Search Results (List)

Dataset: MIN
Taxa: Caprifoliaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 2077

University of Minnesota Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plectritis macrocera Torr. & A.Gray
United States, California

Image Associated With the Occurence
951422Justen, Emilie   s.n.2016-09-27
United States, Minnesota, Nobles, [no further data], 43.7032 -95.6504

Image Associated With the Occurence
951051Heuring, Erik   s.n.2016-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Wright, [no further data], 45.2232 -93.8349

Image Associated With the Occurence
954165Wible, Paul G.   s.n.1928-08-02
United States, Indiana, Lawrence

905776Nash, A.   43081965-07-12
United States, Wyoming, Park, Clematis Gulch;Yellowstone National Park

Image Associated With the Occurence
952599Stork, H.E.; Stork, G.C.   s.n.1923-07-00
United States, Montana, Glacier National Park

Image Associated With the Occurence
952598Lampen, D.   s.n.1923-08-00
United States, Montana, Glacier National Park

461860Cholewa, A.   25812006-06-07
United States, Minnesota, Beltrami, Beltrami County, Big Bass Lake boat access, Buena Vista State Forest, just south of Co. Rd. 20. T147N R32W Sec 19 SE1/4 of SW1/4. 147N 32W 19, 47.5332095 -94.7889776

460610Sather, Nancy   s.n.1996-06-26
United States, Minnesota, Mahnomen, Mahnomen Co.; Badboy Creek; County Biological Survey Site 110. T143 R40SESE of Sec 22;White Earth Indian Reservation / White Earth State Forest;143N;40W;22, 47.1867875 -95.731701

508224Smith, Welby   179621990-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Roseau, Roseau River Wildlife Management Area. Roseau Co.; Roseau River State Wildlife Management Area, about 4.5 mi W of the town of Pine Creek; T164N R42W SW1/4 of N Roseau Co.; Roseau River State Wildlife Management Area, about 4.5 mi W of the town of Pine Creek; T164N R42W SW1/4 of NW1/4 of sec 35. 164N 42W 35, 48.9852295 -96.0406433

835530Monson, Paul   39041959-06-17
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, Clearwater Co. R-36 T-143 S-30. Itasca State Park; Twin Lakes, W;Itasca State Park;143N;36W;30, 47.173487 -95.2867136

697999Lee, Michael; et al.   MDL36222004-06-15
United States, Minnesota, Becker, Sucker Creek County Park. BECKER COUNTY ... Sucker Creek Park on the southeast side of Big Detroit Lake, three miles southeast of the city of Detroit Lakes ... T138N R41W NW1/4 of NE1/4 Sec.13. 138N 41W 13, 46.7673875 -95.8060823

417531Nash, A.; Nash, V.   43001966-07-20
United States, Wyoming, Park, Clematis Gulch;Yellowstone National Park

228501Nash, A.; Nash, V.   43011966-07-20
United States, Wyoming, Park, Clematis Gulch;Yellowstone National Park

952570Harrigan, A.   s.n.1924-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Turlong Lake, 45.390198 -94.111768

952567Stork, H. E.   s.n.1925-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Bowstring [Chippewa National Forest], 47.537188 -93.905046

952568Stork, H. E.   s.n.1925-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Bowstring [Chippewa National Forest], 47.537188 -93.905046

952569Stork, H. E.   s.n.1925-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Bowstring [Chippewa National Forest], 47.537188 -93.905046

Image Associated With the Occurence
952572Lampen, D.   s.n.1924-08-00
United States, Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone National Park

794736Schaaf, J.   151982-07-14
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Pine Canyon, Santa Rosa Mts., 36.25611 -115.60667, 1585m

510363Davis, Owen   s.n.1978-08-28
United States, Idaho, Jefferson, Jefferson Co.

Image Associated With the Occurence
952625Anonymous   1191944-00-00
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, Head of Navajo Canyon, Mesa Verde National Park

Image Associated With the Occurence
Valeriana edulis Nuttall ex Torrey & A. Gray
961411Stork, H. E.   1927-05-14
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, South of Wacouta, 44.544968 -92.434908

Image Associated With the Occurence
196307Heller, A.A.   23531896-07-02
United States, Idaho, Nez Perce, Lake Waha, 914m

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Colorado

Image Associated With the Occurence
966077   1944-07-24
United States, District of Columbia, Washington Retreat House grounds, 4000 Harewood Road

Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex C.P.J. Sprengel
510348US Nat. Arboretum staff   1978-491978-00-00
Canada, British Columbia, [no further data]

Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex C.P.J. Sprengel
510349Bright, R.   73-3771973-00-00
United States, Idaho, Bear Lake, [no further data]

Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex C.P.J. Sprengel
510347Univ. of Calif. Bot. Gard.   list 17 - 81974-00-00
United States, California, San Mateo, San Mateo Co.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex C.P.J. Sprengel
952587Stork, H.E.   32061927-00-00
United States, Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone National Park. Mammoth Hot Springs.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex C.P.J. Sprengel
951995Lawrence, D. B.   41930-07-23
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Gothic. Rocky Mountain Biological Station., 2957m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex C.P.J. Sprengel
952586Stork, H. E.   s.n.1936-08-10
United States, Wyoming, Park, Lupine Creek, Yellowstone National Park

Image Associated With the Occurence

828395Delaney, B.   900641990-06-08
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest. Goodhue County...3 mi E of Welch on S side of Cannon River on mid-elevation terrace. NW1/4 SE1/4 sec.25, T113N, R16W R16W. 113N 16W 25, 44.564811 -92.682382

Image Associated With the Occurence
953089Gernes, Carole J.   72014-08-29
United States, Minnesota, Washington, City of Woodbury. Shawnee Park, west side of Battle Creek Lake NE of intersection of lakeside trail and trail to fishing pier; east of small Meadow Lane Parking area., 44.941345 -92.974

Image Associated With the Occurence
196209Clements, F.E.; E.S. Clements   2411901-06-26
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Cameron's Cone, 2900m

436681Cochran, Philip; Cochran, Joseph   s.n.2006-08-06
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona Co, MN, along Pine Creek upstream from School Section Road crossing. (T105N, R9W, S25);;105N;09W;25, 43.8685564 -91.8492821

510384Bright, R.   77-221977-00-00
United States, Idaho, Franklin, [no further data]

Linnaea borealis subsp. americana (Forbes) Hultén ex Clausen
936219Smith, Welby R; Aaseng, Norm   327402011-06-24
United States, Minnesota, Beltrami, About 16 miles southeast of Fourtown. SE1/4 of SW1/4 of section;Red Lake Indian Reservation;154N;34W;19, 48.1375 -95.0663889

510362Bright, R.   71-401971-00-00
United States, Idaho, Franklin, [no further data]

510361Bright, R.   73-2661973-00-00
United States, Idaho, Franklin, [no further data]

510358Bright, R.   71-391971-00-00
United States, Idaho, Franklin, [no further data]

510359Bright, R.   72-161972-00-00
United States, Idaho, Franklin, [no further data]

794737Schaaf, J.   161982-08-16
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Pine Canyon, Santa Rosa Mts., 36.25611 -115.60667, 1585m

499145Williams, M.   s.n.1983-00-00
United States, California, Alpine, Monitor Pass Rd, Alpine Co.

Image Associated With the Occurence

Image Associated With the Occurence

Image Associated With the Occurence
582138Sidey, J. L.   36511962-10-00
South Africa, Maritzburg, Natal

Image Associated With the Occurence
553008Sidey, James L.   32301957-12-00
South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal

491596Smith, Welby   278541999-06-03
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Goodhue County ... On the Mississippi River bottoms, about 2 mi west of Red Wing ... T113N R15W SW1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 22;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;113N;15W;22, 44.5791667 -92.5977778

492549Smith, Welby   271471998-05-26
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Banning State Park. Pine County ... Banning State Park, about 2.5 miles north-northeast of Sandstone ... along the Kettle River ... T 43N R 20W SW1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 35. 043N 20W 35, 46.1658333 -92.8327778

510580Wheeler, Gerald   192701998-06-17
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Scott County ... Ca. 1 mi. NW of Jordan ... W1/2 SE1/4 Sec. 12 T114N R24W (St. Lawrence 12);;114N;24W;12, 44.691524 -93.654586

904812Smith, Welby   277581999-05-19
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona County...About 1/2 mile east of Elba...T 107N R 10W NE1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 10;;T107N R10W S10, 44.085596 -92.009536

461864Kaul, R.   71081992-05-20
United States, Minnesota, Steele, Steele County...along Lemond Road by Straight River, Owatonna.;;107N;20W;00, 44.066112 -93.226071

904724Smith, Welby   277581999-05-19
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona County...About 1/2 mile east of Elba...T 107 R 10W NE1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 10;;107N;10W;10, 44.0902778 -92.0102778

913727Smith, Welby R.   227711993-07-09
United States, Minnesota, Rock, About 0.5 mile southeast of Luverne; along the Rock River. T102N R45W NE1/4 of SE1/4 of sec 11, 43.650556 -96.196111

428918Smith, Welby   279541999-06-29
United States, Minnesota, Chisago, Wild River State Park. Chisago County ... In St. Croix Wild River State Park, about 3 miles NE of Almelund ... St. Croix River ... T 35N R 19W SE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 8. 035N 19W 8, 45.5330544 -92.7319412

477848Wheeler, Gerald A.   156871997-05-23
United States, Minnesota, Renville, Ca. 15 mi. S of Danube on Rte. 1; W of road. NW1/4 NE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 20 T113N R35W, 44.578346 -95.085406

477777Smith, Welby   172191990-07-12
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Fillmore County ... On the southwest side of State Highway 63, about 6 miles northeast of LeRoy ... T 101N R 13W NW1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 15. 101N 13W 15, 43.5558319 -92.3866653

491343Smith, Welby   278541999-06-03
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Upper Mississippi National Wildlife Refuge. Goodhue County...On the Mississippi River bottoms, about 2 miles west of Red Wing...T 113N R 15W SW1/4 of NE1/4 Sec 22 [prob meant sec 24 since on the river]. 113N 15W 24, 44.5791667 -92.5977778

920824Smith, Welby   259121995-08-23
United States, Minnesota, Renville, Skalbakken County Park. Renville County...Skalbakken County Park. On the floodplain of the Minnesota River, about 6 miles east of Granite Falls...T 115N R 38W SE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 27. 115N 38W 27, 44.7347222 -95.4169444

281631Ownbey, Gerald   72641988-07-29
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Houston Co. T102N, R6W, Sec. 26. 0.5 mi. W, 0.4 mi. N of the jct. of co. rd. 44 and 76. Margin of sink hole at SE corn Houston Co. T102N, R6W, Sec. 26. 0.5 mi. W, 0.4 mi. N of the jct. of co. rd. 44 and 76. Margin of sink hole at SE corner of prominent sandstone ridge (ca. 1.5 mi. SW of Caledonia).. 102N 06W 26, 43.608967 -91.521493

348563Cook, E.   441938-06-17
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Brick wall SW of Armory, University Campus, Minneapolis;;N, 44.97718 -93.23234

456709Nation, R.   94-0011994-05-26
United States, Minnesota, Mower, Lake Louise State Park. Mower Co.; Tract #13S. T101N R14W SE1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec.21;Lake Louise State Park;101N;14W;21, 43.536578 -92.519043

463695Smith, Welby   211051992-07-28
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest. Fillmore the Root River Valley, about 0.5 mile south of Peterson (about 3/8 mile west of mile post 23 on the Root River Trail)...T 104N R 8W SW1/4 of SE1/4 [etc]. 104N 08W 30, 43.7791667 -91.8386111

471941Harris, Fred   940781994-07-22
United States, Minnesota, Olmsted, Olmsted Co.; Whitewater WMA; outcrops at top of river valley; SW1/4 of NE1/4 of NW1/4 Sect. 1 T107N R11W;Whitewater Wildlife Management Area;107N;11W;1, 44.099559 -92.089249

503073Moore, John   205281950-06-05
United States, Minnesota, Big Stone, Ortonville;;N, 45.304687 -96.444779

520468Nation, R.   94-2241994-07-05
United States, Minnesota, Mower, Lake Louise State Park. Mower Co.; Tract 6. T101N R14W SW1/4 of NE1/4 of sEc.29;Lake Louise State Park;101N;14W;29, 43.522073 -92.538883

583920Gunderson, R.   3791961-07-03
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington County ... St. Croix River, 3 mi. N of Stillwater;Saint Croix National Riverway;030N;20W, 45.084979 -92.817348

592152Moore, John   267101964-09-15
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, John Mickelson Farmstead. Cedar Creek Natural History Area.;Cedar Creek National History Area;034N;23W, 45.428063 -93.203997

738622Galatowitsch, S.   1711982-06-01
United States, Minnesota, Rice, Rice Co. Trout Lily Preserve: T110N, R20W, S1/2 NW1/4 SW1/4 of Sec. 20; part of NE1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 19.;Cannon River Trout Lily Scientific Natural Area;110N;20W, 44.326892 -93.221943

739893Converse, C.   8921982-05-28
United States, Minnesota, Douglas, Douglas Co.; Staffanson Prairie: T127N, R40W, NW1/4 NE1/4 and NE1/4 NW1/4 of Sec. 18.;Staffanson Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;127N;40W;18, 45.810665 -95.748005

829802Zager, S.   930813-11993-08-13
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Houston County...MCBS #64, SE1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4 Sec 28 T103N R06W;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;103N;06W;28, 43.695805 -91.561256

833774Smith, Welby   140811988-05-30
United States, Minnesota, Lac Qui Parle, Lac Qui Parle Co. About 3 mi W of Montevideo; NE1/4 NE1/4 sec.21, T117N R41W;;117N;41W;21, 44.9344444 -95.8000031

834203Cholewa, A.   2208A1995-06-14
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, Stearns Co. Paynesville, Highgrove BioReserve, just S of Koronis Hills Golf Course, T122N R32W S20. Trail below house;;122N;32W;20, 45.362225 -94.732288

834874Juhnke, C.   356 CMJ1993-07-30
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Forestville State Park. Forestville State Park. Fillmore Co. T102N R12W Sec.25 SW SE SW. On State Forest land S of park near virgin prairie over Forestville State Park. Fillmore Co. T102N R12W Sec.25 SW SE SW. On State Forest land S of park near virgin prairie over Big Spring. 102N 12W 25, 43.609015 -92.219127

841564Smith, Welby   150711988-09-08
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington Co. In Northdale [correct town name is Oakdale], on the E side of Century Ave; NE1/4 NW1/4 sec.19, T29N R21W;;029N;21W;19, 44.984868 -92.974615

447073Myhre, K.M.   54861995-06-01
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Located 1.5 miles northeast of Farm Island Lake; T 46N R 27W SE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 22, 46.453842 -93.738566

456913Smith, Welby R.   129031987-06-09
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Belwin Outdoor Education Center, about 1 mi north of Afton. On the floodplain of the St. Croix River. SW1/4 NE1/4 sec.15, T 28N R 20W, 44.912609 -92.791861

607630Westkaemper, Remberta   s.n.1967-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, SBC [St. Benedict's College] Campus. St. Joseph [T124N;R29W], 45.543642 -94.322053

657131Scanlan, M.J.   1101973-07-19
United States, Minnesota, Swift, Collected in SW-234 (Sec. 36, T122N, R41W), 45.332822 -95.757989

685176Stassen, Carol B.   991977-06-16
United States, Minnesota, Lyon, Camden State Park; T110N, R42W, Sec. 5, NE1/4. Woods near Lynd Trading Post site., 44.363181 -95.927443

691580Clemants, Steven E.   10391978-06-03
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, 0.3 mi. W of Flower Valley Road, 1.4 mi. W of Hwy. 61. T112N, R14W, S center Sec. 2, 44.535179 -92.459866

697948Ownbey, Gerald B.   51391976-05-23
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Afton State Park. T28N, R20W, SW1/4 Sec. 34, 44.869168 -92.791591

728399Eikum, B.   551979-06-03
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Hastings; Hastings Scientific Natural Area. Sec. 23, 34, 35, T115N, R17W, 44.73907 -92.86266

739965Converse, C.   8181982-05-21
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, Chippewa and Swift Counties ... SE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 12 Chippewa Prairie: T119N, R43W;Chippewa Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;119N;43W;12, 45.130213 -95.990566

826176Bender, Joyce   s.n.1986-05-20
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Belwin Outdoor Education Laboratory, T28N R20W, 44.907173 -92.81202

457177Kern, Carole; et al.   21781993-08-27
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Houston Co. ... MCBS #10. Location: T-104-N R-7-W SEC. 19 SE4 SE4. Sand Savanna.;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;104N;07W;19, 43.796003 -91.720372

459588Smith, Welby   277441999-05-17
United States, Minnesota, Olmsted, Olmsted County ... Chester Woods County Park, about 5 miles east of Rochester ... T106N R12W SW1/4 of NW1/4 fo Sec 18;Chester Woods County Park;106N;12W;18, 43.9875 -92.3158333

479169Husveth, J.   96-0371996-05-20
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, T115N R27W [should be R17] SW1/4 of the SE1/4 of S33. Vermillion River in the city of Hastings, 44.724016 -92.863237

904070Smith, Welby   279971999-07-15
United States, Minnesota, Rock, Rock County ... Rock River State Wildlife Area, about 2 miles NE of Luverne ... T102N R45W NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 1;Rock River Wildlife Management Area;102N;45W;01, 43.663716 -96.181038

436823Smith, Welby   165471990-05-14
United States, Minnesota, Dodge, Dodge County...On the north side of Dodge Center Creek in Dodge Center Creek Park, about one mile west of the town of Dodge Center...T107N R17W SW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 28. 107N 17W 28, 44.040554 -92.8780518

494053McNaughton, Lynn   1112003-05-16
United States, Minnesota, Waseca, Maplewood Park: Waseca County ... Along west side of park near Clear Lake ...SE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sect. 9, T107N, R22W.;Maplewood County Park;107N;22W;09, 44.087663 -93.476763

904700Zager, S.   940621-21994-06-21
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Fillmore County...T102N R13W NW1/4, SW1/4, NE1/4, SE1/4, 01;;102N;13W;01, 43.667071 -92.339435

439111Smith, Welby   277561999-05-19
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, McCarthy Lake Wildlife Management Area. Wabasha County ... McCarthy Lake State Wildlife Management Area, about 3 miles SE of Kellogg ... T 109N R 10W SE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 1. 109N 10W 1, 44.273056 -91.953331

904730Smith, Welby   277561999-05-19
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, McCarthy Lake Wildlife Management Area. Wabasha County...McCarthy Lake State Wildlife Management Area, about 3 miles SE of Kellogg...T109N R10W SE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 1. 109N 10W 1, 44.2730556 -91.9533333

904489Smith, Welby   273801998-07-15
United States, Minnesota, Carver, Carver County ... At the west end of Lake Auburn, in Carver Park ... T116N R24W NW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 11;Carver Park Reserve County Park;116N;24W;11, 44.8688889 -93.6775

438111Smith, Welby   270241998-05-11
United States, Minnesota, Morrison, Charles A Lindbergh State Park. Morrison County...Charles Lindberg State Park. On the west bank of the Mississippi River, about one mile south of Little Falls...T 129N R 30W SE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 25. 129N 30W 25, 45.958889 -94.3911133

456129Smith, Welby   256831995-06-20
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake County ... About 1 mile south of Silver Bay (town) ... shore of Lake Superior ... T55N R7W SE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 6;North Shore / Tettegouche State Park;055N;07W;06, 47.2744446 -91.2738876

Page 1, records 1-100 of 2077


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