508121 Kaul, R.; et al. 6198 1988-08-05
United States, Minnesota, Steele, Steele County ... along the Straight River just upstream from Morehouse Park.;;107N;20W, 44.087641 -93.229074
904642 Lee, Michael MDL3790 2004-08-13
United States, Minnesota, Todd, TODD COUNTY ... 6 1/2 miles southwest of Staples ... T132N R33W NE1/4 of SW1/4 of NW1/4 Sec.6;;132N;33W;06, 46.274299 -94.886073
899020 Smith, Welby 25904 1995-08-23
United States, Minnesota, Renville, Skalbakken County Park. Renville County ... Skalbakken County Park ...Minnesota River, about 6 miles east of Granite Falls ... T 115N R 38W SE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 27. 115N 38W 27, 44.7347222 -95.4169444
910908 Smith, Welby 24751 1994-07-14
United States, Minnesota, Koochiching, Along the Big Fork River, about 15 miles south of the town of Big Fork. NW1/4 of NE1/4 of section;Koochiching State Forest;063N;27W;14, 47.9538889 -93.755
515487 Lee, Michael MDL3743 2004-07-27
United States, Minnesota, Morrison, Camp Ripley Military Reservation. MORRISON COUNTY ... Camp Ripley National Guard Reservation ... Mississippi River six miles north of Fort Ripley ... T132N R29W NW1/4 of SE1/4 of SW1/4 Sec.8. 132N 29W 8, 46.260643 -94.362462
485041 Wheeler, Gerald 20255 1999-08-03
United States, Minnesota, Sibley, Sibley County ... Ca. 2 mi. SW of Henderson; Rush River State Wayside Park ... S bank of the Rush River ... E1/2 NW1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 22 T112N R26W (Henderson 22). 112N 26W 22, 44.498601 -93.938768
914909 Smith, Welby 25220 1994-08-19
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Banning State Park. Pine County...In Banning State Park, about 3 miles north-northwest of Sandstone. Along the banks of the Kettle River...T 43N R 20W NW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 35. 043N 20W 35, 46.1625 -92.8402778
899023 Smith, Welby 25895 1995-08-23
United States, Minnesota, Yellow Medicine, Upper Sioux Agency State Park. Yellow Medicine County...Upper Sioux Agency State Park. On the floodplain of the Minnesota River about 5 miles east-southeast of Granite Falls...T 115N R 38W SE1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 29. 115N 38W 29, 44.7405556 -95.4505556
507978 Lee, Michael; et al. MDL2304 1998-07-28
United States, Minnesota, Crow Wing, Crow Wing Co. ... along the Little Pine River six miles south-southwest of Emily ... T137N R26W NE1/4 of NE1/4 Sec. 33;;137N;26W;33, 46.642251 -93.970311
122160 Sheldon, Edmund S7046 1893-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Traverse, Browns Valley;;N, 45.595226 -96.833504
122161 Sheldon, Edmund S3280 1892-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Mille Lacs, Bridgeman [other collections by Sheldon indicated Mille Lacs Co.; original name for current town of Foreston];;037n;27W;33, 45.65603 -93.707991
122162 Anderson, A. s.n. 1893-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Belle Creek.;;N, 44.550382 -92.724728
122163 Sandberg, John s.n. 1889-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, [no further data], 45 -93.47
122164 Illegible name 56 1900-07-19
United States, Minnesota, [no further data], 46 -94
122165 Campbell, Jennie C23 1896-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, Braun's farm. Stearns Co.;;N, 45.557693 -94.1603
122166 Sandberg, John s.n. 1881-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Cannon Falls;;112N;17W, 44.506911 -92.905484
122167 Anderson, A. An756 1893-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Belle Creek;;N, 44.550382 -92.724728
122169 Herrick, C. s.n. 1878-07-22
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.979965 -93.263836
122170 Holzinger, John s.n. 1886-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona Co.;;N, 43.98685 -91.779129
122171 Sheldon, Edmund S1571 1891-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Lincoln, Lake Benton;;109N;45W, 44.24108 -96.26172
122172 Ballard, C. B611 1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Carver, Chaska;;N, 44.789407 -93.602179
122173 Ballard, C. B694 1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Carver, Waconia;;116N;25W, 44.850796 -93.786909
122174 Taylor, B. T1491 1892-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Chisago, Center City;;N, 45.389814 -92.821151
122175 Aiton, G. s.n. 1889-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, [no further data], 45 -93.47
122176 MacMillan, C.; et al. 231Sk 1900-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Crookston;;150N;46W;30, 47.782 -96.60007
122177 Ballard, C. B813 1891-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Carver, Page Lake;;N, 44.820759 -93.802586
122178 Ballard, C. B444 1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Prior Lake;;N, 44.720982 -93.425645
122179 G. & L. s.n. 1885-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Nelson's grove., 45.889407 -95.2642
122180 Sheldon, Edmund S1197 1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Brown, New Ulm;;110N;30W, 44.315266 -94.452293
122181 Sheldon, Edmund S3244 1892-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Mille Lacs, Milaca;;037N;27W, 45.755799 -93.654408
122182 Manning, Sara s.n. 1883-08-15
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Lake City;;N, 44.449412 -92.266844
122184 Rosendahl, C.; et al. s.n. 1917-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Moore Lake.;;030N;24W, 45.077013 -93.252399
122185 Wheeler, William 1105 1901-09-13
United States, Minnesota, Rock, Luverne;;N, 43.654136 -96.212807
122186 Wheeler, William 384 1899-07-21
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Jefferson;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;101N;04W;35, 43.50806 -91.28287
122187 Ballard, C. 2780 1900-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Marshall, Warren;;N, 48.196642 -96.77284
123168 Ballard, C. B1140 1892-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Zumbrota;;109N;16W, 44.294132 -92.669081
264349 White, Sidney s.n. 1887-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Lake Winona;;107N;07W, 44.0525878 -91.6726869
264350 White, Sidney s.n. 1884-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Lake Winona;;107N;07W, 44.0525878 -91.6726869
267047 Stevenson, J. 282 1912-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Beltrami, Bemidji;;N, 47.536341 -94.82277
267048 Stevenson, J. 282 1912-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Beltrami, Bemidji;;N, 47.536341 -94.82277
277593 Hotchkiss, N.; et al. 291 1930-07-16
United States, Minnesota, Brown, Lake Hanska. Brown Co., 44.145015 -94.61931
281370 Roberts, Thomas s.n. 1878-08-26
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.979965 -93.263836
337009 Lakela, Olga 1666 1936-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Oatka Beach Addition, Duluth;Minnesota Point;049N;13W;18, 46.7833 -92.1
338170 Rosendahl, C.; Moyle, J. 2176 1936-07-18
United States, Minnesota, Koochiching, Koochiching Co.; Near the mouth of the Big Fork River;;070N;26W, 48.515732 -93.716342
360341 Rosendahl, C. 6497 1933-09-09
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Mille Lacs [Lake], N of Garrison;;044N;27W;05, 46.327131 -93.776539
360571 Lakela, Olga 4255 1940-09-14
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis River bottom at Fond du Lac;;048N;15W, 46.659664 -92.273248
361749 Jacobs, D. 332 1940-07-17
United States, Minnesota, Wright, Wright Co.; Cedar Lake shore;;N, 45.269311 -94.064646
361935 Rosendahl, C. 6790 1936-09-13
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Banks of Cannon River, above bridge, hwy 61;;N, 44.563393 -92.554753
366500 Rosendahl, C.; et al. 7237 1939-07-20
United States, Minnesota, Freeborn, Along Iowa-Minn. State line, E of Emmons., 43.499938 -93.478784
367440 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 10304 1938-08-11
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Banks of Prairie Creek, 2 mi. N of Stanton.;;N, 44.563393 -92.554753
368419 Manning, Sara s.n. 1884-05-08
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Central Point [pioneer town on Sand Point, Lake Pepin];Frontenac State Park;112N;13W;12, 44.51982 -92.31912
370663 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 13633 1940-09-28
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Ramsey County...Rice Creek, SW1/4 Sec. 9, Mounds View Twp.;;030N;23W;09, 45.097461 -93.182949
385618 Moyle, J. 4057 1945-08-29
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Upper Money Creek. Winona Co. [near St. Charles or near Witoka?], 43.968011 -92.06563
386276 Lakela, Olga 5851 1944-09-04
United States, Minnesota, Carlton, Along Great Northern R.R. tracks ca. 3 mi. S of Holyoke.;;N, 46.42401 -92.388528
392911 Lakela, Olga 7301 1947-09-02
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Shore of St. Louis River near Brookston;;N, 46.86772 -92.603804
396824 Stevens, O. s.n. 1947-07-18
United States, Minnesota, Clay, [no further data];Buffalo River State Park;139N;46W;10, 46.863699 -96.472855
412328 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 12048 1939-08-23
United States, Minnesota, Koochiching, On the E bank of the Big Fork River near the mouth; Reedy Twp.;;070N;26W, 48.515732 -93.716342
412387 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 12004 1939-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Lake of the Woods, Shore at the mouth of the Rapid River, Clementson;;N, 48.6833 -94.4333
412668 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 11963 1939-08-21
United States, Minnesota, Roseau, Along the S bank of the Roseau River at Ross; Dieter Twp.;;N, 48.910169 -95.920178
412718 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 11543 1939-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Kittson, 1 1/2 mi. E of Northcote.;;N, 48.845256 -96.968184
416708 Lakela, Olga 9060 1949-07-20
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Shore of Prairie River, SW part of the Co.;;N, 46.7833 -92.9
419368 Lakela, Olga 11011 1950-07-30
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Shore of Savanna River at Floodwood.;;051N;20W, 46.92911 -92.919648
422593 Lakela, Olga 7867 1948-09-18
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Shore of the St. Louis River near Floodwood.;;N, 46.92911 -92.919648
422667 Lakela, Olga 7815 1948-09-08
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Shore of the St. Louis River at Paupores Station.;;N, 46.872444 -92.764364
427290 Boe, J. 98072401 1998-07-24
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Aitkin Co.; Kimberly Wildlife Management Area. Floodplain forest along Rice River' T47N R24W SE1/4 of SE1/4 of sec 9;Kimberly Wildlife Management Area;047N;24W;9, 46.565292 -93.372798
427677 Smith, Welby 13969 1987-09-26
United States, Minnesota, Sherburne, Sherburne Co. In Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge, about 3 mi NE of Orrock. NE1/4 SW1/4 sec 34, T35N R27W;Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge;035N;27W;34, 45.4791679 -93.6875
434837 Myhre, K. 494 1991-07-22
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Aitkin Co.; 12 miles South of Jacobson; T 50N R 24W NE1/4 of SW1/4 of sec 12;;050N;24W;12, 46.830592 -93.328541
439999 Myhre, K. 4445 1993-08-10
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Saint Croix State Forest. Pine Co. Located just E of the public access to the St. Croix River, one half mile N of Danbury; T41N R16W SE1/4 of SE14 Pine Co. Located just E of the public access to the St. Croix River, one half mile N of Danbury; T41N R16W SE1/4 of SE14 of Sec 21. 041N 16W 21, 46.020737 -92.372456
440191 Smith, Welby 14355 1988-06-26
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Aitkin Co. On the N bank of the Mississippi River, about 2 1/2 mi SW of Palisade; NW1/4 NW1/4 sec.33, T49N R25W;;049N;25W;33, 46.6933327 -93.523613
442478 Lakela, Olga 13517 1951-07-25
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Shore of Swan River, at Hwy. 73, S of Hibbing.;;N, 47.427155 -92.937689
444589 Dahle, R. 97064 1997-09-10
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Wealthwood State Forest. Aitkin County...In Wealthwood State Forest, about one half mile north of Highway #18, just north of the parking area at the north end of the North Shore Forest Road. T 45 R 27 SW1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 24. 045N 27W 24, 46.3622222 -93.6944444
444726 Moore, John; Huff, N. 19742 1947-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Morrison, Along the Swan River, 5 mi. SW of Little Falls.;;N, 45.927768 -94.437814
446290 Moore, John; Huff, N. 18839 1946-07-31
United States, Minnesota, Benton, Along Mayhew Creek, Mayhew Creek Valley NE of East St. Cloud.;;N, 45.616101 -94.111979
448314 Moore, John; Huff, N. 19225 1946-09-06
United States, Minnesota, Washington, William O'Brien State Park.;William O'Brien State Park;032N;19W, 45.217153 -92.76414
448658 Moore, John; Huff, N. 19336 1946-10-03
United States, Minnesota, Jackson, Kilen Woods State Park;Kilen Woods State Park;103N;35W;17, 43.72505 -95.064623
448678 Moore, John; Huff, N. 19277 1946-09-12
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, Chippewa River, Watson State Scenic Park. Chippewa Co.;;118N;41W, 45.00968 -95.801418
448691 Moore, John; Huff, N. 19292 1946-09-14
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Jordan;;114N;23W, 44.66532 -93.627759
449295 Moore, John; Huff, N. 17881 1945-07-24
United States, Minnesota, Morrison, Darling;;N, 46.027543 -94.442035
453226 Smith, Welby 14668 1988-08-04
United States, Minnesota, Mille Lacs, Mille Lacs County...About 11 miles north of Milaca...in Rum River...SW1/4 SE1/4 section 26, T 40N R 27W;;040N;27W;26, 45.925 -93.6680556
453657 Husveth, J. 95-3726 1995-09-12
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona Co, T107N R10W SW1/4 of the SE1/4 of S6; North Fork of the Whitewater River.;Whitewater Wildlife Management Area;T107N R10W S6, 44.084603 -92.021648
458942 Smith, Welby 14627 1988-07-25
United States, Minnesota, Kanabec, Kanabec County...on the west bank of the Snake River, just south of the Highway 3 crossing; NE1/4 NW1/4 sec. 22, T 41N R 23W. 041N 23W 22, 46.0238889 -93.2333333
505799 Husveth, J. 95-3247 1995-09-04
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Goodhue Co, T113N R15W SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of S19; Cannon River adjacent to recent road construction.;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;113N;15W;19, 44.578883 -92.662146
507181 Moore, John 20904 1950-09-26
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Pipestone Co.; Bank of creek 1.5 miles north of Holland;;108N;44W, 44.11336 -96.188642
514690 Husveth, J. 95-4532 1995-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Wabasha Co, T110N R12W SW1/4 of the SE1/4 of S27; Zumbro River;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;110N;12W;27, 44.212766 -92.479382
514692 Husveth, J. 95-3334 1995-09-05
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Goodhue Co, T113N R16W NE1/4 of the SW1/4 of S25; Cannon River;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;113N;16W;25, 44.56323 -92.684577
514694 Husveth, J. 95-1744 1995-09-04
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Goodhue Co, T113N R15W SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of S19; along Cannon River;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;113N;15W;19, 44.578883 -92.662146
518735 Gerdes, Lynden 2325 1997-08-13
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Aitkin Co.; T47N R24W S25NENW. Aitkin Co.; Rice Lake NWR, approx. 5.0 miles S of McGregor, along the banks of the Rice R Aitkin Co.; T47N R24W S25NENW. Aitkin Co.; Rice Lake NWR, approx. 5.0 miles S of McGregor, along the banks of the Rice River.. 047N 24W 25, 46.53178 -93.319689
525706 Lakela, Olga 18920 1955-07-21
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Shore of Vermilion River above the Falls;;N, 48.275739 -92.506548
549890 Moore, John 22116 1954-09-15
United States, Minnesota, Sherburne, Along the banks of the Elk River, 2 mi. N of Becker.;;N, 45.425231 -93.876408
549912 Moore, John; et al. 22171 1954-09-20
United States, Minnesota, Lyon, Lyon County...3 mi. E of Balaton, 44.232595 -95.92678
550250 Moore, John; et al. 22236 1954-09-21
United States, Minnesota, Pipestone, Pipestone County...2 miles northeast of Ihlen.;;105N;46W, 43.902048 -96.363857
558403 Moore, John; Hsi, Yu-tseng [Eugene] 23396 1957-08-07
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Along the river at Mankato Springs. Sec. 29, SW1/4 Le Ray Twp.;;N, 44.130505 -93.978801
566423 Moore, John; Heig, V. 24041 1958-09-09
United States, Minnesota, Kittson, 1 mi. N of Hallock;;N, 48.788898 -96.946447
572444 Moore, John; et al. 25789 1961-08-17
United States, Minnesota, Martin, Martin County...Trimont Prairie; SE1/4 Sec. 9 T103N R32W;;103N;32W;09, 43.739873 -94.684695
572882 Moore, John 25552 1961-07-05
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Near the entrance to Cedar Creek Natural History Area laboratory grounds.;Cedar Creek National History Area;034N;23W, 45.40217 -93.199397
574973 Wertman, Freida 354 1960-09-27
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Cedar Creek Natural History Area. Athens Twp. Sec. 27. Co. Rd. 24.;Cedar Creek National History Area;034N;23W;27, 45.319728 -93.316639
580420 Stevens, O. 2359 1960-09-24
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Glyndon;;139N;47W;00, 46.873333 -96.58
584497 Ownbey, Gerald 3571 1963-07-24
United States, Minnesota, Norman, T144N, R44W, SW1/4 Sec. 16. At the crossing of Wild River River. Hwy. 32, just N of Twin Valley. Along a creek at pic T144N, R44W, SW1/4 Sec. 16. At the crossing of Wild River River. Hwy. 32, just N of Twin Valley. Along a creek at picnic ground just N of the river.. 144N 44W 16, 47.288839 -96.269219
585358 Moore, John 26232 1962-10-19
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, 1 mi. N of Mankato;;N, 44.178061 -93.9994
592394 Westkaemper, Remberta s.n. 1964-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, St. Joseph. St. Benedict's [College] pasture.;;124N;29W, 45.564772 -94.317966