Search Results (List)

Dataset: MIN
Taxa: Hypoxidaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 228

University of Minnesota Herbarium

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
539967Tester, John   s.n.1957-06-17
United States, Minnesota, Mahnomen, 3-4 miles w. and 1 mile s. of Waubun.;Waubun Prairie Wildlife Management Area / White Earth Indian Reservation;143N;42W;33, 47.1589041 -96.0074302

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
900916Lee, Michael   MDL39972005-06-24
United States, Minnesota, Becker, Greenwater Lake Scientific Natural Area / White Earth Indian Reservation. Becker County...Greenwater Lake Scientific and Natural Area...northwest shore of Greenwater Lake, six miles west-northwest of Ponsford...T141N R38W SW1/4 of NE1/4 of NW1/4 Sec. 33. 141N 38W 33, 46.9838935 -95.4976994

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
510289Kaul, R.   57631987-05-24
United States, Minnesota, Steele, Steele County ... between the railroad and US Highway 218 just southeast of Owatonna.;;107N;20W, 44.063698 -93.192567

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
224557Holzinger, John   s.n.1901-05-00
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Vic. of Winona. Top of bluffs.;;N, 44.0333 -91.6333

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
262133Rosendahl, C.; Butters, F.   42431922-05-31
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Crooked Creek Valley.;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;N, 43.592621 -91.284352

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
282520Lakela, Olga   5691933-05-19
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Along Rice St, ca. 3 mi. N of Rice St. Swamp. Ramsey Co., 44.995476 -93.104243

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
306796Rosendahl, C.   2024M1935-06-21
United States, Minnesota, Mahnomen, 4 mi. E of Beaulieu.;White Earth Indian Reservation;145N;40W, 47.3677439 -95.7415736

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
307298Moyle, J.   20071935-06-17
United States, Minnesota, Morrison, 5 mi. N of Little Falls.;;N, 46.048748 -94.362502

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
351134Seashore, Mauritz   s.n.1932-05-20
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Savage;;N, 44.762557 -93.358995

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
353364Moyle, J.   13321934-07-18
United States, Minnesota, Pennington, 24.5 mi. S of Thief River Falls.;;N, 48.137191 -96.175395

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
364424Moyer, Lycurgus   s.n.1909-06-05
United States, Minnesota, Yellow Medicine, Granite Falls.;;N, 44.809836 -95.535447

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
364466Beach, W.   s.n.1913-06-07
United States, Minnesota, McLeod, Hutchinson;;N, 44.882875 -94.380006

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
367751Moore, John; et al.   124641940-05-17
United States, Minnesota, Mower, Railroad right-of-way, Rose Creek. Mower Co., 43.612332 -92.974608

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
367863Moore, John; et al.   129281940-05-28
United States, Minnesota, Meeker, Beside the railroad right-of-way; 2 mi. E of Atwater. Meeker Co., 45.137156 -94.759204

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
368241Moore, John; et al.   128371948-05-27
United States, Minnesota, Grant, Along the railroad right-of-way, 1/2 mi. S of Elbow Lake. Grant Co., 45.983912 -95.966029

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
368285Moore, John; et al.   129191940-05-28
United States, Minnesota, Swift, Railraod right-of-way, near Danvers. Swift Co., 45.28 -95.751389

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
370181Moore, John; et al.   144261941-06-14
United States, Minnesota, Marshall, Railroad right-of-way, 5 mi. N of Warren, on hwy. 75., 48.269065 -96.799018

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
372104Moore, John; et al.   141631941-06-10
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, along railroad right-of-way. T130N R45W Sec. 25;;130N;45W;25, 46.0432028 -96.2763529

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
372821Moore, John; et al.   144051941-06-14
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Hwy. 102, 2 mi. S of Kankel., 47.646612 -96.418567

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
381265Moore, John   155421942-06-28
United States, Minnesota, Polk, 6 mi. W of Fertile on Beltrami Road.;;N, 47.536005 -96.408974

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
381382Moore, John   155071942-06-29
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Campbell Beach, 6 1/2 mi. W of Hawley.;;N, 46.880711 -96.454397

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
381517Moore, John; et al.   142681942-05-01
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Sn 35, Jefferson township, Houston Co.;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;101N;04W;35, 43.5080621 -91.2828714

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
383237Moore, John   158391943-06-25
United States, Minnesota, Washington, along the St. Croix, 1 1/2 mi S of Bayport;;029N;20W, 44.997167 -92.777778

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
396854Stevens, O.   s.n.1947-07-11
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Buffalo State Park.;Buffalo River State Park;139N;46W;10, 46.8693271 -96.4734276

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
428276Gould, E.   141995-07-03
United States, Minnesota, Mahnomen, Eastern edge of Waubun Prairie, 3 miles west of Waubun; Mahnomen Co.;White Earth Indian Reservation;143N;42W, 47.1950895 -96.0000303

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
432088Schik, K.   96-221996-06-05
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Polk Co, T148N R45W SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of S33; at Chicog Wildlife Management Area.;Chicog Wildlife Management Area;148N;45W;33, 47.5937037 -96.3977888

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
436979Moore, John; Barnum, B.   162061944-05-22
United States, Minnesota, Washington, 1 1/2 mi s of Bayport.;;029N;20W, 44.997167 -92.777778

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
436987Moore, John; Hall, Robert   163141944-06-08
United States, Minnesota, Nobles, Along Rock Island right-of-way, 1 mi. N of Worthington.;;N, 43.634449 -95.596398

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
437051Moore, John; Hall, Robert   166331944-06-14
United States, Minnesota, Sibley, Low ground on railroad right-of-way; 3 mi. W of Gibbon on hwy. 19.;;112N;31W, 44.532484 -94.586504

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
437161Moore, John; Hall, Robert   162831944-06-07
United States, Minnesota, Martin, Railroad right-of-way, 1 mi. W of Fairmont.;;N, 43.661615 -94.499813

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
437177Moore, John; Hall, Robert   165941944-06-14
United States, Minnesota, Renville, Near bridge, hwy. 19 at Morton. Renville Co.;;113N;34W, 44.5855007 -94.9340853

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
437208Moore, John; Hall, Robert   162561944-06-07
United States, Minnesota, Faribault, Railroad right-of-way, 1/2 mi SW of Winnebago.;;N, 43.758723 -94.167052

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
437248Moore, John; Hall, Robert   165391944-06-12
United States, Minnesota, Cottonwood, 9 mi E of Fulda on Hwy 62.;;N, 43.864931 -95.418775

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
437285Moore, John; Hall, Robert   165131944-06-12
United States, Minnesota, Murray, Prairie strip beside the railroad, 1 1/2 mi. SE of Slayton on hwy. 59.;;N, 43.978183 -95.734838

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
444392Nation, R.   94-0701994-06-08
United States, Minnesota, Mower, Lake Louise State Park. Mower Co.; Tract #3A. T101N R14W NW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec. 21;Lake Louise State Park;101N;14W;21, 43.5365784 -92.5190432

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
445039Moore, John; et al.   176331945-07-09
United States, Minnesota, Nobles, 4 mi. N of Lismore., 43.805682 -95.947241

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
445115Moore, John; Huff, N.   186211946-06-14
United States, Minnesota, Roseau, 4 1/2 mi. N of Greenbush.;;N, 48.765656 -96.181682

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
446020Moore, John   172251945-06-17
United States, Minnesota, Pennington, 9 mi. W of Thief River Falls.;;N, 48.124059 -96.372523

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
448429Moore, John; Hall, Robert   164401944-06-11
United States, Minnesota, Lincoln, Prairie strip along railraod right-of-way at Tyler.;;N, 44.276077 -96.134755

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
448439Moore, John; Hall, Robert   163521944-06-09
United States, Minnesota, Rock, Beside highway, 4 mi. SE of Jasper.;;N, 43.805831 -96.341669

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
449138Moore, John   169771945-05-30
United States, Minnesota, Martin, In a prairie strip along the railroad, 3 1/2 mi. N of Fairmont.;;N, 43.685498 -94.373879

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
449148Moore, John   169861945-05-31
United States, Minnesota, Cottonwood, In a prairie strip along the railroad, 1/2 mi. W of Bingham Lake.;;N, 43.903253 -95.055337

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
449220Moore, John   169391945-05-30
United States, Minnesota, Watonwan, along the railroad, 1.7 mi. SW of St. James.;;106N;32W, 43.977957 -94.658573

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
457869Manning, Sara   s.n.1884-05-29
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Lake City;;N, 44.449412 -92.266844

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
458080Garrison, O.   190
United States, Minnesota, Upper Mississippi., 47.218056 -95.207222

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
459218Puchalski, L.   2361993-06-23
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Polk Co.; T150N R40W SE1/4 of NE1/4 of sEc 35;;150N;40W;35, 47.7684838 -95.740675

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
466711Kruse, K.   049 KMK1994-05-29
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Frontenac State Park. Goodhue Co.; T: 112N R: 13W Sec: 11 Quarter Sec: NW NW; site #2.;Frontenac State Park;112N;13W;11, 44.5199905 -92.3392244

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
466715Kruse, K.   053 KMK1994-05-29
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Frontenac State Park. Goodhue Co.; T: 112N R: 13W Sec: 11 Quarter Sec: NW NW; site #2.;Frontenac State Park;112N;13W;11, 44.5199905 -92.3392244

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
502994Moore, John   206071950-06-08
United States, Minnesota, Stevens, Stevens Co., 45.586125 -96.000302

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
503004Moore, John   205971950-06-08
United States, Minnesota, Big Stone, In meadow, 5 mi N of Ortonville.;;N, 45.37709 -96.444779

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
507134Moore, John   207101950-06-22
United States, Minnesota, Faribault, ? mi W of Guckeen.;;N, 43.651343 -94.234974

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
518750Lee, Michael   MDL5021994-05-31
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Fillmore Co.; Lobland Valley; T 103N R 9W SW1/4 of NW1/4 of SEc 4;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;103N;09W;4, 43.7530563 -91.9199445

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
528931Borchard, Alma   s.n.1945-06-13
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Mapleton;;N, 43.92712 -93.954691

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
542649Moore, John   217281952-06-05
United States, Minnesota, Watonwan, 1/2 mi. NW of Darfur.;;107N;33W, 44.056467 -94.845165

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
542816Moore, John   217031952-06-03
United States, Minnesota, Brown, On a prairie strip along the railroad, 2 mi. E of Sleepy Eye.;;N, 44.306574 -94.68428

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
550862Cotter Tucker, Shirley   40701957-06-09
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Along Great Northern railroad tracks, S of Northwest School of Agriculture, Crookston.;;N, 47.77169 -96.609582

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
554501Moore, John   228711956-06-12
United States, Minnesota, Norman, 6 mi. E of Ada.;;N, 47.299618 -96.387276

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
558290Moore, John   238111958-06-10
United States, Minnesota, Kittson, 2 mi. NW of Halma.;;N, 48.681551 -96.631306

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
566701Lang, H.; et al.   411878-05-17
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, St. Paul., 44.954256 -93.088043

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
574469Moore, John   244851959-05-27
United States, Minnesota, Kittson, 2 mi. W of Karlstad.;;N, 48.57777 -96.563193

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
585403Moore, John   259931962-06-01
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Pipestone Co.; Pipestone National Monument. In east pasture.;Pipestone National Monument;106N;46W, 44.013519 -96.324755

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
585505Moore, John   259421962-05-22
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Along the railroad right of way, 1 mi. N of Good Thunder.;;N, 44.01917 -94.065789

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
585595Moore, John   263291963-06-12
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Fish Lake, Cedar Creek Natural History Area.;Cedar Creek National History Area;034N;23W, 45.4280632 -93.2039968

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
590184Meierotto, R.   s.n.1962-07-29
United States, Minnesota, Mahnomen, Mahnomen Co. Waubun Prairie - S33 T143 R42;Waubun Prairie Wildlife Management Area / White Earth Indian Reservation;143N;42W;33, 47.1589041 -96.0074302

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
592478Westkaemper, Remberta   s.n.1964-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, Stearns Co. Roscoe.;;N, 45.433853 -94.639725

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
611371Hsi, Yu-tseng [Eugene]   9961969-06-30
United States, Minnesota, Lyon, In a wet ditch along railroad tracks ca. 3 1/2 mi. S of Marshall along hwy. 59.;;N, 44.396827 -95.75694

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
623107Moore, John   s.n.1975-01-11
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Cedar Creek Natural History Area.;Cedar Creek National History Area;034N;23W, 45.4280632 -93.2039968

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
669763Wheeler, Gerald   s.n.1974-06-10
United States, Minnesota, Sherburne, Ca. 1/8 mi. W of the St. Cloud Airport; 2 mi. E of St. Cloud.;;N, 45.547382 -94.082606

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
670802Heitlinger, M.   5451972-05-30
United States, Minnesota, McLeod, Schaefer Prairie.;Schaefer Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;115N;29W;34, 44.7250496 -94.3049103

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
679114Hanson, H. Theo   41-111941-05-11
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington Co.; 3 miles south of Afton; along St Croix River;Afton State Park;027N;20W, 44.859301 -92.783537

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
679124Brogan, J.   s.n.1941-05-16
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Moore Lake.;;030N;24W, 45.076831 -93.251112

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
691156Sperling, C.   1271976-05-25
United States, Minnesota, Douglas, 4 1/2 mi. S, 3 mi. W of Holmes City. Wildlife area.;;N, 45.768398 -95.603426

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
691543Clemants, Steven   10631978-06-03
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, 0.3 mi. W of Flower Valley Road, 1.4 mi. W of hwy. 61.;;112N;14W;2, 44.535179 -92.4598662

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
693924Roefer, Florence   s.n.1978-05-28
United States, Minnesota, Cottonwood, Jeffers Petroglyph Historic Site.;Jeffers Petroglyphs Historical Site;107N;35W;9, 44.0864517 -95.0499662

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
701465Dorio, J.   1541977-06-08
United States, Minnesota, Morrison, Co.: Morrison ... Sandhill Crane Meadow, 4.5 mi. W of Buckman on hwy. 34.;Crane Meadows National Wildlife Refuge;039N;31W, 45.921435 -94.25829

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
715160Severson, M.   281979-06-20
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Malmberg Prairie: 4.5 mi. S of Fischer.;Malmberg Prairie Scientific Natural Area;149N;48W;16, 47.7241699 -96.8139653

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
715516Ottoson, S.   311979-06-18
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Blazing Star Prairie [SNA]: 4 mi. SE of Felton.;Felton Prairie-Blazing Star Prairie Scientific Natural Area;141N;45W;5, 47.0567136 -96.4173556

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
722934Lustig, K.   5061979-06-20
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Anoka Co. Helen Allison Savanna: 14 mi. SE of Cambridge.;Helen Allison Savanna Scientific Natural Area;033N;23W;2, 45.3777015 -93.1738785

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
724750Smith, Welby   23481980-06-04
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Pipestone Co.; About 2 miles southwest of Ruthton. In prairie on the right-of-way of the Great Northern Railroad. Secti Pipestone Co.; About 2 miles southwest of Ruthton. In prairie on the right-of-way of the Great Northern Railroad. Section 22, T 108N R 44W. 108N 44W 22, 44.1460983 -96.1142375

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
724753Smith, Welby   23211980-06-03
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Between the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad tracks and hwy. 68, ca. 1/4 mi. E of it's jct. with hwy. 42 near Judson.;;108N;28W;3, 44.1884972 -94.1789402

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
727403Ottoson, S.   131979-06-07
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Clay County Bicentennial Prairie [Bicentennial Prairie SNA]: 4 mi. SE of Felton.;Felton Prairie-Bicentennial Prairie Scientific Natural Area;141N;45W;5, 47.0567136 -96.4173556

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
727444Herman, J.   211979-06-13
United States, Minnesota, Norman, Twin Valley Prairie: 5 mi. W of Syre.;Twin Valley Prairie Scientific Natural Area;143N;45W;23, 47.3615666 -96.0991905

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
727505Farrell, P.; et al.   381979-06-13
United States, Minnesota, Polk, 6 1/2 mi. E of Harold [multiple TRS provided];Pembina Trail Preserve Scientific Natural Area, 47.685931 -96.351925

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
728178Severson, M.; Farrell, P.   71979-06-18
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Pankratz Prairie South: 7 mi. SE of Crookston.;Pankratz Memorial Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;149N;45W, 47.7167669 -96.416687

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
728901Herman, J.   291979-06-12
United States, Minnesota, Mahnomen, Mahnomen Co. Santee Prairie: 3 mi SE of Bejou.;Santee Prairie Scientific Natural Area / White Earth Indian Reservation;145N;41W, 47.3684247 -95.8691217

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
729295Heidel, B.   81-181981-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Cedar Creek Natural History Area.;Cedar Creek National History Area;034N;23W, 45.4280632 -93.2039968

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
730477Petron, T.   291980-06-06
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, Western Prairie North: 8 mi. W of Rothsay.;Western Prairie North, The Nature Conservancy;136N;45W;17, 46.5946889 -96.3761319

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
730494Cross-Cella, J.   1231980-06-16
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, Western Prairie North: 8 mi. N of Rothsay.;Western Prairie North, The Nature Conservancy;136N;45W;17, 46.5946889 -96.3761319

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
730579Severson, M.   2041980-05-22
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, Western Prairie North: 8 mi. N of Rothsay.;Western Prairie North, The Nature Conservancy;136N;45W;17, 46.5946889 -96.3761319

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
730640Petron, T.   41980-06-06
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, Western Prairie South: 6.5 mi. NW of Rothsay.;Western Prairie South Scientific Natural Area;135N;46W;12, 46.5218159 -96.4144162

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
730729Benson, Douglas   661981-06-05
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, Anna Gronseth Prairie.;Anna Gronseth Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;134N;45W;9, 46.4348561 -96.3542192

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
730751Benson, Douglas   691981-06-10
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, Kettledrummer Prairie. NW corner of preserve.;Kettledrummer Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;133N;45W;12, 46.3479066 -96.2909818

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
730774Benson, Douglas   341981-06-03
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, Town Hall Prairie.;Town Hall Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;134N;45W;15, 46.5077746 -96.3333641

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
730798Benson, Douglas   461981-06-04
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, Foxhome Prairie.;Foxhome Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;133N;45W;24, 46.3186527 -96.2907137

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
730844Cross-Cella, J.   11980-06-02
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Audubon Prairie: 16.5 mi. E-SE of Moorhead.;Audubon Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;139N;445;32, 46.812051 -96.515485

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
730882Cross-Cella, J.   1451980-06-17
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Audubon Prairie: 16.5 mi. E-SE of Moorhead.;Audubon Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;139N;445;32, 46.812051 -96.515485

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
732572Cross-Cella, J.   781980-06-06
United States, Minnesota, Becker, Zimmerman Prairie: 10 mi. W of Ogema.;Zimmerman Prairie [TNC];142N;43W;16, 47.1150258 -96.1414196

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
734526Severson, M.   2391980-06-03
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Bluestem Prairie [SNA]: 13 mi. E of Moorhead.;Bluestem Prairie Scientific Natural Area;139N;46W;15, 46.8549481 -96.4734033

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
737298Kachman, R.   2541980-06-07
United States, Minnesota, Steele, Between the railroad tracks and hwy. 218 at Oak Glen Lake.;;105N;19W, 43.928859 -93.088051

Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville
739922Converse, C.   9511982-06-02
United States, Minnesota, Pope, Ordway Prairie.;Ordway Prairie, The Nature Conservancy;123N;36W;30, 45.4342616 -95.2450181

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