913544 Smith, Welby 22880 1993-07-14
United States, Minnesota, Sibley, Vale Wildlife Management Area. Sibley County...Vale State Wildlife Management Area, ca 2.5 miles N-NW of Henderson; in the valley of High Island Creek, ca 2.5 miles SW of its confluence with the Minn R...T 113N R 26W NE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 27. 113N 26W 27, 44.5625 -93.9427778
351861 Noyes, E.; E. L. Nielsen 1989 1933-06-04
United States, Wisconsin, Saint Croix, bluffs of St. Croix River, above Stillwater -- overlooking Scout camp. St. Croix County;Saint Croix National Riverway, 45.090547 -92.4333
915853 Anderson, Derek 1139 2009-05-12
United States, Minnesota, Dodge, Dodge County...tributary to Dodge Center Creeek..about 2 km SE of Claremont, on Dodge Center Creek...T107N, R18W, NWNE34;Claremont Wildlife Management Area;107N;18W;34, 44.0336111 -92.9738889
907093 Smith, Welby 30979 2008-07-06
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Baker Park Reserve County Park. Hennepin County...At the southeast end of Katrina Lake, in Baker Parker [sic] Reserve, about 2 miles east of Maple Plain...T 118N R 23W NW1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 29. 118N 23W 29, 45.005 -93.6211111
908480 Lee, Michael MDL4190 2006-04-26
United States, Minnesota, Todd, Todd County ... South of Molly Lake, 2.5 miles southeast of Burtrum ... T127N R32W NW1/4 of SE1/4 of NE1/4 Sec. 1;;127N;32W;01, 45.838592 -94.654077
462311 Juhnke, C. 204 CMJ FRO 1999-05-11
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Frontenac State Park Goodhue County ... self-guided trail woodland at quarry ...T112N R13W NE NW SE 2;Frontenac State Park;112N;13W;2, 44.534004 -92.339261
519581 Myhre, K. 3513 1993-05-05
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Pine Co.; located 7 mi SE of Pine City. Plants growing in a small ravine; T38N R20W NW1/4 of NE1/4 of sec 16;;038N;20W;16, 45.780703 -92.847557
728673 Eikum, B. 126 1979-07-06
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Hastings;Hastings Scientific Natural Area;115N;17W, 44.73907 -92.86266
518488 Lee, Michael MDL293 1993-08-05
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Dakota County...Jct Hwy's U.S. 61, MN 50 & MN 20...T113N R17W NW1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 9;;113N;17W;09, 44.606835 -92.861112
800099 Johnson, Gary s.n. 1988-07-29
United States, Minnesota, Hubbard, N.E.1/4 S.4 Guthrie [Twp], Hubbard Co.;;144N;33W;4, 47.317226 -94.866642
508497 Lee, Michael MDL877 1995-05-11
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Wabasha County...NE-facing slope along Snake Creek 4 mi SSW of Kellogg...T109N R10W SENWNW 16;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;109N;10W;16, 44.25184 -92.027471
220239 Butters, F.K. 4016 1921-06-17
United States, Minnesota, Yellow Medicine, Granite Falls, 44.808497 -95.556905
220548 Roberts, Thomas s.n. 1904-07-10
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Brook Lodge;;N, 44.281245 -92.204102
262195 Butters, F.K. 4002 1921-05-31
United States, Minnesota, Houston, W of Caledonia, Houston Co., 43.63472 -91.49667
262264 Rosendahl, C. 4906 1925-08-11
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey State Park;;N, 44.55042 -95.120251
282021 Rosendahl, C. 5799 1929-06-01
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Along hwy #9, E of Houston;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;N, 43.7633 -91.568476
430855 Rosendahl, C.O.; Moyle, J. 2164 1936-07-18
United States, Minnesota, Koochiching, falls of the Big Fork, Koochiching Co.;Pine Island State Forest;154N;25W, 48.1833 -94.1667
358796 Rosendahl, C. 327 1902-06-04
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Spring Grove;;101N;07W, 43.543165 -91.672028
370771 Moore, John 13344 1940-06-27
United States, Minnesota, Redwood, About 7 mi S of Sacred Heart, Redwood Co.;;114N;37W, 44.315321 -95.2333
374041 Linnaean Club, U of M, 207 1939-05-21
United States, Minnesota, Rice, Nerstrand Woods. Rice Co.;Nerstrand Woods State Park;110N;19W, 44.344855 -93.11056
376309 Dahl, A. s.n. 1937-06-20
United States, Minnesota, Renville, Fairfax, Renville Co.;;112N;32W, 44.789126 -95.211673
381396 Moore, John 15410 1942-06-20
United States, Minnesota, Olmsted, 1 mi N of Rochester on Hwy.63, Olmsted Co., 44.10321 -92.461659
387629 Moyer, Lycurgus; Manning s.n. 1894-06-21
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minnehaha Park, Minneapolis;Minnehaha Falls Park;028N;23W;17, 44.917188 -93.206056
387630 Moyer, Lycurgus s.n. 1883-07-30
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Frontenac;;112N;13W, 44.507468 -92.326291
387631 Moore, John 18458 1946-05-28
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona Co. Old road at base of Gwinn's bluff;Great River Bluffs State Park;106N;05W, 44.197 -91.941562
387632 Moore, John; Hall, Robert 16556 1944-06-13
United States, Minnesota, Cottonwood, Cottonwood Co. Red Rock Dells, 6 mi S of Sanborn;;N, 44.136556 -95.130513
387633 Moore, John; Huff, N. 17996 1945-07-25
United States, Minnesota, Morrison, Morrison Co. Little Hillman Creek, near Center Valley;;N, 46.007122 -94.278687
387634 Moore, John 17647 1945-07-09
United States, Minnesota, Cottonwood, Cottonwood Co. Red Rock Falls, 6 mi S of Sanborn, 44.136556 -95.130513
387640 Moore, John 18458A 1946-05-28
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona Co. Old road at base of Gwinn's bluff;Great River Bluffs State Park;106N;05W, 44.197 -91.941562
387641 Rosendahl, C. 7632 1943-06-29
United States, Minnesota, Winona, After crossing Cedar Creek (goin S), 44.009667 -91.495237
396888 Stevens, O. s.n. 1947-07-18
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Buffalo State Park (Clay Co.);Buffalo River State Park;139N;46W;10, 46.86404 -96.46709
421370 Jacobs, D. 556 1948-08-13
United States, Minnesota, Nicollet, Nicollet Co. 4 mi W of Courtland;;110N;30W, 44.268269 -94.421148
426857 Zager, S. 940811 1994-08-11
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Fillmore Co.; T102N R12W NE1/4, NE1/4, NW1/4, 27;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;102N;12W;27, 43.615385 -92.138052
442997 Lakela, Olga 13578 1951-08-12
United States, Minnesota, Lake, East Beaver Bay, bluff, on Lake Superior, Lake Co.;;N, 47.2677 -91.282943
459435 Smith, Welby 12804 1987-06-02
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Murphy-Hanrahan County Park Reserve. Scott County...Murphy-Hanrahan Regional Park; on the S side of Hanrahan Lake, about 2 mi W of Burnsville. SW1/4 NW1/4 sec 34, T115N R21W. 115N 21W 34, 44.7277778 -93.3363889
51875 Ballard, C. B406 1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Jordan;;114N;23W, 44.66532 -93.627759
51876 Taylor, B. T947 1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Pope, Glenwood;;N, 45.650239 -95.389758
51878 Frost, W. F140 1892-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Meeker, Acton [pioneer village], Meeker Co.;;119N;32W;26, 45.08778 -94.66538
51881 Ballard, C. B123 1891-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Carver, Chaska;;N, 44.789407 -93.602179
51885 Butters, F.K. 3013 1915-06-21
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Near Whalan, Fillmore Co.;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;103N;09W, 43.732186 -91.926543
51887 Butters, F.K. 3364 1916-06-14
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, W of Cannon Falls, 44.506911 -92.905484
51889 Moyer, Lycurgus 24 1897-07-25
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, Knud Leen's field, Montevideo;;117N;40W, 44.941389 -95.722222
51890 Manning, Sara s.n. 1892-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Rest Island;;112N;13W, 44.521627 -92.370728
51893 Rosendahl, C. s.n. 1902-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Spring Grove;;101N;07W, 43.543165 -91.672028
51894 Lyon, H. s.n. 1899-08-25
United States, Minnesota, Houston, On Wild Cat Creek, Houston Co.;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;103N;04W, 43.717664 -91.43149
51895 Sandberg, John s.n. 1886-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington Co., 45.038732 -92.8834
51897 Rosendahl, C. 327 1902-06-04
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Spring Grove;;101N;07W, 43.543165 -91.672028
51898 Butters, F.K. 3231 1915-06-23
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Near Bee, Houston Co.;;101N;06W, 43.501082 -91.570699
51899 Butters, F.K. 3049 1915-06-24
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Near Zumbro Falls, 44.2833 -92.422126
51906 Butters, F.K. R2744b 1914-06-09
United States, Minnesota, Wright, Near Dayton, Wright Co., 45.244076 -93.540079
51908 Holzinger, John s.n. 1905-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Dakota; in Winona Co.;;N, 44.049963 -91.639315
532950 Lakela, Olga 19948 1956-06-22
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Little Swan River, hwy.#5 N of Toivola;;N, 47.297157 -92.831025
538406 Anderson, W. s.n. 1938-07-06
United States, Minnesota, Brown, [no further data], 44.300896 -94.726054
54117 Sheldon, Edmund S857 1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Brown, Sleepy Eye;;110N;32W, 44.297183 -94.72415
54283 Menzel, Max s.n. 1892-05-00
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Pipestone City;;106N;46W;12, 44.00136 -96.31763
54284 Menzel, Max s.n. 1896-05-00
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Pipestone [assuming the quarry area; town generally noted as Pipestone City by collector];Pipestone National Monument;106N;46W;01, 44.01585 -96.31767
554454 Moore, John; Hsi, Yu-tseng [Eugene] 23336 1957-08-06
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Blue Earth Co. 1 mi W of Mankato;;N, 44.162588 -94.039641
558635 Moore, John 23739 1958-05-27
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Blue Earth Co. Bluff of the Minnesota River at Mankato;;N, 44.163578 -93.9994
558642 Moore, John 23736 1958-05-27
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Blue Earth Co. Bluff of Minnesota River at Mankato;;N, 44.163578 -93.9994
566546 Moore, John 24342 1958-10-06
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Blue Earth Co. Below Rapidan Dam;;N, 44.091631 -94.108568
585683 Moore, John 26275 1963-05-24
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Blue Earth Co. Bluffs, 1 1/2 mi W of Mankato;;N, 44.16233 -94.060637
586538 Moore, John 26405 1963-06-27
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Blue Earth Co. Bluffs of the Minnesota River, 1 mi W of Mankato;;N, 44.16233 -94.060637
604029 Moore, John; Hsi, Yu-tseng [Eugene] 27170 1967-06-16
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Houston Co. Old woodroad, 1 1/2 mi NW of Freeburg;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;102N;05W, 43.626443 -91.385523
622063 Ownbey, Gerald; Moore, John 4418 1971-06-06
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Afton State Park.;Afton State Park;027N;20W;3, 44.855167 -92.791262
681640 Peck, J. 770910-7 1977-09-10
United States, Minnesota, Rice, Rice Co, NE of Faribault, St. James School campus, woods N of ice arena. T-110N R-20W sec.29;;110N;20W;29, 44.305115 -93.252536
681953 Clemants, Steven 782 1977-07-25
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington County...Small valley, 4.5 mi S of Afton on rt.21. 1 mi S of Hwy.20. T27N, R20W, Sec.15 & 16.;;027N;20W;00, 44.826408 -92.800757
685076 Stassen, Carol 138 1977-06-22
United States, Minnesota, Lyon, Lyon Co. Camden State Park; T110N R42W Sec.5 NE1/4. Along Indian Creek.;Camden State Park;110N;42W;5, 44.36631 -95.923324
691331 Clemants, Steven 1061 1978-06-03
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Goodhue Co. 0.3 mi W of Flower Valley Rd, 1.4 mi W of US 61. T112N, R14W, S Center Sec.2.;;112N;14W;2, 44.534004 -92.339261
691333 Clemants, Steven 866 1977-09-01
United States, Minnesota, Olmsted, Olmsted Co. Simpson's bluff, 3 mi S of Simpson on co.rd.1. North Branch Root River. T105N R13W, E Center Sec.20;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;105N;13W;20, 43.884044 -92.402834
691341 Clemants, Steven 1101 1978-06-03
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Wabasha Co. Hazellet Coulee about 3 mi SW of Lake City, 1 mi S of US 61 on co.rd.2. T111N, R13W, S Center Sec.24;;111N;13W;24, 44.40399 -92.319512
691342 Clemants, Steven 1199 1978-06-14
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Fillmore Co. About 1 mi NE of Lanesboro on US 16. T103N, R9W, Sec.7;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;103N;09W;7, 43.738518 -91.959532
691378 Clemants, Steven 649 1977-05-08
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Fillmore Co. North Branch Root River. T104N, R10W, SE1/4 Sec.28 and NE1/4 Sec.33;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;104N;10W, 43.774766 -92.039209
691430 Ownbey, Gerald 5147 1976-05-23
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington Co. Afton State Park. T28N, R20W, SW1/4 Sec.34.;Afton State Park;028N;20W;34, 44.865822 -92.796742
691439 Ownbey, Gerald 6106 1978-07-26
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Wabasha Co. T109N, R12W, NW1/4, Sec.11.;;109N;12W;11, 44.258752 -92.220003
692742 Smith, Welby 607 1978-06-18
United States, Minnesota, Wright, Wright Co. T122N R25W. N1/2 sec.32. On bluff above Mississippi River, about 3 mi NW of Monticello on co.rd.75;;122N;25W;32, 45.332753 -93.860001
692757 Meyer, Rob 176 1978-06-03
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Goodhue Co. Flower Valley, c.8 mi ESE of Redwing. S central part of sec.2 T112N R13W;;112N;13W;2, 44.535073 -92.339157
692761 Ownbey, Gerald; Clemants, Steven 6180 1978-09-20
United States, Minnesota, Cottonwood, Cottonwood Co. Red Rock County Park, T108N, R36W, Sec.36, NE1/4, Germantown Twp.;;108N;36W;36, 44.118936 -95.10561
695883 Clemants, Steven 1111 1978-06-09
United States, Minnesota, Chisago, Chisago Co. Goose Creek, about 3 mi NE of Harris. T36N, R21W, intersection of Sec.13, 14, 23, 24;;036N;21W, 45.600756 -92.919281
700554 Ownbey, Gerald B. 6189 1979-05-11
United States, Minnesota, Le Sueur, Le Sueur Co. 1 mi NE of LeSueur;;112N;25W, 44.461354 -93.915242
701589 Ownbey, Gerald 6261b 1979-07-13
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Houston Co. T103N, R4W, NE1/4, Sec.11, on Rt.26, 3 mi N of Brownsville. Bluff of Mississippi River;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;103N;04W;11, 43.738911 -91.283753
701590 Ownbey, Gerald 6246 1979-07-13
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona Co. Queens Bluff, ca. 12 mi SE of Winona. At NE corner of the bluff;Great River Bluffs State Park;106N;05W, 44.197 -91.941562
703057 Ownbey, Gerald 6505 1979-09-16
United States, Minnesota, Rice, Sec. SW1/4. Co.Rt.20, ca. 2.5 mi S of Dundas. Along Cannon River, E side;Cannon River Wilderness Park;111N;20W;26, 44.393461 -93.201301
703066 Ownbey, Gerald 6546 1979-09-17
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington Co. Wm. O'Brien State Park along St. Croix River. T32N, R19W, Sec.31, NE1/4.;William O'Brien State Park;032N;19W;31, 45.220055 -92.758561
703067 Ownbey, Gerald 6547 1979-09-17
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington Co. Wm. O'Brien State Park along St. Croix River. T32N, R19W, Sec.31, NE1/4.;William O'Brien State Park;032N;19W;31, 45.220055 -92.758561
707903 Smith, Welby 1222 1979-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Redwood, Redwood Co. T112N R34W; NW1/4 SE1/4 sec.14. 6.5 mi N-NE of Morgan, S of Wabasha Creek and N of co.hwy.10.;;112N;34W;14, 44.513365 -94.889882
708477 Wheeler, Gerald 3431 1979-05-12
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington Co. Approx. 2 mi S of Marine on St. Croix; just E of Hwy 95. Arcola Trail. May Twp.;;031N;20W;00, 45.18062 -92.766724
709605 Wheeler, Gerald 4606 1979-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Redwood, Redwood Co. Approx. 6.5 mi N-NE of Morgan. About 1/16 to 1/8 mi W of Rt.11. T112N R34W Sec.14;;112N;34W;14, 44.513365 -94.889882
709659 Wheeler, Gerald 4663 1979-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Redwood, Redwood Co. Approx. 6.5 mi N of Morgan. Cedar Mountain. T112N R34W Sec.15;;112N;34W;15, 44.50706 -94.916063
712020 Smith, Welby 967 1979-07-04
United States, Minnesota, Wright, Wright Co. T119N R24W; SE1/4 NE1/4 sec.20. W side of Co.Rd.19, 0.8 mi N of its jnc. with State Hwy.55 in Rockford.;;119N;24W;20, 45.102611 -93.730404
712157 Smith, Welby 1901 1979-07-28
United States, Minnesota, Wright, Wright Co. T122N R26W; NW1/4 NE1/4 Sec.7. 0.4 mi N of Co. Hwy.75, 4.0 mi SE of its jnc. with State Hwy.24 in Clearwater;;122N;26W;7, 45.390626 -94.004834
717200 Peck, J. 80-91 1980-05-25
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona Co.: La Moille, mouth of Trout Creek, at Hwy.61;;106N;05W, 44.197 -91.941562
722402 Wheeler, Gerald 5221 1980-06-19
United States, Minnesota, Jackson, Jackson Co. Kilen Woods State Park. Adjacent to the Des Moines River. t103N R35W Sec.17;Kilen Woods State Park;103N;35W;17, 43.72505 -95.064623
729092 Cutler, S. 59 1980-06-12
United States, Minnesota, Chisago, Chisago Co. Goose Creek Natural Area: 5 mi SE of Rush City. NW1/4 SW1/4 Sec.19, T36N, R20W;Wild River State Park;036N;20W;19, 45.591577 -92.895638
729979 Converse, C. 295 1980-06-16
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Pine Co. Kettle River Natural Area: 5.5 mi E of Hinckley. SW1/4 NW1/4, Sec.23, T41N, r20W;Kettle River Scientific Natural Area / Sandstone National Wildlife Refuge;041N;20W;23, 46.00744 -92.836453
730330 Converse, C. 322 1980-06-17
United States, Minnesota, Chisago, Chisago Co. Goose Creek Natural Area: 5 mi SE of Rush City. SE1/4 SW1/4 Sec.6, T36N, R20W;Wild River State Park;036N;20W;6, 45.631554 -92.890466
743533 Nietering, E. 83 1982-05-29
United States, Minnesota, Redwood, Redwood County...N1/2 NW1/4 Sec.17, R37W, T114N, E of Co.Rd.7, N of Belview;;114N;37W;17, 44.679459 -95.329739
743536 Nietering, E. 110 1982-06-15
United States, Minnesota, Yellow Medicine, Yellow Medicine Co. ... SE1/4 NE1/4 Sec.4, R39W, T115N, E side of Hwy.23, Granite Falls;Blue Devil Valley Scientific Natural Area;115N;39W;4, 44.798123 -95.546816
743688 Nietering, E. 06 1982-04-29
United States, Minnesota, Nicollet, Nicollet Co. NW1/4 NW1/4 Sec.22, R32W, T111N;;111N;32W;22, 44.407159 -94.671339
743745 Ownbey, Gerald 6655 1980-09-20
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest. Houston Co. Twin Bluffs, 1.8 mi N of Iowa line at New Albin. Two limestone-capped knobs; on W side of Rt.26. T101N, r4W, Houston Co. Twin Bluffs, 1.8 mi N of Iowa line at New Albin. Two limestone-capped knobs; on W side of Rt.26. T101N, r4W, Sec.26, NW1/4. 101N 04W 26, 43.522538 -91.28284
747312 Galatowitsch, S. 433 1982-07-14
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Houston Co. Caledonia Oaks: T102N R5W E1/2 SW1/4 Sec.24;Caledonia Oaks, The Nature Conservancy;102N;05W;24, 43.619623 -91.386972