi NW of Ely, Superior Nat. For.;Superior National Forest;065N;14W, 48.106883 -92.12638
669811 Wheeler, Gerald s.n. 1975-07-14
United States, Minnesota, Lake, North Shore. Lake County...3 mi W of Beaver Bay, road leading to Lax Lake Site (Mile-post 7), next to Reserve Mining Co. rr tracks adjacent to road. 055N 08W 0, 47.250316 -91.359973
687464 Wheeler, Gerald; Glaser, Paul 1906 1977-07-07
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Itasca Co.; Collection Site no. 86, ca. 44 mi NE of Grand Rapids; SE1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 27 T62N R22W;;062N;22W;27, 47.82811 -93.136402
687674 Wheeler, Gerald; Glaser, Paul 2120 1977-07-18
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Itasca Co.; Collection Site no. 34, ca. 5.5 mi NW of Grand Rapids; SW1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 4 T55N R26W;;055N;26W;4, 47.274977 -93.650503
699056 Sather, Nancy; et al. 290 1976-07-21
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake Co. Plot 20, 1972 clearcut; SE1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 26 T62N R11W;Superior National Forest;062N;11W;26, 47.82698 -91.693362
699058 Sather, Nancy; et al. 152 1976-06-29
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Plot #19; SE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 25 T60N R12W;Superior National Forest;060N;12W;25, 47.651272 -91.805106
709828 Wheeler, Gerald 4846 1979-09-07
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Ca. 2 mi NW of Cohasset on hwy 2, near a drainage ditch;;N, 47.29721 -93.70307
711504 Smith, Welby 1139 1979-07-16
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake County..."Chapin's Point", 1.3 mi NE of Split Rock Lighthouse; T 54N R 8W NE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 6;North Shore;054N;08W;06, 47.192101 -91.400106
717883 Lustig, K. 99 1978-06-24
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook Co.; Eagle Mountain, near trail; T63N R2W Sec. 34;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;063N;02W;34, 47.897568 -90.564383
730016 Phelps, V. 22 1980-06-20
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Pine Co. Kettle River Natural Area, 5.5 mi E of Hinckley; NW1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 15 T41N R20W;Kettle River Scientific Natural Area / Sandstone National Wildlife Refuge;041N;20W;15, 46.033005 -92.85662
749324 Wheeler, Gerald 5587 1981-07-14
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Palisade Head, ca. 1.5 mi SW of Baptism River [=Tettegouche] State Park on rte 61; T56N R7W Sec. 22;North Shore / Palisade Head;056N;07W;22, 47.32413 -91.213641
772498 Boe, J. 639 1979-07-09
United States, Minnesota, Lake of the Woods, Lake of the Woods Co.; Near Norris Camp, trail near old Forestry house; T159N R35W Sec. 3;Beltrami Island State Forest;159N;35W;3, 48.619708 -95.137453
772576 Boe, J. 942 1979-07-19
United States, Minnesota, Lake of the Woods, Lake of the Woods Co.; 6.0 mi SW of Range Line on Rapid River road; T157N R34W Sec. 29;Beltrami Island State Forest / Red Lake Indian Reservation;157N;34W;29, 48.387936 -95.048032
772750 Boe, J. 825 1979-07-15
United States, Minnesota, Lake of the Woods, Angle Inlet, near rock outcrops; T168N R34W N1/2 Sec. 31;Northwest Angle;168N;34W;31, 49.330728 -95.081536
817750 Berlin, N. 331 1980-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook Co.; Susie Island Archipelago;North Shore / Susie Islands, The Nature Conservancy;064N;07E, 47.994009 -89.575112