Search Results (List)

Dataset: MIN
Taxa: Piperaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 465

University of Minnesota Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
951732Weiblen, G.D.; Binatang Research Center   YS1F00682010-07-07
Papua New Guinea, Morobe, Yawan Village, -6.16255 146.839933, 1721m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia A.C. Sm.
701869Taylor, John   174231974-12-22
Costa Rica, San Jose, About 6.4 Km. East of Santo Domingo., 10.06388 -84.096257, 1260m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia A.C. Sm.
701880Taylor, John   177121974-12-27
Costa Rica, Heredia, Near the Rio Las Vueltas about 12 km. Northeast of Heredia., 10.076659 -84.055449, 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia A.C. Sm.
701881Taylor, John   173381974-12-20
Costa Rica, San Jose, About 1 km. South of Santo Domingo., 10.05485 -84.154987, 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia A.C. Sm.
701883Taylor, John   181501975-01-05
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Collected along the Rio Zapote about 1 kilometer from the small town of Zapote, 10.75 -85.083333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia A.C. Sm.
701895Taylor, John   174211974-12-22
Costa Rica, San Jose, About 6.4 Km. East of Santo Domingo., 10.06388 -84.096257, 1260m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia A.C. Sm.
426419Glassman, S.F.   16081948-06-16
Honduras, Morazán, Mt. Uyuca - cloud forest., 14.043384 -87.078659, 1920m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia A.C. Sm.
94555Pollard, Charles L.; Palmer, William   1121902-01-00
Cuba, Santiago, Slopes and summit of El Yunque, near Baracoa., 23.016667 -82.55, 305 - 610m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia A.C. Sm.
94556Heller, A.A.   26321895-07-29
United States, Hawaii, Kauai, On the Manapepe and Wahiawa Watershed., 21.935346 -159.552067

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia A.C. Sm.
285291Harris, J. Arthur   C2420671924-08-17
United States, Hawaii, Oahu, Near intohe dam, at head of Waimona Valley, Koolau Range., 21.455752 -157.880774

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia A.C. Sm.
285305Harris, J. Arthur   C2422251924-09-07
United States, Hawaii, Oahu, Ridge between Kahana and Wahiawa Valleys. Koolau Range., 21.509669 -157.956998, 732m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia A.C. Sm.
285241Harris, J. Arthur   C2422501924-09-10
United States, Hawaii, Oahu

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
923623Whitfeld, T.J.S.; Sosanika, G.; Molem, K.; Bau, B.   Whitfeld 7552008-07-17
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang village, -5.25 145.266667, 115m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
704335Leino, Phillip W.   76651976-12-01
Belize, Orange Walk, Behind San Antonio cemetery at NW crnr of vill., 18.131124 -88.674182

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
527714   3061849-04-00

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
701808Taylor, John   179001974-12-31
Costa Rica, San Jose, Just above the Rio Hondura at Baja La Hondura., 10.14685 -83.947605, 1150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
535534Gentle, Percy H   17771936-01-30
Honduras, Plants of the Yucatan Peninsula. Belize District: Gracie Rock, Sibun River., 15.212388 -83.933067

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
298155Mexia, Ynes   41771926-11-29
Mexico, Jalisco

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
94588Pringle, C.G.   68451898-05-11
Mexico, Morelos, Near Cuernavaca, 18.960062 -99.213206, 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
535671Gentle, Percy H   321931-00-00
Honduras, Belize

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
527683Rugel, F.   2141849-00-00

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
677892Warner, R.H.   2161974-01-19
Panama, San Blas, By the Río Dian on the trail from Ailigandí., 9.230131 -78.031079, - 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
227666Weber, C.M.   12041911-03-00
Philippines, Butuan, Butuan Subprovince; Mindanao, 8.949167 125.543611

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
94589unknown   s.n.1903-12-15
India, Hort. Bot. Calcuttensis

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
702934Woodside, J.H.   711977-00-00
Peru, Atalaya, Sepahua

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
775501Soejarto, D.D.; J. Zarucchi, E. Renteria, R. Warner   39191973-04-26
Colombia, Antioquia; Buenos Aires; Municipio de Anorí, entre Dos Bocas y Anorí., 7.073592 -75.146966, 400 - 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
775544Soejarto, D.D.; Zarucchi, J.; Renteria, E.; Warner, R.   39781973-04-00
Colombia, Anorí, Río Anorí valley, between Dos Bocas and Anorí. Transitional zone between humid forest and very humid tropical mountain., 7.281773 -75.079298, 400 - 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper L.
702937Woodside, J.H.   491976-00-00
Peru, Jatitsa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
926378Carvajal, Alonso   2961983-00-00
Costa Rica, San Jose, Las Musas, San Pedro to San Ramón. Alajuela., 9.930256 -84.050515, 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
94596   36931891-06-10
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Las Canoas., 21.942578 -99.510413

Image Associated With the Occurence
426258Glassman, S.F.   21371948-08-03
Honduras, Morazan, Vicinity of Jicarito River. Drainage of the Río Yeguare., 14.066667 -86.866667, 792m

Image Associated With the Occurence
94595   83311900-05-12
Mexico, Vera Cruz, Jalapa., 18.068323 -95.03708, 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
514868Herrera, Gerardo   8751987-10-15
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Parque Rincón de la Vieja. Hacienda Santa Maria. By the hydroelectricity plant following the canal until the crossroads of the Quebrada Provisión., 10.76437 -85.302899, 800 - 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
294674Yuncker, T.G.   44911934-07-08
Honduras, Near RR r/w, in thicket, between Tela and Lancetilla., 15.761072 -87.453922, 27m

Image Associated With the Occurence
336709Seibert, R.J.   6231935-08-00
Panama, Panama, Vicinity of Arenoso, lower Rio Trinidad., 8.848362 -80.001202, 26 - 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
920451D., John   108821973-06-02
Belize, Cayo, Grano de Oro, road toward Rio La Flor, vicinity of lumber mill. Cayo District, 16.8333 -88.9167, 518m

Image Associated With the Occurence
244551   C155311915-03-18
Jamaica, Cinchona, Blue Mountains, Leeward Slopes., 18.089 -76.636

Image Associated With the Occurence
244549   C15237
Jamaica, Cinchona, Blue Mountains, Windward Slopes., 18.089 -76.636

Image Associated With the Occurence
244548   C15464
Jamaica, Cinchona, Blue Mountains, Windward Slopes., 18.089 -76.636

Image Associated With the Occurence
244550   C15172
Jamaica, Cinchona, Blue Mountains, Windward Slopes., 18.089 -76.636

Image Associated With the Occurence
366502Senn, H.A.   2131938-03-00
Cuba, Santa Clara, Mina Carlota, south-east of Cumanayagua, Sierra de San Juan., 20.998611 -75.860833, 300 - 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
227678Stevenson, J.A.   1211913-10-05
Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras., 18.389586 -66.040562

Image Associated With the Occurence
94607Curtiss, A.H.   6941905-03-27
Cuba, Havana, Vento, 23.095325 -82.382423

Image Associated With the Occurence
94608Türckheim, H. von   26551909-12-00
Dominican Republic, Barahona

Image Associated With the Occurence
440394Herrera, Gerardo   6691987-08-09
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Parque Rincón de la Vieja. Hacienda Santa Maria. 1 km. starting from the Hydro Electric plant., 10.76437 -85.302899

Image Associated With the Occurence
427284Brant, Alan E.; Roldán, Fco. Javier   15021987-10-25
Colombia, Antioquia, 25.5 km E then S of San Rafael on San Rafael-San Carlos road., 6.458166 -75.327145

Image Associated With the Occurence
506481Pipoly, John J.; R. Vásque, N. Jaramillo, R. Ortiz   125161990-09-27
Peru, Maynas, Loreto. Indiana; Reserva Explorama (Yanamono). 25 km del NE de Iquitos, a lo largo Del Río Amazonas trocha perimetral al sur (limite) Yanamono. [[Loreto. Indiana; Explorama Reserve (Yanamono). 25 km NE of Iquitos, along the Amazon River perimeter trail to the south (limit) Yanamono.]], -3.5 -72.833333, 110m

Image Associated With the Occurence
478594Rudas, A.; Fransico del Aguila Joaquin y Gilberto Morán   16821991-03-20
Colombia, Amazonas: Puerto Narino Municipio Parque Nacional Natural Amavayacu; Centro Administrativo Amacayacu (Inderena), -3.783333 -70.283333

Image Associated With the Occurence
830899Pipoly, John J.; R. Vásque, N. Jaramillo, R. Ortiz   125051990-09-27
Peru, Maynas, Loreto. Indiana; Reserva Explorama (Yanamono). 25 km del NE de Iquitos, a lo largo Del Río Amazonas trocha perimetral al sur (limite) Yanamono. [[Loreto. Indiana; Explorama Reserve (Yanamono). 25 km NE of Iquitos, along the Amazon River perimeter trail to the south (limit) Yanamono.]], -3.5 -72.833333, 110m

Image Associated With the Occurence
949983Pipoly, John, J.; Vasquez, R., Jaramillo, N., Ortiz, R.   125711990-09-28
Peru, Reserva Explorama (Yanamono)., -3.448601 -72.844089, 90m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper jaliscanum S. Watson
94610   38711891-10-01
Mexico, Jalisco, Near Guadalajara., 20.666823 -103.391824

Image Associated With the Occurence
336674Seibert, R.J.   5491935-07-30
Panama, Canal Zone., 9.123994 -79.779166, 50 - 75m

Image Associated With the Occurence
677890Warner, R.H.   2221974-01-01
Panama, San Blas, On trail between the Río Dian and Río Ailigandí., 9.230131 -78.031079, - 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
949130Timaná, Martín; N. Jaramillo   28961991-10-30
Peru, Tambopata, Madre De Dios. Las Piedras. Cusco Amazónico. Planta colectadas en bosque cerca quebrada Madama. [[Madre De Dios. Las Piedras. Cusco Amazónico. Plant collected in forest near Madama creek.]], -12.483333 -69.05, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia emarginella (Sw. ex Wikstr.) C. DC.
677885Warner, R.H.   3021974-05-27
Colombia, Chocó, Cabo Currientes; Río Parguera; at foot of Janano mountain., 5.481471 -77.538681, 50 - 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
925537Brant, Alan E.; Escobar, Omar   12881987-10-12
Colombia, Antioquia, Road to Briceño; 1.1 km W of Medellin. Caucasia highway., 6.259396 -75.612911, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
925243Brant, Alan E.; Julio Betanacur & Ana Victoria Ayala   16691987-11-05
Colombia, Antioquia: Mpio. San Carlos; 47.5 km E of San Carlos; Lake Punchina (Quebradas La Villa y El Macho), 6.233333 -74.866667, 650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
938355Herrera, Gerardo   6301987-08-05
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Parque Rincón de la Vieja. Following the canal from the Hacienda Santa María to Quebrada Provisión., 10.76437 -85.302899, 800 - 850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
595392Stimson, William R.   18151965-08-05
Puerto Rico, Luquillo Mountains: Along road 191 south of Palmer and north of El Yunque National Forest. Near Km. 2 Hm. 1., 18.354451 -65.767417

Image Associated With the Occurence
911719Zumbado   531990-06-03
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Parque Nacional Guanacaste Estación Cacao. [[Guanacaste National Park Cacao Station.]], 10.929167 -85.470833, 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
527633Philipson, W.R.   5751939-07-31
Jamaica, Constant Springs., 18.035715 -76.796201

Image Associated With the Occurence
366052Senn, H.A.   2111938-03-00
Cuba, Santa Clara, Mina Carlota, south-east of Cumanayagua, Sierra de San Juan., 20.998611 -75.860833, 300 - 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
949904Pipoly, John J.; R. Vasquez, N. Jaramillo & R. Ortiz   125831990-09-28
Peru, Loreto: Maynas Province; Indiana; Reserva Explorama (Yanamono)., -3.5 -72.833333, 90m

Image Associated With the Occurence
488409Timaná, M.; A. Rubio G.   21411991-08-30
Peru, Tambopata, Madre De Dios. Las Piedras. Cusco Amazónico, Inventario Permanente. Plantas colectadas en trocha B y C. [[Madre De Dios. Las Piedras. Cusco Amazónico, Permanent Inventory. Plants collected in trail B and C.]], -12.483333 -69.05, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
94599   37511891-06-12
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Las Palmas., 22.153702 -100.965664

Image Associated With the Occurence
94598   68281898-05-17
Mexico, Morelos, Above Cuernavaca., 18.960062 -99.213206, 1981m

Image Associated With the Occurence
482202McPherson, Gordon; Richardson, Mick   159451992-10-21
Panama, Chiriqui, NW of Cerro Punta, at Inrenare station in Parque Amistad; trail on continental divide., 8.872963 -82.583495, 2500 - 2600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
535459Gentle, Percy H.   19381937-03-25
Honduras, Stann Creek District. Stann Creek - Mullin's River road., 15.348625 -84.711426

Image Associated With the Occurence
535366   40341932-08-10
Costa Rica, Paso Tempesque., 10.223324 -85.189956, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
227669Fuertes, Miguel   8201911-03-00
Dominican Republic, Barahona, 15m

Image Associated With the Occurence
94626Turckheim, H. von   47471909-12-00
Dominican Republic, Barahona, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
227677Stevenson, J.A.   1181913-10-05
Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras., 18.389586 -66.040562

Image Associated With the Occurence
480835Croat, Thomas B.   685271988-06-15
Dominican Republic, El Siebo, Cordillera Oriental. In vicinity of Magua., 19 -69.233333

Image Associated With the Occurence
775148Lane, C.; Gieschen, R.   231977-04-21
Puerto Rico, Rio Sabana, trail from 983 following the river south., 18.260233 -65.79433

Image Associated With the Occurence
336675Seibert, R.J.   5451935-07-30
Panama, Canal Zone. Vicinity of Madden Dam, near Rio Chagres., 9.216667 -79.616667, 50 - 75m

Image Associated With the Occurence
94553Pollard, Charles L.; Palmer, William; Palmer, William   431902-01-00
Cuba, Santiago, Vicinity of Baracoa., 23.016667 -82.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
94621Ricksecker, Alfred E.   4461896-06-24
Virgin Islands, U.s., St. Croix., 17.731881 -64.774902

Image Associated With the Occurence
465062Ruiz, Juan; McKenna, Dennis   1272006-03-02
Peru, Rio Amazonas, Ushpacayo Reserve Trail besides river, just past caretakers hut, in Ayala's reserve., -3.635035 -72.679145, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
775236Lane, C.; Gieschen, R.   1591977-07-08
Puerto Rico, Car. Nat. For, Road 988 Km. 2.8 near Rio Mameyes., 18.318922 -65.757448

Image Associated With the Occurence
595412Stimson, William R.   16721965-07-19
Puerto Rico, Near or on the boundary between Municipio de Villalba and Municipio de Orocovis: Reserva Forestal de Toro Negro. Along Camino El Bolo (formally called Dona Juana Rd.)., 18.157962 -66.564063, 975m

Image Associated With the Occurence
94623Rusby, H.H.; Squires, Roy W.   2681896-04-00
Venezuela, Lower Orinoco, Sacupana, 8.5833 -61.65

Image Associated With the Occurence
965854Whitfeld, T. J. S.; Brian Raymond, Albert Mansa, Timothy Filip, Stanley Filip   20772019-02-16
Papua New Guinea, Madang, Wanang Conservation Area, inside the Wanang 50 hectare Forest Dynamics Plot, -5.232975 145.07455, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
528104Rugel, F.   3821849-07-00
Cuba, Yumury [Rio Yumuri?], 20.302778 -74.297222

Image Associated With the Occurence
94629   61591895-11-12
Mexico, Morelos, Cuernavaca., 18.960062 -99.213206, 1676m

Image Associated With the Occurence
227676Stevenson, J.A.   18071914-04-19
Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras., 18.389586 -66.040562

Image Associated With the Occurence
366049Senn, H.A.   2391938-03-00
Cuba, Santa Clara, Mina Carlota, south-east of Cumanayagua, Sierra de San Juan., 20.998611 -75.860833, 300 - 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
94554Curtiss, A.H.   5991905-01-11
Cuba, Havana, Vento., 23.095325 -82.382423

Image Associated With the Occurence
830898Rudas, A.   18241991-04-02
Colombia, Amazonas, Municipio de Leticia; Parque Nacional Natural Amacayacu; Centro Administrativo Mata-mata (Inderena); Trocha desde la cabana del abuelo pandura hasta la cabana del Cetro Administativo de Amacayacu [Municipality of Leticia; Amacayacu National Natural Park; Mata-mata Administrative Center (Inderena); Trail from the hut of the grandfather pandura to the hut of the Administrative Center of Amacayacu], 70.25 -3.783333, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
489414Stancik, D.; I., Brus   48832003-08-13
Papua New Guinea, Ohu., -5.258685 145.674629, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia alata Ruiz & Pav.
567478H., F.W.   11,6551930-03-14
Cuba, Santa Clara, Trinidad Mts., 21.831948 -79.883617, 762m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth
94558   39061891-08-07
Mexico, San Luis Potosi

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Kunth
568440   38091891-08-08
Mexico, San Luis Potosi

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr.
949361Werff, Henk van der; Hardeveld, Cor van   68401985-02-10
Panama, Chiriqui, Boquete, Fortuna dam site. Cloud Forest., 8.777232 -82.448194

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia glabella (Sw.) A.Dietr.
227661[illegible], J.A.; Johnston, J.R.   15751914-03-08
Puerto Rico, [illegible], 18.230201 -66.499756

Image Associated With the Occurence
Peperomia hernandiifolia (Vahl) A.Dietr.
94565   41991886-04-02
Puerto Rico

589639Lakela, O.   
United States, Florida, Citrus, detailed locality information protected

94560Curtiss, A.H.   
United States, Florida, detailed locality information protected

94570Curtiss, A.H.   
United States, Florida, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
353953Degener, Otto; Park, K.; [illegible], G.; [illegible], M.   10,1061935-10-21
United States, Hawaii, Oahu, Sacred Falls, 21.577056 -157.914348

Image Associated With the Occurence
284947   C2420021924-08-13
United States, Hawaii, Oahu, Windward side of Koolau range, a little below Nuuanu Pali., 21.45 -157.886267

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