Search Results (List)

Dataset: MIN
Taxa: Malvaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 827

University of Minnesota Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
239869Congdon, J. W.   s.n.1893-05-15
United States, California, Mariposa, Pea Ridge Road [Yosemite National Park]

Image Associated With the Occurence
239980Congdon, J. W.   s.n.1880-05-00
United States, California, Mariposa, Mormon Bar [Yosemite National Park]

491637Wheeler, Gerald   175931997-09-02
United States, Minnesota, Redwood, Redwood County ... Ca. 3 mi. NE of Delhi, Cedar Rock State WMA ... NW1/4 NW1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 11 T113N R36W;Cedar Rock Wildlife Management Area;113N;36W;11, 44.605322 -95.149836

909203Smith, Welby   219361992-09-07
United States, Minnesota, Watonwan, Watonwan County...On the north side of Kansas Lake, about 5 mi SW of St. James...T105N R32W NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 8;;105N;32W;08, 43.92 -94.7022222

896851Haferman, J.   2751996-08-03
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Scott Co. T115N R22W S36 SW of SW. Approx. 0.1 mi north-northeast of intersection of State Highway 13 and County Road 44 on north side of highway.. 115N 22W 36, 44.718671 -93.419417

499064Capistrant, A.   AMC0441998-08-05
United States, Minnesota, Carver, [no further data];;116N;23W;16, 44.855955 -93.591869

511122Wheeler, Gerald   174691997-08-30
United States, Minnesota, Nicollet, Nicollet County ... Ca. 2.5 mi. NW of Courtland on Rte. 14; Red Rock area ... Bordering the Minnesota River ... E1/2 SE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 34 T110N R30W (Courtland 34). 110N 30W 34, 44.292954 -94.420107

153310Herrick, C.   34-111878-07-19
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.979965 -93.263836

153311Sandberg, John   s.n.1881-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Cannon Falls;;N, 44.506911 -92.905484

153312Moyer, Lycurgus   s.n.1895-07-28
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, Street, Montevideo;;117N;40W, 44.941389 -95.722222

153313Anonymous   20-111886-07-25
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, Near Mill, Montevideo;;117N;40W, 44.941389 -95.722222

264057Holzinger, John   s.n.1897-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona Co.;;N, 43.98685 -91.779129

367155Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie   105331938-09-15
United States, Minnesota, Lincoln, 6 mi S of Lake Hendricks;;N, 44.570195 -96.45

458067Garrison, O.   s.n.
United States, Minnesota, Upper Mississippi, 47.2181 -95.2072

488425Moore, John; Huff, N.   197631947-08-28
United States, Minnesota, Nicollet, In Traverse Des Sioux State Historic Wayside Park, Nicollet Co.;;110N;26W, 44.346613 -93.954977

518729Darveaux, B.   s.n.1991-07-30
United States, Minnesota, Steele, Owatonna, Steele Co. Rt 14 heading east off Hwy 35, near 176 mile marker on left side of road;;107N;20W, 44.05998 -93.24355

550230Moore, John; et al.   222081954-09-21
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Pipestone County...1/2 mi N of Pipestone;Pipestone National Monument;106N;46W;01, 44.013519 -96.324755

552147Stevens, O.   19991958-08-21
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Moorhead;;N, 46.873852 -96.767581

554559Moore, John   229481956-09-11
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Along the roadside near Superintendents home, Pipestone National Monument, Pipestone;Pipestone National Monument;106N;46W, 44.013519 -96.324755

568902Moore, John   253081960-09-28
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Along the river 1 mi E of Goodthunder;;N, 44.005313 -94.053982

570323Morley, T.   9691961-07-10
United States, Minnesota, Faribault, T101N R27W SE1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 7;;101N;27W;7, 43.559526 -94.110404

592254Westkaemper, Remberta   s.n.1962-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, Stearns Co. St. Joseph, St. Benedict College Campus;;124N;29W, 45.564772 -94.317966

603828Moore, John   270101966-10-11
United States, Minnesota, Houston, On Crooked Creek Bottoms 2.5 mi W of Reno;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;102N;04W, 43.609087 -91.320028

604021Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie   272391967-09-26
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, SE1/4 Sec. 35 Decoria Twp.;;N;;35, 44.025744 -93.913177

671274Sargent, A.   s.n.1976-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington co.; Vegetable garden of Mrs. A. H. Sargent, Marine on St. Croix, 45.196227 -92.772046

672660Wheeler, Gerald   8671976-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Brownsville, Wildcat Landing, adjacent to the beach at the landing on the W shore of the Mississippi River;Upper Mississippi National Wildlife Refuge;103N;04W, 43.694136 -91.279857

724490Smith, Welby   35071980-08-23
United States, Minnesota, Wright, Wright Co.; the upper terrace on W bank of Mississippi River, at its confluence with the Crow River, just W of Dayton, a Wright Co.; the upper terrace on W bank of Mississippi River, at its confluence with the Crow River, just W of Dayton, at site of abandoned construction project; T121N R23W SE1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 36. 121N 23W 36, 45.080368 -93.740949

797540Cholewa, A.   15591988-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Dakota Co. Fort Snelling State Park, between Minnesota River and Gun Club Lake; T28N R23W Sec. 32;Fort Snelling State Park;028N;23W;32, 44.869292 -93.197146

813068Wheeler, Gerald   113191988-07-24
United States, Minnesota, Big Stone, Ca. 6 mi NNE of Ortonville, N of rte 62, margin of Thielke Lake (SW shore); W1/2 SE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 11 T122N R46W (Big Sto Ca. 6 mi NNE of Ortonville, N of rte 62, margin of Thielke Lake (SW shore); W1/2 SE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 11 T122N R46W (Big Stone Twp.). 122N 46W 11, 45.386188 -96.403619

814712Wheeler, Gerald   123611988-09-25
United States, Minnesota, Big Stone, Ca. 14 mi NW of Ortonville, N of rte 7, N of morainic hill overlooking Big Stone Lake; NW1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 35 T123N R48W (F Ca. 14 mi NW of Ortonville, N of rte 7, N of morainic hill overlooking Big Stone Lake; NW1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 35 T123N R48W (Foster Twp.). 123N 48W 35, 45.419226 -96.654501

814782Wheeler, Gerald   121031988-09-09
United States, Minnesota, Wilkin, Ca. 2.2 mi W of Tintah on rte 20; W1/2 NW1/4 Sec. 26 T134N R45W (Akron Twp.);;134N;45W;26, 46.391404 -96.312044

833428Juhnke, C.   2101991-07-23
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Forestville State Park. Fillmore Co. T102N R12W Sec.13 NE SE NE;Forestville State Park;102N;12W;13, 43.637724 -92.219269

908379Smith, Welby   245401994-07-02
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Scott County...In the Minnesota Valley, about 7.5 miles north of Jordan...T 115N R 23W SE1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 9;;115N;23W;09, 44.77986 -93.58992

432462Wheeler, Gerald   174771997-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Renville, Renville County...W side of Bird Island, N side of Rte. 212; railroad prairie strip...N1/2 NW1/4 Sec. 14 T115N R34W (Bird Island 14). 115N 34W 14, 44.767523 -94.905152

929729Smith, Welby   161471989-08-23
United States, Minnesota, Nobles, About 4 miles northwest of Worthington. NW1/4 of NW1/4 of section;Herlein-Boote Wildlife Management Area;102N;40W;07, 43.6588889 -95.6919444

Image Associated With the Occurence
960243   1890-06-00
United States, Illinois

Image Associated With the Occurence
960242Friesner, Ray C.   96861936-06-16
United States, Indiana, Marion, Jose Dale estates

Image Associated With the Occurence
960506   1940-08-22
United States, Minnesota

Image Associated With the Occurence
967028Jake Pearson   2020-09-07
United States, Minnesota, Sherburne, 1 mile east-northeast of Lake Mitchell, 45.353723 -93.733201, 296m

Image Associated With the Occurence
301033Chevallier, L   4051902-10-21
Algeria, Biskra

493772Went, F.   s.n.1939-10-08
United States, California, Sutter, Robbins, Sutter Co.

480846Wheeler, Gerald   201341999-07-22
United States, Minnesota, Sibley, Sibley County ... E side of Gaylord on Rte. 5, SE of road ... near RR tracks ... NW1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 33 T113N R28W;;113N;28W;33, 44.550439 -94.203852

911129Smith, Welby   218241992-09-03
United States, Minnesota, Watonwan, Watonwan County...At the public access on the north side of Fedji Lake, about 2 miles northeast of Madelia...T 107N R 30W SW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 12. 107N 30W 12, 44.0816667 -94.3880556

153074Burglehaus, F.   s.n.1892-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Loc. near Minneapolis;;N, 44.979965 -93.263836

153075Manning, Sara   s.n.1888-08-01
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Lake City;;111N;12W, 44.449412 -92.266844

153076Aiton, G.   s.n.1891-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Collected near Minneapolis, 44.979965 -93.263836

153077Lyon, H.   2831899-07-28
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Jefferson;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;101N;04W;35, 43.50806 -91.28287

153078Sandberg, John   s.n.1890-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Hennepin Co., 45.01667 -93.45

153080Herrick, C.   34-91876-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.979965 -93.263836

153081Herrick, C.   101-61877-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.979965 -93.263836

153082Sandberg, John   s.n.1884-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Red Wing;;N, 44.562468 -92.533801

264058Holzinger, John   s.n.1888-08-10
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona;;N, 44.0333 -91.6333

264059Holzinger, John   s.n.1900-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona Co.;;N, 43.98685 -91.779129

278071Roberts, Thomas   s.n.1878-08-27
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.979965 -93.263836

371387Moore, John   149081941-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Mower, S bank of creek, 1 mi E of Austin;;N, 43.66961 -92.898419

383597Moore, John   159521943-08-21
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Chatfield;;104N;11W, 43.825032 -92.16065

432090Husveth, J.   95-17301995-09-04
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Goodhue Co.; T113N R15W SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of S19; along Cannon River;;113N;15W;19, 44.579861 -92.655308

440905Smith, Welby   138741987-08-14
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington Co.; About 2 miles south of St. Paul Park; NW1/4 SE1/4 sec 30, T 27N R 21W;;027N;21W;30, 44.7949982 -92.9683304

442064Moore, John; Dahl, A.   182891945-09-21
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, On creek bank 1/2 mi S, 1 mi E of Ireland Station below Wabasha;;N, 44.376614 -92.032945

446828Moore, John; Huff, N.   193471946-10-05
United States, Minnesota, Olmsted, Along the lake shore at Oronoco Wayside State Park, Olmsted Co.;;108N;14W, 44.167661 -92.540077

448310Moore, John; Huff, N.   193471946-10-05
United States, Minnesota, Olmsted, Along the lake shore at Oronoco Wayside State Park, Olmsted Co.;;108N;14W, 44.167661 -92.540077

460974Smith, Welby   181831990-08-29
United States, Minnesota, Dodge, Pheasants Forever Wildlife Management Area. Dodge Co.; 'Pheasants Forever' State Wildlife Management Area, about 2.5 miles west-southwest of Mantorville ... ... T 107N R 17W SW1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 24.. 107N 17W 24, 44.0530548 -92.9300003

494395Huff, N.   s.n.1941-08-30
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona;;N, 44.0333 -91.6333

507582Harris, Fred   950981995-09-12
United States, Minnesota, Carver, Carver County ... along the N side of the Minnesota river ... T114 R24 NE1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 15;;114N;24W;15, 44.680111 -93.687226

508348Smith, Welby   164801989-09-08
United States, Minnesota, Freeborn, White Woods County Park. Freeborn Co.; Lower Twin Lakes County Park (White Woods County Park), about 1.5 mi W of the town of Twin Lakes; NE1/4 SE1/4 sec.10, T101N R22W. 101N 22W 10, 43.56455 -93.458133

520484Smith, Welby   210951992-07-23
United States, Minnesota, Le Sueur, Le Sueur Co.; about 1 mi E of Elysian, on the N side of Highway 60. In abandoned gravel pit ... ... T109N R23W SW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 31. 109N 23W 31, 44.1983337 -93.6436081

Image Associated With the Occurence
538204Morley, T.   9421957-10-11
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Dakota County ... Cedar Ave. at Nicols;Fort Snelling State Park;027N;23W;18, 44.822187 -93.220499

558433Moore, John; Hsi, Yu-tseng [Eugene]   233981957-08-07
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Along the river at Mankato Springs; Sec. 29 SW1/4 Le Ray Twp.;;N;;29, 44.130505 -93.978801

558585Moore, John; Hsi, Yu-tseng [Eugene]   234641957-08-09
United States, Minnesota, Waseca, Along the E shore of Lake Elysian;;N, 44.1333 -93.7

564530Rhone, R.   s.n.1940-09-20
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Cleveland and Arrowhead, St. Paul;;028N;23W, 44.90764 -93.187309

568671Moore, John   249321959-10-01
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Along the rr 1 mi NW of Eagle Lake;;N, 44.206224 -93.914845

568762Moore, John   252661960-08-18
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Along the roadside 4 mi E of Beauford;;N, 44.007437 -93.878014

602254Westkaemper, Remberta   s.n.1966-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, Stearns Co. Becktold's farm, Rockville;;N, 45.471909 -94.340827

672724Wheeler, Gerald   8831976-08-12
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Ca. 1 mi SE of the jnc of the Cannon River and hwy 61 on hwy 61, near the co. rd 19 turn-off;;N, 44.585465 -92.557188

681550Swanson, Steven   22391975-09-09
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Mississippi River (Navigation Pool #8). Houston Co, Site 28, along edg of floodplain, to the W a rr levee;Upper Mississippi National Wildlife Refuge;N, 43.575557 -91.264979

699742Ziegler, S.; et al.   29251975-09-24
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Upper Mississippi National Wildlife Refuge. Mississippi River-Navigation Pool 8, Island 16, Mississippi River mile #691.6, large island W side of main channel S end of island; T103N R4W Sec. 12. 103N 04W 12, 43.643002 -91.282916, 193m

745273Smith, Welby   56801981-09-04
United States, Minnesota, Wright, Wright Co. About 3.5 mi S of Montrose; SE1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 24 T118N R26W;;118N;26W;24, 45.015059 -93.892669

747313Galatowitsch, S.   5681982-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Wabasha County...Weaver Dunes: T109N R9W SE1/4 and E1/2 NE1/4 of Sec 7; NW1/4 and W1/2 NE1/4 of Sec. 8;Kellogg-Weaver Dunes Scientific Natural Area / Kellogg-Weaver Dunes, The Nature Conservancy;109N;09W;00, 44.258107 -91.938909

816009Wheeler, Gerald   119661988-08-21
United States, Minnesota, Norman, Ca. 1.5 mi N of Hendrum, W of rte 75, along Wild Rice River (S bank); S1/2 NW1/4 Sec. 18 T144N R48W (Hendrum Twp.);;144N;48W;18, 47.286488 -96.809298

833441Juhnke, C.   2291991-07-30
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Forestville State Park. Fillmore Co. T102N R12W Sec.24 SW SE NW;Forestville State Park;102N;12W;24, 43.623411 -92.219151

839235Smith, Welby   184341990-09-14
United States, Minnesota, Martin, Martin Co. Bright Lake County Park, about 2.5 mi NE of Ceylon ... T101N R31W SW1/4 of NE1/4;;101N;31W;17, 43.5533333 -94.7047195

841594Smith, Welby   150961988-09-25
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Goodhue Co. Hay Creek Recreation Area, about 2 mi S of Red Wing; SW1/4 NE1/4 sec.13, T112N R15W;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;112N;15W;13, 44.507686 -92.558308

510113Wheeler, Gerald   174991997-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Renville, Renville County ... Ca. 3 mi. W of Bird Island, N side of Rte 212 ... N1/2 N1/2 Sec. 16 T115N R34W (Bird Island 16);;115N;34W;16, 44.767288 -94.945821

499480Juhnke, C.   119 CMJ FRO1998-09-18
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Frontenac State Park Goodhue County ... Just southeast of contact station ... T112N R13W SW SE NW 11;Frontenac State Park;112N;13W;11, 44.520016 -92.33874

508865Wheeler, Gerald   203541999-08-17
United States, Minnesota, McLeod, McLeod County ... Ca. 3 mi. S of Hutchinson on Rte. 15; 0.5 mi. E of road ... S1/2 Sec. 19 & N1/2 Sec 30 T116N R29W;;116N;29W, 44.841409 -94.366247

509847Wheeler, Gerald   177591997-09-06
United States, Minnesota, Brown, Brown County ... Ca. 15 mi. NW of Sleepy Eye, Morgan Sportsman Club Recreation Area ... along Minnesota River ... N1/2 NW1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 19 T112N R33W (Eden 19'N). 112N 33W 19, 44.497775 -94.863304

906853Pomroy, Deborah; et al.   DLP26622008-09-17
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis County, Duluth. T49N R14W NW1/4 Sec 8 ... S side of Krause-Anderson, along fenceline.;;049N;14W;08, 46.7497222 -92.1430556

928148Chayka, K.   KC-11452011-09-20
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Along dirt path from the Point Douglas Rd parking lot to the abandoned segment of road. SE1/4 of Se1/4 of section.;Battle Creek County Park;028N;22W;03, 44.9366667 -93.0297222

Image Associated With the Occurence
960247Stork and Harrington   1930-08-27
United States, Iowa

Image Associated With the Occurence
966166T. J. S. Whitfeld   26722020-07-17
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Lost Valley Prairie Scientific and Natural Area, 2 miles east north east of intersection of State Highway 95 and 110th Street, at dead-end of Nyberg Avenue South., 44.797972 -92.826175, 279m

Image Associated With the Occurence
967027Jake Pearson   2020-09-07
United States, Minnesota, Sherburne, 1 mile east-northeast of Lake Mitchell, 45.35073 -93.734704, 296m

Image Associated With the Occurence
577871Mat. Alcool   II.6081859-03-24
Rwanda, Region du Mutara, environ de Mimuli, reserve IRSAC, Colline Cyabayaga. Nom(s) vern.: UMUCUNDURA, 1 (Dial Kinyaruanda), 1400 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
960193   1894-08-01
United States, Indiana

Image Associated With the Occurence
960192Wible, Paul G.   1928-07-26
United States, Indiana, Lawrence

Eremalche rotundifolia (A. Gray) Greene
499342Went, F.   s.n.1950-02-04
United States, California, Riverside, Painted Canyon, Riverside Co.

Malva neglecta Wallroth
896832Haferman, J.   2771996-08-10
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Approx. 0.1 miles NNE of intersection of State Highway 13 and County Road 44 on N side of highway. SW1/4 of SW1/4 of section.;;115N;22W;36, 44.72459 -93.40903

Malva neglecta Wallroth
153472Manning, Sara   s.n.1883-07-08
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Lake City;;111N;12W, 44.449412 -92.266844

Malva neglecta Wallroth
153473Moyer, Lycurgus   s.n.
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, Montevideo;;117N;40W, 44.941389 -95.722222

Malva neglecta Wallroth
153474Moyer, Lycurgus   24161893-09-26
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, Rock Cut, Montevideo;;117N;40W, 44.941389 -95.722222

Malva neglecta Wallroth
153475Herrick, C.   34-31877-06-26
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.979965 -93.263836

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