Search Results (List)

Dataset: UT-Botany
Search Criteria: United States or USA or U.S.A. or United States of America; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 845, records 84401-84500 of 85692

Natural History Museum of Utah, Garrett Herbarium

UT0136242Jason W. Baker   6562017-07-21
United States, Utah, Utah, Collection site located near the old water treatment plant on 6500 W. St. and 7300 N. in American Fork, Utah. 40.365466N, -111.808256W WGS84., 2205m

Cirsium calcareum (M.E. Jones) Woot. & Standl.
UT0136195Sanbonmatsu, Katie   132017-08-14
United States, Utah, Grand, United States, Utah, Grand County, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 9 miles until reaching a small dry streambed that crosses the road. Turn right into Box Canyon and follow the dry streambed until it forks. Follow the easternmost stream until reaching a north-facing hanging garden. 38.79255N -109.1873167W., 1449m

UT0136104Neely, Betsy   14711983-07-27
United States, Montana, Park, McLaren Mine, Beartooth Mtns, SW of Fisher Mtn. T9S, R14E, Sec.11; 1/2mi. NW of Daisy Pass, West-facing slope of Fisher Mtn., 1655m

Fraxinus anomala Torr. ex S. Watson
UT0136340Sanbonmatsu, Katie   382018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, United States, Utah, Grand County, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 9.4 miles until reaching a large dry streambed that crosses the road and stop. Specimen is directly to the right. 38.79255N, -109.1873167W +-100 meters, 2939m

Centaurium exaltatum (Griseb.) W. Wight ex Piper
UT0136196Sanbonmatsu, Katie   112017-08-01
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 7.6 miles. Just past the intersection of BLM 105 and BLM 348 the road turns sharply right and goes up. Before that turn, there is a clearing to the left with Populus fremontii and Juniperus osteosperma. From that clearing, to the left is an ephemeral pool and a dry streambed. 38.788798N, -109.22158W., 1839m

UT0136243Jason W. Baker   7072017-08-26
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, Idaho, drive north for 0.3 miles, then turn left onto Cedron Road. Continue 3.2 miles and turn right onto 3500 west for 0.9 miles to the collection site. 43.623292N, -111.169478W WGS84., 1730m

UT0136138Sanbonmatsu, Katie   882018-05-19
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 4 miles. Stop where BLM 105 intersects BLM 106. 38.7822N, -109.2628333W +-50 meters\n, 1836m

UT0136341Sanbonmatsu, Katie   332017-09-23
United States, Utah, Grand, United States, Utah, Grand County, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 4.5 miles. 38.7706N, -109.2496W +-50 meters, 1776m

UT0136197Sanbonmatsu, Katie   72017-08-01
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30miles on highway128. Turn right on BLM105 for 11miles to the end of the road. Walk northeast toward the Dolores River. 38.797451N, -109.172605W\n, 1905m

UT0136244Jason W. Baker   7062017-08-26
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, Idaho, drive north for 0.3 miles then turn left onto Cedron Road, Continue 3.2 miles and turn right onto 3500 west for 0.9 miles to the collection site. 43.623292N, -111.169478W WGS84., 2939m

UT0136139Sanbonmatsu, Katie   1112018-06-25
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30miles on highway128. Turn right on BLM105 for 9.5miles and stop. Head left toward the Dolores River. 38.79255N, -109.1873167W \n, 1839m

Ribes wolfii Rothr.
UT0136342Jason W. Baker   6292017-07-10
United States, Utah, Wasatch, USA, Utah, Wasatch County, Collected in the Bonanza Flat conservation area just north of Camp Cloud Rim Girl Scout camp. 40.59966N, -111.54773W WGS84, 1839m

UT0136198Sanbonmatsu, Katie   62017-08-01
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on Highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 11 miles to the end of the road. Walk northeast toward the Dolores River. 38.797451N, -109.172605W\n, 1511m

Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hook.
UT0136245Jason W. Baker   7052017-08-26
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, Idaho, drive north for .3 miles, then turn left onto Cedron Road. Continue 3.2 miles and turn right onto 3500 west for 0.9 miles to the collection site. 43.623292N, -111.169478W WGS84, 1836m

Eremogone eastwoodiae subsp. ademophora
UT0136112Woodruff, Dorothea W.   5611973-07-16
United States, Utah, Emery, Huntington Canyon. Near end of drive above Whetstone Creek., 1855m

UT0136343Jason W. Baker   6302017-07-10
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Collected in the Bonanza Flat conservation area just north of Camp Cloud Rim Girl Scout camp. 40.59966N, -111.54773W WGS84\n, 1451m

UT0136199Sanbonmatsu, Katie   42017-07-31
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30miles on highway128. Turn right on BLM105 for 9miles until reaching a dry streambed that crosses the rod. Turn right into Box Canyon. 38.79255N, -109.1873167W\n, 1836m

UT0136095Richards, B L   
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab forest, 1300m

UT0136344Jason W. Baker   6482017-07-10
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Collected in the Bonanza Flat conservation area just north of Camp Cloud Rim Girl Scout camp. 40.59966N, -111.54773W WGS84\n, 1274m

UT0136283Jason W. Baker   5912016-06-18
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, ID drive west on Center St. for 4 miles and turn right onto 9000 S. Continue for 0.3 miles to the collection site on the south side of the road. 43.5919N, -111.179217W WGS84\n, 1855m

UT0136246Jason W. Baker   7042017-08-26
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, Idaho, drive north for .3 miles, then turn left onto Cedron Road. Continue 3.2 miles and turn right onto 3500 west for 0.9 miles to the collection site. 43.623292N, -111.169478W WGS84, 1836m

Eremogone kingii subsp. glabrescens
UT0136113Woodruff, Dorothea W.   5781976-07-17
United States, Utah, Emery, Huntingdon Canyon, mile 21.2., 1454m

UT0136140Sanbonmatsu, Katie   1122018-06-25
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 9 miles until reaching a small dry streambed that crosses the road. Turn right into Box Canyon and follow the dry streamed until it forks. Follow the easternmost stream until reaching a north-facing hanging garden. 38.79255N, -109.1873167W\n, 2189m

UT0136284Jason W. Baker   5942016-06-18
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, ID drive west on Center St. for 4 miles and turn right onto 9000 S. Continue for 0.3 miles to the collection site on the south side of the road. 43.5919N, -111.179217W WGS84, 1721m

UT0136247Jason W. Baker   7032017-08-26
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, Idaho, drive north for .3 miles, then turn left onto Cedron Road. Continue 3.2 miles and turn right onto 3500 west for 0.9 miles to the collection site. 43.623292N, -111.169478W WGS84, 1855m

Chamaechaenactis scaposa (Eastw.) Rydb.
UT0136114Woodruff, Dorothea W.   5941973-07-18
United States, Utah, Emery, Road near turn off from U.S. Hwy 31. T17S, R8E, Sec 6, E 1/2, 1290m

Noccaea montana (L.) F.K. Mey.
UT0136345Jason W. Baker   6492017-07-10
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Collected in the Bonanza Flat conservation area just north of camp Cloud Rim Girl Scout camp. 40.59966N, -111.54773W WGS84\n, 1839m

Lomatium triternatum (Pursh) J.M. Coult. & Rose
UT0136200Simper, Heidi M.   1462021-06-07
United States, Oregon, Lake, Plush, From US-395, head east on OR-140/Warner hwy for 33.6 miles. Turn north onto dirt road for about 15.4 miles. 42 23244 -119.67567, 1450m

Lomatium triternatum (Pursh) J.M. Coult. & Rose
UT0136201Simper, Heidi M.   1462021-06-07
United States, Oregon, United States, Oregon, Lake, Plush, From US-395, head east on OR-140/Warner hwy for 33.6 miles. Turn north onto dirt road for about 15.4 miles. 42.23244 -119.67567\n, 1307m

UT0136248Jason W. Baker   7022017-08-26
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, Idaho, drive north for .3 miles, then turn left onto Cedron Road. Continue 3.2 miles and turn right onto 3500 west for 0.9 miles to the collection site. 43.623292N, -111.169478W WGS84, 1396m

Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare (Hartm.) Greuter & Burdet
UT0136285Jason W. Baker   5932016-06-18
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, ID drive west on Center St. for 4 miles and turn right onto 9000 S. Continue for 0.3 miles to the collection site on the south side of the road. 43.5919N, -111.179217W WGS84, 1300m

Lomatium triternatum (Pursh) J.M. Coult. & Rose
UT0136202Simper, Heidi M.   1462021-06-07
United States, Oregon, Plush, From US-395, head east on OR 140/Warner hwy for 33.6 miles. Turn north onto dirt road for about 15.4 miles. 42.23244 -119.67567, 1735m

Montia chamissoi (Ledeb. ex Spreng.) Greene
UT0136286Jason W. Baker   5882016-06-18
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, ID drive west on Center St. for 4 miles and turn right onto 9000 S. Continue for 0.3 miles to the collection site on the south side of the road. 43.5919N, -111.179217W WGS84, 1300m

UT0136203Federal, Smithsonian Institution (SI), National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), United States National Herbarium (US)   612015-06-12
United States, Utah, Emery, Range Creek Canyon, 500 m south of Lighthouse canyon. 39.397177N, -110.175085W WGS84\n, 1776m

UT0136249Baker, Jason   7012017-08-26
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, Idaho, drive north for .3 miles, then turn left onto Cedron Road. Continue 3.2 miles and turn right onto 3500 west for 0.9 miles to the collection site. 43.623292N, -111.169478W WGS84, 2834m

UT0136141Sanbonmatsu, Katie   1132018-06-25
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 9 miles until reaching a small dry streambed that crosses the road. Turn right into Box Canyon and follow the dry streambed. 38.79535N, -109.2024333W + - 200 meters, 2311m

UT0136204Federal, Smithsonian Institution (SI), National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), United States National Herbarium (US)   532015-06-11
United States, Utah, Emery, Range Creek Canyon, roadside bend after leaving Cherry Meadows, West side of road., 1300m

UT0136287Jason W. Baker   5892016-06-18
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, ID drive west on Center St. for 4 miles and turn right onto 9000 S. Continue for 0.3 miles to the collection site on the south side of the road. 43.5919N, -111.179217W WGS84, 2045m

UT0136250Jason W. Baker   6992017-08-26
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, Idaho, drive north for 0.3 miles, then turn left onto Cedron Road. Continue 3.2 miles and turn right onto 3500 west for 0.9 miles to the collection site. 43.623292N, -111.169478W WGS84., 1450m

UT0136346Jason W. Baker   8112018-08-07
United States, Utah, Summit, Park City, Collected in the Park City Ski Resort directly east of the Alpine Coaster in a Bigtooth Maple and Quaking Aspen community. 40.647817N, -111.503489W WGS84, 2834m

UT0136205Federal, Smithsonian Institution (SI), National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), United States National Herbarium (US)   512015-06-11
United States, Utah, Emery Couny, Range Creek Canyon, Cherry Meadows west side of road. 39.40592N, -110.180732W WGS84., 3147m

Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.
UT0136211Piep, Michael B.   50292005-06-22
United States, Idaho, Bear Lake, Wasatch-Cache National Forest; St. Charles Canyon; near bridge where trail crosses North Fork St. Charles Creek, approx. 0.5 km from main canyon road. Lat: 42.1007; Lon: -111.5375, 1698m

UT0136289Jason W. Baker   5952016-06-18
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, ID drive west on Center St. for 4 miles and turn right onto 9000 S. Continue for 0.3 miles to the collection site on the south side of the road. 43.5919N, -111.179217W WGS84\n, 2834m

UT0136290Jason W. Baker   5972016-06-18
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, ID drive west on Center St. for 4 miles and turn right onto 9000 S. Continue for 0.3 miles to the collection site on the south side of the road. 43.5919N, -111.179217W WGS84\n, 1855m

Lomatium triternatum (Pursh) J.M. Coult. & Rose
UT0136347Simper, Heidi M.   1462021-06-07
United States, Oregon, Lake, Plush, From US-395, head east on OR 140/Warner hwy for 33.6 miles. Turn north onto dirt road for about 15.4 miles. 42.23244 -119.67567, 1698m

UT0136251Jason W. Baker   6972017-08-16
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Collected within the boundaries of Camp Cloud Rim, Girl Scouts Camp in the mountains east of Salt Lake City, Utah. 40.600554N, -111.541342W WGS84., 1290m

UT0136165Sanbonmatsu, Katie   862018-05-19
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on Highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 4 miles. Stop where BLM 105 intersects BLM 106. 38.7822N, -109.2628333W +-50 meters\n, 1378m

UT0136166Sanbonmatsu, Katie   282017-09-23
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on Highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 7.6 miles. Just past the intersection of BLM 105 and BLM 348 the road turns sharply right and goes up. Before that turn, there is a clearing to the left with Populus fremontii and Juniperus osteosperma. From that clearing, to the left is an ephemeral pool and a dry streambed, 2311m

UT0136252Baker, Jason   6982017-08-26
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, Idaho, drive north for .3 miles, then turn left onto Cedron Road. Continue 3.2 miles and turn right onto 3500 west for 0.9 miles to the collection site. 43.623292N, -111.169478W WGS84, 2939m

UT0136167Sanbonmatsu, Katie   842018-05-19
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 2.3 miles. 38.8033667N, -109.2741333W +-50 meters, 1272m

Cryptantha torreyana (A. Gray) Greene
UT0136176Tiehm, Arnold   184442019-06-27
United States, Nevada, Elko, Snowstorm Mountains, 1.1 road miles N of the west Midas road on 4-wheel drive road to Secret Creek. T39N R46E sec. 20. 41.24752, -116.81526. NAD83., 1839m

UT0136168Sanbonmatsu, Katie   802018-05-09
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 39.5 miles on highway 128. 38.894919N, -109.311775W +-50 meters, 1855m

UT0136177Shultz, Leila M.   227942021-07-12
United States, Utah, Cache, Monty Cristo Range of the northern Wasatch Mountains. 41.514519N, -111.51728W +-20 meters WGS84, 2311m

Erigeron latus (A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.) Cronquist
UT0136169Tiehm, Arnold   184692019-06-29
United States, Nevada, Elko, Elko Co, 1.2 road miles S of Gold Creek road on highway 225 from Elko to Mountain City, the SE about 1/4 mile. T44N R55E sec 334. 41.65924, -115.78354. NAD83., 1300m

UT0136178Tiehm, Arnold   183582019-06-04
United States, Nevada, Elko, SW side of The Mahoganies, 7.0 road miles E of highway 225 on main road to Sunflower Flat. T45N R54E sec 13.41.79721, -115.83528, 1300m

Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby
UT0136170Valles, Kristian R.   4762021-09-11
United States, Utah, Weber, North Ogden, Ascension Trail, on rock outcrop. 41.3103 111.9274 +- 3 meters WGS84., 2939m

UT0136179Tiehm, Arnold   183232019-03-31
United States, Nevada, Clark, S end of the Newberry Mountains, 3.7 road miles S of Highway 163 to Davis Dam on a pole line road. T32S R65E sec 29.35.12868, -114.7591. NADS83, 2311m

Eriocoma hymenoides (Roem. & Schult.) Rydb.
UT0136171Kirkland, James I. Ph.D.   4652021-09-11
United States, Utah, Weber, Weber Co, North Ogden, Ascension Trail, on rock outcrop. 41.3101 111.9278 +-3 meters WGS84., 1855m

UT0136180Sanbonmatsu, Katie   742018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 6.5 miles. 38.780705N, -109.236988W + - 50 meters\n, 1434m

UT0136172Valles, Kristian R.   4662012-09-11
United States, Utah, Weber, North Ogden, Ascension Trail, on rock outcrop 41.3101 111.9278 + - 3 meters WGS84, 1836m

Chorispora tenella (Pall.) DC.
UT0136181Sanbonmatsu, Katie   652018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, Grand County, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 11 miles to the end of the road. Walk southwest into Bridge Canyon. 38.790004N, -109176589W +-50 meters.\n, 1300m

Ericameria obovata (Rydb.) G.L. Nesom
UT0136173Valles, Kristian R.   4692021-09-11
United States, Utah, Weber, North Ogden, Ascension Trail, 41.31011 111.9278 + - 3 meters WGS84, 1600m

UT0136182Sanbonmatsu, Katie   662018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, United States, Utah, Grand County, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 11 miles to the end of the road. Walk southwest into Bridge Canyon. 38.790004N, -109.176589W +-50 meters., 2939m

Senecio multilobatus Torr. & A. Gray ex A. Gray
UT0136206Groves, Maria   502015-06-11
United States, Utah, Emery Couny, USA, Utah, Emery County, Range Creek Canyon, Cherry Meadows west side of road.\n39.403921N, -110.179388W WGS84., 1855m

UT0136212Piep, Michael B.   6.0772006-06-14
United States, Idaho, Blaine, Sawtooth National Forest; Greenhorn Gulch; approx. 4.5 miles from Hwy 75; 150 yards upstream from crossing. Lat: 43.5942; Lon: -114.4127, 2311m

Lappula squarrosa (Retz.) Dumort.
UT0136183Sanbonmatsu, Katie   712018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, United States, Utah, Grand County, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 11 miles to the end of the road. Walk southwest into Bridge Canyon. 38.790004N, -109.176589W +-50 meters., 2318m

UT0136207Federal, Smithsonian Institution (SI), National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), United States National Herbarium (US)   352015-05-07
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Foothills along theWasatch Front. Bell Canyon Trail. Found on steep rocky climb up to reservoir about .4 miles up from trailhead. 42.565654N, -111.801437W WGS84\n, 1300m

UT0136174Schultz, Leila M.   160381996-06-09
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Little Sahara Recreation Area, Sevier Desert, south of west Tintic Mountains., 2654m

UT0136253Jason W. Baker   6962017-08-16
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Collected within the boundaries of Camp Cloud Rim, Girl Scouts Camp in the mountains east of Salt Lake City. 40.600554N, -111.541342W WGS84, 1608m

Lomatium triternatum (Pursh) J.M. Coult. & Rose
UT0136348Simper, Heidi M.   1462021-06-07
United States, Oregon, Lake, In Plush east on OR-140/Warner hwy for 33.6 miles. Then 15.4 miles north, 1855m

UT0136259Jason W. Baker   5392016-05-30
United States, Utah, Weber, From the intersection of UT-166 & Ut-39 in Huntsville, UT, drive east on UT-39 for 8.6 miles to Evergreen Park Dr. and turn left. Proceed to Sunridge cabin properties and drive 10.8 miles to lot 35, the collection site, in the Sunridge Highlands. 41.3901N, -111.6633W WGS84, 2939m

Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey
UT0136213Sanbonmatsu, Katie   57642018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 11 miles to the end of the road. Walk southwest into Bridge Canyon. 38.790004N, -109.176589W +-50 meters., 1600m

Lappula squarrosa (Retz.) Dumort.
UT0136184Sanbonmatsu, Katie   692018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, United States, Utah, Grand County, From Moad, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 11 miles to the end of the road. Walk southwest into Bridge Canyon. 38.790004N, -109.176589W +-50 meters., 1451m

Astragalus utahensis Torr. & Gray
UT0136208Shultz, Leila M.   223892016-06-02
United States, Utah, Rich, USA, Utah, Rich County, NW of Randolph Otter Creek drainage4, east slope of the Bear River Range, northern Wasatch Mountains. 41.73125 -111.265139. 41¬?43'52.5"N, 111¬?15'54.5"W +- 100 meters, 1300m

Ranunculus uncinatus D. Don ex G. Don
UT0136291Jason W. Baker   5922016-06-18
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, ID drive west on Center St. for 4 miles and turn right onto 9000 S. Continue for 0.3 miles to the collection site on the south side of the road. 43.5919N, -111.179217W WGS84., 1815m

Aster engelmannii (D.C. Eaton) A. Gray
UT0136254Jason W. Baker   6952017-08-16
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Collected within the boundaries of Camp Cloud Rim, Girl Scouts Camp in the mountains east of Salt Lake City, 40.600554N,-111.541342W WGS84, 1600m

UT0136209Shultz, Leila M.   244462018-08-25
United States, Colorado, Jackson, south of Walden, high plain in North Park. 40¬?38'34"N 106¬?23'42"W WGS84, 1270m

Lomatium triternatum (Pursh) J.M. Coult. & Rose
UT0136349Simper, Heidi M.   1742021-06-11
United States, Oregon, Lake, Adel, From US-395, head east on OR-140/Warner hwy for 33.6 miles. Turn north onto dirt road for about 9.7 miles. 42.18464 -119.70504, 1300m

UT0136185Tiehm, Arnold   183752019-06-05
United States, Nevada, Elko, Elko County, Tuscarora Mountains, 0.3 road miles E of Soldier Creek crossing on main Midas-Tuscarora road. T38N R49E sec. 1. 41.20223, -116.37729. NAD83., 2654m

UT0136214Tiehm, Arnold   181342018-06-13
United States, Nevada, Elko, Elko County, Salmon River Range, Ellen D Mountain, 1.1 road miles from top of the mountain on main road to Contact. T45N R63E sec. 15. 41.788267N, -114.825083W. NAD83., 1608m

UT0136260Jason W. Baker   5392016-05-30
United States, Utah, Weber, From the intersection of Ut-166 & UT-39 in Huntsville, UT, drive east on UT-39 for 8.6 miles to Evergreen Park Dr. and turn left. Proceed to Sunridge cabin properties and drive 0.8 miles to lot 35, the collection site, in the Sunridge Highlands. 41.3901N, -111.6633W WGS84, 1815m

Rorippa sylvestris (L.) Besser
UT0136255Jason W. Baker   6942017-08-16
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Collected within the boundaries of Camp Cloud Rim, Girl Scouts Camp in the mountains east of Salt Lake City. 40.600554N,-111.541342W WGS84, 2939m

Salix scouleriana Barratt ex Hook.
UT0136292Jason W. Baker   5992016-06-18
United States, Idaho, Teton, From the main intersection in Victor, ID drive west on Center St. for 4 miles and turn right onto 9000 S. Continue for 0.3 miles to the collection site on the south side of the road. 43.5919N, -111.179217W WGS84\n, 1280m

Lomatium triternatum (Pursh) J.M. Coult. & Rose
UT0136350Simper, Heidi M.   1742021-06-11
United States, Oregon, Lake, Adel, From US-395, head east on OR-140/Warner hwy for 33.6 miles. Turn north onto dirt road for about 9.7 miles. 42.18464 -119.70504, 1792m

UT0136210Piep, Michael B.   50282005-06-22
United States, Idaho, Bear Lake, Wasatch - Cache National Forest; St. Charles Canyon; near bridge where trail crosses North Fork St. Charles Creek, approx. 0.5 km from main canyon road. Lat: 42.1007; Lon: -111.5375, 2654m

Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr.
UT0136215Sanbonmatsu, Katie   142017-08-14
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab. drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 9 miles until reaching a small dry streambed that crosses the road. Turn right into Box Canyon and follow the dry streambed 38.79535N, -109.2024333W +-200 meters., 1855m

UT0136186Sanbonmatsu, Katie   812018-05-19
United States, Utah, Grand, United States, Utah, Grand County, From Moab, drive 39.5 miles on highway 128. 38.894919N, -109.311775W +- 50 meters., 2150m

UT0136293Jason W. Baker   5842016-06-19
United States, Idaho, Teton, From Jackson Hole, Wy, drive north on U.S. Hwy 26 for 5.2 miles to a pull out on the east side of the road. Walk 90 m. to the collection site. 43.565199N, -110.733804W WGS84., 2654m

UT0136256Jason W. Baker   5362016-05-30
United States, Utah, Weber, From the intersection of UT-166 & UT-39 in Huntsville, UT, drive east on UT-39 for 8.6 miles to Evergreen Park Dr. and turn left. Proceed to Sunridge cabin properties and drive 10. 8 miles to lot 35, the collection site, in the Sunridge Highlands. 41.3901N, 111.6633W WGS84, 1792m

UT0136351Jason W. Baker   6322017-07-10
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Collected in the Bonanza Flat conservation area just north of Camp Cloud Rim Girl Scout camp.\n40.59966N, -111.54773W WGS84, 1855m

Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers.
UT0136216Sanbonmatsu, Katie   962018-05-19
United States, Utah, Grand, from Moab. drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 11 miles to the end of the road. Walk southwest into Bridge Canyon. 38.79608N, -109.173237W +-20 meters., 1380m

UT0136223Sanbonmatsu, Katie   12017-07-31
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 9.5 miles and stop. Head left toward the Dolores river. 38.79255N, -109.1873167W, 1610m

Lomatium triternatum (Pursh) J.M. Coult. & Rose
UT0136187Simper, Heidi M.   1462021-06-07
United States, Oregon, Lake, United States, Oregon, Lake, Plush, From US-395, head east on OR-140/Warner hwy for 33.6 miles. Turn north onto dirt road for about 15.4 miles. 42.23244 -119.67567., 1855m

UT0136294Jason W. Baker   5832016-06-19
United States, Idaho, Teton, From Jackson Hole, Wy, drive north on U.S. Hwy 26 for 5.2 miles to a pull out on the east side of the road. Walk 90 m. to the collection site. 43.565199N, -110.733804W WGS84., 1855m

UT0136257Jason W. Baker   5372016-05-30
United States, Utah, Weber, From the intersection of UT-166 & UT-39 in Huntville, UT, drive east on UT-39 for 8.6 miles to Evergreen Park Dr. and turn left. Proceed to Sunridge cabin properties and drive 10.8 miles to lot 35, the collection site, in the Sunridge Highlands. 41.3901N, -111.6633W WGS84, 1815m

UT0136217Sanbonmatsu, Katie   612018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 11 miles to the end of the road. Walk southwest into Bridge Canyon. 38.790004N, -109.176589W +-50 meters., 1873m

UT0136352Jason W. Baker   6372017-07-10
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Bonanza Flat conservation area, north of Camp Cloud Rim Girl Scout camp. 40.59966N, -111.54773W WGS84\n, 2150m

Erysimum asperum (Nutt.) DC.
UT0136218Sanbonmatsu, Katie   602018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 11 miles to the end of the road. Walk southwest into Bridge Canyon. 38.790004N, -109.176589W +-50 meters., 1855m

Cusickiella douglasii (A. Gray) Rollins
UT0136175Tiehm, Arnold   184072019-06-08
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Santa Rosa Range, 1.0 road miles WNW of main Secret Spring Summit - Greeley Flat road on road on N side Zymns Butte. T44N R42E sec 30. 41.66947, -117.28514. NAD83, 1855m

UT0136353Jason W. Baker   6382017-07-10
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Collected in the Bonanza Flat conservation area just north of Camp Cloud Rim Girl Scout camp.\n40.59966N, -111.54773W WGS84, 1855m

Page 845, records 84401-84500 of 85692


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