UT0138239 Shultz, Leila M. 6772 1983-05-11
United States, Utah, Washington, Beaver Dam Mountains, west side TRS: T42S R19W sec 25 U-UT +-969 meters WGS84 Elevation 3000 feet
UT0137860 Harms, Bill 1573 1982-05-29
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Wymount Terrace 40.256562 -111.639104 WGS84 Elevation 4770 feet, 40.256561 -111.639103
UT0137790 Harms, Bill 1738 1982-06-25
United States, Utah, Juab, Eureka, Maple Peak, West Tintic Mountains, 39.870058 -112.344206
UT0138339 Harms, Bill 2068 1982-08-02
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Yellowstone National Park, Grant Village Campground., 44.395303 -110.564344
UT0137701 Harms, Bill 1048 1981-05-01
United States, Utah, Juab, Eureka, Oasis Campground, Little Sahara Recreation Area; 39.689464 -112.351550 +-200 meters WGS84Elev: 1521-1598m. (4990-5244 feet), 39.689464 -112.35156
UT0137586 Harms, Bill 1971 1982-07-21
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, West slope of Cascade Mountain between Hope Campground and summit of mountain, 40.305417 -111.601961
UT0138036 Harms, Bill 1374 1981-07-11
United States, Utah, Utah, Payson, Near Beaver Dam Creek, about 10 miles south of Payson. 39.9012387. -111.399366 +-500 meters WGS84, 39.9012386 -111.399367
UT0138289 Harms, Bill 2218 1982-09-06
United States, Utah, Utah, Springville, Frontage Road near Exit 261 1400 North, Utah 75, 40.187083 -111.651322
UT0138240 Shultz, Leila M. 6777 1983-05-11
United States, Utah, Washington, Beaver Dam Mountains, west sideTRS: T42S R19W sec 25 U-UT +-969 meters WGS 84
UT0137861 Harms, Bill 1572 1982-05-29
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Wymount Terrace 40.256562 -111.639104 WGS84 Elevation 4770 feet, 40.256561 -111.639103
UT0137703 Harms, Bill 1046 1981-05-01
United States, Utah, Juab County, United States, Utah, Juab County, Eureka, Oasis Campground, Little Sahara Recreation Area., 39.689464 -112.35156
UT0137791 Harms, Bill 1740 1982-06-25
United States, Utah, Juab, Eureka, Cherry Creek Reservoir, West Tintic Range, 39.85035 -112.347425
UT0137827 Harms, Bill 1578 1982-05-31
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Slate Canyon. 40.22542 -111.621853 +- 200 meters., 40.22542 -111.621853
UT0138404 Harms, Bill 1518 1982-05-13
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Mouth of Rock Canyon, East of the Provo LDS Temple., 40.26475 -111.630414
UT0137672 Harms, Bill 487 1980-05-29
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Mouth of Rock Canyon, East of the Provo LDS Temple, 40.26475 -111.630414
UT0138039 Harms, Bill 1377 1981-07-11
United States, Utah, Utah, Payson, Near Beaver Dam Creek, about 10 miles south of Payson. 39.9012387. -111.399366 +-500 meters WGS84, 39.9012386 -111.399367
Symphyotrichum foliaceum subsp. canbyi
UT0138290 Harms, Bill 2227 1982-09-06
United States, Utah, Utah, Springville, Frontage Road near Exit 261 1400 North, Utah 75, 40.187083 -111.651322
UT0138241 Shultz, Leila M. 2001-05-23
United States, Utah, Iron, Cedar Canyon campground area on road to Cedar Breaks Nat'l Monument. Near exit 33
UT0137862 Harms, Bill 1568 1982-05-29
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Wyoming Terrace. 40.256562 -111.639104., 40.256561 -111.639103
UT0137704 Harms, Bill 1057 1981-05-03
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Mouth of Rock Canyon, East of the Provo LDS Temple., 40.26475 -111.630414
UT0137793 Harms, Bill 1356 1981-07-11
United States, Utah, Utah, Springville, Near Springville exit I-15, near Utah Lake, 40.161106 -111.646828
UT0138040 Harms, Bill 1379 1981-07-11
United States, Utah, Utah, Payson, Near Beaver Dam Creek, about 10 miles south of Payson. 39.9012387. -111.399366 +-500 meters WGS84, 39.9012386 -111.399367
UT0138291 Harms, Bill 2222 1982-09-06
United States, Utah, Utah, Springville, Frontage Road near Exit 261 1400 North, Utah 75, 40.187083 -111.651322
UT0137673 Harms, Bill 488 1980-05-29
United States, Utah, Utah, United States, Utah, Utah County, Provo, about 1/2 mile West of Geneva Road, Utah Hwy 114, 40.242503 -111.705708
UT0138245 Shultz, Leila M. 10257 1986-05-12
United States, Utah, Cache, Logan; in garden of home, 623 Canyon Road
UT0137863 Harms, Bill 1564 1982-05-28
United States, Utah, Utah County, Provo, Mouth of Rock Canyon, East of Provo LDS Temple., 40.26475 -111.630414
UT0137705 Harms, Bill 1056 1981-05-02
United States, Utah, Juab, Eureka, Mammoth Junction, about 2 miles west of Eureka.39.941399 -112.147709+-100 meters WGS84, 39.9414 -112.147708
UT0138041 Harms, Bill 1380 1981-07-17
United States, Utah, Utah, Springville, Near Springville exit, I-15, near Utah Lake40.161106 -111.646827 +-500 meters WGS84, 40.161106 -111.646828
UT0137794 Harms, Bill 1358 1981-07-11
United States, Utah, Utah, Payson, Near Beaver Dam Creek, about 10 miles south of Payson, 39.902386 -111.399367
UT0137864 Harms, Bill 1982-05-28
United States, Utah, Utah County, Mouth of Rock Canyon, East of the Provo LDS Temple., 40.26475 -111.630414
UT0138043 Harms, Bill 1382 1981-07-17
United States, Utah, Utah, Springville, Near Springville exit, I-15, near Utah Lake 40.161106 -111.646827 +-500 meters WGS84, 40.161106 -111.646828
UT0137706 Harms, Bill 1055 1981-05-02
United States, Utah, Utah, Eureka, Paul Bunyan's Woodpile Rock Formation., 39.764633 -112.112458
UT0137795 Harms, Bill 1630 1982-06-21
United States, Utah, Sanpete, Spring City, Below Spring City Picnic area, Spring Canyon Road, LaSal Mountains, 39.4413528 -111.4224092
UT0138407 Harms, Bill 1514 1982-05-08
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Mouth of Rock Canyon, East of the Provo LDS Temple., 40.26475 -111.630414
UT0137830 Harms, Bill 1566 1928-05-28
United States, Utah, Utah County, Provo, Mouth of Rock Canyon, East of the Provo LDS Temple., 37.0903 -95.7128
UT0137865 Harms, Bill 1562 1982-05-28
United States, Utah, Utah County, Mouth of Rock Canyon, East of the Provo LDS Temple., 40.26475 -111.630414
UT0138044 Harms, Bill 1384 1981-07-18
United States, Utah, Sevier, Richfieldm Fishlake National Forest, Along FR267 A Flat between East Spring Canyon and Duncan Draw.38.925537 -111.413939 +-500 meters WGS84
UT0137707 Harms, Bill 1053 1981-05-01
United States, Utah, Juab, Eureka, Paul Bunyan's Woodpile Rock Formation., 39.764633 -112.112458
UT0137831 Harms, Bill 1570 1982-05-29
United States, Utah, Utah County, Provo, WymountTerrace., 40.256561 -111.639103
UT0138045 Harms, Bill 1385 1981-07-18
United States, Utah, Sevier, Richfield Fishlake National Forest, Along FR267 A Flat between East Spring Canyon and Duncan Draw. 38.925537 -111.413939 +-500 meters WGS84
UT0137866 Harms, Bill 1842 1982-06-26
United States, Utah, Juab County, United States, Utah, Juab County, Eureka, 4.0 miles W of Tintic Junction on Cherry Creek Road, West Tintic Mountains., 39.913456 -112.24303
UT0137832 Harms, Bill 1571 1982-05-29
United States, Utah, Utah County, Provo, Wymount Terrace., 40.256561 -111.639103
UT0138046 Harms, Bill 1386 1981-07-11
United States, Utah, Sevier, Richfield Fishlake National Forest, Along FR267 A Flat between East Spring Canyon and Duncan Draw. 38.925537 -111.413939 +-500 meters WGS84
UT0137867 Harms, Bill 1841 1982-06-26
United States, Utah, Juab County, Eureka, 4.0 miles W of Tintic Junction on Cherry Creek Road, West Tintic Mountains., 39.915142 -112.228683
UT0137714 Harms, Bill 637 1980-07-08
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Provo Bay South Side, near Utah Lake., 40.175978 -111.733478
UT0137833 Harms, Bill 1576 1982-05-31
United States, Utah, Utah County, Provo, Slate Canyon., 40.22542 -111.621853
UT0138340 Harms, Bill 2071 1982-08-02
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Yellowstone National Park, Grant Village Campground 44.395304 -110.564345 +-300 meters WGS84 Elevation 7790-7810 feet, 44.395303 -110.564344
UT0137719 Harms, Bill 645 1980-07-08
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo Bay South Side, near Utah Lake 40.1759790° -111.733479° +-400 meters WGS84 Elevation 4493 feet
UT0137868 Harms, Bill 1840 1982-06-26
United States, Utah, Juab County, Eureka, 4.8 miles W of Tintic Junction on Cherry Creek Road, West Tintic Mountains, 39.913456 -112.24303
UT0138047 Harms, Bill 1388 1981-07-18
United States, Utah, Sevier, Richfield Fishlake National Forest, about 1 mile SE of Corral Hollow, FR268 38.918160 -111.389330 +-500 meters WGS84
UT0138410 Harms, Bill 1526 1982-05-14
United States, Utah, Utah, Fairfield, Fivemile Pass on Utah Hwy 73, North of Thorpe Hills., 40.237097 -112.162425
UT0138341 Harms, Bill 2196 1982-09-06
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Big Dry Creek, Utah Lake near Provo Airport.40.2083 -111.6890 +-400 meters WGS84 Elevation 4485-4500 feet, 40.2083 -111.6889
UT0137835 Harms, Bill 1532 1982-05-14
United States, Utah, Utah County, Fairfield, Fivemile Pass on Utah Hwy 73, North of Thorpe Hills., 34.3969 -150.6439
UT0137721 Harms, Bill 647 1980-07-08
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Provo Bay South Side, near Utah Lake., 40.175978 -111.733478
UT0137797 Harms, Bill 1629 1982-06-21
United States, Utah, Sanpete, Spring City, Below Spring City Picnic area, Spring Canyon Road, LaSal Mountains, 39.4413528 -111.4224092
UT0137674 Harms, Bill 492 1980-05-31
United States, Utah, Utah, American Fork, American Fork Canyon, 0-1250 feet up canyon along Alpine Loop Scenic Byway40.433490N 111.743874W +-600 meters WGS84Elevation 5100-5200 feet, 40.4335 -111.743875
UT0138246 Hawk, J. L. 2005-06-29
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, BLM; Bear Mountain; slopes, 42.4361 -106.5411
UT0138294 Harms, Bill 2047 1982-08-02
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Jackson, near Gros Ventre Campground, along the Gros Ventre River, 43.617314 -110.67
UT0138413 Harms, Bill 1522 1982-05-13
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Mouth of Rock Canyon, East of the Provo LDS Temple., 40.237097 -111.630414
UT0138343 Harms, Bill 2189 1982-09-06
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Big Dry Creek, Utah Lake near Provo Airport., 40.2083 -111.6889
UT0137836 Harms, Bill 1530 1982-05-14
United States, Utah, Utah, Fairfield, Fivemile Pass on Utah Hwy 73, North of Thorpe Hills., 40.237097 -112.162425
UT0137735 Harms, Bill 670 1980-07-11
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Heber City, Lodgepole Campground, Strawberry Valley about 15 miles southeast of Heber City on US Highway 40, 40.313308 -111.260164
UT0137799 Harms, Bill 1626 1982-06-21
United States, Utah, Utah County, Thistle, 0.4 mile south of Thistle along US 89., 39.3211 -111.0936
UT0138247 Wagner, Eric 2018-10-01
United States, Utah, Kane, Wahweep Warmwater Fish Hatchery, about 3 km NNW of Big Water, along Wahweep Creek., 37.1033653 -111.677442
UT0138052 Harms, Bill 1394 1981-07-18
United States, Utah, Sevier, Richfield, Fishlake National Forest, along FR007, head of Pin Hollow 38.919147 -111.445636 +-500 meters WGS84
UT0137837 Harms, Bill 1529 1982-05-14
United States, Utah, Utah, Fairfield, Fivemile Pass on Utah Hwy 73, North of Thorpe Hills., 40.237097 -112.162425
UT0137869 Harms, Bill 1839 1962-06-26
United States, Utah, Juab County, United States, Utah, Juab County, Eureka, 4.0 miles W of Tintic Junction on Cherry Creek Road, West Tintic Mountains., 39.913456 -112.24303
UT0138345 Harms, Bill 2200 1982-09-06
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Big Dry Creek, Utah Lake near Provo Airport., 40.2083 -111.6889
UT0137736 Harms, Bill 671 1980-07-11
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Lodgepole Campground, about 15 miles southeast of Heber City on US Highway 40.
UT0137800 Harms, Bill 1624 1982-06-19
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Mouth of Rock Canyon, East of the Provo LDS Temple 40.264760 -111.630415 +-200 meters WGS84 Elevation 5100-5200 feet, 40.26475 -111.630414
UT0138248 Piep, Michael B. 13.023 2013-06-28
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Grouse Creek Mountains; South of Buck Pasture above Rosebud Creek, along Ingham Pass Road, above (upstream) road.
UT0138053 Harms, Bill 1395 1981-07-18
United States, Utah, Sevier, Richfield, Fishlake National Forest, along FR007, head of Pin Hollow 38.919147 -111.445636 +-500 meters WGS84
UT0138346 Harms, Bill 2203 1982-09-06
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Big Dry Creek, Utah Lake near Provo Airport., 40.2083 -111.6889
UT0138415 Harms, Bill 1520 1982-05-13
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Mouth of Rock Canyon, East of the Provo LDS Temple., 40.26475 -111.630414
UT0137742 Harms, Bill 680 1980-07-11
United States, Utah, Wasatch County, Heber City, Lodgepole Campground, Strawberry Valley, about 15 miles southeast of Heber City on US Highway 40.40.313307 -111.260165 +-300 meters WGS84 Elevation: 7700-7900 feet
UT0138295 Harms, Bill 2212 1982-09-06
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Big Dry Creek, Utah Lake near Provo Airport, 40.2083 -111.6889
UT0137801 Harms, Bill 1622 1982-06-19
United States, Utah, Utah, United States, Utah, Utah County, Provo, Mouth of Rock Canyon, East of the Provo LDS Temple., 40.26475 -111.630414
UT0138054 Harms, Bill 1396 1981-07-18
United States, Utah, Sevier, Richfield, Fishlake National Forest, along FR007, head of Pin Hollow 38.919147 -111.445636 +-500 meters WGS84
UT0138249 Piep, Michael B. 13.058 2013-06-29
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Dove Creek Mountains; Upper Narrows of Raft River, along Valley Lynn Road., 41.95142 -113.69214
UT0138348 Harms, Bill 2193 1982-09-06
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Big Dry Creek, Utah Lake near Provo Airport.40.2083 -111.6890 +-400 meters WGS84 Elevation 4485-4500 feet, 40.2083 -111.6889
UT0137745 Harms, Bill 688 1980-07-11
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Heber City, Lodgepole Campground, Strawberry Valley, about 15 miles southeast of Heber City on US Highway 40.40.313307 -111.260165 +-300 meters WGS84Elevation 7700-7900 feet
UT0137675 Harms, Bill 493 1980-05-31
United States, Utah, Utah, American Fork, American Fork Canyon, 0-1250 feet up canyon along Alpine Loop Scenic Byway.40.433490N 111.743874W +-600 meters WHS84Elevation 5100-5200 feet, 40.4335 -111.743875
UT0137802 Harms, Bill 1621 1981-06-19
United States, Utah, Utah, Squaw Peak Overlook Picnic Area, off of Squaw Peak Trail Road., 40.301422 -111.625483
UT0138055 Harms, Bill 1397 1981-07-18
United States, Utah, Sevier, Richfield, Fishlake National Forest, along FR007, head of Pin Hollow 38.919147 -111.445636 +-500 meters WGS84
UT0138417 Harms, Bill 1454 1981-07-24
United States, Utah, Utah, Giant Staircase, behind Mount Timpanogos, 40.411703 -111.642158
UT0138250 Shultz, Leila M. 1995-08-23
United States, Utah, Rich, Cache Nat'l Forest, Bear River Range, near summit on road to USU Exp. Forest area called "Big Meadow".
UT0138349 Harms, Bill 2192 1982-09-06
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Big Dry Creek, Utah Lake near Provo Airport.40.2083 -111.6890 +-400 meters WGS84 Elevation 4485-4500 feet, 40.2083 -111.6889
UT0137747 Harms, Bill 691 1980-07-11
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Heber City, Lodgepole Campground, about 15 miles southeast of Heber City on US Highway 40.40.313307 -111.260165 +-300 meters WGS84Elevation 7700-7900 feet
UT0138056 Harms, Bill 1398 1981-07-18
United States, Utah, Sevier, Richfield, Fishlake National Forest, along FR007, head of Pin Hollow 38.919147 -111.445636 +-500 meters WGS84
UT0137677 Harms, Bill 499 1980-06-05
United States, Utah, Washington, Leeds, Off of Babylon Mill Road 37.235103N 113.354641W +-200 meters WGS84 Elevation 3571 feet, 37.235103 -113.354642
UT0138296 Harms, Bill 2213 1982-09-06
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Big Dry Creek, Utah Lake near Provo Airport, 40.2083 -111.6889
UT0137838 Harms, Bill 1528 1982-03-14
United States, Utah, Utah, Fairfield, Fivemile Pass on Utah Hwy 73, North of Thorpe Hills., 40.237097 -112.162425
UT0138350 Harms, Bill 2191 1982-09-06
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Big Dry Creek, Utah Lake near Provo Airport.40.2083 -111.6890 +-400 meters WGS84 Elevation 4485-4500 feet, 40.2083 -111.6889
UT0137870 Harms, Bill 1836 1982-06-26
United States, Utah, Utah, United States, Utah, Juab County, Eureka, 5.2 Miles West of Tintic Junction on Cherry Creek Road, West Tintic Mountains. 39.910733 - 112.256823 -+ 300 Meters, 39.910733 -112.256822
UT0138251 Piep, Michael B. 13.066 2013-06-29
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Dove Creek Mountains; Upper Narrows of Raft River, along Valley Lynn Road., 41.95142 -113.69214
UT0137748 Harms, Bill 692 1980-07-11
United States, Utah, Wasatch, Heber City, Lodgepole Campground, about 15 miles southeast of Heber City on US Highway 40.40.313307 -111.260165 +-300 meters WGS84Elevation 7700-7900 feet, 40.313308 -111.260164
UT0138058 Harms, Bill 1402 1981-07-18
United States, Utah, Sevier, Richfield, Fishlake National Forest, along FR007, head of Pin Hollow 38.919147 -111.445636 +-500 meters WGS84
UT0137678 Harms, Bill 494 1980-05-31
United States, Utah, Utah, American Fork, American Fork Canyon, 0-1250 feet up canyon along Alpine Loop Scenic Byway, 40.4335 -111.743875
UT0138351 Harms, Bill 2190 1982-09-06
United States, Utah, Utah, Provo, Big Dry Creek, Utah Lake near Provo Airport., 40.2083 -111.6889
UT0138418 Harms, Bill 1453 1981-07-24
United States, Utah, Utah, Emerald Lake area, behind Mount Timpanogos., 40.393017 -111.640236