Search Results (List)

Dataset: MIN
Taxa: Boraginaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 2323

University of Minnesota Herbarium

Tiquilia nuttallii (Hooker) A.T. Richardson
794636Schaaf, J.   111982-07-28
United States, Nevada, Pershing, Pershing Co. ... Humboldt River ... Arch. site 26PE350, 1219m

794880Schaaf, J.   1651982-07-10
United States, California, Placer, Tahoe City, Truckee River, 1920m

Image Associated With the Occurence
959941Bennett, H.R.   80571962-07-16
United States, New Mexico, Santa fe, along Borrego Trail, 1/2 mile north of Hyde State Park, in Sangre de Cristo Mts, upper part of Transition Zone, 9 miles N.W. from Santa Fe.

Hackelia floribunda (Lehm.) I.M. Johnst.
294001Nash, A.   41601965-07-10
United States, Wyoming, Park, Clematis Gulch;Yellowstone National Park

Hackelia floribunda (Lehm.) I.M. Johnst.
396113Nash, A.   41591965-07-10
United States, Wyoming, Park, Clematis Gulch;Yellowstone National Park

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hackelia floribunda (Lehm.) I.M. Johnst.
952268Stork, H.E.   s.n.1929-08-00
United States, Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone National Park

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hackelia floribunda (Lehm.) I.M. Johnst.
952269Lampen, D.   s.n.1923-08-00
United States, Montana, Glacier National Park

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
479043Wheeler, Gerald   164411997-06-30
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, Chippewa Co.; Ca. 4.5 mi. NW of Granite Falls on Palmer Creek Road; SE1/4 NE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 18 T116N R39W (Granite Falls 18). 116N 39W 18, 44.849247 -95.600833

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
511258Anderson, Craig   8392000-05-16
United States, Minnesota, Pope, Pope County ... T124N R39W: 1/4 of NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sect. 23;Glacial Lakes State Park;124N;39W;23, 45.5348415 -95.5313658

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
509234Wheeler, Gerald   194401998-06-25
United States, Minnesota, Sibley, Sibley County ... Ca. 8.5 mi. ESE of Green Isle; 4.5 mi. WSW of the jct. of Rte. 6 and Rte. 25; N of road (Rte. 6). ... N1/2 NE1/4 Sec. 5 T113N R25W. 113N 25W 5, 44.6189792 -93.8525311

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
914642Smith, Welby   225631993-06-22
United States, Minnesota, Stevens, Hornings Pit Wildlife Management Area. Stevens County...Horning's Pit State Wildlife Management Area, about 10 miles west-northwest of Donnelly...T 126N R 44W SW1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 18. 126N 44W 18, 45.7244444 -96.2433333

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
510583Wheeler, Gerald   195831999-05-14
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Pipestone County ... NW edge of Pipestone; Hiawatha State Game Refuge... N1/2 NW1/4 Sec. 1 T106N R46W (Sweet 1);Pipestone Wildlife Management Area;106N;46W;1, 44.0158476 -96.3176691

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
426753Wheeler, Gerald   169661997-08-07
United States, Minnesota, Swift, Swift County ... Ca. 12 mi. N of Murdock on Rte. 33, W of road ... SE1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 7 T122N R37W (Kerkhoven 7);;122N;37W;07, 45.3689922 -95.3164934

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
489052Bosch, T.   222001-05-25
United States, Minnesota, Big Stone, Approx. 0.5 mile east of Hwy. 75 and 2 miles south of Hwy. 7.;;120N;45W;01, 45.2325 -96.236536

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
854996Wheeler, Gerald A.   161941997-06-25
United States, Minnesota, Renville, Ca. 2 mi. WSW of Morton on Rte. 15; NW1/4 SW1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 20 T112N R33W (Camp 20), 44.4885888 -94.8423467

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
510281Wheeler, Gerald   196881999-05-17
United States, Minnesota, Traverse, Traverse County ... Ca. 3 mi. SW of jct. of Rte(s). 27 and 117, SE of Rte. 27 ... E1/2 NE1/4 Sec. 13 T126N R48W;;126N;48W;13, 45.7235437 -96.6461699

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
906845Smith, Welby   308922008-06-12
United States, Minnesota, Benton, Michaelson Farm Wildlife Management Area. Benton County...In Michaelson Farm State Wildlife Management Area, about 2 miles S-SW of Rice...T38N R31W SW1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 32. 038N 31W 32, 45.7377778 -94.2233333

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
561125Kiefer, Gretel   591998-05-23
United States, Minnesota, Douglas, Douglas Co ... Kensington- 0.3 mile S of Elk Lake Rd. and County Line Rd. intersection (E side); T128N R40W 31 NW4;;128N;40W;31, 45.854206 -95.74843

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179209Moyer, Lycurgus   30491897-05-26
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, Montevideo;;117N;40W, 44.94026 -95.725921

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179210G. & L.   30491885-05-20
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, Montevideo;;117N;40W, 44.94026 -95.725921

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179211Manning, Sara   30491884-06-09
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Lake City;;N, 44.446226 -92.274397

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179212Manning, C.   30491880-05-30
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Lake City;;N, 44.446226 -92.274397

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179213Moyer, Lycurgus   s.n.1903-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Big Stone, Big Stone Lake;;N, 45.409244 -96.610864

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179214Campbell, Jennie   C1221892-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, Grand Lake. Stearns Co.;;123N;29W, 45.436726 -94.337004

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179215Sheldon, Edmund   S38021892-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Otter Tail, Pelican Lake;;N, 46.699403 -96.02061

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179216Campbell, Jennie   C1431896-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, St. Cloud;;N, 45.55 -94.15

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179217Frost, W.   T60a1892-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Meeker, Litchfield;;N, 45.119433 -94.52839

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179218Burglehaus, F.   s.n.1892-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.969279 -93.263149

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179221Burglehaus, F.   s.n.1892-05-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.969279 -93.263149

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179222Sandberg, John   s.n.1890-05-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, [no further data], 45 -93.47

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179223Aiton, G.   s.n.1891-05-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Near Minneapolis;;N, 44.969279 -93.263149

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179224Sandberg, John   s.n.1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Cannon Falls;;N, 44.512053 -92.904797

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179225Sandberg, John   s.n.1886-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, [no further data], 44.419252 -92.721375

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179226Wirkrrshrim, W.   s.n.1891-05-00
United States, Minnesota, Lincoln, Idlewild [pioneer village in sec. 18 of Ash Lake Township]. Lincoln Co.;;111N;45W;18, 44.42271 -96.31291

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179227Sandberg, John   s.n.1882-05-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Cannon Falls;;N, 44.512053 -92.904797

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179228Menzel, Max   s.n.1892-05-00
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Pipestone [assuming the quarry area; town generally noted as "Pipestone City" by collector];Pipestone National Monument;106N;46W;01, 44.01585 -96.31767

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179229Sheldon, Edmund   S7981891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Brown, Sleepy Eye;;110N;32W, 44.29756 -94.72601

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179230Wheeler, William   4501899-07-31
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Jefferson;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;101N;04W;35, 43.50806 -91.28287

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179231Aiton, G.   s.n.1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.969279 -93.263149

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179233Frost, W.   F67a1892-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Meeker, Litchfield;;N, 45.119433 -94.52839

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179234Kassube, J.   s.n.1878-05-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.969279 -93.263149

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179235Herrick, C.   s.n.1878-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.969279 -93.263149

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179236Sandberg, John   521891-05-13
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Prospect Park;;N, 44.971242 -93.205491

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179409Ainslie, G.   30491902-05-24
United States, Minnesota, Olmsted, Rochester;;106N;14W, 43.97834 -92.49834

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179410Rosendahl, C.   2311902-05-31
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Spring Grove;;101N;07W, 43.5439231 -91.6707002

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
179627Sandberg, John   30351891-05-00
United States, Minnesota, W shore of Lake S., 46 -94

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
263877Holzinger, John   s.n.1901-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona Co.;;N, 43.988735 -91.68944

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
271238Cox, E.   s.n.1905-04-30
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.969279 -93.263149

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
271243Schons, E.   s.n.1906-05-19
United States, Minnesota, Reservation, Snelling [old regional park spanning junction of Minnesota and Mississippi rivers];;028N;23W, 44.9051624 -93.1664625

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
288197Cady, LeRoy   s.n.1907-05-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Fort Snelling;Fort Snelling Military Reservation;028N;23W, 44.892785 -93.193915

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
298219Moyle, J.; et al.   17001934-08-14
United States, Minnesota, Otter Tail, NW shore of Paul Lake, 46.596454 -95.699364

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
332258Rosendahl, C.   41821920-09-08
United States, Minnesota, Otter Tail, Bluff near Battle Lake;;133N;40W, 46.28538 -95.713315

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
351232Seashore, Mauritz   s.n.1932-05-20
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Savage;;115N;21N, 44.75695 -93.365518

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
352408Rosendahl, C.; et al.   29921935-05-19
United States, Minnesota, Lincoln, Lake Benton;;109N;45W, 44.24108 -96.26172

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
356694Stevens, O.   3231938-05-18
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Muskoda [historic RR station near Hawley];;139N;45W;17, 46.854548 -96.396768

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
367487Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie   104661938-09-13
United States, Minnesota, Traverse, 5 mi. S of Boisberg;;N, 45.847843 -96.561458

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
367811Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie   125341940-05-21
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, 1/2 mi. below Welch, along the r.r.;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;N, 44.561059 -92.738532

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
367921Moore, John; et al.   128831940-05-28
United States, Minnesota, Big Stone, Bluffs near Big Stone Lake, 1 mi N of Ortonville. Big Stone Co., 45.3192 -96.44444

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
368237Moore, John; et al.   128411940-05-27
United States, Minnesota, Traverse, Along the r.r. right-of-way. SW1/4 Sec. 18, Lake Valley Twp. Traverse Co., 45.772184 -96.471643

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
368298Moore, John; et al.   129061940-05-28
United States, Minnesota, Swift, Just NW of Danvers, on Hwy. 12, Swift Co.;;121N;41W, 45.285287 -95.77018

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
370013Moore, John; et al.   139331941-05-11
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Fillmore Co. Along Hwy. 16, 1 mi NE of Preston;;103N;10W, 43.681403 -92.02457

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
372864Moore, John; et al.   143631941-06-14
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Ca. 1/2 mi. SW of Fertile, 47.529684 -96.289544

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
373236Marr, J.   6831940-05-26
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Mouth of Nine-Mile Creek;;N, 44.848262 -93.350798

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
381841Allison, Helen   s.n.1944-05-24
United States, Minnesota, Grant, Grant Co., 45.934046 -96.012184

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
393831Brown, Spencer   91935-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Grand Portage;Grand Portage Indian Reservation / North Shore;063N;06E, 47.958468 -89.703576

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
393832Butters, F.; Burns, G.   7161940-07-05
United States, Minnesota, Cook, W of Morrison Bay;Grand Portage Indian Reservation / North Shore;064N;07E, 47.994009 -89.575112

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
393842Loula, E.   171938-07-20
United States, Minnesota, Cook, T64N, R01E, Sec. 32.;Superior National Forest;064N;01E;32, 47.983144 -90.350333

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
393949Butters, F.; Abbe, E.   311936-06-18
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Along the trail near the mouth of the Manitou River;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;N, 47.605773 -91.293541

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
410024Anderson, G.   311880-05-13
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Lake Calhoun;;N, 44.941864 -93.311733

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
412344Moore, John; et al.   100441937-07-28
United States, Minnesota, Kandiyohi, 2 mi. W and 6 mi. N of Willmar, 45.208786 -95.084388

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
437076Moore, John; Hall, Robert   166051944-06-14
United States, Minnesota, Renville, Renville Co.; near bridge, Highway 19 at Morton.;;113N;34W, 44.548231 -94.992593

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
437280Moore, John; Hall, Robert   165051944-06-12
United States, Minnesota, Murray, 6.5 mi E of Lake Wilson on hwy 47;;140N;43W, 43.996558 -95.821928

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
446091Moore, John   172021945-06-16
United States, Minnesota, Marshall, 10 1/2 mi. E of Warren;;N, 48.196417 -96.544857

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
447191Wheeler, Gerald   157571997-05-25
United States, Minnesota, Nicollet, Nicollet Co.; Ca. 4 mi. SE of Fort Ridgely State Park on Rte. 21, NE of road; W1/2 NE1/3 SE1/3 Sec. 15 T111N R32W (Ridge Nicollet Co.; Ca. 4 mi. SE of Fort Ridgely State Park on Rte. 21, NE of road; W1/2 NE1/3 SE1/3 Sec. 15 T111N R32W (Ridgely 15). 111N 32W 15, 44.4200607 -94.6742973

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
448227Abbott, Robinson   s.n.1962-05-29
United States, Minnesota, Stevens, Stevens County...P.d.T. [Pomme de Terre], N. of Morris, 45.701159 -95.860937

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
448807Moore, John; et al.   176641945-07-10
United States, Minnesota, Jackson, Sioux Valley, 43.522292 -95.3046432

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
449209Moore, John; et al.   169211945-05-28
United States, Minnesota, Redwood, Cottonwood River S of Sanborn, Redwood Co.;;109N;36W, 44.203174 -95.128274

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
455249McAndrews, John   581958-05-24
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Dakota Co. 1/2 mi. E of Nichols;;027N;23W, 44.818752 -93.166817

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
455276Ownbey, Gerald; Moore, John   44141971-06-06
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington Co.; Afton State Park; bluff across from Afton Alps ski resort, T 27 N, R 20 W, NE 1/4 Sect. 3;Afton State Park;027N;20W;3, 44.8549031 -92.7913367

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
455344Spetzman, L.   631948-05-15
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Cedar Creek Bog, Anoka Co.;Cedar Creek National History Area;034N;23W, 45.428063 -93.203997

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
466730Kruse, K.   032 KMK1994-05-29
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Frontenac State Park. Goodhue Co.; T: 112N R: 13W Sec: 11 Quarter Sec: NW NW; site #2.;Frontenac State Park;112N;13W;11, 44.5199905 -92.3392244

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
500762Moore, John   205141950-05-26
United States, Minnesota, Freeborn, Along the N shore of Freeborn Lake at Freeborn;;N, 43.765666 -93.568657

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
503043Moore, John   205581950-06-06
United States, Minnesota, Stevens, At the N end of Lower Pomme de Terre Lake;;N, 46.034862 -95.892525

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
542728Moore, John   217111952-06-04
United States, Minnesota, Brown, Clay pits at Springfield;;N, 44.238848 -94.975823

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
554658Moore, John   230861957-05-27
United States, Minnesota, Clay, 6 mi. E of Barnesville;;N, 46.652112 -96.293247

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
558312Moore, John   238091958-06-10
United States, Minnesota, Kittson, Halma;;N, 48.659955 -96.5962

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
566267Moore, John; Bernardini, J.   243201958-09-19
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, 1.2 mi. S of Mankato;;N, 44.146197 -93.9994

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
566744Lang, H.; et al.   481878-05-20
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis, 44.98 -93.26361

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
567767Menzel, Max   s.n.1896-05-00
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Pipestone [assuming the quarry area; town generally noted as "Pipestone City" by collector];Pipestone National Monument;106N;46W;01, 44.01585 -96.31767

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
574524Moore, John   247681959-07-31
United States, Minnesota, Kittson, At old sand pit, 1 mi N of Halma;;N, 48.677035 -96.609677

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
585395Moore, John   259891962-05-31
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Pipestone Co.; Along r.r, 1 mi. east of Edgerton;;105N;44W, 43.872466 -96.108545

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
589532Ballard, C.   B3791891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Jordan, Scott Co.;;114N;23W, 44.668128 -93.633424

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
592454Westkaemper, Remberta   s.n.1965-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, Stearns Co. Cold Spring, Cold Spring road;;123n;30W, 45.453611 -94.427778

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
603843Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie   271291967-06-09
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Below ledges, E of the Headquarters Bldg. Pipestone National Monument;Pipestone National Monument;106N;46W, 44.013519 -96.324755

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
622061Ownbey, Gerald; Moore, John   44141971-06-06
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Afton State Park, across from Afton Alps ski resort; T27N R20W NE1/4 Sec. 3;Afton State Park;027N;20W;3, 44.8549031 -92.7913367

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
622268Westkaemper, Remberta   s.n.1971-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, Stearns Co. Cold Spring;;123n;30W, 45.453611 -94.427778

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
655213Gage Jr., Addison   531876-05-22
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.969279 -93.263149

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
673630Borchard, Alma   s.n.1938-05-14
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Grey Cloud Island, 44.804145 -92.999378

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
689912Ownbey, Gerald   57121977-07-27
United States, Minnesota, Norman, Minn. rte 113, 5 mi E of Syre; T143N R43W Sec. 29 NE1/4 NE1/4;;143N;43W;29, 47.1730876 -96.1628007

Lithospermum incisum J.G.C. Lehmann
689978Ownbey, Gerald   57551977-08-05
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Minn. rte 92, 0.6 mi NW of its jnc with co. rte 2 at Gully; T150N R39W Sec. 34 NW1/4;;150N;39W;34, 47.768499 -95.6335318

Page 1, records 1-100 of 2323


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