UT0003201 Jason Baker 77 2006-05-22
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected approximately 1/4 mile northwest of the Rosebud BLM cabins ., 41.657 -113.681667, 1737m
UT0003167 Jason Baker 11 2006-04-14
USA, Utah, Washington, Collected approximately 1/4 mile northwest of the Lytle Ranch turn off in the Beaver Dam mountains., 37.066417 -113.887133, 1128m
UT0003191 Jason Baker 8 2006-04-14
USA, Utah, Washington, Collected approximately 2 miles northeast of the Lytle Ranch turn off in the Beaver Dam mountains., 37.103067 -113.827267, 1433m
UT0003190 Jason Baker 13 2006-04-14
USA, Utah, Washington, Collected approximately 1/4 mile northwest of the Lytle Ranch turn off in the Beaver Dam mountains., 37.066417 -113.887133, 1128m
UT0003189 Jason Baker 21 2006-04-14
USA, Utah, Washington, Collected approximately 1/4 mile northwest of the Lytle Ranch turn off in the Beaver Dam mountains., 37.066417 -113.887133, 1128m
UT0003188 Jason Baker 28 2006-04-14
USA, Utah, Washington, Collected approximately 3 miles north of the road to Lytle Ranch in the Beaver Dam mountains., 37.08685 -113.929717, 1189m
UT0003187 Jason Baker 1 2006-04-14
USA, Utah, Washington, Collected approximately 2 miles northeast of the Lytle Ranch turn off in the Beaver Dam mountains., 37.103067 -113.827267, 1433m
UT0003186 Jason Baker 7 2006-04-14
USA, Utah, Washington, Collected approximately 2 miles northeast of the Lytle Ranch turn off in the Beaver Dam mountains., 37.103067 -113.827267, 1433m
UT0003185 Jason Baker 113 2006-05-24
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected south of the city of Grouse Creek, Utah in the Grouse Creek mountains west of Ingham Pass ., 41.63675 -113.838267, 1676m
UT0003184 Jason Baker 112 2006-05-24
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected south of the city of Grouse Creek, Utah in the Grouse Creek mountains west of Ingham Pass., 41.63675 -113.838267, 1676m
UT0003183 Jason Baker 111 2006-05-24
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected south og the city of Grouse Creek, Utah in the Grouse Creek mountains west of Ingham Pass ., 41.63675 -113.838267, 1676m
UT0003182 Jason Baker 109 2006-05-24
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected south of the city of Grouse Creek, Utah in the Grouse Creek mountains west of Ingham Pass ., 41.63675 -113.838267, 1676m
UT0003181 Jason Baker 40 2006-04-14
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Collected in Beaver Dam city along highway 91 across the street from a golf course/mobile home park ., 36.892017 -113.9281, 762m
UT0003180 Jason W. Baker 59 2006-05-19
United States, Utah, Davis, Collected on the foothills east of Kaysville above an old orchard and shooting range, 41.05173 -111.8976, 1615m
UT0003179 Jason Baker 39 2006-04-14
USA, Arizona, Mojave, Collected in Beaver Dam city along highway 91 across the street from a golf course/mobile home park., 36.892017 -113.9281, 762m
UT0003178 Jason Baker 35 2006-04-14
USA, Arizona, Mojave, Collected 100 yards from the Utah-Arizona border along highway 91., 36.997733 -113.916733, 762m
UT0003177 1050 1957-05-19
United States, Utah, Davis
UT0003176 Jason Baker 63 2006-05-19
USA, Utah, Davis, Collected in the foothills east of Kaysville, Utah above an old orchard and shooting range., 41.051833 -111.897633, 1615m
UT0003175 Jason Baker 55 2004-05-16
USA, Utah, Davis, Collected on Antelope Island SAtate Park approximately 2 miles south of the main gate on the east side of the island., 41.028133 -112.203917, 1311m
UT0003174 Jason Baker 54 2004-05-16
USA, Utah, Davis, Collected on Antelope Island State Park approximately 2 miles south of the main gate on the east side of the island., 41.028133 -112.203917, 1311m
UT0003173 Jason Baker 58 2006-05-17
USA, Utah, Davis, Collected on the west side of Antelope Island almost directly opposite of the Fielding Garr Ranch house., 40.928333 -112.225333, 1341m
UT0003197 Jason Baker 90 2006-05-23
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected approximately 4 miles north of U-30 near the Utah/Nevada border near Dake Pass on the north end of the Pilot mountain range., 41.425617 -114.040667, 1615m
UT0003196 Jason Baker 98 2006-05-24
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected in the Grouse Creek mountains ., 41.4976 -113.8008, 1707m
UT0003195 Baker, Jason 2006-05-24
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Collected in the Grouse Creek mountains., 41.4976 -113.8008, 1707m
UT0003194 Jason Baker 106 2006-05-24
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected in the mouth of a canyon on the Kimber Ranch at the south end of the Grouse Creek mountains., 41.559683 -113.967017, 1615m
UT0003193 Jason Baker 108 2006-05-24
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected south of the city of Grouse Creek, Utah in the Grouse Creek mountains west of Ingham Pass., 41.63675 -113.838267, 1676m
UT0003192 Jason Baker 6 2006-04-14
USA, Utah, Washington, Collected approximately 2 miles northeast of the Lytle Ranch turn off in the Beaver Dam mountains., 37.103067 -113.827267, 1433m
United States, Utah, Rich
UT0003218 Jason Baker 45 2006-04-15
USA, Utah, Washington, Collected east of the Quail group campsite in Snow Canyon adjacent to red sandstone cliffs ., 37.201983 -113.6398, 1036m
UT0003217 Jason Baker 37 2006-04-14
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Collected in Beaver Dam city along highway 91 across the street from a golf course/mobile home park., 36.892017 -113.9281, 762m
UT0003216 Jason Baker 76 2006-05-22
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected approximately 1/4 mile northwest of the Rosebud BLM cabins., 41.657 -113.681667, 1737m
UT0003215 Jason Baker 73 2006-05-22
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected approximately 1/4 mile northwest of the Rosebud BLM cabins., 41.657 -113.681667, 1734m
UT0003214 Jason Baker 70 2006-05-22
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected approximately 1/4 mile northwest of the Rosebud BLM cabins., 41.625333 -113.632667, 1707m
UT0003213 Jason Baker 69 2006-05-22
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected approximately 1/4 mile northwest of the Rosebud BLM cabins., 41.625333 -113.632667, 1707m
UT0003212 Baker, Jason 2006-05-22
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Collected approximately 1/4 mile northwest of the Rosebud BLM cabins., 41.625333 -113.632667, 1707m
UT0003211 Baker, Jason 43 2006-04-15
United States, Utah, Washington, Collected along the 3 Ponds trail in Snow Canyon. 37¬ 12.946'N 113¬ "39.641'W", 1036m
UT0003210 Jason Baker 79 2006-05-22
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected approximately 1/4 mile northwest of the Rosebud BLM cabins., 41.657 -113.681667, 1737m
UT0003209 Jason Baker 82 2006-05-22
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected approximately 1/4 mile northwest of the Rosebud BLM cabins., 41.657 -113.681667, 1737m
UT0003208 Jason Baker 46 2006-04-15
USA, Utah, Washington, Collected east of the Quail group campsite in Snow Canyon adjacent to red sandstone cliffs., 37.201983 -113.6398, 1036m
United States, Utah, Davis
United States, Utah, Davis
UT0003205 Jason Baker 64 2006-05-10
USA, Utah, Davis, Collected in the foothills east of Kaysville, Utah above an orchard and shooting range., 41.051833 -111.897633, 1615m
UT0003204 Jason Baker 66 2006-05-22
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected approximately 1/4 mile northwest of the Rosebud BLM cabins., 41.625333 -113.632667, 1707m
UT0003203 Jason Baker 71 2006-05-22
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected approximately 1/4 mile northwest of the Rosebud BLM cabins., 41.625333 -113.632667, 1707m
UT0003202 Jason Baker 75 2006-05-22
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Collected approximately 1/4 mile northwest of the Rosebud BLM cabins., 41.657 -113.681667, 1737m
UT0003220 Melinda Greenwood UT933-100 2009-07-10
USA, Utah, Garfield, BLM, Henry Mtns, Hwy 24 thru Capital Reef Nat. Park, go E, turn right on Notom Road. Go S to Sandy Ranch, veer left (E) onto Henry Mtn. Rd. B.L.M. Mount Ellen Quad (7 1/2 min.)., 38.1 -110.805556, 3250m
UT0003221 M. Greenwood UT933-109 2009-07-30
USA, Utah, Piute, Highway 24 E through Capitol Reef National Park. Turn S (right) 0nto Notom Road. Travel S to Sandy Ranch veering L onto the Henry Mountain Road. Go left to MnClellan Springs. B.L.M. Mount Ellen Quad (7 1/2 min.)., 38.056944 -110.809722, 2813m
UT0003222 Melinda Greenwood UT933-92 2009-06-17
USA, Utah, Piute, BLM, Between Circleville & Junction, approx. 2.2 mi S of Junction, turn right (W) on Doc Spring Rd, travel W 1.5 mi. Population on right. B.L.M. Circleville Quad (7 1/2 min.), 38.208333 -112.25, 1890m
UT0003223 Melinda Greenwood UT933-93 2009-06-17
USA, Utah, Piute, BLM, Hwy 89 S of Junction, go S ca 2.2 mi, turn right (W) on Doc Spring Rd, travel ca 4.3 mi W to site over rough jeep trail (last 0.5 mi) B.L.M. Circleville Quad (7 1/2 min.)., 38.210833 -112.295833, 1943m
UT0003224 Melinda Greenwood UT933-118 2009-08-03
USA, Utah, Sevier, BLM, Hwy 24 to milepost 28, gated permitee access rd on W (right), go 1.3 mi towards Mormon Mtn Transmission Towers. Water Creek Canyon Quad ( 7 1/2 min.)., 38.638611 -111.869444, 2460m
UT0003334 S. Fick CP1-029 2010-08-29
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Bureau of Land Management. On the Uncompahgre Mesa, travel SW from Delta on Sawmill Mesa Rd which becomes L37 Rd; area is located on both sides of road approximately 2 mi NE of Escalante State Wildlife Area., 38.61725 -108.301694, 2120m
UT0003333 S. Fick CP1-028 2010-08-28
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Bureau of Land Management. Nine mi SW of Crawford around the North Rim of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison/Green Mountain area; take Black Canyon Road to C77 Road and travel W for approximately 6 mi., 38.62325 -107.766222, 2428m
UT0003332 S. Fick CP1-008 2010-07-22
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest. Highway 89 N from Flagstaff, turn right onto the S end of Sunset Crater Loop Road (FR 545), right onto FR 244A, go 2.5 mi; area lies S of Haywire Crater., 35.353333 -111.415972, 2003m
UT0003331 S. Fick CP1-012 2010-07-04
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest. Route 66 W from Flagstaff, turn left onto Woody Mountain Road; population is to the E of Woody Mountain Road; across from the Arboretum at Flagstaff and along FR 390., 35.148083 -111.738333, 2200m
UT0003330 R. Rand CP1-014 2010-07-26
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest. Interstate 40 E from Flagstaff, exit at Twin Arrows Trading Post and go S on FR 126 about 6 mi to Yellow Jacket Canyon.., 35.061528 -111.319722, 1926m
UT0003329 R. Rand CP1-017 2010-08-11
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest. Highway 89 N from Flagstaff, right onto Townsend-Winona Road, left onto Leupp Road, left onto FR 244 and go 1 mi., 35.270639 -111.411667, 1925m
UT0003327 R. Rand CP1-055 2010-09-30
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest. From Flagstaff, go S on Lake Mary Road (FR 3), turn left onto FR 128 towards Marshall Lake, area also extends S on FR 94860., 35.08775 -111.529556, 2158m
UT0003134 Sharon Winburn s.n. 1969-06-24
USA, Utah, Utah, Alpine Loop, American Fork Canyon., 40.445784 -111.751319, 2195m
UT0003135 S. Flowers 1290 1923-06-21
USA, Utah, Salt Lake, Lamb's Canyon., 40.738558 -111.673817, 1920m
UT0003136 A. O. Garrett 6355a 1933-06-28
USA, Utah, Salt Lake, Lamb's Canyon., 40.738558 -111.673817, 1951m
UT0003137 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1880-07-29
USA, Utah, Utah, American Fork Canyon., 2286m
UT0003138 Alyce Hreha UB-51 1980-07-01
USA, Utah, Uintah, Uinta Basin, Ute Canyon. Wolf Point Quad., 39.5845 -109.5886, 2073 - 2073m
UT0003139 J. W. Harrison s.n. 1927-06-24
USA, Utah, Cache, Bear Lake., 41.879209 -111.277875, 1524m
UT0003140 Alyce Hreha UB-85 1980-05-07
USA, Utah, Uintah, Just south of U.S. Highway 40 (East of Gusher, Utah). Uinta basin., 40.301904 -109.818478
UT0003141 s.n. 1916-06-26
USA, Utah, San Juan, Monticello., 37.871383 -109.342895
UT0003142 W. P. Cottam 7005 1936-05-15
USA, Utah, Piute, Marysvale, Boullion Canyon., 38.41794 -112.299639, 1829 - 1829m
UT0003143 Lena H. Malbutt 19 1959-06-10
USA, Utah, Carbon, Gravel foothills at Price, Utah., 39.59941 -110.810715, 1676 - 1676m
UT0003144 R. Kass 0600 1980-05-31
USA, Utah, Kane, 17 miles east from Kanab, Utah., 37.047085 -112.217443, 1585 - 1585m
UT0003145 Ross Hardy s.n. 1937-04-25
USA, Utah, Carbon, Price., 39.59941 -110.810715, 1768 - 1768m
UT0003146 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1880-06-22
USA, Utah, Beaver, Frisco., 38.45635 -113.258853, 2438 - 2438m
UT0003147 L. Arnow 5767 1981-06-10
USA, Utah, Sevier, 1.5 miles SE of the town of Sigurd along Highway 24., 38.825143 -111.947963
UT0003148 K. Weight s.n. 1932-07-10
USA, Utah, Garfield, Bryce Canyon., 37.628316 -112.167695
UT0003149 D. Woodruff 1493 1973-05-11
USA, Utah, Washington, Pine Valley Mountains, ridge between Mill Creek and Harmon Creek., 37.363966 -113.334909
UT0003342 D. Conocchioli 404 2014-06-12
United States, Utah, Grand, Colorado Plateau - Shale Deserts and Sedimentary Basins. S of Owl Draw, NE of Arches National Park. From Moab, take UT-128 E for about 34 miles. Take a sharp left (SW) onto Kokopelli Trail, an unpaved road. The turn for Kokopelli Trl is about 0.5 miles N of where the Colorado River curves NE away from Hwy 128. Continue for .5 miles, turn right (NW) onto Owl draw Rd and continue for 1.5 miles., 38.86618 -109.33111, 1287m
UT0003341 D. Conocchioli 403 2014-06-12
United States, Utah, Grand, Colorado Plateau - Shale Deserts and Sedimentary Basins. S of Owl Draw, NE of Arches National Park. From Moab, take UT-128 E for about 34 miles. Take a sharp left (SW) onto Kokopelli Trail, an unpaved road. The turn for Kokopelli Trl is about 0.5 miles N of where the Colorado River curves NE away from Hwy 128. Continue for .5 miles, turn right (NW) onto Owl draw Rd and continue for 1.5 miles., 38.86618 -109.33111, 1287m
UT0003388 S. Flowers s.n. 1938-05-02
USA, Utah, Davis, Bountiful, 40.88944 -111.88
UT0003387 Robert G. Kaltwasser s.n. 1971-04-24
USA, Utah, Tooele, W slope of the Cedar Mountains. 1 1/2 mi S of dolomite plant. 8 mi W of Grantsville, Utah on So. Cooley Road., 40.671512 -112.575516, 1280m
UT0003386 D. Wiens 5935 1981-04-27
USA, Utah, Tooele, I-80, 1 mi W of the Tooele off-ramp. Roadside., 40.531037 -112.317348
UT0003385 O. Howard s.n. 1880-07-01
USA, Utah, Salt Lake, Salt Lake Valley, 40.766612 -111.967439, 1311m
UT0003384 S. Goodrich 19200 1983-07-22
USA, Utah, Duchesne, 11.25 km 40 degrees NE of Tabiona, Uinta Mountains, Farm Creek, Pass, 40.4388 -110.625, 2682m
UT0003383 L. Arnow 6094 1983-05-12
USA, Utah, Salt Lake, Ca. 9 miles W. of Salt Lake City, a few meters north of I-80, ca 1/2 mile E. of Saltair Resort along frontage road., 40.77466 -112.134727
UT0003382 O. Howard s.n. 1880-07-01
USA, Utah, Salt Lake, Salt Lake Valley, 40.766612 -111.967439, 1311m
UT0003381 K. Brizzee 7887 1940-04-30
USA, Utah, Davis, Farmington, 40.9805 -111.887439, 1280m
UT0003380 L. Arnow 4388 1975-05-18
USA, Utah, Weber, Ca. 13 mi. S. of Brigham City, Utah, just SE of Utah hot springs., 41.483997 -111.975989, 1300m
UT0003379 T. Arnow s.n. 1975-04-30
USA, Utah, Box Elder, At Spark Spring of the Locomotive Springs group., 41.7054 -112.8947, 1286 - 1286m
United States, Utah, Duchesne
UT0003371 W. C. Muenscher 2328 1933-05-31
USA, Utah, Cache, 1 1/2 miles west of Logan airport., 41.783886 -111.853824, 1372 - 1372m
UT0003372 E. B. Robinson s.n. 1960-05-21
USA, Utah, Utah, Peat bogs East of Utah Lake, 40.191103 -111.710168
UT0003373 B. Albee 1312 1973-05-13
USA, Utah, Tooele, Rare beside freeway I-80 at Lake Point Junction., 40.723 -112.226057
United States, Utah, Tooele
United States, Utah, Wasatch
United States, Utah, Wasatch
United States, Utah, Davis
UT0003340 Jason Baker 233 2006-06-28
USA, Utah, Uintah, Collected on the plateau directly east of Vernal, Utah., 40.375 -109.126333, 2438m
UT0003338 McDonough, T. 2014-05-15
United States, Utah, Emery, From Castle Dale head north-east on SR 10 for 1.5 miles, turn east onto CR401 ands proceed for 11.5 miles to Red Knoll., 39.176011 -110.802366, 1711m
United States, Utah, Duchesne
UT0003337 McDonough 2014-05-15
USA, Utah, Emery, From Castle Dale head northeast on SR 10 for 1.5 miles, turn east onto CR401 and proceed for 11.5 miles to Red Knoll., 39.175205 -110.801392, 1702 - 1702m
UT0003336 D. Conocchioli 405 2014-06-12
United States, Utah, Grand, Colorado Plateau - Shale Deserts and Sedimentary Basins. NE of Arches National Park. From Cisco take UT-128 W for 5.4 miles, turn left onto BLM 163 and continue for 4.5 miles starting parallel I-70, eventually heading S., 38.89907 -109.42777, 1345m
UT0003343 D. Wiens 2298 1957-08-24
USA, Kentucky, Drave's Kake, ca. 2 miles NE of Stephensburg
UT0003335 R. Reisor 002 2014-06-12
United States, Utah, Grand, Colorado Plateau - Shale Deserts and Sedimentary Basins. N of Moab off Hwy 128., 38.93522 -109.35011, 1334m