Search Results (List)

Dataset: UT-Botany
Search Criteria: United States or USA or U.S.A. or United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 832, records 83101-83200 of 85692

Natural History Museum of Utah, Garrett Herbarium

Pseudoleskea radicosa (Mitt.) Macoun & Kindb.
UT0135274Flowers, S.   102431967-07-26
United States, Montana, Flathead, Swan Mountains, Mt. Aeneus., 1975m

Didymodon vinealis (Brid.) R.H. Zander
UT0134908Flowers, S.   27302017-05-23
United States, Utah, Cache, Logan Canyon, Big Spring, 1829m

Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G. L. Nesom & G. I. Baird
UT0134867Tiehm, Arnold   180862017-09-17
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Candelaria Hills, Miller Mountain, 2.6 road miles N then E of highway 6 on main road into mountain from the south. T2N R34E sec 15. NAD83., 2088m

Pylaisiella polyantha (Hedw.) Grout
UT0135285Flowers, S.   60281960-07-09
United States, Colorado, Archuleta, San Juan River, 5 miles E of Arboles., 1829m

Koponeniella graminicolor Huttunen, Ignatov, Min Li & Y.F. Wang
UT0135007Flowers, S.   31021931-05-22
United States, Iowa, Henry, near Mt. Pleasant, Skunk River.

Pylaisiella selwynii (Kindb.) H.A. Crum, Steere & L.E. Anderson
UT0135286Flowers, S.   99861965-08-20
United States, Wisconsin, Sauk, Pine Hollow, ca. 3 miles NE of Leland., 1984m

Symphyotrichum ascendens (Lindl.) G.L. Nesom
UT0134868Tiehm, Arnold   164732012-08-25
United States, Nevada, Lyon, Bodie Mountains, 4.2 road miles E of highway 338 from Sweetwater on main road to Fletcher, then 3/4 mile N to East Walker River, T7N, R26E, S27. WGS-1984., 1783m

Brachythecium novae-angliae (Sull. & Lesq.) A. Jaeger
UT0135008Flowers, S.   44021934-07-01
United States, Vermont, Windham, Newfane

UT0135287Flowers, S.   6522-A1966-08-29
United States, California, Mariposa, Yosemite Valley, Merced River near Pohono Bridge, 1183m

Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco
UT0136107Izaksonas, Allison   2021-05-06
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Little Cottonwood Canyon, across road from Snowbird resort. 40.578889N, -111.67W\n

Plagiobothrys tenellus (Nutt. ex Hook.) A. Gray
UT0135354Tiehm, Arnold   165812013-06-07
United States, Nevada, Douglas, Pine Nut Mts, 200 yards NE of highway 395 on the road to Veta Grande Mine, NNW of Double Spring Flat, T11N, R21E, S15. WGS-84., 1798m

UT0135329Flowers, S.   88421962-06-08
United States, Utah, Uinta, Green River, Rainbow Park, 1600m

UT0135222Flowers, S.   42561953-06-18
United States, Utah, Weber, Wasatch Mountains, South Fork, Ogden River., 1707m

Ipomopsis longiflora (Torr.) V. Grant
UT0135577Louderback, Lisbeth Ph.D.   2042017-09-06
United States, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, head west on Hwy 95 for about 5.5 miles. Turn north onto S Cottonwood Wash Rd (County Rd 228) for about 4 miles. Turn west onto Elk Mountain Rd (County Rd 268) for about 3 miles. Turn south onto Whisker S Draw for 2.7 miles, then park. Site is approximately 450m southwest.; 12 620045E 4163914N NAD 83

UT0135223Flowers, S.   48101957-06-26
United States, Utah, San Juan, Devil Canyon, 2042m

Linanthus pungens (Torr.) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson
UT0135578Louderback, Lisbeth Ph.D.   2222017-09-07
United States, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, head west on Hwy 95 for about 28.5 miles. Turn south onto Hwy 261 for about 4 miles. Turn east onto Fish and Owl Rd (County Rd 253) for about 5.3 miles, then park at Fish and Own Canyons trailhead. Site is approximately 300m south and 150m east of trailhead.; 12 604650.36E 4147783.46N NAD 83

UT0005219Windham, Michael Dennis Ph.D.   90-3731990-08-24
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Along State Route 90 on the S side of Percha Creek ca. 3.36 km WSW of its confluence with North Percha Creek. B.LM. Hillsboro Quad (7 1/2 min.). T16S, R7W, Sec. 18. UTM- 3644750 m.N by 256375 m.E (Zone 13)., 1655m

Campylium radicale (P. Beauv.) Grout
UT0135050Flowers, S.   43181934-07-01
United States, Vermont, Windham, Newfane, 853m

UT0135264Flowers, S.   54721957-09-02
United States, California, Mariposa, Sierra Nevada Mountains, Yosemite National Park, Tioga Road, 2286m

UT0135386Smith, J. F.   77322008-08-09
United States, Idaho, Cassia, Mt. Independence, vicinity of Independence Lake, 2703m

UT0135265Flowers, S.   1934-08-14
United States, Vermont, Windham, Newfane Hill., 427m

Eremogone loisiae N.H. Holmgren & P.K.Holmgren
UT0135387Holmgren, Noel H.   162282010-07-19
United States, Idaho, Oneida, Blue Spring Hills, 4.3 km (2.7 mi) up John Evans Canyon from Elkhorn Road, 14 km (8.5 mi) air distance west-northwest of downtown Malad;\nT14S R35E S5 (nw1/4)

Lomatium macrocarpum (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) J.M. Coult. & Rose
UT0136038Simper, Heidi M.   1932021-06-08
United States, Oregon, Lake, Adel, From US-395, head east on OR-140/Warner hwy for 41.8 miles. Turn north onto dirt road (BLM Rd 6122-0-00) for 10 miles. 42.20731 -119.63588\n

UT0135266Flowers, S.   92461963-08-10
United States, Utah, Duchesne, Uinta Mountains, SE of Bald Mountain above Fehr Lake., 3200m

UT0113354Farnsworth   1953-05-27
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, 1524m

Eremogone loisiae N.H. Holmgren & P.K.Holmgren
UT0135388Holmgren, Noel H.   162702010-07-23
United States, Utah, Boxer Elder, Wasatch Range, Willard Peak Road, 11.4 km (7.1 mi) road distance south of Mantua's South Main Street, approximately on the Weber County line.

Brachythecium albicans (Hedw.) Schimp.
UT0134984Flowers, S.   64831966-08-30
United States, California, Mariposa, Yosemite Valley, near Pohono Bridge, Merced River., 1183m

Suaeda occidentalis (S. Wats.) S. Wats.
UT0135389Holmgren, Noel H.   163372010-08-20
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Salt Wells Flat, along the Cedar Springs Road, 29 km (18.2 mi) west of Lampo Junction and 19 km (11.7 mi) east of the Locomotive Springs Road; T11N R8W S2

Brachythecium campestre (Müll. Hal.) Schimp.
UT0134985Flowers, S.   22311939-07-02
United States, Utah, Stewart's Ranch, Upper Provo River

Pottia nevadensis Cardot & Thér.
UT0135268Flowers, S.   12831937-05-03
United States, Utah, Box Elder, E side of Pilot Peak near Nevada state line. Western border of the Great Salt Lake Desert., 1294m

Brachythecium campestre (Müll. Hal.) Schimp.
UT0134986Flowers, S.   92771963-08-10
United States, Utah, Summit, Uintah Mountains, Bald Mountains near Fehr Lake, 3200m

UT0135136Flowers, S.   91671963-09-03
United States, Utah, Duchesne, Uinta [Uintah] Mts, Moon Lake., 2469m

UT0134989Flowers, S.   47811957-07-09
United States, Utah, Utah, North fork Provo Canyon, 2438m

UT0135137Flowers, S.   96271964-09-07
United States, Utah, Duchesne [Duchense], Uinta Mountains, Ottoson Basin. In bottom and sides of intermittent brook., 3322m

Herzogiella turfacea (Lindb.) Z. Iwats.
UT0135161Flowers, S.   44441934-07-06
United States, Vermont, Windham, Newfane Hill, 853m

UT0135138Flowers, S.   40731955-08-31
United States, Utah, Duchesne [Duchense], Uinta Mountains, Mirror Lake. On dry quartzite cliffs and ledge, east of the Lake., 3139m

UT0135139Flowers, S.   83041938-05-18
United States, Utah, Millard, Pahvant Butte, near Clear Lake., 1463m

Heterocladium dimorphum (Brid.) Schimp.
UT0135162Miller, W. R.   T-85-A
United States, Montana, Lake, Mission Mountains, 1433m

UT0135140Flowers, S.   63961960-05-14
United States, Utah, Millard, Canyon Mountains, Oak Creek Canyon., 1524m

UT0135141Flowers, S.   34591940-07-21
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Wasatch Mountains, Brighton., 2804m

UT0135163Mulaik, S.   81071946-07-14
United States, Oregon, Lane, McKenzie Bridge, 418m

UT0135250Flowers, S.   97511965-08-20
United States, Washington, Stevens, Selkirk Mountains, ca 10 miles east of Coleville., 1868m

Lepisorus thunbergianus (Kaulf.) Ching
UT0135522Windham, Michael Dennis Ph.D.   
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii, Sandwich Islands

Anomodon attenuatus (Hedw.) Huebener
UT0134957Flowers, S.   99821965-08-20
United States, Wisconsin, Sauk, Pine Hollow, ca 3 miles northeast of\nLeland., 1320m

Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Barkworth & D. R. Dewey
UT0135589Louderback, Lisbeth Ph.D.   2562019-09-08
United States, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, head west on Hwy 95 for about 5.5 miles. Turn north onto S. Cottonwood Wash Rd (County Rd 228) for about 2.6 miles and park on roadside. Site is approximately 100m west of road.; 37.595932, -109.597881. 12 623777.901E 4161908.51N NAD 83, 1625m

Homalothecium megaptilum (Sull.) H. Rob.
UT0135045Flowers, S.   90091962-08-23
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Larch Mountain, basin on north side., 610m

UT0135678Baker, Jason W.   7702018-07-28
United States, Idaho, Fremont, Collected along the west side of Highway 20 between Mack's Inn and the Island Park golf course. 44.513658N. -111.327999W WGS84\n

UT0135598Louderback, Lisbeth Ph.D.   2612019-09-08
United States, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, head west on Hwy.95 for about 5.5 miles. Turn north onto South Cottonwood Wash Rd. (County Rd. 228) for about 4 miles. Turn west onto Elk Mountain Rd. (County Rd.268) for about 4.5 miles. Site overlook is approximately 100m. south of road, but must follow the slickrock drainage around and down into canyon for another 250m. to access site.\n12 617359.782E 4167452.54N NAD83

Boechera pendulocarpa (A. Nelson) Windham & Al-Shehbaz
UT0135821Huber, A.   55192017-05-02
United States, Wyoming, Sweetwater, 0.75 miles south of Sage Creek, 41¬ 17' 22.72"" N. 109¬ " 29' 10.95"" W.", 1943m

UT0135269Vickery, P. K.   10021951-05-29
United States, California, San Mateo, about 2/3 of the way up the ridge to the E of Searsville Lake.

UT0135133Flowers, S.   1945-07-05
United States, Vermont, Windham, Newfane

Brachytheciastrum collinum (Schleich. ex M??ll. Hal.) Ignatov & Huttunen
UT0134987Flowers, S.   33181952-06-20
United States, Utah, Grand, La Sal Mts, near Warner Ranger Station., 2957m

UT0135134Flowers, S.   57391938-07-27
United States, Utah, Rich, Bear Lake

Brachythecium laetum (Brid.) Schimp.
UT0134988Flowers, S.   44281934-07-06
United States, Vermont, Windham, Newfane Hill, 853m

UT0135135Flowers, S.   54821958-05-16
United States, Utah, Millard, Canyon Mts, Oak Creek, ca. 4 mi E of Oak City, 1768m

UT0134872Tiehm, Arnold   165122013-05-06
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Lake Range, 0.9 road miles S of Limbo road on highway 447 from Nixon to Gerlach, then 1.5 road miles W, T29N, R23E, S1 WGS1984., 1594m

Rhytidiopsis robusta (Hook.) Broth.
UT0135297Flowers, S.   84241955-07-20
United States, Washington, Cascade Mountains, near Snoqualamie Pass, 914m

UT0134873Tiehm, Arnold   165772013-06-07
United States, Nevada, Douglas, Pine Nut Mts, 200 yards NE of highway 395 on the road to Peta Grande Mine, NNW of Double Spring Flat, T11N, R21E, S15., 1807m

UT0135560Louderback, Lisbeth Ph.D.   2602019-09-08
United States, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, head west on Hwy 95 for about 5.5 miles. Turn north onto S Cottonwood Wash Rd (County Rd 228) for about 4 miles. Turn west onto Elk Mountain Rd (County Rd 268) for about 4.5 miles. Site overlook is approximately 100 m south of road, but must follow the slickrock drainage around and down into canyon for another 250 m to access site.: 37.646731, -109.669675. \n12617359.782E 4167452.54N NAD 83, 1809m

Epilobium canum (Greene) P. H. Raven
UT0135561Louderback, Lisbeth Ph.D.   2642019-09-08
United States, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, head west on Hwy 95 for about 5.5 miles. Turn north onto S Cottonwood Wash Rd (County Rd 228) for about 4 miles. Turn west onto Elk Mountain Rd (County Rd 268) for about 4.5 miles. Site overlook is approximately 100 m south of road, but must follow the slickrock drainage around and down intro canyon for another 250m to access site. 37.646731, -109.669675., 1811m

Dicranella subulata (Hedw.) Schimp.
UT0135082Flowers, S.   66741967-07-18
United States, Montana, Lincoln, Cabinet Mountains, Leigh Creek, 1829m

Eriogonum watsonii Torr. & A. Gray
UT0135439Tiehm, Arnold   160962010-06-02
United States, Nevada, Pershing, Trinity Range, 1.4 road miles N of road summit on road north from junction of I-80 and highway 95 on road to Copper Valley, 1402m

UT0135592Louderback, Lisbeth Ph.D.   2782019-09-08
United States, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, head west on Hwy 95 for about 5.5 miles. Turn north onto S. Cottonwood Wash Rd (County Rd 228) for about 4 miles. Turn west onto Elk Mountain Rd (County Rd 268) for about 4.5 miles. Site overlook is approximately 100m south of road, but must follow the slickrock drainage around and down into canyon for another 250m to access site.; 37.646731, -109.669675. 12 617359.782E 4167452.54N NAD 83\nElev: 1809m., 1809m

Penstemon barbatus (Cav.) Roth
UT0135565Louderback, Lisbeth Ph.D.   2162019-09-07
United States, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, head west on Hwy 95 for about 28.5 miles. Turn south onto Hwy 261 for aout 4 miles. Turn east onto Fish and Owl Rd (County Rd 253) for about 5.3 miles, then park at Fish and Owl Canyons trailhead. Site is approximately 300m south and 150m east of trailhead, 37.471017, -109.816519., 1868m

UT0135308Flowers, S.   38521955-08-31
United States, Utah, Duchesne, Uinta Mountains, near Mirror Lake, 3078m

UT0135566Louderback, Lisbeth Ph.D.   2692019-09-08
United States, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, head west on Hwy 95 for about 5.5 miles. Turn south onto S Cottonwood Wash Rd (County Rd 228) for about 4 miles. Turn west onto Elk Mountain (County Rd 268) for about 4.5 miles. Site overlook is approximately 100 m south of road, but must follow the slickrock drainage around and down into canyon for another 250m to access site. 37.646731 -109.669675., 1809m

UT0135446Thorne, K. H.   80661990-08-08
United States, Hawaii, Aiea State Park, Aiea Ridge Trail, Koolau Range, Oahu, 293m

Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schw?ñgr.
UT0135252Flowers, S.   3054
United States, Indiana, Porter, Tremont, Dunes State Park., 2152m

Perideridia gairdneri (Hook. & Arn.) Mathias
UT0135670Baker, Jason W.   7732018-07-28
United States, Idaho, Fremont, Collected along the west side of Highway 20 between Mack's Inn and the Island Park golf course. 44.513658N, -111.327999W WGS84

Chenopodium leptophyllum (Moq.) Nutt. ex S. Wats.
UT0135648Louderback, Lisbeth Ph.D.   2532019-09-08
United States, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, head west on Hwy 95 for about 5.5 miles. Turn north onto S Cottonwood Wash Rd (County Rd 228) for about 2.6 miles and park on roadside. Site is approximately 100m west of road.37.595932, -109.597881. 12 623777.901E 4161908.51N NAD 83

Eremopyrum triticeum (Gaertn.) Nevski
UT0135437Tiehm, Arnold   160312010-05-06
United States, Nevada, Lyon, Churchill Valley, Silver Springs, Deodor Road west of highway 95, T18N, R24E, S25. WGS-1984., 1280m

Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid.
UT0135242Flowers, S.   33751948-10-16
United States, Utah, Summit, Shingle Creek., 1531m

Anomodon minor (Hedw.) Lindb.
UT0134958Flowers, S.   64411966-08-12
United States, Virginia, Page, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah National Park, Big Meadow at Black Rock, 2695m

UT0135241Flowers, S.   94231964-05-10
United States, Utah, Davis, Wasatch Mountains, Mouth of North Mill Creek., 1307m

UT0135065Flowers, S.   29411952-05-18
United States, Utah, Tooele, 1 Mile NW of Grantsville, 1036m

Drepanocladus aduncus (Hedw.) Warnst.
UT0135099Flowers, S.   90651933-06-24
United States, Utah, Weber, Weber Canyon near Stoddard., 1300m

Hypnum pratense Koch ex Spruce
UT0135186Flowers, S.   20891927-09-05
United States, Utah, Duchense, Uinta Mountains, Baldy Mountains, meadow near Fehr Lake., 3200m

Plagiobothrys salsus (Brandegee) I.M. Johnst.
UT0135414   161222010-06-04
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Soldier Meadows, 1.1 road miles WSW of Gerlach Road on S fork Soldier Meadows road, T40N, R24E, S24, 41¬ 21.472""N

UT0135187Flowers, S.   101301967-07-09
United States, Montana, Lake, Flathead Lake, Yellow Bay., 1006m

Hypnum revolutum (Mitt.) Lindb.
UT0135188Flowers, S.   91731963-09-03
United States, Utah, Duchesne [Duchense], Uinta Mountains, Moon Lake., 2499m

Oxytropis deflexa (Pallas) DC.
UT0135841Huber, A.   55452017-06-22
United States, Utah, Daggett, Goslin Mountain, 40¬ 57'07.7"" N. 109¬ "17'22.2"" W.\n", 2327m

UT0135415Tiehm, Arnold   168352014-07-13
United States, Utah, Ormsby, Sierra Nevada, Carson Range, 1.2 road miles north of Highway 50 on the Kings Canyon Road, T15N, R19E, S31., 2088m

UT0135189Flowers, S.   65181966-08-29
United States, California, Mariposa, Yosemite Valley, Merced River near Pohono Bridge., 1183m

UT0135429Hattori, Keith   1973-05-26
United States, Oregon, Jefferson

Pohlia nutans (Hedw.) Lindb.
UT0136032Flowers, S.   25432021-06-08
United States, Utah, Summit, Uinta Mountains, Henry's Fork., 610m

Lomatium graveolens (Wats.) R.D.Dorn & R.L.Hartman
UT0134881Tiehm, Arnold   164442012-06-20
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Ruby Mts, Big Bald Mt. south of Overland Pass, east of the peak, T24N, R57E. WGS84., 1272m

Orthotrichum rupestre Schleich. ex Schwägr.
UT0135235Flowers, S.   1958-05-15
United States, Utah, Millard, Canyon Mountains, Oak Creek, 4 miles E of Oak City., 2662m

Arceuthobium americanum Nutt. ex Engelm.
UT0135687Baker, Jason W.   8312016-07-08
United States, Idaho, Fremont, From the Montana State Line, the collection site is approximately 0.4 miles south along Highway 20. 44.672115N, -111.282223W WGS84

UT0135109Flowers, S.   60631960-08-03
United States, Montana, Flathead, ca. 2 miles E of Columbia Falls., 1975m

Streblotrichum convolutum (Hedw.) P. Beauv.
UT0135373Flowers, S.   101862017-08-14
United States, Montana, Flathead, Flathead Lake, ca 3 miles south of Somers., 1274m

Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedw.) Loeske
UT0135102Flowers, S.   73651944-06-01
United States, Utah, Kane, Hidden Lake near Orderville, 1307m

UT0135126Flowers, S.   31751932-05-22
United States, Utah, San Juan, Abajo Mountains, Elk Ridge, Kigalia Ranger Station, 2560m

Pohlia longicolla (Hedw.) Lindb.
UT0135127Flowers, S.   37471962-08-14
United States, Utah, Summit, Uinta Mountains, Henry's Fork., 2774m

Muhlenbergia filiformis (Thurb. ex S. Watson) Rydb.
UT0135416Tiehm, Arnold   168432014-07-15
United States, Nevada, Douglas, Sierra Nevada, Carson Range, Spooner Lake just N of Spooner Summit on highway 50, T14N, R18E, S1. WSG-1984., 2094m

UT0135842Huber, A.   55442017-06-22
United States, Utah, Daggett, Goslin Mountain, 40¬ 55'50.79"" N. 109¬ "16'11.31"" W.\n", 2327m

UT0135417   162132010-06-23
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Calico Mountains, 9.0 road miles N of High Rock Lake-Soldier Meadows road on road N past Black Butes, W of the road, T40N, R24E, S5. 6000ft, 41¬ 24.416'N

Cryptantha humilis (A. Gray) Payson
UT0135843Huber, A.   55152017-04-18
United States, Utah, Duchesne, Gilsonite Draw, 39¬ 57'18.18"" N. 110¬ "16'58.58"" W.\n", 2245m

UT0135418Tiehm, Arnold   161412010-06-10
United States, Nevada, Pershing, Black Rock Desert, Secondhand Spring on SW end of desert, NE of highway 34, T34N, R24E, S23. WGS-1984., 1201m

Atriplex phyllostegia (Torr. ex S. Wats.) S. Wats.
UT0135419Tiehm, Arnold   160762010-05-27
United States, Nevada, Churchill, Desert Queen Valley, 3.4 road miles W of highway 95 between I-80 and Fallon on the Parran road to the Desert Queen Mine, T23N, R28E, S33. WGS-1984., 1195m

Imbribryum gemmiparum (De Not.) J.R. Spence
UT0135023Flowers, S.   85761959-07-28
United States, Utah, Daggett Co, Green River, Red Canyon area, Hideout Forest Camp, 1789m

Page 832, records 83101-83200 of 85692


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