828065 Lawrence, Donald B. s.n. 1968-08-11
United States, Alaska, Glacier Bay National Park. Sebree 'mountain' above Sebree Cove, Glacier National Park, southeastern Alaska ... T 36 S, R 55 E, Sec 2. 'Station A' of Lawrence. 036S 55E 2, 58.797845 -136.458473, 671m
906360 Gronewold, C.A. 1000 2008-09-18
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, On the south side of Grove Park, Falcon Heights, MN on the abandoned trolley path directly west of Cleveland Avenue., 44.989118 -93.188108
599702 Cooper, William S. 282 1929-07-22
United States, Alaska, Glacier Bay, Station 22.;Glacier Bay National Park, 58.797845 -136.458473
599658 Cooper, William S. 220 1929-07-20
United States, Alaska, Glacier Bay, Station 18.;Glacier Bay National Park, 58.97674 -136.09684
347172 Moyle, J. 2839 1937-08-13
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Near Lanesboro, 43.720797 -91.976822
387655 Abbe, E.C.; Abbe, L.B. 549 1937-08-19
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook Co. Long Island. T63N R7E;North Shore / Susie Islands, The Nature Conservancy;063N;07E, 47.726653 -90.386005
428328 Smith, Welby 13916 1987-09-01
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Murphy-Hanraha Regional Park, on the S side of Hanrahan Lake, about 2 mi W on Burnsville...SW1/4 NW1/4 sec.34, T115N R21W. 115N 21W 34, 44.7277794 -93.3530579
429566 Smith, Welby R. 20885 1992-07-15
United States, Minnesota, Marshall, Old Mill State Park, about 11 miles east of Argyle; along the Middle River T 156N R 46W NW1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 4, 48.360278 -96.570278
429901 Wheeler, Gerald 10436 1988-05-24
United States, Minnesota, Norman, Ca. 1 mi. E of Twin Valley, Wild Rice River (N bank); N1/2 SW1/4 Sec. 26 T144N R44W (Wild Rice Township);;144N;44W;26, 47.259358 -96.238168
456573 Schimpf, D. 184 1983-08-24
United States, Minnesota, Cook, R-6E, T-64N, S-30, NW of Visitor Center 2.5 to 3 mi.;Grand Portage National Monument / North Shore;064N;06E;30, 47.959234 -89.821113
457239 U.S. Fish & Wildlife personnel s.n. 1996-07-03
United States, Minnesota, Sherburne, Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge...NENW 16-35-27 (FQURU1T09-7), 45.490813 -93.721671
51282 Rosendahl, C. 2287 1909-07-15
United States, Minnesota, Ft. Snelling Reservation [old regional park spanning junction of Minnesota and Mississippi rivers];;028N;23W, 46.3331 -94.2326
51284 Manning, Sara s.n. 1883-08-29
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Central Point [pioneer town on Sand Point, Lake Pepin];Frontenac State Park;112N;13W;12, 44.507468 -92.326291
524771 Benner, F.R.; Benner, J.S. s.n. 1938-06-21
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cross River - Lake Superior;North Shore / Superior National Forest;059N;05W;01, 48.092486 -90.774657
526567 Merrell, Ted s.n. 1947-10-13
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Sec.3, T112, R20;;112N;20W;3, 44.536863 -93.211382
558281 Moore, John 23584 1957-09-19
United States, Minnesota, Isanti, N of the Cornea House, Cedar Creek Forest;Cedar Creek National History Area;034N;23W, 45.427003 -93.213088
590196 Voss, E. 10123 1961-07-18
United States, Minnesota, Cook, between Pigeon River and Clark Bay;Grand Portage Indian Reservation / North Shore;064N;07E, 47.9667 -89.7667
616412 Moore, John 399 1969-07-31
United States, Minnesota, Crow Wing, Crow Wing Natural History Area. S end of Chandler Lake, SW1/4, Sec.22, Garrison Twp.;Crow Wing Natural Area;044N;28W;22, 46.278961 -93.86289
618920 Lehnert, W. s.n. 1958-07-20
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Eden Prairie Twp.;;116N;22W, 44.854686 -93.470786
681675 Peck, J. 77091029 1977-09-10
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Whitewater State Park;Whitewater State Park;107N;10W, 44.042035 -92.049333
703032 Ownbey, Gerald 6316 1979-08-10
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Wabasha Co. T111N, R12W, Sec.13, SW1/4. Rt.61, 1.8 mi W of Maple Springs; ca. 2 mi SE of jnc. of Co. #4 with U.S. 61, La Wabasha Co. T111N, R12W, Sec.13, SW1/4. Rt.61, 1.8 mi W of Maple Springs; ca. 2 mi SE of jnc. of Co. #4 with U.S. 61, Lake City. 111N 12W 13, 44.409684 -92.198332
706863 Downer, C. 24 1975-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Becker, 0.9 mi W of Rt.127 on Rt.44. T142N, R36W, NW1/4, Sec.28, Savannah Twp.;;142N;36W;28, 47.089738 -95.248743
737301 Kachman, R. 425 1980-08-19
United States, Minnesota, Steele, Rice Lake State Park in woods SE of contact station;Rice Lake State Park;107N;19W, 44.085218 -93.058118
774410 Monson, Paul 5765 1983-08-06
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Voyageur's National Park. R-19W, T-69N, SE1/4, S-34. Namakan Lake, Hoist Bay. Research Station grounds;Voyageurs National Park;069N;19W;34, 48.483546 -92.838098
774411 Monson, Paul 5776 1983-08-06
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Voyageurs National Park. Voyageur's National Park. R-19W, T-69N, SE1/4 S-34. Namakan Lake, Hoist Bay. Research Station grounds. At Voyageur's National Park. St. Louis Co. R-19W, T-69N, SE1/4 S-34. Namakan Lake, Hoist Bay. Research Station grounds. At W side of cabins. 069N 19W 34, 48.483546 -92.838098
836224 Cholewa, A.; Engels, A. 2250 1995-06-23
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Savanna Portage State Park. Aitkin Co. Savanna Portage State Park, about 17 mi NE of McGregor, N of old homestead site on W end of Wolf Lake, T50N R Aitkin Co. Savanna Portage State Park, about 17 mi NE of McGregor, N of old homestead site on W end of Wolf Lake, T50N R22W S6 NE1/4. 050N 22W 6, 46.850494 -93.192696
625323 Ahles, H.E. 75808 1972-08-07
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, Horse Mt, Hatfield, 42.370923 -72.598145
928632 Gudmundson, Barbara 102 1964-09-11
United States, Minnesota, Brown, Cottonwood Township; group camp.;Flandrau State Park [T109N;R30W;S5], 44.275761 -94.462169
928634 Gudmundson, Barbara 184 1965-06-02
United States, Minnesota, Brown, Stately Township; west falls of Hagemann Prairie Falls. [T108N;R35W], 44.151569 -95.049103
928625 Gudmundson, Barbara s.n. 1965-06-02
United States, Minnesota, Brown, Stately Township; west falls of Hagemann Prairie Falls [T108N;R35W], 44.151569 -95.049103
934908 Whitfeld, T.J.S. 783 2011-09-06
United States, Minnesota, Chisago, UTM: 15T0519840, 5042913;Wild River State Park, 45.53947 -92.7458761
265632 Smith, Welby R. 30606 2007-08-21
United States, Minnesota, Beltrami, About 9 miles northwest of Blackduck. NW of NW of section;;150N;32W;14, 47.8145004 -94.7166641
939900 Smith, Welby R. 30763 2007-09-05
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, About 12 miles N-NW of Virginia. T60N R18W NW1/4 of SW1/4 of sec 16, 47.680828 -92.6434913
98683 Smith, Welby R. 32067 2010-08-27
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, About 0.5 mile east of Kitzville. NW of NE of section;;057N;20W;04, 47.4509351 -92.8787085
492635 Smith, Welby R. 30710 2007-08-24
United States, Minnesota, Koochiching, Koochiching State Forest. About 10 miles east of Big Falls. T66N R25W SE1/4 of SW1/4 of section 20, 48.188056 -93.586944
939939 Smith, Welby R. 30722 2007-08-24
United States, Minnesota, Koochiching, Along Hwy 65. NE of SW of section; Nett Lake Indian Reservation; T65N; R23W; NE1/4 of SW1/4 of sec 16, 48.1163889 -93.3066667
939888 Smith, Welby R. 30775 2007-09-05
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, About 7 miles northwest of Cook. SE of SW of section;;063N;19W;19, 47.923611 -92.821667
939874 Smith, Welby R. 30789 2007-09-05
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Along the Taconite State Trail. T60N R20W SW1/4 of NE1/4 of sect 16 [Superior National Forest], 47.6845711 -92.8726199
939866 Smith, Welby R. 30797 2007-09-06
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, About 6 miles southeast of Hibbing. NW of SW of section;;056N;19W;06, 47.3623126 -92.5515897
941952 Smith, Welby R. 29956 2007-05-22
United States, Minnesota, Freeborn, on the east side of Lower Twin Lake. NE of SE of section;Ann and Leo Donahue Wildlife Management Area;101N;22W;11, 43.5617633 -93.4321641
941954 Smith, Welby R. 29944 2007-05-22
United States, Minnesota, Freeborn, Myre Big Island State Park; about two miles SE of Albert Lea. NE of NW of section; T102N R21W S23, 43.622385 -93.318704
941996 Smith, Welby R. 32332 2010-09-14
United States, Minnesota, Waseca, about 4 miles south of Waseca. NW of NE of section;Courthouse County Park;106N;23W;01, 44.0196506 -93.5328604
941999 Smith, Welby R. 32328 2010-09-14
United States, Minnesota, Waseca, About 3 miles east of Waseca on the south side of Goose Lake. SW of SW of section;Goose Lake County Park;107N;22W;14, 44.0684874 -93.4428684
941983 Smith, Welby R. 32345 2010-09-24
United States, Minnesota, Rice, about 4 miles west of Morristown. se of se of section;Sakatah Lake State Park;109n;22w;19, 44.227829 -93.5086199
941914 Smith, Welby R. 29995 2007-05-29
United States, Minnesota, Scott, about 5 miles south of Shakopee. NE of NW of section;Cleary Lake County Park;114N;21W;18, 44.6861122 -93.3930135
941917 Smith, Welby R. 29991 2007-05-29
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, the Holland Lake area. SW of NW of section;Lebanon Hills County Park;027N;23W;35, 44.7855977 -93.1432388
941951 Smith, Welby R. 29957 2007-05-27
United States, Minnesota, McLeod, at the southeast end of Winsted Lake. SW of SE of section;William May County Park;117N;27W;12, 44.9521933 -94.0187264
941929 Smith, Welby R. 29979 2007-05-28
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, in Shoreview. SE of NE of section;Poplar Lake County Park;030N;23W;01, 45.119131 -93.1105064
941958 Smith, Welby R. 29940 2007-05-19
United States, Minnesota, Wright, on the north side of Lake Mary. NE of SE of section;Ney County Park;121N;26W;30, 45.2586111 -93.995
941876 Smith, Welby R. 30332 2007-07-17
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Where Hwy 18 crosses Snake River. NE of NE of section;;043N;23W;16, 46.2144196 -93.2449171
941742 Smith, Welby R. 30345 2007-07-17
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, about 3 miles south of Tamarack (town). NE of SW of section;Salo Marsh Wildlife Management Area;048N;22W;35, 46.5980364 -93.0990708
941720 Smith, Welby R. 30366 2007-07-17
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, About 11 miles north of Aitkin (town). NE of NE of section;;049N;26W;31, 46.6939024 -93.678865
941733 Smith, Welby R. 30353 2007-07-17
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, about 8 miles south of Hill City. SW of SW of section;Hay Point Wildlife Management Area;051N;26W;27, 46.8731466 -93.6314642
942013 Smith, Welby R. 32314 2010-09-07
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Just northeast of the junction of Highways 110 and 16 near Fairbanks. NW of SW of section;;0057;013;33, 47.3766808 -92.0004719
941901 Smith, Welby R. 30307 2007-07-13
United States, Minnesota, Beltrami, about 5 mmiles north of Solway. NE of NE of section;Mississippi Headwaters State Forest;147N;35W;03, 47.583793 -95.1030177
941898 Smith, Welby R. 30310 2007-07-13
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, about 7 miles NE of Bagley. NW of SE of section;Old Red Lake Trail Wildlife Management Area;148N;37W;24, 47.6206998 -95.3051467
941884 Smith, Welby R. 30324 2007-07-13
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, Where County Road 5 crosses the Clearwater River, about 9 miles north of Clearbrook. NW of NW of section;;150N;37W;08, 47.830965 -95.4257341
100287 Smith, Welby R. 32088A 2010-08-26
United States, Minnesota, Cook, At the public access to Irish Creek, about 6 miles north of Hovland. SW of SW of section;;063N;04E;17, 47.933333 -89.9666667
941980 Smith, Welby R. 32348 2010-09-24
United States, Minnesota, Rice, Rest stop on north-bound I35 about 6 miles west of Northfield. SW of NE of section;;111N;21W;01, 44.45 -93.2833333
950775 Stork, H.E. s.n. 1927-05-14
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Welch. Red Wing. Lake City collection, 44.562468 -92.533801
950776 Olson s.n. 1954-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Chisholm, 47.489097 -92.883796
931836 Saby, M.S. 65 (2) 1906-08-00
Canada, British Columbia, Minnesota Seaside Station, near Port Renfrew, Vancouver Island, 48.55 -124.416667
931835 Saby, M.S. 64 1906-08-00
Canada, British Columbia, Minnesota Seaside Station, near Port Renfrew, Vancouver Island, 48.55 -124.416667
508175 Kaul, R.; D. Sutherland 3059 1971-07-22
United States, Idaho, Idaho, Along the Lochsa River near where the highway joins the river west of Lolo Pass., 44.700534 -115.290039
54368 Rusby, Henry H. 3731 1879-00-00
United States, New Jersey, Verona, 40.829822 -74.240147
549613 Umbach, L.M. 4762 1909-09-02
United States, Wisconsin, Williams Bay, 42.578072 -88.540933
51272 Manning, Sara M. s.n. 1882-08-22
United States, Massachusetts, Medford, 42.41843 -71.106164
622606 Blais, V.; J. Lecompte, R. Lacroix 12,10,32 1969-08-12
Canada, Quebec, Parc du Mont Orford, Basiin du ruisseau des Hetres., 45.316667 -72.233333
620996 Holmgren, Noel H.; Barton L Berthers 3847 1969-08-10
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Southern Schell Creek Range, east slope of Mount Grafton. T.10 N, R. 65 E, Sec. 31., 39.805862 -114.799537, 2438m
625322 Ahles, H.E. 75808 1972-08-07
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, Horse Mt, Hatfield, 42.370923 -72.598145
649293 Taylor, John; Connie Taylor 13809 1973-07-07
United States, Oklahoma, LeFlore, along Pigeon Creek about 7 miles Southeast of Big Cedar near Forest road #26, 34.561463 -94.54603
649393 Taylor, John; Connie Taylor 12163 1972-08-23
Canada, Ontario, 49 miles South of Wawa, along Highway 17., 47.290792 -84.783333
358032 Scheuber, Emma s.n. 1901-07-25
United States, Montana, Livingston, 45.66188 -110.562428
622503 Rolland-Germain, Fr. 37420 1966-08-10
Canada, Quebec, Saint-Adolphe d'Howard, comté d'Argenteuil., 47.063889 -71.309444
534593 Dunn, David B. 10486 1954-08-06
United States, Montana, Flathead, Soil Site 40; About 2 mi. NNW of Coram. W side Sec. 20, T. 31 N, R. 19 W., 48.63333 -113.75028, 1067m
543772 Dunn, David B. 10996 1954-08-15
United States, Montana, Flathead, Soil Site 1; SW of Hwy. 2 and the S Fork of the Flathead R.; 2 mi. W of Martin City., 48.63333 -113.75028, 991m
597904 Bozeman, John R.; George S. Ramseur, A.E. Radford 45199 1966-09-10
United States, North Carolina, Yancey, near Stepps Gap, 35.744839 -82.278178
702285 Payette, Yves 76-184 1976-07-21
Canada, Quebec, Saint-Jerome, comté de Prévost. Ile des Fréres., 45.766667 -74
716486 Sheldon, Clara R. 4552 1907-09-27
United States, West Virginia, Monongalia, Morgantown, 39.629526 -79.955897
800903 Garton, C.E. 23118 1983-08-16
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay Dist. S.W. corner of McIntyre Bay opposite Breakwater Pt, L. Nipigon., 49.483333 -88.8
Timothy J. S. Whitfeld 3499 2022-08-26
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Crystal Spring Scientific and Natural Area, 0.4 miles northeast of the intersection of Scandia Trail North and Hwy 95, 45.25996 -92.768047, 283m
281512 Mexia, Ynes 1252 1926-12-08
Mexico, Jalisco, Santa Cruz de Vallarta, 15.74952 -96.126841, 300m
485100 Herrera, Gerardo 3731 1989-10-20
Costa Rica, Limon, Talamanca, 1 km downstream from the confluence of the Rio Uk and Rio Kuk, 9.861509 -84.011963, 2250m
304197 Mexia, Ynes 533 1926-09-10
Mexico, Nayarit, Road from Tepic to Los Aguacotes, 21.509505 -104.895691, 1000m
51227 Kallstrom, Joh. s.n. 1897-07-00
Norway, Lille ehedal Gronfjeld
51230 Schlyter, C.O. s.n. 1887-08-26
Norway, Gudbrandsdalen, Innlandet, 62 10
51226 Landmark, J.R. s.n. 1900-00-00
51231 s.n. 1868-06-19
Switzerland, In mountains from Sonceboz to Chafseral, 47.197363 7.178978
51229 Warodell, Emil s.n. 1894-07-20
51228 Bagenholm, G. s.n. 1907-08-02
Sweden, 900m
51233 Magnusson, Axel s.n. 1995-08-25
Sweden, Jemtlandia, Areskutan
343515 Warodell, Emil 750 1913-08-14
Sweden, Norrland, Jämtland, ad Storlien, 63.316667 12.1
552888 Krajina, Vlad 207 1931-09-10
Slovakia, septentrionalis: montes Vysoké Tatry,... in Mugheto explentibus in valle Mlynica [the north: the mountains of High Tatry, in the Mugheto fulfilling his commands, in the valley of Mlynica], 49.136368 20.243862, 1580m
261048 Lauzs, H. s.n. 1907-07-00
Czech Republic, Moravia: sudetica; Gr. Kesseli. geseuke [?], 49.5 17
51234 Kerner, F. 2702
Austria, Tirolia centralis...prope Trins in valle Gschnitz, 47.05 11.366667, 1600m
50848 Bar, Haus s.n. 1899-08-00
Austria, Tyrol [remainder illegible], 47 11, 76 - 1900m
51235 s.n. 1883-09-00
Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Feldberg [Black forest mountain], 50.356092 10.020943
51358 Zetterstedt, J.E. s.n. 1868-08-28
Norway, Norge, Gudbrandsdalen, Ringeboe, Elstad trans fluvium [other side of river] Laugen, 59.510883 10.137869
51352 Budden, E.J. s.n. 1903-07-08
Finland, [illegible] Pielavesi, Siev vilanlahti, Korkiakoski [?], 63.8 25.1
51356 Montell, Justus s.n. 1898-07-13
Finland, Northern Ostrobothnia, Kuusamo, 66 29.25