Timothy J. S. Whitfeld; Michael Lee 3012 2021-07-21
United States, Minnesota, St. Louis, Voyageurs National Park, northwest end of Grassy Bay, Sand Point Lake, 48.399995 -92.550409, 325m
Timothy J. S. Whitfeld; Michael Lee 3051 2021-07-23
United States, Minnesota, St. Louis, Low island in the southeast arm of Sand Point Lake close to Little Vermillion Lake, 48.320924 -92.448157, 340m
527268 Lakela, Olga 1954-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis
439475 Myhre, K. 1993-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Pine
439935 Myhre, K. 1993-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Pine
444940 Moore, John; et al. 1945-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Rock
444946 Moore, John; et al. 1945-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Rock
446543 Moore, John; Huff, N. 1946-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Nicollet
503027 Moore, John 1950-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Big Stone
528966 Lakela, Olga 1955-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis
532770 Lakela, Olga 1956-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis
554599 Moore, John 1957-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone
585608 Moore, John 1963-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone
708004 Smith, Welby 1979-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Redwood
774529 Monson, Paul 1983-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis
778279 Converse, C. 1985-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Lac Qui Parle
812557 Ostlie, Wayne 1990-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Lac Qui Parle
435517 Myhre, K. 1997-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Carlton
477238 Myhre, K. 1997-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Carlton
934311 Ruby, Janeen 2011-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Rock
934314 Bolduan, Brad 2008-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Rock
Timothy J. S. Whitfeld; Michael Lee 2021-00-00
United States, Minnesota, St. Louis
909242 Gerdes, Lynden; et al. 5619 2008-08-06
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest. T63N R14W S23 NWSW St. Louis County ... Superior National Forest. Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Western shores of Clark Lake.. 063N 14W 23, 47.924059 -92.083556
155144 Taylor, B. T1620 1892-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Chisago, Linn Lake;;N, 45.359579 -92.825288
155145 Rosendahl, C. 2063 1907-09-11
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Echo Lake [other Rosendahl collections indicated Washington Co.];;030N;21W;17, 45.086638 -92.954623
273315 Rosendahl, C. 6099 1929-09-03
United States, Minnesota, Cass, Pfrimmer's Lake N of Woman Lake;;N, 46.9717 -94.30497
281976 Rosendahl, C. 6099 1929-09-03
United States, Minnesota, Cass, Pfrimmer's Lake, N of Woman Lake;;N, 46.9717 -94.30497
345434 Moyle, J. 3116 1937-10-03
United States, Minnesota, Carlton, Big Lake;;N, 46.700429 -92.630005
356038 Rosendahl, C.; Butters, F. 6835 1937-08-25
United States, Minnesota, Cass, Shores of Pfremmer's Lake, NW of Woman Lake;;N, 46.9717 -94.30497
367071 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 10356 1938-08-28
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, N shore of Auto Lake;;N, 47.6786 -92.634
406020 Moyle, J. s.n. 1949-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, In Mapleleaf (Maple) Lake near Alborn;;N, 47.0121 -92.62367
439586 Myhre, K. 4702 1993-10-17
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Aitkin Co. Located 1 mi NE of the town of Glen in Clear Lake; T46N R25W NW1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 33;;046N;25W;33, 46.425473 -93.504643
447081 Myhre, K. 5273 1994-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Chippewa National Forest. Itasca Co.; Located one quarter mile northeast of Burns Lake; northeast shore of Cad Lake; T 59N R 26W NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Itasca Co.; Located one quarter mile northeast of Burns Lake; northeast shore of Cad Lake; T 59N R 26W NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 2. 059N 26W 2, 47.624032 -93.608429
453581 Myhre, K. 6670 1996-08-29
United States, Minnesota, Crow Wing, Crow Wing Co. Located 10 mi SE of the town of Emily; SE bay of Stark Lake; T137N R25W NW1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 35;;137N;25W;35, 46.636573 -93.809806
455224 Myhre, K. 5304 1994-09-12
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Itasca Co.; Located along the northeast shore of Pug Hole Lake; T 57N R 26W NE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 13;Chippewa National Forest;057N;26W;13, 47.421858 -93.588759
458808 Myhre, K. 7126 1997-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Kanabec, Kanabec Co.; Pomroy Lake. Located 10 mi NE of the town of Mora. Plants occur along the SE bay of the lake; T41N R22W NW1 Kanabec Co.; Pomroy Lake. Located 10 mi NE of the town of Mora. Plants occur along the SE bay of the lake; T41N R22W NW1/4 of NW1/4 of sEc 30. 041N 22W 30, 46.003483 -93.170462
475519 Myhre, K. 5322A 1994-09-18
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Itasca Co.; Located along the south bay of Day Lake; T 58N R 26W NE1/4 of SE1/4 of sec 28;Chippewa National Forest;058N;26W;28, 47.479909 -93.651836
475959 Myhre, K. 5327A 1994-09-18
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Itasca Co.; Located along the northwest shore of Caribou Lake; T 58N R 26W SW1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 4;Chippewa National Forest;058N;26W;4, 47.537271 -93.650755
476287 Myhre, K. 6967 1997-07-24
United States, Minnesota, Carlton, Fond du Lac Indian Reservation. Carlton Co.; Big Lake. Locatd 2.5 mile north of the town of Sawyer. Plants occur along the northwest bay of the lake; T Carlton Co.; Big Lake. Locatd 2.5 mile north of the town of Sawyer. Plants occur along the northwest bay of the lake; T 49N R 18W SW1/4 of SW1/4 of sec 21. 049N 18W 21, 46.715007 -92.628416
476288 Myhre, K. 6888 1997-07-09
United States, Minnesota, Carlton, Carlton Co.; Torchlight Lake. Located 12 miles west of the town of Carlton. Plants occur along the northeast bay of lake Carlton Co.; Torchlight Lake. Located 12 miles west of the town of Carlton. Plants occur along the northeast bay of lake; T 48N R 18W SW1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 8. 048N 18W 8, 46.656902 -92.649914
476289 Myhre, K. 6914 1997-07-17
United States, Minnesota, Carlton, Carlton Co.; Cross Lake. Located 3 miles north of the town of Cromwell. Plants occur along the southeast end of lake; T Carlton Co.; Cross Lake. Located 3 miles north of the town of Cromwell. Plants occur along the southeast end of lake; T 49N R 20W NE1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 21. 049N 20W 21, 46.715515 -92.883549
476339 Myhre, K. 3238A 1992-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Cass, Cass Co.; located on the west shore of Spider Lake; T 137N R 32W NW1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 24;Foothills State Forest;137N;32W;24, 46.666344 -94.670409
476340 Myhre, K. 3408 1992-10-02
United States, Minnesota, Cass, Cass Co.; located on the north shore of Heffron Lake; T 140N R 28W SE1/4 of SE1/4 of sec 17;;140N;28W;17, 46.942196 -94.247415
481154 Lakela, Olga 17070 1953-09-05
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Trout Lake, N shore, N of Vermilion Lake;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;N, 47.96483 -92.317289
481252 Lakela, Olga 16958 1953-09-02
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis County...Trout Lake, near the portage to Vermilion Lake;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;063N;16W;24, 47.924352 -92.319374
491777 Lakela, Olga 16961 1953-09-02
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis County...Trout Lake, near portage to Vermilion Lake;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;063N;16W;24, 47.924352 -92.319374
508601 Myhre, K. 6683 1996-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Crow Wing, Crow Wing Co. Located 3.5 mi N of the town of Emily. Plants occur along the N shore of Squaw Lake; T138N R26W NW1/4 of N Crow Wing Co. Located 3.5 mi N of the town of Emily. Plants occur along the N shore of Squaw Lake; T138N R26W NW1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 10. 138N 26W 10, 46.781472 -93.955749
532632 Lakela, Olga 21009 1956-08-28
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Lake County...Crooked Lake, at the Forestry Cabin, lower falls of Basswood River;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;065N;11W;22, 48.101619 -91.724028
542918 Lakela, Olga 22244 1957-09-04
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Bottom of Farm Lake, 6 mi NE of Ely;Superior National Forest;N, 47.899367 -91.725322
834414 Myhre, K. 4665 1993-09-18
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Pine Co. Located 1.5 mi SW of the town of Willow River; Clear Lake; T44N R20W SE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 9;;044N;20W;9, 46.309963 -92.876586
834415 Myhre, K. 4641 1993-09-16
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Pine Co. Located 1.5 mi SW of the town of Willow River; Clear Lake; T44N R20W SE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 9;;044N;20W;9, 46.309963 -92.876586
834452 Myhre, K. 4529A 1993-08-19
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Pine Co. Located 1 mi SE of the town of Willow River; E half of Second Lake; T44N R19W SW1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec.7;;044N;19W;7, 46.309615 -92.793173
834453 Myhre, K. 4517 1993-08-18
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Pine Co. Located 1 mi SW of the town of Finlayson; N shore of Indian Lake; T43N R21W SW1/4 of SE1/4 of sec 24;;043N;21W;24, 46.194685 -92.939042
842471 Myhre, K. 6159 1995-08-23
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Aitkin Co. Located 6 mi SW of the town of Aitkin; NE bays of Little Pine Lake; T46N R27W NE1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 27.;;046N;27W;27, 46.439396 -93.738629
842472 Myhre, K. 6144 1995-08-19
United States, Minnesota, Crow Wing, Crow Wing Co. Located 1 mi NE of Clearwater Lake. Plants occur along the SE bays of Long Lake; T46N R28W SE1/4 of SW1/4 Crow Wing Co. Located 1 mi NE of Clearwater Lake. Plants occur along the SE bays of Long Lake; T46N R28W SE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 33.. 046N 28W 33, 46.424467 -93.88391
842473 Myhre, K. 6085 1995-08-14
United States, Minnesota, Crow Wing, Crow Wing Co. Located 2 mi NW of Mille Lacs Lake. Plants occur along the W bay and channel of Turtle Lake; T45N R28W NW1 Crow Wing Co. Located 2 mi NW of Mille Lacs Lake. Plants occur along the W bay and channel of Turtle Lake; T45N R28W NW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 25.. 045N 28W 25, 46.352142 -93.820943
842474 Myhre, K. 5691 1995-06-23
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Aitkin Co. Located 1/2 mi SW of Elm Island Lake. Plants occur along the W bays of Lone Lake; T46N R26W NW1/4 of SE1/4 of Aitkin Co. Located 1/2 mi SW of Elm Island Lake. Plants occur along the W bays of Lone Lake; T46N R26W NW1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 30.. 046N 26W 30, 46.439231 -93.675343
842475 Myhre, K. 6100A 1995-08-16
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Aitkin Co. Located 2.5 mi W of the town of Aitkin; Poor Farm Lake; T47N R27W NE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 28.;;047N;27W;28, 46.439471 -93.759349
842476 Myhre, K. 5915 1995-07-22
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Aitkin Co. Located 5 mi SE of the town of McGregor; NW shore of Sheriff Lake; T47N R23W NW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 1;;047N;23W;1, 46.585835 -93.189757
842487 Myhre, K. 6149 1995-08-19
United States, Minnesota, Crow Wing, Crow Wing Co. Located 2 mi SW of the town of Deerwood. Plants occur along the SE bays of Olander Lake... T46N R29W SE1/4 of NE1/4 of sec 24. 046N 29W 24, 46.453444 -93.947049
842488 Myhre, K. 5813 1995-07-04
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Aitkin Co. Located 1 mi SE of the town of Glen; Sugar Lake; T45N R25W SE1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 2.;;045N;25W;2, 46.412527 -93.462325
842526 Myhre, K. 6075 1995-08-11
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Aitkin Co. Located 3.5 mi SE of the town of McGregor; S shore of Starvation Lake; T47N R23W SE1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 8.;;047N;23W;8, 46.570016 -93.273089
492717 Hulvershorn, T.; et al. 1554 2003-08-17
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis Co ... Lac La Crois, BWCAW. T67N R14W sec.24 SWNWNE.;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;067N;14W;24, 48.274773 -92.07183
435247 Myhre, K. 6865 1997-07-08
United States, Minnesota, Carlton, Carlton Co.; Cole Lake. Located 2 miles southwest of the town of Wright. Plants occur along the northwest bays of lake; T 48N R 21W SE1/4 of NE1/4 of sec 7. 048N 21W 7, 46.658395 -93.053682
476743 Hiebert, J.; et al. s.n. 2001-08-24
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, Island Lake. Stearns County. DOW 7310400. T124N R30W SWNW Sec 13. Located about 4 miles west of St. Joseph;;124N;30W;13, 45.550981 -94.393616
435516 Myhre, K. 6899 1997-07-14
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Superior National Forest. Lake County...Birch Lake. Located directly northeast of the town of Babbitt. Plants occur along the deep bay northwest of River Point Resort...T 61N R 11W NW1/4 of NW1/4 of sec 5. 061N 11W 5, 47.798901 -91.758603
905019 Myhre, K. 09892 2007-07-20
United States, Minnesota, Cass, Cass County...Sand Lake_south basin [sic]. Located 17 miles southeast of the town of Walker...T 140N R 29W NW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 27. 140N 29W 27, 46.9119444 -94.3397222
929432 Gerdes, Lynden B. 6468 2011-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Fish Fry Lakes West. Approximately 4.96 miles WNW of Isabella, MN. The NE bay of west Fish Fry Lake. SENWSWSW of section;Superior National Forest;060N;09W;26, 47.6491667 -91.4472222
937719 Gerdes, Lynden B.; Gerdes, D. Lawson 6689 2012-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Birch Lake dam area, approximately 6.09 miles SE of Ely, MN and 0.52 miles NW of the dam. Shoal at northern end of narrow point.;Superior National Forest;062N;11W;30, 47.821667 -91.791111
532500 Lakela, Olga 21046 1956-08-30
Canada, Ontario, Rainy River, bay off Crooked Lake, northeast of Curtain Falls, Ontario side of International Boundary
958975 Lynden B. Gerdes; Melissa J Bach 7177 2014-08-04
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Superior National Forest, Oyster Lake, BWCAW. Sandy shoreline and shallows at the far northeast end of lake. (Western most larger bay-beach.), 48.23333333 -92.0925
965458 Lee, Michael; Aaseng, Norm; Wovcha, Daniel; Rusterholz, Kurt MDL5401 2010-08-27
United States, Minnesota, Cook, 48.0447173 -90.51335591, 564m