Search Results (List)

Dataset: MIN
Taxa: Clusiaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-44 of 44

University of Minnesota Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
492134Malcomber, S.T; Leeuwenberg, A   19231992-12-07
Madagascar, East of Ankaramy, Reserve Speciale of Manongarivo. Bekolosy., -14.033333 48.316667, 800 - 1100m

488227Weiblen, G.D.; Montgomery, R.; Isua, B.; Molem, K.   GW18622003-02-15
Papua New Guinea, East Sepik, Elem village, near Yuat river, -4.8 143.916667, 200m

897323Weiblen, G.D.   TP0101996-07-31
Papua New Guinea, Simbu, O-Pio 1 ha plot, block 1, Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, -6.788611 145.036667, 550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
920714Whitfeld, T.J.S.; Sosanika, G.; Bau, B.   PA1A00012008-08-13
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.237483 145.115733, 129m

Image Associated With the Occurence
912911Weiblen, G.D. & Binatang Research Center   WP1C22342006-05-20
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.2373 145.177183, 115m

Image Associated With the Occurence
912912Weiblen, G.D. & Binatang Research Center   WP3E26272006-09-18
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.2373 145.177183, 115m

Image Associated With the Occurence
912889Weiblen, G.D. & Binatang Research Center   WS5E11762007-10-20
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.229583 145.178467, 115m

897270Weiblen, G.D.   TP5321996-07-31
Papua New Guinea, Simbu, O-Pio 1 ha plot, block 22, Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, -6.788611 145.036667, 550m

897336Weiblen, G.D.   TP0561996-07-31
Papua New Guinea, Simbu, O-Pio 1 ha plot, block 3, Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, -6.788611 145.036667, 550m

897572Weiblen, G.D.   TP5881996-07-31
Papua New Guinea, Simbu, O-Pio 1 ha plot, block 24, Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, -6.788611 145.036667, 550m

897577Weiblen, G.D.   TP5581996-07-31
Papua New Guinea, Simbu, O-Pio 1 ha plot, block 23, Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, -6.788611 145.036667, 550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Garcinia madruno (Kunth) Hammel
498037Aguilar, Reinaldo   8201992-01-15
Costa Rica, Puntarenas: Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce Aguabuena. Sector sur., 8.7055559 -83.5250015, 50 - 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
154400Bang, M.   7411891-03-00
Bolivia, Unduari [?]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Garcinia verrucosa Jum. & Perrier
499656S. Randrianasolo; R. Rakotondrajaona, F. Ratovoson, L.M. Randrianjanaka, A. Razakanirina   2122001-05-03
Madagascar, Fiv. Ambatondrazaka, Commune Manakambahiny-Est, Fkt. Sahamalaza. Lahindrotra, a 18 km au Sud-Est d'Anosivola, le long de la riviere d'Onibe., -17.755 48.707778, 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
499668Sennen Randrianasolo; R. Rakotondrajaona, C. Birkinshaw, L.M. Randrianjanka, L.P. Rakotosoa, E. Ravelonahiana   1422000-01-26
Madagascar, Antanandava, a 1.5 km d'Ankosy, en dehors du Parc natinoal de Zahamena, -17.480833 48.738611

Image Associated With the Occurence
492706Randriamanarivo, J.; L.M. Randrianjanka, F. Ratovoson, I. Rakotozafy, S. Rakotonandrasana, A. Rasolohery, R. Bemalaza, A. Tataina   282001-06-13
Madagascar, Vavatenina, Commune Miarinarivo, Fokontany Anamborano, Ambinanini, Sahavarina., -17.685556 48.995278

Image Associated With the Occurence
Garcinia assugu Lauterb.
921356Whitfeld, T.J.S.; Sosanika, G.; Bau, B.   PA5B02612008-08-14
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.237483 145.115733, 129m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Garcinia assugu Lauterb.
923217Ctvrtecka, R.   31202008-11-05
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.23088 145.182, 115m

Garcinia assugu Lauterb.
912893Weiblen, G. D. & Binatang Research Center   WP1Z30742008-04-09
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.2373 145.177183, 115m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Garcinia cymosa (K.Schum.) I.M.Turner & P.F.Stevens
923215Ctvrtecka, R.   26872008-10-14
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Mis Village, -5.15 145.783, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
923218Ctvrtecka, R.   22042008-09-15
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.23088 145.182, 115m

896673Weiblen, G.D.   TP1771996-07-31
Papua New Guinea, Simbu, O-Pio 1 ha plot, block 8, Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, -6.788611 145.036667, 550m

896718Weiblen, G.D.   TP0241996-07-31
Papua New Guinea, Simbu, O-Pio 1 ha plot, block 2, Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, -6.788611 145.036667, 550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
923659Whitfeld, T.J.S.; Sosanika, G.; Bau, B.   PC4A02282008-09-04
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.2243 145.07235, 115m

Image Associated With the Occurence
912913Weiblen, G.D. & Binatang Research Center   WP1C22662006-05-22
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.2373 145.177183, 115m

Image Associated With the Occurence
912917Weiblen, G.D. & Binatang Research Center   WP2A21302006-03-31
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.2373 145.177183, 115m

Image Associated With the Occurence
912910Weiblen, G.D. & Binatang Research Center   WP4B10032007-08-11
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.2373 145.177183, 115m

Image Associated With the Occurence
951544Weiblen, G.D.; Binatang Research Center   YP2A00942010-10-05
Papua New Guinea, Morobe, Yawan Village, -6.162617 146.841967, 1777m

Image Associated With the Occurence
921366Whitfeld, T.J.S.; Sosanika, G.; Bau, B.   PC1A00072008-09-03
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.2243 145.07235, 115m

923653Whitfeld, T.J.S.; Sosanika, G.; Bau, B.   SB4D02732008-07-19
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.242633 145.166733, 113m

Image Associated With the Occurence
923616Whitfeld, T.J.S.; Sosanika, G.; Bau, B.   SB5D03632008-07-19
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.242633 145.166733, 113m

Image Associated With the Occurence
912920Weiblen, G.D. & Binatang Research Center   WS1B22312006-07-18
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.229583 145.178467, 115m

Image Associated With the Occurence
923189Ctvrtecka, R.   26632008-10-14
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Baitabag Village, -5.13333 145.767, 50m

896749Weiblen, G.D.   TP0491996-07-31
Papua New Guinea, Simbu, O-Pio 1 ha plot, block 3, Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, -6.788611 145.036667, 550m

897387Weiblen, G.D.   TP1911996-07-31
Papua New Guinea, Simbu, O-Pio 1 ha plot, block 9, Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, -6.788611 145.036667, 550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
912909Weiblen, G.D. & Binatang Research Center   WP3B05912007-06-23
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Village, -5.2373 145.177183, 115m

Image Associated With the Occurence
923216Ctvrtecka, R.   16032008-08-05
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Mis Village, -5.15 145.783, 10m

896678Weiblen, G.D.   TP1611996-07-31
Papua New Guinea, Simbu, O-Pio 1 ha plot, block 8, Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, -6.788611 145.036667, 550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
499306Bingham, M. G.   85671992-10-09
Zambia, Southern Region, Mazabuka District, Mubuyu Farm, -16 28.116667, 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Garcinia punctata (Harms) Lowry
154404Staudt   5091896-00-00

Image Associated With the Occurence
Garcinia punctata (Harms) Lowry
154402Staudt   4461896-00-00
Cameroon, Johann, Allrechtshohe Urwaldgebiet.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Garcinia punctata (Harms) Lowry
154403Foh. Braun   30

Image Associated With the Occurence
499377R. Randrianaivo; J. Andriantiana, S. Randrianasolo, A. Ratodimanana, F. Ratovoson   6562001-07-02
Madagascar, Antananarivo, Fiv. Manjakandriana, commune Ankazondandy, Fkt. Antokonana, Route Nationale 3, PK 52-53, 500m au Nord d'Antokonana.; -18.669722 47.812778, -18.669722 47.812778, 1250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Symphonia urophylla (Decne. ex Planch. & Triana) Vesque
491308Chris Birkinshaw; P. Antilahimena, S. Randrianasolo, S. Rakotonandriasana, Bruno & Robert   6021999-12-15
Madagascar, Community forest outside Zahamena National Park. 3km east of Andranomalaza Atsimo.; -17.653333 48.644167, -17.653333 48.644167, 1200m

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