174792 Zeck, Otto 108 1933-09-17
United States, Minnesota, Becker, Frazee, 46.759572 -95.731921
174796 MacMillan, C.; Skinner, A. S. 222 1900-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Crookston, 47.782 -96.60007
174844 McElligott, T. G. s.n. 1890-06-20
United States, Minnesota, McLeod, Glencoe, 44.769129 -94.151642
174933 Sandberg, J. H. s.n. 1889-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, [no further data], 45 -93.47
174934 Wheeler, W. A. 484 1899-08-07
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Jefferson [Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest], 43.50806 -91.28287
174978 Wheeler, W. A. 436 1899-07-31
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Jefferson [Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest], 43.50806 -91.28287
174979 Taylor, B. C. T1611 1892-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Chisago, Center City, 45.393852 -92.816602
174980 Frost, W. D. F394 1892-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Kandiyohi, Spicer, 45.23302 -94.940009
174982 Sheldon, Edmund P. S3679 1892-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Otter Tail, Fergus Falls, 46.283015 -96.077558
174984 Frost, W. D. F412a 1892-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Kandiyohi, Spicer, 45.23302 -94.940009
201946 Sheldon, Edmund P. S3561 1892-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Otter Tail, East Battle Lake, 46.325632 -95.594255
282110 Rosendahl, C. O.; Butters, F. K. s.n. 1932-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Castle Rock [T113N;R19W;S32], 44.550874 -93.126525
307035 Moyle, J. 2044 1935-08-29
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, State Game Refuge;Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area;N, 45.316431 -93.086475
334693 Anonymous [poss. R.C. Perry] s.n. 1885-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Dellwood, 45.079652 -92.9239
383749 Moore, John 15968 1943-08-23
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Winnebago Valley, 9.5 mi SE of Caledonia;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;101N;05W, 43.543929 -91.431872
393527 Stevens, O. s.n. 1947-09-12
United States, Minnesota, Clay, [no further data];Buffalo River State Park;139N;46W;10, 46.869327 -96.473428
501536 Stevens, O. A. s.n. 1954-09-14
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, along creek; Pipestone Nat. Monument, 43.979723 -96.367859
507314 Moore, John 20865 1950-09-15
United States, Minnesota, Swift, Swift Co.; along the lake shore at Appleton.;;120N;43W, 45.195938 -96.04182
553944 Moore, John W.; Ownbey, Gerald B. 22391 1954-09-23
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Aong Pipestone Creek, Pipestone National Monument, Pipestone, 44.015848 -96.317669
554079 Moore, John W.; Ownbey, Gerald B. 22741 1955-08-07
United States, Minnesota, Rock, At the Blue Mounds, 2 1/2 mi NE of Luverne. [Blue Mounds State Park], 43.717857 -96.232381
566337 Moore, John W.; Bernardini, James V. 24271 1958-09-18
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, 5 mi N of Mankato, 44.235994 -93.9994
727780 Ottoson, S. J. 141 1979-08-16
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Clay County Bicentennial Prairie: 4 mi SE of Felton, SW1/4 sec.5 T141N R45W. [Felton Prairie-Bicentennial Prairie Scientific Natural Area], 47.056714 -96.417356
828557 Delaney, Barbara 90228 1990-08-27
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Near the Rum River; SW1/4 NW1/4 sec.29, T34N, R24W, 45.406376 -93.357604
426780 Lee, Michael MDL1942 1997-09-09
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, Stearns Co.; Four miles northwest of Kimball; T122N R29W NW1/4 of NE1/4 Sec. 29;;122N;29W;29, 45.34879 -94.353396
461841 Schik, K. 95-106 1995-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Clay, SE1/4 of SW1/4 of section;<No data>;141N;46W;13, 47.027886 -96.447094
490258 Stevens, O. 1225 1950-08-05
United States, North Dakota, Barnes, Valley City
600641 Warner, L.
United States, Utah, Millard, detailed locality information protected
477093 Hammer, W. s.n. 2002-07-02
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Arden Hills. Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant-Arden Hills Army Training Site. Grassland management unit 12. SW1/4 NE1/4 SE1/4 of section;;030N;23W;15, 45.086451 -93.15755
174683 Butters, F.; et al. 4162 1921-06-18
United States, Minnesota, Traverse, Lake Traverse, 45.691689 -96.752701
174684 Ballard, C. 2865 1901-06-11
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Sabin [later pencilled note indicates 'about 10 mi SE of Moorhead'] Sabin. 138N 47W, 46.761139 -96.610232
265908 Skinner, S. 67 1902-06-11
United States, Minnesota, Jackson, Heron Lake region, 43.772775 -95.345306
370231 Moore, John; Thatcher, E. 14180 1941-06-10
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, Champion Township. SE1/4 of section;;130N;45W;32, 46.02875 -96.359298
371145 Moore, John 13116 1940-06-20
United States, Minnesota, Yellow Medicine, 2 mi. W of Granite Falls, 44.80995 -95.586401
371191 Moore, John 13137 1940-06-21
United States, Minnesota, Lincoln, Along the rrailroad right-of-way, W of Hendricks, 44.507186 -96.424213
437211 Moore, John; Hall, Robert 16625 1944-06-14
United States, Minnesota, Renville, Railroad right-of-way, 3 mi. E of Franklin.;;113N;33W, 44.585918 -94.812735
444889 Moore, John; Tryon, R. 17607 1945-07-09
United States, Minnesota, Nobles, Along the r.r. right-of-way at Reading, 43.703575 -95.713068
550568 Cotter Tucker, Shirley 4165 1957-06-27
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Along the Great Northern railroad, E of the Northwest School of Agriculture, Crookston., 47.774138 -96.608121
568537 Moore, John 25050 1960-06-18
United States, Minnesota, Kittson, At Hallock, 48.774426 -96.946447
574661 Moore, John 24638 1959-06-17
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, 3 mi east of Pipestone;;106N;45W, 43.979365 -96.246045
585424 Moore, John; Jensen, J. 26355 1963-06-19
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Along the railroad. 6 mi. west of Pipestone;;106N;47W, 43.980149 -96.440828
585581 Moore, John 26339 1963-06-18
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, East pasture.;Pipestone National Monument;106N;46W;01, 44.015848 -96.317669
712001 Smith, Welby 947 1979-06-24
United States, Minnesota, Wright, 0.2 mi. N of Hwy. 75, 5.5 mi. NW of its jct. with Hwy. 25 in Monticello. SE1/4 NW1/4 of section;;122N;25W;30, 45.345989 -93.884027
715220 Severson, M. 43 1979-07-03
United States, Minnesota, Polk, 4.5 mi. S of Fischer. W1/2 of NW1/4 of section;Malmberg Prairie Scientific Natural Area;149N;48W;16, 47.72417 -96.813965
727185 Herman, J. 83 1979-07-10
United States, Minnesota, Norman, 5 mi W of Syre. ;Twin Valley Prairie Scientific Natural Area;143N;45W;23, 47.187516 -96.353808
730598 Petron, T. 67 1980-06-09
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, 6.5 mi NW of Rothsay. NE1/4 NW1/4 of section;Western Prairie South Scientific Natural Area;135N;46W;12, 46.521816 -96.414416
730807 Benson, Douglas 125 1981-06-22
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, S-central SE1/4 SW1/4 of section;Pembina Trail Preserve Scientific Natural Area;133N;45W;24, 46.318653 -96.290714
732707 Severson, M. 413 1980-06-26
United States, Minnesota, Becker, 10 mi W of Ogema. NE1/4 SW1/4 of section;Zimmerman Prairie [TNC];142N;43W;16, 47.115026 -96.14142
735741 Benson, Douglas 330 1981-07-23
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, W edge of preserve; near NW corner. SW1/4 NW1/4 of section;Kettledrummer Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;133N;45W;12, 46.347907 -96.290982
739789 Converse, C. 1504 1982-07-07
United States, Minnesota, Pope, NE1/4 SW1/4 of section;Ordway Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;123N;36W;19, 45.448674 -95.245019
741480 Converse, C. 1236 1982-06-21
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, NW1/4 NW1/4 of section;Chippewa Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;119N;43W;01, 45.144714 -95.990404
741520 Converse, C. 1668 1982-07-20
United States, Minnesota, Otter Tail, E1/2 of section;Ottertail Prairie Scientific Natural Area;131N;44W;17, 46.159244 -96.235363
753596 Duxbury, Alexis 2140 1983-08-12
United States, Minnesota, Redwood, S1/2 NW1/4 of section;Wahpeton Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;110N;38W;29, 44.304782 -95.440813
753606 Duxbury, Alexis 1425 1983-07-02
United States, Minnesota, Lincoln, [no further data];Hole-in-the-Mountain Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;109N;45W, 44.241082 -96.261721
781284 Smith, Welby 9507 1984-06-28
United States, Minnesota, Lyon, About 4 mi NNW of Russell. SE1/4 SW1/4 of section;Prairie Marshes Wildlife Management Area;111N;43W;36, 44.378119 -95.968102
781496 Smith, Welby 9463 1984-06-28
United States, Minnesota, Yellow Medicine, About 8 mi WSW of Canby. NW1/4 SW1/4 of section;Sioux Nationalion Wildlife Management Area;114N;46W;17, 44.681835 -96.429592
753669 Duxbury, Alexis 1552 1983-07-13
United States, Minnesota, Lincoln, [no further data];Hole-in-the-Mountain Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;109N;45W, 44.241082 -96.261721
492728 Wheeler, Gerald 16375 1997-06-28
United States, Minnesota, Swift, Ca. 10 mi. NNE of Kerkhoven. Monson Lake. W1/2 NE1/4 NW1/4 of section;Monson Lake State Park;121N;37W;01, 45.318174 -95.265442
508955 Wheeler, Gerald 20454 1999-08-28
United States, Minnesota, McLeod, McLeod County ... Ca. 2.6 mi. E of Stewart on Rte. 212 ... S1/2 SW1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 34 T115N R30W (Collins 34);;115N;30W;34, 44.724687 -94.427139
511405 Wheeler, Gerald 20140 1999-07-22
United States, Minnesota, Le Sueur, Le Sueur County ... Ca. 1.5 mi. SW of Kasota; Kasota Prairie ... SW1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 6 T109N R26W (Kasota 6);Kasota Prairie Scientific Natural Area;109N;26W;6, 44.274575 -93.998474
492481 Bosch, T. 45 2001-07-01
United States, Minnesota, Big Stone, Approx. 0.5 mile east of Hwy.75 and 2 miles south of Hwy.7. Sec.1-2;;120N;45W, 45.196755 -96.289996
174561 Skinner, S. 235 1902-06-28
United States, Minnesota, Jackson, Heron Lake region;;N, 43.772775 -95.345306
174562 Aiton, G. s.n. 1890-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, [illegible];;N, 45 -93.47
363923 Huff, N. s.n. 1940-07-25
United States, Minnesota, Carver, Victoria;;N, 44.858574 -93.661627
386072 Moyle, J. 3955 1945-07-27
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, Chippewa Co. Watson;;118N;41W, 45.021763 -95.797131
440363 Smith, Welby 14434 1988-07-01
United States, Minnesota, Nobles, Nobles Co. About 4 mi W of Worthington; on the right-of-way of the C&NW Railroad. NE1/4 SW1/4 sec.25, T102N R41W;;102N;41W;25, 43.609293 -95.703865
448472 Moore, John; Hall, Robert 16411 1944-06-10
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Pipestone Co.; at Airlie;;106N;47W;1, 44.016477 -96.438172
494400 Huff, N. s.n. 1941-07-20
United States, Minnesota, Carver, Victoria;;N, 44.858574 -93.661627
497352 Monson, George 314 1946-06-25
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Cedar Lake Road, park area.;;N, 44.971239 -93.313154
506787 Smith, Welby 18044 1990-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Steele, Aurora Wildlife Management Area. Steele Co.; Aurora State Wildlife Management Area, on the W side of TH 218, about 9 mi SE of Owatonna Steele Co.; Aurora State Wildlife Management Area, on the W side of TH 218, about 9 mi SE of Owatonna; T106N R19W NE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 28. 106N 19W 28, 43.9627762 -93.1175003
528951 Borchard, Alma s.n. 1945-06-26
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, railroad track SE of Mapleton.;;N, 43.928851 -93.956064
542397 Moore, John 21342 1951-08-10
United States, Minnesota, Grant, 3 mi E of Elbo Lake.;;N, 45.98837 -95.98137
542736 Moore, John 21709 1952-06-04
United States, Minnesota, Brown, at Springfield;;N, 44.238848 -94.975823
552173 Stevens, O. 1944 1958-06-20
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Moorhead;;N, 46.873852 -96.767581
585549 Moore, John; et al. 26036 1962-06-06
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Houston County...at Brownsville.;;103N;04W, 43.71854 -91.317395
586564 Moore, John 26513 1963-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Houston, along the rail road 6 mi S of La Crescent.;;N, 43.741116 -91.304027
592414 Westkaemper, Remberta s.n. 1965-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, Stearns Co. St. Joseph;;124N;29W, 45.543642 -94.322053
603659 Moore, John; et al. 27227 1967-08-11
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Anoka County...N of previous house-site of John Mickelson farm, Cedar Creek Natural History Area.;Cedar Creek National History Area;034N;23W, 45.428063 -93.203997
603957 Moore, John; et al. 26941 1966-06-23
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Blue Earth County...3 mi W of Mankato., 44.163577 -94.005457
603996 Moore, John; Hsi, Yu-tseng [Eugene] 27160 1967-06-15
United States, Minnesota, Winona, 1/2 mi W of Lewiston.;;106N;09W, 43.977067 -91.899115
622331 Westkaemper, Remberta s.n. 1971-07-01
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, Stearns Co. Lake Henry;;123N;33W, 45.456157 -94.824482
696546 Smith, Welby 838 1978-08-15
United States, Minnesota, Wright, Wright Co.; T121N R27W NW1/4 sec.30. 1/2 mi W of Annandale.;;121N;27W;30, 45.261045 -94.127309
701557 Ownbey, Gerald 6236 1979-06-13
United States, Minnesota, Washington, T26N R20W W1/2 Sec.7. Along railroad track, base of W-facing Mississippi River bluffs.;;026N;20W;7, 44.754529 -92.851477
739719 Converse, C. 2025 1982-08-12
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, Chippewa and Swift Cos. Chippewa Prairie: T119N R43W SW1/4 NE1/4 Sec.12.;Chippewa Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;119N;43W;12, 45.130213 -95.990566
744885 Smith, Welby 5003 1981-07-21
United States, Minnesota, Mower, Wild Indigo Scientific and Natural Area. About 2 1/2 mi W of Dexter. SW1/4 NE1/4 sec.16 T103N R16W.;Wild Indigo Scientific Natural Area;103N;16W;16, 43.724883 -92.759467
753556 Duxbury, Alexis 1550 1983-07-13
United States, Minnesota, Lincoln, Hole-in-the-Mountain Prairie: Portions of S1/2 Sec.19 and SW1/4 Sec.20; T109N R45W.;Hole-in-the-Mountain Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;109N;45W, 44.241082 -96.261721
757914 Smith, Welby 6559 1982-07-03
United States, Minnesota, Meeker, About 3 mi E-SE of Litchfield. Right-of-way of the Burlington Northern Railroad. NE1/4 SW1/4 sec.17 T119N R30W.;;119N;30W;17, 45.116322 -94.472092
787655 Smith, Welby 10533 1985-06-29
United States, Minnesota, Dodge, Iron Horse Prairie Scientific Natural Area. Dodge County...Iron Horse Prairie State Scientific and Natural Area, about 1 1/2 mi S of Hayfield. NW1/4 SE1/4 sec.27 T105N R17W. 105N 17W 27, 43.8675 -92.8486111
787680 Smith, Welby 10474 1985-06-16
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Ramsey County ...At the corner of Plato Boulevard and Wabasha Ave in the city of St. Paul. SE1/4 SE1/4 sec.6, T28N R22W.;;028N;22W;06, 44.941314 -93.095877
800394 Smith, Welby 12009 1986-07-03
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge. Scott County...The Louisville Swamp area, in the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, about 6 mi S of Shakopee. NW1/4 SW1/4 sec.28 T115N R23W. 115N 23W 28, 44.7355556 -93.5988889
813040 Wheeler, Gerald 11018 1988-06-29
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, Ca. 3.5 mi W of jnc rt. 55 and rt. 75; N of rt. 55. Near Bois de Sioux River (E bank). Sec.22 T130N R47W (Campbell Twp.);;130N;47W;22, 46.056271 -96.558376
814181 Wheeler, Gerald 11263 1988-07-22
United States, Minnesota, Lac Qui Parle, Lac Qui Parle Co.; Ca. 3.5 mi SE of Boyd; wildlife area E of rt. 77. E1/2 SW1/4 Sec.36 T116N R42W (Ten Mile Lake Twp.);Flinks Wildlife Management Area;116N;42W;36, 44.812537 -95.858755
815781 Wheeler, Gerald 11002 1988-06-27
United States, Minnesota, Traverse, Ca. 0.1 mi N of jnc rt. 9 and rt. 236. E1/2 SE1/4 SE1/4 Sec.27 T128N R47W.;;128N;47W;27, 45.868564 -96.56255
816206 Bender, J. s.n. 1986-07-01
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Vicinity of Belwin Outdoor Education Laboratory, T28N R20W S15 NW1/4. W of the cabins on the S side of co. hwy 21.;;028N;20W;15, 44.912609 -92.791861
477666 Smith, Welby 20569 1992-06-25
United States, Minnesota, Redwood, Cedar Rock Wildlife Management Area. Redwood County ... Cedar Rock State Wildlife Management Area, about 4 miles north-northwest of Redwood Falls ... T 113N R 36W NW1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 11. 113N 36W 11, 44.6122208 -95.1563873
477453 Smith, Welby 20569 1992-06-25
United States, Minnesota, Redwood, Cedar Rock Wildlife Management Area. Redwood County ... Cedar Rock State Wildlife Management Area, about 4 miles north-northwest of Redwood Falls ... T 113N R 36W NW1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 11. 113N 36W 11, 44.6122208 -95.1563873
477778 Smith, Welby 17121 1990-06-28
United States, Minnesota, Waseca, Waseca County ... On the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad right-of-way, about 1.5 miles east of Janesville ... T 107N R 24W SW1/4 ofSW1/4 of Sec 36. 107N 24W 36, 44.1111107 -93.6658325
507895 Wheeler, Gerald 20126 1999-07-21
United States, Minnesota, Sibley, Sibley County ... Ca. 2.5 mi. SW of Green Isle on Rte. 5, E of road ... adjacent to RR tracks ... NE1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 35 T114N R27W (Green Isle 35). 114N 27W 35, 44.637324 -94.041003
762055 Kittelson, J. 229 1976-06-24
United States, Utah, Kane, County: Kane. road to Kodachrome State Park 5 miles from Cannonville, 1768m
904699 Zager, S. 92 2000-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Kanabec, Kanabec County...T42N R23W SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 12. NAD 27...MCBS Site KA041;Snake River State Forest;042N;23W;12, 46.1377778 -93.1825
461799 Husveth, J. 95-3166 1995-08-30
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Wabasha Co, T110N R12W SW1/4 of the NE1/4 of S36; along Zumbro River;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;110N;12W;36, 44.287627 -92.199704