Search Results (List)

Dataset: UT-Botany
Search Criteria: United States or USA or U.S.A. or United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 844, records 84301-84400 of 85692

Natural History Museum of Utah, Garrett Herbarium

UT0134931Tiehm, Arnold   164552012-07-10
United States, Nevada, Elko, Ruby Valley, Ruby Valley National Wildlife Refuge, southwest end of the North Sump, T27N, R58E, S18. 40¬?13.533'N, 115¬?28.492'W, WGS-1984., 1290m

UT0134886Tiehm, Arnold   164842012-08-25
United States, Nevada, Mineral, 0.2 road miles SW of main Lucky Boy Pass - Aurora junction on road to Fletcher, NW of Aurora Crater T6N, R28E, S19, 38¬?21.646'N, 118¬?54.084'W, WGS-1984, 1533m

UT0134932Tiehm, Arnold   164562012-08-01
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe Range, 0.6 road miles NW of Columbine Campground on the main road into Reese River Valley, T12N, R41E, S16. WGS-1984., 1280m

UT0134933Tiehm, Arnold   164232012-05-28
United States, Nevada, Lander, Reese River Valley, S of the Jersey Valley road from highway 305 to Battle Mt, SW of the Phoenix mine, T30N, R43E, S19. WGS84., 1809m

UT0134890Tiehm, Arnold   180272017-08-16
United States, Nevada, Mineral, Queen Valley, 1.4 road miles NW and then E of highway 6 on the road to West Queen Canyon, north of the drainage. T1N, R32E, sec 22. NAD83. 37¬?55.861'N, 118¬?25.083'W, 1839m

UT0135718Baker, Jason W.   7822018-07-28
United States, Idaho, Fremont, Collected along the west side of Highway 20 between Mack's Inn and the Island Park Golf Course. 44.513658N, -111.327999W WGS84\n, 2530m

UT0135719Baker, Jason W.   7832018-07-28
United States, Idaho, Fremont, Collected along the west side of Highway 20 between Mack's Inn and the Island Park Golf Course. 44.513658N, -111.327999W WGS84\n, 1464m

UT0135720Baker, Jason W.   7842018-07-28
United States, Idaho, Fremont, Collected along the west side of Highway 20 between Mack's Inn and the Island Park Golf Course. 44.513658N, -111.327999W WGS84\n, 1758m

UT0135245Flowers, S.   35621954-07-29
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Wasatch Mountains, Brighton., 1682m

UT0135722Baker, Jason W.   7872018-07-28
United States, Idaho, Fremont, Collected along the west side of Highway 20 between Mack's Inn and the Island Park golf course. 44.513658N, -111.327999W WGS84\n, 3147m

UT0134891Tiehm, Arnold   180292017-08-16
United States, Nevada, Mineral, Queen Valley, 1.4 road miles NW and then E of highway 6 on the road to West Queen Canyon, north of the drainage. T1N R32E sec 22. NAD83., 1975m

UT0134934Tiehm, Arnold   147282005-04-29
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Tule Springs Hills, 1.8 road miles NE of Toquop Wash on road to Abe Spring, T10S, R69E, S34. 37¬?01'55.6"N, 114¬?15'04.5"W, WGS-1984., 1300m

UT0134935Tiehm, Arnold   164872012-08-26
United States, Nevada, Lyon, Wassuk Range, foothills at extreme SW end, west of East Walker River, T7N, R27E, S20. 38¬?26.774'N, 118¬?58.904'W, WGS-1984, 1625m

UT0134892Tiehm, Arnold   180492017-08-21
United States, Nevada, Elko, Copper Mountains, 1.1 road miles NE of Bear Creek Summit on main road to town of Jarbridge. T46N R58E sec 31. NAD83., 1975m

UT0134893Tiehm, Arnold   178832017-06-20
United States, Nevada, Eureka, Simpson Park Mountains, 1.5 road miles W of main Three Bars-Tonkin Summit road on road to head of North Fork of Horse Canyon. T23N R49E sec 31., 1975m

UT0136026Sanbonmatsu, Katie   232017-08-15
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 10 miles. 38.793622N. -109.192724W\n, 1625m

UT0134895Johnson, Elizabeth Parlaman M.S.   2302017-05-23
United States, Nevada, Washoe, From Cedarville, CA take CA-299 east for 9.4 miles to Nevada border; continue on same road, now NV-8A, 5.9 miles. Turn left onto dirt road leading up 49er Canyon for 0.5 miles. Plants on slope to east of the road.\nNAD83\n11 255991E 4610455N, 1274m

UT0134896Johnson, Elizabeth Parlaman M.S.   246b2017-05-23
United States, Nevada, Washoe, From Cedarville, CA take CA-299 E for 20 miles (turns into NV-8A in Nevada). Turn right onto County Road 34 for 13.4 miles. Turn right onto Hays Canyon Road for 4.8 miles. Turn left onto Boulder Reservoir Road for 5.3 miles. Plants on slope above Wall Creek (not running). 11 271448E 4577102N, 1464m

Lupinus uncialis S. Watson
UT0134897Johnson, Elizabeth Parlaman M.S.   2422017-05-23
United States, Nevada, Washoe, From Cedarville, CA take CA-299 east for 9.4 miles to Nevada border; continue on same road, now NV-8A, for 10.6 miles. Turn right (south) onto County Rd. 34 for 13.4 miles and then turn right onto Hays Canyon Rd toward Boulder Reservoir for 3 miles. NAD83\n11 269268E 4586222N, 1300m

UT0134898Johnson, Elizabeth Parlaman M.S.   2582017-05-24
United States, California, Modoc, From Alturas, CA drive south on US-395 for 18.1 miles. Turn left (east) onto County Route 64 which will turn into FS Road 40N05 for 14.4 miles. Turn left (west) onto FS Road 40N02 for 2.8 miles. NAD83. 10 721136E 4577269N, 1975m

UT0134899Johnson, Elizabeth Parlaman M.S.   2572017-05-24
United States, California, Modoc, From Alturas, CA drive south on US-395 for 18.1 miles. Turn left (east) onto County Route 64 which will turn into FS Road 40N05 for 14.4 miles. Turn left (west) onto FS Road 40N02 for 2.8 miles. NAD83. 10 721136E 4577269N, 1975m

UT0136027Sanbonmatsu, Katie   342017-09-23
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 7.6 miles. Just past the intersection of BLM 105 and BLM 348 the road turns sharply right and goes up. Before that turn there is a clearing to the left with Populus fremontii and Juniperus osteosperma. From that clearing, to the left is an ephemeral pool and a dry streambed., 1272m

UT0134900Johnson, Elizabeth Parlaman M.S.   2562017-05-24
United States, California, Modoc, From Alturas, CA drive south on US-395 for 18.1 miles. Turn left (east) onto County Route 64 for 8.5 miles. Plants adjacent to the South Fork of the Pit River. NAD83. 10 722163E 4568284N, 1975m

UT0134901Johnson, Elizabeth Parlaman M.S.   2552017-05-24
United States, California, Modoc, From Alturas, CA drive south on US-395 for 18.1 miles. Turn left (east) onto County Route 64 for 8.5miles. Plants adjacent to the South Fork of the Pit River. NAD83. 10 722163E 4568284N, 1809m

UT0136029Sanbonmatsu, Katie   272017-08-15
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 4 miles. Stop where BLM 105 intersects BLM 106., 1868m

UT0134902Johnson, Elizabeth Parlaman M.S.   2542017-05-24
United States, California, Modoc, From Alturas, CA drive west for 3.5 miles on CA-299 to Crowder Flat Rd (County Highway 73). Turn right and continue on for 3.5 miles. NAD83\n10 696101E 4600090N, 1524m

UT0134938Goodrich, S.   276662009-08-19
United States, Utah, Duchesne, Uinta Mountains, Ashley National Forest, North Fork Duchesne drainage, Hades Canyon, between Splash Dam and Grandview Trailhead, 1996m

UT0134903Johnson, Elizabeth Parlaman M.S.   2532017-05-24
United States, California, Modoc, From Alturas, CA drive west for 3.5 miles on CA-299 to Crowder Flat Rd (County Highway 73). Turn right and continue on for 3.5 miles., 1524m

UT0134939Goodrich, Sherel   236041991-08-30
United States, Utah, Duchesne, T3N R4W S31 NW1/4, 315.mi 3 deg. of Duchesne, Ashly National Forest, Unita Mountains, Yellowstone Canyon, 1625m

UT0134967Johnson, Elizabeth Parlaman M.S.   252
United States, California, Modoc, From Alturas, CA drive west for 3.5 miles on CA-299 to Crowder Flat Rd (County Highway 73). Turn right and continue on for 4 miles., 1809m

UT0135367Johnson, Elizabeth Parlaman M.S.   2512010-08-20
United States, California, Modoc, From Alturas, CA drive west for 3.5 miles on CA-299 to Crowder Flat Rd (County Highway 73). Turn right and continue on for 4 miles., 2654m

UT0134969Holmgren, Noel H.   163351931-07-18
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Salt Wells Flat, along the Cedar Springs Road, 29 km (18.2 mi) west of Lampo Junction and 19 km (11.7 mi) east of the Locomotive Springs Road; T11N R8W S2., 1975m

UT0134941Johnson, Elizabeth Parlaman M.S.   2271989-07-31
United States, Nevada, Washoe, From Cedarville, CA take CA-299 east for 9.4 miles to Nevada border; continue on same road, now NV-8A, 5.9 miles. Turn left onto dirt road leading up 49er Canyon for 0.5 miles. Plants on slope to the east of the road. 11 255991E 4610455N NAD83, 2152m

UT0134907Sanbonmatsu, Katie   222017-05-23
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 10 miles. 38.793622N. -109.192724W\n, 1380m

UT0134942Johnson, Elizabeth P.   2332001-07-24
United States, Nevada, Washoe, From Cedarville, CA take CA-299 east for 9.4 miles to Nevada border; continue on same road, now NV-8A, 5.9 miles. Turn left onto drift road leading up 49er Canyon for 0.5 miles. Plant on slope to the east of the road. 11 255991E 4610455N NAD83\nElev: 1798m. (5910 ft.)\nPlants growing on decomposing ash layer near ash outcrop on south-facing slope., 1380m

UT0134970Tiehm, Arnold   163021957-08-30
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Clover Mountains, 7.2 road miles NNE of Meadow Valley Wash Road on road to Cherokee Mine, just NW of the mine, T8S, R68E, S9., 2152m

UT0135121Tiehm, Arnold   165971939-10-12
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Ruby Valley, RLNWR, Station Springs, 1.7 road miles N of main Long Valley road on road to Station Butte, T25N, R57E, S13. 40¬?02.998"N, 115¬?29.744"W, WGS-1984, 2152m

UT0135253Flowers, S.   82711939-08-10
United States, Utah, SAN JUAN, Indian Canyon, near Kelly's Ranch., 1451m

UT0134975Tiehm, Arnold   165941955-06-24
United States, Nevada, White Pine Co, Ruby Valley,RLNWR,Station Springs, 1.7 road miles N of main Long Valley road on road to Station Butte, T25N ,R57E, S13. 40¬? 02.998"N, , WGS-1984.\n, 1450m

UT0135255Tiehm, Arnold   177391967-07-17
United States, Nevada, Elko Co, Elko Co, Ferguson Mountain, 1.6 road miles W \nand NW of Highway 93A on road to Felt Wash.\nT30N R69E sec 32. 6100 ft.40¬? 25.701' N 114¬?\n12.377' W.NAD83., 1309m

UT0135374Tiehm, Arnold   180102009-04-28
United States, Nevada, Eureka, Eureka Co, Monitor Vally N of Highway 50. 1.1\nrod miles SSE of road to Shagnasty Basin on\nmain Three Bar Road. T21N R49E sec unsurveyed. 39¬?38.964'N 116¬? 26.932'W. NAD83, 1280m

UT0134943Baughman, Owen   50
United States, Nevada, Clark, Spring Mountains, Red Rock Canyon NCA. Pine Creek. Collected from within 100m of creek bottom on N bank at several locations, all between 0.25 and 0.5 miles downstream of junction of Pine Creek trail and connector trail to Oak Creek. WGS84

UT0135376Johnson, Elizabeth P.   2382007-05-01
United States, Nevada, Washoe, From Cedarville, CA take CA-299 east for 9.4 miles to Nevada border; continue on same road, now NV-8A, for 10.6 miles and then turn right onto Hays Canyon Rd toward Boulder Reservoir for 2.5 miles. 11 270079E 45867683N NAD83, 1793m

UT0135377Dunn, D. B.   179712000-04-28
United States, California, Tehama, 14miles East of Mineral on California Hwy.36; at camp in Gurnsey National Forest.

UT0134980Johnson, Elizabeth Parlaman M.S.   2241955-08-31
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Washoe County, From Cedarville, CA take CA-299 east for 9.4 miles to Nevada border; continue on same road, now NV-8A, 5.9 miles. Turn left onto dirt road leading up 49er Canyon for 0.5 miles. 11 256001E 4610393N NAD83

UT0135378Dunn, D. B.   179712013-06-17
United States, California, Tehama, 14 mi. East of Mineral on California Hwy. 36;\nat camp in Gurnsey National Forest.

UT0134910Sanbonmatsu, Katie   162017-05-23
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 9 miles until reaching a small dry streambed that crosses the road. Turn right into Box Canyon and follow the dry streambed. 38.79535N. -109.2024333W +-300 metres\n

UT0135124Johnson, Elizabeth Parlaman M.S.   2251966-08-13
United States, Nevada, Washoe, From Cedarville, CA take CA-299 east for 9.4 miles to Nevada border; continue on same road, now NV-8A, 5.9 miles. Turn left onto dirt road leading up to 49er Canyon for 0.5 miles. Plants on slope to the east of the road. NAD83; 11 255991E 4610455N \n

UT0136033Simper, Heidi M.   1902021-06-10
United States, Oregon, Warner Valley, Lake, Adel, From US-395 head east on OR-140/Warner hwy for 41.8 miles. Turn north onto dirt road (BLM Rd 6122-0-00) for 6.7 miles, then turn left onto BLM Rd 6162-0-B0 and go for 0.2 miles. 42.17618 -119.65184\n

UT0135346Simper, Heidi M.   2022010-08-20
United States, Oregon, Lake, Plush, From US-395, head east on OR-140/Warner hwy for 33.6 miles. Turn north onto dirt road for about 15.4 miles. 42.23244 -119.67567, 1839m

UT0135261Tiehm, Arnold   163251954-08-01
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Delamar Mountains, Willow Creek at road crossing 5.0 road miles north of Biggs Spring Road on road to Finlay , T6S, R66E, S18., 1707m

UT0136035Holmgren, Noel H.   163242021-06-08
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Bear River Valley, Stinking Springs, 10.5 km (6.5 mi) west-northwest of Corinne along State Route 83, south of the south end of Little Mountain; 41¬?34'34"N, 112¬?14'01"W; T10N R3W S30; 1300 m, 1298m

UT0135379Simper, Heidi M.   1932013-06-17
United States, Oregon, Oregon, Lake, Adel, From US-395, head east on OR-140/Warner hwy for 41.8 miles. Turn north onto dirt road (BLM Rd 6122-0-00) for 10 miles. 42.20731 -119.63588, 1837m

UT0136036Tiehm, A.   166062021-06-08
United States, Nevada, Pershing, Humboldt River, west of the bridge on the Mill City - Tungsten Road, T33N, R34E, S25. 4150 ft. 40¬?41.788"N, 118¬?05.309"W, WGS1984, 1265m

UT0134927Tiehm, Arnold   162912011-06-05
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Meadow Valley Mts, 3.3 road miles NW of RR Xing at Lyman Crossing on road to Kane Springs Valley, T9S, R67E, S4. 37¬?11.552:N, 114¬?W, WGS-1984, 1511m

UT0136333Sanbonmatsu, Katie   482018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on Highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 10.4 miles. Turn left and head toward the group camp site. 38.7985167N, -109.1803167W +-30 meters\n, 1276m

Juniperus osteosperma (Torr.) Little
UT0136096Lamb, J.   201989-07-19
United States, Utah, Tooele, Dugway Proving Grounds. Take Cedar Mountain Rd. just at the base of the south end of Wig Mountain. Plot is located 0.5 miles south of the main repeater., 1950m

Lomatium triternatum (Pursh) J.M. Coult. & Rose
UT0136188Simper, Heidi M.   1462021-06-07
United States, Oregon, Lake, Plush, From US-395, head east on OR-140/Warner Hwy. for 33.6miles. Turn north onto dirt road for about 15.4miles. 42.232444, -119.67567\n, 1457m

Poa cusickii subsp. epilis (Scribn.) W.A. Weber
UT0136083Neely, Betsy   14651983-07-27
United States, Montana, Park, McLaren Mine, Beartooth Mtns, SW of Fisher Mtn. T 9S, R 14 E, Sec. 11. 1/2 mi. NW of Daisy Pass. West-facing slope of Fisher Mtn., 1290m

UT0136236Jason W. Baker   6612017-07-21
United States, Utah, Utah, Collection site located near the old water treatment plant on 6500 W. St. and 7300 N. in American Fork, Utah. 40.365466N, -111.808256W WGS84., 1380m

UT0136142Sanbonmatsu, Katie   1142018-06-25
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 9 miles until reaching a small dry streambed that crosses the road. Turn right into Box Canyon and follow the dry streambed. 38.79535N, -109.2024333W +-200 meters\n, 1307m

Elymus trachycaulus subsp. unilaterale
UT0136109Goodrich, S.   28744B2014-07-02
United States, Utah, Daggett, Ashley National Forest, Uinta Mtns.; 1.2 mi and 250 degrees from the dam of Long Park Reservoir, 10 mi and 238 degrees from Manila: 12T 0593084 E. 4528886 N., 1290m

UT0136084Neely, Betsy   14751983-07-27
United States, Montana, Park, Beartooth Mtns, SW of Fisher Mtn. T 9 S, R 14 7, Sec. 11; 1/2 mi. NW of Daisy Pass,. West-facing slope of Fisher Mtn. 45¬? 03' N, 109¬? 58" W, 1347m

Muhlenbergia asperifolia (Nees & Meyen ex Trin.) Parodi
UT0136237Jason W. Baker   6602017-07-21
United States, Utah, Utah, Collection site located near the old water treatment plant on 6500 W. St. and 7300 N. in American Fork, Utah. 40.365466N, -111.808256W WGS84., 1380m

Schoenoplectus acutus (Muhl. ex Bigelow) Á. Löve & D. Löve
UT0136143Sanbonmatsu, Katie   2018-06-25
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 7.6 miles. Just past the intersection of BLM 105 and BLM 348 the road turns sharply right and goes up. Before that turn, there is a clearing to the left with Populus fremontii and Juniperus osteosperma. From that clearing, to the left is an ephemeral pool and a dry streambed. 38.799798N, -109.22158W, 1280m

Astragalus piscator Barneby & S.L.Welsh
UT0136334Sanbonmatsu, Katie   452018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 9 miles until reaching a small dry streambed that crosses the road. Turn right into Box Canyon. 38.79535N, -109.2024333W +-10 meters., 1380m

UT0005220Hill, Steven R.   204961989-04-29
United States, South Carolina, Greenville, Rt. 276, 2.5 mi N of Rt. 11 (Caesar's Head area)., 1290m

UT0136085Neely, Betsy   14571983-07-26
United States, Wyoming-Montana, Carbon, Beartooth Plateau, Twin Peaks, Custer N.F, T 9 S, R 19 E. Sec. 30, 1 mile N of Wyoming-Montana State line; 45¬? 2" N, 109¬? 25' W, North to NW facing slope, 1350m

UT0136144Sanbonmatsu, Katie   1102018-06-25
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 9.5 miles and stop. Head Left towards the Dolores river. 38.79255N, -109.1873167W, 1272m

Fimbristylis spadicea auct. non (L.) Vahl
UT0136238Jason W. Baker   6582017-07-21
United States, Utah, Utah, Collection site located near the old water treatment plant on 6500 W. St. and 7300 N. in American Fork, Utah. 40.365466N, -111.808256W WGS84, 1350m

UT0136097Barkworth, Mary E.   23861979-07-20
United States, Utah, Box Elder, 12 km west of Corinne, on the south side of hwy 83., 1309m

UT0136337Sanbonmatsu, Katie   542018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM105 for 11miles to the end of the road. Walk southwest into Bridge Canyon. 38.79608N, -109.173237W ±50 meters\n, 1350m

Poa secunda J.Presl
UT0136086Neely, Betsy   18701983-09-11
United States, Montana, Park, Beartooth Mtns, Gallatin N.F. along Forest Rd. 212, 1 airmile northwest of Cooke City; T 9 S, R 14 E, Sec. 24, 2939m

Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv.
UT0136098Barkworth, Mary E.   24361979-08-03
United States, Utah, Cache, Logan airport road. In ditch on north side of road near entrance to airport., 1309m

UT0136239Jason W. Baker   6572017-07-21
United States, Utah, Utah, Collection site located near the old water treatment plant on 6500 W. St. & 7300 N. in American Fork, Utah. 40.365466N, -111.808256W WGS84., 1309m

UT0136110Peyer, Karin   54182015-07-21
United States, Utah, Duchesne, West side of Petty Mountain face, Lake Fork Drainage, Uinta Mountains, 1950m

UT0136189Federal, Smithsonian Institution (SI), National Museum of Natural History (NMNH)   183572019-06-04
United States, Nevada, Elko, Elko County, SW end of The Mahoganies, 0.6 road mile N of Sunflower Flat Road on road to Bull Spring, N of the road. T45N R54E sec 10. 41.80781, -115.87473. NAD83., 1280m

Purshia mexicana (D. Don) S.L. Welsh
UT0136190Sanbonmatsu, Katie   252017-08-15
United States, Utah, Grand, United States, Utah, Grand County, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 4.5 miles. 38.7706N, -109.2496W +-50 meters., 1309m

UT0136087Neely, Betsy   17021983-08-22
United States, Montana, Carbon, East slope of Twin Peaks, Beartooth Plateau, T 9 S, R 19 E, Sec. 30, elev. 10,300 ft.; 45¬? 0' N, 109¬? 25' W; about 1 mi. west of Hwy. 212, 1768m

UT0136099Lamb, J.   271989-06-20
United States, Utah, Tooele, Dugway Proving Grounds. 1.1miles southwest of Camels Back Ridge. T9S R10W, sec.2 DMC/UTM 3 33 5 44 36 9, 1380m

Eremopyrum triticeum (Gaertn.) Nevski
UT0136191Sanbonmatsu, Katie   792018-05-09
United States, Utah, Grand, United States, Utah, Grand County, From Moab, drive 39.5 miles on highway 128. 38.894919N -109.311775W +-50 meters., 1309m

Juncus parryi Engelm.
UT0135925Jason W. Baker   6512017-07-10
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Collected in the Bonanza Flat conservation area just north of Camp Cloud Rim Girl Scout camp., 1347m

UT0136088Neely, Betsy   14891983-07-27
United States, Montana, Park, Beartooth Mtns, SW of Fisher Mtn. T 9 S, R 14 E, Sec. 11; elev. 9,800 ft, 1/2 mi. NW of Daisy Pass, 45¬? 03' N, 109¬? 58" W, West-facing slope of Fisher Mtn., 1300m

Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
UT0136338Sanbonmatsu, Katie   422018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, United States, Utah, Grand County, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for .8 miles 38.808076N, -109.296442W +-5 meters, 1434m

Diplacus bigelovii var. cuspidatus (A.L.Grant) G.L.Nesom
UT0136100Reveal, James L.   20011968-09-01
United States, Nevada, Nye, On a low mesa between Thirsty & E. Thirsty Canyon, ca.2airline mi. south of Ribbon Cliffs, Nellis Airforce Range., 1380m

Antennaria pulcherrima (Hook.) Greene
UT0135939Goodrich, S.   294612018-08-23
United States, Utah, Summit, Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Uinta Mountains, East Fork Bear River 34 miles 95 degrees from Coalville, Utah. lat. 40.86251 lon. 110.75800, 2695m

UT0136192Sanbonmatsu, Katie   1002018-05-19
United States, Utah, Grand, United States, Utah, Grand County, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 11 miles to the end of the road. Walk southwest into Bridge Canyon. 38.790004N, -109.176589W +-50 meters, 1839m

UT0136089Neely, Betsy   16791983-08-22
United States, Montana, Carbon, East slope of Twin Peaks, Beartooth Plateau, T 9 S, R 19 E, Sec. 30. About 1 mile west of Hwy. 212. 45¬? 0' N, 109¬? 25' W; about 1 mi. west of Hwy. 212., 1380m

UT0136339Sanbonmatsu, Katie   392018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, United States, Utah, grand County, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for .8 miles 38.808076N, -109.296442W +-5 meters, 2695m

Ericameria nauseosa var. oreophila (A. Nelson) G. L. Nesom & G. I. Baird
UT0135972Holmgren, Noel H.   173232020-09-17
United States, Utah, Rich, Bear Lake Valley, near southwest corner of the lake, along SR 30, 4.25 mi north of Main Street, Laketow, 2667m

Ipomopsis roseata (Rydb.) V.E.Grant
UT0136193Sanbonmatsu, Katie   952018-05-19
United States, Utah, Grand, United States, Utah, Grand County, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 11 miles to the end of the road. Walk Southwest into Bridge Canyon. 38.79608N, -109.173237W +-20 meters, 1710m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cryptantha compacta L.C.Higgins
UT0136101Lamb, J.   211989-07-19
United States, Utah, Tooele, T5S R10W, sec.20 DMC/UTM 3 27 9 44 69 5, Dugway Proving Grounds. Take Cedar Mountain Rd. just at the base of the south end of Wig Mountain. Plot is located 0.5 miles south of the main repeater, 1307m

UT0136093Kreider, Mark R.   2020-07-20
United States, Utah, Murdock Fire (2018) area. 40.6386957, -110.88829 +/- 10 meters WGS84. 2 years post-fire in forested area., 1309m

UT0136111Woodruff, Dorothea W.   12291971-06-30
United States, Utah, Weber, Weber County North Ogden Canyon\nRoad, to Ogden from Liberty. T7N R1E Sec 19, 1533m

UT0136240Jason W. Baker   6552017-07-21
United States, Utah, Utah, Collection site near the old water treatment plant on 6500 W. St. and 7300 N. in American Fork, Utah. 40.365466N, -111.808256W WGS84., 1280m

Heterotheca villosa (Pursh) Shinners
UT0136194Sanbonmatsu, Katie   152017-08-14
United States, Utah, Grand, United States, Utah, Grand County, From Moab. drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 9 miles until reaching a small dry streambed that crosses the road. Turn right onto Box Canyon and follow the dry streambed. 38.79535N, -109.2024333W +-400 meters., 2939m

UT0136241Jason W. Baker   6542017-07-21
United States, Utah, Utah, Collection site located near the old water treatment plant on 6500 W. St. and 7300 N. in American Fork, Utah. 40.365466N, -111.808256W WGS84, 1309m

UT0136102Smith, Steve   2002014-07-09
United States, Utah, San Juan, Manti-La Sal National Forest, west of the Abajo Mountains on Elk Ridge, FR 170. 37¬? 45' 58.9N, 109¬? 05.5" W, 2420m

Erigeron speciosus subsp. macranthus
UT0135976Holmgren, Noel H.   172892020-08-06
United States, Idaho, Bear Lake, Bear River Range, 5 km (3.1 mi) up North Creek Road (FS 401) from SR 36; 42.39169¬?N, 111.51875¬?W, 1951m

Lomatium macrocarpum (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) J.M. Coult. & Rose
UT0136137Simper, Heidi M.   1452021-06-11
United States, Oregon, Lake, Plush, From US-395, head east on OR-140/Warner highway for 33.6 miles. Turn north onto dirt road for about 15.4 miles. 42.23244 -119.67567\n, 1836m

Page 844, records 84301-84400 of 85692


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